Healing Service With Dr. Randy Clark (November 3, 2017 - Friday PM)

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[Music] last night our focus I didn't get to see my head is turned but how many of you were not here last night was lift your hands again Wow a lot more than what I thought well I don't have time to go into everything I taught last night but I taught on word of knowledge last night and and and and I found out pastor Glynn I was listening to you talk at the table tonight and I realized that you're somewhat like my wife you really do like for there to be points how long is it going to take to get to a point so I'd like to say the main point of that whole message that I taught last night was this words of knowledge reveals the will of God for a specific meeting occasion and in the revelation of what he wants to do because it reveals the certain conditions he's showing other people when people understand that it causes him to come into a greater measure of faith or sometimes even into receiving the gift of faith which is God's faith not your own it's it's it's a faith or to faith he created in you put it that way and and and just talked about the importance of words of knowledge so that when words of knowledge were given later in the service there'd be more faith to receive and we even talked about you can yeah I mean if you really understand it you can get healed just by the word of knowledge before there's a prayer and that happened last night so tonight and I mentioned that during the this week I wanted to talk about different things that helps increase faith or the atmosphere of faith I like that term atmosphere of faith because you almost really can sense in an atmosphere whether or not there's faith there you really you really can and so tonight is going to be one of the other subjects or one of the other things one the other practice that can help build faith and I would I would sand tonight's gonna be the power of the test which they're gonna be the focus of our discussion tonight the power of the testimony but other things that can help build faith is just grounding yourself in the promises of God from the word you know that's an extremely important and in and also understanding that those promises understanding for example like the promises Jesus made in the upper room discourse they're amazing promises they're about revelation and power then and so the the word of the Lord worship itself can create an atmosphere in which healing becomes easy my son-in-law is a worship leader and he traveled me all the world one one period of time and it was really a breakthrough for him and it's just seeing God be faithful and all these different coming on we were unlike three continents two weeks and what we saw God do was you know amazing and it gave him faith and he he got it he really got an understanding and one of the reasons for is he heard the story when I was starting my church back in st. Louis and we were probably three 250 300 people at the time we had a we didn't have a building yet though we still made it we're still meeting the public school and we had a meeting one Sunday morning where the worship with was off the charts even though we only had like smaller congregation our worship was as good as any of the two churches in town that had in the city they had 5,000 members it was just we were noted for worship and it was because we prayed for two and a half years because we thought we went there start to church worship be our number one priority but I couldn't lead we're shouldn't neither could my wife and we didn't have worship leader in we have a building or anything you know it's kind of I'd say what do you have her children said nothing what do you have for teenagers nothing's been where do you meet we don't have a meeting place who meet somebody's basement so it was there wasn't a lot to offer except a vision of a better while it would be like one day and when we'd say werster's remember on priority and they said well how can we pray for it pray that God will bring me musicians who have a heart for God did he'll bring me musicians that would be great worshipers and he did and it was just sovereignty like on one Sunday your most of them showed up and the ones that we needed it weren't saved they got saved he was been forgiven of much loves much we had some great loving worshipers saved out of alcoholism and drug addiction and all types of stuff and some were very holy Catholics in the sense that they weren't involved in drugs they weren't involved in alcohol they they they hadn't been you know crazy wild they were just lovers of Jesus from all different backgrounds so we had this one amazing worship service and it's following Monday morning and I'm not a morning person the only part of the morning I like is from 12:00 to 3:00 and then from 10:00 to 12:00 or 9:00 to 12:00 there's six hours of the morning I like 12:00 to 3:00 and 9:00 to 12:00 the rest of that I don't really like very much and and so and I wake up slow it takes a while to wake up normally but that Monday morning is like I raised up in bed wide awake and had this strong impression I want you to know that when my presence is in your midst in worship so is my power to heal well I I said okay okay I got it but it would be years later and I was actually teaching that we can see people get healed in in just in worship and we began to see it in the church but one time Bill Johnson and I were doing a median in Dominican Republic in the capital of the Dominican Republic and I felt like the Lord said I want you to teach tonight you can't not teach like you did last night because she spent the whole time praying for the sick he got a preached night like this message is important I want you to give it and I'm f---ing well then how are we going to pray for the sick and the Lord quickened in my memory that event and there was this one song that they sang it was so powerful I thought Lord said just tell them this thing that song again and tell them I'm going to heal them during the song and tell them what their to do is when they're healed her to come up front start waving her hands like this the moment they're healed to come forward and do that well we spent 45 minutes the night before by word of knowledge praying and we had over 200 people was healed that night in five minutes worship we had over 200 people come out that was healed it was like been that was a lot easier but it was it's not something you can do just when you want to it's kind of like the Lord needs to speak to you and you obey and say what he had said so worship is another one of the things that can change the atmosphere the power of words of knowledge testimony worship the word the intercession that's gone on the faster than prayer before meetings happen all these things can affect the the atmosphere housefull and pregnant the the atmosphere is with the presence of God and the expectation of God's people which by the way is one of the other main things it's just the expectation of God's people so tonight we're going to focus on the power of the testimony and we may of trying to figure out this is the Lord or not but we may have the worship team come up at one time sometime tonight near the probably the end of the of the teaching or right before we go in to praying for the laying on of hands I think that's when we're gonna do it remind me William don't let me forget right before we break up to pray with the laying on of hands I'd like to worship team to come back up and I want you to do this song you're a miracle working God and it's been about three to four minutes in it and we'll stop it once a while because I'm just gonna declare I believe tonight that by the time we get to that point that we'll be a part of the the sermon because I actually gave testimony to that happening so matter of fact since I'm going to do it I want to get one more testimony just to build your faith we were in Manaus at the second largest church in Brazil at the time our third largest church it had like 30-some thousand members and the sanctuary would seek ten thousand he did multiple services and with the every seats full and there's another thousand lined up around the perimeter so there's like eleven thousand people there and that was the night that there actually was also angelic presences seen by the people on my team who were seers it was the one of the nights it was a breakthrough for me to even understanding even more about the role of the angelic which Williams gonna talk about in in the morning in the first teaching hour and you do not want to be late for tomorrow instead of ten twenty nine you still start at ten twenty nine okay no later than 10:30 but I believe he's probably though we'll could give you a good run for your money one of the best preachers our ministries produced I said that wrong because we didn't produce him but we just recognized you know hopefully we had some a little bit of stuff to help but God has done such a work in this man he's one of the most interesting preachers I've heard and one of the most anointed testimonies you could ever hear and I really really want to encourage you if you can be here tomorrow morning to hear is the only time he's going to speak unless I can't work it out with Glenn that he can speak to 8:30 service so I can get my no no III will be I will be up working out at 7:30 because I have I have to walk 10,000 steps or five-mile in the mornings which makes it hard for for me to be at early services and so I've got it worked out and most of our stuff that by my associate ministers of our ministry they take the 9:30 and the 10:30 service and I come in at 11:00 that gives me time to do the hour and a half a workout and then get ready and time to eat and and the other problem is to get eight hours sleep at night trying to work trying to walk five miles oh that's really good that's really good well it will be a mystery you have to discern by the prophetic gift of who that's going to be speaking at he early alright it's time to begin oh I didn't tell that story manaus didn't finish it so that night i heard for the first time actually i did not know that um agnes day by michael w smith I didn't know he wrote it I fir I heard it for the first time in Brazil and I thought it was a Brazilian song i i'd never heard michael w smith do it and and so I just noticed on that song the whole congregation went to another place in worship and I think the Lord said to me again it's just several years I've only done this a few times I thought Lord said again have them sing that song and tell them I'm going to heal them while they sing the song and that night when we did that and at the end of it when the people were waving their hands who had been healed I called for the staff to come up and I said we can't count them and but I want you guys to tell me what percentage of the eleven thousand people that are here are waving their hands like this that they had a healing of something some-some problem had been healed in her body you tell me and they said it's at least ninety percent that's the most the highest percent we've ever had now the other thing we were there eight nights in a row we had from 10 percent to 30 percent we might have even hit 40 percent one night but this night we hit 90 percent and if there's gonna be a night that people didn't understand it could have been the first or second night not by the time we get to the eighth night they understood what we were saying the only difference was that was the night that the seers solving angelic beings and I miss both warrior angels clearing out the heaven and then toward toward at the end of the night Gary Oaks was on my team came up to me and he said Randy hundreds of healing angels just came in on your right eye the others looked like warriors being like you know six seven feet tall big swords and stuff I said what do these look like he said 18 inch whirlwinds of fire I said well how do you know they're healing angel says I don't know how I know I just know and I didn't mention the word angel all night to the congregation but what I did say was right after he told me this because I told him keep me posted last few hundred cuz I'm not a seer and when he told me that in my left ear I just said over on my right there's a bunch of healings about to break out and then way to do it did now you can say I don't know if I believe that or not if you got a better suggestion as to why we had 90% and the most we ever had was maybe maybe 40 I think it was really like 30 and the only difference was the angelic sighting and I didn't tell anybody that anybody had seen angels either but there was a difference but that's another teaching it's in the one he'll talk about tomorrow all right three stories for passage of Scripture because one of the stories we'll look at two passages on the same Scripture and there's only one point to this testimony can create faith in people that's it only one point my kind of a sermon 1.3 stories let's start in Luke chapter 6 and we're going to read verse 17 through 19 as you're getting ready to turn their eye the title is the power of the testimony I stole that title from bill Johnson but he stole titles from me we steal from each other all the time we've done a lot of work together and I remember when I first heard it I'm not going to tell all the stories except this is to shrink bills story he prayed in in Minneapolis in Minnesota I mean he prayed in Minnesota for somebody who had a damaged calf and all the calf wasn't there and I used to tell his Achilles but it was wrong I was wrong as the calf and so he had a word of knowledge he gave the word of knowledge the word of knowledge created faith and the person was healed so he goes to Tennessee and he doesn't tell it's not a word of knowledge he just tells the story of the woman who got healed in Minnesota from the calf muscle that was not totally there part of it was missing and somebody is there and has the same thing and they say well I got the same thing if he healed her he can heal me and it created faith and that person got healed not by a word of knowledge but just the testimony that gave her for him faith that God could did he'd do it to me it's the same thing then he goes to Charlotte to van Shabbos Church and he tells the story of the word of knowledge and the story of somebody getting healed by the testimony he gives the testimony it's not a word of knowledge again it's just testimony and there's somebody there cuz I got the problem my calf is not formed righted you know I had a damaged doing this and I can't run because of him bill said run he said I can't run he said run said I just told you a kid run try to run and when he did God healed him so he goes home he tells his church at his church and ready he tells him about the word of knowledge and the two testimonies and now he's given a third time it's just Testaments not a word of knowledge about a cat it's the testimony of people being healed of a cat problem and there's a woman visiting there who has a daughter in the nursery who's a baby that has a part of a problem with the cat and it's not formed right and the mother says I'll take that for my daughter I mean to herself and to God but not out loud she didn't yell or anything but she thought she'd go get her daughter soon as worship was over and bring her in for prayer to get healed she goes to get the daughter and when she gets there the daughter is already healed and nobody pray for the daughter I believe is the mother's and I'll take that for my daughter that released it power the testimony so I was in Dayton Ohio and I was preaching an afro-american church I mentioned this last night and I told my assistant was traveling with me said I don't bring the camera and I'm not going to go for healing this morning we're not gonna have any testimonies of healing because I'm not even gonna go for healing this morning there's not gonna be we don't even need the camera just leave it just leave it in the pastor's office and so as I was teaching that morning realized I didn't have the right sermon it was dead as a doornail I turned to the pastor he and his wife both had doctors and she had to and I said pastor hmm I don't have the right sermon I'm sorry this is just not going over and he might as well cut my losses right now and I just want to talk to your congregation about some stuff I've been saying though this one talks about some healing and as I begin to tell them some stories about what I was seeing I stopped in the middle of the Sheri and said I feel heat on the top of my left foot I did not explain that as a word of knowledge I did not talk about the relationship between word of knowledge and faith and faith in miracles I didn't explain it at all and it shouldn't have had that much power but then it after a few minutes I realized no one's listening to me everybody's looking over there and there's a lot of commotion going on over there and I preached through Toronto I preached through about anything you know I mean and it's really that was a miracle because I have a little bit of a TD and I get distracted really easy and and you can tell that I probably have that just by the way the sermons do that but anyway so but I can't preach when I can't preach this when no one's listening that really I can't do it so I just said I'm gonna go see what's going on so I walked over here and and there's this big black man I mean he was like six four to six six and he was like I couldn't reach around him he was massive and he wasn't like he just had a big belly cuz he had a it was like he was he's the same with here as ear as here he's just a barrel of a guy huge and he turned out he had been the tackle on the football team and I walk up to him and he's but he's just weeping tears running down his face and I went up to and I said what's going on why are you crying what's happening and he said that's my wife asked her so I got down there and there's a lot of women around her and and I said what's going on she said when you said you felt heat on the top of your left foot instantly he came on the top of my left foot I'm 29 years old I've not been able to curl my toes point my foot and if you can't point your foot you can't run I've not been able to run since that's nine years old when I sell out of a project and the window broke and I almost cut my foot off and it was hanging by the Achilles tendon and they had to reconnect my foot to my leg and the ankle area and when they did they had to replace some of the stuff with artificial parts and I lost the ability to curl my toes point my foot or run and when you said you felt heat I felt that heat and it was hot on my foot I said I'm gonna try to curl my toes she's I'm curling my toes I'm I haven't been able to this for 20 years I'm 29 years old I have not been this is look at that I'm pointing my than she jumped up and she ran around the church now after that happened the next Sunday I was in Taipei Taiwan is either that or Singapore but I think it was Taipei Taiwan and and and so at the end of my sermon I told that story because I was excited about it because it is only a week old I just told it cuz I'm you know no reason I just told it to tell it because I was excited about it I just thought man that was exciting a creative miracle you know after the sermons over this Chinese gentleman and his adult daughter walked up to me and they said this is not our church and we were not going to go here this morning and we didn't come here because you're preaching because we've never heard of you but when we drove Bias like the Holy Spirit said to stop and go to that church we were here it was we knew we were here because God had us here for today and when you told that story her daughter his daughter was sharing I knew I was gonna be him because there's a little girl I too almost had my foot cut off and it was hanging by the Achilles tendon and they put my foot back together the same way and I couldn't curl my toes I could not point my foot and I could not run and the fact that I was here to hear you tell that story I knew that God was gonna heal me it was that unusual circumstance that you read that this is a god thing and she said I had so much faith I went outside and I tried to run and I could for the first time since I was a child she got healed not my word of knowledge but by a testimony the testimony itself created the faith in her they said well where's God and that you said you know the faith of God gods who wanted whispered in her father's ear don't go to where you're going stop here God it orchestrated the divine appointment but he used the testimony to build faith so those are two common those are two present-day illustrations and I'll say the last one for later for at the end let's look at the scriptures now we're going to begin in Luke 6 and I'm going to show you in a chronological order the reason why I'm looking at Luke and Matthew is that you will understand because Luke 8 and Matthew 10 is the same story that means that what happened in in Luke 6 precedes what happened in Matthew 10 and then what will happen in Matthew 14 as you can see there is a chronological timeline and and it's important to see this this timeline so chapter 6 being in verse 17 but the major text that we're going to be considering for that for the subject is going to be verse 19 but we'll put it in context he went down with them and stood on a level place a current a large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea from Jerusalem and from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases those troubled by evil spirits were cured now that's a wonderful verse for the Assemblies of God because you don't have to say they had a demon in him but they were being troubled by demons my point of view whether they're in trouble and you're out troubling you're still being troubled but keep it politically correct they were being troubled by evil spirits and all the people and the people all tried to touch him because power was coming from him and healing them all I believe this event is what would create the faith and a woman has probably had more sermons preached on her life and what she did than anybody anybody else in the Bible I believe that this event is the source now I can't prove it but I have I think there's some strong reason to believe that in Luke 8 the woman with the issue of blood she had faith that she could be healed she could touch him because she had heard this story the testimony and what had happened out on the level place and when she heard that that's what gave her the idea that it if I can just touch him if I can just touch his clothes I'll be healed because it says they were all tried to touch him because power was coming from him and healing them all now look in our next scriptures Luke chapter 8 so this follows Luke chapter 6 beginning in the middle of verse 42 as Jesus was on his way the crowds almost crushed him and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years but no one could heal her now she doesn't tell us what mark does that she had spent all of her money on doctor she doesn't tell us what Luke does that she'd spent all her money on doctors and she was no better or Luke I get it right Luke doesn't tell us what mark did and when mark says she'd spent all of her money on doctors and she was no better this practice of doctors not speaking about other doctors goes back a long way you know dr. Luke he'd left that part out he doesn't say anything negative about the other doctors had treated her as she was no better off no but but Matthew tells or mark tells us that and it says that she had been bleeding for 12 years but no one could heal her she came up behind him and touched thee in in the NIV says edge of his cloak King James is hem of his garment I don't know what other translations say but they're consistent throughout the edge of his cloak and immediately her bleeding stopped who touched me Jesus asked and when they all denied it Peter said master the people are crowding and pressing against you which means that she wasn't the only one touching him not this time but she's the one touching him in faith it wasn't that automatic touch this time or maybe perhaps the others all on faith or touching but there's other lots of people touching and crowding around against him but she's the one who had determined her heart if I can just touch him I'll be him Peter said master where the people are crowding and pressing against you but jesus said someone touched me I know that power has gone out from me then the woman verse thirty forty seven then the woman seen that she could not go unnoticed she ever noticed that what was she seen that she could not go unnoticed now this is intrigues me I was I'm from a small town and we had county fairs few hundred people you know show up and I just been paid I worked six to eight hours a week when I was 16 years old fifteen or sixteen well sometimes driving tractors and I grew up on a farm and started driving a tractor nine hiring out at twelve and and working full-time at 13 and and so I got paid and I got a dollar and a quarter an hour I mean I was there was so much easier picking up hay you know picking yes there mind you city guys know what I'm talking about but so I've got all this money in my wallet and I just bought tickets to ride the ferris wheel with my girlfriend and I felt the bad pickpocket picked my pocket I felt it now I mean it it wasn't professional I felt it and I turned around I grabbed my pocket turn around and looked and I could not find who just touched me and there was not a big crowd there there is just maybe 1520 people and I can't find my pickpocket why could this woman not hide herself in that huge crowd that was around him how is it that she seen she could not go unnoticed have you thought about that I like to get it off of the out of it off the page and onto the felt board or onto the what it would be now you know the projector whether I like to see it I think she's the one that stood there out of all that crowd she's the one this looks like this because the power he felt go out she felt come in and she says she perceived in her body that she was healed she couldn't hide herself you got a better idea I mean it could have made me she got knocked over about I doubt if that's the one but oddly she was trembling from the power of the anointing that came out of Jesus and went into her she realized she she couldn't hide herself now this is where it gets really interesting excuse me verse 47 be in the presence of all the people she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed then he said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace even this one that says your faith has healed you it's true but it's not all the truth let me explain something have you how many of you believe your keel starts your car it's not trick question just raise your hand if you believe you're Kia start your car raise your hand it's true your Kia starts your car but does your key really start your car or does your key activate this thing that's bolted on to the motor and that thing that's bolted on to the more that starts the car you know what that thing's called the starter this is called the key it's not called the starter that's called the starter but the key is what causes the starter to start the car your key is to faith what faith is to the power of God was she healed by her faith yes but was she actually even more accurately healed by his power yes is his power that healed her but it was her faith that drew on it and brought a release of his power in verse 47 it since she explained in front of everybody the presence of all the people she told why she had touched him and how she had been healed but Luke doesn't tell us what she said but Matthew does and we need to go to Matthew to put things in chronological order in Matthew chapter 10 verse 20 and 22 I said 10 I meant nine because I'm looking that's not right Matthew 9 20 through 22 just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak would you say that with me touch the edge of his cloak that's gonna be really important to make my point touch the edge of the cloak she said to herself this verse 21 is what Luke didn't tell us in verse 47 he tells us now Luke 9 a Matthew 9 21 she said to herself if I only touch his cloak I will be healed that's why she touched him that's what she was believing that's what she said to herself if I only touch the edge of his cloak I'll be healed now where would she get that idea from Luke 6 the miracle that great multitude out on the plane on the level place where all who touched him were healed because power was coming out of him and healing them all I believe she'd heard that I believe this woman fish blood that kind of supernatural faith was created when she heard somebody who was there maybe she had been there I don't know but then she had seen it and I know this is I see Jesus what that's when you're reading something into the text that's not in the text however I think sometimes we need to look at not just a verse or even a chapter but we need to look at what's in the book and this that's in the book of math Matthew but in the book of Luke and so because we see in her healed in Luke chapter 8 then Jesus turned and saw her and take Hart daughter he said your faith has healed you and the woman was healed from that moment now Jesus she said herself if I can just touch the edge of his cloak or I've touched his cloak she'll be healing it then and Matthew says she did touch the edge of his cloak now turn over to Matthew chapter 14 for the third story in verse 34 through 36 and it's really interesting that the enemy is trying to keep them from getting to Jeunesse right because he knows something wonderful is going to happen in Jeunesse or it and that storm on the sea is not a natural storm the timing of it is such that they'd seem to be in as a war spiritual warfare coming against the disciples and Jesus but they make it to the other side I just want to point out put it in context they've just had this thing where Jesus was walking on the water because the disciples have got caught in this storm and they can't get to where that Jesus told him to go and Jesus comes and gets on a boat you know they're there so verse 34 when they crossed over they landed a generic and when the men of that place recognized Jesus they sent word to all the surrounding country people brought all their sick to him and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak and all who touched him were healed that is an unusual request it is so specific he didn't they didn't say Jesus touched them which is the normal way Jesus worked he touched people neighbor healed they didn't say Jesus just speak your word they can be which is one of the other more common ways as a matter of fact except for the the plane the level place and the woman with the issue of blood it's the only place it talks about touching his cloak or touching him all the other healings involves some other thing that they did acts of obedience him saying him touching so what they would say just let them the sick touch the edge of your cloak to me is clear that they had heard the story of what happened to the woman of the issue of blood and as that story was being told as it is even in the three of the Gospels when that story is told it talks about her touching the edge of his cloak or the hem of his garment or however your translation says it is the same in the Greek each time this specific request was based upon that's how Jesus did now sometimes you read commentaries and I think commentaries can sometimes be helpful sometimes they can be harmful in the sense of if if the commentator has no understanding of these types of things they can give you a lot of background and stuff but when this part gets a little I've actually read some I'm not going to say which denomination but anyway and they said we are now talking about a superstitious magical understanding of faith that's beneath what real faith is and I think how blind having eyes to see they see not not understanding the ways of God at all that this is not superstitious magical understanding of faith but it is an understanding of faith is can be created by a testimony faith can be created by testimony when you hear what God has done it can build your faith for something else to happen very similarly and God is willing to condescend to the simplest level of someone's understanding of faith to move aren't you glad you don't have to get a 90 on a theology exam to get healed aren't you glad that God can even use somebody who maybe have some messed up theology themselves but yet they learned how to hear from God learned how to believe God I I there's people I would not go to to get my theology from that are famous healers and on the other hand there's there's not one systematic theologian I ever had that I would want to go talk to about how to heal sick God doesn't use this because we understand everything correctly he uses if we just understand the gospel Jesus died that we could be healed and forgiven and empowered and all who touched him were healed one woman's story was taken to the little area of Jeunesse ruin it had such a profound impact that when Jesus showed up they asked him to let him do the same thing because they expected everybody that touches his clothes it's going to be healed and there was the miracle I mentioned two things I wanted to share that part of the message is over I do believe that that part is not X I see Jesus that's X of Jesus I believe is catching the connection it's very clear and it's there and it's biblical what I'm talking about faith can be created by the story of what God has done in the past to give people faith he can do it again especially if there's something similar the power of the testimony is so valued in Redding California Bethel Church that the people who when they when somebody gets healed they doesn't have to be them they want to tell that story everywhere they go they've learned how to steward the testimony and because of that bill was tell me there's this hairdresser in Redding and she's had so many clients who attend Bethel Church who always are sitting down and telling her stories every time the testimony that what's happening and especially about the cancer that's being healed and other things too but that she's this hairdresser is not a Christian she's not saved and so one day a person sat down who just discovered that she had cancer and the beautician can tell she's bothered by something so she asked I can tell something's bothering you what's wrong and she I just found out just I just came from the doctor's office but on the way here this is my appointment I had gone to the doctor they just told me I have cancer and this unsaved recession says then you need to get up to Bethel Church because they don't tolerate hence to their and I've heard so many stories of people being healed of cancer you need to go there you got an unbeliever on what I call the believing unbelievers you know it's sad to save us sometimes we got a lot of believing unbelievers and a lot of unbelieving believers well what I'd like to see is gleaming believers as well as the believing unbelievers because if we're not far from the kingdom transitional did we get that worked out William for the crew the bit Raziel crusade yeah do we have the other couldn't find it okay I'll just tell the story then it's good to see the story but I'm going to tell the story several years ago bill Johnson told me said you need to have dr. James Maloney come speak for you at one of your schools he has bizarre miracles one of those bizarre miracles right he has people that had metal in the body in the metal they can't find it and they got movement of where they could not move before because the metal made it him anatomically impossible to move and you need to have him so I I scheduled I have him in Southampton England and bill would be one of the other speakers I was a speaker and James Maloney was one of the three speakers of three main speakers and actors over bill and I asked James if he had laid hands on us because we believe in the transference of anointing and he had this strong gift to see people get healed who has metal in her body from chronic pain or restoration of a loss of range of motion and and so he prayed for bill and me at the same time I to confess which is good for your soul I didn't have enough faith to pray for metal after that and I went like two three months and there prayed for one person of metal after I had to hands laid on pray for mantle then I saw a bill again and we had a revival Alliance meeting for all the leaders of six networks and revival alliance and one of my net was one of the six and on the way we're about to end bills oh I forgot to tell you guys I started praying for people with metal just recently and I'm seeing people they come up and I'm not saying the metals disappearing but it's either disappearing or bending because what was impossible to do now they can do and the pain is gone for the first time they had at what we call an unsuccessful insensate they still have chronic pain after the surgery well that encouraged me because that testimony encouraged me because I'm think wait a minute that same guy that prayed for bill prayed for me the only reason why Bill's seen it and I haven't he went for it and I didn't so I'm gonna go for it and so I was in a place as about thousand people there and I said you know I just found out God is healing people with metal my friend bill Johnson's seeing the same guy pray for me I believe if you that you can be healed if you have metal in your body and want you to stand up anything metal in your body wants you to stand up and I and there's a quite a few of them stood up and I really was full of faith this is going to happen to be honest with you I have to say I had a high expectation God's gonna do it God loves me just like he loves bill and so it's gonna happen all I got to do is just step out in faith and I had him stand up and I prayed for them and I said now if you're at least 80 percent better your pain is gone diminished by 80 percent or your movements been restored by 80 percent and by the way in this one eighty percent is hugely miraculous because I did my doctoral dissertation on this and I learned about failed back surgeries and I learned that if you have a failed back surgery and you have a second surgery if you get 10% better that's good 20% better is great and most people never get much better than that it's not a pretty picture so when I'm saying 80 we didn't even countless as 80% that's huge for this scientifically speaking and medically speaking so I said all right all of you that seal do this and absolutely nobody got here and I was devastated I have to confess I expected people to get healed and nobody was healed and I felt about this high I was totally embarrassed and I said God it'll be a long time before I get enough courage to go for that again I was just it that that was so humiliating so the next church I go to is in Colorado that one is outside the country I think it was in Australia but this was in Colorado and I'm not gonna go for it mm-hmm no I'm still looking at my wounds you know it was hugely embarrassing to be so confident say it's gonna happen it didn't happen and so I'm I'm getting ready to leave go out the dinner this man walks up to me and he hands me a piece of paper folded in half just fold in half and he said I want you to look at this I'm in excruciating pain I don't know what it is and so I walk outside and I get on the way the airport I mean on the way that restaurant I open it up and it's a it's a copy of his x-ray it's a copy of his x-ray and he's got two bars going down his neck wanted to top one to bottom crossways and 23 I counted him 23 screws in the neck the guy's on a morphine patch I found out later on an interview him and I look at that I said no wonder he's in excruciating pain who would be that I mean there's not it's just like there's metal everywhere I said lord I didn't work last time I'm not gonna go for that I don't have the faith to do that because or the last time I stepped out it just didn't work and I'm not gonna do that and I came in and Tonya gave me the order of service and it has nothing in there and I'll pray for metal and I'm not planning on doing it it said at the end of worship I I get up to just say what we're gonna do and it definitely wasn't gonna be praying for healing and I got up and I said you know I just found out for my in bill johnson that god is healing and i thought oh my gosh here it comes again and and i actually was talking about it and i had a friend there had seen it metal heal and i said come here to give your story give your testimony gave the testimony it's what he had seen and i said i want every one of you that has metal in your body to stand up and i counted 47 and then we prayed how many of you are at least 80% better that's extremely high 20% second surgery that's great 80% said heard of 23 of the forty-seven now here's what I found out I started to keeping track and we did over 900 people in the study when I was studying is for my doctoral dissertation I found out about halfway through the study that I was not asking the right question I wasn't asking enough questions because I found out that almost it wasn't quite 50 percent of a son 40 some-odd percent of the people who had this surgery it was a failure for my name is 44 percent something like that and they they had chronic pain and they had lost a range of motion when they shouldn't have had and but it was like almost 50% and the others would not know if they were healed because they didn't have any pain and they didn't have any range of motion there was no way to test the other 50% if they were healed because they didn't have a problem then I discovered out of the 47 we had 23 that were healed which is almost a hundred percent of the ones that that cuz it was consistent are the ones who would have known if they were healed or not and I was so excited and from that day on to this day I've only had two times out of scores if not hundreds of times that we've gone for this praying for metal only two times that somebody didn't get healed of metal sometimes when there's only one or two we had a hundred percent get healed but when we had higher numbers it like the average for the United States was by I think thirty four thirty seven percent the average for some other states was higher but they the numbers weren't they weren't as many in the study only twice have we seen nobody get healed and one of them was a Presbyterian Church not noted for faith in Paris France with about 80 people there and only two who had metal I believe tonight God's going to heal people with metal I'm telling you the story and and you're going to see some people with metal in even in the stories that you're gonna see on video and it's not the main video that has well I showed this video it had nothing but people with metal to speak of and we had thirteen testimonies in five minutes of people and one man had thirty screws in his body and his shoulder and his leg and his hip and they're all I'm are doing what they could not do before 16 screws 11 screws all types of metal in the in the foot in the knees in the shoulders one guy in Baltimore Maryland he had an artificial shoulder put in and couldn't move his arm around and I don't know what God did but now he could move his arm all the way around you know the things that people couldn't do they got him and I believe God's gonna do it again and we're gonna go for that as one of the healings tonight and so I want to watch this watch the mega Brazil Brazil mega testimony and if you have anything listen for those who are not here last night if I let you watch this video and didn't say this you would watch it and almost nobody be healed because you have no expectation to be healed you're just watching it because I said watch it but instead we're gonna shift the atmosphere I want to tell you the truth almost a hundred percent of the time and we talked about watching the video and tell them God can heal you as you watch the video you may feel heat or energy come on your body you may feel a trembling you and and at the end I've so expects somebody's gonna get healed because some people get healed and they don't feel anything until they try to do what they can't and then they realize I don't know how it happened but God healed me so as we get ready to watch this video through especially there's something similar or what you have lay it testify to you that what God did he can do again because he is the same and your problem is the same and the only difference is what we are expecting and may our expectations rise with the testimony because this is the biblical concept the power of the testimony Jamal Tokina free motorcycle accident right here in front of the church five years ago you kept up the silly thing would be used it was much in a passive Robbie school so it depends eight screws and two metal bars on his neck you change Fukuda Hodge BRABUS repeat schools and I couldn't do this [Applause] [Music] these God read is there and screws and he's got eight screws and two metal bars and his headless froze and he had to turn his show to look cheap and he had a lot of pain I said what are you taking strong medication said no I just took it like a man what the on the first day the sequins at Riga years right from the church the four screws and tube metal bars most empathetic with goodness two months ago vision it takes very some medication to go through the pain he said he almost did the camper to become for the service tonight it was a severe things there and get for the sit-down couldn't stand it more it was almost leaving and then you break or be with Matt out of the body and the pain is gone [Applause] [Applause] she had to lump twice the size of an olive on the back of her neck and she stood up she felt it since you colored a little stylus about electricity over her body the lump is completely gone see here John there's no sign of any lump it's gone and she's completely healed no pain she had this huge kidney stones she had this huge kidney stone she was a terrible pain during the service and she said Randy was saying believe in miracles believe in miracles she felt she needed to go to the bathroom she went into the restroom and she said she didn't even have time to go to the toilet the stones just went through and she passed all the kid nostalgic huge ones muscles no present impossible cheap ass net repulsive a person after damage well at Dale's garage doesn't mean so he lost he's hearing 100% in both ears the only way he could hear a little bit was with the who with the hearing aids but she he said I said but did you recoup how much percent he said I think everything because it's been such a long time that I don't hear but I think is everything because I'm here talking to you I have no hearing aids and I'm listening you perfectly three years ago he lost most of it and the doctor said my case is irreversible there is no way to heal this much confusing what is what I believe in Jesus Christ I did him I didn't believe in what they said can stick you more than your parents ever leave that he would do this miracle for me one time on another at that magical temple did in the oil motel because I know his time is not my time but I believe tonight I'm tired he said Kenny do you realize this I'm talking to you both and I'm not wearing the hearing aids feel anything or just all of a sudden he said I couldn't I can't explain you because it's like I went out I went somewhere else and then I still come back I'm still coming back so I can't really explain what happened but I'm I'm still digesting what happened so this baby had big tumor here Mike how much larger would you say it was because I wasn't there we have you saw it it was at least 60 to 70 percent larger than their what it was yes you see eighty percent smaller yeah and then you parade how did you pray I just began declaring in the name of Jesus for the tumor to dry up and die and right before your eyes right before my eyes I could feel it go underneath my fans shrink and she said she's feeling heat the baby's hot she is trembling filling the presence of God and the tumor is almost gone she said only 20% but we're declaring 100% Jesus name hallelujah think of Jesus glory to God we have a Roseanna here after 20 years she allowed 20 years ago she lost his eye and Jesus is she you can see his car here scarlet she totally lost it it was just scar tissue and and now I'm being granted see mazzani's you can see the Pope you'll be informed in the back of the white and the end they call it was really white before but now I can see the caller for me the Pope has been formed and you want hallelujah and she's in the I was much smaller than I was very small it wasn't for in his something way back in the back and she had a glass eye over it to make it stick out look normal she had this she had this instead of an eye there and now he doesn't need it see this is this was in the socket how far back it went goes way back and this was covering it yeah and now look at that I mean well done justice the fazendo me lag this woman has from the knee down to here a bar and 12 screws she's past the walk of crutches all the time she she could not bend her knee when she came here something's bending her and she's not doing it is there's a power bending her like this and she could not bend that knee three years agos than five months she's not been able to walk without crutches not been able to bend her knee it's weird I couldn't bend my knees it's been 3 years I know I wasn't able to do this or you guys are you guys to really understand it what's happening I couldn't bend my knees right him but he's a good heart it's a good party I knew what you did wasn't gonna be my day she couldn't walk without crutches she couldn't bend her knee [Music] how to run anymore I want to run I want to run I want to run I'm so full of joy I'm so full of joy you know - magical here because look what's in you go ahead I was afraid to run because I could I couldn't have run after the surgery I had I know today wasn't going to be my day I couldn't do this you said that you do you don't get it the doctor said you're not gonna be healed you're gonna have to amputate your leg if you sue it's the nothing changes I couldn't stand on him on the other leg because I had no strength on this one I could never do this no I can't no I can't never crunches never more home without crotches amen when we first started praying is like instantly within five seconds power hits her leg and her legs start shaking like that and I said that Danny go get John go get John this is about to happen I want him to catch this one it was amazing and you just saw all that she could do and she's so excited she's gonna walk home tonight without crutches I like everybody here even if you have nothing wrong with you just stand up in solidarity with those who do and to try to test out your body and I want you to take at least 30 seconds not just try it once as a matter of fact most of the people we've seen healed of metal they weren't healed until they tried matter of fact and that one video what I didn't show you that was all in one crusade every one of us the same story when I tried to do what I couldn't that's when my healing came so I'd like for you to if it's deafness you know if it's if it's your knee problems if you can't lay down get out on the floor and lay down if whatever you have to do to test it out make room find some room to test it and take it try at least several times try at least for 30 seconds one man we saw he tried for 30 minutes they actually went outside so we wouldn't be distracting he had 16 screws two metal bars couldn't move his arms past shoulder 30 minutes he kept trying would not give up and then suddenly full range of motion cane there's just something about it that draws so I check it out I believe a matter of fact I forgot to ask does anybody have metal in your body that has chronic pain or loss of range of motion would you raise your hand if you have that where's one two three four five any others have that six okay seven anybody else eight all right now there are to be somebody had healed of that I'm looking for everything right now any kind of healing but I want to especially see if somebody got sealed gets healed of the metal because I just believe we should see at least two two at least if if not more so check it out try to do what you can't do and don't just try once try several times now there's this first time I'm gonna ask if whatever it was it was healed it doesn't have to be a hundred percent because baby you know this is just a few minutes after watching the video and there's been no prayer yet and we will have a prayer but I believe you can be healed before there's a prayer just by the faith created either by word technology was not been but by the testimony check things out so matter of fact she wasn't healed watching the video the one with the leg but she felt heat and she knew that God was starting to touch her but she's only about 20% better so when she came up that's when she the rest of it came so anyone here eighty percent better from anything way both hands over your head like this there's one two okay now I don't know if he raises him for the medal or not did you have mental you did so you're at eighty percent better from the mental issue hundred percent a man all right who else weighed their hands is the second person was he was that this guy here did what were you healed of lower back yes did you get yesterday night was when you were healed today this morning started feeling better alright thank you God thank you God now right before right before we pray could you would you be willing to come up and just tell us what was wrong how many screws or metal bars or whatever just come up on the mic and let us interview because it's better light up here okay good thank you thank you you may all be seated as long as you sit down in faith this is for the camera this is for the projection so what's your name and what tell me about your issue with the medal my name is Bob I had a new hip put in back in the beginning of August and I've been going through therapy of a sense I had developed some complications one of them was a weakness in the muscle so as I'm sitting out here tonight I have pain in my hip that I normally get at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and I was about ready to go to the back to walk around see what I could do but I didn't want to miss the call because it's almost as unusual to have your hip healed as to meet somebody who did a dissertation on metal in your body I mean this is you know God definitely has a sense of viewer so it's I have no pain now now did you feel any heat or came in before the pain left he just did it leave it just left okay did it leave when you try to do something or did just leave well we were watching it yeah I did what you said try something you don't think you can do and I knew when I stood up I had pain when I sat down I had pain when you said do something I sat down I got up I had no pain so I know obedience works amen amen thank you thank you Bob thank you all right [Applause] all right and what I'd like to do is start with crane for everyone else who had metal there's a testimony I want to pray for you because though I believe people can be healed without prayer prayer is legal it's legal and if you'd like to be prayed for if you have the issue of metal or any artificial material put in your body that's causing complications it's not always metal it can be other things but I'd like like for you to stand up I want to pray for you then I wouldn't know if you were healed or not oh okay oh that's right that that's that's good because if there's no way you can know if you're healed then there's really there's not really a issue or a problem though some people stand up because they can feel it and they just you know hoping it'll disappear instead of get in on it yeah I mean if I was charging you ten thousand or twenty thousand dollars you could measure I don't know if I want to do this or not but this is called grace [Laughter] I mean why not get in on this it's so much less painful than a second surgery and so much better many times all right as I won't pray for anything I want you to take 30 seconds after the prayer to test things out father in Jesus name I thank you for Bob and what you did to Bob I think you for the hundreds of testimonies we've seen of this happening but tonight lord I pray for everyone at standing that has had a surgery and from that surgery they've had complications with either chronic pain or loss of range of motion in the name of Jesus I pray that we would hear the testimony and the doctors were saying what you're doing is impossible it's literally impossible to do the movement that you're doing with the metal that you have in your body I pray for the Jesus thing to be glorified in Jesus name god I bless every one that's standing let your power go into the in the name of Jesus as they try to do what they can't I pray Lord that more would be healed in the name of Jesus amen I'll take 30 seconds to try test things out several times just you know if it's if it's a risk you know you just try we had one recently the person because the surgery had not been able to move their hand past there as it they could not do that that is impossible and they were able to I mean there's a just man fact yeah this one video I hope to show up sometime the the woman when she when she tried it solid she could do it she instantly dropped to her knees and began to weep under the shock that it it it weren't she's never been able to do this in surgery check it out if it's your knees up and down put your shoulder movement it's in the triangle that we see so many people get healed anybody else 80% or more better if so wave both hands over your head like this and there maybe some of you like that woman I should why wasn't 80 percent so I didn't wave my hands but she came up and then she got healed for laying on of hands all right now everybody else there was no prayer for you while ago I just want to pray and then we're gonna have words of knowledge and have you come forward now in the word of knowledge time you remember it's your responsibility to remember who gives the word of knowledge and you go to them I only want to pray for the ones I have words knowledge for and I I will state till 10:30 11 o'clock max because I have to get to eight-hour sleep and as long as there's no Randy line what's a Randy line it's when there's people up here that has nobody to pray for and I have a line of people waiting to be prayed for because I didn't come here my purpose wasn't to come here and and and pray for people's healing my main that's my secondary purpose my primary purpose is to release in equipping and teaching into the local church and the churches here represented that they begin to be used and so it's counterproductive if they're not even getting to pray for anybody because I have a long line so as long as there's people here at least until 11:00 as long as there's people here and people are standing in front of them for prayer and none of you all of you keep standing don't go down I'll stay but if I look and see that there's no one to pray they have no one to pray for and I have a line that's when I'm going to the hotel because that's working against the remain reason I came that you would learn that God wants to use you all right okay one last prayer whatever you got doesn't that be metal you want to be prayed for because your faith is increased by the testimonies you saw just stand back up if it's an organ problem put your hand where the organ needs to be healed if it's not an organ problem try to move whatever it is or function or whatever it is that you would like to see healed the moment you're at least 80% I want you to start waving both hands overhead don't wait for me to ask give your 80% hope the moment you are just start waving your hands now father we give you glory and we thank you for those that are going to be healed tonight and we thank you God we ask you Lord that we would see another 60 people or more get healed tonight father in the name of Jesus God we bless them we bless we bless their body we speak healing God we just declare healing over them well ask God for a gift of healing to be released to them for the power of your spirit the presence of your spirit to come upon their body and go through their bodies in the name of Jesus God glorify His name glorify his name God used us to bring glory to him in Jesus name command all pain to leave in the authority of Jesus name God we break every generational or genetic curse in Jesus name God we we speak the whole system's the inter consistent to be here the respiratory system the digestive system neurological system skeletal system healing to come to them how do we speak to the hands to be healed how we speak to the top of the left foot that on the very top of it sharp like pain and in the top of the bone there whoever has that problem in the top of the left foot we just speak healing to it in Jesus name in Jesus name who has that you have a problem and pretty much right there on the top of this this foot who has it's a left foot yeah at the top there's like something wrong there's a pain there I just felt really bad pain I actually I said how because it hurt so bad it happened so quick God wants to heal but he doesn't do that and then not want to do it yeah I see so just you know if you can't if you can't go up on your toes whatever you can't do start to do it I believe you'll be healed I believe God it's God's will to heal you right now and I believe you can be healed right now if you just try to do something several times I believe you you'll find out you're healed you're paying a leave I don't know if it's there all the time or not but check it out I know Lord we thank you for our others that you're going to heal in Jesus name in Jesus name we bless them in the name of Jesus amen now check out your bodies if you're at least 80% better way both hands over your head high like this some people can see make your wrists cross so many people know there's one thank you lord what did you get healed of the shoulder okay good thank you lord thank and not good as you had a problem with the good you got healed of the problem thank you all right you may be seated we want to take the rest of the evening rewards acknowledged and if you had the word of knowledge you stand up immediately last night people did not stand up when some of the people on the team gave their words but then you came to them afterwards to be prayed for I said I had that but I just didn't stand up you don't understand when you don't stand up when you have it it causes it has a negative impact on the meeting because the more people who are honest and say I have it and stand up than the people who see that say they're hearing from the Lord and it increases faith and so it's we must work together and understand the ways of God to help create faith in the meeting and that's also why we ask you know to do this that's also when people get healed when people are praying both the local church team and my team when you pray after you pray for somebody ask them how much better they are they if they're at least 80 percent you and them clap your hands together 15 times that's that's a sign just clap your hands together 15 times we do that so that people are staying line realizes that God is still healing people and he's healing them through the late people who are here on the ministry teams so what ask the teams to come up both from the local ministry and also from global awakening and and by the way you can get healed before we pray and if that happens to you this moment you realize I'm at least 80% better as you start waving your hands don't wait for us to ask and I'll go first where's the way where's the other team the local team if you have words of knowledge come on up if you don't have words of knowledge before we start praying I want you to come up so that you can help pray we don't we want to be able with this with this many people we would be really nice if we had 30 on the team instead of what we have because I like a 10 to 1 ratio or at least 20 so if you have these stand up you under your right ribcage right in here you have a sore spot or a painful area that that it's not there all the time I don't think but it could be but it's it's it's necessary right here in right along that ribcage line if that's you stand up so I don't know I was right okay thank you also the left hip bone in the bottom of the back the hip bone this big hip bone in the left I'm not just just kind of stay there but stand standing later if you're not healed coming will pray for you but right now just stand yeah just stand and if you get healed 80% more soon as it's that much better way both in so it's on the back of the hip bone near the bottom in this area right in here where I'm pushing it right in there the ball of the left foot underneath the ball the left foot you'd have a problem on the ball of the left foot who's that the outside thank you the outside left or the outside of your left ankle so it's the ankle bone it's the left one it's the outside not the inside it's the outside ha the left side of the base of your skull right in here at the base of the skull there's something that doesn't feel right some problem in here high on the inside left thigh way up high on the inside of the left thigh and the muscle or I don't know muscle or vein or I'm not sure or a nerve but it's high on the thigh on the inside of the left leg there's something wrong some painful there the right elbow is kind of like tennis elbow you feel it kind of right it through here on the right elbow who had that right elbow you have it okay and then the back of the right shoulder near the end of the shoulder not on the top there just barely right in here in that area right there pain who has that okay all right all right you guys thanks somebody that has a you have a growth I think it's a nasal polyp there's some kind of a growth in the nose and it's it's not malignant but it's something that's uncomfortable that they've told you you probably need surgery on in the future somebody else there's a growth again it's been nine but it's in the in like the back of your head and over time as you get older you may have to have that work done as well somebody else you have like a constant runny discharge from your eye and I think it's the right eye so it's just it's just a nuisance throughout the day somebody else with the right knee there's a cartilage issue and so your your right knee freezes up or cracks or does that a lot and then somebody you have a lot of stiffness and problems with the left side of your neck from from a car accident you get hit from the side and there is a whiplash you know pushing you in that direction all right so I got mouth pain it's either your teeth or your gums I got a there's a sudden blurry vision that comes and goes but you don't know what's causing it it's a blurry vision get these spasms right here on the right side you know I don't know what that's caused from but there's some kind of spasm going on and shin splints especially on the right side so you either bone spurs or shin splints the lower right side right here pain right the net hip lower back now so I got October 12 and I felt like this is either a lady or daughter October 12th whatever migraine headaches especially chronic hunger and lifelong issues with migraines you got left arm pain right here it's right across right here a lot of the pumping and then I didn't know Randy wasn't talking about metal but release of metal and if that hasn't completed come on up freely give away what I received and then Albert I don't know is there Albert here is there anybody by the name of Albert in wearing your name here tonight no yes you're Albert is your wife here with you oh yeah y'all come up and I'll talk with you a little bit though but okay so and then this one's another one strange I just got the word orange and I felt like God was saying that you know what it means that you asked God something and you know orange me so he wants to confirm something with you and then I also got creative miracles so if you're missing like an organ like a kidney or you need an organ replace or something's really bad with the organ God wants to do a creative miracle came to me someone here with immune system low that is so sensitive to take you know to catch fever to catch cold like really easy because you had a sickness before even though you are out of the hospital you're low your immune system is low also left side of the hip I feel pressure and specifically in the muscle of the left left hip something in the left leg in front like this part pressure in the right shoulder specifically this this part of the shoulder is more like muscle it's not pain is more like pressure flat feet in the right feet I can I can feel the heat in the right feet right now pain in the left knee pain in the stomach left side bar but it's more like the muscle it's not like a stomach ache or gastritis is not about that it's more like pressure and pain in the muscle of your left side of your stomach and right knee in the left side of your not of your right knee it's like pointing something numbness and tingling across your shoulders like all the way across and numbness are not numbness difficulty moving your right hand like swelling in the joint and pain in the left heel I have a carpal tunnel syndrome I don't know if somebody here has that and the right ear somebody has the issue with right ear also somebody has the issue with your eye and it has to be it's something to do with your retina and I think is it like a detached retina issue I have nerve damage in the feet and I haven't someone has an issue with their tongue and someone that might have a walker that they use a walker I had that hernia somebody has a hernia issue I also got discs for somebody has an issue with her and their desk in their back number four left knee esophagus the right hip somebody has an issue with your somatic nerve and somebody has the issue with their left hand and also somebody that has a gallbladder issue okay I have I had a picture of this person who fell and they hit their head on a furniture it looks like a table and from that they got like either a concussion or some kind of trauma then I got the words vocal cords and there's also plantar fasciitis and then there's also a nerve pain it looked like sciatic nerve pain in the right leg then right knee just below the kneecap there's pain like in the right knee then I had this I saw a picture of a left kidney then there's somebody who has like some pain or discomfort from the from the neck on the right hand side all the way to the shoulder then I felt some warmth in the back of my head so I don't know if that makes sense to anyone there's like a warmth and just the back of my head and the shooting pain in the left leg like on the inner left leg from the shin down down to the ankle then I had pain in my inner left wrists and there's the right ankle belief somebody has like pain in the right ankle they twisted their ankle or something then right like in the clavicle bone like right behind the first the front of the club the clavicle bone behind it it was like a shooting pain like right in the middle here sciatic nerve pain on the right side hernia back of the right knee right side of the mid-back right here I don't know what this means but celiac nerve PTSD someone's dealing with muscle pain in the back in the middle right here the teeth there's an issue in the back bottom molars on the right and the left side female issues fibromyalgia and I believe that there's someone dealing with shame the Lord wants to break off shame so I'd love to pray with you and tumors okay I have pain this in my right wrist and it shoots toward the right elbow I think it also have a pain that's in my right knee on the inside of my right knee as well there's a pain to keep starting from the right ear right your lobe all the way down through the right shoulder I also have a left rotator cuff in your shoulder cataracts someone who's dealing with cataracts and there's something going on with the left calf it's almost like the most is being Astro feed you know you know sense there's something to deal with the muscle they're almost like a spasm in a way and also something with the right big toe there's pain there dr. Clark I'll go back to Michael he's got words just - one is on the right hand pain coming down here and the other one was the name Timothy and stomach okay now the Lord said pray for those who will stand up if you had any of those words I was like many of you stood up thank you so much for that that really helps them to know when they're hearing when they're missing and to refine their discernment but if you didn't stand up and there's something that was called out you have you just need to know I'm going to pray for the ones that's standing because the Lord said if they won't stand don't pray for them ask them to stand you don't let them be passive and so if any of those are for you than to be included in the prayer you you ought to get in on it now by by standing up and before I pray though I would like for you out of all those words that you would know you can be healed not so much by the prayer but your faith can heal you and the Rhema word can release the faith check it out and let's see if if you're already 80% or more just weigh both hands we have one guy here another guy there now usually we'll see more happen because oh gosh that is if people are getting healed before there's prayer just check it out there's two more and I think you're keeping track of tonight okay think there's another one a third one thank you God thank you lord a fourth one here thank you God thank you lord thank you God that's why how many is that tonight is it seven for the night so far okay now we're going to pray put your hand where you needed the healing or begin if it's muscular-skeletal move what knees filled father in Jesus name we just thank you for these words and we say yes and amen according to 2nd Corinthians the Lord where it said and so the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God so Lord we agree with what you've said we say yes God let it be release these healings we say Amen in Jesus name we bless them we bless the wrists we bless the eyes we bless the bridge we bless we command hernias to go in when we speak to pain in the in the ribcage we speak to pain in the hips we speak to sciatica pain we commander's lead we come in chronic migraines to leave in the name of Jesus we command that pain in the eye and that discharge the eye to be healed and the detached retina to be healed in the name of Jesus father we pray for healing and the base of the skull we pray for healing in those shoulders and on the ends of the shoulders we pray for healing father to manifest now in Jesus name God we bless them in the name of Jesus we pray let your power flow into them in Jesus name in Jesus name we break every curse break every generational curse we pray for there to be a release of healing in Jesus name in Jesus name God we bless them now check out your body we bless them that hips and knees the wrists all the joints if you're at least 80% better now but you weren't while ago weigh both hands over your head so we have I'll count this side William you count that wave for 30 seconds to take at least that long to count wave again keep in mind wave them thank you God at five more on the side how many get on that side none over here was there nobody that got healed on this side or there's nobody raised their hand just while while the prayer if you if we only count the way both hey that one hand means I'm getting better two hands means I'm at least 80% better so you know if you're at least 80% better way both hands over your head I've got a lot of one hands okay well that's eliminate there's one there's one more eighty percent okay the reason why is how many of you are not eighty percent better but you're better put one hand up go ahead and do it it's for this reason if I was praying for an individual and they said I'm not eighty percent better but I'm getting better I'll pray a second time third time sometimes fourth and fifth time this I treat a crowd the way I treat an individual for me it's the same thing God's starting to heal people we need to bless it now we know that you're gonna get a chance to have hands later but we want to pray at least one two more times and then what have you come forward if you're not 80% better or more okay keep your hand up everybody God is touching but you're not 80% yeah but you're getting better one hand God we bless what you're doing we say thank you and amen and we bless what you're doing for everyone who has their hand up Lord we thank you that you are touching and they are improving we give you thanks for that complete what you've started glorify the name of Jesus father we want to see things tonight that brings glory to Jesus so we pray father in Jesus name increase the anointing in the name of Jesus release your angels to come help us and release gifts of healing we pray your power your energy your heat your electricity would go through them in Jesus name in Jesus name thank you God check it out again try to do what you can't do check it out if you are not able to wave your hands while ago but now you are your now your 80% but you weren't well ago way both hands over your head and if you got healed of a second thing you can wave your hands again 1 2 3 five more total thank you Lord all right how many of you I'm getting close I'm getting a lot better if I'm just not that 80% yet would you put your hand I'm saying there is an increase and I'm getting much better but I'm not 80% just put your hand up again well this is the last time we're gonna pray for this then we'll lay hands after we had the song and the worship team if the worship teams the local church could come our at least part of the team and be able to do that what is it your mighty working God what's that miracle working God okay all right before they come in for we singing because I believe some of you're gonna get healed even if there's no word of knowledge for you by the way I want to go and get you included in this prayer there was no word of knowledge for you but you came tonight and you needed to be healed and that's why you came but there's been no word for you there's been no opportunity for you to stand up receive prayer go ahead and stand up and get in on this last prayer put your hand where you need it if it's an organ and move whatever or try a test out as we're praying if it's a muscular-skeletal father we thank you that you we do believe that you speak to people and sometimes you tell them if they'll go and they get prayed they'll be healed and you create a faith in him and so father we pray for everyone that's standing and we pray that in the name of Jesus that you would release more healings god we thank you for the 21 so far but we're asking you for more we're asking you for more and we bless them in the name of Jesus we bless everyone that they've heard from you that you're gonna heal you've created faith and that's why they came tonight we bless them we speak to everyone father and we bless what your you've started in them we believe that you will bring to completion what you've started Lord we pray that and we know that some will be healed they mount even away you'd be able to weigh their hands tonight but by tomorrow morning they will be but we ask God tonight so that you receive the glory you touch them we bless them we command tumors to disappear in Jesus name for tumors to shrink under their hands in the name of Jesus God like this other woman she said I went to reach for it and it was gone in Jesus name in Jesus name we bless them father in Jesus name God as we come into that holy moment when things get even stronger ten o'clock so we think of what you've done we think of what you're going to do in Jesus name father I just come in the pain and whoever it is that has it it's in this area of your neck right in there on the right side I command that pain to leave in the name of Jesus I just felt it you say how much they talk about these words of knowledge you can feel somebody's pain that isn't yours sometimes you hear them say I saw they actually see a picture or sometimes they have impressions of names or conditions so they come as impressions you can feel them in thinking you see them you can read them somebody to actually see a word sometimes you dream it sit in a dream and so we're responding to what we thought God has showed us he wants to do now check out your body if you're at least 80% better you have not waived your hands to indicate it or if you have been healed of another thing since you've waived the last time go ahead and wave your hands now that we would know what happened to you and give God the glory there's one two is that two hands three four now we remember we only count it if you wave two hands five six one hand we don't count as a eighty percent it's both hands so I want to make that clear so I don't miss account is eight more thank you God thank you God nice 29 so 28 28 thank you God all right remain standing and everybody if you'd like to just and let us just believe that what I've seen God do before he does it and there'll be somebody that gets healed as we sing this song so I want you to with half of your mind focus on God and with the other half focus on your own body believing that there's going to be a connection between God's work and your body and afterwards we'll ask if you were healed to wave both hands over your head and immediately after that we'll invite you to come to the person who called out your condition you
Channel: Harvest Time Church
Views: 10,639
Rating: 4.776 out of 5
Keywords: Randy Clark, Global Awakening, healing, words of knowledge, Gifts of the Spirit, Greenwich Connecticut, Harvest Time Church
Id: SV4bfQnrGMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 37sec (6517 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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