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minutes we'll have a deluge of people coming um but i'm so excited that you've come um you know i've seen god do amazing things in these trainings and in these meetings and richie seltzer hey guys richie seltzer is such a an inspiration to me and uh actually he travels around the world equipping and training saints uh for the work of ministry and um and evangelism is such a big call on his life and uh he's inspired me and honestly a lot of the things that i teach when it comes to evangelism is coming from richie seltzer um and from what i've learned through his biblical basis and his um his uh stories that he's told and how he's relationally sharing the gospel um actually yesterday we were we were richie loves to golf and so i took him out on a little golfing trip yesterday and uh we got teed up with someone you know because we were only two so they added a third person and um you know before the end of it the man was being shared the gospel and we were telling them about jesus and you know and i you never think i was when i'm always with richie i'm like there's no way this person is going to want to hear about the gospel this is like you know we might be at a cash register or with this guy and he's not even talking anything about you he's not on the radar and richie starts talking to them about jesus and i'm like and i kind of walk away and stand over here and and uh and so i'm like oh man this isn't gonna work whatever i guess it's good practice for him and uh and before i know it the person's you know i look over the person's crying and he's leading him to jesus and they're exchanging numbers and it's like how did that happen you know it's so often it's our natural eyes that we miss out because we see everything in our natural eyes and and people are longing for true they're longing for the truth they're longing for the authentic gospel and so um it's an honor to have richie come and share this morning and i know when people watch this video because we're gonna also live stream it and we record it um so you can look it back over but when people watch this video they're gonna wish they were in these sessions but so let's pray and we'll get started holy spirit we just thank you that you reside in us and that you proclaim the message of christ and lord we just pray that you would equip us this morning that you would um strengthen our minds and understanding biblically lord that you would give us courage and freedom and boldness just like you did the disciples to share the gospel with people who are lost lord we pray that you would use these sessions to help us bring the good news to the ends of the earth and get albuquerque saved in jesus name amen well richie is a father of four children he's married and he lives in buda texas now right outside of austin he's originally from virginia beach virginia planted a church in calgary canada was trained in wyoming mentored by chris overstreet who's an evangelist for years at bethel california he speaks at conferences like compassion action by chris overstreet preaches at todd white's uh kingdom school in texas um he's just one of these guys that many people have heard of and there's still a lot that don't realize all the circles he runs in but if you can help me uh welcome richie come on up richie so good well i'm excited to be here how many people are excited to share the gospel today yeah come on uh there's no greater joy i i love just to be in the presence of god i love bringing joy to the father how many people love your heavenly father i don't i can't think of very many things that give the father more joy biblically or just thinking it through than when a lost child comes home then when you get to co-labor with him and partner with him with the spirit of god to go seek and to save that which was lost which is what jesus said this is what i've come to do to seek and to save that which was lost and as i have been sent so i send you and so we get to co-labor with him and that brings so much joy i believe that god wants to uh to reignite the joy of salvation of our salvation but also of partaking of salvation into the body of christ strengthening the body of christ and so that we're not so distracted with all the peripheral things that happen in church but if you if we stay on the mission the great commission which isn't the great suggestion come on i think if we if we understood that uh the great commission is actually a commandment then if we love god then we'll obey god right and we'll preach that gospel see that the great commission is going to all the world and preach they preach preach means proclaim with words romans 10 says faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god but how can they hear unless we what preach which means proclaim with words and so we gotta preach and saint francis said preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words but jesus didn't say that he just said preach the gospel come on and so most christians really have never considered or don't preach the gospel now here here's the thing i know in an evangelism school like this or an evangelism training in on a saturday morning typically the people who come out to these events already have a heart for evangelism right how many people in here are already sharing the gospel come on yes i always i always say this um if i could just get 10 people to share the gospel in any church every day for 90 days then we'll see 900 people hear the gospel in 90 days and if 10 gets saved then we'll see 90 people saved every 90 days that's if we stay to one and that's only if 10 people in the whole church how many people are in this church 400 500 people something like that anyway let's just say it's four or five hundred does it but if just 10 people were to share the gospel with one person a day 900 people would hear the gospel if 10 got saved 90 people would be saved if 5 became disciples and started coming to this church the church would grow by 45 new believers not transfer growth not musical chairs because they like the the the children's ministry better they like the worship better they like the teaching better or whatever and going from other church to church but new believer growth the right growth every 90 days that's if they don't bring any friends or family with them so god spoke to me one time and he said everyone's crying out for revival but the only reason my church doesn't have revivals because christians don't preach the gospel the great commission is not the great suggestion and as a matter of fact i always tell people it doesn't matter what the vision that we have for our life is if it's not in submission to the great commission then it's out of order which is to make disciples billy graham said it this way 95 of evangelism is discipleship so we're going to talk today a little bit even as i'm just kind of warming up and talking about some things and you know i know that many people are going to hear this um you know later as well and so i'm sharing some of this um not just to the people who are here because i'm so excited you don't know how excited i am to have even more than two or three people because literally we can change a church we can change a city with the amount of people that we have here this morning and i mean that i'm not saying that uh i actually mean that 12 disciples changed the world and i believe that if every person in here will commit yourself to share the gospel even for 30 days let's just say for 30 days every day from this day forward for the next 30 days you will share the gospel with one lost person for 30 days that that means not just i'm going to pray for healing for a lost person or i'm going to prophesy to a lost person but i'm actually going to preach the gospel i'm going to give the whole gospel and an invitation for for a decision and if they say no or yes that's not up to us is it it's the holy spirit no one says that jesus is lord except by the holy spirit but we give the holy spirit something to work with as we preach the gospel but also what we'll talk about today and you know beyond as often as i have a chance to talk about it is discipleship committing ourself to the discipleship so if we do win somebody to the lord um that's only five percent of it that's just getting them to the to the to the wedding day to the wedding vows but i often times say hey listen i tell people this immediately if i lead somebody to christ this is just the wedding day right now this is just you saying your vows if i said my wedding vows to my wife right now and then i went and slept with whoever i wanted to after that and did whatever i wanted to tonight my my vows would be nothing i said but here's the here's the reality the enemy's going to come at you i tell them like nobody's business that old girlfriend that hasn't called you in years she's calling you this week like that old drug dealer all the hell's coming at you the enemy's going to try to take it and the only way that you're going to survive is if you get plugged into the family of god the greenhouse of god which is into relationship with the family of god i'm your brother let me get your number matter of fact i'm going to text you right now what's your number now i got their number now the discipleship starts right away and we'll talk more about that but so we'll talk about discipleship we'll talk about preaching the gospel we'll talk about out of the abundance of the heart see because i think this is something that's the most i think one of the most important aspects of a lifestyle developing a lifestyle of evangelism not just hey i'm fired up because we did an evangelism school or i'm fired up because that message stirred me up or whatever the case may be because if if that's our motivation if evangelism is an outreach time a specific block during the week it's better than most christians but i don't think it's god's highest and best and actually we we begin to treat people like projects and not like people when we turn it into outreach but we want to make this thing a lifestyle and so what we'll talk about is the heart and i want to talk about that right now just to start off because i believe if we understood the heart of the father then we would understand his heart for evangelism and um if we understood the love of god for ourself then the natural overflow is evangelism see because the bible says this the greatest commandment is what they asked jesus what's the greatest commandment come on love god with some of your heart right love god with all your heart mind soul strength love him with all your heart if we love god with all of our heart the bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so evangelism then isn't necessarily just something that we do it's who we are so actually the lord began to speak to me he said that if there's an evangelism problem in a person's life and what i mean by that is is it's not a natural overflow then there's actually evidence of a receiving problem see because first john four so if we talk about evangelism which i'll share a lot of stories but if we talk about evangelism i'll do some practical training today as well but if we talk about evangelism and i'll share these stories um and people get inspired to do evangelism and they want to do evangelism and oftentimes an evangelist will have the ability to create an atmosphere where people are repenting like coming up higher to a place of like man i i've got to do better and it's not like a shame thing it's like man i i'm called to to i've got way more accessible to me than i'm fully accessing than i'm fully activating right and so there's this repentance and so what oftentimes will happen is people are like oh i want to be a better christian i want to preach the gospel more i want to see more people get saved and they grip their teeth and they try harder but that doesn't last very long after a while it won't last very long but first john 4 says this we love him because he first loved us and john 14 says if you love me then you'll obey my commandments so the thing that inspires us to love god and then also to obey god is actually receiving the love of god and so father we just want to say thank you just go ahead and put your hands out father we just want to say thank you right now as we gather in your name jesus you said this you said wherever there are two or three gathered in my name there i am in your midst and so we just take a few minutes just to acknowledge your presence your manifested presence to us even as you said in john 14 if you obey my commandments then my father and i will love you and we will manifest ourselves to you so lord i pray right now that there would be an increase of your manifested presence in our midst increase our awareness of your manifested presence god i'm asking for a spirit of revelation in the knowledge of jesus christ that we would know you that we would be able to testify of what we know not of what we've heard of who we know and what we know father i'm asking for more than just teaching today more than just an equipping day god i'm asking for impartation lord release importation today let there be a power impartation even today even as your word says that you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you shall be witnesses lord i'm asking for an increase of power upon the people today as we as we uh love you and gather in your name so we love you jesus we love you because you first loved us we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you jesus you're good amen amen so good well there's uh i'm gonna i'm gonna train today um on multiple things but i'm gonna start off with the five core values of evangelism okay because it's easy to kind of go through it's easy to remember and these are five core values of evangelism so we'll start with the first one why don't we start off with honor can we say honor that was weak can we say honor come on honors the first core value of evangelism um we honor people because they're valuable and we determine the value of something by how much somebody's willing to pay for it so this bottle of water it's half um i've already drunk half of it or drank half of it uh or some of it you might say hey if that bottle was completely full it's worth you know 15 cents maybe because i can recycle it and turn it in but if paul says no because richie seltzer drank it i'm going to pay a million dollars for it and put it up on my mantel that's crazy what are you talking about that's not worth number one he's not even that great of a guy number two like like there's no way that's worth the million dollars and no actually you're wrong we determine the value of something based on how much somebody's willing to pay for it and every single person that you meet was bought at a price was bought with the precious blood of jesus christ and so when we look at people we have to see them for their value and here's the here's the thing about honor the bible says scarcely for a righteous man would one give his life but god demonstrates his love for us and that while we were yet still sinners he gave his life for us he didn't give his life for us because we had it all together or because we already loved him no why we were yet still sinners he gave his life for the joy set before him he endured the cross from the cross he saw something worth dying for can we see it because if we can see it then we can honor it from the heart we can honor the person from the heart so people don't repent because necessarily they just realize all of a sudden they're dirty rotten sinners and that things are wrong wrong in their life now most people already have this awareness going on within them not everyone but most people already have an awareness that things are wrong in their life the accuser is doing a very good job at accusing the image of god about what they're not what most people don't realize is the value that god has for them and the amount of love that god has for them and if they see themselves in light of god's perspective then they can repent return to the penthouse they can come up higher they can stop living with the pigs and live at their actual identity change the way they think about themselves but we've got to have eyes to see we've got to have the heart to see because the heart actually is the lens by which we're seeing things through out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks out of the the bible says watch over your heart for out of it flow the issues of life and so everything that we're perceiving our revelation is passing through the lens of our heart so we want to have the heart of the father by receiving his love by gazing upon the cross come on and understanding his love for us but also humanity that's around us now we're looking through the lens of jesus christ this is important we're talking about honor so there's this story in the bible and um the sons of thunder are going to come and they're they're coming to jesus because no one's being hospitable and they come to jesus and they say do you want us notice they didn't say do you want to call down do you want us to call down fire from heaven like elijah did now they understood their authority do you know one christian that actually believes they can call down fire on a city and it actually happen and yet these disciples are saying hey you want us to call down fire from heaven like elijah did and they believe it can happen they understand the bible look there's precedence elijah did it so they understand the word they understand their authority but the good thing is is that they had jesus with them he was their advantage that day and he said not a good idea boys let's paraphrase not a good idea boys you don't know what spirit you're of i think there's a lot of people who might not understand the word they've they know the bible they they can quote the bible they know the precedence of it a lot of people understand their authority but a lot of people today still don't understand what spirit thereof for jesus said the next verse for the son of man did not come to kill men's life the son of man came to what save men's lives goes on and the bible says in another place that the spirit of god was inside of christ reconciling the world to himself now a little bit further on it says not counting their trespasses against them and now we've been given the what the ministry of reconciliation right so this is this is our ministry so understanding our ministry is the ministry of reconciliation understanding that the person that we're ministering to even though they might be a sinner they're the beloved of god to the point that god is willing to shed his precious blood to purchase them even while there's yet still a center because they have value and our goal is to reconcile them to the father not just get them to pray a prayer so that their sins are forgiven and they don't go to hell although that's important but our goal is reconciliation to the father so that they manifest what they were always created to be which is a child of god a child of light in the earth a reflection of the glory of god in the earth the christ in them the hope of glory through relationship come on so that's our goal our goal is reconciliation not just a simple prayer why because they're valuable why are they valuable because they were created to be the temple of god the manifestation of god in the earth it changes our perspective if we understand we must honor what god honors and if we don't then we're out of order come on if we don't have that heart to start with then then our motivation for doing what we're doing might be off a little bit doesn't mean that god can't still use that and he has used that but we want to have the heart of the father in these scenarios and so we honor people because they're honorable because jesus honored them and we're and we're looking for his perspective what does he see i'll tell you a story one time i was in um in a hotel i i used to live in reading california it's kind of funny because i got radically saved i was 18 years old when i got saved actually when i was 11 i prayed a prayer at a christmas service my parents took my mom took me to a christmas service my parents were divorced when i was two years old my dad was a christian um in the fact that he believed in jesus but he did not actually know the lord in the sense of um living in a conscious daily relationship with him and um there being a reflection of god in his daily life i mean he got drunk a couple days a week cussing you know just a truck driver get you know drunk karaoke fun loving guy just didn't know what he didn't know though was only walking in the light that he had and um just grew up in a baptist background felt like he was a black sheep in the family and just didn't really fit in the church culture but i remember being really poor at one point and him having a lot of shame about the divorce and not being able to pay the electric bill and he got us up in the morning put our shoulders together and said look me in the eyes boys if you have faith in jesus you could do anything in this world so he had faith in jesus he just didn't really know the lord knew about the lord knew about knew that he was real just didn't really know how to he just didn't know what he didn't know and i think there's a lot of people like that walking in the light that they have and um so at 11 years old my mom took me to a christmas service and i got convicted of my sin at 11 years old went forward prayed the prayer first baptist church and i remember i came home from that encounter and and i went into my room and i heard the lord say you need to start honoring your mother it's the first thing i ever heard god say first commandment with promise is to honor your father and mother that you would have long life on the earth and but i never got discipleship so i never really knew how to live that out live that relationship out my only example was like my dad and people who called themselves christians in virginia but didn't really know what they didn't know either and so i mean they might call themselves christians but they're not living like christians they're not on fire this isn't the point of their life it's an addition to their life on sunday and wednesday and so i'm living in the light that i had 18 felonies by the time i'm 18 years old in and out of juvenile detention just didn't know what i didn't know and so um anyway it's crazy i end up getting radically safe through these radically saved black dudes they picked me up in the morning i was a painter at the time blasting kurt franklin and wow gospel music you know talking about jesus said this and jesus said that and jesus heals just the such and such and i'm like what are you talking about jesus said something to you like jesus healed somebody like we like what are you talking about these guys were just on fire for jesus and the long story of it is maybe i'll give you more of my testimony tomorrow the long story of it is as i get radically saved god calls me to be a missionary and i end up going to chico california to do ywam youth with a mission otherwise known as young women after men that's where i'm at my wife and they teach you uh how to hear god's voice at wyom and they give you a book called is that really you god which is all about hearing the voice of god and i started practicing hearing the voice of god on the lost because i figured at your dts that all the people are going to be nice christians they're going to tell you what yeah you know i guess you're hearing god and you know and and try to encourage you but the lost won't encourage you if you're wrong you're wrong and i wanted to know am i actually hearing god or not so i would go into the campus and i would say something like this i go to like an ice cream store and say something like hey excuse me i'm a new christian i'm learning how to hear god's voice did you know that psalm 139 says that you were knit in your mother's womb that god's thoughts for you are more than the sand on the seashore in other words he's crazy about you he can't quit thinking about you and the bible says in john 10 that my sheep they hear my voice and they follow me that i'm a child of god because john 1 says as many as received him he's given the right to become a child of god i'm learning how to hear god i'm going to ask him what some of his thoughts are about you do you mind if i share them with you i guess so you're kind of weird so i just start sharing and they start weeping and how do you know all this about me i don't i just know jesus i told you he knows everything about you and i know him because i can hear his voice would you like to know him and i began to lead people to christ on a regular basis doing prophetic evangelism up to that point coming from a baptist background i got saved went to the baptist church i understood romans road i understood how to preach the gospel i understand how to buy you a cheeseburger and share my testimony in john 3 16. and so i was leading people to christ with nothing but a cheeseburger john 3 16 to my testimony to start with then i learned romans road and i started leading people christ with romans road then i learned prophetic evangelism even though i might not have called it that with ywam and in the middle of all that i met a man named chris overstreet who was the evangelist at bethel church and i went up to him while we were on outreach to share the gospel with him and we became best friends i had no idea necessarily who he was we became best friends he's the evangelist at bethel in reading california and i end up moving to reading and serving chris in the outreach department what that meant is every saturday um we went out on fridays for one hour a week a bunch of guys and we would just share the gospel we'd lead you know 10 20 people every friday to the lord just preaching the gospel for an hour and then on saturdays we would go into the communities and there was these cracked motels that that's what we would call them probably not the best name for them but they were motels that were known for a crack addiction and heroin neph substance abuse you know and people could pay by the week or by the month to basically stay in a hotel room that they called their apartment and um just really gnarly places but we would bring a really good meal and we would set a table out with chairs that we called dream interpretation chairs or prophecy chairs or encouragement chairs or whatever and we would do skits for the kids we were basically bringing heaven and feeding to people while we were while we were there for about an hour two hours every saturday and so my role in this was to go and knock on doors and invite people to the feast and i can't tell you the horrible things i would see week after week as people would open up their their hotel doors and it'd be easy to focus on the deep gross darkness that's there but i have to have that core value of honor to look past the deep darkness the gross things to see for the joy set before him why endure the cross what did he see in this person what did they look like walking in their destiny because if i can see it i can speak to it if i can speak to it then they'll have opportunity to repent which is necessary for somebody to enter into the kingdom of god but i've got to be able to see what he sees i've got to have that core value of honor and so i would go door to door knocking on doors inviting people and i remember one time i walked by this man and i saw him um smoking a cigarette he was leaning over the edge of the railing on the second floor smoking a cigarette and i walked by and said hey come down and eat with us and he's like nah i i let the women and kids go first i don't want it to all run out and i said bro do you see all the food we have down there if you don't come down we're going to run out of everything i mean we're we're going to have i said if you don't come down and eat we're we'll have more than enough and we'll throw it all in the trash come down and take part um in the meal he said okay i'll come down in a minute i get a few steps by him and i just have this small sense from the lord now here's a practical tool about how to do prophetic evangelism and how to hear god's voice often times it might feel like a small your own thought a small impression that you could very easily just dismiss but if you're walking aware that your whole body is an ear you were created to hear god's voice because you were created for relationship with god every one of us can hear god's voice say i can hear god's voice the secret place is the practice place for the marketplace so we develop uh intimacy with the lord in the secret place of prayer and we learn how to hear his voice in the secret place of prayer and then it makes us way more aware as we go about everyday life so i get a few steps by him and i have what might just seem like my own thought ask him about his son it's the lord but we prophesy according to the measure of our faith sometimes people say uh when they're talking about prophecy and they're trying to get a prophetic word ah it's probably just me maybe it's god does this make any sense to you and they they say that in a humble way they're trying to be humble about it but really it's it's a manifestation of unbelief you're a child of god and if people that think that way don't prophesy very accurately or often because they don't actually believe that they're hearing god if i believe that i'm a child if we just switch it a little bit if i believe that i'm a child of god and i was created to hear god and my motivation is to love you not to glorify myself or to lift myself up i don't have a wrong motivation in it but my my motivation is to love love never fails then i should trust that i'm hearing god probably but it might be me see people who think they only ever get it right they're dangerous run from them like we can get it wrong see i can get it wrong uh we got to have that proper element of humility god resists the proud he gives grace to the humble we see in part we know in part and we've got to understand that if we're going to have a healthy prophetic culture but the other side of it is a whole culture that doesn't actually believe that they can hear god very often and therefore they don't prophesy very often so most of the time i'm believing i'm hearing god if i'm loving and yes i can't get it wrong okay so i turn around and i say hey excuse me do you have a son that's faith i don't even know what i'm going to say after that sometimes we think that god's going to give us all the information to start with but oftentimes he'll give you the more when you step out with what you got come on we step out in love right hey excuse me do you have a son why just a small inkling in my heart just a small impression in my heart and i just went with it hey do you have a son he says no i don't have a son now in that moment i know i could get it wrong i could step back but something in me it's the holy spirit in me this boldness rose in me see i believe the the one of the number one manifestations that you have legitimately received a baptism in the holy spirit isn't just that you speak in tongues or prophesy i believe it's boldness to be a witness i believe it's power to be a witness and there's this boldness element if you begin to study through the book of acts every time the holy spirit's poured out almost every single time a few verses later or right after it said it it says and they boldly preached the gospel this boldness rose up in me and i said well that's funny because god says you do i could have been wrong but there's that boldness element that came in my heart that's funny because god says you do now i don't even know what i'm going to say yet but i'm doing this in love and he says this i'm just going now god he begins to give me more information about him all right i'm looking now here's the context we're talking about honor i'm looking for who he really is i'm ignoring the fact that he's probably an addict and i'm looking to see what does god love about this person that's funny because god says you do have a son and he says if you were to call him up and say i just want to be the past to be in the past i just want to watch you play baseball he'll say yes the guy begins to weep and cry and on the inside i'm like yes he's weeping he's like can you say that again i said the father says that you do god says you do have a son and if you call him up and say i just want the past to be in the past i just want to watch you play baseball he'll say yes he said can you say that again and he closes his eyes and he puts his fingers up to his his ears and his mouth and he says and as i say it again he begins to speak it with me i just want the past to be in the past i just want to watch you play baseball i just want the past to be in the past i just want to watch you play baseball i just want the pacific in the past i just want to watch you play baseball over and over and over after a few minutes as he's weeping and he's just saying that under his breath i say what's going on man he said i'm sorry i said i didn't have a son but but my son said he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore because of my addiction but i know he's in a baseball tournament just down the road 20 minutes from here and all i want to do is watch him play you see the world sees a dirty sinner who's a deadbeat only cares about himself addicted to drugs but god doesn't see that he sees a father who's only walking in the light that he has who doesn't know what he doesn't know he doesn't know who he is yet what do we see it doesn't take a prophetic people to see the dirt in people's lives it takes a prophetic people to see past the dirt and to see for what did you see from the cross that was worth dying for what did you see that was worth redeeming because if i can see it then i can prophesy out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the issues of life flow from the heart if we understood his heart for us his grace for us then we'll understand his grace for others we'll understand what he sees if we understand that we don't deserve the love of god in our own works but he loved us anyway while we're yet still a sinner we don't become so far removed that we're redeemed because of his grace come on and we consistently are receiving his grace his love his at his throne of grace we come boldly daily before his throne of grace to receive our help in our time of need and we receive his love we we we bust past the accuser that sam we don't deserve it we don't deserve it whatever the case may be and we dwell abiding in the love of god abiding in his love for us being full of the love of god now we're overflowing out of the abundance of our heart we're speaking we're looking we're walking and and now our whole life is an outreach because we're a minister of reconciliation we know that we've been loved we know who we are we're a child of god and we know what our assignment is is to reconcile the world to the father this is our purpose this is our this is our assignment in the earth obviously i know our purpose is that we're priests our number one responsibility is ministry unto god not because he needs it but because we need it come on so we minister to the lord we look upon him we worship him and we become what we worship every priest the number one ministry is to the lord and then to the people so i understand that but listen it would be better for us in that case that we get saved and die and go straight to heaven where there's no more pain he wipes away every tear and we just get to dwell and look at him and we're and we see him for as he is and we're the same come on that's better for us that's what the apostle paul said it'd be better for me to go to heaven but for your sake it's better for that i stay here but for me to live is christ to die is gain come on if we got to be here we might as well be leading as many people to christ as we possibly can because our assignment is the kingdom of heaven on earth as it is in heaven your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven that's our assignment and yet jesus says the kingdom of god does not come with observation like it's over there or it's over there but it's inside of you it's where the king is dominating the king's dominion that only happens when people get born again we can talk about revival pray about revival but unless people get born again there is no revival we're not a revivalist unless we're preaching the gospel that's a strong statement but i i believe it with all of my heart charles finney said far be it for me to pray for revival as though i want revival more than god does furthermore he said far be it for me to pray to god for revival if i'm not even willing to share the gospel therefore i i should not therefore pray for revival i should pray that god makes me a revivalist in other words we got to pray that god gives us his heart to wreck that we would understand his heart of a father i'm not saying that we'll all be ten talent evangelists but we should all be at least one talent evangelist over 80 percent the bible institute says over 85 percent of christians people who call themselves christians have never led one person to christ i go around to churches all over the world and the first thing i've started doing is i'm asking to meet with the leadership of the church before i minister to anyone because i want to create a culture of evangelism i don't want to just come in as a as a flash in the pan because tomorrow if history repeats itself the altars will be full and people will be repenting and weeping and encountering the holy spirit but it will be a flash in the pan unless it becomes a culture and that starts from the from the from the janitor all the way to the senior pastors and leaders and elders and everyone that this thing of evangelism is a culture thing this is just what we do as believers it's not because of the evangelist that does it no no the gifting has nothing if i'm an evangelist then my role is to equip the saints for the work of ministry but who does the work of ministry say the saints so that's not about my gifting this is a culture thing so i'll go in and i'll ask the pastors and leaders how many people have led somebody to christ in the last two years outside of the pulpit most of the time 99 of them have not so then i ask the second question how many people have preached the gospel to one person outside of the pulpit in the last two years 99 none of them why am i saying that because this thing if we understood his heart will become a lifestyle it'd be impossible for us to go two years be impossible for us to go two weeks or a week without sharing the gospel with one person and and i guarantee you if we begin to make this thing if we understood and we honored people the way that heaven honors people the way that god honors people this thing you can catch something that becomes part of who you are as a believer makes sense come on is this good helpful all right um first core value of evangelism is honor let's talk about one more aspect of honor you guys want to hear a funny story so i get radically saved right and i go to this baptist church now the funny thing about that baptist church is you know my mom was codependent so they divorced my mom and my dad when i was two years old and my mom wasn't addicted to drugs or alcohol or anything like that but her addiction was men she was a codependent that means she was attracted to men that she could fix how many people know that's not a good plan and so we had a rotating door of fathers in and out of our life and that's not good for a little boy you know that i was good at football and i was celebrated around football season and then football season wasn't over they get broke up and all of a sudden this guy kind of loved me was out of my life and didn't care about me and so at some point in time 14 15 years old i'm angry i'm drinking i'm fighting i'm mad at the world right because lack of father's my life and um but my my my mother she was only walking like that she had as well and she was forced to have an abortion when she was 14 years old and thought she was going to hell because of it had multiple abortions after that her mother made her have an abortion when she was 14. so in her mind number one she was divorced which going to the baptist church was the only thing she knew to do means you have a big d on your chest you're disqualified she was a woman another x on your chest and so she would bring us to church thinking maybe i know i'm going to hell but maybe i can get my kids to heaven but we'd go very inconsistently some christmas easter every now and then vacation bible school and um but i had enough experience going to this one particular church i recognized the people and they had been the same people so after i get saved i was going to go to this like rock and roll kind of cool band kind of church like what you guys have you know and i'm like didn't want to go back to that church that had grown up around and seen it every now and then it's like mainly all older people singing hymns out of the hymnal and stuff which now funny enough i love him it's like my favorite thing um but at that point i was thinking i'm going to go to this other church and and the lord said no go go to the baptist church see because when the baptists meet we eat we understand how to do fellowship there's a if we had a saturday outreach thing like this planned there would be a potluck before and after it's the baptist we know how to eat together we meet we eat you know and they love the word of god so god wanted me to get a foundation in the word if you'll if you're around me enough you'll see i'm probably quote 40 50 scriptures and per sermon um and it's just because i was i spent a lot of time memorizing scriptures with the baptist and and i think that's god's intentionality and randy clark you guys probably heard this before says every different stream thinks that their stream is the only stream and every other stream is a foul tributary you know like the reality is is that every different denomination has a different glory and if we have eyes to see in other words if we honor it then we'll receive their glory and so god had me go to the baptist to learn the word and to learn how to fellowship because i don't believe that we do discipleship outside of the dinner table breaking bread with one another being hospitable so we talk about evangelism 95 of evangelism is discipleship you cannot be a leader a matter of fact you can't even be a true follower of christ unless you're hospitable it's all throughout the scriptures qualifications of leadership you must be hospitable so right now if you're going to commit yourself to be a follower of jesus you must commit yourself to being hospitable at the very least invite one person a month into your house a stranger somebody you don't know and just have a meal with them if you can is that okay can we do that if we create a culture of hospitality when people get saved then they can be discipled not just because we do a bible study or a program at the church but because they come to your house and see how you love your kids your wife your family see how you do life you interact with each other come on invite him into the family of god which acts chapter 2 says that 3 000 people are saved but it says in that they were dedicating themselves to the doctrine of the apostles and breaking bread from house to house and god was adding to them daily those who are being saved so we have to add this element of hospitality every every one of us and so anyway um but i went to that baptist church because god told me to and i'll share maybe some more stories about why he told me to do that tomorrow but i remember going there and i looked around and it was the same people that was there when i was a little boy going to vacation bible school miss ruby gilbert came around she's a older lady she's in heaven now um but she used to go around knocking on doors in the neighborhoods and inviting the kids to come to vacation bible school and my mom she knocked on our door and my mom thought oh free child care for a while and dropped us off and uh so i i remember even from a little boy seeing the same people in this baptist church all the time and um and so here i am saved 18 felonies by that point i had an a bad car accident when i was 16 years old i was thrown out of the back windshield of a car 60 yards away from the car landed on concrete in the bottom of a ravine i went through two trees that were this big around a foot in between them one foot to the left or to the right and i'm like dead on impact and was airlifted to a hospital so almost died in my sense when i was 16. i'm in virginia where you can throw a rock and hit three churches by accident church is everywhere but no one ever preached the gospel to me and up until i got saved at 18 i never remember not one person being on fire for god like they can't help themselves but to tell me about jesus because they love god with all their heart see that's out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks like i love god and i can't help myself evangelism is not something i have to do i can't help myself it's all i think about why because i love him with all my mind and all my heart and all my soul and all my strength i can't help myself to know me you're going to hear about jesus can't help myself never remember ever meeting anybody like that until i met the guys at the paint store and so here i am at my baptist church and i'm looking around and i'm seeing it's the same people for the last 15 years in here and i'm like i almost died and something in me in my zeal maybe a bit of it was you know self-righteousness maybe a bit zeal i thought no one's doing anything for the for the lost and i said it's tuesday night where's the most lost people in newport news on a tuesday night i thought super walmart super walmart that's where i'll go i'll go to super walmart it's a tuesday night and i memorized romans the romans road in the parking lot and i got my courage up and i walked into that walmart and i stood up on the bench in front of all the turnstiles i had at least a congregation about 150 people and i said hey everybody give me your attention for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and the whole time the manager comes out sir sir sir we're so glad for your religious convictions but you can't do this and i totally ignored her kept preaching and she's dialing 9-1-1 now that's not good for somebody who has 18 felonies on their record so i'm like and if you want to get saved hurry up and run to the door fast three people did meet me there which was awesome i prayed a very fast prayer and got out of there before the cops came even though it's a funny story that's a good example of what is not honoring the core value of evangelism is honor and even though i was zealous actually walmart's not paying their bills for me to open air preach at their store like that doesn't mean i can't do evangelism in walmart or in the parking lot just means i need to buy something if i come in there i need to honor the purpose of the stores that make sense and so we want to honor this core value of evangelism also it looks like my friend chris overstreet sees a person in a wheels chair when he's a school of ministry student and he knows that god does miracles and he's learning about healing and he's like i'm going to see somebody get out of a wheelchair and he's zealous about it he sees this guy in one of those motorized wheelchairs right there's real fast ones that can be pretty fast you know and he sees this guy at a cafe in his wheelchair and he's thinking he's with his buddy uh chad and he's and they're like we're gonna see this guy again i was wheelchair goes up to him hey excuse me sir i noticed you're in a wheelchair can i pray for you that jesus would heal you and you can get out of your wheelchair today and the guy's like no thank you for that but no not today i'm i'm just gonna have my coffee and i don't really want prayer right now and uh chris looks like what what doesn't this i know who i am i'm a revivalist this guy could get healed you know and i love persistence i'm not against persistence you know i think sometimes we do need to ask a couple more times you know because sometimes people are conditioned to say no so he asked him again and the guy's like no no no i'm like i said i don't want any prayer and and the guy starts wheeling out of there and chris just thinking to himself now he should have got a revelation at that moment the guy doesn't want prayer you know but he doesn't he he's he's jealous to see this guy get out and the guy's like driving down the sidewalk and so he gets up and he runs after the guy can you believe it guy sees him coming and he's like like really it's like taking off now you know like chris runs after the man and the and you know the like red light comes with the little you know red stop not the green man that says go like it stops and so the guy has to stop and chris catches him and he's like excuse me i know you said and the guy's like i don't want a blip all the bleeping words i don't want your prayers and cusses him out and chris is at that point i got a revelation he doesn't want prayer [Laughter] that's not honoring we want to honor people it's a core value of evangelism we're not treating people like projects we're treating people like people because we see their value our heart is to love on people sometimes that does mean that you're going to have to break through a wall that somebody brings up so i want anybody using that as an excuse not to share the gospel with people i just want to honor people no listen if you never share the gospel because you want to honor people you missed it like we are confronting a dark world and uh honor sometimes doesn't look like the world might look see it makes sense so uh so that's the first core value of evangelism we got five more hours you guys ready is this helpful all right um second core value of evangelism say joy look at your neighbor tell them you look better with a smile on your face [Laughter] the kingdom of heaven is righteousness peace and what in the holy spirit at least a third of the kingdom is joy if you believe the gospel gospel means almost too good to be true news if you believe the gospel then it should manifest in your countenance we have too many people who do evangelism that look angry that look depressed listen why would they want what you have if you look worse than they do [Laughter] so most people a lot of times they're so nervous or they're they think god is in a bad mood or they think that you know this isn't really actually i don't know what people think you know they think that people don't want what they are sharing no if they understood what you understood then they would want what you have most people some people they don't want to run from the light because they're dark they want their needs to stay in the dark you know but most people a lot of times if they knew what you knew then they would want what you have if they knew that their fulfillment was going to be found not in their darkness and in their sins but in christ and they would want what you have come on and so we got to act like it in our countenance we got to walk in it and how about this joy the bible says rejoice sometimes when you feel like it right rejoice how often and again i say what in case you didn't understand what always meant it says and again i say rejoice like so rejoice always actually means rejoice always right even if you don't feel like it because a lot of times people are like well i don't feel like it you know i just want to be authentic brother no you're just manifesting your unbelief it's not about you it's not about your feelings is is no no no you gave up your life remember you were baptized meaning you died with christ and now the life that you live you know i'm going to live for yourself but for him who'd bled and died in your place now your life's not your own right come on and now we're not those who are led by our feelings the bible doesn't say that the bible says as many who are led by the what spirit are the sons and daughters of god so we're led by the spirit not by our feelings not by what we feel like doing or our emotions or whatever we're led by the spirit of god the bible says that the the fruits of the spirit are love say joy come on peace kindness gentleness patience self-control say self-control that means i can control myself to be joyful whether i feel like it or not and i'm being more spiritual than if i just manifest my mood i don't feel like it brother no no no this is exercising the muscle of joy on purpose and in doing that you become attract you attract the people who need joy you're contagious literally the bible the bible talks about in his presence and that's the third core value of evangelism say presence so we'll do two at one time presence is the third core value of evangelism and his presence is some joy right fullness of joy which means if i'm aware of the presence of god then i will leak joy because you measure fullness with what this this this bottle is not fully full of water until what until it overflows till it's splashing on the floor so if you're aware of the presence of god then you should be splashy you should be leaky and so here's a here is a practical way as to be a lifestyle evangelist is to practically get full of the presence of god or awareness of the presence of god to the point where you are overflowing joy everywhere that you go your perspective is one of redemption reconciliation you can see the end from the beginning because you're a prophetic person you can see this person walking redeemed of the lord right come on and so i'm walking in a joy all the time and my countenance is reflective of that can you smile at people say yes you'd be surprised how many open doors a simple smile will give you a joyful countenance will give you the world is hungering for joy the world is hungering for peace they'll drink however much booze they have to drink and get a bad hanger for the next day because they want joy if you have joy the bible says do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit come on you can be so drunk with the spirit of god so inebriated with the spirit of god that it's manifesting in a joy that doesn't give you a bad hangover but a good hangover to the point where it's going to make the world jealous because your joy is better than nurse you have no idea how much bar ministries we've done we go into bars and we literally practice drinking what do we mean by that we're not we're not like actually physically doing the stupid stuff some people do and you know whatever i'm not talking about that i'm talking about literally practically making ourselves so aware of god we're being full of the spirit singing in the spirit encouraging one another with spiritual songs praying in tongues prophesying over one another we spend time in his presence till we are overwhelmed inebriated with the presence of god and it manifests in joy and people come up and say what are you on oh you don't want any of this man you can't handle it no no i do i do no no no you don't want any of this man trust me you can't handle it no no no i do okay close your eyes what do you mean close my eyes you're gonna put something now just close your eyes put your hands out and we begin to pray for them and they begin to what is that what is that that's the presence of god he loves you just joy come on say joy so we want to carry joy joy's a core value of the kingdom and um you know oftentimes i've seen some of the greatest miracles that i've seen this might seem kind of silly to you but paul was there for one of them i can show you a video one of these times of a lady getting out of a wheelchair and running on the stage he's praying for this lady in brazil that had testoperesis is that am i saying that right something like that a paralysis and she was and and we literally that day the lord had spoke to me we got about we taught him words of knowledge paul did and we taught on the kingdom a bunch of people put their hands up for the healings and i said the first thing we're going to do is we're we're going to ask the person what their condition is and then we're just going to um laugh at the condition it might be offensive to some people but we're not laughing at the person we're we're actually laughing at the works of the devil jesus was anointed with the holy spirit went about healing all who were oppressed of the devil come on and the sickness and disease is oppression from the devil can we agree on that do i have to go into a theological discussion about sickness not being from god i don't think so right paul's a great teacher so it's not from god right jesus healed them all every single person who came to him he healed why because jesus is perfect theology if you can't see it in the person of jesus then you should repent of your theology right all right so we just gonna partner in faith and rejoice in advance for what's getting ready to happen and we're going to laugh we're going to celebrate in advance and we're going to do it because not because we feel like it but we're going to activate the fruit of the spirit to control ourselves to be joyful whether we feel like or not we're just going to laugh if you have a tough time just do this you know or do it like woody the woodpecker whatever i don't care how you do it let's just laugh on purpose for 30 seconds okay so we start doing this paul can tell you we start doing this and literally people all over the room start getting healed first three people that come up first lady comes up she's like oh my gosh we're in brazil they're different culture and they're she's like oh my gosh i can't feel my breast tumor and i'm like sweet awesome you know and her breast tumor is gone just dissolved on the spot next lady comes up my dude my breast tumor's gone oh my gosh it dissolved why when people are laughing he who sits in the heavens laughs at his enemies we're just joining the father and that's all we're doing the devil didn't invent laughter jesus did god did come on next person comes up has it has a big growth on his shin because he had a compound fracture the bone came out of the shin and it healed with this big calcified lump he said it dissolved it's gone faith explodes in the room lady comes down she's they're dragging her she's she's paralyzed long story short we pray for her she gets out of the wheelchair and she runs on the stage literally one of the most phenomenal creative miracles i've ever seen all through this principle of partnering with the holy spirit and enjoy rejoicing always so say joy presence we talked about that in his presence his wholeness of joy look at your neighbor and say i'm not the best evangelist billy graham was not the best evangelist daniel kalinda is not the best evangelist reinhardt he's not the best evangelist on and on and on but look at him and say my best friend is the holy spirit is the greatest evangelist so when you go out today and you begin to preach the gospel you have a evangelism partner with you 100 of the time he'll be with you always even to the end of the age it's the holy spirit it's a person of the holy spirit he searches the heart of my of of of god or the mind of god and knows the thoughts of god which his thoughts for these people are more than the sand on all the seashore so you have an advantage with you at all times matter of fact jesus says in john 16 it is to your advantage that i go away because if i do then i'll send to you the who holy spirit if we'll take advantage of our advantage then we'll see jesus get his full reward it's the presence of god the the person of the holy spirit the presence of god that is our advantage and we got to understand and walk in an awareness of that look at your hands right now jesus said i pray and for these that not just these disciples but for those who will believe in me because of their word in john 17 that's you and me so jesus prayed for you how many people thinks that jesus get what he pays for prays for and pays for right he prays for you that you would be one in him as he's wanting the father that the glory which he was given before the foundation of the earth he now gives it to you come on so you're one in christ if you're have received christ you're one with christ so look at your hands again say these hands are powerful god is in these hands when i lay these hands on the sick jesus lays his hands on the sick come on if you believe that i'm telling you lay your hands on way more sick people you know how i know that we don't believe in that when we walk by somebody in a grocery store we don't stop to pray for him either you're unloving or unbelieving because if you actually believe that they would be healed then you were for sure at least ask to pray for him right if we actually believe that jesus is laying his hands on the sick and we would have a lot of faith how many people did jesus pray for they didn't get healed come on so this is why we gotta number one we gotta repent we've gotta we believe that it's god's will to heal every time why because if we don't we're like a like a like a wave of the sea toss tossed to and fro we we're doubting we don't even know if we're praying against god's will or for god's will how can we have faith come on but we believe every time i pray this person is going to be healed even if i don't see it i'm going to change my experience to match what i see in the life of jesus i'm not going to change my theology to match my lack of experience i'm going to change my experience to match my theology which is jesus christ and he healed them all come on so i'm stepping out and i'm praying for those people every single person if i if i if i see a person and you might be like well how can we live listen some of your most powerful encounters were happening at the most inconvenient times trust me like it happens over and over and over in my life but if we just stop and we realize it doesn't take a long drawn-out prayer just short brief and powerful prayer and the presence of god is he's on me he's in me when i lay my hands on the sick he's partnering with me and i'll pray with faith we'll see a lot of breakthrough we'll see a hundred percent of failure and praying for healing for the healings we never pray for right like i said that wrong but basically 100 of the people that we don't pray for don't get healed i see a lot of people saved i see a lot of people healed i prophesy accurately a lot of times you get a lot of words of knowledge accurately out on the streets and i see a lot of people that don't get healed right away and i see and i fail and get a lot of wrong words of knowledge often because i i literally share the gospel more and try more than most people i tell people i'm probably not more gifted in evangelism than you i'm more practice come on matter of fact we're talking about getting it wrong how many people uh know that people can get saved through a wrong word of knowledge are you willing to look like a fool in order for christ to be glorified so many times people don't step out to get a wrong word of knowledge or to get a word of knowledge because they're afraid they're going to get it wrong reality is is that you're wrong by not loving loving and trusting that you can hear god i'd rather be wrong and get it wrong than to be wrong hearing god and thinking maybe it's just me i'd rather get to heaven and realize i tried to hear god and i stepped out and i got it wrong and i missed it then to get to heaven and say jesus remember i told you that and you just disobeyed and i believe you see what i'm saying like for instance i walk up to this one guy one time i can't remember the exact conditions but i'll tell you the story and something like this happened walk up to him and i say hey you got a problem with your knee no i don't got a problem i need how come you're asked oh don't worry about it you know how about your elbow you got a problem with your elbow now i gotta prob my elbow how come here what's wrong with you i said ah don't worry about how about your neck you got a problem with your neck no i don't gotta pry my neck you're crazy man get away from me oh man i'm so sorry man i'm a christian i'm learning how to hear god's voice i'm just like a baby christian sometimes i get it right sometimes i get it wrong you know but when i get it right i get to pray for people and often oftentimes they get healed oh man that's really cool how about my back man i got a problem on my back you think he can hear my back sure pray for their back their back gets healed and they get saved all through a wrong word of knowledge come on are you willing to get it wrong to get it right come on in that moment listen if i pray for his back and his back gets healed and i just start going on my way rejoicing how many people know that they can go to hell with a healed bat if you present jesus as healer he'll heal if you present him as a prophet he'll encourage if you present him as the savior of the world he'll save so we not only want to pray for the sick but we want to attach it to the preaching of the gospel for i shall not be ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of god unto salvation right so if i lead somebody to the lord for healing i might do something like this this is you know you can begin to dream about this stuff in your secret place time in your bed before you go to sleep at night here's some rhythms that i do by the way i'll listen to billy graham oftentimes right before i go to sleep or i'll listen to a reinhardt monkey why because i want to dream about the gospel whether i fall asleep listening to him or whether it ends and then i just meditate and i'm thinking on the gospel i want to fall asleep thinking about the gospel i want to invite the holy spirit into my imagination because a sanctified imagination is a powerful tool in the hand of the holy spirit and so i want to use my imagination allow the holy spirit to use my imagination to train me so i might go through a scenario as i'm laying in my bed around my prayer time in my room about how i pray for somebody and they always get healed in my imagination you know all 100 percent of the time they get healed you know and i pray for them and then i transition from that to presenting jesus as savior and i'll go through the different scriptures hey the one who healed you he healed you because he loves you and this is how i know that he loves you john 3 16 says that god so loved the world that those who believe in him shall not die but have everlasting life now i'm sharing not my words but the words that came from the father for jesus said i don't say only what i want to say i only say what i hear the father saying and my words are spirit and they are life so when you begin to speak the word of god so this is why it's important to memorize the word of god memorization has gotten a bad rap because people say it's religious but i'm telling you this is something that we all need to do if we're going to be effective evangelists memorize the word spend time memorizing key scriptures that help you share the gospel for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that's how i know that he loves you and because he's healed you he's proving that he loves you see jesus died on the cross for our sins what's sin god is love first john 4 says god is love colossians 1 says that god is a spirit and he's invisible but his invisible attributes are clearly seen in the person of jesus christ in other words god put on flesh and blood and dwelt amongst us he became a human being he was tempted in every way you and i are tempted at this point as i'm sharing with somebody i'm looking and listening for the aspect of the gospel that's going to prick their heart so if i sense rejection on their life you know the bible says that he became a human being and he was rejected by men he's not a god who can identify with the feeling of rejection have you ever felt rejected yeah god can identify with that he was betrayed even by his best friends he was beaten he he experienced violence have you ever experienced violence god experienced the violence matter of fact he experienced violence of the cross not because they stole his life from him but because he gave it up freely because he looked at you you were created in the image of god in the image of love and you were created to receive the love of god and to give it away that's that's your purpose receive the love of god and give it away and anything that isn't love is sin sin is an archery term it's like if i'm trying to hit that bullseye over there and you miss the mark at all the mark is love you miss it at all and we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of god you've sinned i've sinned the wages of our sin is death and yet jesus christ died on the cross and he said this is my blood shed for the forgiveness of your sins he died on the cross became unrighteousness took your unrighteousness upon himself and he says all who look to me shall be saved if you put your faith in him all who call upon him as lord shall be saved not based on what you've done but based on what he's done i'm sharing the simple gospel with you not only did jesus die for you on on the cross but he took stripes for your healing the bible says he was wounded for your transgressions bruised for your iniquities the chastisement for your peace do you need peace in your life was upon him his peace is not circumstantial based on who gets elected in the office based on your financial situation his peace is the fact that he's god and he's with you and he loves you and that you're a child of god and that he's going to take care of you the chastisement for your peace was upon him and by his stripes you have been healed and that's why your physical body was healed but he also died for you that you would be redeemed and reconciled to the father just like i can hear god my sheep they hear my voice and they follow me and they know me you were or i know them you were created to know god you can't know anyone that you don't talk to and listen to would you like to start a relationship with jesus christ yes i would this is how you do it you got to repent what's that mean you got to get out of the driver's seat of your own life and you got to put jesus in the driver's seat you got to humble yourself right now you got to realize and and admit you can't do this life on your own anymore you need god in your life you got to humble yourself and trust god you can trust him because he gave his life for you and he resurrected from the dead because the disciples saw him die on the cross they saw him resurrect and they wrote in the bible matthew mark luke and john so that we would believe that jesus is the son of god and as i'm sharing this gospel the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and no one says that jesus is lord except by the holy spirit if right now as i'm sharing this with you you're feeling the conviction of the holy spirit and you know that what i'm saying is true submit your life to christ would you like to follow jesus would you like to submit your life to christ at that moment we don't take them off the cross many people in their compassion or whatever they can see the uncomfortability oftentimes in the moment and they say something that they don't need to say in other words they try to eliminate the awkwardness of the moment it's very important that you don't do that this is practical very important allow the holy spirit to move in their heart and sometimes people say it really quickly sometimes they think it through let them think it through let them to consider what they're getting ready to do because we want disciples we don't want just another convert check that we led somebody in a prayer no we want disciples we want somebody to fully realize what they're doing means i'm laying down my own life and i'm taking up his life for if you don't lay down your life you'll never find it and i'll tell them that listen this isn't just like you're adding jesus to your life this jesus takes over right now you're putting him in the driver's seat and in that you're exchanging your life for his it's a good exchange rate bro you don't get what you deserve you get what jesus deserves but you've got to follow him you got to lay down your life are you willing to do that from your heart because if you believe that jesus died on the cross in your heart and you confess him with your mouth right now you can be saved you can be born again and just like he changed my life he'll change your life would you like to be born again man would you like to have all your sins washed away would you like to know that you know that you're a child of god that you're right with god no matter what happens from this day forward you're going to be right with god no matter what trauma happens no matter what happens in the world no matter what war no matter what happens you're going to be right for god wow i'm just preaching the gospel i thought through these things like i'm not even this is not something i do this you know like like a routine all the time it's i just think through these things i'm thinking about them all the time if you're with me you'll see me i'll share this stuff all the time with people right so i'm now moved in healing that i'm sharing the gospel with them and i'm giving them an invitation i'm bringing them to a point of decision in the moment that they decide to pray and give their life to christ he resists the proud he gives grace to the humble remember that verse you're going to want to share that with people god resists the proud he gives grace to the humble all of humanity will find themselves in two guilty sinners that were hung on the cross beside jesus one of them guilty of his sin mocked jesus in his unbelief saying if you're really the son of god prove yourself pull yourself off the cross the other one rebuked the first one and said are you having any fear of god in other words he's prideful he's not humble do you not have any fear of god this man doesn't deserve the cross we deserve the cross and he looks at jesus and he says remember me this day when you enter into paradise and jesus said today you'll be with me he didn't do anything to deserve his salvation except acknowledge that he was a sinner do you acknowledge that you're a sinner today sir are you humble enough to say that you don't have it all together you can't be god in your own life anymore you want god in your life you want to follow jesus can you be humble enough for that because god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble yes i can admit that god loves you so much you can trust him you can trust him you want to trust your life to jesus right now yes i do people get born again beautiful beautiful joy-filled experience when people get born again when we get to do this present jesus as healer present him as savior prophesy encourage listen if i just stop at that guy and just say hey you know i give him this whole word of knowledge about his son and i stop right there it doesn't mean anything's necessarily going to change in his life maybe it will god's sovereign can do whatever he wants but the reality is i want to see this person now i've demonstrated that i know god and that god knows him and that god isn't looking at him like a drug beat deadbeat dad he's looking at him as a father who just wants to watch his son play baseball in that moment you can be reconciled to the father in this drug addiction that you so badly would like to beat so that you can watch your kid play baseball and you feel in bondage jesus christ died to set you free the spirit of god was upon him to set the captives free and the spirit of god is upon me to set you free right now if you repent of your sins completely from your heart i'll pray for you and the deliverance that we see in the bible will come upon you you can be delivered from your addiction right now and if it's a process i will walk with you because i'm your brother you're not alone you have somebody in your court now i believe in you matter of fact i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna take responsibility even for your kid see because we get authority for what we'll take responsibility for sometimes we don't create a mess but we can take responsibility for see that's how christ is right he took responsibility for a problem in the world that he didn't create and if we're gonna follow the way the truth and the life then oftentimes we got to stop saying them them them them them in identifying the problem without taking responsibility for it listen if we saw the problems in our society and we took responsibility for them because we are the sons and daughters of god and we have the solution why because we have the advantage the holy spirit and we're solutionaries because we're walking in intimacy with the lord come on i'm telling you we would attract the solutions of heaven in the favor of heaven to see the city saved we've got to shift our mindset it ain't a politics that are going to be the answer we see that over and over and over so father we just thank you even for right now we thank you for this time we thank you for what you're doing father we thank you for the core value of honor the core value of joy the core value of your presence that you're with us always even to the end of the age we thank you lord for the gospel the power of the gospel even as romans says i shall not be ashamed of the gospel say that with me i shall not come on say it out loud i shall not come on we can do better say i shall not be ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of god unto salvation for all who believe come on jesus i just pray right now that you would take all shame god that you that even as your word says we've not been given a spirit of bondage again to fear but of adoption every one of us would know that we're loved break off the fear of man break off that shame thing even as your word says if you're ashamed of me in front of me i'll be ashamed of you in front of my father and the angels in heaven lord let us not be ashamed of you or your words let us preach the gospel let us preach the word that's like a sword that cuts to the heart in jesus mighty name all right let's let's do the fourth core value of evangelism say power do we need to stand up for a minute and kind of shake out we've been sitting for an hour and a half come on let's just stand up for a minute [Laughter] you're right oh thank you jesus you're so good thank you who has uh grandkids that aren't walking with the lord anybody have grandkids that aren't working with the lord right now i feel like just to pray for grandkids right now lord what's your grandkid's name yeah not fully walking father we just pray for the grandkids those three grandkids go ahead and just speak their names out james jennifer jerry father we bless them right now in the spirit may they walk in the fullness of their destiny and power in you father may they walk father in the plans that you have planned for them before they were knit in their mother's womb lord your word says by grace through faith we have been saved that not of ourselves it is the free gift of god not of works lest any man should boast but we're your workmanship created for good works prepare beforehand that we should walk in them let them not waste one day not walking in your plans for them father i thank you for the power of prayer this is a practical aspect of becoming an evangelist lifestyle is a prayer life that prays for the lost lord i'm praying god every person in this room god that you would impart to us your heart for the loss in prayer god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you for this woman of god god i thank you for this compassionate woman of god for there's a ministry of compassion that's upon you i see a ministry of compassion upon you and even as jesus was moved with compassion and he healed them all there's a healing ministry that's ministering through compassion for you know what it's like to be sick and to overcome it and so father i thank you for the compassion that will lead to action and many people will be healed through this woman right now pray for power to come upon her to lay her hands on the sick so that they shall recover father and she would reveal you as healer and savior healing is the children's bread healing is the type of evangelism that jesus does and i see you're going to move in power evangelism healing evangelism laying your hands on the sick so that they shall recover father i thank you for this woman and the prophetic graces that are operation with it in jesus mighty name increase it god fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire god fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire fresh fire more lord more lord more lord more lord we just thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you i see you going into prisons and setting the captives free in prisons i see you going into prisons and setting the captives free there's a ministry of deliverance it's upon you to set the captives free there's a prophetic anointing that's the prophetic anointing of the father the father who doesn't give up on his kids the father he was sitting waiting for the lost son to come home the prodigal son to come home and you're like that father who doesn't give up for love never fails so many people they give up on people but love never fails love never gives up you're never going to give up you're going to be that father that never gives up on his children so father i thank you for that faithfulness faithfulness is underrated but you're faithful the lord says thank you for being faithful you represent the faithfulness of god you're a faithful man you're a faithful man a faith faith-filled man for you have vision to see what god sees and so father i thank you for the ease of the prophetic that will flow out of this man from this day forward like a river it'll flow out of you and it'll be so much simpler than you ever thought be so much simpler than you ever thought all it's going to be is that you're going to see from the perspective of the father and you're going to begin to say what you see the father saying you're going to begin to say what you see the father doing you're going to begin to impart the heart of the father to a generation that's longing for fathers in their life i bless you in jesus name i bless your finances father i thank you for this man he's been faithful you've made him be a blessing and father as he sown in secret as he's sown in secret let there be a windfall on every seed bearing a fruit a thousand fold in jesus name and i just declare to you courage to take risk your risk isn't aren't over you're not retired you're refired and i just see i just see the lord calling you to greater levels of risk creating wealth that'll be a legacy that'll fund the harvest in jesus name fire fire fire in his hands fire in his heart fire in his bones revival fire you'll preach the gospel like george whitefield open air i see you preaching preaching preaching with boldness coming upon you in jesus mighty name boldness boldness boldness i see you boldly preaching the gospel with conviction to prisoners jesus said i was in prison and you visited me many people are looking for face-to-face encounters with jesus and he says i was in prison and you visited me the lord said i'm in prison i'm in prison can you see me when you've done it under the least of these you've done it unto me fire of god fire of god fire of god fire of god fire of god fire of god fire of god for the lord shows his secrets to his friends the lord tells the secrets to friends you're not a servant any longer you're his friend for he's telling you what he's doing you're his friend you're his friend my beloved daughter understanding your identity for the whole world is moaning and groaning waiting for the revealing of the sons and daughters of god under corruption till this time and you know who you are i just see you releasing identity i see people being set free of of uh of food addictions i see people being set free of anorexia i see people being set free of identity issues trying to be come something that they'll never be able to become because it's a lie of the devil i see you releasing the identity the identity of heaven to to these girls who just don't know who they are it's not just girls it's boys too but i i definitely see their emphasis on the on the girls on the women and so father i just bless this woman of god bless her bless her and keep her god bless her and keeper bless her and keep her blessed keeper make your face shine upon her even right now that she would live from the revelation of your countenance towards her jesus we just bless her right now let the let the angels i see the angels there's angels on assignment to help you move in the miraculous for every time i begin to feel these winds i feel these winds blowing right now i feel the winds of the spirit blowing all around and in the the winds as they biblically when the winds would begin to blow biblically oftentimes it was symbolic for the angels and i just i just feel like these angels all around you the angelic we don't worship angels but we partner with them and the angels were sent to minister on behalf of those who will inherit salvation even evangelism has evangel in the name of it i just see angels administering with you in the area of the miraculous to bring about the harvest harvesting angels even as jesus would talk about the parables of the nets and the angels that would separate the bad from the good and and so father i just thank you for the angels the spirit of discernment upon you to discern i see you being a watchman in the house in a spirit of discernment even though things were false and you could sense it before it even came out because there's a spirit of discernment upon you father i thank you for the discerning of spirits upon this woman in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we'll do more in the afternoon session i'll prophesy for everyone who wants the prophecy if you want one or if you want ministry all right go ahead and sit down because we got about 23 minutes before we go off for lunch we'll come back at one lunch will be outreach come on yeah anybody excited to lead somebody to christ today at lunch man i'm telling you this is going to happen my goal is that we see at least five people born again today that the church would grow by at least five people today is that okay can we do that can we believe for that we can believe for more than that but i want to at least get five people today born again added to the church and those five people will have a domino effect that will happen and and so um we'll go through these next core values of evangelism then i'll give you a tool that will help uh all of us share the gospel with at least one person today okay i'll give you a simple tool that you can use um thank you jesus so we got why don't we say the core values just shout them out all right i heard you say honor can you stand up and describe honor really quickly [Laughter] no go ahead and just stand up real quick just out of the abundance of the heart whatever the first thing comes to your mind yes perfect perfect that's exactly what we're going to do just exactly like that next core value of evangelism come on stand up tell us what joy is come on yes perfect yes come on that's so good i love that next core value of evangelism presence come on tell us what presence is yes yeah come on come on so good i love that all right fourth core value of evangelism anyone who want to take a guess power say power power the kingdom of god is not a matter of talk it's a matter of power the holy spirit shall come upon you you shall receive power what type of evangelism did jesus do primarily power evangelism come on healing evangelism power evangelism and so if we're going to effectively share the whole gospel bill johnson's really great in this randy clark's really great in this the the gospel is not just the gospel of salvation it's the gospel of the kingdom and so we are enforcing a greater kingdom and we're demonstrating it with power signs and wonders and miracles matter of fact mark chapter 16 jesus said these signs will follow those who believe not these signs will follow the apostles these signs will follow the prophets it says these signs will follow who those who believe the only qualification for seeing these signs or these powerful signs are that we believe if we believe then we'll see them all things are possible to those who believe and so power we must believe that jesus is in us we must believe that we have received what he has promised us of his holy spirit and that as we pray he's backing us up and with us and we will see powerful miracles and this was going to effectively help us preach the gospel because if you remember in acts chapter 3 peter and john are walking through the gate beautiful is that correct and they see a man who was uh lame from birth he's begging for money he says i don't have any money but what i do have in the name of jesus rise up and walk and he grabs him and pulls him to his feet right and immediately the man received strength in his ankles and began to run and jump and leap and praise god and people started saying okay these guys are are gods let's worship him and peter stands up and says hey why are you looking at us as though by our own power we did this it was faith in the name of jesus that this man stands whole before you and he begins to preach the gospel not just presenting jesus as healer he preaches the gospel repent and believe that you can be saved so he gives us what we should be preaching repent and believe repent and believe save repent and believe this is the jesus school of evangelism peter says that again in acts chapter 10. he tells them this is what jesus told us to preach you can read it yourself who likes the jesus school of evangelism saying you can read about it in acts chapter 10 the gentiles get saved and peter tells them jesus told us to preach go read it his sermon and as he was preaching it the holy spirit backed him up with power and they began to pray in tongues and they said well who can withhold baptism waters from them if god is baptizing them in the same holy spirit that we received come on what was he saying that jesus had the right has been given the right to judge or the authority to judge in the earth and repentance from sin basically so you can read about it so um thank you lord so power we wanna we wanna we wanna partner with the holy spirit and you know it's interesting and acts chapter 3 that miracle happens they get threatened and persecuted and then they pray in response to that and peter asks for more boldness but he prays it this way stretch out your hand and do miracles and signs and wonders that with all boldness we would preach the gospel i think if you read that in context he's talking about the miracle that made them bold because if you read about it they're threatening them and they want to hurt them they want to kill them but they said they can't put their hands on them because the miracle they did was a notable miracle and they knew the people would know that people would probably kill them because a notifiable miracle's done and so now peter's praise stretch out your hand and do miracles and signs and wonders that we would boldly preach the gospel there's something how many people think you'd be a lot more bold if you walked into a store and you lifted somebody out of a wheelchair and they're running and jumping and giving praise to god and now the whole walmart's looking at you how many people think you'd be kind of a timid little mouse to preach about at that point no you probably that that miracle going gonna make you bold ain't it hey this person just got out of the wheelchair because jesus is alive and he healed her and he'll heal you too and not only that but he died for your sins and he resurrected from the dead and so we got to press in say press in come on there's a book called there is more you might have heard of it before anybody heard of that before this there is more by dr randy clark and i want to encourage you there is more press in until you start to see notifiable miracles don't don't settle for a lifestyle where you're listening to other people tell about powerful miracles that god's doing through them have the humility to press in in the secret place paul talked about it earlier the early bird gets the worm and god spoke that to me when i was learning how to hear god's voice and why wham i woke up in the morning at like four in the morning to spend time and i'm wanting to hear god i'm like god i want to hear your voice and i fall asleep because i'm tired you know and i wake up oh god please forgive me you know i just want to hear your voice and go ahead and i'd fall asleep again and then next thing you know i'd wake up oh god please help me i want to hear your voice i want to hear your voice and this little phrase went through my heart the early bird gets the worm and i'm like oh it's just because i hear these birds singing god i just really want to hear your voice god what are you saying again this little phrase goes through my heart the early bird gets the worm oh god i don't know why i can't stop thinking about this stupid little phrase you know i want to hear your voice you know third time again the early bird gets the worm this phrase going through my heart and all of a sudden i remember proverbs says it's the glory of god to conceal a matter it's a glory of kings to seek it out so god will speak in a mystery because he wants to humble to be the powerful and not the prideful so oftentimes he'll speak in parables and mysteries because it's in the secret place that we get the revelation of what he's trying to communicate so he's drawing us into a place of humility lifestyle humility and i always know who's humbled by who's hungry if you don't have hunger if if there's an impartation service and you're not one of the first ones to receive if you're not the hungriest person in the room then there's room for an upgrade in humility you think you've been given enough al all of a sudden like that there isn't any more listen unless you're going to the children's hospital and you're seeing it emptied out of all those kids dying of cancer unless you see a mother who's weeping because she has no other hope but a christian or a god to break through in their life and yet you pray and they don't happen it doesn't happen every time listen for me i'm not going to be satisfied until i see entire children's hospitals eliminated from cancer like i'm pressing him for the more i'm pressing him for more power god i have to see the level of breakthrough that you promised you said greater things will we see because you go to the father nothing's impossible to those who believe but i haven't seen the breakthrough at 100 yet i'm pressing in i'm fasting and i'm praying as a lifestyle come on if you're not hungry eat more see in the kingdom if you if if you don't eat you get hungry in the world if you don't in the world if you don't eat you get hungry but in the kingdom the more you eat the hungrier you get come on so if you're not hungry eat more fast and eat more fast food eat more not out of works but out of god i need to stir up this hunger i think this is why jesus said these kind only come out by prayer and fasting it's not like he just went away suddenly and prayed him fast and then came back and prayed for the god he delivered you know he just came from the mountain where he was already praying and fasting this lifestyle of prayer and fasting hunger for more we gotta have power say power all right i i know you guys know the fifth core value of evangelism what's the fifth core value of evangelism come on you guys know this one so we got honor we got joy we got presents we got power what's the most important thing come on say love love never fails even if i prophesy and give all my money to the poor and on and on and on i'm like a clanging gong i'm annoying if i have not love but what is love i love pizza i love my daughter one of them i'm willing to die for what is love you know like the reality is love looks like something come on love looks like something love looks like god becoming a man naked hanging on a cross stripped him naked punched him in the face blindfolded him mocking him they literally bawled the very fist up he knit in their mother's womb and they're mocking him and punching him in the face and he's silent like a lamb silent before the slaughter because he knows he's going to the cross he knows he's dying for them love looks like him bleeding and dying on the cross suffocating on the cross pushing himself up long enough to say as they're rolling dice at the foot of the cross gambling over his clothes he's suffering and he says father forgive them for they know not what they do love looks like something no greater love than this than a man lay down his life for his friends listen if we're afraid of being mocked and laughed at then we love ourselves we don't love people we don't love god love looks like something love looks like you see a person in need and you have the ability to help them that you help them love looks like you see a person's countenance down and you don't just walk by and say it's not my responsibility no you're alive to be an ambassador of love to be an ambassador of a kingdom that is righteousness peace and joy if you see somebody's countenance down you have the ability to encourage them impart courage to them why because you know and you have an advantage which is the holy spirit who knows every thought that they've ever thought and he knows every thought of god and all you got to do is partner your voice with the voice of the spirit to bring courage and to change their whole atmosphere and day come on love looks like something love is the conduit by which all the gifts of the spirit flow through come on if i love i can't fail if i love and i pray for them and they don't get healed listen i at this point cannot guarantee every person i pray for gets healed i'm pressing them for it i believe for every time but i can't guarantee it i can't guarantee i'm going to get a right prophetic word every time i pray for people but i can guarantee i love them and in that i can guarantee i will never fail can we love can we love sure you can you can demonstrate love love is powerful listen if we can love we're doing a training equipping i believe in training and equipping i do it all over the world but sometimes christians are crying out for the more and they're not being faithful with what they've already been given and god is a good investor he doesn't he doesn't waste a thing are we being faithful with our last encounter are we being faithful with the gift that we have been given are we being faithful with our testimony are we being faithful with the scriptures that we have memorized so oftentimes we're waiting until the next encounter the next school the next equipping before we step out i want to encourage you in love step out today in love when you go to the restaurant bless your waitress with a little extra tip here's a practical thing tip big christians should be the best tippers my brother is a as a waiter for many years he's the waiters in the restaurant industry he said most of them would fight over the sunday the sunday shifts not because they wanted them because they didn't want them because the christians were the most demanding and the le in the in the least tippers should not be that way if we're going to go out let's let's let's stretch ourselves let's get better than 20 even if we have to combine to do it let's give in such a way with intentionality that we want them to remember us come on and let's be ministering listen we have a captive audience that for the next hour there should never be a waitress that gets by our table without hearing about jesus ever ever here's some practical things you can do at lunch excuse me we're getting ready to pray for the food do you need prayer for anything they come to the table hey guess what this is going to be the best table you serve all day long because we're going to tip you big and every time you come to the table we're going to encourage you because we're christians and we can hear god's voice matter of fact this is what i hear god saying about you how am i doing that my sheep they hear my voice and they know me or they follow me and i know them his thoughts for them more than the sand on the seashore i'm just leaning in asking him for a grain of sand and trusting that he's going to speak to me why because my motivation is to love them and to reconcile them so i'm probably going to hear god it might be me but i'm probably going to hear god i'm going to step out and take a risk and trust that god will make up for it if i miss it come on if i miss it i miss it right we got to stretch the muscle by reason of use we develop our spiritual gifts that word reason of use means exercise so we're going to exercise today can we do that come on so every waitress every food industry person that you come in contact with number one we're going to trust the lord god has given us finances none of our finances is our own we steward it and what better investment than into a person's soul we invest in all kinds of stuff we should just literally budget if you're a budget or your planner that way budget money to give away on purpose for the purpose of evangelism and i'm going to share some stories today or tomorrow about how that is practically walked out um one one one last thing i'll give you a practical tool if you have um a cell phone that is a smartphone you can go into your app store and download an app called jesus at the door don't do it now wait until after 11 but you can download jesus at the door anybody ever heard of jesus at the door uh jesus at the door is a fantastic um tool for sharing the gospel it looks like that you go into the equipping card you open it up and it looks just like that it's a heart with a man knocking on the door it's my buddy scott maktamara got hired on he's got a great testimony got hired on by a church in uh northern ireland it's a vineyard church and they hired him on as a full-time evangelist now i think this is a wise decision if you're an elder or somebody if if i think that the hirings this is just my personal opinion i think we hire wrong that's my personal opinion but this guy was so wise he hired an evangelist and told them you don't have any other role except for preaching the gospel eight hours a day five days a week and making disciples and grow our church by new disciples we will pay you i don't know what a salary is let's say sixty thousand a year to grow our church by new believers eight hours a day grow our church if you're on a six-month trial period if you grow our church then you can keep your job if you don't we'll go our separate ways so he goes out and preaches the gospel and finds out really good he's a good seed planter but he's not a good harvester so many people are good at seed planting or even getting somebody across the family side to say a prayer but they're not good at getting them plugged into discipleship and so he's there out and he's like god you gotta help me it's raining it's cold in northern ireland he's trying to get people in transit out on the street god you gotta help me i'm gonna lose my job i don't i got kids and everything you gotta help me god gives him this tool and in two years he led 3000 people to christ using this tool now i'm not the top method evangelism guy but i use this tool sometimes i use it as a closing tool it's a good harvesting tool this tool is not uh designed to be a seed planting tool necessarily it's designed to be a harvesting tool and so basically you walk up and you can read it through it's nine points and have you ever seen this picture before and do you pray how about in emergencies do you believe god is there this is jesus knocking on the door of your heart but the handle is on the inside only you can let him in lots of people pray but praying is like talking through the door you know he's there somewhere but you don't know him personally i want you to visualize a backpack if we filled it with all your sin would it be heavy that represents your debt with god it stops you from having a relationship with him if you owe the bank ten thousand dollars and i gave you a check for that amount and you deposit it into your account what would happen to your debt that's what jesus did for you on the cross he wrote you a check signed in his blood today he's standing at the door of your heart wanting you to cash it if jesus were here right now would you let him in can you see the wind no but you can feel it right like the wind jesus is here right now may i pray for you to feel his presence now we're going to activate our helper our evangelism partner you're never alone it's the holy spirit so all we as christians have to do is to have bo i'm not talking about body odor i'm talking about our left leg is boldness our right leg is obedience so we activate our bo our boldness and our obedience to geo go into all the world and preach the gospel if you'll activate your boldness and your obedience then jesus will do the shaking we've got to view our city like an apple orchard and the way that they would harvest apples oftentimes is the apple gets so full and heavy it falls off on its own there's a lot of people out there they're ready to be harvested they've got seeds they've got people praying for them they just need to hear the gospel they've never heard the gospel and and just by sheer numbers if you share this with 10 15 20 people probably one person is going to get saved so lord told scott view your city like an apple orchard you share i shake that's the other way they would harvest apples as they put a machine on the tree and shake the tree until the apples fell out of the tree and so we share he shakes can we do that come on and so we invite the holy spirit to come he reveals jesus and at that point now for the last thing to turn from the road you're on without jesus change direction and follow him do you want to follow jesus and then a simple prayer now we know the prayer doesn't save them right we know enough for that the goal isn't just a simple prayer so they can get saved the goal is reconciliation but also the prayer i think is important just like the wedding day is important some people think that the prayer isn't important i think they're dead wrong about that there's a reason why billy graham led so many people to christ there's there's power in the decision there's power in the in the wedding day there's power in that declaration there's power in the confession the confession of their faith and there's power in the baptism so yes the discipleship is important but that moment is important as well that moment of decision that moment of repentance that moment of humility and so that's a practical tool that you can use today as you're out at lunch i want everybody to take a risk this is the sixth core value of evangelism it's the bonus one is risk say risk uh john wimber i believe was the one that said this faith spells risk so if we're gonna activate love and faith it's impossible to please god without faith we must take risk so all of us let's take a risk at lunch let's step out are you willing to look like a fool are you willing to fall on your face are you willing to get it wrong are you willing for it not to go perfect in order for somebody to come into the kingdom come on well let's do it let's all take a risk i want everybody to come back with a testimony and uh i want to hear the bloopers reel too i've got some blooper reels and all your favorite evangelists your todd white charissa overstreets your favorite evangelist they got their highlight reel that they share all the time to build fake but they got the blooper reel too and so how many people know it's not that bad to be rejected i i want to challenge everybody let's do a rejection challenge today too let's see who can get rejected the most all right the bible says when they reject you and persecute you our response should be what rejoice be exceedingly glad so when you get rejected what if we just simply shifted it and every time you reject it you celebrate it yes yes come on since crazy but i'm telling you it works try it try it try it let's see who can get rejected the most once you're not afraid of rejection honestly you step out way more often here's the truth you can't be rejected because you've already been accepted his acceptance of you is way more valuable than anyone's rejection of you you're caring about their soul you're loving them whether they know it or not so if they reject it it's just simply because they don't know what they don't know they're only walking the light that they have but you're giving the holy spirit something to work with yes they might cuss you out a few times or whatever or reject you but guess what now for the next five minutes ten minutes five days five years however long the holy spirit wants to do it he has something to torment them with before then they hadn't heard about jesus now they hear about jesus now they're thinking about jesus let's just give the holy spirit something to work with today let's step out take a risk and preach the gospel can we do that come home all right stand your feet we'll pray just ten people that's all we need to see revival just ten people who preach the gospel as a lifestyle we got 10 people who preach the gospel as the lifestyle we'll see revival in this church we'll see revival in this city just 10 but god we're asking for more father i'm asking for more than that i'm asking for a whole church culture full of boldness to preach the gospel lord i pray god that you would give us the harvest of soul at lunchtime god did you give us boldness god we would step out of our comfort ability for you're our comforter you're the holy spirit who comforts you're the holy spirit who gives us boldness you're the holy spirit who gives us love lord you're the holy spirit who gives us strength jesus preached the gospel to the woman at the well and he came back and he wasn't hungry anymore he wasn't weary anymore and they said who gave him some food he said i have food that you know not of it's to do the will of him who sent me and he was leading people to christ god energize us if we're tired today energize us with food that comes from heaven to do your will and it's not your will that any should perish but that all should come into the knowledge of jesus christ lord let us partner with your spirit the sea soul saved today today today today father i'm asking right now for visions that you would show us who our waitresses are going to be that you would show us what restaurants were to go to father i'm asking for uh the prophetic gift to be released that we would see what you see healing anointing be in our hands father boldness to lay our hands god that you would work with us as we preach the gospel stretch out your hands and do miracles and signs and wonders that with all boldness we would preach the gospel lord as we step out with our little mustard seeds of faith back us up today let us see soul saved in jesus name thank you richie that was amazing how many people enjoyed that isn't that good and i know there's a lot going on in in new mexico today i realized today's the state fair day um but uh we're gonna come back at one o'clock and um richie's gonna keep going in and doing impartation at the end which is some of my favorite parts of this uh but we will be done at one because we know the worship team is going to need to rehearse so i promise you we'll be done at one if you can come back oh no we'll be done at three sorry yeah we start at one we'll be done at three thank you shauna um so uh come back i know people are streaming online texting me that they're like oh my gosh i can't believe it and they're coming they want to come now at one o'clock so um bless you guys uh bless your people at lunch do some evangelism and we'll see you then thanks yeah invite people to come to this because they don't know what they're missing honestly so um i know next time we do this there'll be way more people but uh we start with this we start with this poor
Channel: New Life City
Views: 135
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cYIlpmbTkog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 51sec (7311 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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