Humanity 2.0 | Danny Silk

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hello oh so good to be back in the pond you know back at the park feeding the Ducks you know that the only place in the world that ever happened was here I was it that was it it's it didn't catch on anyway I've said you know you guys are like feeding ducks I've said that all over the world one place it took root it's a good soil is what I'm saying it's good soil that's it it's good stuff wow you got a pretty house way to go I like this one better yeah this is this it still has that new car smell yeah new building new carpet new whatever that smell is how long you guys been in here okay come on so I'm a little late to the party you know but hey I got here Wow I think that is the first time I've ever been called a patriarch I think so which means it's happening it's happening I'm getting old Ironside yes I told Seiji Seiji by her hair's getting great my whole face is getting great so it is why is it so much easier to notice other people aging you know I'm like wow look at you you you look great yeah that's that's how we usually say it [Music] feeling the love well we're going to spend in the next couple days together and what I hope to introduce or reinforce or challenge in you is really how is it that we practice the New Covenant with each other you know I think it's Jesus makes it very very plain you know he basically says love each other and then he says I'll be right back and so we've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out exactly what that means love each other because I think it it doesn't mean what a bunch of us think it think it means and it does mean what a bunch of us don't think it means and so other words in this continual process of really trying to figure out how to get better and better and better at it until we are literally famous for it we're famous for how we love each other this is the the testimony to the world right the testimony that the world is waiting for is to be able to say to us Wow look at how you love each other you must know Jesus I can that's and in the end the world is getting it's just getting more and more right for that moment because there's a whole lot of fear going on out there so loving on purpose is very committed to that and I do want to throw up there tonight a when I better put this little goodie in here this prevents my remote from working a hundred percent of time that's how I usually find out that I if you go to the loving on purpose comm site you can you can take an assessment for free and it will really just help put you on this path of relational success in our life Academy and our life Academy is online classes that are each courses eight classes study guide they're there in the topics of family relationships and leadership and so I I want it I want to offer that to you tonight at 50% off okay so it's because you're in this room yes but isn't that was as hysterical as I'm going to get right there that was it that's all you get from me this is the wrong code don't put this code in but just the code that you would remember is new life 2019 okay there you have it new life 2019 we'll get you half off of anything that you find in there and I would encourage you to go look around especially as we're talking through this conference a whole bunch of reinforcers are in that life Academy so please check it out and coming out in October is is this book unpunished shovel and then this is this where we're gonna start tonight will will talk a little bit about what's in here and will unfold some other things over the weekend but unpunished well I think I've been talking about none punishable for fifteen years and even Emily goes isn't that already album I'm out of a book I know I've just been talking about it forever but I never actually wrote it down you know so now we're writing it down because there's just there's a lot of benefit that comes from helping people figure out what to do when somebody in their life makes a mistake have you ever had somebody in your life make a mistake yeah yep yeah some of you are looking at the other person going yeah you not raising your hand is a mistake right there I tell you you should you should have raised your hand it's it's because there's so many humans see that's the problem love would be so much easier if there were just no people involved right Church would be so much easier and get our men it would be good be so much more doable if there just weren't any people and so this is what we got to figure out we got to figure out how do I deal with people who hurt me how do I deal with people who who scare me what am I gonna do with somebody I trust and they violate that trust anybody ever had any of that stuff happen yeah yep anybody ever have any of that stuff happened cuz like three hands when it I was like well this microphones not working yeah this is what happens we we end up in relationships with people that aren't perfect and so as a result we have lots of lots of love to strengthen about ourselves and towards each other so we've we have a classic approach to when people fail and people make mistakes it it doesn't look a lot different than the world did you do something no are you lying yes yes I'm lying and I'm lying okay did you do something well that depends it depends on if you're gonna punish me because if you're gonna punish me then I think I'm gonna make you prove that I'm guilty how many of you had parents who said if you tell me the truth I won't punish you and then they lied right then they lie yeah why because we don't know what else to do I don't know what else to do all I know is to try to get a confession out of somebody how do I get a confession out of you how do I get you to tell me you did it tell me you did it did you do it yes yes I did it okay okay you did it now how many times just eight is there a video of you doing it god I hope not [Laughter] [Applause] was anyone else involved yes and so we're dragging this stuff out of people and we finally get to okay you did it eight times with other people yes okay all right thank you thank you for your confession thank you for our owning up thank you for telling me the truth now here's the deal the deal is that the police want your confession okay the judge wants your confession why because if I get your confession I now can legally prosecute you to the full extent of the law we get to punish Oh with a clear conscience thank you for your compassion and so when we get a confession we're happy case closed problem solved guilty punishment so what I was after I was after punishing you you know I could have punished you that hard but I backed it off a little bit why cuz I'm merciful that's why am I not merciful yes see that and we think somehow this belongs in the church this is not a court of law it's not a police department this isn't the district attorney's office but that's pretty much all we know get the confession and be merciful in the punishment I'm not even preaching about this tonight I'm still in the book cover I just love this stuff so much I could talk about it for a year it's it's so important that we get to a place of understanding how to restore relationships so you cannot heal a broken heart with punishment you cannot restore trust with punishment so we're using tools to get us to this place of so-called justice through punishment when in fact the kingdom and the New Covenant is moving us in this direction through to restoration they're going in opposite ends of the stage and so we are not going to be famous for love until we figure out how to get there because this doesn't take us to love because there is no love required in the court system there is no love required when we're dealing criminals and so when our approach to mistakes is a crime has been committed and we just want a confession so we can punish we are facing the wrong direction to show the world our Father and so repentance you probably taught you that huh turn around face other directions see from attending I totally playing I know this is a covenant house I know this is a place of covenant I know you've probably been taught so many different covenant messages I'm afraid to even say the word but that's exactly what we're doing is we are living this new covenant you know why they call it the new covenant because it's new it's new it's something new it's it's something new it doesn't disregard the old but it's new that's why it's not called the new old covenant because it's not it's new and it has a completely different end in mind so let's talk about what I came here to talk about because I was way too long to talk about a book but it was fun wasn't that fun I had a great time I hope you did too [Applause] we've received the most amazing upgrade you know how software upgrades anybody else hate upgrading their software I just hate it I get all these update things no ding hey need update hey we got hey hey hey hey hey you have 200 updates oh that's gonna take you long I'm not gonna do it I was like and then they update and then you're like hey where's a little button we're self about and over here that was where that go where's that go it's over here now oh why no reason it's just to make you hate updates that's working it's working but this update is the most profound upgrade we could ever possibly hope to have and this is that New Covenant this is this is taking us from an externally based relationship essentially people of God have a relationship with God from the outside in you know they're there there's there's this there's God is out here and he's trying to get through to me and so there's the law and there's the priests and there's the temple and the tabernacle and the the leprosy and the ground opening up and warring armies sin against you it's this external experience but in Jeremiah 31 we you know we see this covenant this new covenant it's new because it's not old it's new because it moves from the outside to the inside now the sudden his law is not something that is trying to get at me from the outside his law is now written on my heart in my mind it's now from the inside out the spirits actually going to come and live inside of me and there'll be a completely different interaction and the interaction will be dependent upon you doing your half of this it's not somebody trying to get you to do something it's now you are fully engaged in a relationship you are now accountable Jesus comes in he gets drawn into all these different situations and one of them is they caught a woman in the act of adultery right and they and they bring her to Jesus now typically when you get caught in the act of adultery there are two people involved but in this case apparently there's just a woman a woman who was caught in the act of adultery they bring her to Jesus they throw her at his feet and they say this woman this woman was caught in the very act she's in so much trouble because this is punishable by death she knows it the Pharisees know it Jesus knows it everybody watching knows it this this woman is going to be killed today that's how this works you break one of these precious rules and we protect the rules from the rule breakers the rules are what's most important around here that's why I need your confession so that I can protect the law now this lady's having a really rough day I mean she got she broke one of the big rules that's uh that's a bummer you got caught by the religious professionals bummer number two and you're a lady you know you're a woman you don't have any legal protection that's why the guy's not there I didn't bring the couple who were caught in the act they brought the woman she's got nothing protecting her broke a big rule got caught by the religious cops and she's a woman she's going down this whole culture is wired to protect the rules over the people this is the culture this is this is what everybody practices this is where the love affair oh it with punishment comes from is that the rules in this relationship are more important than the relationship and Jesus you know he's he's quick he's quick so he kneels down next to the woman rights in the dirt what what did he write we don't know we don't know we've all heard a sermon about what it was though but we don't know what it was and then he looks over at the guys and he says you know what you're absolutely right she needs to she needs to get in she's getting killed for being a sinner that's right that's exactly that's the wages of sin are death that's how this works man the sin that souls the soul that sins both of them must die how this works so sinless one Kenobi come on up here and start us off come on start us off get get up here come on over here come on you bring the biggest rock hit her in the leg or something so it really hurts let's drag this thing out these are so much fun and starting with the oldest the one who is conscious of the pile of broken rules in their own life he peels off he's out of here and there they go one by one until there's this you know this young Pharisee probably Saul of Tarsus or something I've never seen okay oh yeah okay there was that one [Applause] BC sinless Wan kenobe is standing right there the one who gets to punish her the one who gets to condemn her to death is standing right there and he says to the woman where are those who would punish you and through her sobs and probably her nakedness except all the paintings I've ever seen she's clothed she looks to her hair and says they're gone and then he says and neither do i condemn you and what just happened here Jesus hasn't gone to the cross yet the blood of Jesus hasn't been shed for the forgiving of sins yet this woman didn't repent and ask for forgiveness what is happening here and then he says Thunder that again you get to see all the prophetic intercessors oh great Jesus just for at least a spirit of adultery all over our city [Applause] [Applause] somehow in Luke 15 he got this whole story about the the knuckleheads son prodigal son the whole story gets named after the knucklehead son this story is not about a dumb kid this story is about a superstar father this father has been working his whole life to lay up an inheritance for his sons long-term legacy benefit and the son this this selfish disrespectful dishonouring son comes to his father and says you know and so many words he says I wish you were dead so I could get your money now there's not a father in this room that makes the next move here I know you're gonna waste it all and I know that your heart is to serve only yourself here and off he goes like wait a minute why did you do that why would you do that and that son goes and does exactly what the father thought he would do squanders at all and later he comes to himself remembers he's a son we know all that even my father's servants have food I'll go back and be a slave I deserve to be punished and while he was still afar off the father who is perpetually looking for his son's return longing for his son's return sees him and then runs out to get to his son now this father is an older gentleman I don't know if you've ever seen an older gentleman run but it's not pretty he lifts up his comodo and off he goes it gets to his son and he throws himself on his son's neck and weeps that he has come back now what is going on here this kid didn't ask for forgiveness this kid didn't repent Jesus is still telling this story before the cross something's wrong something's missing you know it's missing we not we need us some good old-fashioned fair the Lord that's what we need we need a good whooping somebody needs a whooping right here we got two excellent opportunities to bring some whooping pass them both up so confusing it's so confusing when heaven doesn't behave like earth it's so confusing when heaven doesn't live out my core values but but we pray this prayer don't we we pray your kingdom come your will be done which means - probably gonna have to change just sayin could be because I'm not getting the results that Heaven's getting which is love so you got to get this you got to get this that the goal is love that's the goal the goal is not Earth's justice sorry wait right there for a while some of you look like you're trying to catch up what what will it but on Facebook I know I know I know Facebook is a beautiful example of the wrong goal it's just it's just fabulous I mean consistently 24/7 and I'm just talking about the Christians I could be just talking about the pastors see we've we have this upgrade with a new covenant but we pursue the wrong goal repeatedly it's just a it's a wiring it's a habit it's it's Earth's culture inside of us it's it's it's a trick it's a deception and it comes through the deceiver deception comes through the deceiver makes sense yeah deception we are we are living in Earth's deception when we pursue the wrong goal consistently and let's go to humanity 1.0 okay Adam and Eve here you go Adam and Eve in a perfect place Adam and Eve only 100 percent of the time only no good it's all they know all they know is God's goodness from the second day were there Oh Adam and Eve ever know is the goodness of God that's it that's all they know and the serpent servants like a so all you have is goodness that's all Wow Wow you know what you need you need you a little evil that's what will complete you because you're kind of just stuck in the goodness aren't you it's just like totally stuck in God's goodness Wow Madson being Adam and Eve all you know is God's goodness and he gives you one one rule one you have one rule in your whole life one rule don't do that you can do whatever you want anytime ever okay one thing you can't do you got to have a rule if you're gonna have a ruler there's no other way to communicate that he's the leader he's the boss he's the king one rule we'll do it here it is one all you got is goodness goodness goodness goodness oh my goodness oh you have all day you can't get away from it there's one way just mess it up one way and the devil serpent says God's afraid God's afraid that if you get you some evil you'll be like him they already were they already were like him they're creating this image surrounded in his goodness they are just like him they can see him they can know him they can fellowship with them they get him I get you God I so get you you're good right and the devil says you're missing out on some evil that's what's wrong with you and that's what we're really round you out to a god like this he's still doing that today he's still doing it to this very day oh don't tell me you're all good are you all good and that's it that's all yours is all good why are you missing out you need some pain you need some fear you need some shame to really get the full experience of life you need you some evil and what happens one rule one rule just to show that he's the ruler and here we all sit in our clothes [Laughter] because we know what happened right we know what happens you got one thing you can do to mess this up [Laughter] and so the trick if you do this you'll be like god is a deception because that's not what happened at all if you do this you will switch governments you had one rule to demonstrate that he was Lord to you and you got rid of it you broke it and you switched governments this is adultery adultery such a big deal because you're switching governments you made a covenant you made a covenant you made a governmental covenant and when you when you break it you've switched governments this idolatry idolatry was the same thing so Adam switches governments in the garden and now his governor his ruler is the serpent and now you won't become more like God you will become more like the serpent and now Adam puts on display inhumanity 1.0 mankind's dirt meant mankind's journey to be his own ruler I want to make up the rules so I can be the ruler I want to be God I want to be God and that's where that came from and that's where the enemy got it the enemy did the same thing I want to be God and so sitting in the heart of humanity 1.0 is I want to be God I'll go to church I'll be the pastor but I want to be God I'll make the rules I'll protect myself with rules I'll protect myself with punishing people who break my precious rules I will be the ruler because I am God there's got heavy all of a sudden didn't it wow that's got heavy awesome and when you catch something here because humanity 1.0 is mankind trying to be God and as a result Constance hey we got to get these guys out of here they cannot partake of the Tree of Life and get locked in this forever get them out of here them and their God and what to figure something else out and we will see something something terrible happens is Adam breaks the rule changes rulers and is afraid he's naked he's shamed we're in all of Adams experiences with God did he ever one time find anything to be afraid of he didn't he only had goodness that's all he knew was goodness it's from the enemy that he learned to be afraid I was naked I heard you coming as naked and afraid Adam Adam who told you that you were vulnerable who told you you could be destroyed who told you you were unprotected who told you you were uncovered did you break that one rule it's you trade governments do you have a new ruler Adam [Music] and now Adam and Eve when they look at God they look through the Serpent's eyes at God this is humanity 1.0 I see God through the Serpent's eyes and so I interpret everything I experience and everything I read and everything I am taught I view it through the Serpent's eyes and this is the great perversion the great perversion is to twist who God is from good to scary and then just build a case build a case build a case that my father is a Punisher my father is it is a angry God doesn't like people God cares more about his rules than he cares about people and so this picks up a lot of momentum this picks up a lot of territory this picks up a lot of history and we we forget who he is and he went when Jesus has this woman at his feet and there's no blood of Jesus to wash her clean there's no repentance for her to offer there's no cross and he just don't do that again it's confusing Michael a minute wait a minute this has been a good place for some fear of the Lord right here fear the lord of the lightning bolt right there something I don't know it's maybe Jesus could like to turn her into a pile of ash hmm something as son comes over the the ridge oh there's my son cloud see by now most people and I'd say most Christians could not tell you the difference between the fear of the Lord and the fear of being punished by the Lord probably couldn't tell you the difference it's the same thing I means the same thing and this is that twist this is that that perspective twist that we look at God through the deceiver the ruler of this planet in God and all his goodness he he has created us to be this this integrated whole being he says it over and over and over you know I pray that you would be one that you would be one that you would be integrated as one that you would have this Shalom this peace of God that would guard your heart and your mind that that you would be protected by God's goodness to you that's the that's the original creation body soul and spirit that's who you are you're safe you're you got you have authority you have provision you're loved Shalom be whole be blessed be prosperous be healthy this is this is who God is inviting us to but the punishment paradigm the taking apart the introducing fear the separating off of yourself from yourself the confusion that comes the the ruling from the outside the the the neglect of love when you don't need love to have a relationship you have a law-based experience nobody's going to the DMV and feeling the love right nowwhat because there's no love - required to have a relationship with the DMV it is a law based experience nobody calls the IRS and feels the love no love required as a matter of fact you're scared when you interact with it IRS hey gosh how are you gonna how badly are you going to punish me how much anxiety do I need to brace myself for interacting with the IRS punishment paradigm is really man's attempt to protect himself as the ruler and so I keep people afraid to cross me people afraid of my authority people afraid of my power to hurt them but that's all coming from this this addiction that we have to preserving ourselves one of the things you don't hardly ever see on refrigerator magnets uh I don't know does he still have Christian bookstores I remember Christian bookstores I mean they were like you know they were like Christian Home Depot or something you like he was walking like Costco Christian Costco you like walk oh my god so much amazing stuff in here oh look at that plaque never seen a plaque like that before either they go buy it as a gift well there weren't very many refrigerator magnets that that had this promise he who tries to save his own life will lose it but that is probably what's running the deepest in our programming in humanity 1.0 is try to save your own life try to stay making the rules and so we end up with a a broken spot that is is classically running in humans that keep cycling through the punishment paradigm and it comes from believing that you have to protect yourself from God he's either a scary master or he doesn't care about you so you're either a slave or an orphan or both and that's where you start humanity 1.0 starts with I am a slave I am a servant I am an orphan I am in this by myself I am here to survive and as a result I end up with with the core belief that nobody is worthy of love nobody is worthy of love all have fallen short and all will continue to fall short I really don't have any value for life starting with myself love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul love your neighbor as you love yourself it all ties together and when you disintegrate it when you when you tear it apart when you try to just love yourself but you don't love other people you don't love God but you're trying to love somebody else this all comes apart I don't love me I don't value me I don't love God I don't value God now maybe I go to church maybe I go to church but I'm still cycling through the orphaned heart I'm still cycling through I am a slave I am powerless something out there is powerful I am powerless so I live in a constant state of fear punishment I'm gonna be in trouble by somebody I'm sure I'm sure God is upset with me again he's been with me all day I couldn't hide anywhere he saw me I'm in trouble when I get home I'm in someone you wait till your father gets home or you wait you get home to your father well however this works I'm in trouble I'm in trouble because I know that I've fallen short again and I know that I'm really unworthy I'm just unworthy unloved unn accepted and that's that's warring inside of me I go to church did I mention that part I go to church and so what do I do I I try to avoid all the punishment I can Boyd hi I'll tell you what I'm like I'm a good boy I'm a good boy I'm a small target I'll do whatever you want me to do what you want me to do okay I did it I'm doing it I'll do it again I'm just gonna avoid I'm just don't want to be in trouble I know I deserve it but I don't want it I'm gonna be I'm gonna make up all the rules and who cares about your rules you're not my boss who made you my boss you're not my boss I don't have a boss I'm the boss I make up the rules or it's punished I punish everybody who doesn't use their blinker when they change lanes people like that shouldn't even be allowed to drive idiot crazy person shut the lights off close the door pick your stuff up tired of being stuck on a planet with people and this is all what's going on for me to try to just save me for me to not be the one on the receiving end of the punishment but the New Covenant is what changes this whole thing that new covenant that brings about repentance it changes the whole thing all of a sudden I could see God again I can actually see him oh my gosh he's good and he loves me and I'm his kid and he loves me all day oh look at me I just pooped my pants and he loves me how is that possible how is it possible that I made this kind of a mess and I'm still a dearly loved child of God all day probably gonna happen again tomorrow [Music] see this is identity identity is working under the surface without you even knowing about it but I can tell you what your identity is just by how you respond to other people's mistakes I tell you what will come up when you are a dearly loved son or daughter and there's and there's a mistake that you made or somebody else made we will be dealing with this we will this not okay that thing you did hurt scared people not okay and you were dearly loved and we're gonna find a way to work this out nothing changes whether you're loved nothing changes whether you're worthy nothing changes whether you're part of the family and now I'm no longer motivated by the fear of punishment now I'm not making decisions based on will I get in trouble if I get caught will I be in trouble if I get caught I'm not gonna do it because if I did it and got caught I'd be in trouble so that's why I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna cheat on my wife because if I did and I got caught I'd be in trouble feel the love honey coz that's love right there in that love I didn't cheat on my wife for fifty years doesn't mean you love her it just means that you were trying to preserve yourself they're different and they feel different they experience different they live different well you broke my heart and I didn't kill you because I love you and I would have went to prison now I know that no matter how big a mess you make how many times you poop your pants you're loved I love you I got to figure out a way to help keep the love on and to find a place of restoration that's who I am that's what I'm gonna do that's what Jesus is showing everybody in these stories he's not showing them the rules the Pharisees are saying look at the rules that she broke and Jesus is saying look at the father who loves her look at my father who loves her you show us the rules I'll show you my father and so here we are this is what we're doing here is we are showing the world our Father and are we seeing our father through the Serpent's eyes or we seeing our father as he is because we're we're gonna show the world our Father we are there's just no getting around it just who is it interesting the way they you know notice they didn't just walk up to Jesus and stab him in the heart you know who's gonna kill the son of man there you go boom he's over know why cuz Jesus on the cross is literally reintegrating us what what the enemy has disassembled disintegrated us with Jesus has come to reintegrate us so Jesus has to be punished body soul and spirit he has to suffer and I say a53 he has to go through all these sufferings to pay for and to regather up our wholeness so that we can actually get to love and the way that we get to love is what humanity 2.0 is and that is repentance it starts with repentance not confession not confession repentance the new covenant does not work if there's no repentance for all of you who were scared about all that restoration talk I was talking about what about what about what about what about what about what if they don't repent number one scary question I get whenever I talk about this stuff is what if they don't repent come back tomorrow I'll tell you but this new covenant this 2.0 starts with repent and now I see the target now you see my father for who he really is now I see through his eyes him he is my ruler he'll be the one giving me the next row which is reconciliation oh but I didn't make the mistake it wasn't me that broke the rule it wasn't me that scared everybody wasn't me that hurt everybody wasn't me it was them I'm the victim here I'm the protector here I'm the protector I'll protect everybody from that bad guy I'm the protector or I need to be protected sooo I am no no here's what happens when I repent when I turn and I am looking with godly sorrow at what I have done I am now I'm gonna go to work on whatever whatever orphan slave thing I got going on in here is getting addressed my need to be the ruler my need to preserve myself all that's getting worked on as I go about cleaning up my mess towards reconciliation but repentance opens the door for reconciliation the person who has been offended the person who has been sinned against now has to repent that's not fair I didn't do anything are you doing it now you're doing it now with your unforgiveness you're doing it now with your bitterness and your judgment you're doing it now and so repentance actually reveals everyone's heart this is a beautiful thing this wood is so awesome about this stuff because we think there's just one person that messed up we think there's just one person that has to suffer no no no when one part of the body suffers we're all going through it when a leader falls when a leader breaks your heart and repents it reveals your heart and so what do we do we take a leader okay confess get up there and confess tell everybody what you did tell him tell him how many times with who did we get a video of this confession good all right okay everybody I just want you to know the situation is under control we got this we're gonna take them away to pasture restoration Siberia which is really out back to the church okay none of you have to deal with your hearts none of you will have to repent all of you get to remain afraid you're welcome none of you have to grow in love the imagine of a family worked like that Oh where's daddy where's daddy how come daddy's not here oh honey he got a speeding ticket on the way home from work today he's not our daddy anymore where's Billy oh he wet the bed last night we're getting a new brother in the morning though now see families struggle families struggle through repentance and reconciliation families struggle this is what makes this crazy family love that we have you know say whatever you want about whoever but don't you ever say that about my sister I'll repent later first I'm gonna punish you it is crazy love for our family members because we've worked through so much anybody have children yeah as people have been trying to kill you since they met you right they're just trying to suck all the life out of you since they met you oh look at you mommy haven't slept with a month since I was born that's too bad come here I'm hungry oh oh and uh you got stuff in your bed now it's not gonna get easier it just gets more challenging anybody have adult children I rest my case these people are at work you'll be begging for the babies oh yeah give me that baby I can just move it we are here to be loved champions that's why we're here that's what we're doing on earth we are at the love gym a day and night but we got to repent we got to be facing the right direction and now we're pursuing reconciliation and in reconciliation it restores the standard it restores the standard of family it restores the standard of relationship of love and walking in reconciliation is literally what restores us it's like we're on this ascension in in in our destiny and then boom we hit this thing and we go down to this bottom and repent and come back up and we're we're reconciled in our a sent back to where God had us and we carry on and forgiveness this clips that bag out it goes away it's like it didn't even happen and restoration is the continuing in your destiny that's how this family works I don't know if you've been in a family where maybe you've been in a marriage where somebody doesn't forgive maybe it was your first marriage because marriage where somebody doesn't forgive is a miserable place to be because there's lots of ways to be powerfully selfish in a marriage and to hurt each other and so repentance and reconciliation restoration go on all day in a marriage but if somebody doesn't forgive they invite anxiety into the relationship the enemy of love there won't be a working out of this there'll be just nothing but memories that you've failed oh yeah yeah I like that time you remember remember 10 years ago when you did that thing yeah I remember anything remember 9 years ago when you did that thing - and the remember nine and a half years ago in between those two times I remember she there'll be no love in that they'll beam there'll be no experience of love and and if you think you're getting married to a perfect person how surprised are you huh how surprised are you right now oh my gosh you can't even believe it and if you think you've been to a church with a perfect leader or a perfect staff or perfect anybody how disappointed are you and if you thought you were perfect how deluded are you right no no it's all repentance it's all repentance reconciliation restoration God works all things together for how good he does it over and over and over why because he's so good that's what he does for a living once I am I my youngest son Taylor I'll end with this I don't know what time we're supposed to be done a long time ago don't even play my youngest son Taylor was he was always my social life he was always the one that was at a friend's house Ben and I you know you'd be moved in a herd with other kids you know and he turned 16 so he's got a car I never like I thought we had three children do we only have two children because it seems like Worth and we're like Taylor where are you come here hey so he's he's just like wow he's just so happy to have a car well one night I was sick sick sick sick and I was up and I went out into the living room and I walked by his room and his door was open and there was nobody in there so I checked the time it was after midnight he was supposed to be home that's his son don't know if he realized it's after midnight but I miss you and I was you know in and out of consciousness for the rest of the night I text him one other time should I call the police or you on your way home Oh Siri comes out in the morning I was sleeping on the on the couch and it's his tailor in his room she looks he's not there it's a tailor didn't come home last night okay you know those things that each of your children decide let's be the first one to introduce this to mom and dad you know well this is Taylor Taylor's like this was his job because none of the other kids did it Taylor's like Oh got it I got that one I'll do that so sherry ends up driving around to Taylor's friends houses knocking on the door on the Saturday morning 7 o'clock waken parents up in households up pretty soon there is a network of people looking for Taylor all over town and Sherry's home I'm home about eight o'clock Taylor walks in I my phone died great what'd you give that to me and your keys thank you what there was there was no charger there was no there was nobody else had a phone there was no possible way I couldn't have got it in my car and just came home I know I know probably so I don't sleep at my cousin's house I know so mister I fell asleep slept all day [Laughter] [Applause] and sometime in there you know early afternoon 1 o'clock or so he comes out of his room and just his underwear looks like a prisoner of war I look at him and I thought that is not the kid I want to talk to you know he goes back to his room and then a couple hours later the our phone rings but the back remember when the phones used to hang on the wall and had a cord on them and stuff yeah you couldn't go you couldn't take it anywhere it was like well that phone rang like I would give me that phone worked and it's one of Taylor's buddies it's like dude whose phone warden has been by her tail ago oh oh that's today look I think of to his room and what his friend has just informed him of is tonight at 7 o'clock they're having a halo tournament and so they have teams so him and his buddy of t-shirts and there's all these kids a hundred kids coming to this halo comp you know this thing contest thing it's a tears like oh my oh so he comes out of his room hey Dad a mom love you mom [Applause] hey Dad I was wondering if we could talk and I'm thinking this is the kid I want to talk oh yeah is this my boy I say sure we have got saved go back sitting there and got us I just wanna say I'm sorry for what Oh her out coming home oh why does it matter if you come home oh you love me home you said you know there's a rule I I didn't come home I'm sorry oh why would it bother me she didn't come home I don't know because I'm supposed to be home because you don't know where I was and that worries you well I don't know today I don't know what you're apologizing for it sounds like you're not sure what you're apologizing for either well I'm sorry I just wanted to say I'm sorry as well I was trying to do I was trying to say I'm sorry you know I I I didn't come home like you said and I should have and and I I could have just drove home from my cousin's house i I didn't why is that a problem why are you doing this boy I feel like I'm one of those people in your office and you're doing that [Applause] and right through the lawyer I've been trying to get this nonprofit lawyer to help me with this loving our purpose way back we're trying to get it going and I said hey I gotta take this call I'll be right back so I go take the Conn to talk the go talk to the lawyer and then Taylor goes in his room with his brother you know Levi LexA Domingos you were raised in this timeline you know what he wants [Applause] you want you to clean up your mess and Taylor sitting there like rocky on [Applause] so I sit on the couch and Taylor comes out of his brother's room can I talk to you again sure sure so you go out back I go all right what'd you want to talk about I I don't really know what you want for me I I want to know I really do want to clean up my mess but I just have no idea what you're trying to get me to say I so okay well taken I say can I tell you how I'm experiencing you yeah yeah I don't know how this happened but I feel like you care about everything besides me and mom I somehow on your list of 20 things that are important to you we're down here at the bottom and last night was just a demonstration of how little value you you have in your decisions for us you think that I experienced that last night you think you don't matter to me that's how it feels well that is not true you a mom were the most important people in my life I can't believe you feel like that oh I'm sorry for that I'm sorry that you I would ever send you that message I don't you are the most important people in my life it's okay and that will never happen again I appreciate that thank you did you want your keys in your phone repentance reconciliation restoration this is the new covenant is how it works most of us are not very practiced in it Jesus denies Christ three times Jesus what'd I say you know what I meant flip that I saw I saw a cartoon recently where Peter is guarding Jesus and he's swatting the ball out of Jesus trying to take a shot in the caption said and Peter denied Jesus three times Peter denied Jesus three times okay I thought this was a Bible teaching Church and Peter's so ashamed of himself he is so disqualifying himself he is no longer a disciple how do we know that because when Jesus comes out of the tomb he tells Mary telleth the disciples and Peter that I have raised from the dead and then he goes to Peter he says Peter do you love me yes Peter do you love me I said yeah Peter do you love me you killing me here you killing me here yes I love you and it would have been awesome if a rooster crowed right there because then we could see what Jesus was doing he was help he went to bring repentance an opportunity for repentance to Peter to be reconciled to be restored and Peter doesn't go to pasture restoration Siberia we got to get good at this but it comes from practice you know it's like Portuguese you don't just go with Randy one time and come back and go oh go cuz it doesn't take you very far you know mice mice BOGO you're like oh that sounds like you're hurting little rodents okay let's stand up I just I just want to bring it to the surface the the priority of love that's what is what we're doing it doesn't work without repentance our goal really is reconciliation to be restored that's that's it that's what we're doing over and over and over and if you've been a believer for a while and you think that you don't need to repent anymore let's just make an opportunity for you to repent right now because we're human beings on this planet and maybe maybe we become less aware of what we've been forgiven but it doesn't change the fact that we are quick to repent and reconcile to be restored that's what we're that's were all about and just as the Pharisee who was the oldest he was the most aware we we stop we stop repenting I don't know where we got permission to do that didn't come from heaven it's our most intimate relationships that take it them up it's not gonna not gonna stop parents tend to be blown away when their kids go you hurt me for a very long time what I was an awesome dad you were a jerk you were hard to get along with you put us through hard times huh it's keeping your head keeping your character love and then practice practice practice right even if you have a incredible need to be right all the time Bible teaching churches attract people who have an innate need to be right and you know and and you usually are which makes it worse however you got here however you got to that spot we are not it's not about being right and getting justice it's about love it's about love or bring in the kingdom amen all right put your hand on your heart Holy Spirit please come and mentor us in love at a whole new level teach us guide us convict us remind us counsel us heal us when I pray right now that even as you came to Peter and gave him a gift to repent that Judas could not find you gave the gift to Peter lord I pray that you give us a gift tonight of repentance and as we walk out of this place that our hearts are tender that we are looking for places that may need reconciliation and restoration but help us with step one in repentance and though we bless you and we thank you and we pray that our lives bring glory to you in Jesus name Amen
Channel: New Life City
Views: 9,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Albuquerque, New Mexico, Christianity, Charismatic Church, Spirit and Word
Id: e4ar7-xg4to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 29sec (5429 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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