Inscryption's Final Secret: The Console ARG

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Like I mentioned in my last video, there is a  secret in Inscryption that has been hidden in   the game for months, and the reason it hasn’t  been found yet is because it’s exclusive to   the console version of the game. And for the  past few months, the Inscryption community   has been putting their heads together trying  to figure out what this secret is, and after   all this time, it’s finally been solved! And so in this video I wanted to break down   the puzzles and walk through everything  in the Inscryption Console ARG. And I’ll   start with a quick recap of my last video to get  everyone up to speed on how this all started.   So as a frame of reference, Inscryption was  released on console in August 2022 for the   PS4 and PS5, and this was when this  secret was first introduced. However,   for whatever reason, it remained  completely hidden until it was   mentioned by Daniel Mullins in  an interview in November 2022,   where he was asked if there was anything left  in Inscryption that hadn’t been found yet.   “Normally, my answer for this is always no, but  I will say, because it still hasn’t been found,   there is something that’s unique  to the console versions.”   But even though the community  knew there was something there,   it still took months to figure out where to even  begin hunting for this secret. And it wasn’t until   February of 2023 that something suspicious was  discovered during the Archivist fight in Act 3.   So the Archivist fight works a bit different on  console. Unlike the PC version, the Archivist   on console doesn’t use files from your own hard  drive. Instead, Luke Carder’s hard drive is used,   and on it there are some easter eggs,  fanart, and all of Luke’s other files. But,   tucked away in his screenshots folder, there’s  this image called seems_important.png. And if   you select it, it’ll display it on P03’s  face. And it’s a little hard to see,   but it shows a dialog box from the Woodcarver with  a bunch of X’s separated into three sections. And   this should look familiar if you’re aware  of any of the other Daniel Mullins ARGs   or secret hunts that have happened in the past. This group of X’s is a cipher and we can use it to   decode something that’s encrypted. The only issue  is that we need to find where to use it first.   Luckily, there’s only one place in the console  version of Inscryption where you can type in text,   and that’s when you’re naming your deathcard  during Act 1. And you can only use a maximum   of 16 characters for a deathcard name, which  is conveniently the exact length of this cipher   that was found. So, if you put this cipher in  as the name of your deathcard, the screen will   glitch out, the card name will change, and  the stats change to a 0 / 3 with no sigils.   And in addition to this, after you put this  code in, certain NPC’s will have additional   dialog for you. Goobert in Act 1, the Pike  Mage in Act 2, and the Mycologists in Act 2   will all now have new dialog that’s totally  scrambled and completely unreadable.   So what this tells us is that we’re attempting to  decode this dialogue from these NPCs by putting   in that code at the deathcard. And clearly  all these X’s are not the correct code,   so we’re going to need to replace these X’s with  something else. And that, for the most part,   was where the community was when I made my last  video a couple weeks ago. We knew we needed to   replace these X’s. We just weren’t sure what to  replace them with. But since then, there has been   a ton of collaboration between the Inscryption  community and this whole hunt has been solved!   So let’s figure out what  to replace these X’s with! Our cipher is divided up into three sections,  which indicates that there are three separate   puzzles we need to find and those puzzles  will tell us what to replace these X’s   with. Unfortunately though, there were no  hints as to where these puzzles might be,   so the community was scouring over every corner  of the game trying to find these puzzles,   but nothing was found for a while. That was until Daniel Mullins gave a very   helpful hint. He mentioned that some of the  puzzles use features that are exclusive to   the Playstation version of the game. And looking  into it a little, the only exclusive Playstation   features are one’s involving the controller. The  lightbar, the speaker, and the haptics on the   controller are all used to enhance the Inscryption  experience on Playstation, and it looks like   they were also used to hide some secrets. And sure enough, a little after this hint was   given, the community found that if you stand next  to the flickering box in P03’s Factory in Act 3,   the controller lights will also begin to flicker  on and off in a repeating pattern. And what was   interesting about this was that the controller  flickering didn’t match the lights coming from   the box. So, if we translate this light pattern  using Morse Code, it comes out to say JAMES,   which fits in either the first or third section  of our cipher. But since this was found in Act 3,   the community placed JAMES in the third  section and theorized that the other   two puzzles were in Act 1 and Act 2. And so, with a little more searching,   it was quickly found in Act 1 that there is  another Morse Code message that can be decoded   in a very specific spot in the game. In the final  moments of Act 1 after you grab the camera from   Leshy and take a picture of him, if you stand in  the far right corner and face the New Game card,   your controller will begin to vibrate and repeat  a message in Morse Code…which when decoded comes   out to say PARTS, which is five characters  long. So we can put PARTS in our first section,   and that just leaves us with the puzzle in Act 2. And this one took the longest to find out of all   them, mainly because it was just really easy to  miss. It was hidden within P03’s boss fight. At   some point in this fight, P03 will play  the Melter card, and if you damage the   Melter card, the speaker on the Playstation  controller will play this audio. “PAIN”.   The audio’s a little hard to hear, but it  says PAIN. I’ll explain later why the Melter   card reacts this way, but for now, we have  the final piece of our puzzle with PAIN.   And so with a completed cipher of  PARTS|PAIN|JAMES, the community quickly   found that when you put it in at the deathcard, it  decodes into JAMES COBB. Now, this is a completely   new name that doesn’t really lead us anywhere at  the moment, but we at least know this is decoded   correctly because it’s not just gibberish,  and this should mean that the dialogue from   the other NPCs has also been decoded. And sure enough, in Act 1 if we have our   newly created JAMES COBB deathcard in our deck  and we go talk to Goobert, he’ll say this:   “That deathcard…in your deck…painful memories. His  trial? Quite unusual. Parts of his body…morphed!   Transformed! Even stranger? He enjoyed  it! But the master could not allow that…”   So Goobert clearly recognizes this James Cobb in  our deck. Apparently they were once a follower of   Magnificus who went a little too far. They were  morphing and transforming into something else   and Magnificus was not ok with that and threw  them out. And that’s all we get from Goobert,   but maybe we’ll learn more from the other NPCs. And heading over to the Pike Mage in Act 2, she’ll   now say to us: “To soothe the pain I imagine how  things could be worse…like that Mage who came   before me. A Ruby Mage like me! But Magnificus  got rid of him. He even got The Blue Man involved.   The deal was that The Master has to find someone  with a use for the poor sap. Making NPCs isn’t   cheap and all that. The name’s Amber by  the way. Now, back to my meditations.”   So this expands a little more on the story we  heard from Goobert earlier. James Cobb was a   Ruby Mage until Magnificus removed him. But  we learn some additional info here. Mainly,   that the Blue Man was involved with removing  James Cobb. And this is referring to Irving,   the AI assistant for Gameworks from another Daniel  Mullins’ game, The Hex. Irving was also involved   in the development of Inscryption too, but here we  find that he had struck a deal with Magnificus. If   Magnificus could find someone else who would  take James Cobb in, then Irving would happily   create another NPC to replace James Cobb. So, it  looks like Magnificus did find someone that had a   use for James Cobb, because he now has the Pike  Mage instead, and her name is Amber by the way.   This isn’t really super important to the story,  but it’s cool that we finally know her name!   But who did Magnificus find that had a use for  James Cobb? Well maybe we’ll find out at our last   NPC, the Mycologists. If we talk to them, they’ll  say: “James Cobb? We…we…we operated on him. Oh… oh   no. The Scanner doesn’t do flesh so we worked  on him. But…he volunteered? 25% bot, 54% bot,   75%...Mm. That’s when he started to get crazy.” So it looks like P03 was the one who took James   Cobb in, but P03’s Scanner wouldn’t accept James  Cobb’s flesh. So the Mycologists kept operating   on James, and transformed him piece by piece  into a bot. And when James’ body was 75% bot,   his mind began to decay and he started going mad. And that’s all we know at the moment. These three   NPCs have all shed a little bit of light on who  this James Cobb is. But while I was reading,   you probably also noticed that there were  certain characters surrounded by parentheses   in their dialogue. If we pull all of these  out, we get 8 characters. Unfortunately,   these 8 characters don’t really get us anywhere  at the moment. If you put them through different   cipher decoders, it really doesn’t come up with  anything useful. So maybe there’s just something   we’re missing? Something we’ve been overlooking? So let’s go back to the deathcard. There’s one   element there that’s been overlooked across all  this. The stats on the card. Every time the James   Cobb deathcard is created, it becomes a 0 attack,  3 health card with no sigils. This had to mean   something, so the community did some investigating  and eventually this led to the card creation   sequence in Act 3. If you create a 0 attack, 3  health card with no sigils using P03’s scanner,   once you get up from the table, a message will  display on the terminal next to the scanner.   This message is a log entry from P03 and it says:  “Log 27.3. My OP card creation continues. Reached   75% bot. Still wasn’t scanning so we put his  head in the Melter. Popped a new head on top.   I thought I was lagging when I saw what happened  next. Not killed. Still had his memories…his   soul? Asked him his name and he shot  a pattern into my factory floor…”   So it looks like even at 75% bot, P03’s  scanner was still not able to scan James   Cobb into a card. So P03 did what anybody  would do, and ripped James’ head clean off,   tossed it in the Melter, and slapped a gun on  top instead. And this explains why that audio   came from the Melter earlier. It was actually  James Cobb’s head which is somehow still alive.   It even explains why the Melter turns into a  Meatbot when defeated, it’s James’ head.   But somehow even though his head had been  removed, James’ body still retained its memories,   and when P03 asked for his name, he  shot it into the factory floor.   And we’ll come back to that shortly, but you  probably also noticed again that there were   some more letters in parentheses. And pulling  these out gives us “yek”, which brings us to a   total of 11 characters. And you know what also is  11 characters long? Youtube video Ids! So if you   go to that specific video on Youtube, you’ll find  the video ??-?? by gw_archive_private, and you’ll   immediately see the words Plasma Jimmy on the  floor. And this must be that pattern that James   Cobb shot into P03’s floor. And so with this, we  find out that James Cobb is now going by the name   of Plasma Jimmy. And in case you don’t remember,  Plasma Jimmy was a card you could get in Act 2.   It was this goofy little gun guy that let you  spend energy to shoot cards across from it.   But the rest of this video just plays the credits  to Inscryption with the song “Waiting for a Train”   by Jimmie Rogers playing, which I can’t play  because I’ll get copyright claimed. But with   the credits rolling, this marks the end of this  secret hunt and the end of James Cobb’s story.   He was once a follower of Magnificus, but after  being kicked out and having his head replaced   with a gun, he now serves P03 as Plasma Jimmy!  And who knows, maybe we’ll see Plasma Jimmy   again in a future game somewhere down the line? Either way, I had a lot of fun putting this all   together and I hope you found it as interesting  as I did! But that’ll be it from me for now,   I should be making some more videos in the future  like maybe finally getting the Hex ARG video done.   I’ll also be streaming and playing a bunch of  different games on my other channel Flembons. I’m   a lot more active on that channel, so if streams  sound interesting to you, you should check that   out! But again, thank you for watching! I hope  you enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next one!
Channel: Flemmonade
Views: 369,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inscryption, ARG, Secret Hunt, Daniel Mullins, Karnoffel, Inscryption ARG, Inscryption Console ARG, Inscryption secrets, Inscryption secret, Inscryption playstation secret, inscryption switch secret, arg, plasma jimmy, james cobb, inscryption console arg, inscryption console secret, inscryption james cobb, inscryption plasma jimmy, plasma jimmy arg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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