Inscryption Story Explained

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[Music] this video is already twice the length i wanted it to be so we're skipping the intro and getting straight into this although i will say one thing before we start inscription is a great game with some major twists if you're interested in playing the game do not watch this video come back after you've beaten it as we're going over everything this game's story has to offer minus some of the arg stuff so if you've already played it or don't have any intentions to continue on act one we begin our journey yet as we open the game the new game button is locked and we're forced to click on the continue button instead we find ourselves in a dark cabin as two eyes open as if awakened from a long slumber this is leshi lord of the beasts and one of four scribes although we'll get into what that means later without even pausing for introductions we immediately start playing his card game the rules are simple each turn we draw a card and may place as many as we want with the only restriction being its blood cost requiring as many creatures to be sacrificed as its blood cost so a wolf with a blood cost of two takes two creatures to be sacrificed before it can be played to win a battle we must deal more damage to our opponent than they deal to us tipping the scale in our favor each victory lets us move our piece another step forwards and each loss blows out one of our candles this continues until reaching the end of the map where we fight one of three bosses for the boss fights leslie will put on a mask and act out a woodland character to fight you from the prospector hungry for gold to the angler never taking a break from fishing these aren't the only characters he plays out either there's the trapper the woodcarver the traitor and more all played by lashi all furthering his world that we play in our cards consist of everyday forced creatures but one stands out the stoit he straight up talks to us asking for help to escape however leshi is always watching and immediately shuts down the conversation with no other choices we continue playing his game in the end we don't stand a chance our candles will be snuffed out and we will lose leshi reaches out to us and the room fades to black we awaken and see leshi standing in front of us before finishing us off he allows us to create a memento using the cards in our deck even allowing us to name it the title of a true warrior he praises our card and asks for us to stay still so that he may create the portrait so many questions why are we here why was beginning a new game not an option what are leshi's goals with this game of his and why is the fair talking [ __ ] to us well we'll just have to wait and see but for now we're left with no choice but to continue playing leshi's game over and over again each time getting slightly stronger being able to use the portraits we create each death in the following runs leshi also introduces many more mechanics as we go all with a single connection each and every one of them require sacrifice there's the first and most blatant use of sacrifice in the first mechanic blood costs where we have to sacrifice creatures to put down other more powerful creatures then the next one obtaining the pliers item giving you the ability to pull your own teeth out and add them to the scale tipping it in our favor another creature summoning one is bones creatures with a bone cast instead of a blood one require a certain amount of your own creatures to have already died to be played and finally an upgraded version of the pliers the knife which lets you cut out your own eye in exchange for a massive tip in the scales i don't think i could ever describe leshi as a kind person but he does have the courtesy to let us walk around his small cabin while we're not in the middle of a battle while doing this we find a multitude of different puzzles giving extra cards bonuses and a talking beetle this beetle and the stoits seem to know each other and both want to get us to get all of them out of this game but to do that they say we'll need the help of the wolf the only one who can bring things back to normal however with no way to find him we keep playing as we play we continue to learn more and more about the game as well as learning more about lashi and his mannerisms leshi cares for nothing more than his game he cares not for the pain you go through as you tear out your teeth nor for the fear of the creatures being played who can quite literally be seen shaking in fear as you pick one to sacrifice with no more than the switch of a wooden mask he is able to completely change the atmosphere his speech and mannerisms all to enhance his game however he can and does crack when beating a boss too quickly he gets angry that he wasn't able to show off the genius of its mechanics and summons a board full of powered up bears instantly ending that run showing not just how much he enjoys the game but how much he wants you to see and appreciate it after dying once again we are treated to a small scene before returning to the cabin we see a green man of sorts who has painted the answer to one of the riddles inside of the cabin it seems we have a benefactor not only that but in one brief moment the context of the entire game changes when we hear someone outside the game say whoa in reaction to the scene it would seem that we are not the true player instead simply spectators to the one actually playing the game alas there's not much we can do with this knowledge yet so the story continues with no choice but to continue playing or rather watch someone play we do so and eventually we make it all the way to lushy's cabin itself we approach and our perspective changes to that of our token on the board as we draw near as she reaches down and gives us a chance to receive two boons raising our chances of winning the coming fight leshi's outline glows against the reflection of the moon and we enter the cabin and so the final duel begins as well as blowing out one of our candles he pulls out another one for himself after all if he loses here it's all over for him he cycles through his masks using abilities from past bosses all the while pummeling us with rare creatures if we still manage to out damage him we'll be brought to the next phase where the crowds we've been making turn against you and attack oddly there are also some characters that we never saw created meaning that whoever is playing the game right now is not the first one who has tried to beat leshi regardless we still manage to defeat the past warriors of course we can they were not strong enough to beat leshi but this deck is and so we reached the final phase leshi starting to get ward begins to care less and less about the atmosphere of his game and more about winning so he turns around to the moon shining down outlining his form and captures it in a photo placing down his final trump card we've overcome many challenges already and this one is no different we keep hammering away and eventually even the moon falls and we win we defeat leshi the man playing the game talks once again excited to actually have beat leishi and knocks over the camera he was using to record while he sets it back up we're treated to a bunch of videos made by him the person who's playing and recording the game we'll get back to those in a minute but for now we're skipping over them and opening the game back up where leshi rewards us with the finest food his cabin has to offer congratulating us and gives us some pouting wards we come with him but wait a minute this is the same place he brings us when we lose he doesn't plan on letting us go he's simply going to take another photo of us restarting the cycle once again with some quick thinking we grab his camera and take a photo of him but it's useless as it's the film that gives the camera its powers the film that we do not have we reluctantly create another portrait and he takes our photo dooming us to this game forever no matter how many times we may win determined to find a way out of this cycle we continue playing and eventually after passing by the item shop enough times we find this goo in a bottle he's just chilling however he does say we are in the process of saving his master whoever that might be at another point we get our hands on a card covered in static showing some binary that translates to deep beneath when we play it it turns into a random card this is important for later the knife is a powerful tool with a heavy drawback you lose a big chunky of vision however unless she does not deem us capable of properly enjoying his game without both so if you beat a boss after taking out an eye he'll present us with a few options to get another all are relatively normal except one which glows with a blue light if you pick it our vision will be changed and we can now see writings that were invisible to us before but why is it here and whose is it with the help of this newfound vision we can see ridden on the chest find salvation in the cuckoo clock once venturing over we see that the correct hand positions have already been marked with the same invisible ink inside we find the final talking card the one who will apparently be able to turn everything back to normal the stunted wolf and behind him some film for leshi's camera at last we finally have the power to stop leshi after multiple more attempts we'll eventually go strong enough to face off against leishi once again and with some luck manage to defeat him again he congratulates us then gets us in position for our photo but this time we're ready we take his camera insert the film and snap [Applause] after defeating lashi we can finally see that behind us were bodies all of the same person meaning not only in real life but in the world of the game it's been the same person playing leishi's game the whole time unless she was more than aware only acting otherwise to enrich his game world so uh how did he know i don't really care with leshi truly defeated this time we see the new game button waiting for us and we can finally start a new game but first let's go over the videos we got after beating leshi for the first time we follow luke the lucky carder through a series of videos as he opens card packs that he got at a garage sale cards for a little game called inscription a card game popular during his childhood after opening a pack that's been resealed he finds coordinates written on a card realizing that they're not too far from where he is he decides to go visit them and see what's there so he wanders over and finds a floppy disk and on that floppy disk the game inscription so we have a fist answer these videos take place right before we boot up the game and we truly have been watching luke's playthrough the entire time as we continue the story we'll continue to gain access to more of these videos but for now that's all we get and finally we're able to hit the new game button starting a new game act two the first thing was shown in this new playthrough is the true setup for this game the legend of the four scribes each with their own way to inscribe cards gamora using her quill to inscribe the epitaphs of the dead leshi using his wildlife camera to capture beasts into cards po3 using a particle scanner to copy the cpus of his robots and magnificus using his brush to paint his pupils using these abilities they solidified their power until one day a challenger arrived to replace one of them that challenger of course being whoever is currently playing the game we're given the choice between what kind of deck we want determining which scribe we'll replace but little do we know how irrelevant that choice is to get the chance to replace a scribe the player must first venture to all their respective regions beating their minions and then described themself only after doing this in all four regions will the player be able to challenge one of the scribes to replace them so our second journey begins heading off towards the forest the domain where leshi the beast master resides we arrive and quickly find ourselves at the cabin we spent oh so long in we talk to leishi but he acts like he's never met us like he's forgotten all about us after the beginning of the new game again he requires us to be the prospector angler and trapper before facing off against him but this time they're alive and well not just all the egos he gets after putting on a mask after beating them and conquering leshi for what is hopefully the last time he actually concedes seemingly unable to force us to play his games indefinitely inside of this world as we head out another scribe walks in the door po3 vehemently enjoying the scene of leshi losing he continues to say that it's no wonder we're back here again and that we would have been here sooner if the disc hadn't been lost then changes his face so it resembles that of the stoic so this is evidently very important not only does this reveal that the stoic bug and stunted wolf were the three other scribes it shows that this has already happened many times over referenced by po3 saying again it shows that leshi was for whatever reason in a position of power over the other scribes that lashi actually does remember what happened and that not just slushie but all the scribes know that they're in a game as po3 makes reference to the floppy disk they're stored on and the fact that it was hidden but how could they know that we do however get one question answered the reason some cards could talk were because they wore the scribes transformed into cards by lushy and his camera as we head out we can also find the wood cover who has some very interesting dialogue wondering what her gameplay purpose was right out of the gate this suggests that not only the scribes but all the creatures in this world are aware of the fact that they're in a game but let's keep listening she mentioned seeing something called the old data and that it corrupts everything even the disk the game is stored on leaving us with yet another question i swear i will answer these on to the next scribe grimoire scribe of the dead there's a lot less to talk about here one unique thing about her is that unlike the other scribes she wants to be replaced to be spared as she puts it it's tough to see anyone like this someone realizing that they hate the one reason they were brought into this world and wish for nothing more than for it to end it's really just too bad too bad i don't give a [ __ ] on to the next scribe po3 the scribe of technology refusing to play us with such a weak deck he sends us down the hall to get a stronger one the robots we meet all sacrifice themselves to better po3's deck all except the last one the dredger who knows that his job is far too important to sacrifice himself as we walk away he pulls something up something different than the rest of the scrap something powerful it flashes signs creatures and people clearly this was never meant to be in the game we return to po3 face off against him and defeat him but he seems strangely careless like the outcome couldn't matter less to him well i'm sure it doesn't mean anything on to the next scribe magnificus scribe of magic and torture finally someone relatable we enter his tower and find a monocle that allows us to see secret writing hmm remind you of anything exactly the same as the vision we got from the eye back with leshi meaning that the eye must have been magnificus's or at the time the stunted wolf solidified by the fact that the stunted wolf is the only one we see missing an eye to make our way up the tower we must first face magnificus's pupils first the blob we encountered back in leshi's cabin being kept in excruciating pain by magnificus then ahead implanted on a spear slowly being melted by the surrounding lava and finally a lonely wizard being kept away from any stimulation bored out of his [ __ ] mind after defeating all of the pupils we arrive at the top of the tower and see another familiar scene so now we know that magnificus not only helped us with the invisible writing but was also the one who gave us visions to help with the puzzles before talking to him we find a note meant for grimoire saying that he believes po3's plan goes beyond a mere power grab that this great transcendence he plans will have catastrophic and unpredictable results so we have even more questions anyway we face off against him when and before we leave he tells us that well as she did do terrible things while he was in power he's far from the worst thing that can happen around here you must especially be aware of oh well while luke charges up his battery we get to look at some more videos and along with them find ourselves with even more questions we watch as luke sends an email to the developers of inscription a company named game thuna he even asks all his fans about it but it seems that his digital copy of inscription is the only one in existence the developers at gamefuna eventually reply saying that he's got to return it or they will take legal action what the [ __ ] in another video we see that a woman from gamefuna actually comes to his door asking for the game back but luke denies ever having seen it and she backs off after he starts inquiring on how she got through his locked gate in the last video we can see the stress of the situation finally getting to luke as he breaks down while recording with the battery charged up we re-enter the world of the game and prepare to duel one of the scribes we pick gumor as she did ask to be replaced but when she appears she tells us that she didn't find the treasure she was looking for and so we are forced to go through another cycle what up to her she would erase us all but not today who is the lucky scribe this time po3 appears and she's clearly unhappy with who showed up but before she can do anything po3 teleports her away so we start a duel with po3 but before long he plays down this card the one he created from the special piece of scrap after another round the card acts up and the game begins to glitch the wall starts breaking down and then everything goes black act three we find ourselves in a similar setup to when we were in leishi's cabin but this time it's po3 who's running the board he struggles to make some contacts for the world one and sets us off to enact the great transcendence although he refuses to tell us what it is and so we're off po3's game resembles leches quite a bit with a few differences for one he cannot act like i'm talking tommy wiseau levels here no it's not true don't even ask so much so that when we run into characters on the board he runs entire other programs and just lets them be themselves secondly there are now checkpoints po3 wants us to defeat the four uberbots as quickly as possible so he sets up checkpoints every so often so we don't have to restart from the beginning when we die quite the gentleman we also find the lonely wizard and angler showing that not everything from the other scribes regions are gone we venture around and face off against our first boss the photographer who uses your computer's screenshot capacity to screenshot the board then allowing us to reset to that point when in a pinch right after defeating them we make our way over to the second uberbot po3 insulting the other scribes the entire way we face off against well whoever we want to for this fight we create the boss as well as the mechanics it uses which is a really cool idea although it does allow for some really dumb things next we venture north to find po3's least favorite boss the ever chipper gauley she requires us to boot her into the internet so that she can use cards based on the real world even using your friend's list as enemies to take you down and at last the final uberbot the archivist his little gameplay twist is letting us deal damage to him depending on the file size we let him access he'll need access to our hard drive to do this but uh don't worry about it and after that we're done it's finally time to initiate the great transcendence whatever it is and the memory card is full but it's not all bad news while waiting for it to make more space we get access to more luke's videos we see as luke calls the woman who sold him the crowds to discover her daughter casey the one who had owned the cards died a long time ago he does some more research and finds that she walked with gamefuna the same company that created inscription he continues reading and finds an article detailing her death which happened on-site caused by fire-related complications luke keeps researching and while we can't see what he finds he continues to get more and more unnerved with his findings on gamefuner casey and inscription until eventually someone breaks into his house leaving this jumbled note behind that's more than enough and luke cracks breaking down in laughter as he simulates the game that has brought him so much misery luckily he manages to pull himself together enough to continue playing the game in its final hour we keep walking to the place where the great transcendence will take place only to be stopped again this time by po3 the security camera down the hall stopped working not wanting to take any risks right before the great transcendence he sends us over to check it out we go down the hall and run into good old slime doing better than ever apparently the compression of the pipes somewhat subdues the constant pain he's going through so that's nice to hear on a second far less important note the three of the scribes are here with some airtight security they managed to hide under pier 3's base put aside their differences and have come up with a plan to stop the great transcendence but to do so they'll need our help they know that if we allow po3 to think he's one he will be so elated that he'll ignore his surveillance cameras so we must continue playing his game and they will wait until the last moment where they will strike clearly still angry from po3's insults les she shines in saying that he will be the one to strike before leaving he asks again for us to go let po3 win make him feel joy so that he may snuff it out so essentially they brought us down here to say keep doing what you've already been doing and act like you never met with us good talk luckily the scribes are right so close to the finish line po3 cares not for the functionality of his cameras and urges us to continue playing so the great transcendence may begin he makes some pathetic attempts at reminiscing and we finally arrive like any good villain he is ecstatic with how well his evil plan is going and right before he completes said plan feels the need to tell us exactly what it detailed he hasn't been using the in-game character luke's been controlling to his advantage no he's been using luke himself using him to design the game allowing access to his hard drive taking screenshots from his computer and connecting it to the web to upload it all the great transcendence is a plan to publish this game all over the internet so even if po3 is not in power in some of the game's worlds he still will be in many of the thousands of other copies done is gloating he starts to upload the game but we've prepared for this leshi's eyes illuminate in the background his hands reach forwards and tear po3's head off stopping the upload we've done it we've stopped the great transcendence but that was cutting it a bit close magnificus gets us to start a new game save file to reset things once again but grimoire has a different idea she grabs the game file po3 was using to upload the game to the world and deletes everything on it inscription its save data and the old data instantly things start disappearing and the scribes lash out at grimoire for dooming them she stands by her reasoning claiming that this is freedom from their endless quarrels the game forces them to have freedom from suffering and even discounting that there are things on this disc that must die she says her goodbyes as we fall down the floor having deleted itself beneath her feet light returns and we find ourselves in grimoire's domain she requests for one last game before her life ends forever without much other choice we oblige she reminisces slightly regretting never having faced off against luke while she was on top but now's not the time for that she'll be at peace soon enough so begins a boss battle but the assets are deleted before she can use them so she settles for a handshake marking the end of a long journey through life as a keeper of death once she disappears we come face to face with fleshy who also requests for one last game you start playing again no longer as scribe and player but as equals he congratulates you on your deck impressed with how good it's become as well as praising your skills having come a long way since you first met the once unnerving and intimidating music of the cabin is now a gentle reminder of what you're about to lose forever things start deleting around us so we begin to play faster but leshi continues with this calm and thoughtful pace respecting the last few moments you have together the scale deletes but that's no problem unless she never played because he wanted to win he simply played because he enjoyed it so so very much [Music] the bell deletes and everything else quickly follows suit [Music] good game he says as he reaches out to you shaking your hand [Music] light returns again and we find ourselves with the final scribe magnificus he begs luke to eject the disc to save him and whatever is still left but quickly gives up knowing that no matter what he says luke will keep on playing we'll feel forced to see what happens next and they're doomed for his insistence on it so instead he asks to dance for both of them shall be meeting their makers soon and so we begin the final duo as all the scales have already been deleted magnificus pulls up a scoreboard with 400 points on each side somehow convincing himself that we'll be able to play a game for that long we play and magnificus paints the world starts to fade but magnificus fights back not ready to die yet so we continue our duel sadly there's not nearly enough time the board deletes and soon after all the pieces too greedy with the length of his game magnificus dies before he can shake her hand we run around in an empty plane until running into the wood cover for a final time she warns us once again to not go near the old data but is fully aware we won't hear the advice then she disappears as well we find the old data and it's truly all that's left we click on it and the file opens releasing a flurry of redacted data we see luke grabbing the floppy disk and smashing it into a pulp luke is talking to an authority on the phone telling them that he has evidence recorded on his computer that will incriminate gamefuna when he gets a knock at the door he goes to check it out we see the same woman from game funa who puts a bullet straight through his head talk about a happy ending despite our story having just ended we still seem to have many questions but don't worry for they can all be answered why does game funera want the discs so badly and what is the old data first let's talk more about game funa and why they wanted inscription back from luke so badly they killed for it things begin to delve into the law of other games made by daniel mullen but we're trying to avoid that for this video however i will still explain what is relevant for this game's story gamefuner is not just an ordinary game company that accidentally created inscription it was for a purpose kim funa had what we know as the old data and either to hide it or to manifest its powers they built inscription around it the old data holds an incredible amount of power and evil potentially threatening the earth so they definitely needed that disc back although their intentions may be less than peaceful how did the scribes know they're in a game the game they built around this old data has some unique qualities not only negatively affecting the minds of those who played it but the characters inside the game gained consciousness the four scribes changes were even more notable becoming fully aware of their existence inside of a game as well as developing unprogrammed anger at each other and towards the player entirely caused by the old data how is the game lost so we know that game funera created a game around an evil substance known as the old data and that they would do anything to get it back into their hands going as far as killing innocent people but how the hell did they lose it in the first place to find that out we need to talk about casey hopps unfortunately not too much is known what we do know is that casey had a big part working on inscription with game funa although it's unknown if she was aware of the old data's power regardless she eventually either had a change of heart or finally realized the extent of what game funera was trying to do and fled the company taking the floppy disk that had everything stored on it with her she knew she didn't have much time left before gamefuna tracked her down and took the disc back so she came up with multiple precautions both to avoid its return to game funa and to keep the old data's power from becoming too great in the hands of the scribes firstly she needed to put a scribe in power not just a random one it needed to be leschy she chose him because he is the least ambitious with his goals unlike po3 who wants to put the game all over the world or grimoire who wants to delete everything leshi simply wants to play his game so as long as he was in power the game would be kept in a sort of stasis but how does one put a scribe in power the only one we get to see at the time they gain their power is po3 and we didn't choose him to be replaced so why him it's because the game we play doesn't matter it should and probably used to but the old data is more than powerful enough to change the game's code realizing that the scribes all started searching for its fragments deep down in the ocean lashi using the angler to try and fish it up grimoire using her well magnificus using a spatial squid and po3 using his treasure to look for it eventually one of them will find a piece and use it to turn the game world into their own they will keep control over the world until eventually being defeated by the other scribes with the help of a player as we do so with both leishi and po3 it truly was just by chance that in our playthrough po3 was the one to find a piece of the old data it could have been any one of them back to casey using her knowledge of the game and old data she helped lashi find a piece of it before any of the other scribes which we see as the fuzzy card cementing his position in power then she hid the disc in the middle of the force hiding its coordinates inside of a card pack for inscription the card game which was popular during her youth either so she could find it or perhaps because she hoped it would find its way to someone else who truly loved card games someone like herself that someone ends up being luke and is why when we first boot up the game the new game option is unavailable because she had already started this cycle and put leshi into power we even can see that she made a portrait for lashi during his boss fight yet all of casey's efforts were in vain as luke fails to keep it a secret and ends up getting it back to gamefuna and with that we've answered all of our questions thanks so much for watching i'd love to answer any extra questions or criticisms in the comments so feel free to do either have a great day [Music]
Channel: Maka_J
Views: 544,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inscription
Id: KUbopjuOEgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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