Amanda the Adventurer Secrets I bet you didn't know about

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Amanda the Adventurer is a game filled with tons of secrets and hidden details, and in this video I wanted to show some of them off. But I’m not gonna talk about the more well known stuff like the different endings and the 5 secret tapes. I wanted to focus on the more obscure secrets, some of which, I haven’t seen anybody talk about. So, I hope I can show you something new today, and let’s get started! So the first thing I wanted to talk about was the Sixth Secret Tape. This is something that I’m sure a lot of people already know about, but if you take a look at the shelf that holds all the secret tapes, you can see that there’s clearly room for a Sixth Tape. And a lot of people probably noticed this and looked it up for themselves, and found that there’s no way to actually unlock this sixth tape. But the tape itself does actually exist, and unfortunately the only way to get it is by hacking the game. But this tape was put here as kind of a joke to mess with hackers, because the video on the tape is just a big troll. It plays Herd of Mouth with Wooly the Sheep. It’s I guess a talk show starring Wooly, but he doesn’t really do any talking. In fact he just sits there and does nothing for 10 whole minutes. Well, he doesn’t exactly do nothing. He’ll occasionally cough, scratch his butt, and have a little brain blast moment, but that’s really it. I’m sure most people already knew about this Sixth Secret tape, but the reason I bring it up is because there’s actually another secret like it in the credits as well. There’s a hidden section of the credits that you can only see by hacking the game, and it’s marked as ARG. And if you activate this section, you’ll now see an additional section of the credits called ARG Writing. It credits 3 DreadXP employees as writers for an ARG, but as far as I know, there hasn’t been an ARG for Amanda the Adventurer. Maybe there’s still one hidden out there, or maybe this is just another prank by the developers to mess with hackers. We don’t really know at the moment, but I kinda think it might be real, and that’s because of another secret that you can also find in the credits. So in the credits there’s a section for voice actors, in particular, the ones who sang Happy Birthday to you during that birthday cake puzzle. "Happy Birthday to you". Initially, all the voice actors are credited as Happy Birthday Singers 1 through 6, but, once you collect all of the secret tapes, these numbers actually change. They become 75 69 7A 6B 63 61, which to me looks like hexadecimal values. And so, some people have found that if you translate these numbers to ASCII, you get “u i z k c a”, which doesn’t really mean anything at the moment. But, if you put that through a caesar cipher, you’ll get “marcus”. And this is where the community is stumped at the moment. We don’t know who or what Marcus is. Is it the name of the mystery man at the end of the game, or is it like a secret puzzle solution that can be used somewhere? We don’t really know right now, but I feel like this isn’t the end of this secret, and maybe this has to do with that ARG section in the credits? Maybe this is just the first step for this ARG? I’m really curious to see what you think because I’ve looked over every inch of this game and I still have no idea what to do with these numbers or Marcus. So I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, because I think this is something and I really wanna see if this leads anywhere. But moving on from that, the next thing I wanted to talk about is another obscure thing that only shows up for a second in the full game. It shows up on that Youtube Poop-esque tape where you’re asked “How many chairs? How many mushrooms?”. If you pause you can see there’s these weird symbols on the fridge behind Amanda. This is actually a code language that the developers created specifically for Amanda the Adventurer, and it was originally seen in the Steam demo for the game. It’s similar to a Pigpen Cipher where each unique symbol is associated with a specific letter from the alphabet. And so people guessed that this was some sort of cipher and they were able to translate this message, and it says “Pause! Turn on Oven Now”. And this message would’ve been a hint for one of the puzzles from earlier in the game, but in the final game it was replaced with a picture instead. And that’s because this code language was originally going to be a central game mechanic, but the developers ended up scrapping this mechanic because it was almost impossible to localize into all the different languages the game supports. However, you can still find a few remnants of this mechanic around the Attic like this book that translates to “Who is Wooly?” or this one that translates to “Disappointing Puzzles”. And recently, James Pratt, the lead developer, also brought up this cipher and mentioned that we’ll be seeing it again soon, and he even encoded the message “Trust Me” behind him. So keep your eyes peeled because we’ll definitely be seeing this cipher again sometime soon. Next up, there’s a few secret codes you can put in at Blabbot. The first one is 040899, and I’m not 100% sure about this, because this was something that was datamined, but I believe this comes from the weather warnings from the “What’s a Family?” tape. The Flood warning has the date of 04/08/94 and the Blizzard warning has the date of 13/30/99, which doesn’t exist but 1999 is the important part there. So if we combine parts of those dates, we can get 04 08 99. And this feels like a bit of a stretch, so I’m not sure if this is how you’re supposed to actually find this code, but putting it into Blabbot causes him to sing a little song: "Oh, hello. I suppose you want me to sing for you now. I will pick a random song from my vast catalog of classics. Ok, here we go. And a 1, 2, 3, 4. Got to be Hameln, for the toys we’re your toymaker! Got to be Hameln, you can follow us to fun! Just ask…Rebecca…”. There’s also another secret code, but there’s no hint for it in game and it can only be found by hacking. The name of the code is even “i see you…”, so I think it was just put there to mess with hackers. But the code is 084265, and if you put it in, it causes Blabbot to say this: “Hmm, maybe just lucky, or maybe you are somewhere you are not supposed to be. SHUN!”. And I’m not really sure what that last part's about, but this was clearly here just to mess with hackers. But those are a couple secret codes you can put in to Blabbot. There weren’t any other secrets codes from what I can tell, but who knows maybe they’ll add more in the future. Next, I wanted to show off a small detail with the pause button that I hadn’t seen in any other videos. So, you know, normally you can just pause the VHS’s whenever you want and walk away, but I noticed that if you try to pause during any of the endings, it won’t work. The TV will actually talk back to you and it’ll say things like “IMPOSSIBLE”, “TIMES UP”, “CANT STOP”, “NO USE”, “0 ESCAPE”. So once you’ve started an ending, you can’t just pause and walk away. You’re actually locked in and there’s no escape. And I thought this was a really cool detail that some people wouldn’t normally see. The next secret’s a bit of a strange one that may or may not be something, but I noticed something really weird about the Piano. When you play notes on the piano, everything sounds perfectly fine except for one of the keys, and that’s the A Flat Key. For some reason, sometimes when you push it, it won’t make any sound. And it’s not consistent either, sometimes it’ll play one note before being quiet and other times it’ll play 2 or 3 notes before being quiet. So I was thinking. Maybe it’s Morse Code? It definitely sounds like some kind of morse code if you play the notes consistently. I tried seeing if I could decode it myself, but I wasn’t able to get anywhere with it. So at this point, I’m not sure if this is like a bug or if it’s intentional. I just thought it was really strange that this is the only key on the piano that does this, so I felt like sharing it! And who knows, maybe it turns out to be something cool? But the last thing I wanted to show is probably the weirdest thing on this list, and it has to do with the Newspaper Clipping you find on the corkboard. There’s nothing weird about it when it’s in English, but if you change the language to Chinese, the text on the newspaper takes up way less space, so the developers decided to fill that extra space with this picture here. And I have no idea what this even is. It almost looks like an Elf on the Shelf or something, but it really confused me when I found it. But yeah, this image only shows up on the Chinese version of this newspaper, and if anyone has any idea what this is, please let me know because I’m really curious. But that’s it for all the weird, obscure secrets and details that I wanted to show today! I hope I was able to show you something that you hadn’t seen before! And if you have any suggestions or information about that Marcus secret, please let me know because I really wanna see where that leads and I hope it leads into some sort of ARG! But thank you for watching, and I’ll see you next time!
Channel: Flemmonade
Views: 8,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amanda the adventurer, amanda the adventurer secrets, amanda the adventurer hidden details, amanda the adventurer secret endings, amanda the adventurer arg, amanda the adventurer secret, amanda the adventurer sixth tape, amanda the adventurer marcus, amanda the adventurer happy birthday singers, amanda the adventurer sheepspeak, amanda the adventurer code language, amanda the adventurer blabbot secret, blabbot secret codes
Id: 9ol6wLBUj_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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