GROCERY SHOPPING ON PREP | Huge Back Workout 3.5 Weeks Out

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[Music] [Music] what is up YouTube post high carb day day today put on a few pounds overnight I was 241 pounds morning so back to little carbs don't [ __ ] that but it is what it is living the jury's today we're not doing much today I believe it's back day so hopefully someone's food I have yesterday to be pushed in to this workout today right now we're just chillin everyone's working on the laptop we got just a few of stuff been working on her novel of a caption for a couple of hours that was okay you have to put plenty into this finish it Chris just supposed to be with like two words it gets like a hundred thousand legs with this shirt creative captions my captions are funny but but right now we're gonna head to the Apple Store because Calvin wants to buy a mouth to edit because he's a Brooke eats a lot of the truck bed rookie mistake so see you at the office we digest so well if Calvin birthday and better mouth better edits that our YouTube that our vlog that our content for you guys you know a different we get to boyfriend hey guys boyfriend honey's gotta go potty [Music] buildin aesthetic classic with these you have to cook in an aesthetic formation so we wrap the pan around a little business unit and then you dump your green beans in the middle and you fry it all up anyway my hydration ring orange mango taste so Bom myrn that huge fan of Mego but you're just a super good which is pretty much electrolytes phosphorus magnesium sodium potassium coconut water and stevia leaf extract pretty cool back chef stevia for sweetening so many things so it's like super clean a lot better than any other shitty sweeteners and taste bomb so we're trying to stay hydrated we're trying to stay tool it's a hot day out there you've done wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer but Neal's numero dos today no carbs in the meal always a sad time don't even have spinach or asparagus so we got about 50 grams of green beans like 20 grams of zucchini zucchini bomb don't let's just love frying it up in my meals now and a hundred and fifty grams of chicken breast I seasoned it was a little bit of miss - so there's no sodium and miss - its potassium and instead I drank my sodium low because water tension issues and what not normally would recommend salting every meal but I'm kind of a different circumstance also living off this stuff lately good old honey mustard from Whole Foods is very delicious so we're gonna eat this wash on my show and then I think we're going a groceries after good I need some more vegetables [Music] [Music] everyone's favorite part delicious [Music] [Music] hey like that get me get my laughing okay you're short-lived a little too bright normally going the bedroom but we're doing that laundry the sheets so this one is a bit of a headache right now so we're gonna shoot this up into my traps ready okay here we go so started on it don't know how to stop you talked about but I got that there it is get nothing can be according to the LZ those making the family whole foods very boring trip though because we only buy vegetables but trifecta God said although crap - to cook food forever so you chose such a fact that were litter gonna pick up like spinach asparagus and honey mustard yeah [Music] Richard so I can share play pink accent underneath and then let you breath - while you guys are pretty much like to be [Music] so low-calorie boring thing forget Bernie's been bucking off baby carrots just super good did actually really healthy and low calorie I'm get me though and celery have this piece of my salads gotta get those super crispy green celery you don't get those soft celery very important also throw in salads is cucumbers personally I like the baby ones because over here actually didn't even know they're in there so they're just gonna easier to cut you put half on to the entire salad and take fall the number one vegetable we all love to talk about get all this various natural diuretic and it's great for making you smell delicious yeah I'll check but I'd check where the day that's burning outside for a supposed evidence but we get to spend on it a lot of spinach I try to have one meal a day we're off one more most aggressive I kind of fry it up mushrooms into rice and mushrooms and eggs are bomb fry them up a bit add in your eyes add in your eggs [Music] sweet potatoes I kind of buried between white and sweet both are high in potassium we did a little bit more nutrients in them so I don't need a lot though so kinda sad tastes way better when you bake them so in high country they like to bake them and the day sometimes I boil them and it just makes it feel like you're eating more - they're filled with water but always weigh it from I don't even mean sometimes what I like to do ya already know this but scallops are the most delicious alternative for white fish but they're very expensive so we're gonna walk away today crab in cooking spray very important um prep you right out you're screwed Pam not so good get all the oil in it there's these butane in it which is like what they put in like propane for your gas tank and stuff - some random stuff so we try and get coconut oil-based ones and you gotta check ingredients go to the Pam coconut oil and actually the first ingredient is canola oil and then it has coconut oil added to it so and our delicious Whole Foods honey mustard for anxiety you corny refuses to drink egg whites of McCartney they don't taste good she craps every single egg and extinguish ideal this is my favorite salad dressing I actually weigh it out because it's 15 people go overload on salad dressing it's only 15 calories for 30 milliliters so I just put that on my scale make sure I get 30 and survival out 15 calories new salad cold Brews my jam partly cuz I'm too lazy to brew of coffee and probably because it kind of just tastes bitter I always get the pure black non sweetened one they usually only have like half a cup of this maybe a cup before cardio in the morning just to get a little bit in me and I only just start doing that now because she's been so dead in the morning so [Music] they call drew office about potatoes fish eggs bananas very simple there good to go now we have to walk pass all the fun stuff all done that's a wrap here at Whole Foods got a couple bags full of vegetables and can we go home now we're gonna make some free workout that we get lit fill it later in the day that I want to train but we're gonna pre-workout meal and food drink [Music] [Music] which room for a goose get them [Music] he said absent bring me on a boiler everywhere I go kidneys almost Elvis [Music] back here at good old new body dimensions me matt calvo nutrient back flip me Matt Kelvin or hitting back today big boy back thinking this kind of day no idea what we're gonna do I always start all my workouts you're gonna see I saw it was the same kind of general thing starting to pull down here neutral grip unloving far are with a neutral grip so when I see it take advantage I'm gonna warm up with this move on to a heavy row [Music] [Music] a huge advocate of doing free weights especially back they I think it's just such a big muscle on your back stabilizer super important to do free weights but as you guys know I [ __ ] my hamstring still injured and I'm back day whether or not you're shaking it your form is perfect or not you're putting put a bit of tension on your hamstring to bend over and row my how strict your form is it's just risky and it's not worth hurting myself right now so sticking to the heavy row movement besides you do machine here and you can see my legs are a little bed I just try and relax them so I'm getting absolutely no pull for my hamstring just focus on elongate in the back closing the scapula drive the elbows back and just pull back isolation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No sucking back from here [Music] lower back pumps are probably the worst pump for sure one of the other things no matter how little carve I'm doing if I hammer out some hyperextensions like this normally I like to do rack pulls on days where I'm trying to pull mouth he has like a dense lower back movement but again hamstring is torn so resulting to this take your hamstrings out a little bit you want to make sure you're literally just pulling completely from your erectus in your lower back get no glue no hamstring squeeze your lower back at the top and get that filthy pump [Music] anyway any [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that's a wrap for me on this leg day it is like holy [ __ ] it's back to plate I'm hungry we were a little bit delayed I'm getting to the gym today I'm a meal behind looks like so this is like 70 it's like 8:00 p.m. 8:30 right now I don't have three meals so that would be a wrap decent back workout got lower back pump like you got a pump somewhere so we're gonna go home feel up hit the hay I was trained early tomorrow morning and could have a gym shark shoot at 1:00 p.m. so we come back here for that is have some fun good morning YouTube I just had a really early workout if you didn't noon right now Jesus okay not that early but for me it's early we're shooting with Jim shark today so I went to the gym alone and just kind of head down powered through a chest workout it is hard to wake up after one meal and just pump it out in the gym but once your gym when sick machines plate loaded so I warmed up on that who've done some free weights good workout came home to a lovely surprise good old trifecta so we showed you my grocery shopping vegetables yesterday and this is why I don't need to go to the grocery store for meat we got a lot of we have a little bit of Turkey because I don't need a lot of that anymore and then we have a lot of cod lots of white fish I have one thing of shrimp for a little bit of a delicacy you know and both we got salmon every night I have the salmon meal last meal today a bunch of chicken breasts and sadly steak was cutting my diet so Calvin and Matt they get to munch on some free trifecta stick - but I've always link will be in the bio of the video if you guys want to check it out obviously I've always said it's not really reasonable to get every single meal you eat in the day through meal prep service but even one a day a couple throughout the week will help you so much more than you understand just to have food ready when you're in a rush rush against the door because I have a bodybuilder the number one most important thing is food always no matter what no ifs ands or buts feel like two trains left on the train but eating is the hard part so down my food get throws in the fridge eat quickly and you're gonna head to the gym for the gym shirt shoes have some boiled sweet potato 120 grams under 25 grams world sweet potato 150 grams of turkey patty little spinach little green beans a lot of deliciousness I've been boiling instead of baking my sweet potato sometimes creates more volume very delicious and nutritious so good eat this and we got a rush out get to the gym I think the boy they're gonna train I got a shoot and give me a Grandal you get lonely boys thumbnail prep is long I heard this were ladies pretty good yeah apparently left pretty enough so Jim Chuck said I gotta wear makeup yeah well eyeliner mascara you know big my eyes off a little bit with a glory of photo shoots a little bit less to feed on just the pictures a lot of waiting around setting up lights but it is what it is who I worked out earlier that would've been dead after this but we're getting it done they've been setting up for a while just chillin I get to sit here and wait to play with my thumbs I don't even get the snack normally offseason I'm snacking hard while I wait to set up the offseason just eating munching on stuff but right now I just get the weight and sip on water and chill so doing that but this shoot is supposed to be top secret so we're not allowed to say what it's about and I'll just show you any of the shots or anything so it is what it is you guys will see you know two months or so I guess what's what this is all about so well then I've got a way to take you have no idea how to use things I've never been on live anything so hopefully some people actually show up and you guys got some questions you want to ask whatever you guys want to know I'm here chillin we got a camera behind the scenes right here nothin just vlogging got the Courtney King cooking herself up a nice little meal what we'll use stage weight be optimally 229 pounds but probably around 226 a 229 and yeah but appreciate everybody who tuned in everyone who came in and asked a question if I missed your question I'm sorry they're a little delayed and going through it but other than that hope y'all have a great night and it's done what a long day this was put that one camera and I got another camera my face already just no time to chill apparently well cover early you get to the gym come back prep my meals get to a photo shoot which took four hours to take ten pictures and then I came home and had to do this IG live for jak sector so I'm about ready for a nap but ready for a meal I can be final meal of the day and she's a doozy say the least I love salmon right now in Oregon's low-calorie whatever that just tastes so much better let me lick egg yolk slurp up the salmon juice very delicious but I just finished up 45 minutes of cardio because my day was so messed up and I had to train early in the morning so I had energy to Train because I have the photo shoot all day came back had to my car do it so I just did that late at night and it is way shittier way harder to do at night than it is written in the morning so we're gonna try and avoid that as much as possible and bottle milk is a bunch O's Bonacci I got like 70 grams of spinach I cut up some mini cute little cucumbers set up some celery in there for a little bit of an extra crunch and then I got this homemade salad dressing here guess who taught me how to make this but literally all it is is some of this soy free coconut aminos which you know I'm obsessed with and some honey mustard but you also know I love and a little bit of water to create a little bit more volume without calories so put this on the bowl [Music] plate guys and I just sprinkle this all over you're gonna mix it up then just get the dry AF so you gotta put stuff on it this is love salad dressing so you can't you cover that up then I have 170 grams of fresh plant examen from your boys that trifecta that on there make sure you get all the grease in there with it and there you have it Bon Appetit final meals a day ready for bed it's only 50 left got a big day tomorrow we got some fun planned for the afternoon let me tell you guys and I'm getting hair cut in the morning like 10:00 a.m. so as you can tell I desperately need a haircut so we're gonna get a trim and then do something fun so [Music]
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 473,087
Rating: 4.9556413 out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, shredded, macros, iifym, contest diet, low carb diet, keto, lean, body fat, body fat percentage, gains, get big, bodybuilding, classic phsyique, cheat meal, high carb day, abs, von moger, guzman, gym, gymshark, olympia, posing, training, chest day, back day, leg day, squats, bench press, diet, arm day, biceps, curls, triceps, get big arms, close grip, extensions, bone cracking asmr
Id: fpr_J9FPCvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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