INSANE Street Food in South Korea (Pig's Blood and Chicken Feet) πŸ‡°πŸ‡· Seoul

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good afternoon from another day here in Seoul South Korea so today I'm going to head over to Seoul Tower I also think I might go to the famous paint Market this is the one that was in uh street food Asia on Netflix so that's something I've been wanting to do so I think I will probably end end up there tonight but right now next to Seoul Tower is some sort of like Village and knock Village so I'm gonna go check that out so let's go I gotta tell you I'm in a really central location and here in mayendang and the Airbnb is Tiny But like really efficiently created yeah it's very cool check out my other video my first time in Seoul video but yeah I believe this is what I was looking for here the hanak village yeah or Han box sorry hunbuck Village I believe this is a traditional hanbok from what I understand the uh the dress that is so let's go a little bit further here and see what we can wander into I gotta tell you I am somebody who has lived in a mountain city in the United States oops I almost got hit there I lived in Denver Colorado and so I would a big appreciation for Mountain cities and Seoul is reigniting that love for mountainous cities as you can see here in the distance as you walk around Seoul you get to see like a really nice Mountain Escape mountain landscape and something that I've really come to enjoy here in my brief time in Seoul South Korea similar to Chiang Mai in Thailand but this is there's a different vibe different vibe so here I believe are the traditional hanbox again you can take a picture here sure it's very popular but yeah and maybe there's more like tourist information over there so this is Namsan goal on hanak Village oh no it is hanak Village but I believe those are hanbox this is cool oh very peaceful guys very peaceful yeah so there's got this Open Air Walk path or like area here and then it looks like there are a bunch of different stations I would say that you can visit ah well equipped restroom main gate panac Village maybe over here and Seoul Millennium Time Capsule Square okay well let's go check that out now it's been pretty hot here in Seoul it is uh beginning of September I would say temperature is it feels just as hot here as it has in other places that I've been to in Asia like Southeast Asia at this time okay let's see here oh Cafe this is this is really nice this is sort of like art installation here I believe maybe is what's going on here yeah someone was singing in there sounded really beautiful let me know in the comment section some history about this I kind of just saw this on the map and wanted to come here and wonder over here yeah it's super well done and just really well designed here let's see what's in here can I go in here ah yeah you can wow wow look at this wow now I said in my first time in Seoul video that Seoul is uh known to have really nice architecture these been named like the designs World Center for architecture look at that building so nice I think we'll get to the top here and today I plan to do a lot of walking I've been eating too much guys been eating too much I'm gonna probably eat too much tonight as well but you know what whatever the Soul Tower area is a very large Park area so I believe it's probably hilly in other words I think there's some elevation so it'll be nice to get a nice uh walking some physical activity going along with this idea of architecture take a look something oh we've got like a very loud bird over here interesting so take a look at this building I don't I guess you can walk in here wow oh man I cannot describe to you how nice that looks in person here look at this amazing so here's what it is you can read Korean this is what it you know oh wait right here's English non-profit exhibition space okay this is called Street Museum oh cool I'm sure they rotate the offerings in there oh nice so I guess this is the Titan capsule here oh wow no drone oh look at this I feel like we have to walk down I'm assuming the time I don't know what's up with the Time Capsule maybe it's in there I wonder what's in the time capsule I'm allowed to be here yeah yeah 100 yeah you can read that oh from Brazil here okay ah from San Francisco citizens of Seoul San Francisco salutes the great city of Seoul on the occasion of your sixth Century uh sixth Centennial we cherish and have great pride in our special ties of friendship sorry it's hard for me to some of it's faded and there was some action going on it's hard for me to read that very cool Paris Australia oh this is so nice Mexico Jakarta place that I've been Honolulu oh nice Aloha the people of the City and County of Honolulu extend warm greetings and congratulations to their sister city of Seoul in celebration of their Millennium year wow cool okay so it turns out I'm about a 40 minute walk to the center of the tower so you know what might be hot it might be humid but I'm going there and I'm walking so let's go and get a shot at the tower right there that's where I'm looking to go I was assuming there would be a walking path like here but I didn't realize the landscape just looking at the maps I didn't realize the landscape unless that's a bridge we've got Netflix here by the way one of my favorite Netflix shows of all time is squid game based in Korea so yeah if you haven't seen that I'm sure you have because it went viral but go check it out look at how beautiful it is here guys oh my God I'm quickly falling in love with the city of Seoul South Korea that is for sure yeah I wish I could get over there it doesn't look like that's gonna be possible once I learn how to teleport oh wait I guess I can just yeah that's a bridge hold on a second you know what I'm gonna walk this bridge what's the worst that can happen I've got nothing to do today I don't want to hit that night market till later tonight so let's walk the bridge guys let's go wow no teleportation required you can get across the road by taking this beautiful Bridge okay let's see the signage here Soul Tower yeah you can indeed get the Soul Tower here it's 2.4 kilometers do I go with the maps or do I go with this hmm what is the map telling me 2.8 kilometers okay can I get to Seoul Tower from here okay it'll be marked easy walkway yeah yeah okay okay all right thanks guys yeah have a good day I'm very excited for this guys I haven't done a hike in a while it's basically like an urban hike which you can find in places like Denver and Portland and the United States reminds me of this a bit but see what these signages say up here okay look at this beautiful all right look at the map oh this goes all the way down to itawan which is what I've read the expat area of Seoul all right so we begin our March nice area to sit on your walk here and see it may be hard to see it on camera but the mountains in the distance okay I've come to my first guide post here we're still over two kilometers or yeah two kilometers away or two thousand meters away from Seoul Tower but it looks like there's like a little drop off here or something I don't know what goes around there but through the trees you can see cityscape so yeah as you're walking you've got this like running a stream of water here and then take a look at this so we've got a nice curved walkway that have been going on here but the main thing here is and you and I are going to see this together for the first time is this amazing the view of Seoul see the beautiful mountain here in the background oh guys there's also a shrine War young Mayo shrine you have to go through here it looks really nice to get up to the shrine okay guys we're getting close we're getting closer so 1 200 meters or 1.2 kilometers this way to Seoul Tower looks like we've also got a library that way and that's where I just was so yeah I highly recommend that you put this you probably are but you put this on your soul to-do list here and also I'd recommend that you walk if you can you know it is a it is a hike if you're able to walk I would recommend that you walk there is a cable car system here that will take you to Soul Tower but this has been a really relaxing walk now I've got a ton of stairs to do here so let's do it so guys there's even a public gym here an outdoor public gym after you walk you get up the stairs so cool it looks like more stairs I get up to uh Soul Tower here but we've got he had another toilet and really health conscious place it feels like I'm talking about Soul just generally it feels super health conscious here which is great oh another amazing shot of the city so look at this guys so this is like a quilt or no it's not quilts but it's like a rope oh that's it it's rope it's like a rope walkway it feels super good to walk but take a look at this Bang even better shot of this area I just showed you here there's the Pavilion just that and take a look at this beautiful I have to say there's almost like no or I don't know this but it feels like soul is not very polluted like the air feels very pure so I don't know if that's true I haven't looked up the pollution here but it feels very pure like you can see right through pretty far so I've done I don't know how many steps but once you come up a little bit more by the way there are a bunch of like these drop-off stations do you want to call them that where you can like sit and relax because it's quite a hike if you can't tell by the way I'm talking um this one I think is the best like a 360 view basically or a 180 view which is a downtown Seoul and there it is little Tower ah so perfect we're getting close to the top here you can see the cable cars the sign for the cable car I saw one go by but I didn't get it on video and they have probably just what I need here after that losing all that sweat which is a picari sweat so you got the Japanese style vending machines here I think I will get myself a car sweat you've got a place to sit and enjoy your hurry sweat especially and we also have a place to dispose of garbage never had bukhari sweat before it's like Gatorade you see Visa oh look there's the cable car can you see it there it is you ever had Bacardi stuff before it's like Gatorade it's an ion Supply drink you got a beer and Coffee Spot here oh and I've noticed like all the way up here I'm sorry not keychains blocks so like each lock has like a hand right handwritten note on it there's like a display of locks here I wonder if there's like a look at how many walks right here guys these are all locks that have handwritten messages on them I wonder if there is an English sign explain this to me look at this this is so cool here's another amazing view so most of the locks have hearts they're like heart-shaped locks okay manifesting happiness and love are we oh well that's I like that that's good maybe husbands and wives put their message here there's even some iPhone cases wow well I guess you can get souvenirs here oh maybe you can purchase a lock in Thousand won about seven dollars and there's where you can have a nice drink some coffee more of these locks guys and also like iPhone cases the walk down is gonna feel so good I just gotta make sure I don't end in Ito on Soul Tower we've made it guys and Soul Tower what does the n mean namsa Namsan Park oh there's the music sadly but my God I'm gonna go check out this gift shop pick up this oh there's even a 7-Eleven here guys if you take the harrowing Journey like I did and you need some food or a drink Once you walk it won't open again there is no key the lock will only lock once and you also get them a marker to write things 15 000 won I almost feel like I need to commemorate it all right guys I think we'll do a fortune here so I think that's the monkey I'm a monkey so I think it was at 5 000 I don't know hopefully it's [Music] all right let's see what my fortune is comes out here and let's see okay guys here it is I'm gonna have to use my translate app it's okay I'll see what it is guys I love you thank you for subscribing so let's go ahead and commemorate that by writing oh it's hard to do this travel subscribe and then I'm gonna put subscribe inference all right guys that's for you let's go put it somewhere oh man what is a good spot what is a good spot I don't know oh this is a tough decision hmm once I open this lock guys I can't unopen it oh here's the evil eye maybe I'll put it there yeah maybe I'll put it on the ey there it is guys become the Soul Tower check it out right by the signage here there it is I didn't realize it guys but I think I've been walking for like two and a half almost three hours it's like 1005 it's like 450 almost five o'clock I don't even know when I came out here I think it was like 2 30. something like that yeah this has been a long but very interesting journey and now I'm gonna go to the famous Market from the Netflix show yeah just making my way back down here from the park namsen park and Tower and you've got this place where on the map it says food alley I think so really cool shops to get some food bite to eat some coffee thought I'd point that out in case you're interested in doing this you trip this Seoul all right I begin my walk to the guangzhang market it's about 19 minutes from here so yeah let's go now I don't have any food in particular that I'm looking for in this uh Wang Zhang Night Market but I will tell you one of my goals for this Korea trip is to eat as much Korean Fried Chicken as I can handle and also I want I do want to do Korean barbecue here in Korea because I've had it at other places and it's been great so notice similar to Taipei similar to Tokyo in Japan that the kind of side streets and the Alleyways have a lot going on that are very interesting so another recommendation I would give to you if you do come to Seoul take an Alleyway or a side street hope this is it I don't know maybe maybe I'll Discover it something else but I Googled what is the market in street food street food Asia said guangzhang so I don't know hopefully there's gonna be a bunch of food over here okay I see people eating here thank you very much very good thank you thank you hmm I'm not sure what that is I should have said that come see how many Dot oh very sweet I'm panicking a little bit because I think I went to the wrong place oh there's a line out the door here let's just see what's down here got flashing signs here people seem to be lining up for this Food Spot wow [Music] the popular place seems to be this restaurant here but that's not it we go down here let me see if there's something down here I might have missed something I think we have like fresh produce and everything here yep you know what I think I just didn't didn't look hard enough yep yep I just didn't look hard enough so here we are oh I remember watching street food Asia before I came to Asia and here we are ah yes okay the entrance is down here and there's a famous lady here who does hand cut noodles so let me see what the entrance is for future reference sure anything you get here is just going to be absolutely incredible oh yeah and look at the tourists here myself included lining up or waiting out here see okay so another popular one here's the entrance now did I make a mistake by coming at prime time I probably did I probably did might be quite hard to find a spot here it'd be great to sit down and have some of the some of those noodles but we'll see you guys look familiar to you all if you're a Netflix viewer has to look familiar right looks familiar to me oh those potato pancakes I might have to get one of those Soju is flowing I like this because you kind of just have to take a seat and enjoy some delicious food to us ooh churros another popular one I do believe I also saw that in Netflix series also famous YouTuber Mark Wiens also did this area here he also shot a pretty popular video in this area [Music] you know I'll be real I can't the memory calls recall is not here right now I don't know if she's not here or I walked by her already I don't know oh look uh gosh what does this mean kid's house kitchen or whatever it's called guys what is his name Dave Ramsey was there apparently James Ramsey was at that shop no I can't find the noodle lady so why don't we eat where Dave Ramsey ate uh excuse me are you sitting here okay thank you thank you gimbap this one oh this one rice cake okay thank you together oh very spicy but very good it's like a gluttonous rice cake that is spicy but first I thought it was tomato sauce but no it's like a spicy spicy sauce it's chicken oh it's chicken chicken chicken foot or cloth okay yeah I think yeah okay chicken chicken okay I will do one okay okay thank you oh everything is very spicy it tastes really good actually the chicken is very spicy let's see Dave Ramsey ate here right there she is giving a feeding day oh so cool all right guys I did get the gimbap so let me try this so I'm not sure what this is okay I turned Tyler what's in here oh man I will try I will try okay okay thank you very much so these two very nice ladies uh invited me to try blood sausage so is that uh salt okay thank you very much I don't know if I can try this it's filled with Pig's blood you know it's actually pretty good it's good it's um how do I describe it sort of like a tomato it's blood and Glutton is right foreign that's all I'm going for okay to recap I just ate Pig's blood and chicken feet so you know winning the guangzhang market that's what else am I gonna try it man I hope I'll be okay I think I will I think I will okay chop noodles dumpling wontons oh my God thank you oh it's so clean though all right guys here's the soup it's uh hand cut noodles and dumpling soup oh man yeah oh man it's so thick it's very clear that you can tell that they are handgun and you saw the Chef there cutting the noodles right in this video oh the pressure's against guys [Music] the broth is really basic but perfect and let's take a look at one of these dumplings here as well some dumpling some noodles thank you I think it's chicken in The Dumpling but it's got like a uh like a lemongrass almost I don't know what I do know this tastes really good okay guys so those noodles are so good it's almost like I can imagine when it's very cold here in Seoul it's sort of like coming here and getting like Grandma's soup made hot and fresh for you I'm sure it's really good on a cold day and for reference that's about as much Soju as I can drink right now oh mum Bean pancake so it's a mung bean pancake I see I see it's not potatoes I like mung bean uh one cranky banana uh five thousand okay oh so greasy but it's gonna be amazing [Music] and um looks like there is mung bean in there and then she dumped a bunch of batter I guess that's how the pancakes are made I'm samita thank you okay this is takeaway I guess sit somewhere I'm assuming this is gonna melt my face off that's what it looks like see what it tastes like it does take like tastes like potatoes like a hash brown like hash browns but thicker and earthier yeah oh very good I personally like mung bean so it definitely tastes good for me it's almost like a healthier tasting hash brown you gotta try it oh these little snacks on the outside edge look super good we got some dried fruits here we even have Pokemon snacks the proper ice cream over here oh mango honestly the dried strawberries seem to be the popular item but I like mango yes mango jelly yes mango mango chip mango jelly okay also 10. no no okay ten thousand two hundred one okay okay okay this this is better yes okay I will go with this okay one one yes okay strawberry hot show okay thank you all right let's give it a shot I guess there's a lot going on there's a lot going on oh man it doesn't taste like candy tastes like you're biting into a legit mango you know how when you eat candy it's like a synthetic artificial I don't know this tastes like you're biting into a mango oh so good it's like there's a bunch of different jellies as well in the market oh this is so good this place still has like a crazy line here people line up or whatever this is I've been seeing people eat it it's almost like a donut but anyway that'll just about wrap it up for me guys thank you so much for being here I'm gonna certainly be talking to you again soon peace uh
Channel: Zane Travel
Views: 78,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Bangkok, Thailand, Street Food, South East Asia, Asia, Digital Nomad, Nomad, Co Working, Traveler, Food Tour, Walking, Coffee, Philippines, Manila, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chiang Mai, Temples, Weekend Market, Fake Market, Market Hunt, Market Spree, Fake Market Spree, Travel Vlog, Vlog, Travel Video, Food, Foodie, Cebu, El Nido, Boracay, Adventure, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Saigon, Hanoi, SEA, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, KL, kl, Penang, Singapore, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Jakarta, Bali, South Korea
Id: c3dP1OuQzfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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