최근 인천공항으로 밀려드는 외국인들이 격하게 느끼는 것..? l 외국인 인터뷰(로드쇼, 길거리인터뷰)

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what did you like the most about South Korea all are like pretty pimples the traffic jams in Tokyo is people not Cars looks you have to know Korean food is great but we have a problem is it okay if I interview you for a little bit e hi do you speak English yeah is it okay if I interview you have a Korean flag where did you get this I got it in here in Korea actually is it your first time in Korea no actually I've been here many times how long have you been here um in total about 3 years or so yeah can you speak Korean just a little bit can we do an interview in Korean for hi do you speak English is it okay if I interview sure where are you from Germany you're going back to Germany right now was it your first time just was 4 weeks we were in Korea my wife and I what was your expectation before coming here um not really too much like it was my dream of my wife to to go here the food is great like the culture is great everyone is nice and polite where are you from lill Texas is it your first time in Korea it is first time our vacation we the US Army base we all stayed there and we've been doing things around Korea what's your impression oh it's mixed the traffic and the driving is absolutely maddening we don't have trains at home and so um it was some it can be confusing it was an adventure I'll put it that way train system is a learning curve food is fabulous both yeah we like barbecue oh my God that was so good oh yeah it wasn't cheap but boy it's the best Korean barbecue I've ever had where are you from I'm from Austria actually I'm just passing through today I'm going to return in two weeks and uh then I'm going to work you're going to work in Korea yes I mean I'm not going to be employed in Korea my company is a supplier for a Korean company and I'm going to do some work for this company so you're going to still live in Korea for some time right yeah I mean in a in an Hotel 6 weeks have you ever been to South Korea before no oh my God so you've never even went outside no actually not I've been thinking about it but I've just had my first Ramon Ramon yeah Ram do you have any expectations about South Korea I've heard the food is very good I mean I know I've been to China A lot of times and I've never been to South Korea so I'm quite looking forward to the food peing po hi do you speak English yeah is it okay if I interview for a Korean YouTube channel okay where are you from Australia it's your first time in South Korea uh no I used to live here I left in 2014 but previous to that I lived here for 7 years 7 years did you work here yeah I was an English teacher like most foreigners at that time well why were you visiting South Korea now mainly for travel uh caught up with a couple of old friends okay so you worked as an English teacher in South Korea what was your experience like did you like it I mean it very a lot you know it really depends on hugan or the school you're working for and your students and your co-workers on the whole I really enjoyed it I was actually I'm I'm a qualified teacher so I taught in Australia I don't teach anymore I prefer teaching here in Korea than I did in Australia when I decided to come here I kind of deliberately didn't do much research I wanted to come in and experience anything everything fresh so in Australia we don't know much about Korea so I was kind of expec expecting it to be a lot more like Japan than it actually is uh and that was really great you know it was a pleasant surprise what was the cultural shock I guess the biggest cultural shock for me was actually how honest and trusting Korean people are I was initially Blown Away by the ability to just kind of leave valuable things out on the street and they don't get stolen yeah what is any other difference that you felt I guess the social hierarchy that's based on age rather than you know your wealth or what kind of job you have the idea of face the way people perceive you is very important here as opposed to Australia where it doesn't matter so much yeah there there are many many you know that's just off the top of my head I guess you know I'd spent a lot of time here so I could probably go on for way too long so you've been here for such a long time but you still left South Korea why did you decide to win I kind of hit I guess what you could call a glass ceiling in terms of of my career I was teaching at University level I was at gorod De it's kind of hard to progress higher up the chain I would have had to go back to school and get a master's degree and I wasn't willing to do that so we decided to leave do you think it was the right decision at the time it definitely was would you still live in South Korea now that's a tough question depends what day it is I guess today yeah since you had an experience of being an English teacher what would you say about Korean students I mean everybody's an individual I think on the whole they're really good they're really good very respectful in comparison to back home generally pretty studious as well like they work hard I mean obviously you know I I can't imagine asking an Australian student to go to school during the day and then go toies until 10: p.m. they just wouldn't do it they wouldn't make it till the end of the week they do you think overall it's better that South Korean kids that live that way no I think they push it a little too far I feel especially when they get to middle school or high school with they you can see they're tired they've been working hard for a really long time but I think it's great that education is important here you know so they need to find a balance you can have too much of a good thing I suppose from France you're from France yeah it's been like one year I'm traveling I've got a Visa in Australia so before coming back from a second year just wanted to I don't know see my friend South Korea just traveling a little bit kind of you've been traveling for one year over the world or yeah just Australia southeast Asia and then um I'm starting my second in Australia like soon in two or 3 weeks and I just wanted to have like some kind of holidays before so I went to South Korea see my friend that's it yeah I'm heading Bary soon uh just before coming back in nozi so what was your expectation before coming to South Korea I didn't hear a lot actually but it was more about the food I heard a lot about the food but I expected nothing because I didn't know any dish I didn't know about the nature nothing even buildings the city like no I didn't know nothing I just like okay let's go to South Korea I don't like big cities so you know Soul was like a new experience for me for sure because we don't have buildings or whatever in front a lot of color a lot of stuff to do uh good night life actually it's better at night um than the day then I went to junju just to just to try the food it was quite good but the best part was sunon was very green like ecological Park and whatever like was very nice Definitely and sunon was amazing I felt like very very safe can go out like wherever you want friends like quiet and safe actually France is like not safe I'm sorry for my country but France is not safe where are you from uh I'm from the United States just 10 days it's my first time here uh it was really nice actually it's one of my favorite countries so far wow so yeah the people are very polite everything's fairly clean pretty efficient too here so yeah I like a positive overwhelmingly positive experience probably the traffic I get really motion sick and the traffic around 5:00 p.m. is horrendous but outside of that it was super fast super efficient much better than an airline I think compared to the US in general I feel safer in Korea they don't have the pervasive gun problem that we have in the US and things like that hi I'm from the Czech Republic those are your kids they are yeah they a lot of trouble as you can see where did you go actually we have had a bit of a stop over now for 3 days we have visited all the major sites in so I actually hired a friend for the day have you heard of the service yeah yeah with locals like a local guy amazing just a young person you know earning some money so this was on um with locals you like and they can do an itinerary you can tell them what your preferences are if you're traveling with family or children and our guide was just such a delight so she took us on a walking tour of saw we saw everything I think we walked 15 km that day what did you like the most it was not actually the major attraction but I love the Art District where you can see artists have art show I even bought some brushes because I paint so that was a highlight for me because I really wanted to buy some brushes here what what do they like the most they're really good to traveler it's really really nice okay how about food oh well you have to know Korean food is great but we have a problem why allergies all of the children allergy to nuts and the littlest is also allergic to shellfish and so it's really hard finding dishes that don't have two ingredients in s and also you know if you have allergies and you always have to you have to be able to communicate with the staff that can be a little bit tricky so we use Google Translate to make sure this the ingredients are safe for them so this is probably not the easiest country to travel with allergies yeah because a lot of hidden ingredients and yeah but you can see they've survived what did you like the most about South area we are like pretty temples and like the mountains are really pretty mountains I wanted to take a c hop class in like K-pop dancing that would be so cool do you think you would come back to Korea oh definitely yeah yeah it's beautiful and I love the ease of travel so we figured out the Metro we figured out how to get from place to place people are lovely mhm I would love to explore more yeah it's so it's so quaint and I would love to go to Busan or maybe do some hiking in the mountains we do a lot of hiking in New Zealand but I would love to I think we have to do it again what do you say Ben should we yeah I high five nice we're from Portland Oregon in the United States are you guys a couple we are a couple yeah my mom is from South Korea and then she lived in Singapore for a couple years and then moved to the United States so it's always been a place that we wanted to go and we had an opportunity to come stay for free and we decided to just jump on it and come visit so you're like half Korean your father is from oh the United States the United States do you know any Korean I know nothing so growing up my mom would translate from my grandma but then just living in the states she never used it never taught my brother and I so we never had the opportunity to learn we kind of just winged it so we don't have any plans or anything that's the real Adventure yeah yeah mostly eating food very excited about the food mhm is there any type of food that you want to try all of it kimchi kimchi kimchi comes as a side dish so yeah I want some really good blogi honestly just anything new I'm really excited about some good kimchi in the United States we have it like our fridge at home like every day but like I have a feeling it's going to be better here than in the states what is the most biggest difference between Korean airports and German airports it's a lot quieter here in Korea um it's a lot bigger um like in Munich Airport um which I'm coming from it's a lot smaller and more crowded um so it's really nice here so what's the biggest cultural difference then between Germany and Korea what did you feel the most cultural difference a little bit more helpful and open than the typical Germans Germans are like that strict face um and just strictly where they want to go Koreans are there a little bit more open I would say what was your first impression of South Korean airport actually I think I would not really think something about it and I was thinking it's everything is really Compact and compared to to different airports it's quite a lot of airports have like those terminals where you have like to enter trains and you spend a lot of time like just traveling and here it just feels like very thoroughly planned yeah so okay I'm from California California so what do you do for a living then uh I'm an attorney and you're in military sure yeah how about you same same I'm from California is there anything you want to do yeah I would I think I want to go to the DMC DMC would be cool DMC would be cool any particular food you would like to eat I don't know I don't know just try whatever uh the favorites are here never been here so no no [Laughter] [Music] no
Channel: CLAB
Views: 882,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KyHCkjRL_iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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