Insane Secrets People Keep From Their Partners - AskReddit

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GoldError3375 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
i did live with a man for a year what's a secret your partner still doesn't know about you and why have you kept it secret someone tried to break into our building with a big kitchen knife about six months ago she's already quite paranoid and scared of this sort of thing happening so telling her would more than likely mean she wouldn't sleep and probably mean we would have to move house my mum and dad live in quite a nice area and their house has been broken into on a few occasions whilst we've lived in our apartment for two years this is the only incident of anything of that kind i feel safe enough here to not move whereas i feel that if my partner knew about this we would be moving as soon as possible i inherited a few million from my mother who died when i was a child i've mostly left it alone because there wasn't anything i wanted that i couldn't just get with some elbow grease once my partner and i are at the cusp of doing the house and kids thing i will let him know so he can stop worrying about earning enough to put a down payment on a new home i don't intend to give him a full financial rundown until i think he needs to know while i love and trust my partner i've definitely seen some stuff gone bad down because of money watching my extended family argue about their inheritances made that very real to me from the get-go i have rainy day money set aside that only i can access mostly locked into stuff like land and money that i intend to use for the future which i'll be a bit more open about i used to be a professional and sometimes when i can't pay rent i call up one of my old clients who are extremely reliable and will help give me upward of 1 200 to help this is actually the first time i've ever admitted it to be honest i'm ashamed of myself and want to throw up anytime i think of it but if it wasn't for them i would be 100 on the streets so my boyfriend can never know my current girlfriend of about a year doesn't know that i'm not in love with her anymore and don't find her attractive i haven't told her because i've been trying too hard to force myself to get back into it i just can't another reason is that she's been such a great girlfriend very kind loving and patient and on paper would be the ideal wife i just finally realized one day that even with all of that i just don't think that we're compatible i just finally realized this all about last month or so and we have talked about the prospect of marriage more seriously recently i've been lying to her our whole relationship because i'm too much of a pleaser to see her hurt that i haven't said anything i hide what i really want and what i really think from her because if she knew it would utterly crush her spirit basically she made me the object of her universe without me she is nothing i didn't ask her to she just depends that much on me but i've never thought of her the same she doesn't know just how detached from my emotions i am my wife had her drink on the floor one evening while sitting on the couch watching netflix she took a drink and immediately spit it out a bug had gotten in her glass and she almost swallowed it i immediately grabbed the drink told her it's just a little moth and i while i disposed of the drink ruiner she gagged profusely and rinsed her mouth out all bugs freak her out thankfully she was soon mostly over it since it was such a small moth will never tell her it was a pretty good-sized cockroach i professionally undressed myself for a year when i was 19. this was about eight years before i met my partner even though i know i'm not that person anymore i don't think i could ever tell him because i know he wouldn't look at me the same way again i hate that this is a part of my past but i was young and in a bad place for a lot of different reasons i grew up and turned things around things are great now but it's something that haunts me just how bad my past relationships were i have given him surface level accounts of my past but the actual details are so painful for me that i can't find the words for it all also just telling him the bare minimum caused noticeable pain on his face i think the full truth would leave a sizable amount of pain in his heart i don't need him to know the details or feel any form of pity for me i just need him to know that he makes me feel beautiful safe loved and special and how grateful i really am to finally have someone who wants to show me how beautiful life really is and can be she doesn't know that i am not poor for my age i have made huge amounts of money which i have spent on condos and rent them to the amount that i have a livable wage my mom and dad always fought over money and the last thing i want is for me to end up with someone just because of what i have for me i'm well off for the rest of the world i am starving it's not just her the problem is that she's really well off but has terrible financial reasoning her dad sends her more money on a monthly basis than she'd earned for the first three years after her master's for sure she blows it on day-to-day stuff not even trips or something enjoyable she's very high maintenance and i know if she knew she'd drip me dry or break up with me because i wouldn't do that deep down i know that i have no future with her but she's enjoyable to be around and funny that i didn't actually find our dog lost and alone in a parking lot i actually paid 70 to a couple methods for her he didn't want a dog and i knew these people wouldn't take care of her so i made up a sob story that she had no one else and i just convinced him she should stay rather than me finding her another home he absolutely loves the little maniac now when going to the store one day my so asked me last second to take our three-year-old daughter i was already in the car so my partner strapped her in she was oddly quiet the whole car ride and i accidentally went in the store without her because of it i remembered after being in the store only about 45 seconds but immediately left the store to get her i was so embarrassed someone would notice so i went to a completely different store now it scares the hell out of me and even when i know i don't have one of my kids i always check behind me before getting out of the car one of the worst feelings i've ever had and even now i get sick to my stomach thinking about it about eight years ago i discovered my wife's sister's reddit account accidentally it was a variation of a username she'd used for aim before but with different numbers and no underscore the numbers were a significant date to her though there were too many coincidences in her posts for it not to be her she was posting on the relationship advice subreddit her now ex husband was toxic we'd known something was off about him but couldn't really put our finger on it i created another account that i only accessed from incognito mode to send her encouragement to leave and to ask her family or friends but kinda steered her towards us for help she didn't want to impose or be a burden on any of them we'd just had a kid and i make a bunch of money but we live well within our means so you wouldn't think this based on appearances so it was an understandable concern i slowly over several weeks and several different posts she made convinced her that it's possible her family realizes something isn't quite right and would not consider it a burden to help her out after their divorce i deleted that account nobody will ever know that the random internet stranger who was weirdly persistent in encouraging my sister-in-law to reach out to her family for help and leave her toxic marriage was actually me i think his best friend uses him for money and he's too scared of losing him to ever protest really vile someone replied i actually had that problem with my at the time boyfriend when i tried to talk about it his friend talked him into believing him that i'm the one using him for money when between me and the guy's friend i was the one with a job while my boyfriend was literally paying the dude's car insurance and cell phone bills but yes i'm using him for money because he paid for dinner one time a few years ago i had a big cup of water on my nightstand with a straw and when i went to get a drink i felt something odd in my mouth when i spit it out it was a spider she's terrified of spiders if i had told her she might have never slept in that room again thankfully i've moved since then anyway and now use a cup with a lid that closes all the way my wife knows that i was in the military which branch and that i spent time in the middle east i haven't told her any of the things i did while overseas because she would be horrified at the cavalier violence i think she would never look at me the same way again it's been over a decade and i'm not that person anymore so best to let sleeping dogs lie my wife doesn't know how deathly afraid of being alone i am like it really truly scares me to my core not being alone like having alone time that doesn't bother me but the idea of spending my life alone is terrifying to me i sometimes feel like i put up with things i shouldn't because i love her and worry so much about being alone or having her leave me i've spent nights pretending to sleep so that she won't know that thinking about it keeps me up at night i did live with a man for a year had a bit of a gay phase i've told her i was bisexual had some man crushes can see the appeal of conor mcgregor tom hiddleston chris pratt robert downey jr but i said i'd never really gone the whole way and wasn't that interested in it also i once got an std and i can't taste her cooking because i did too much coke and lost my sense of smell my wife often tries to get me to tell her which female celebrities i have a thing for she's being good-natured and fun when she asks but she is already an insecure person even though my wife is gorgeous i know that if she knew who my celebrity crush is she would not be able to resist comparing herself to them if we ever watched a show or movie with a person in it i know she would tease me for only watching it because of them etc i have told her that i appreciate that she says it's okay and i don't mind knowing who her celebrity crushes are but to protect her heart i refuse to tell her mine i don't ever want my wife thinking that there is someone else especially not someone in particular that i wish she was like instead of the beautiful person she already is i had a youtube channel that i don't really update anymore it was growing pretty well but then i saw the end of the line for advertising revenue by the last year i had record growth in terms of views and subs but my bottom line was still the same it ended up being too much work to keep up instead of well work it still was enough to keep us afloat while i was struggling to start my other business we even had some access to the point where youtube revenue paid for family vacations i still stream on twitch from time to time but more just for speed running etc she doesn't know about that either it's just a hobby now and i make no revenue from it she knows i play games obviously but she doesn't know to what extent i have shared my gameplay i just don't feel like going into it i don't have any friends that i'm still in touch with who play games so it's the closest i can get to sharing experiences with other gamers before we started dating we were co-workers in the same retail shop we had become super good friends and both had some interest in each other but never got the ball rolling on anything exclusive her father passed from a heart attack randomly in the middle of the night she took the three paid days off our job gave us but she obviously needed more the new manager at the time was scrambling to cover the shifts but being a new guy no one came to help him out i cared so much about my co-worker and loved the friendship we had i ended up taking 90 of her shifts so she didn't have to worry about that part of her life now we're a couple months into dating and i still haven't mentioned it to her not that it's a secret or anything it's never came up on a conversation and i don't tend to talk about her father all too much that i absolutely hate her co-worker he's a good friend to her when they are at work and they don't see each other outside of work except for a couple times every few months he likes to make suggestive comments to her though and she plays it off as a joke after talking to a couple of her other co-workers i know he's not joking i trust her 100 that's why i haven't said anything but i would love to smack that dude upside his head dude i can't stand my wife's dad like literally cannot handle being in the same room as him luckily her parents live halfway across the country but my wife keeps saying that if i get this job at a university near them actually kind of my dream job that we can live with her parents for a while so that's gonna be great to deal with if it comes to it one night i decided i wanted to take a sick day the next day and play some doom i had been freshly dating my then girlfriend current fiance and didn't want her to think i was lazy so i told her i had an upset stomach too at the time the company i worked for sick leave policy was that you rang up spoke to a registered nurse they gave some advice and logged your absence it was pretty good to be honest well as you can imagine i wanted to sell the light so i rang told them i wasn't well and specifically had a stomachache she asked some questions like which side is it on how bad is it out of 10 etc i answered coincidentally with whatever side my appendix was on you might be able to get this going they said i should monitor it and call back in an hour and let them know how i'm feeling so i did this i rang back said i still wasn't well and the pain had increased this lead to a shocked nurse who i happened to have on speaker phone at the time tell me to go to the hospital my appendix was playing up my so hurt and insisted she'd take me to the hospital i didn't want to tell her i was lying so off we go to the hospital we get to the hospital and she does most of the talking whilst i play it cool telling them it's no big e they rush me in through emergency take some blood tests and tell me that they'll prep me for surgery at this point i started to question myself and realized i should have come clean at home but now now it's too late i'm in too deep strap in michael's carn truth we're going for surgery i stay overnight get a healthy dose of painkillers and watch the shield all night then the next day they cut me open i remember asking the surgeon as he talks me through what's about to happen if there is a chance of me dying he says probably not but the chance is never zero fast forward to the next day i don't have an appendix on my adventure to get one day off work results in me getting a week off work my partner and i have been together for four years and she will never know thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more instructions on how to hide secrets click the right box for the dating playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories [Music] you
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 67,186
Rating: 4.9342222 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts secrets, askreddit secrets, reddit dark secrets, disturbing secrets reddit, reddit stories secrets, don 't tell your husband everything, hiding your past from your partner, hiding things in a relationship
Id: o7NIcN9-yo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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