What Secret Could Ruin Your Life? - AskReddit

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i'm bisexual and an atheist i also happen to live in pakistan what's your secret that could literally ruin your life if it came out i lied about my qualification for my current job i also lied about graduating high school my twin graduated but i didn't because i got expelled the school closed down soon after so i just made a fake of its high school diploma and got into college that way i have a former boss that did me really dirty over and over again he eventually threw me under the bus for a couple of mistakes he made and i lost my job when my wife was seven months pregnant one day while driving to a family member's house i saw his very distinct truck parked in a driveway and realized that i discovered where he lives by accident one weekday afternoon i walked through his yard and sprinkled about a half pound of kudzu seeds throughout and i threw about 10 bamboo shoots under his deck this was about six years ago and the kudzu is all over his yard i drive by his house occasionally he's had to take down a large number of very large trees that have been choked out by the vines that alone has probably cost him several thousand of dollars f that guy my uncle molested me constantly as a child i told my mother who got very angry she said i was lying and was a terrible person for trying to split my family apart my mother is a whole other can of worms so he died when i was 16 and that made things easier for me but no one knows he's remembered fondly and often by his wife and kids at functions and dinners and for 11 years now i just get quiet when he comes up telling people would only cause pain and honestly wouldn't do me any good no one knows but my boyfriend and i carry the trauma with me everywhere i probably should go to therapy but between having two kids working full-time and being an adult student i don't have time i was groomed as a young teen by a grown man on the internet and shared inappropriate photos with him a lot of photos i can only imagine how embarrassing it would be for me now to have this come to light the only thing keeping me from being upset about it apart from departed shame is that he would have to leak the photos which would bust him for having soft core cp i doubt that he wants that in his life plus he's in his 50s by now not a great age to go to prison we discovered we have an entire half family in another state in the midwest our grandparents married out of convenience my grandmother was pregnant and my grandfather stepped in and pretended it was his child in that state and day and age having a bastard child could get you excommunicated from the church and shunned from everyone up there as they were devoutly religious also my grandfather had a twin who randomly disappeared when they were two we think he died but most of our large internal family does not know of our half family of my grandfather's side i have a boatload i was a stripper in university i found my birth parents and actually have a decent relationship with them and i now spend more family holidays with him than i do my family that i grew up with from two weeks old onward no one in my adoptive family knows no one in my biological family is allowed to post on social media or publicly acknowledge my existence i love my children but i hate being a parent my wife wouldn't see it as separate concepts i absolutely adore my two kids i wouldn't hesitate to put my life up for theirs but there are really hard times frustrating times sad times you'll never do it but sometimes you just think what if i got on a bus and just left started over i think every parent has these thoughts you give up your freedoms for these crying sometimes annoying little things when you wish you could just go back to sleeping in and staying up late having a good time i'm a senior software engineer working for groundbreaking new super secretive projects for one of the companies in the top 10 of the fortune 500 and i actually don't have the faintest clue what i'm doing i google almost everything and string things together in a sort of sensible way and people are happy as can be for some reason by now i'm pretty sure i'm in a social experiment or maybe i'm the village idiot they have to entertain so that i don't go outside and break things that matter they call it imposter syndrome but like really guys i really don't know what the hell i'm doing it's just google answering my endless stream of questions i only successfully passed the job interview because they gave me plenty of time without me doing it live to work on their job interview assignment my six figure salary feels so unjust i often see people working at a fast food joint who seem smarter than i am and i could set fire to a kettle boiling water they're at least flipping burgers which i can't do without causing gender reveal-esque disasters i got scammed out of 8k just wanted to buy my dream car and was so happy now i have no car and no money i found my dream car they told me cause of cover they'd only deliver the car and i could take a look at the papers the car and everything else when it's here if i'm not happy they take it back i paid for the car they never delivered pretty dumb but i guess i learned something all the money i worked hard for is gone i have about 180 000 in cash in a secret bank account we're currently living paycheck to paycheck because i am buying our next house for cash if she knew this money existed she would probably trade it for clash of clans gems and other pretend game currency she has zero ability to budget or control impulse spending buy the house for cash and the mortgage payments are being split between our daughter's 529 education account and roth ira it isn't really a negative secret about myself but everything in my life is secret such as where i live where i work the fact that i was married my website that i run social media etc i am behind others in my professional field due to being unable to network and attend events etc which are a big plus in this industry where i live and work etc are normal mundane things not like i'm a spy or prostitute or anything possibly controversial like that all because of an evil family member who has repeatedly tried to track me down with demonstrated history of nefarious intent towards myself and others so my secret is all the mundane details of my life that would give me away i don't have a big secret being found by this person would ruin my life though it has already to some extent as i've lived 20 plus years of fear and anxiety because of it the person passed away a few weeks ago without ever having tracked me down i'm still processing that really this is one that's going to have to come out eventually but i think me being around my mother is a detriment to my mental health and i'm going to have to cut her out of my life sometime in the future it'd be a real bummer if she found that out right now though for some clarification and detail she has always been extremely industrious borderline workaholic that strained and eventually ruined my parents marriage she has never been overtly compassionate everything is a numbers game and anything against her ideas is insubordination super toxic home life for the longest time and made me into an extremely confrontational person which i struggle every day to try and undo don't want to be a lonely black sheep like her and i feel bad but at some point i'm simply going to run out of sympathy for someone creating their own misery that i'm probably the reason a kid i used to know ended himself he was messed up to begin with lived a hard life but he was getting better i was young and addicted to heroin i introduced him to heroin three months later he blew his brains out on his girlfriend's lawn i'm pretty sure if i hadn't introduced him to that stuff he'd still be alive right now the kicker on top of that is my father kind of believes that he's the reason this kid ended his life but my father doesn't know about my addiction so i can't really tell him the truth either my co-worker is a chinese-american woman and she has twin teenage children a boy and girl whenever their grandma who still lives in china sends them money for their birthday or holidays she sends the boy significantly more money because boys are still valued more in china especially to older generations so for years my co-worker had been secretly opening up her kids birthday cards from their grandma before they see them and adding money to her daughter's card so that they think they get equal amounts of money she told me that she dreads one day her daughter will figure it out and think her grandma doesn't love her as much it's not true anymore but have you ever heard the stories of the woman who got arrested for lying about her address to send her kids to a better school my mom did that for my entire kindergarten up through 10th grade and with my older brothers before me used a yuppie family member's address i was going to the nice rich white school on the other side of town because they had fancy ap courses and whatnot i was zoned for one of the worst schools in the city low opportunities and all bad behavior issues i could have probably gotten valedictorian or at least top 10 without trying if i hadn't done that i probably wouldn't be getting my masters now if we had been found out my mom could have been arrested probably fired because her job was with the government she was the breadwinner we would have probably lost the house and stuff would have ruined us they never found out though and they don't care now since i'm long gone they only really care while you're there so i'm fine talking about it it sucked because i could never have friends over or join clubs and stuff like that it was lonely i wouldn't do that to my kids but i'm grateful for where i am now the extent to which i despise my one step child stepchild had been estranged from us for several years i've always told my husband i completely supported and would be thrilled for him if they decide to reconnect which they did a few months back and i am thrilled for him but i want no part of it i don't bring up stepchild ever when my now husband and i went to the beach with his family iphones were still a little new and we were in high school he got his mom's phone and shared her location with me so we would know when they were on their way back and whatnot and deleted our messages since we never texted so she had no idea one week later i pulled up her location and said wow these maps are so glitchy it's showing her all the way in a different state than she's saying it was his dad's best friend's house my husband told his dad that she was cheating they are now divorced and have no idea it was me that caught her i am really close with her now and it would be a wreck if she knew [Music] as kid i played a lot with fire one day i got surprised by my brother hey let's go to the park i threw away the matches when i heard his voice behind me when we left the house we saw flames coming out of the window of my room everything went very fast from that point the whole house caught fire and we lost our home and everything what was in it we had to split the family because the relatives who decided to help us didn't have that much space in their homes it took years to recover from that and many removals from flat to flat everyone thinks it happened because of a damaged cable which caught fire next to the curtains but i remember everything 30 years past now and no one knows why it would ruin my life i guess it wouldn't but it would change a lot how my family sees me and trusts me i know you can excuse it because i was a kid but still with every year i got older and wiser and still i decide to keep the secret i married my wife because she is my best friend i love holding her and talking with her i want to get old with her i am not sexually attracted to her i try to convince myself that i am or listen to all these other people who state that your taste can change but it feels worse the longer we are married i'm really trying but i feel bad that i can't hold out long enough and she is noticing it i don't know what to do i'm very close to giving up on my dream career and life abroad because of the tremendous guilt i would feel leaving my widowed mother alone she doesn't live near anyone in our small family doesn't own a car to travel she won't be able to retire until her 70s and she has arthritis which is not only painful but makes her depressed my older sibling already moved abroad so i feel like i have to be the one to stay if anything were to happen to her whilst i was abroad and she was living alone i would never forgive myself this girl lied to me about her age for two months when i was 18. i ended up meeting her and she still didn't tell me we just made out because something didn't feel right the second time i was at her house and she started acting really weird then i saw that she was a freshman in high school and i left immediately and deleted her off of everything and haven't told anyone nothing happened but when i think about it i feel gross and horrible and like a pervert 10 years later i'm bisexual and an atheist i also happen to live in pakistan if anyone were to know i'd be brutally ended and law enforcement wouldn't even try to help me if my mother knew well she'd actually act out her death threats i hate myself for being imperfect and if i was to tell anyone well this is pakistan we hate gays and mental health i don't blame the people i blame the religion for creating such backwards ideologies wouldn't ruin my life but i hold the power to ruin in others my now ex-wife's best friend cheated on her fiance with his twin brother a week before their wedding the brothers are remarkably close and identical so not only would this end a marriage it would alienate the family as well it does cross my mind from time to time to let the cat out of the bag if it hasn't already happened but honestly i liked the girl and wouldn't want to take my frustrations with the x out on her not my life but it would mess up the family dynamic and would most likely lead to the discernment of my brother and sister i have younger siblings twins who are in a serious sexual relationship with each other i've known about it for a while but have decided to keep quiet for my own reasons apart from the incest they're both incredibly driven well-adjusted individuals actually this probably would ruin my life a little if my parents found out the extent of my covering for them or if either of the twins find out i've been talking about this online for the last four years i am independently wealthy years ago when i was a toddler my dad died due to medical malpractice my mom sued the hospital and won the settlement couldn't go to her as they were divorced at the time so i got it when i became an adult it wasn't much 55 000 but i used it to take on the stock market now my family grew up relatively poor so we used to always help each other i stopped after buying a house my mom thinks that was all of it after careful and meticulously crafted decisions i turned the remaining money after i bought the house around 22 000 into a few million after buying more assets i technically never have to work again at 24 years old i live moderately and don't show anyone just how much my net worth is thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more secrets click the right box for the related playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts secrets, reddit dark secrets, reddit darkest secrets, reddit darkest, reddit secrets that will ruin your life, reddit secrets to the grave, darkest reddit post, askreddit dark secrets, reddit scary true stories, dark secret, horrifying stories reddit
Id: VyXP216RXAw
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Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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