Healthy Cooking Showdown

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happy 2019 I hated that okay let me try that again happy 2019 that's right it's a new year 2018 is over and it's my first video of 2019 and what a surprise that I'm in my pajamas I will explain why I'm in my pajamas in a second but happy new year you guys you know a fresh start a clean slate people are making their new year's resolutions I've been trying to do the same I always have trouble with this but this year I want to actually stick to them you know I want to stick to the resolutions that I put out there in one of those resolutions just like everyone else probably is to eat healthy and exercise maybe for once cuz I really really don't remember the last time I exercised Cody's parents if you're watching this I'm just joking no but for real I just need to exercise more I need to eat cleaner like I just need to be a little bit more structured with it and I say that every year and then I forget about it but not this year not this year because I found something that's gonna help me stick to this I found the most beautiful app like some but basically like some is a nutrition focused app and it helps you log your meals your water intake your calories your exercise all of that it all in one place and it's a super easy and clean app to use when I first logged on and asked if I wanted to take a test to figure out with what plan would be best for me they give you all these questions and then you go through and you get to take the test and you see what's best for you whether it's a clean eating plan a ketogenic plan something along those lines so it helps you personalize your plan which i think is really helpful so look you go on so it shows me how many calories I need to eat today how much protein how many carbs what my goals are and then I get to log like my breakfast my lunch my dinner my snack and my exercise and my water which i think is great you get to fit it to what's good for you and that's why I like it it's just so personalized and so clear I need something like this in the New Year to like keep me going try out like some you guys seriously it's it's a game changer so just download the app from the link in the description and get started but now on to today's video I want to start you being healthy I don't know if you guys have gathered that by now but that's that's what I want to do so I'm making a healthy breakfast today which is also why I'm in my pajamas cuz it's breakfast time and you wear your pajamas while you eat breakfast you know but I wanted to put a little twist on things because I've been watching a lot of cooking shows lately so I'm gonna do this one a chopped style although I just felt like spicing it up a little bit so I'm gonna have a bag of ingredients I have absolutely no idea what these ingredients are I definitely didn't go to the grocery store before this to get them and I definitely didn't look up these recipes online these are ingredients have never seen before so let's make our healthy breakfast and let's see what secret ingredients we're gonna have to use to do it so just judging by all this stuff I mean I've got the rolled oats I mean I've got almond milk what can I do here oh I've got it pancakes I'm gonna make healthy pancakes we have eggs and milk rolled oats I could put some of this maple syrup in and perfect baking powder that's the perfect and then what and then I'll top down with the blueberries now if only I could think about something I could do with these the spinach and these tomatoes I've got spinach and tomato egg white things and I'll put them in a muffin tin and I'll bake them egg whites spinach and tomatoes and then healthy pancakes sign me up the judges are gonna love this by the way by the judges I'm home alone and I will be eating my own food but the judges are gonna love this I have 45 minutes on the clock for a five minutes on the clock and let's get this thing going healthy breakfast challenge 20 19 [Music] I'm not reading a recipe or anything just I'm looking over here [Music] [Music] wait step away from the plates all right so for my meal I am presenting these oatmeal banana pancakes with a nice maple syrup glazed and blueberries found at Ralph's and placed in a crown on top of our pancake tower and then over on the corner you'll find two little egg white spinach and tomato muffins and those are sprinkled with just a dash of pepper and sea salt please enjoy pancakes have a beautiful banana flavor not too overpowering they're nice and sweet and I like that they're still healthy and yet they taste delicious mmm the eggs although simple ingredients are very flavorful great job super healthy breakfast fur and it only took 45 minutes just like in chopped and I this is the winning plate because one it's the only one but two cuz it tastes delicious and it's healthy and now I'm gonna enjoy my healthy breakfast so let's stick together this new year and do our resolutions the right way thanks for watching you guys happy new year I love you all and thank you to life some for sponsoring this I'm going to eat the rest of this now and stop pretending that I'm on chopped love you guys see you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 249,089
Rating: 4.9780145 out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, cooking show, healthy eating, healthy, lifesum, kelsey kreppel, funny, fun, vlog, chopped, final table, netflix, food network, how to, breakfast, masterchef, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: vprNbL01QXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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