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you guys hear that birds chirping so peaceful it's about to get a heck of a lot louder because dave's exhaust for the gt3 rs is finally in and we're heading to august luxury motorcars right now to install this son of a brand new race exhaust let's go oh you want to give us the very last cold start on the gt3 rs with the stock exhaust how pumped are you talk to me goose that perfect exhaust it's here it mimics the rsr race car right yeah i heard sound clips of it it never translates the same in a little instagram video wait till you hear this it's gonna be crazy this won't be crazy this is stop fire it up we gotta hear it fire it up is it odd is this a tesla take a stab at the v10 the straight pipe exhaust for this should be done any day now so we're going to get shipped down to sr auto group they will do the install on this car because they're very familiar with the carrera gt and we will have v10 straight pipe noise and potentially fire got mine done first number one all right cold start both these cars are pretty quiet right now very quiet we'll fix that or ruin that based on your opinion i think we're gonna fix it we're gonna fix it right guys everybody wants straight pipe on the internet and you know the funny thing about making automotive youtube videos is that you can give a car a whole bunch of power and it's really hard to translate that onto video with the exhaust notes that's the easiest thing for the audience to really appreciate why because you can hear it my neighbor by the way hates that dave check i am backing out of the garage initiate garage closing of door the door is now closed dave should i put a big ysob logo across the side of this car oh matt black get a satin blackett ew what do you think satin black cgt i feel like you need to go real crazy on the wrap on this car because no one's done it acid green yeah i don't know that acid green would go with the terra cotta interior maybe if it was a black interior what are my choices that color would go good it would go good with like a bright blue i don't know i'm not good at this i know i'm not gonna like i don't know it would go good with the bright blue it would look good black white white's pretty boring white is boring but a white cgt is really nice looking it's clean it is it's clean dave i have a crazy wrap for it in mind except for we've done it several times oh that one this car would look really good with the racing livery yeah i can't say the name of the brand no it's white and it's neon orange it would look crazy on this car because the porsche gt1 car is what they raced that livery with what do you guys think i don't know i don't know what to do with this i'm trying to come up with a more original idea i'm trying not to just do something porsha would do really piss everybody off and camo wrap it and hide all the lines oh god right it would look cool camo [Applause] keep banging out some decals oh it should be done when we got here she didn't say that y-s-o-b rectangular outline over top of that let's go put an exhaust on it loud everything loud including my voice why are you yelling you yell now try it feels good try it try it no balsa wood yeah doesn't make you a classy guy that does you're a pretender okay look at my look at my hoodie i'm classy by the way new merch april 9th 6 30 am things go live and the new ysob drop oh same day but it's at that's where you send them i think you really can't wait on this i don't understand that this is gonna sell out really fast if you do want one don't say we didn't warn you we've warned you for the past week now true let's go to the august garage and we're back august garage we don't ask questions we just pull straight in like we own the place yeah baby that's a very pretty 488 spider ah fellow porsche owner all sorts of quirky cars here all right that's crazy that's an old maserati look at the shape of this glass how it curves like that what a bizarre car i have no idea what model this is but it is super super funky and that is cool what a funky car if someone in the audience knows what this is comment below it's really cool you never know what you're going to get when you show up to august garage we got a beautiful corvette just say hi to the boys glenn hey how are you doing david good how are you sir good oh that's cool turcon's quite the color lots of ferraris in here right now old ferraris look at this thing do you guys like these bright colors or are you more of a me a neutral person i like the bright colors i'm all about this is this it that's it where are you going can we open it right here look at that jcr in the uk so that's so cool you have scissors here seriously this is your office you know your opening packages you know scissors we assumed at a shop you'd have cutting objects we got a desk and no seats all right what can i do for you yeah your bill's over here somewhere you need new brake drums and a transmission thank you to jrc jcr i'm dyslexic i know we heard that in the story thanks jrc let's go to the staff member or jcr jcr thank you jcr dave you said it's your exhaust this is jcr yeah and they make a bunch of cool stuff for porsches and they dm me after the launch delivery they slid into your dm they said we have the perfect exhaust for your car probably the best car available for the rs best car available for the rs the best exhaust available for the rs man i know you man what's wrong with all of us ready well lack of sleep first of all that's pretty what's in here what's in here whoa they're purple that's cool hayden this is for you thank you for the instagram hayden what do you got just the tip look at those holy crap holy crap it's light that weighs nothing right now that's awesome lightweight and louder don't give me the purple tip just the tip purple tip a purple tip that's sexy you know it's cool this will all change color once it gets hot toy tiny slide it slide it in the size of your tip tell me some noise there's a box from jcr oh they're shifters bigger paddles no that's a little surprise i don't know it's coming no they snuck in bigger paddles that's cool thank you jcr jcr painter kit install those today too please sir no problem anything you need my friend whole front end of the car park i have the exhaust everybody stop what you're doing i have a new exhaust for my car oh that is light it's made out of titanium hey look at those tips what about there hey they're about there definitely double team those hey what's going on these bolts are too hot to handle it's not even hot down here oh that's pretty toasty grab the shield i'll take the last bolt up yeah grab the shield dave there's two or four oh that's the last bolt why'd you still stay in there it's stuck there damon and dave build exotics these little plastic things there they're holding on oh i see the blind man's having to do his death you've done a lot of these exhausts back in the day yes i have short long quick install hard wet it's a medium one because the bolts on all these exhaust things they expand and contract sometimes you shear them off like we did on gabe's remember so it's a relatively straightforward process but you know like anything how long do you think how long an hour an hour if everything goes right i like to use confidence we'll go with an hour an hour no pressure timer starts now all right guys stick around see if hayden can do this one hour if hayden does it inside an hour what do we give hayden oh i think it's something really big purple a purple tip i'm gonna sit here and count the whole time which won't be annoying at all 29 22 21 20 19 18. we're watching hayden bam i'm watching you buddy don't break don't break the ball [Music] time check 42 minutes remain put my man right here look at this do you want to use a lifeline call a friend 50 50. oh yeah ask the audience no yeah no we're doing good that was crazy this is actually really late it's hot so don't grab it but it's hot it's not that hot it's not even that hot i think it all works they call that the sneaky pete that's how you make cars fast i think what's up billionaire michael buddy how are you since when are you two at the store at the same time you just went for lunch so you're not at the store just one for lunch exactly where was our lunch call i'm hungry huh where's our lunch call i assumed you ate lunch already hey are you excited to hear this thing i am gonna sound nuts it's not really cool once it's got the headers and everything in a few more weeks supposed to sound like the rsr race car that's gonna be cool i know it'll be louder than probably every car we have they asked me how far do you wanna go i said as far as you possibly can go you wanna go to first base second base to third base dave said take me home i want a touchdown no pressure buddy you are about to hit sub 40 minutes no pressure as he tinkers around just wasting time like he's god i love when matt august gets involved hey that's good fingerprints all over it so when we turn it on it just burns right into the titanium mat fired up fired up while he's holding it what do you think hayden please yeah so what's the issue perfectly loose bolt piled up while tight oh uh oh do you think that's gonna be the demise of hayden's clock ticking down because we are down to 34 minutes [Music] we'll make i like the sound of the confidence coming from his voice oh i'm excited to hear this this is still screwed and he needs to go get the torch to try to i don't know do something with it not sure what it is we are down it's getting close it's close you could easily burn 20 minutes with the torch trying to get a bolt off for sure hey build after got some tight nets like this guys oh now we're talking hayden ready put out a little bit more fuel to the fire [Music] and we broke it we broke it it's hot it's a little hot 18 and a half minutes will hayden make it work willie make it work if you win what does it get we haven't just pulled your gift card to the keg how much do we put on there 10 bucks 500 500 i don't know i'm just joking i'm making up numbers 100 bucks okay these guys are like oh he's done he ain't done i don't see no wheels on the ground not done yet it's not done until the first startup and we hear it all right down the last 12 minutes active arrow wow he did it he actually got it done bro how much time is left 11 minutes and 13 seconds he won alright i want to hear it [Applause] wow oh it sounds louder sounds good hit it again yeah it sounds good but unfortunately it's a porsche you can't rip it past 4000 rpm unless the car is moving so we can't really hear it until we get moving all right so we'll go outside we'll get moving an idea before you get out of here what if you tried to do launch control so we could just here louder do it again do it again do it again [Applause] i wasn't ready for that i was a little close sounds good this is stage one stage two is like a whole new level of noise this sounds good sounds good well this sounds good eh sounds really good chris yo you sent him you think sounds incredible good oh sucking back the gas in the cgt fill up number two this thing sounds good that's it yeah you want to do a three-way gas station challenge all i heard was three-way let's do it cgt versus gt3 rs versus 458 straight pipe this guy borrowed this car from we can they came back and no gas in it that's what billionaire mike hall does that's what everybody in august does it's a signature move by these guys okay i want to know how much fuel does this thing take hit it any guesses any guesses 128 dollars she's thirsty yes sir she's thirsty she's on instagram or something how is this not stopping yet i think you said it had a 70 what liter tanks 67. they put a few more on this one holy jerry seinfeld worked with porsche to develop this car yeah this is true and there's two gassing options there's a bigger tank option when you buy this car it's bigger than this that's this one that must be this one mine's still freaking going too yours is a 66 meter jig holy mine's 92 no but this is perfect 107. all right guys go and buy some merch this friday because we're now broke i love this car so seriously how are you gonna wrap it up i don't know you're after your game dude this car should be built by now what's going on there's something that hasn't been touched okay i will go and look all the cars online that look good they have classic deliveries you all pissing people off yeah that really good full carbon wrap now no no yeah i can't even i can't bring myself to do that guys we'll see you tomorrow it'll be a whole new day when i go like this it's magic okay you ready one two three magic i don't know if that worked do you wanna try it again i'll do a counter clock once you do clock lines okay one two three magic and we're back getting close bro you look good change the uh wardrobe all of a sudden the cgt is not here the murcielagos here and dave's still got the gt3 rs so we're going to go right now and we're going to put a decal on the side of the black gt3rs and it's for a special event friday april 9 the official launch of the new ysob merch line hell yes we're gonna do this in a big way you'll see yes you like this car by the way you're not a big fan not a big fan but you know what i keep it around just to remind me how a car can be how not to build a car that's right we're obviously joking please smells like the clutch wasn't all the way disengaged there well we'll find out the next bill well i smell it oh there we go the other hand i love this car look why they're having so much why not everybody likes it everybody you son of a what's up that looks so good that actually looks awesome i'm gonna get a matt black car too dude it looks so good good that looks awesome i really like it oh i love it that's so fun look how big you want it like yes yes please merch 9 it's cool right we want to keep it low-key dude it looks so good dave i love it car sounds good too right new exhaust the new exhaust sounds good can you rip out of here one more time so we can hear it i just want to hear you go i like to see you leave but i hate to see you go i don't know what the saying is i hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave i got no game i've been married ten years like do a donut okay it's dave he doesn't know how to do a doughnut put new fences in our fence installers just pulling in oh good timing he knew you were here that's the guy who fixed the fence last time it is sounds good that's awesome nice work man that's all he knows i really need how you did that it was really neat it's cool is that a special setting i probably had to get that tuned to do that okay go go go holy look like he was gonna hit him stuart's awesome dude watch this watch this oh small incident we won't talk about small incident i'm sure you can figure it out come on you son of a what do you got well not bad for a little marketing in the meantime i like it it looks really good let's go make me a sandwich what i don't know let's go look it on the news let's go look good on the news thanks i really like the guys of this exhaust those downshifts are brisk a very nice tone hit me with the fire look at this view look at this view absolutely stunning breathtaking if you will well you son of a new merch drops this friday april 9th at and the new daily driven exotics clothing will be out the hoodies the shirts the hats all the good stuff also april 9th at we wanted to show you this beautiful view feeling pretty grateful right now where we live beautiful where you live must be nice hey huge thank you to jcr for the epic exhaust will be a link in description if you're a porsche owner they make the best porsche stuff and there's more things coming for this car to make it sound like a race car it's just like a race car the rsr race car what we do it sounds amazing as it is right now but it's gonna sound even crazier once you've got that exhaust on there and it's like completely bonkers all right you guys smash that subscribe button join the dd fam we're excited to have you and that's it for today's video we're gonna leave you with this epic view and remember go to the links in description and pick up some merch you son of a don't trust that what's your i don't want to show them because that's our company credit card duh tell the audience not rich at all really no you're the one with all these cars how many soldiers you have fun this is a forgotten
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 594,250
Rating: 4.9512525 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: RFe8a2R6NxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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