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ready to go let's go today we're gonna head over to the hoonigan's brand new facility i thought he's gonna pop the tires i don't think we're doing the dyno what's up welcome back we're here with our good friends at vf engineering the supercharger is what is in the huracan evo aperta and we have a project today with the hoonigan slang tires so what do we need a little more torque turn up a little bit yeah i think s7 f7 torque management's a big thing on these cars it is and it can all be controlled in the software depending on where the load and the rpm points you desire to see more talking we can adjust that f7 f7 f7 so we're going to do that today here at vf engineering they're in the process of moving to a much bigger facility you guys goes to show you how amazing popular and reliable the vf engineering superchargers are see i'm not the liar dave is a liar hey say hi to everybody hey guys how are you did they reply as you guys have seen we've unwrapped the aperta we have some other things in store for this car now i'm thinking a wheel change probably a livery on some level and we're gonna be doing some f7 stuff so today we're gonna head over to the hoonigan's brand new facility over in compton california so as soon as we're done here with the f7 mumbo jumbo we'll be hitting the streets and going to slay tires at their new headquarters so stick around [Music] all right the boys want us to take this for a quick test run got a new updated tune in here and the idea is that we've lowered the torque curve so that comes in at a lower rpm being that if you're under you know conditions like this where it's really tight and i want to basically just hammer the gas in first gear and control the throttle to get the tire spinning so i can do a controlled lower speed slide that's what we're going for i don't think the heunigan's burn yard is really all that big oh yeah it's pretty good what do you think got more jumbo juice in this one the trick is like the low rpm stuff right yeah it didn't do that before it's crazy all that's just software now back in the day it was all about carburetors and springs what is this magic what are you putting in here i think a little juice you make that yourself in your bathroom yeah this isn't race fuel this is e85 85 i think it's taking fuel out actually and siphoning into that gas is expensive right now i don't blame it bro boom boom boom boom but don't leave me hanging bro ready to go let's go to hoon again thank you vf engineering amazing guys and gals here hey we're gonna go see their new headquarters when we can and maybe before they put all of this stuff in it we go slide around let's go let's go before i get it go let's go let's go okay damon did not put any sunscreen on it's equivalent being on a boat on the lake where it's like oh it's cool today because the wind when you get out and you have a massive sunburn and you can't see or think straight and your pee is orange that's irrelevant that'll be damon in about 32 minutes so very happy to be in the 695lt with a roof and a windshield and air conditioning and you guys speaking of the burn yards do you guys recall what happened the last time we're at the burn yard i was like hey dammit don't do the wall things like i wouldn't do that [Music] what's this alex you're a getaway i'm gonna miss this noise meaning all the new mclarens are hybrid v6s it's just not like a silent spark oh this must be the place there we go welcome to the just ain't care studios i feel great actually it's a good temperature right now in the fall i thought you'd be sunburned by now it's possible yeah maybe a little hello hello what's up [Music] in all shapes and sizes you know what we got them we just put it like a little decal on the back of dave's lamborghini urus and it says fox edition i'm not even joking really here are you guys reflecting on that a bit of being like wow these guys have real [ __ ] like this is what regular normal people have as cards listen i was that guy like this while ago your memory you're old your memory might have been fine i don't remember what it's like to do this we just redid an integra for this guy we just went back to like 18 18 spoon we did the dd version which was you know like we won the spoon lottery anyhow it's good to be here and check out the new facilities new burn yard or what's the nickname this is called tire slayer studios it's just our head our headquarters this is just our yard i know i like the yard there's a lot of stuff here we can't show you guys so tune into the channel i'll show them later that yeah dave it's still on his personal instagram follow dave on instagram there you go no don't do that yeah he needs more following i'm winning yeah unfollow damon first you guys killed it man like the art you put in here how long did it take to move everything that that feels like a overwhelming undertaking well you've walked through right do you think we're done no it looks like we're like moving into those boxes everywhere we're still trying we started here in like april so we're still kind of adjusting things we want to build out the yard a little bit more and stuff we're moving in put some more obstacles so you can kind of like almost gymkhana it oh we have plenty of obstacles yeah you want to put more obstacles out not the most not emotional ones like physical things don't beat you down emotionally i'll make you deal if you put things out i can hit i'll probably hit things that looks pretty nice though you're gonna hit stuff with that yeah that's like the honda civic of supercars the huracan we got plastic side skirts or whatever right yeah forged carbon yeah oh yeah they're 200 000 we keep going but keep going brian how are you all of a sudden i felt like i was in someone's shadow those those side you get those like made like at the home depot yeah they look like they're from home depot yeah that's sick yeah we're on a budget we don't have unlimited money like moon again the juggle building warthogs that thing would crush this car literally yeah the great thing is there's no glass to even crush no there isn't why is this here you guys said bring a supercar i thought this did we get to keep this like does this get to stay here i wasn't i was thinking like i would leave a car here if you guys want to play around with a car you don't watch a show huh you know what for a guy who makes youtube videos it's hard to watch other people doesn't have a lot of time to watch youtube i actually do your show i think that's a big thing that people who watch youtube don't understand the people who make youtube content don't have any time to watch other youtube content because people dm me and be like did you see david's kind of like you see out of that i'm like enough it's funny how small damon looks right now next to brian looking at this six foot two fours oh yeah there we go do you guys want some more obstacles to make it look like i actually kind of know how to drive yeah we want to put as many things for you to hit in here as possible concrete here like coming in here that's fine you got a barrel to go around that's a little snug right there you might have no no no leave it that's fine i can eyeball it from here want someone to just drive around sporadically with a forklift just kind of just cruise around yeah yeah you could just you could just go around that moving doughnuts let's film your guys a show and you guys put the camera down and go stand by the car okay you guys wanted a big difference between austin hoonigan this is their crew i like where i'm like this is our crew that's you ready to go yeah so we can give the hoonigans the aperta they deserve it it'd be fun they'll have a car here leave it here give him the hen again see a perch giving the hoonigans a lamborghini hoonigan's first supercar donated by daily driven exotics we're a charity now we are flanders right there just go just go just do your thing this is kind of the secret here that's the secret yeah there's a lot of standing around but if you just go then the cameras start rolling like yeah so you're saying earlier damn always hit something really today's gonna hit something well damon can wheel i think he does it all for show no damon's showboating no oh damon super humble it's all for show accidents do happen but you can get a lot of speed in this yard and that's what's scary but i think he'll be a little more timid in here because there is some pretty big price for failure here coachella who's gonna be timid and see what happens i'm not gonna get the opposite no i'm sick don't be scared there you go [Music] in my zone now [Music] [Music] i thought he's gonna pop the tires the tires hold up pretty good actually you think they beloved they don't they look pretty bald wow okay let's assess the uh condition oh little little scratches in the paint that's not actually it's uh this is all plastic oh good to go yeah heat it up eat it up it'll be fine painless dent removal will get yeah done easy that one there that's uh that's not a problem oh up front how are you looking up front bumper that's fixable like buy this for the bumper that is your backup sensor that might even have just popped out i don't even think it did damage it just popped out like that's fixable that's not even bad that'll pop in and we can fix this it wouldn't be the first bumper we fixed it's time for a body kit what do you think go crazy yeah yeah we actually have a kit it might be why we uh don't give two shots yeah i was trying to get it as the tires degrade that concrete just gets real slick so you gotta know the second you transition and then come off of this on to that you're like it's it's just gonna slide another 10 feet takes a bit to get used to it i'll get better i'll come back thanks for having us thanks for coming out nice job that was good not wrecked go look that is the only real damage done this is super minor all right oh my god yo what the [ __ ] yeah what do you think oh this is insane this is insane this is the first first superhero i don't want to crash your car i have a history you're doing good now get out oh wait that was red that was really fun that car is really capable a little bit of finesse like handbrake and stuff that car is that's sick it's official like no joke we gave the hitting guys the aperture this was built to be like the perfect yard car and since we don't have a yard and they do it makes sense we give it to them i wish this was how easy it was to get a lambo put a sticker on it and that's ours it is uncle damon's here man hey don't [ __ ] what's up man this is a lamborghini okay you think i'm gonna smash it you scratch the paint when the dick you scratched it right scratch the paint [ __ ] i guess we'll have to take it off your hands i think you already have so we're leaving the lambo we're leaving it it's gonna be officially here we'll come up with some more bad ideas to do with it we'll have x-comp drop off a pallet of rear tires and uh here we go just say goodbye give it a kiss i will remember you go go i don't know yeah i don't know what's a bigger mistake you driving this thing into barrels or you leaving it with us definitely time will tell i knew it would look good that's why we took the wrap off it there we go you broke it get out of the way okay get out of the way move peasant that's what it feels like a peasant let me close i got my gucci shoes out the front always a pleasure boys turn the park right back you're here it's electric we're new you're doing great sit down put it down you're doing great you're doing great smash the subscribe button so i can buy a new lamborghini [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 447,047
Rating: 4.9326191 out of 5
Keywords: DDE, Daily Driven Exotics, Hoonigans, Ken Block, Hoonicorn, Gymkhana, Tire SLayer, Lamborghini
Id: D2neGzrACyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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