Innuendo Bingo - Making Sausages | SORTEDfood

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This brought on the giggles.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/charliebravowhiskey 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
warning the following views and events expressed in this week's fridge cam a childish ill-informed and thoroughly immature in nature if you are easily offended or in possession of any kind of moral compass you may want to look away now if not enjoy Barry loves our gravy sausage lads grow up this is we're going to make homemade sausages and we're gonna be mature about it for once yeah right you're the king of innuendo spend everything you say isn't innuendo rubbish rinsing your shaft and our fan there's a lot of things are tied up a bit smaller for the squaring your eyes our chocolate starfish fully behind you yeah it's like Blowfish here's a change for you every time you to smirk love what don't take things quite seriously they should be will keep a tally the worst culprit you've got to recreate bits to be G oh ok it will go on to Instagram everyone can see it go you mum yeah first up you need a big piece of pork this is pork shoulder we got a thin pork shoulder $0.20 pork belly and Almanza and basically we just feed it in otherwise known as a grinder lovely I have you go now don't fit your thing in the whole safe we now need to do is flavor it into sausage meat so what they've got is some sage pepper plenty of salt to make our sausage Christmas day to put mold wine spices in it so I took a glass of wine yeah and reduced it down to a shot now some old spices so this is a mixed spice ginger if you can grate that in there yeah and then Clementine and lemon zest going in there as well I don't think I've ever had a ginger sausage before all right it's my boy look at that purple color coming on it of the reduced wine this is picks and testings Wow that is the casing for our sausage now to store them you need a filter solution just letting it go off the last little while in the fridge why are you focusing on me I'm absolutely fine when not at all it's quite long this is called the horn and that's what we use to thread out sausages so just screw that in once you got your horn on just pull the skin over the tip now you can do this basically my done for faces now right down to face and they want to fit quite a lot on be gentle with it and this is where if it's wet just a little bit easier if you can just pull that my fuzzy end okay so you rest your head you're very efficient at this point snip it off so we've got then you want to push it back right over to expose the end no now we need to feed the sausage meat we've now seasonal flavors with our mold spices into machine so you can turn the knob back on yep Allen he's not going to get me all that one Barry put the meat back down the hole yeah and as soon as it starts to come out this end we can just literally take that away because we can now pull this back over the end and we need to tie knot in it and now we can put our machine back off Barry keep feeling Jay you can just reach around this end so I'm taking the night off without as soon as you've run out that's a good time to stop I think of again as Stewart we'll go again in a minute but just give me a moment so that's the kind of thing you're looking for roughly even and the better the more you do it the better you get it and then you can start to twist into saucer-shaped but you've got to twist and twist it yeah work out how long you like your sausage yeah bears probably good we've got Matt we've got bun some weight so there yeah long enough that Google spent hums give it a squeeze and give it a twist clockwise I had no idea that's how you read a sausage we've also need to make sure they've been twisted in alternate ways good to go both ways yep leave the sausages to rest for a little while and we'll grill them off remember that's why a sausage is called a banger because they have a tendency to explode so you do need to give a little prick right grab a sausage I'm gonna go from Buster that was a really big piece mm-hmm well guess there's only one thing to do is find out who has to wear the shorts back to the fridge ah definitely lost what's that come out nose obvious but there is only one way to find out and I have heard that the red shorts are slightly moist inside by the time this is life there will be a video on Instagram for you to watch am i obviously the big question that apart from where was Barry's manhood is how many times did you laugh did you lose you lost obvious Sherman that which how about well so we've been up to this week yes you know let's focus on you well you've been doing this week what have you been eating this week well I started the week we're a Clementine curd really general squad on a stag is a neat little games like a food gift Friday yeah I had turkey oh you celebrating Christmas a bit early on you I know but I just like to get prepared make sure I can actually cook it and we did it your practice run yeah it was moderated to get out of excess run and I did I did a really really nice turkey when I saw you into the table this week as well yeah did you what did you do that I had a fig a blackberry strudel uh-huh which I just thought was the perfect winter dessert actually everything that I've been eating he's gonna be linked to down below so I'm thinking I'm subtle enough to think that you know they would never know what have you been up to Barry I've been doing a lot of cooking Lori don't tell you what it was oh but I've been cooking my sorted set of utensils I'm cookware well Barry I don't know what you mean by your sorted set of utensils and cookware well if you don't know what I mean by that you can watch this video here but we're making sure that's not a problem that was definitely a plug that that's that's that's a plug that's that's about that's a plug comment of the week coming oh the week comment of the week xx Sean's especially written Tom of the week again confident yeah yeah she believes gonna be going this early on what xx charms xx has said is if salted foods somehow became a move Ben the glass would be replaced by Colin Hanks okay control nice good choice yeah Barry would be Shia LaBeouf we are we talking like transformers Shia LaBeouf I'm thinking more yeah yeah Stephen Stephens and Jamie you have to be Jimmy Fallon great choice I mean is that is that because of the looks the humor I think is a very funny guy rapping ability not a more rapping ability and my friendship with them Justin Timberlake and Mike well he might get Mike would be Alex Pettyfer I don't know who that is can we get a picture maybe oh okay uh that's that's actually scarily like like ya know it's a bit of a compliment I'm gonna say he's a good-looking man it's lovely to learn he still their face maybe but it's gotta get in Ben's favorite film another week another fridge can and another way closer to Christmas so forget to watch our videos subscribe like share all that stuff bye Barry's a big sausage muncher know the Human Torch was denied a bedroom on the tops of your feet on the floor to one of our boys one or two it just your knowledge of history yeah he's back in the olden days they actually used to prank I rode bird
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 938,389
Rating: 4.9731588 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, sorted, ben ebbrell, jamie spafford, mike huttlestone, barry taylor, sexy food, gorgeous food, epic food, recipes, how to, how to make, christmas sausages, how to make sausages, homemade sausages recipe, innuendo bingo, Sausage Making, Sausage (Type Of Dish), Christmas (Holiday Period), Cooking
Id: e3CoDo6AnyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2013
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