How To Boss Your Work Lunch

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finding inspiration for lunches that are good for you and tasty can be hard especially when Audrey it works it's obviously to Peter everyday well you guys have helped us put together this super nutritious and fresh flavored lunch box that came would have got involved with to make it super quick why don't you report that to HR eatery we will begin with the thing that takes the most time but it's still only about 10 minutes step 1 - bulgur wheat basically an amazing grain and we're going to cook it essentially in the dressing okay as you guys said homemade dressing is much better than store-bought and therefore we're gonna cook that in the vegetable stock which it needs to hydrate but also the juice of a lemon a tablespoon of olive oil and a generous pinch of salt pepper put it over heat get a lid on to track in all of the steam and the flavor and cook it until the grains absorb all of that liquid and it becomes soft while that bubbles away we can do all the flavors you're going to mix into it step 2 all of the herbs to get rid of some of the really big stalks don't throw them away stalks are useful for all sorts of things they can go in stocks they can go into herb oils you're gonna waste it tea especially mint less say with parsley perhaps yeah and then you want to chop it up really really finer because there's so many we can put it into there then the blade Ovation cut through it and make it super fine without bruising the herbs let's save some time no time just parsley and mint so what would normally take ages and a board literally gets done in a bow that long John seconds not even that next up Fennell now this isn't traditional interval oh but you guys said orange and fennel is a great combination too although we've got lemon in here orange comes later fennel up next we want to grate it so the grating disc can go in and then we'll just basically cut this into wedges and force it through and again it's going to save so much time I love that MCD smell it's so strong and if you combine that with the mint and the parsley we're just building layers now bulgur wheat needs a couple more minutes while we wait for it we can take two tomatoes quarter them take out the middle seeds and dice the flesh and maybe half a cucumber would do the same take out that middle core a little bit wet fine dice the rest so in the time it's taken you to prepare all the ingredients your grains are beautiful that individual they're seasoned because of the salt and your lemon one other seasoning goes in garlic goes in now raw because raw garlic is incredible just to be fiery and just and it goes any one is still hot so it takes this strength out of it but you've still got the heat of the garlic either chopped up really fine or for ease oh it's just great it about that much now get a big bowl and we just literally cross everything together so we have our grains now with the garlic in it all of the fennel goes in all of the cucumber tomato now depending what time of the year you're in you may well be able to get hold of fresh Peas don't cook them for this you want that fresh pop as you eat through the salad if you can't get fresh peas frozen are just as good just defrost them but don't actually cook them but it's already delicious but now comes the bit makes it to be late all of that fresh parsley and mint get it all in and mix up again at this point you'll notice it's vegetarian it's been again it's dairy free leave it as is as soon as you've tested it for seasoning maybe a little zest of orange if you like crumble in some feta I like that that's entirely up to you or leave it on the side and then everyone can enjoy it that is pretty much a warm delicious nutritious balanced fast-food dish ready sucking - now it gets even better you save some for lunch tomorrow check the seasoning but don't forget you've already put all the tool and the lemon into the stock at the start there we go a portion for tomorrow that everyone in the office will be jealous off and plenty for tonight we're just going to zest over that orange that you guys said worked so well and because we love it in a crumble some feta [Music] this is awesome on its own even better if you serve it with piece of fish some grilled chicken some grilled pork it's our orange and fennel tabbouleh [Music] what I'm glad you got your own bold and you weren't gonna try and share too much box this is absolutely food I love great those peas are amazing we haven't done anything with them raw peas grated raw fennel a so many fresh herbs it is seriously seriously good tasting fast food and you adjust the lemon and the salt your own personal preference is so so good if you want to give this a go at the full recipe is available down below [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 282,467
Rating: 4.9483395 out of 5
Keywords: tabbouleh, tabbouleh recipe, how to make tabbouleh, orange and fennel tabbouleh, healthy lunch, healthy lunch recipe, packed lunch, packed lunch idea, epic packed lunch, how to boss your work lunch, boss work lunch, lunch recipe, kenwood, sortedfood kenwood, made better, ideas for work lunch, great work lunch ideas, best lunch ideas, bulgur wheat, bulgur wheat ideas
Id: YAVaICCu56k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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