Inkscape Tutorial - Working with TEXT and GRADIENTS Video #4

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hello everyone we're getting all set up today is Monday the 13th of January coming to you today with a live Inkscape tutorial today we're going to be messing with the text tool and some ingredients so if you have a few minutes and you'd like to join in come on in I'm also testing out the live chat that you might see here or there and hopefully your messages will show up on this screen we'll see how that goes and yeah I have been messing around with summit text tools and I came up with a little tutorial that I think you might find useful I wanted to share a picture with you let me see if I can pull that up well we have no one here so if you're here I love it if you said hello let's see let's call that image I'm going to find a little sticker that I created because you might be wondering what can you do with the text tool so I thought I'd show you before we get started a little sticker that I created for my daughter let me make that small and smaller smaller I'm hoping that that's showing up on this screen hello Diane how are you here is the little sticker hello everybody hello Harlan Ellie you were just watching the intro to Inkscape today we're going to be doing text I'm wondering let me check to see if you see on the screen yep you see on the screen this little sticker this is a sticker that I made with my brother's skin and cut so I'm going to show you how you can make that today hello everyone so great to see you so let me hide this sticker now that you see what this is I'll make it a little bit bigger so you can see really well so that is what we're going to make today Phylis this is your first time I'm so glad you're here I don't know if you have installed escape onto your system today I'm using version 0.9 one there's several different versions to download and I'll put a link to Inkscape in the description box after we're done and or you can go to Inkscape org and download from there it is a free software that you can use and that's what we're doing today in today's video the font that I'm going to be using is called boys are us I think there's a link if I did it right I put it down in the description box it'll bring you over there this font is free for personal and commercial use and so that's really important when downloading fonts off of the internet is you want to check the licensing and to see what you can do with the fonts that you download to your computer before you design something but this is a free for commercial and for personal use font if I did it right you should be able to open the description box and click on the link and it brings you over to the site that I downloaded that from so great to see so we're gonna go ahead and jump in I'm gonna try to move quickly through this because I want to keep this tutorial straight to the point and if you have any questions go ahead and ask them when I have my screen sharing Inkscape I will not be able to see your comments or your questions but I'll check back before we're done at the end of this video and if you're watching the replay then just ask your questions down in the comment section and I'll try to be as quick as I can getting back with you so let me go ahead and switch over my screen it's gonna look a little crazy for a second and here I have Inkscape open okay I just pulled up what we're making so that you can see an example of exactly what I'm making let me just make sure we're still going it's always getting nervous switching things around okay so this is what we're making I'm also going to if you can hold on one second I'm gonna pull you up on my phone just to make sure that we're still streaming and that we're still going because I don't want to be talking to myself okay there we go that's my little safety net okay you see the what we're going to create today I did this with the text tool and with the gradient tool and let me go ahead and clear off my screen I'm gonna just bring this down right to the bottom corner so that we have an example of what we are creating together so here is my blank document when I open a new document I always go to file and document properties and I hide my box on the screen to me it's just a distraction until I'm ready to print so I have hidden that page border and display properties and so if you open your Inkscape and it looks different than mine that is why Oh stop doing that okay there we go so let's go ahead and begin and this time I will type my own name out Lisa kay Binn quilts to type text out on your screen and there is a left menu with a big a if you hover over top of it it says create and edit text objects you click on that and you can click anywhere in your desktop and start typing now I've typed out my name I'm going to make it a little little bit bigger so that we can see it well I'm going to grab this corner arrow and holding the control button down it's going to make my text a little bit bigger so that we can see it let me go in and fix this because I messed up in a little typo if you want to edit your text you can just double click right on your text and it lets you go within your text and change any of your letters while we have the text options selected and we are working within our text I want you to notice this little menu right at the top of my screen this is where I can change all of my fonts any of the fonts that are on my computer I can change the font size a lot of the fonts give you options like bold and italics thin thick depending on the font that you're working with you can do a align left align Center align right I never use that these two settings right here if you have several lines of text you can adjust the spacing here the next one over you can adjust the spacing between your letters and let's go ahead and do that I'm going to decrease the amount of space sometimes you might have to highlight it never notice that when you're doing a tutorial things don't work exactly right the first time I have my text selected and I'm just pushing right on at this bottom arrow with the spacing between my letters and it's bringing all of those letters and closer you can do that you can adjust the spacing between your words you can adjust the kerning of all of your letters those are all things that if you have Inkscape and you want to experiment with all of these options type out some text click on those arrows up and down and see what all it does just a great way to learn how to use the program I'm going to make this a little bit bigger so we can see exactly what we're doing here now when you type out some text on your workspace for Inkscape if you wanted to print this out you could go ahead and print that out if you want to cut this out with a cutting machine you need to assign a path to your letters we're going to print this out on a label sheet however I want to go ahead and assign a path to these letters so that we can manipulate them just the way that I'm going to show you now when I say a path I'm talking about little nodes around the outline of each one of our letters on this left toolbar right underneath of the arrow edit pass by nodes if you select that with your text selected you look you'll notice that no little red line shows up on the outline of your letters and there's no nodes that tell the path and direction of each one of your letters with your word selected we're going to go up on the very top bar and we're going to select path we're going to choose the first option object to pass once you click on that let's go back to the nodes and now you'll see when you click on each one of your letters it has been assigned nodes if you wanted to cut this out with a cutting machine on a vinyl or fabric or paper cardstock you could now do that with your cutting machine one of the reasons I like to do that is because now we can manipulate and regroup our text you know what I meant to change the font first what I've done is I've gone back before we changed it to nodes I'm going to change the font - boys are gross and I meant to do that before we did that and I forgot let me find the boys are gross here we go there we go all right now with our letters selected we can go to path object to path and now you'll see each one of our letters is on a path one of the reasons I like to do that is because now I can manipulate each one of these letters and move them around and arrange them in a really fun and creative way I'm going to click on Lisa cape and quilts and you'll notice that groups all three words together on my mouse I'm going to right click a menu will pop up and I'm going to select ungroup you can also do that in the let's see object menu right up at the top of your screen once you've ungrouped all of your letters now you can see you can select on each one of your letters individually and move them around so I like to get really fun and creative I'm going to drag my L and make it bigger we can play with the placement of each one of our letters just by clicking on the letter I'm holding the control button down and then dragging one of the arrows on the top corners this will keep your letter proportionate and resize it all at the same time just going through resizing each one of my letters and moving them on the screen and that's just going to take me a second so I'm curious while I'm doing this who all has downloaded Inkscape and started messing around with it have you created a file that you've used in your studio yet just out of curiosity sake trying to fill in the empty time as I realized each one of these letters alright that looks pretty fun I'm gonna move this right out of the way I'm going to make this seat a little bit bigger I'm going to select these four letters by holding the shift button and selecting each one and then I can move that as one group section I'll select the C now and move that up sometimes if you want to select a bunch of letters all at one time you can draw a box around them with your mouse now it has selected six objects and we can move them all at once just like this there that looks fun that looks like something I would put on a t-shirt right so now we have this block solid fill inside of each one of our letters in a previous video I have shown where you can adjust the fill and the stroke of your designs and so that's what we're going to be using again I'm going to draw a large box around each one of my letters if you want to double check that right down at the bottom of your screen it'll say 15 objects selected and so you know everything is selected we're going to go to this bar right here we're going to open edit objects fill and Stroke with them all selected I'm going to come into the fill tab and I'm going to turn off the fill at this point it's going to look like everything disappeared and that's because these letters have not been assigned a stroke a little line around the outside edge of each one of those letters so let's go in the next tab stroke paint and we will turn on the stroke paint and now you'll see that our stroke has been assigned and you can see each one of the letters you can also adjust your stroke width with the third tab and you can make that wider if you would like so let's go ahead and do that and make a little bit more bold so there we go there is our design with no color added to it now it's really fun when it looks like this however you notice that some of the letters are overlapping and I would like to merge them all together in one of our previous tutorials we talked about the union tool and what it does it combines two objects into one and we created a snowman together we're going to be using that same tool to combine each one of our letters and it'll get rid of this little overlap where you see the eye and it's overlapping on the L it'll make that one solid object so to do that we're gonna do that each one one by one I'm gonna select the L hold down the shift button and select the eye we're going to go up to the top path in Union now you'll see that little line has disappeared it's made that into one object it still has that object selected so I'm going to hold down the shift button and select our s go to path and Union now it's joined the s I'm going to hold down the shift button and select our a path in Union now you'll see that the word Lisa is all merged into one complete object you could cut this out and vinyl or on paper or with fabric and it's going to be one a continuous piece - the little circle in the a and the little dot over the I okay so let's go ahead and do that with our next word capin will select those and union select our P path and Union e path in Union and our n path and union let's move down to quilts path in union remember to select each one individually as you're going along and our last letter is the letter s and now quilts is all one solid object just like that so now we can look at filling this let's say if you wanted to cut this out in vinyl or you want to make this into an applique and you want to send this to your cutting machine and cut it out in fabric you're absolutely ready to go you have your nodes along each one of your lines that tells your vinyl cutter where to go and so you'd be ready to go for this we're going to pretend like we're making a sticker just like I did with Bethany's sticker for her car and we're going to print this out on a label sheet and then cut it out with our vinyl cutter a sticker let's go ahead and fill this with a greedy n't because I've shown you how to do a solid fill in a previous tutorial let's go ahead and mess with some gradients so I'm going to select all three objects now Lisa Capon and quilts I have them all three selected and I want to group them together as one object okay so I'm going to go up to this top menu I'm going to go to object and hit group now that is one object you can move it around and all of the letters all of the words are going to move around as one we'll see we have a solid fill which you can choose from any of the colors down here on this wheel you can also make it transparent if you like but then I want you to see the left the two buttons to the right of that is a linear gradient and a radial gradient and of course you can play around with that and experiment with all different kinds of ways to use those but you'll see the linear gradient comes in from one side to the other light to dark and the radial gradient gets dark on the inside and lighter towards the outside that is also adjustable and that's some of the things that you can play around with because with our object selected we can go right down to the left menu and that is create and edit gradients if you click on that it's going to show you your gradient you're gonna see this little box here it's a box and then on the other side it's a circle if you play around and you drag these boxes you'll see the shade of the gradient changes you can move it so that it's more dark and progresses really quick into light or you can drag it out so it stays light most of the way and goes into a gradual very light fade let's go ahead and put it right there you can also move this circle and so that most of your text will be white and then do a gradient from the middle or wherever you place this circle so you just click on it and drag it and you can adjust the gradient now that's how you do a one color gradient let me show you how you can change the colors we can do this with two different colors so let me click on this little square part of our gradient and let's go down and click on green now you'll see that it has changed the left side of our text to green let's click on this little circle and let's change that to purple and just like that we've added two colors to our gradient again you can adjust how the gradient looks just by clicking and dragging either the circle or the square you can bring it in from the bottom you can move it this way until you find a way that the gradient is exactly what you're looking for so yes there is our sticker and now if I wanted to print this off let's go ahead and pretend we're going to print this as a sticker I'm going to open up my document properties I'm going to show my page border again I'm going to click onto my design and I'm going to shrink that I like working big and then resizing and because this is a vector-based software we can do that without losing any quality of our print I'm going to move this right on to our page one thing reducing it you'll notice that my outline stroke did get wider so I'm going to go back into fill and stroke and reduce if it'll let me there we go just taking a minute for it to think about what it's doing there we go so just like that I've created a sticker that I could print out on a label sheet then I could move the label sheet on to my cutting mat for my brother scan and cut I could scan this into my brother's skin and cut do a direct cut and cut this out as a sticker I could also print this out on fabric and put this into a quilt which is really fun I could print this out on cardstock and use it in a journal or a book all kinds of ways that you could use this so let me come over and see if you'll have any questions while I have Inkscape up and if you do then maybe we can go over that let me see there we go wow it's so great to see everybody Brenda yes I'll show you step by step how I made my logo but it's a little bit more of a detailed tutorial and I really wanted to start like at the beginning with basic shapes and lines and text and how to use the Union tool how to use the difference tool because all of those things are tools that I used to create my logo so I figured we better start small and work our way up to the logo so now I have a question can you see the chat on the side of the screen it is probably really really tiny and it does print in those colors now depending on your printer it might vary a little bit let me show you let's see here is share screen Inkscape here is the Bethany file that I created and then let's see go back chat screen and let me show you the sticker there's the sticker that's the actual sticker that's printed out on label paper and so that's the two differences between what my computer screen shows and how it printed so it's very close there might be a little bit different but it's pretty close if you're printing on fabric that again depends on the thread count how smooth your fabric is on the colors how they show up on the fabric yes Cricut works with an SVG file is that correct Bernadette as long as you can work with an SVG file then what we created an Inkscape you can save that as an SVG let me show you how to do that share screen Inkscape so if you want to save this to print it out as a sticker you can go to file save as I usually save everything to my desktop first in this save as file type choose PDF we're going to call this Lisa Chapin sticker and save that as a PDF hit OK and now on my desktop is a PDF of this we'll take a look at that in just a second let's say you want to create this as an SVG to send to a Cricut or brother or silhouette go to file save as I'm going to still call this Lisa cape and sticker and in the file type now if you choose plain SVG and save that is now an SVG file let me show you how that works I will open up my brother canvas workspace I know Cricut works in a different software but yeah as long as you can open up an SVG file then you're good I always forget my login hopefully that's correct we'll see here in just a second no hold on let me look at my password oh goodness I thought I had it right there we go I don't want to upgrade right this second so I'm just opening up a new file in canvas Brother workspace Thank You Brenda for confirming that yes you can use it with cricut with the brother this is what it would look like desktop and there we go so there's my SVG and of course you can manipulate it in your cutting software as well so let's pull you down and I'll show you the PDF because we also saved it as a PDF to print it out and so if you're printing on fabric or on label or sticker paper or cardstock then I usually save it as a PDF and this is what it looks like and of course I would print from here I like using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open my PDFs and my patterns and so now I could print this out there we go all right I hope that that was helpful again I think that anytime you're learning a new software you really just need to go in and you need to experiment you need to work with the tools and learn what they do for yourself because I can show you here in these tutorials but if you're someone like me it doesn't actually start making sense and really sinking in and starting to stick up here until I actually do it and I go in and I start playing and that's when my brain really starts to grab ahold of all of the information and I start retaining it and really it starts making more sense when I actually do it yes I'll have quite a few printing on fabric videos that you can check out freezer using freezer paper using here lately I've been using label pages to print and yeah how to color fast it he'd said it so I've been experimenting with my new color laser printer and I don't know if you can see right down here is Harlan's artisan 14:30 which you can I believe by sublimation ink for so I'll be learning how to convert his printer into a sublimation printer so yeah we're going to be doing all kinds of fun stuff coming up this year I think I need to make the chat box bigger so that I can actually read because that is so tiny do you think that that's really tiny on this side of the screen hello everybody it's so great to see you all here Brenda you're so welcome if you have specific questions maybe you can type them in the comment section of the video so that we can see them when this video is done and maybe I can include those topics in a future tutorial that would be great and if you are trying to do something and I haven't made a video about it you can always send me an email Lisa Cape Anne quilts at you can join me on Facebook search for Lisa cape and quilt and send me a message there I've helped quite a few people out in the last few days on Facebook and it's pretty quick I don't always have time to make a tutorial but if you have a question I can usually jump on it within the same day it's so great to see everybody I think I've gotten all the specific questions we'll stay just three or four more minutes longer if you have a question specific to text or ingredients then we can go over that Ola your sister-in-law does sublimation yeah that's something I've been looking into the last three or four months I have not done it but I've been looking into it and recently Harlan got me a heat press for Christmas and so of course I've been printing on fabric for years and I'm always looking for new ways to do that I hear sublimation is an awesome way to put photos on fabric and really any kind of image on fabric so that'll be a learning process for me I see viewer chats on your YouTube screen but my chat box shows your viewer chats very well yeah I think there's some delay between what you see on this screen and what you see in the chat box and it's much easier to read the comments on my phone so I think I still have some experimenting to do with making the the comments bigger on this side of the screen I really will I really really want to be able to put the comments up on the screen so that even if someone's watching on the replay they get to see who always hear and see your questions and your comments and so I'm learning something new so yeah I think I need to make that bigger though so it's easier to read even with my bifocals I'm having a hard time reading the little tiny font on the screen looking at my phone I know that I would not be able to read the comments and so yeah I'm sorry about that but if you're watching the replay there's a little button usually that says live chat and if you click on that you'll be able to see all the comments and the questions that came through during the live chat and of course if you have questions and this is the replay please feel free to go down to the comments section and ask your question there okay y'all it is 4 o'clock I am done with my workday I hope this was helpful again open up being scape if you have not downloaded it Inkscape gorg I will put a link to that because I know there's not one in the description box right this minute if you're interested in the boys are gross the free font that we used to create our design today there's a link to that in the description box and yeah I hope this was helpful can't wait to see you all next time I hope you have an awesome evening and a great week it's Monday I started a new t-shirt quilt and we're finishing up the blocks for the mystery quilt this week too so that's exciting and yeah I hope you have an awesome night see y'all really soon bye
Channel: Lisa Capen Quilts
Views: 2,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape tutorial, vector graphics, inkscape tutorials for beginners, inkscape logo, learn inkscape, inkscape basics, inkscape tutorials for cricut, inkscape for beginners, inkscape logo design, inkscape logo text, inkscape logo design for beginners, inkscape beginner tutorial simple letter logos, lisa capen quilts, lisa capen videos, lisa capen quilt labels
Id: RzrQUkJEdaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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