My Amazon Merch Niche Research Process (Using FREE Tools)

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[Music] what's up guys Ryan here so I wanted to put together a quick video about doing Amazon merch Miche research a lot of people have been asking me about it lately I guess more and more people are finding out about Amazon merch and getting approved and entering the tent ear also I just kicked off my Amazon merch mini course which you can register for with the link in the description right there so go check that out if you want some tips from a tier 8000 soon to be ten thousand seller who's made over forty thousand dollars in royalties in their time on Amazon merch aka me so anyways guys this is how I kick off my Amazon merch research process I don't know if this is gonna blow anybody away or if it's just like well-known stuff I'm pretty well-versed with Amazon in general by the way if you're new to the channel because I've been selling on Amazon FBA for as long as I've been doing Amazon merch if you follow my passive income reports I got my first Amazon merch profits the same month I got my first Amazon FBA profits back in 2017 I think it was March so been at it for a while anyways what you're seeing right here is the portal that I use to start my product product research process it is a page on merchants former com its merchants former comm slash merch Amazon listings I'll put a link in the description but I always start right here and whatever comes to mind now you can pay like for instance merchants former to generate ideas for seed keywords and they'll try to detect high demand low competition niches but it's not necessary look you don't have to spend money on research for four niches or product ideas absolutely don't need to so why don't we go ahead and I actually you know what someone was just messaging me on Facebook asking me questions about a specific niche and I will key that in so the niche was my favorite cat calls me Mom and then I click search t-shirts so what this is going to do I misspelled it in right there what this does is it will only show Amazon merch related results it filters out anything that's not merged by Amazon so they were asking me why they were struggling to find their products which I didn't struggle to find their product but they were asking also like why this is not working like why it's not generating sales and wondering if it was related to like the design or the title or the bullets or just the keywords in general now first and foremost like how do we evaluate whether or not this is a good niche to target and when I say niche I don't mean I don't mean like cat lover shirt you know like you can't you can't target niches that broad anymore it's Amazon's too flooded with print-on-demand products to be targeting broad terms like cat lover you know what I mean that's not gonna get you anywhere you're gonna be buried on like page 50 from doing that so this niche that we're looking at right here to start I just want to show you that I use a browser add-on called DS Amazon quick view it's free all right and what it does that makes it so valuable is it puts these numbers in the search results underneath any listing that's ever sold okay so first of all DS Amazon quick you download this Chrome extension this Chrome extension I cannot live without if they turn to a paid model tomorrow I'd be their first customer seriously but it's free so I mean just go download it you don't need I'll put a link in the description but I mean you just google it well I'm just like I just did and what this does once you install it in google chrome again it puts this number now what is this number this is the BSR the bestseller rank this number is an indicator of how well the product is selling on Amazon now every category on Amazon has a unique bestseller so BSR is unique to each category meaning like this one right here bs are three one hundred fifty four thousand three hundred ninety-eight there could be a BSR of the exact same number for a different product in a different category just so you guys know to clear that up also it's worth noting that the lower the BS are the better alright so lobia SAR means more sales and when you see a PSR of like 3.1 million you're probably looking at like one sale every other month so you know at $17.90 you're probably making three dollars around like three dollars and thirty cents per sale getting six sales a year so whatever that is three point three three times six you're making twenty dollars a year from that design anyways so it's okay to target designs that sell in very low demand like one get one sale every other months not ideal right but that's still gonna make you money just so you know so saying that like my favorite hockey player calls me mom that's getting a sale every other month give or take all right and over here my favorite hockey player calls me grandma same general BS are three point six million probably getting one sale every other month that is validation all right that shows that these at least sell or have sold now when you don't see abs are tagged on the result that means it's never sold and there's only one listing showing up that's like truly matching the listing that says my favorite cat calls me mom and that's the shirt that this person asked me to evaluate for them so if you're selling the only shirt on amazon it's it's not the best approach it's not that you can't be clever and come up with stuff like the my best-selling i just released my income report for March 2019 so a couple months back my best selling Amazon merch shirt right hand to God was a unique idea it was a play on words though related to Game of Thrones so it was in the public perception even though I didn't like tight Game of Thrones in some idea into my listing anywhere like it was a play on words that got indexed on enough like keywords related and also a once people started finding it like if you're not familiar with how Amazon's algorithm works when you start to build sales history they will reward you so if you're converting customers if eyeballs on your listing are generating clicks and generating sales you will be rewarded so as the results like over time this listing that I came up with on my own has been climbing climbing climbing and I'm not getting rich off of it but it's my bestseller and it brought in quite a bit of money hundreds of dollars in a month and you I mean whoever's want you you guys watch this video you could have thought of it I mean I don't know if you watch Game of Thrones or know what it is most people do you know it was just a play on words of one of the Game of Thrones quotes in the Game of Thrones fine could not have been easier and just earlier this week I released another video about how on my second Amazon Murch account I went and I did let's look it up actually this is a great example okay so before I leave this screen another thing to point out Amazon tells you how many search results show up in that category for those keywords it says 32 results now that's obviously not perfect right because it's showing us designs that aren't matching exactly like my favorite cat calls me Mom is this there's only one of those the next one is my favorite people called me cat dead and then it's hockey player and vet tech so though you have to actually do a little bit of eyeballing to know but let's just say there were five other shirts of my favorite cat calls me mom and they had BS ours of two million if you have a PSR of like two million you might get like one sale a month give or take one sale every five weeks like those shirts if they're evergreen they're just to me personally I think that's just fine like I have eight thousand slots on Amazon merch if I can upload a designs gonna get me one sale a month and generate three dollars and forty cents at $17.99 what it's close it's around there I like to sell it like $17.99 and maybe when I initially upload I'll price it lower but once it gets a sale and I know it's stuck in the catalog I'll just up the price if I can do that those you just gotta build your evergreens generating $3.50 per sale you know just keep building anyways if there was more than one and a couple of them had BS ARS indicating sales that means that like this is a design that people in the public are aware of its existence and while not many people are buying it some people are buying it but you don't want to be the first person with like a brand-new design that no one is is typing in when I say typing in I mean literally saying my favorite cat calls me Mom cuz if no one is searching that term then how are they gonna find you the next closest thing that they're gonna do to find you is type in like funny cat shirt and like funny cat shirt over 7,000 results you're never gonna win that battle you know what I mean so you're not gonna get like residual people finding you from similar generic keywords like funny cat shirt that's not gonna happen so you have to be more specific like people I think it's surprised when I tell them like I stopped putting in bullets and descriptions for my shirts it's just like with the content policy being as strict as it is I only ever use those if I can't get enough of the most relevant keywords in the title which is rare like typically my approach would be if I'm gonna sell this shirt right here my favorite vet tech calls me Mom literally what I will tag it with is my favorite vet tech calls me Mom I'm not gonna waste space typing in Mother's Day because you want to see what happens when you search Mother's Day slash I don't know who searches for slash tgs was typing Mother's Day shirt and just show you guys how likely it is that someone finds mr. vet tech or mrs. vet tech from typing in Mother's Day shirt here you go over 40,000 so did it benefit this person at all whatsoever to include the keywords Mother's Day no I hate to be a spoiler it did not contrary to popular belief now if we actually do go back to where we were looking at Mother's Day and we saw 40,000 results Amazon's algorithm still asked to determine which of these shirts are gonna rank because they're gonna show people search results right and their algorithm is doing the best it can and it's also by the way it's not set in stone these can shift and they do in the like t-shirt section it's not the same as like doing Amazon FBA products they noticeably shuffle search results a lot more in the what is it clothing shoes and jewelry or whatever they call it novelty I think when you initially click you can see that the actual category for Amazon merch novelty and more yeah they do a lot of shuffling so that is a good a good intro and then let me just bring back up this I just released a video so if you guys haven't seen it check it out earlier this week it's the design that took my second Amazon merch account which is in my mom's name straight from tier 10 to tier 500 eligibility in one month all right they they don't jump you from tier 10 to tier 500 they'll still bump you to 25 first and then tier 100 and then tier 500 but it was and you know what I'm gonna do this the way I would so I can't remember back to initially when I made this design like how I found it but let's pretend that like I just transplanted myself back in time and I'm gonna use the same design process right now I come to merchants formers product research engine which by the way I'm gonna rebuild I am a web developer as my day job so I'm gonna rebuild this on my website so that instead of propping up merchants former I'm gonna prop up my own I guess I can recreate this and it works the exact same but it was a girl has no costume alright this was the shirt this was the niche I gave it up I let you guys have it if you want it I mean it's not like that big of a deal alright on Amazon merch there are 174 results for a girl has no costume now first and foremost this is like you're seeing my thought process I'm just thinking out loud first thing I look at is right there how many results if it's less than 500 it's probably worth an attempt going after it granted 500 is a lot when they only show 48 they tell you right here 1 through 48 page 1 is only showing 48 but does that mean you're relegated to page 2 plus no Amazon will give you a chance every now and then I don't know exactly like how their algorithm works and how it determines when to give a new listing that matches the keywords a chance but I guarantee you they do they do and if you if when you're given that chance your shirt doesn't get clicked from search results and by the way look at search results 48 shirts so what's the likelihood of you getting clicked one in 48 I've done separate videos by the way talking about kind of gaming the system I know a lot of people aren't fans of multi uploads but when you have a niche that's working really well or a design that's selling really well uploading it multiple times does not hurt if you delete a design that's never sold and replaced it with a design and a niche that you know is selling guess what happens you probably make more sales you make more money it's like these are things I picked up along the way by the way so I to me I'm like talking like it's common knowledge but like I didn't know this initially like I've been in Amazon merged since I think like March of 2017 was when my first account got approved and you picked these things up over time but yet take that to the bank like that works I promise you don't have to upload like 20 of the same design but I've done that before and by the way it's worked so alright a girl has no costume all only 174 results this is not bad 174 is great and look at the B SRS it's not even October we're probably what are we like I'm recording this in June we're four months from October these BS ARS are indicating sales not a lot of sales but enough you know what I mean and guess what happens to these B SRS these bestseller ranks when that when it's approaching October they dive like I took my mom's Amazon merch account uploaded the same design to that account that I did some mine and we both were getting sales for whatever reason hers got more you know you can theorize about how the Amazon search algorithm works maybe it favors new accounts I doubt it even knows about Amazon merchants it's probably just luck either way with we both made good money with a relatively obvious design I mean this might even be the one right here I can't tell this could be this could be the one I don't know my design looks similar to this but yeah I mean guys this is let's see if helium 10 is gonna show us the BSR over time nope did not yeah guys you can also check out a heal an add-on called helium 10 it's free there is a paid version but I promise I'll put a link in the description if I remember but when it runs and it's usually for FBA products I don't know if it does as well as good of a job tracking print on demand but when it works it drops a little spark chart underneath the primary image and the spark chart graphs the bestseller rank over time so for instance like when I go pull up my best-selling t-shirt ever uh names on merch where I sold ice I made $700 royalty in a single day from primarily that design I think it was like six hundred eighty or six hundred ninety dollars from that one shirt in one day back in 2017 when royalties were higher but like I can prove it the the spark chart literally shows a best-seller ranked in like the three thousands so I mean it's it's there forever but yeah guys so like this is my thought process I type in the keywords from merchants former come here I look at the results 174 perfect next thing look at the B SRS these BS ours in the millions some people might say oh it's Qi guys if it's an evergreen I mean this isn't really evergreen I guess this is more slanted towards Halloween but at the same time these BS RS are indicating that it is getting a sale once a month or at least like once every five to six weeks when you're between like 1 million and 3 million are its it's moving it's in October you can expect the spike it's gonna come so go after these types of shirts that this is perfect 174 results you're only competing with 174 people it's a simple text design it's as simple as they come you know what I mean like a sword and some text you can go to google and find the Game of Thrones font it's really nothing to it and again it's like this if you forgot the name of this browser add-on its das Amazon quick view it's free you can get it from Google I'll put a link in the description I just no paid tools needed you literally just perform a keyword search also you don't need to start your search here I just think it's best to only be looking at Amazon merch listings because another great thing about this is like I remember I wanted to sell like a beer Olympics sure one day I thought it was funny I did this and if you could sell beer Olympic shirts guys because that is a shirt niche that sells you would see more than four search results so the benefit of starting your search here is that you're gonna know immediately when you see like a very suspect number of search results like for that these are this is not an issue should entering whether it's the keywords the subject matter you know what I mean like Amazon purchase content policy if you all are new to merch go read it right now cuz it's like very strict and they will shut your account down for multiple violations and wasting an Amazon merch account is like unforgivable because it's such a great opportunity so make sure you're familiar with the content policy that's really what I'll try to illustrate like even if you don't want to read it start your keyword research here so you only see merch results when you see super low results it is probably like not worth entering let every now and then some shirts get through you know what I mean like these four got through targeting bureau limb pics does that mean that if you copy paste their title into your new bureau limb pic shirt and submit that it's gonna work no just because you see these guys that does not mean that you can do it when you see a low number stay away all right avoid those strikes avoid the rejections cuz when they add up you get banned and nobody wins everybody loses at that point alright this video is going on long enough hopefully it helped you guys my Amazon merge mini course is live go sign up in the description I am about to launch my Amazon FBA course I finished up all of the content I'm working on the like sales material and thank you for checking out this video if you liked it please hit that like button questions comments feedback hit me up below I'll get back to you if you guys want to subscribe I would be very appreciative of that and I'll see you at the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ryan Hogue Passive Income
Views: 40,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon merch, merch by amazon, amazon merch 2019, merch by amazon 2019, amazon merch tutorial, merch by amazon tutorial, amazon merch tips, amazon merch niche, amazon merch niche research, merch by amazon niche, merch by amazon niche research, merch by amazon niches list, merch by amazon finding niche, amazon merch finding niche, merch by amazon product research, amazon merch product research, amazon merch keyword research, merch by amazon keyword research, merch tips
Id: GBw1UFF8iCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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