How to add multiple PHOTOS to one fabric sheet when printing using FREE Inkscape software

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hello everyone today I have a little bit of a computer tutorial for you so my name is Lisa I'm with Lisa keeping quilts and if this is your first video that you've watched of mine I'm so glad you're here I would love it if you subscribe and give me a thumbs up and follow along in this journey I make all types of a short quilt content I make patchwork quilts I make art quilts small little quilt II projects and a lots of different multimedia type of art projects as well so you can check out my videos and follow along so recently I made a family tree quilt let me show you what that looks like this is a newer video on my channel and I walked you through the steps on how to make this family tree wall hanging with photos printed on fabric isn't that so cute so from that video I made a couple of newer printing on fabric videos where really I'm just testing out my new color laser printer and going through the process of trying to make sure that my colors my inks or my toners don't wash out in the wash and many of you have asked how do I put several photos onto one page I think many of you are what are using like word processing software and trying to add photos in that manner and I wish I could help you more with those types of software's but today I'm going to show you what I use it is a free vectorizing software called Inkscape I'm going to show you here in just a minute where you can find it and download it and it does all kinds of stuff we're not even going to scratch the surface of what Inkscape can do for you in your crafting world okay and if you want to learn more about Inkscape there are thousands of videos on youtube that can probably show you the process of learning Inkscape a little bit better today we're just going to focus on adding six photos to one page so that we can fill up that fabric sheet with your photos so I'm hoping you can follow along I'm a little bit clumsy using the software that operates sharing my screen with you but I think we'll manage and if you have any questions jump down to the comment section and we will try to help you the best that we can so first let's go ahead and show you where you can find Inkscape if you don't already have it I'm going to switch the screen it may look a little funny for a second as we bring you over to the desktop so we're going to go ahead and open up the internet and we're going to Google xscape now because I've already searched it it comes right up we're gonna click on that and we're going to go to Inkscape dot org and this is the page that you can download Inkscape from it is again a free software now I will say there is quite a bit of a learning curve with this but if you just want to print some photos on fabric we'll show you how today right here is the download button you would download it and follow all the prompts to install it onto your computer once you've done that you're ready to get started and we can go ahead and open up Inkscape I just take a second as we bring that up and when you open Inkscape - these little boxes here there you go this is what your screen is gonna look like when you open up escape now you notice this little box right here in the middle of your screen that is your page and everything else is your canvas so the very first thing I like to do is to change my page dimensions upon default your page is going to be like a letter size or legal size okay so anytime you get ready to manipulate your photos when you open Inkscape the very first thing i like to do is to go up to the top right here click on file a box opens up and we're going to go down to document properties and a new box opens up let's move that over so you can see better and this is where you can change your page size now if you're just designing and doing other kinds of stuff you can totally hide this box just like that by clicking right here on display but we're going to use this page to set up our document with our photos so okay I might have been wrong on the default page setup a for is the default we're going to change that to us letter size eight-and-a-half by 11 you can see the size of our box changed slightly that's going to make a difference because we want to make sure we're situating our photos within our page and nothing gets cut off during the printing process so once you've changed to us letter we're going to go ahead and close out the document property box and we're ready to start adding our photos in so wherever you have saved your photos on your computer is where you're going to be extracting those files from we're going to go back up to this top menu and we're going to click on file and right here it says import we're going to click on that and you're going to go to wherever your files your pictures are saved today we're going to be working with hard lines photos so I have this photo we're going to click on that and hit open and then a new box will open up and I do not change any of these settings I just hit OK now it's going to take just a second and there is our photo now you can see that this is huge your photo might look different depending on the size that it was saved as ok now around our photo you're gonna see these little arrows just like that if you hold down the control button and you grab this corner arrow you can resize your photo and it keeps all of the original properties and it doesn't mess up or change the look of your photo you can make it smaller one of the things that I will say about printing photos is that when you make a photo smaller it tends to look really good but if you have a small photo and you are blowing it up bigger it tends to get a little pixelated so keep that in mind that might affect the quality of your photo so we've made this photo a little bit smaller and now if we just click on it you can see we can move that all around and we can bring that right to our page just like this again I'm going to hold down the control button and click this corner arrow and resize that just a little bit so there's our first photo I'm going to go ahead and grab another one we're going to go to a file and import read the next photo hit okay and there's that photo again holding down the control button and dragging that corner arrow down I can make the pictures smaller just like that let's click these off so they don't click together there we go now let's go grab another photo and you just continue doing this for however many pictures that you want to add to your page file imports here's another photo we'll hit OK holding down the control button dragging in the corner arrow making that smaller will do some adjustments here in just a minute I want to just grab these photos and bring them all in because I'm going to also show you how you can crop them so that'll be something else that's pretty useful put him right there and let's see that's five let's bring in at this last picture okay so there are all of my photos let's go ahead and make that one or two so there we go now I'm going to go ahead and bring you in closer so that you can see this page a little bit better there we go now here are our six photos let's go ahead and make this one actually let's make this one a little bit smaller like that and we can fit them all on to our page now something that I wanted to show you let's say that you have a lot of negative space in your photo and you want to crop your photo [Music] I'll show you what to do let's make this one a little bit bigger so that I can show you you now of course I think the more that you play with the software the better you'll get and the more familiar you'll get with all of the settings so just open it up and feel free to import some pictures and play around so this photo of Harlan right here with him standing outside has a lot of negative space around him and let's just say that we want to crop that in and just show him and the helicopter behind him one way that you can do that is by going it to this side menu right here and we're going to click on create rectangles and squares your little cursor changes into a little box and we're going to create a shape now of course you can make this any shape that you want if you wanted to get really specific and make all your photos exactly the same you could come up to this top menu and I like to work in inches change that to inches and then you can change the width and the height of this box and so you can crop all of your photos exactly the same let's make this a three by four so there we go we have a box that's three inches by four inches I'm gonna drag that box right over my photo just like this and now we can see how we would crop this photo you like that now what that box selected I'm going to hold down the shift key and I'm going to also select the photo so now you can see there's a box around our little box that we just created and the photo they're both selected I'm going to right click on my mouse and a menu pops up and if you come down to that clip just like that we have cropped the photo now before you do anything else we're going to hit control D and make a duplicate copy of that photo and drag the duplicate right over here we can come back to the original photo and we can right click again and release that clip so here's our little box for cropping oops hit there's our box and there's our original photo and now we can just go ahead and delete that and move that out of the way let's go ahead and recrop all of these photos so that they're all the same you box right over if the box goes behind your photo and you can't see it press on the page up button that'll bring it above your photos sometimes I'm like where did the box go it's behind your photo so I've moved it where I want to crop my picture I'm going to press the shift key and my photo on my mouse I'm going to hit the right button that clip and then ctrl D to duplicate that picture I'm going to move the duplicate copy right over here go back to the original right click and release that clip I can select the original photo and move that off of my workspace again we're going to drop this photo thank you so much Harlan for being in my video today I'm going to select both of them right click and set clip duplicate that photo and move it right over here release the clip and remove the original photo you move that to the top of the screen well we're gonna be really cropping into his face let's make that a little bit smaller [Laughter] there we go that's probably not the best crop for this picture but we're just doing this for video purposes I'll move that over here release the clip and remove the original photo this is Harlan at work I imagine he's a lot of fun to work with he tries to make everything fun oops click on the box Lisa and then also the photo right click set that's going to mess up edge down click on this box click on the photo course that's gonna mess up oh that's because I already did that you all know me I make a goof up in all of my videos alright this last photo move that over top just make this a little bit bigger move the box where we want to crop our photo but like both of them set clip duplicate that click back on our original photo release clip and there we go now we can go ahead and even remove that box and we can arrange our photos onto our page not sure that they're all going to fit the way that I cropped them probably not there we go just for video purposes we're gonna make this smaller like that and we're gonna make this smaller like that just get them on the page you can select multiples and move them around at the same time to get everything situated and again we're not even touching the surface of what all this program can do there's all of these buttons over here there's all of these buttons over here there's all of these options up here but this video hopefully showed you how you can fit multiple pictures onto one page now you're probably wondering what do you do from here can you print from here I believe that you could send this right to your printer however I like to make sure that I save a copy of this on my computer because you never know if the print sheets going to go through clearly you don't know if it's going to Jam and so I just want to go ahead and save this so that I can print this out several times if I need to so we're going to go back up to this top menu right to file we're going to save as I'm going to save it on my desktop so that I know exactly where it is and I can find it really quick I'm going to save this as Harlan's photo experiment and now under save as file type right here I like to click on this now you're going to see lots and lots of options the one that I like to save as is a PDF it keeps all of the photo properties it doesn't diminish the quality of the photos and I'm going to show you that here in just a second so I select PDF and then hit save a new box will come up I do not change any of the settings in this box all I do is hit simply hit OK and now we can close Inkscape it has saved no if you okay it has saved our PDF we're still in Inkscape now it's time to close this and if you just hit the red arrow up here at the top it's going to ask you if you want to save your working file if you're still not done with your working file you might want to save that what we're all done so I'm just going to close without saving now we're back on the desktop and let me find the file that we just saved right here Harlan's photo experiment is saved as a PDF I'm just going to open that PDF up and here we are there are my photos and we're ready to go ahead and print so you would go to file and print and this of course is where you can select your printer you can select your printer options like the paper type or the quality of the print this always takes my computer a second [Music] so there we go we can change our printer type or the printer that we're using and then we can also go into properties and change our print settings like the paper type and the graphics I would change to photo hit okay and now you're ready to go ahead and send this to the printer I'm not going to do that there we go and we have it saved to our desktop so if we need to print this out several times we can do that let me bring you back you so I hope that wasn't too confusing and again Inkscape I think if you're totally new to it it can be overwhelming but if you focus on just what I showed you today as software to implement your photos for printing on fabric and you just do those steps you can manipulate all of your photos in any fashion that you want using Inkscape and you can certainly fill up your page so take some notes and come back to this video if you need to again there's so many videos on Inkscape on youtube by other creators who are really good at making content to computer type tutorials but I wanted to answer specific questions on what I showed you today and I hope that this was helpful if it was I'd love to hear from you and yes I would love to know if you download this program and you use it to print out your photos what do you think I meant down below so alright I hope that that was helpful and I really would like to do more types of tutorials like this answering people's questions and I think the more that I do this the better I'll get to so thank you for spending time with me today and say hello we'll see you all really soon hi
Channel: Lisa Capen Quilts
Views: 3,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printing photos on fabric, how to add several pictures to one page, how to add photos to fabric, how to print photos on fabric, inkscape tutorial, inkscape how to add photos, how to crop photos with inkscape, how to resize photos, how to add multiple photos to one page, printing on fabric, how to print on fabric, june tailor colorfast sheets, printing on fabric freezer paper, lisa capen, lisa capen quilts, resizing photos for fabric, cropping photos for fabric
Id: eJ1QLufQaVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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