Inkscape Tutorial: Vector Progress Rings

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[Music] this is Nick with logos bite Nick calm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create these very simple vectorized progress rings using Inkscape so we'll go ahead and get started here by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear darken with these custom icons i'll have a link to that information in the description section of the video so the first thing we want to do is set up our document so we'll go to file document properties and I'm just gonna make sure the display units is sets of px for pixels and I'm gonna turn off the show page border I'll close out of that well go to view make sure we have custom selected and then we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 and what I'm gonna do now is open up the align and distribute menu with this button here and then I'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there so the first thing we're gonna do is draw a circle so I'm gonna grab the circles and ellipses tool hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard and click and drag on the canvas to create a perfectly round circle like that and what I want to do now is get rid of the fill color and give this circle an outline otherwise known as a stroke so it get rid of the fill color I'm just gonna click this X over here to turn that off and to give it a stroke I'm gonna hold shift and click on the color black to give that an outline like that your your outline may be a different thickness than mine is but that's okay we're gonna go edit that now over here in the stroke style menu so what I'm gonna do in the stroke style menu is I'm gonna change the the units of measurement over here to px for pixels and then I'm going to change the width of this to I'd say maybe 50 see how that looks yours depending on which resolution your screen is set at 50 may look different for you than it does for me on my screen just any size really should work so I'm just gonna go with 50 here you can go with something that looks similar just eyeball it that should be fine and where it says join we want to make sure that this is a rounded join and where it says cap we want that to be a rounded cap and what I want to do now is I'm gonna set the background of this graphic actually I'm gonna go file and document properties and down here where it says background color I'm gonna open that up and under the HSL tab I'm gonna make this a very deep shade of blue let me bring this over here like that let me bring down the saturation of it bring down the lightness make this a little more blue maybe something like that if you'd like to use exact the exact RGB a I'm using a 0 D one zero one seven zero zero otherwise any deep shade like that should work and we go ahead and close out of that now you know what I'm actually gonna copy that highlight that and hit ctrl C and go ahead and close out of that and then close out of this and I'm gonna come over here to stroke paint and I'm gonna make this ring the same color so I'm gonna come over here to where it says RGB a and just paste that in by hitting ctrl V and I want to take this a row down here under the HSL tab I want to take this arrow and bring this all the way up and then I want to take the lightness the next row up which is the elements slide that to the right a little bit just to make that a little you know what I'm not gonna I'm gonna slide it to the left to make it a little darker like that that's what we want to do so we want it to be pretty much the same color as the background but just slightly darker and that's gonna be the background ring and what I'll do next is I'm gonna grab the select tool and I'm going to duplicate this ring by hitting ctrl D and if you notice we have two copies of that there now actually you know what let's go back to the circle tool and with this new circle selected I'm gonna give this a different color because this is gonna be the progress ring so I'm gonna come down here to the color picker instead of giving this a flat shade I'm gonna give it a nice gradient so I'll come down here to the color picker I'm gonna find like a pink shade like that I'll hold shift and click on that to make it fill in that color if you don't hold shift it fills in the actual circle so we want to make sure we hold shift when we click on it to give it that shade and then under the stroke paint tab I'm gonna click this box right here that says linear gradient it's gonna give this a gradient and I'm gonna click on this stop right here this little circle to the far right and I'm gonna make this like a deep shade of purple maybe something like that maybe a little there we go something like that's a little better I'm gonna take this note and bring this towards the bottom and I'll take this note and bring this towards the top and I'm gonna hold ctrl so it locks it onto the vertical axis so it goes straight up like that and what I want to do now is I'm gonna hold ctrl and just roll down the mouse wheel to zoom out a little bit let me grab the Select tool and click off its to deselect everything we now have our progress ring and the background ring set there so we want to do is change the progress like the amount of progress for each for each ring so let me click on this I'll go to the circle tool and if you notice with the circle tool selected you're gonna see this other little round node here and if you click and drag that you can change sort of like I guess that's the the radius of the circle if you bring the cursor outside of the circle it's gonna create like this pie chart effect but if you bring the cursor inside the circle it's just gonna change the line like that so what I'm gonna do is since I want to I want this to be a progress ring and not a pie chart I'm gonna keep the cursor inside of the circle and then I'm gonna hold ctrl and if you hold ctrl it'll lock it to 15 degree increments so I could have at exactly 25 percent or 50 percent 75 percent and so on so I'm gonna leave this right here at 50 percent 75 percent like that and I'm gonna grab the select tool and actually you don't let me grab the text tool and I'll just type in there 75 percent let me make that a light shade so you can actually see it grab the Select tool and just hold ctrl and shift and scale it up I'm gonna change the font of that by going to the text editor over here and let me make that a little smaller I'm gonna use I'm just gonna use Ledo make that a little bigger now I'm gonna Center this up within the circle by holding shift and clicking on the circle so we have both the text in the circle selected and where it says relative to in the align panel just make sure we have that set to less selected and we'll Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that now we can click off but to deselect everything so we now have the first ring which is 75% and let me click and drag over all of that I'm gonna duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and then I'll hold ctrl and just click and drag these over to the right click off of that deselect I'll go back to the circle tool and I could change this one as well now I could take this node right here and just click and drag it and then hold ctrl so it locks it onto those angles and just bring it down to 50% like that and now I'd go back to the text tool and click on the text and change that to 50% go back to the select tool click and drag over all of those hit ctrl D to duplicate them hold ctrl click and drag this over to the right click off of that to deselect everything and as you can imagine I'm gonna make this one 25% so like I did previously go to the circle tool grab this node over here hold ctrl so it locks on to those axis make sure the cursor is going inside of the circle and not outside of it once it's inside we can go like that and there we have that and what I'm gonna do now is let me grab the select tool and click off of everything you we now have different progress rings if you want you could save these as an SVG and import them into after-effects and animate them if you'd like or you could animate them with blender I'm sure I wouldn't know how to do that but I have seen it done before one thing I'd like to mention though before I wrap up the video is that the next time you go to use the circles and ellipses tool it's gonna be creating circles it's not gonna be creating circles it's gonna be creating a segment of a circle so what you want to do is go ahead and create a circle and then just click this icon up up here that says make the shape a holy lips and not an arc or segments go ahead and click that and then it'll make it an actual circle because if not it can be pretty annoying when you want to go make a circle then you end up with that little segment like that so just make sure you go do that you could always change the type of circle it is up here even if you're not happy with how this came out you can change that you can go to the circle tool and change that up here in this menu the same thing with rectangles as well you can give it rounded corners or you just click on this button up here to make it make the corners sharp in that that should pretty much do it for this tutorial that's how you can go about creating those vectorized progress rings using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 21,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape progress, vector progress rings, progress rings, vector rings tutorial, nick saporito, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: zu0HpnH1dXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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