Inkscape Beginner Tutorial: Banner with Text

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this banner with text using Inkscape so we'll go ahead and get started here in Inkscape by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear dark and with these custom icons I'll have a link to that information in the description of the video so the first thing you want to do is set up our documents we'll go to file document properties and I'm gonna set the display units to pixels I'm going to turn off the page border and then close out of that and we'll go to view we're gonna want custom selected we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 and up here I wanna make sure I have this button turned on that says snap to custom nodes and I'll open up the align and distribute menu with this button over here we're gonna want last selected chosen from this drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna create a square so I'll come over to the squares and rectangles tool and I'll hold ctrl + shift on the keyboard and click and drag on the canvas to create a perfectly symmetrical square like that and I'm gonna take the opacity of that bring that down about in half and I'll take I'll take the square and I'll make this green and let me go to the select tool and I'm gonna hold ctrl and I'm just gonna make this a little bigger what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna grab the Bezier pen which is over here or you could press B on the keyboard for that and I'm gonna bring the cursor just outside of the left side of the square and I'm gonna click to create a point there then up then I'm gonna hold ctrl and just click and drag this line straight through the square until it goes to the outside of the right side like that and click again now we collect go of control and press ENTER on the keyboard so we have that line through there and I'm gonna zoom in on this line by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel a couple of times and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go to the Edit paths by nodes tool up here and with this line selected I'm just gonna click on the left side of this line and just click and drag it up a little bit like that and then I'll click on this node over here and I'll take this handle and I'll just bring that down like that and I'll take this handle bring that up so we have this nice fluid curve going through here where it goes up and then dips back down and then back up to the base line like that and once we have a nice fluid curve like that you could play with it alter a little bit I recommend using these handles instead of clicking on the actual line once we have it set in a way that we like that we can go to path stroke the path and then we can go to the Select tool and hold shift and click on this Green Square and go to path difference and then path break apart and now we can click off of the graph of the deselect everything and I'm going to take this top object here and press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and let me hold ctrl and roll down the mouse wheel a little bit just to zoom back out what I want to do now is take this shape and duplicate that by hitting ctrl D on the keyboard and I'll make this red and then I'll hold ctrl and click and drag this shape down here about that far and once we have it that far we could hold shift and click on the green shape so we have them both selected and go to path difference and once we've done that I want to create another copy of this object by hitting ctrl D on the keyboard and I'll make this other copy red I mean blue actually and then I'm gonna hold ctrl and just click and drag this up a little bit maybe about that far like that and what I want to do now is grab this C off squares and rectangles tool and I want to click and drag and create a rectangle over the object like that and I'm gonna make this red just so we could differentiate it and what I'll do next is I'm gonna go to the select tool I'm gonna hold shift click on this blue shape and click on the button over here that says Center on the vertical axis and that's gonna Center it up on that object right there now we can click off of it to deselect everything what I'll do next is I'll take this red object and I'll hit control D to duplicate that again and then I'm gonna hold shift and click on the blue shape and go to path intersection so we're left with that little area right there and what I want to do next is take this red shape click on that and then just take this left side arrow and just bring this in a little bit maybe about that far and I'll take this right side I'll bring that in a little bit as well maybe about that far hold shift click on the green shape and go to path difference and if you notice here the shape of the actual ribbon or the banner are starting to come together so what I want to do next is let me just zoom in on this by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel I'm just gonna hold ctrl and move this up a little bit and what I'll do now is I've got a path break to break apart and click off of that the deselect everything and I'm gonna hold ctrl and take this green object on the right and just bring that up here like that because we want this we want this green object coming out of the bottom and this green one coming out of the top like that and now what we'll do I'll grab the aza pen keyboard shortcut is B and I'll snap the cursor onto this corner right here and then click a hold ctrl bring this line straight up through the blue area and go ahead and click and then we can let go of control and snap to this corner and then bring it back to the starting point and then click on that now what I'll do next is all grab the Select tool hold shift click on the green object and go to path difference so it punches a hole through that green shape like that and I'm gonna grab the bezzie a pen again snap to this corner this time and click bring this line outside of the green shape maybe about up to here and then click snap to this corner and click and then back to the starting point and click will go back to the select tool hold shift click on this green object and go to path path difference and then path break apart and then hold shift and click on this green object to deselect it so we're just left with this little object in here and that we could press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that you can actually click on this object right here and make that blue to match this and if you notice the shape is really coming together now so what I'm gonna do the same thing over here on this side only opposite since it's flipped upside down I'm gonna go to the bezzie a pen snap to this corner hold control bring the line straight through like that over to this corner and then back to the starting point grab the Select tool hold shift click on the green object and go to path difference and again we'll do this over here for this side or at the bezzie a pen snap to this corner bring this out here about that far click over to this corner back to the starting point grab the Select tool hold shift click on the green object and go to path difference and then path break apart hold shift click on that green object to deselect it so we just have that selected and press Delete on the keyboard and then I'll take this shape right here and I'll make this blue look you press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent now if you notice here we have the ribbon set if you click and drag over all of it and bring the opacity up and you can make it whatever color you want there's your ribbon right there but now what I want to do is add some text to it like I did in the thumbnail image so in order to do that I'm gonna need to make the text of going along the shape of this curvature right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use the perspective or the envelope tool actually didn't transform text so it fits the shape of this curvature right here but it has to go inside it has to be a little bit of a border in sight so that the text isn't touching the edges right here so to do that I'm going to take this middle shape right here and I'm going to duplicate that beiping ctrl D and I'll make that red and then I'll go to the edit path by nodes tool and I'm gonna hold shift and then just click and drag a selection going over the top nodes of this red shape right here only the top nodes have them selected not the bottom ones we don't want the bottom that was selected all of the top ones once we have them selected I'm gonna hold ctrl and click and drag it down about that far like that now I'll go back to the Select tool hold shift on the keyboard and click on the blue shape and just Center it up on the horizontal axis like that and that's where the text is gonna go in that red area so that there's a little bit of spacing between the text and the edges and you can click off of that the deselect everything so let me press someone to zoom back out to a hundred percent I'm gonna create some text to put in there let me read the text tool and I'll click on the canvas and I'm just gonna use it's gonna write the word text for this tutorial like that I suggest using all caps if you use lowercase letters it's not gonna it's not gonna look right but that depends on the font itself most fonts won't look good using lowercase letters with this style so I recommend using all caps I'm gonna click on the little T icon up here to get the text editor and grab that into my screen here the font I'm gonna work with you could use any font you'd like any any you know standard font should work I like to use elite gothic for this sort of thing so I'm gonna use lead gothic and hit apply close out of that let me grab the Select tool and bring this towards the center over here I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift to scale this up like that if you make that a little bigger what we want to do is I'm looking at the letter T here and I'm looking at the size the height of the red shape and we want that to be somewhat somewhat identical like this like the height of the red shape versus the height of the the text it doesn't have to be exact just a general like a ballpark estimate like that that's pretty good right there once I've done that I'm gonna hold shift click on the red shape and Center up the text on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and click off with a deselect everything now what I'm going to do now is grab the rectangle tool I'm gonna clicking drag to create a rectangle going over the text over the letter T and going through the entire graphic like that let me make this green and bring me opacity of that down so I can see the letters beneath it and I'll go back to the Select tool and I want this to be the width of the letter T let me zoom in by holding ctrl rolling up the mouse wheel we want this to be the same width as the letter T or pretty close doesn't have to be exact just like that I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate that by hitting ctrl D I'll hold ctrl and move this over here make this the same size as letter E and we're gonna do the same thing for each letter so I'm gonna do this for the letter X and I'll create one more for the letter T I put this over here make that a little smaller and once we've done that a little bit that's a little less white than the letter taste and you just adjust that there we go I'm gonna once we've done that I'm gonna hold shift and click on all those green boxes and unify them together by going to path Union then I'll hold shift click on the red object Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and go to path intersection and what I'll do now is I'm gonna take this text and move it out of the way maybe up here and I'll go to path object to path and then I'll ungroup the text so it's individual letters like that and bring the opacity of that down as well and let me zoom back in over this a little bit so what I'm going to do now is let me click off of that to deselect everything I'm gonna take each letter and make it fit the shape of these four red shapes so to do that I'm going to use the perspective envelope tool I'll click on this first letter a bit of path path effects and I'll click the plus icon to add a new path effect and from this list I'm looking for perspective envelope right there go ahead and click Add and from this drop-down we want to choose envelope deformation instead of perspective and once we've done that we can click on the Edit path by nodes tool and if you zoom in you may not be able to see it very well on my screen but there's two different kinds of nodes here there's white nodes and then there's gray nodes the gray nodes let you edit the actual shape of the object itself we're not gonna be using those in this tutorial what we're looking at is the white nodes in all four corners and the reason why I'm pointing this out is because sometimes it's easy to differentiate the two because like the letter T for example there's gonna be a gray node if I move this out of the way you're gonna see there's a gray node right there because it's the top left corner of the letter T so if you're not grabbing the white nose what we're doing is not gonna work for you it's gonna distort the text in a different way so make sure you're grabbing the white node in each corner for what we're doing that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the white node down here and snap that into the bottom left corner of that shape and I'll do the same thing with this bottom right node right here snap that into that corner same thing up here top left and then top right and once we've done that we can finalize it by going to path object to path and what I'll do now is click on the letter E and do the same thing click on the plus icon to add a new path effect perspective envelope should probably be selected already go ahead and click Add change the drop-down to envelope information and again grabbing the white nodes and snapping them into the corresponding corners of the red box like that put that in there put that in there and again we're gonna finalize it by going to path object the path I'm gonna do the same thing for the letter X we're going to add a new path effect change it to envelope deformation snap the nodes into their respective corners and finalise it by going to path object to path and finally I'll do this for the letter T snap this into that corner this one down here once you've done this for a few letters you should get the hang of it it's pretty it becomes almost automated once you get the process down and finalize it by going to path object to path okay so now that we've done that we can grab the Select tool we can close out of the path effects menu we don't need that anymore and let me click off the graphic to deselect everything and just take these red boxes over here and press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of them let me press one of the keyboard to zoom out to a hundred percent I'm gonna click and drag over all of the text just the text right there bring the opacity all the way up I'm gonna make that text white and then I'm gonna take the blue shape right here then a hold shift and click on the other two blue shapes and bring the opacity all the way up and we can go ahead and make them a shade of red if you want you could even let me click off of this if you could take you could take these two little flaps over here and make them a darker shade like that or you could just leave it as it is and if you notice here the the negative space here it's supposed to be kind of like a shadow we're like the fold the crease of the fold here is casting a shadow and it doesn't really work on a lighter background so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to file document properties and where it says background color let's click on that little white stripe right there I'm gonna darken up the background color like that maybe make it like a dark shade of blue something like that like I did for the thumbnail yeah that works and now you can see it's come together a little better a little bit better actually like these ready actually like these flaps being the original shade of red so one last final step would be to click and drag over all of this and if you want you can click on it again to get the rotation handles and take this top arrow up here and give that a little bit of a shear to the right like that I think that looks pretty good I like how that looks with it shear to the right but you don't have to do that you can just hit control Z to undo that or if you want you can Nick take this whole thing hit control D to create a copy of it I just have one copy where it's straight like that and another copy where it's sheared a little bit to the right like that and that's pretty much do it for this tutorial that's how you can go about creating that banner with text using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching 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Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 75,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape beginner tutorial, inkscape banner, banner with text, nick saporito, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: 44QZVdZ00dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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