Inkscape Tutorial: 3D Vector Sphere Icon/Logo

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in this tutorial I'm going to I'm going to show you how to create this 3d sphere concept using Inkscape I saw a tutorial similar to this for Adobe Illustrator on YouTube and I figured creating this in Inkscape would be a good tutorial to make so I'm going to show you how to create this in Inkscape now granted it's not as easy as it is an illustrator but it still can be done so let's get started so this should be your view when you first open an escape we're going to file document properties and we're going to uncheck that box and close out of that menu and then we'll open our align and distribute menu with this button right here and then we'll open our edit objects colors gradients and strokes and then we're going to go to view make sure you have custom selected and then we're going to go to zoom and we're going to zoom in at 1 to 1 so the first thing we're going to do is we're in a creative circles come over here to the create circles and ellipses tool and while holding ctrl + shift in the keyboard click and drag on the canvas to create a a perfectly round circle like that now let's grab the arrow and then let's click and drag this thing over to the center of the page and let's take the opacity on this and let's drop it in half so let's come over here and just click that in half and then we're going to right-click this and we're go to duplicate now let's turn that red and let's grab this bottom arrow right here and let's just click and drag this up to about here and then we're going to click on this a second time to get the rotation handles and then we can hold ctrl and just grab this top one and rotate it kind of like that put that right there you know what let's make this a little smaller let's click on this again to get back to our scaling handles let's hold ctrl and shift now let's scale this down a little bit it's a little too big actually let's flip this horizontally we want to put it this way so you flip it horizontally with that button right there now let's take this and put this right here and I let's right-click it and go to duplicate and take this duplicated copy and put it right about here we want to position these two so that they're stacked up on top of each other kind of like that and once you get it to that point hold shift and click on the other one so you have them both selected and let's go to path Union and then we'll hold shift and click on the black circle we're going to Center that up on the vertical axis and the horizontal axis and then click off of the graphic to deselect everything now let's take these Reds these red ovals right here let's hold ctrl and shift let's scale these out a little bit want to make these a little bigger maybe kind of like that and then afterwards we could hold shift and click on that black circle when go to path difference so we end up with something like that and what we'll do next is we'll right-click this and we'll duplicate it and we'll turn that red and while holding ctrl and shift on the keyboard click and drag this down scale this down to about here about that much and then we'll lower that one selection lower that one step by clicking that button and then what we'll do next is we're going to we're going to grab our bezzie a pen and we're going to turn on this snap to custom nodes if you see the icon up here it's going to say snap to custom nodes we'll turn that on and let's snap the cursor onto this corner right here and click and then snap the cursor on to this corner and click and let's bring this line around the inside over here and then over to the inside of the red shape and connect it back together right at the starting point kind of like that you want the app you want the shape to be going completely outside of this white space right here you want to completely encase that we're going to do the same thing with the other three sides so let's click on this let's snap to this corner right here we'll click that it'll snap to this corner click that we'll bring this along the inside and then connect it back to the starting point from right about there I will do the same thing over here snap to the corner and snap to this corner bring this line along the inside and back around through the inside of the red shape and snap it right back to the starting point and we'll do the same thing at this last corner right here kinda like that and then snap it all together and we can come up here to the snap the custom nodes we can turn that off we don't need that anymore and we can go to our arrow let's go back to our arrow and let's hold shift and click on all four of those shapes we just we just created so we already have this one selected so let's hold shift and click on this one and then this one and then this one and then we're going to click on that red shape in the background so let's go ahead and while still holding shift click on that red shape as well so you have all of them selected and we'll go to path and we'll select Union what we can do now is we can click and drag over this entire thing so we have them both selected and let's bring the opacity all the way up on that so we end up with something like this and the next thing we'll do is we're going to create another circle so go back to the circle tool and let's come over here and hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to make another perfectly round circle kind of like that then we'll go back to our arrow let's turn that blue and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on the black the black shape right there we're going to Center that up on the vertical axis and the horizontal axis and let's click off of the graphic to deselect everything so we can select just this blue circle right here and let's lower that to the bottom right here lower selection to the bottom click that once and let's actually zoom in on this you can hold ctrl and use the mouse wheel on your keyboard to zoom in or you could just press plus and minus on the keyboard to zoom in we're going to zoom in we're going to pay attention to right here is this corner and where the blue circle starts you want to have it set up so that the blue circle the edge of the blue circle is touching that corner right there so we're going to hold ctrl and shift we're going to grab this arrow we're going to scale this up until it's right about there we want it to look like it's resting on the edge of that blue circle right there so right there's pretty good it doesn't have to be Zach just as long as it looks close enough then we could press one on the keyboard to zoom back out now let's click on this black shape on top right here and let's give this a radial gradient with that button right there radial gradient and then come over to the gradient tool click on that if you don't see this tool on your toolbar if you're particularly if you're using a laptop it'll probably be a little arrow on the bottom of your screen right here click that arrow and you'll see the gradient tool so once we have the gradient tool open let's click on this top step right here and let's come over to the a column make sure you have HSL selected we'll come over to the a column we're gonna bring the up we're going to bring that all the way up and I come over here to this blue line right here and right about here double click that to create a new stop on that line and I'm going to come down here and we're going to double click right here to create a new stop on that line as well so we should have one two three four four total stops going right here so let's click this second from the top one right here and let's go to the Elcom let's make that a dark gray about that much and then we'll go to this second one and we'll make that a slightly lighter gray than the one we just used and then we'll go to this first one right here and we'll make this white all the way white so we end up with something kind of like that now let's take this and move this up to about I want to put this thing like right about here and you can hold ctrl and shift and you can click and drag this and kind of play around this to get it to look how you want it to look I think it's not going to look exactly like how mine looks on my screen you'll probably have to play around with it a little bit just uh you know use these level these levers right here to you know scale this and make it look right I think that looks pretty good how it is I'm just gonna leave it how it is and then we go back to the arrow let's click on this blue circle at the back right here and I'll come down to our color picker let's slide all the way over we're going to use like this aqua shade of blue right here so we're going to click on that we're going to give this a radial gradient as well so click on radial gradient we'll go back to our gradient tool let's click on this first stop right here and let's bring the opacity on that all the way up and then we're going to create another stop right in the middle right between this stop and this stop we're going to create another stop by double-clicking this line right here so go ahead and click that and then we're all set with those three stops so let's take the first stop right here and let's go to the L column and let's darken this up by a lot so I make this pretty dark it actually let's go back to the let's go to the H line and let's make this like a different almost like a different shade of blue kind of like that yeah that looks pretty good and then we'll go to this this middle we're going to leave this one just how it is we'll go to this this first one down here let's lighten that up a little bit maybe you don't want it white it's going to look it's not gonna look right maybe about that much and say that's pretty good now we can take this line we can uh just play with it until it you know everything meshes together well and then we get hold ctrl and shift and let's grab this handle and bring it in a little bit and we could take this center node right here and just click and drag this up to about here right there's pretty good now let's go back to the arrow and let's click and drag over this whole thing and then click it a second time to get our rotation handles and let's hold ctrl and click and drag this thing over so it's upright kind of like this for what we're going to do next now we can click off of it to deselect everything let's click on this red shape and let's turn that um come down our color picker we'll turn that black and we're going to give that a linear gradient with this key right here with the linear linear gradient let's go back to our gradient tool let's click on this stop right here and let's bring the a column all the way up and we'll double click right here in the middle of this line to create a new stop we're going to leave that black or maybe a little off black it's just a dark shade of gray we're going to come back to this first stop over here we're going to make that white and it'll come to this first stop over here we'll make that white kind of like that we can click and drag this line in over here you hold ctrl on the keyboard while you're doing this click and drag this in actually you know what let's make this blue instead let's go to the arrow and then let's come up here to where it says uh give it a flat color let's click on that to give it a flat color and then let's go to the dropper tool you can click on the dropper tool icon or just press f7 and click and drag over the over the very light shade of blue right hey let's click on that to make it that color we're going to make this a little lighter we're going to use a blue gradient instead of the grey one I think it looked better and then we'll go to the arrow click on that let's go back to the the linear gradient let's give that a linear gradient and then we'll come over to the gradient tool click on that and let's come over to this stop on the right and click on that and bring the opacity up and let's let's create let's create a stop right in the middle here just like we did before just double click this right here double click that line make it bring me up we can bring this up a little bit to darken this up kinda like that now we can take this we could hold ctrl we can drag this line in a little bit like that and then while still holding ctrl we could drag this line a little bit kind of like that that looks pretty good I'd say after that we can go back to the arrow click on the arrow and then let's click on this top gray piece right here let's right-click that and go to duplicate and let's turn that red and let's hold ctrl and and let's scale this thing down so that it's a little it's a little smaller than the piece below it see this blue piece right here we're going to keep scaling this in until it's about a little bit smaller about that much so kind of like that and it will zoom out press 1 on the keyboard to zoom out and we can turn that black and we can lower that once twice two steps you can lower that two steps let's take this arrow right here and click and drag this down a little bit and like that this is going to be sort of like a makeshift a little drop shadow now you can take this bottom arrow bring this up a little bit which play around this until it looks about right and then once you have it about there we can take the opacity and we could drop that down a fair amount make that about like 38% kind of like that okay so the very last step for us to do here is to take this we're going to take this first piece right here we're going to right click this I'm going to duplicate we're going to turn this red and let's take let's go to beep at the the opacity and drop that in half and let's hold ctrl and shift and scale this in actually you know what let's scale this um let's scale that in actually you know what let's undo that let's go to edit undo let's lower this one step we're not going to scale it at all we're going to take this and drag this down to about here and then take this and drag this about to up here right about there we want that we want this sticking out from the edges right here this is going to be sort of like a makeshift bevel bevel for this um this gray object so once you get it to about here let's raise this back to the top by clicking this button and then let's click on this little blue shade this little blue shape right here and let's right click that and go to duplicate and then we can hold shift on the keyboard and click on that red shape and let's go to path intersection and then we can lower that one step now let's bring the opacity all the way up and let's make that black and let's give that a linear gradient and then we'll go back to our gradient tool right here we'll click on this stop on the right bring the opacity up and we'll double click this line right here to create a new stop and we'll make this middle stop we'll make this middle stop black almost black like a dark gray kind of like this we'll take this one right here we'll make this white this isn't coming out so great on my end item as you can see there's a little bit of space in there kind of like that and that's pretty much it that's um you take this left stop like I just did right here we're going to turn that white it's going to be white dark gray white and then we can go back to the arrow and we're pretty much done that's pretty much how you can create that if you want you what we can do is we could click over this whole thing and then click it a second time and hold ctrl we can bring this back to its starting position how it was before and then we could take this top piece we could right-click this and go to duplicate we can turn that black and then we can flip this vertically hold ctrl and just drag this down to about here and then hold shift and click on the gray piece up top and we can go to align top edges of objects to the bottom edge of the anchor and click on that now we can click off of the graphic and select just this one we can give this a linear gradient and click on the gradient tool and we can take this stop up here and bring it up here and then take this stop and bring it right below it you can hold ctrl and make this go completely up and down and that kind of gives it like a little bit of a uh a little bit of a reflection so that's pretty much how you can do that if you have any questions just let me know I apologize for this coming out a little sloppy but uh thank you for watching I appreciate it
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 299,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners, vector, vector design, vector graphics, vector logo, vector tutorial, vector icons, abstract design, abstract logo, vector abstract
Id: uxcbUX4J6rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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