Inkscape Tutorial: Vector Power Button

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick's calm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this vector power button using Inkscape where it appears as if we have two different variations here one words in the off position and the other words illuminated in the on position so we'll go ahead and get started in Inkscape and by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear darken with these custom icons a link to that information will be in the description of the video so the first thing we want to do is set up the document so we're going to file document properties and set the display units to px and I'm going to turn off the show page border and we can close out of that and what we want to do now is go to view make sure we have custom selected we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 and then we'll open up the alignment distribute menu with that button there and we're going to want last select and chosen from this drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there so the first thing we want to do is grab this image of this brush steel that we're going to use as the background and I'll have a link to that in the description of the video so go ahead and grab that image I'm just going to click and drag that into Inkscape and it's going to ask if you want to embed or link it I'm going to I'm going to set it for as embed and go ahead and click OK and there's our image and we're going to design the buttons right on top of that so the first thing I'm going to do is grab it the next thing I'm going to do is grab the circles and ellipses tool and hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard to create a perfectly round circle like that and we want to make sure that this is black like straight black all the way rgba 0 0 0 FF just like that we'll convert that to a path by going to path object to path and what I'm going to do now is give this a linear gradient by coming up here to the fill tab and clicking on the button right here that says linear gradient and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this stop right here and I'm going to bring the opacity of that stop all the way up and I'm going to change it to 80% gray if you hope your cursor over the shade is the third shade in it'll show you there'll be a little graphic overlay that tells you which percentage it is it's 80% get gray go ahead and click on that and we end up with that right there we're going to use that as the backstop so sort of like the back part of the button there and then what I want to do is grab the Select tool and I want to click this button over here that says rotate selection 90 degrees clockwise just like that so we have the lighter shade facing down and the darker shade facing up and I'm actually going to turn off the snaps where it says enable snap I'm going to turn that off for the duration of this tutorial and once we've created this circle I'm going to duplicate that by hitting ctrl V on the keyboard and I'm going to turn that duplicated copy white and I'm going to lower that one step so it goes beneath the black circle that we just created and then I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale this up maybe about that much and then what I'll do is I'll give this a linear gradient by clicking the button that says linear gradient and then I'm going to rotate this around 90 degrees counterclockwise so go ahead and click that and then I'm going to grab the gradient tool and I'm just going to hold ctrl and take this top node and bring this down about this far and I'll take this node down here you know what we'll leave that node as it is I'll go back to the Select tool and we'll bring the opacity of the entire thing down a little bit maybe about maybe about that much like that and that's going to act sort of like a going to act sort of as like a bevel going around the outside edge of the button like you see here so the next step would be to grab our black and gray circle right here and we're going to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift I'm actually going to flip this vertically click the button that says flip selected objects vertically hold ctrl and shift and scale it down about that much maybe about that much like right there and then I'll turn this black and I'm going to blur this where it says blur right here I'm going to click on this 0.0 and I'm going to change that to a two-point blur so it - and fit enter and give that a two-point blur and I'm just going to make that a little bit bigger just holding ctrl and shift to scale it up and then I'll click on this other circle right beneath it the one we originally created duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and we could hold ctrl and shift and scale that down maybe about that much like that and I'm going to take this circle I'm going to make this 90 percent gray and then I'll grab the I'll go over here where it says radial gradient I'll click on that to give it a radial gradient and I'll go back to the gradient tool and I'm going to click on this outer stop right here I'm going to make this 80% gray and I'm going to take this center node right here I'm going to hold ctrl and just click and drag this straight up and out of vision out of the view outside of that circle right there I'm going to hold ctrl and shift and take this node and scale that up like that so we end up with a gradient where it's darker up here but slightly lighter down here kind of like you see here in the thumbnail and as a matter of fact we might want to click on that center node and make that a little darker maybe something like that that should be pretty good we'll go ahead and grab the Select tool and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to duplicate that circle by hitting ctrl D and I'll flip that vertically with the button that says flip selected objects vertically and hold ctrl and shift and scale that down maybe about that much and you know what I'm going to click the circle beneath that I'm going to flip that one vertically and then come back to this one over here this new one and then flip that vertically that's the way it should be that's the proper order right there and then what I'll do is I'm going to take this this little white circle that we created earlier and I'm going to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift and scale that down so it's just a little bit bigger than our smallest circle there and I'll lower that one step so it goes right beneath it and bring that down a little more and what I want to do now is flip that vertically by clicking the button over here that says flip selected objects vertically just like that the graphic to deselect everything you'll see how things are starting to come along here so the next step would be to create the power button going along the inside and depending on how big or small think these things have turned out for you you might want to just adjust some of the sizes like I'm going to make I'm going to click on just this these segments in here I'm just gonna make that them a little bit bigger like that that's pretty good I'll take these circles over here I'll make them a little smaller you can adjust the sizes as you see fit I think that's pretty good right there I'm going to leave that just as it is and what I'm going to do now is create the power button so I'm going to click on this circle here in the middle and I'll hit control D on the keyboard to duplicate that and I'm going to hold shift and click on like a light shade of gray maybe like almost like a white to give that a white outline and then I'll click on the X here on the left to get rid of the fill color and up here where it says when scaling objects scale the stroke which by the same proportion make sure you have that turned off and once we've done that we can hold ctrl and shift and just scale that down maybe about that much and I'm actually going to make that a little thicker I'm going to come over to the stroke style tab when I change this to pixels and I'll make this maybe 15 so that looks that's pretty good we go ahead and hit path stroke the path to finalize that then we got to create the little rectangle put here in the middle for the power button so we'll grab the squares and rectangles tool go ahead and create a rectangle I'm going to make that white I'm going to get rid of the outline by holding shift and clicking the X and I'll go back to the Select tool and we want to make sure the width of this is the same width that we used for this circle over here which I believe was 15 so let me get rid of the stroke Micke click on this rectangle make it the whitby 15 put that right in the center I'm going to bring the opacity of that all the way up I'm going to bring that down I'm going to position this right about here like that I'll hold shift click on the circle and just make sure it's centered on the vertical axis then click off of it to deselect everything and what we want to do now is take this rectangle that we just created and duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and let's make that a shade of dark gray something that matches the button and we'll just make that a little wider on each side pull out those out maybe I'll zoom in so you can see a little better make it a little wider on each side lower it one step so it goes beneath the red I mean the white rectangle and hold shift and click the circle and make sure it's centered on the vertical axis and click off and deselect everything and if you want you to zoom in just to get a preview of how it will look personally I don't like that there's not enough space in there so I'm going to make this a little wider make that a little wider and again hold shift click the circle and Center it up mean zoom out a little bit just to get a better vantage point and I'd say that looks pretty good right there so what I'll do now is I'll take this rectangle hold shift click on the circle and go to path difference and I'll maybe even take this rectangle and hold ctrl and bring that down a little bit like that and that looks pretty good and once we've done that we can click on this rectangle hold shift click on the white circle and unify them both together by going to Pat Union and now we just want to make this a solid fill as I did here because this is supposed to represent the button being in the off position so what I'll do is I'll grab the dropper tool and I'll just grab a sample from the button beneath it then I'll go back to the fill tab and just make that a slightly bit darker and to do that I'm under the HSL tab and using the L row and sliding that to the left a little bit maybe that much looks pretty good we'll go back to the Select tool click off of that to deselect it press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% and we now have the button that's the power button that's supposed to be turned off where it's going to create the turned on variation now so what I'll do is I'll click and drag over all of that bring this off to the side here I'll duplicate all of that by hitting ctrl D and I'll hold ctrl and clicking drag this to the right like that and click off it to beep select everything and to illuminate this button I'm going to grab this black this black circle that we blurred earlier I'm going to grab that and I'm going to make that a shade of light blue something like this zero zero c c FF and I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little bit I don't want that to be too big and I'm actually going to if you look closely here you'll notice it's a gradient from blue to green so that's what I'm going to do here I'm going to give this a linear gradient by clicking on the button that says linear gradient and then I'm going to grab the gradient tool click on this stuff over here to the right bring the opacity all the way up and choose a shade of green maybe something over here that's pretty good bring this up to the top take this blue bring this to the bottom hold ctrl to lock it to the vertical axis like that and now we go back to the Select tool and click on the power button and we can give that a linear gradient as well and just choose that shade that gradient we just created go to the gradient tool take the blue stop and put it at the bottom and the green stop and put it up top while holding ctrl to lock it onto the vertical axis like that go back to the Select tool and I'd say it's pretty good it's almost done the only thing I would do differently is maybe adjust its a little bit like this button right here if we go to the gradient tool I click on this middle stop here maybe make that a little bit darker that's pretty good and let's to do the same thing of this button over here click on that make that a little bit darker and go back to the Select tool and I'd say that looks pretty good and with that we are finished with our vector power button using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 32,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape for beginners, vector design, vector tutorial, vector icons, vector power button, inkscape power button, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: enqFCi2KXF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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