Inkscape Tutorial: Tech Circles

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create these vectorized text circle sort of patterns using Inkscape so I'll go ahead and open up an escape here by the way if you'd like to know how you could update ink escapes appearance with this dark theme in these new icons I'll put a link to that information in the description of the video otherwise we'll be good to get started I'm gonna go to file document properties and I'm going to make sure we have the displayed units set to pixels I'm going to turn off the page border close out of that and we'll go to view we're going to want custom selected and then we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 and then I'll open up the align and distribute menu with this button up here and we're gonna want last selected chosen from this drop-down and then I'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button up there and up here where it says when scaling objects scaled a stroke width by the same proportion make sure you have that turned off like you see here on my screen we don't want this turned on we want that off and I think that should be good for now well pretty good to get started so the first thing I'm gonna do is create a circle so I'll grab the circles and ellipses tool which is right here and I'm just gonna hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag to create a a perfectly round circle like that in the middle of the canvas and I'm gonna make this a light gray something like that something that's just slightly slightly darker than the white canvas behind it and once we've done that I'm gonna grab this select tool and I'm gonna right click that and go to duplicate and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna remove this gray fill color by clicking this X down here and I'm gonna give it a black outline by holding shift and clicking on the color black and once we've done that I'll come over to the stroke style tab and I want to change this to pixels I'm gonna change the width of this to 50 and I'm gonna bring the opacity of that down in half and what I'll do next is right here where it says cap just make sure we have buttcap selected and then I'm just gonna hold ctrl and shift and scale this down so it's smaller than that gray circle right there and once we've done that I'll duplicate that again by hitting ctrl D and I'm gonna make this one smaller I'm gonna make this 30 pixels I'll hold ctrl and shift scale that down I'm actually going to click and drag over all of this and make this a little bigger again just make sure to hold ctrl and shift to lock the proportions I'll put this one up against there like that and I'm gonna duplicate this one again right click go to duplicate I'm gonna make this one 20 hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little smaller and then I'll duplicate that again this one I will make 10 hold ctrl and shift and scale it down and I'll duplicate it one more time and I'll make this one 5 pixels and again just scale it down like that and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take this gray circle and I'm gonna make this a lot bigger I'm just gonna hold ctrl and shift and then make it much bigger much bigger than the circles on the inside here in fact I'm gonna zoom out so I can get a better view I'm gonna hold ctrl and hold down the mouse wheel to zoom out a little bit and I want to take this inside one right here this 30 pixel one I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift and scale that out to about here and then I'll take this uh I guess this is the 20 pixel one I'll scale this one up inside of it like that and then I'll take this one right here which is the 10 pixel put that right up right inside of it like that then I'll take this 15 pixel one like this you don't have to follow it exactly how I'm doing I'm just putting these together and basically I'm putting them in a way so that they're not separated by size going from small to large or large to small we just want them like randomized like you see what I'm doing here so I'll put that right about there we want equals about equal spacing going between each circle there so and then this small one I'll make this one about that big on the inside I'll keep that on the inside so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to change the I guess you can call it the circumference of these circles what I'll do is I'll click on this large circle on the outside here and I'm gonna click on the circles tool and once we do that we're going to notice three different nodes here we have one on the left one on the top and those are both squares and we have this circle node right here and if you click and drag this circle node you'll notice that it starts to change the circle now if you bring your cursor to the outside of the circle it's gonna keep it's gonna keep it looking kind of like a pie chart like that but if you bring your cursor inside of the circle it's gonna change it into a line like that so what I like what we want for this tutorial is we want lines like this so I'm gonna make sure that I'm keeping the cursor on the inside of the circle and I'm just going to bring this out to about here like that and then I'm gonna do the same thing I click on this circle right here the next one in grab that there again bring the cursor on the inside of the circle I'll put this about right there and then I'll take this one and put this right about there because we don't want these ends being all the same we want them in different positions and I'll take this one I'll do the same thing grab this node bring this one out to about here and take this one and put it right about let's say maybe over here and we'll take this large 50 pixel line right here I'll make this one a little smaller do something like that and then for this smaller line we'll make this one go pretty far or maybe out to about there and keep that right there maybe I'll go back to this want to bring that in a little bit and basically you want to end up with something like this we're just adjusting them you don't have to do this exactly as you see it on my screen you can go about this your own way just as long as it looks random and sporadic like that it's pretty good and once we've done that I'm gonna grab this select tool it's gonna zoom out a little more again to zoom out I'm just holding ctrl and rolling down the mouse wheel and I'm gonna click and drag over all of this and I'm gonna group it together with this button it says group selected objects and I'll duplicate it and I'm going to flip it vertically and horizontally and then I'll ungroup it click off of the graphic to deselect everything and I'll take this grey circle and just get rid of it and you can see what's going on here we're starting to get our circles that are that are forming so what I want to do now is I want to make these circles to be touching each other a little closer let me ungroup that I want to make sure we can group everything we can click and drag over everything and just make sure it's all in groups what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to click and drag over all of it and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift to zoom to scale it down a little bit and if you notice as I scale it down those circles I'm going to start to overlap with each other now let me undo that I'll go to edit undo I want to do this individually with each circle instead of doing it all at once like that so what I do is I'm going to scale up these these smaller rings right here so that they're overlapping this large ring and to do that I'm not going to scale up the ring itself because it's going to take it off of its center point and it's not going to match like that I'm gonna select that select that ring and hold shift and click on the circle as well and then scale it whoops and then scale it up so that it stays within its axis like that so I'm gonna scale that up to there actually you know what let me hold shift and click the other one as well and I'll scale these both up about that far so that they're going into that blue not the blue the black ring right there and then I'll click I'll just click this next ring up here this one right here the 10 pixel one I'll hold shift click on the other one on the opposite side hold shift click and click on the the circle and then just scale this down so it's running over the top of that larger ring sort of like that and again I'm just gonna click off it to deselect everything I'm gonna bring these two rings in a little bit so I'm just gonna select them scale them down like that and then I'll take these two rings and I'll scale them down like that and what I'll do now is I'll just start to give this some color so I'm gonna click and drag over just these circles right here and I'm gonna give this a blue color I'm gonna hold shift and click on the color blue down here to fill that with the blue color and it's important that you hold shift when you click on that because this is not a path this is a stroke if you just click on the blue color it's gonna fill it in like that which that is not what we want so just make sure your whole ship when you go to click on that then I'll click off that deselect everything what I'll do next is I'm gonna take this gray circle right here I'm gonna duplicate that and I'm gonna make that the same color or blue or something similar and I'll just hold ctrl and shift and scale that down so we have one in the center point there like that and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna create some more let me click on that and bring the opacity down a little bit so it matches those other ones I'm gonna create some more of these circles going around the outside here even larger so to do that I'm gonna click and drag over all of these objects except for the grey circle if you notice here my selection box isn't going over the grey circle you keep it right about there I'm gonna group that together I think I'm gonna duplicate it by hitting ctrl D and then I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale this up about that much and then I'll ungroup that click off to deselect everything I'm gonna take this large circle and get rid of that and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take this grey circle here in the background I'm gonna scale that up and then I'll hold shift and click on these larger Rings groups that we just duplicated you know what we'll have to click and drag over all of it and then hold shift and click on this object here in the center to deselect that and now we can click on it a second time and to grab the rotation handle and we could rotate it around like that just to give it a little bit of more of a sort of like a random look like that and you know what let me hold shift and click on that gray circle to deselect it I want to actually want to differentiate these rings for now so I'm just gonna make them a different color I'm gonna hold shift and click on the color red to make those red and you know what as a matter of fact I'm gonna get rid of the fill color by clicking the X and I'm gonna give them you know what I have to convert them to a path first let's go to path stroke the path and that's going to convert those to path objects and now we can turn off the red color and then hold shift and click on the color red to give it a red outline and it's gonna create this this mess right here we're gonna fix that right now over here in the stroke style tab I'm gonna change the percentage to pixels instead and I'm gonna make this maybe something like three maybe four whatever works that's pretty good I'll click off of that to deselect everything and I'm gonna zoom in a little bit I'm gonna take this stripe right here like this small one I'm just gonna make that red and then hold shift and click on the X to get rid of the outline color just to make that a solid fill color like that I'll do the same thing with this one over here I'll make that red get rid of the outline then I'm gonna come over here to this side and do the same thing make that red get rid of the outline I think that red and to get rid of the outline and what I want to do next is I want to click and drag over everything and then go to path stroke to path and once we've done that you can click off deselect everything and I click on these objects right here I'm just gonna ungroup them with the ungroup button let me click off of that to deselect everything and let me see yeah these are still stroke objects you can tell down here in the in this tab where it says the stroke color is blue but the fill color is none that's how you know that there is no fill color so these are still paths I'm gonna click and drag now that it's ungroup let's click and drag over everything again and again just make sure everything's ungrouping click on that a few times we've got a path stroke the path and click off it to deselect everything and once we've done that I'm just going to take this gray circle and move it out of the way you could in fact you press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and now you can click and drag over all of this and make this all the same color maybe a shade of blue like that I'll go with something like that that's pretty good and for the opacity I would still keep the opacity pretty low so we can see where these overlap and we're gonna we're gonna accentuate that a little bit by changing the colors I'm gonna take some of these and change them to a different shade I'm gonna use you like a pink or something like that and I'll go to the fill tab and I'm gonna copy this code right here take control C just so I can apply that to the other random rings as well so I'm just gonna go through and just color that in with the alternating rings I'm trying to make that that pink shade right there and I'm just hitting ctrl V to paste that in there and let me come over here and do the same thing for this one I'll make this large one that pink shade and I'll do the same thing over here then out here I'll color this one in like that and if you zoom out a little bit you can see we're pretty much done we've created our text circles using Inkscape so if you want you can select everything and bring the opacity up but like I said previously I like how it looks with the opacity down a little bit so you could see the intersecting area between them between those shapes right there but whatever you know whatever suits your preference so that's how you can go about creating that with any escape if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 44,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape tech circles, tech circles tutorial, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: M1R0Ko7Kux0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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