The Logo Design Process From Start To Finish

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It's a good tutorial to get to know illustrator, but the logo isn't very good on a conceptual level. And the robot voice is pretty annoying.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

The process is legit and a good reminder to use mindmapping and sketching your ideas on paper. The guy knows how to draw and how to use Illustrator's tools (especially his use of shapes instead of drawing by hand, another good reminder).

But the execution is seriously lacking, in my eyes. I would imagine he didn't draw only 5 sketches but that he replicated the process for the video, but the logo doesn't look particularly interesting or appealing. It's all too geometric, the colours don't really fit... I don't know if the use of Gotham is appropriate or not though.

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/UnturnedRoots 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

I like the video. Nice process. Am I the only one who thinks that 750$ for a logo is quite cheap?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/JoniBoni91 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's a good shape builder tutorial

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/notappropriateatall 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

this guy apparently lives next to a beautiful forrest filled with birds.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jnkyarddog 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

If you're looking for some logo vids Id check out Aaron Draplin. The guys a bundle of knowledge and real entertaining.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Wood-Bear 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ha, I thought I was the only one who drew little measuring blocks (:

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/i_give_you_gum 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's a good video except for the end result.

IMO that logo doesn't work for an investment company and I find the dragon features ugly.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pier25 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Not bad, actually taught me a few things with the shape builder tool I wasnt using. The automated voice is annoying and the font selection process was poor.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mtraps 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone welcome back in today's tutorial I will take you through a full logo design project from start to finish you will see me sketching then I will show you how to make a grid system for your logo sketch and you will see much more of my logo design process make sure to watch carefully to the end and then write in the comments section the most valuable information you find it in the tutorial and I will pick the best 3 comments and I will mention them in the next tutorial video don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you didn't yet and have a nice watching okay I received a new message from a client through my mailbox his name is Steven he detailed some information of his project and he asked me to make a logo for his company the company's name is Drago invest after responding to the client and discussing more the project I collected a detailed brief by asking multiple questions and I send him a customized invoice where I mentioned the requirement the price and the turnaround my design process starts by mind-mapping I take the words associated with the logo and find other associations then I combine it with the characteristics required by the client then I do my sketches based on this words okay now the sketching phase starts considering the chosen characteristics I start drawing any idea comes to my mind this phase is just for putting your thoughts on paper you don't have to be an artist to make it just rough sketches I will go with this concept it of all the characteristics required now I start cleaning the chosen concept okay this is my final sketch after cleaning it on paper now I will start by gridding it using guides so first of all press ctrl R to activate the ruler command R for Mac users now I'll drag a horizontal guide and align it with one line of my sketch the color of the guide is not clear enough let's change it to red go to edit then go to preferences and then click on guides and rules click on the color change it to red then press ok drag another guide and align it with the next line this size of the space between the two guides will be the spacing of all our logo elements now drag another horizontal guide and place it here this spacing will be the thickness of all our logo elements make a rectangle between the two first guides then fill it with black make another rectangle between the second two guides we will use them to measure the rest of the logo elements okay hold alt or option and drag the two rectangle right under the guides then hold alt or option and drag the guides and the line at width rectangles again drag the rectangles under the guides then drag the last two guides and align it with the rectangles okay hold alt or option and drag the bigger rectangle and align it with the first guide then duplicate the first guide and align it with the top of the rectangle delete all the rectangles and leave only two to place the vertical guides hold shift and rotate the rectangles drag a vertical guide and align this with the end of the logo now align the big rectangle with the new guide then drag another guide and align it with the rectangle okay I'll do the same thing with the small rectangle to measure the spacing this process may look long and boring but it guarantees a good result drag another vertical guide and align it with the head then I'll duplicate the big rectangle and align it with the new guide then duplicate again and align this with the old one then I'll drag another guide and align it here then I will do the same thing with the longer line now delete all rectangles I'll drag another guide and align it with the top of the head right click and lock the guides okay our grid is ready I will let the circular part to the end and I will start by illustrating the straight parts of the logo okay with the rectangle tool I will make a rectangle along the top part following the grid like this hold alt or option then drag the rectangle to the next line of the logo then stretch it from left until it fits the grid hold alt or option and drag it again and place it here duplicate it again and place it on the final part of the logo the stretchy to meet the grid okay with the ellipse tool hold shift and click on this corner then drag until the circle fits the head roundness in the sketch swipe the fill to stroke to see the sketch everything looks ok hold shift and select the circle with the rectangle then with the shape builder hold alt or option and click on the corner to take it off to make this rounded mouth part go to the ellipse tool click on this corner then hold shift and drag until the circle fits the sketch roundness then make a line aligned with the rectangle and the circle select everything then with the shape builder click on the negative space to make it a shape delete the circle and the line then with the eyedropper tool pick the fill color hold shift and select the new shape with the rectangle then go to the Pathfinder and clicking Knight okay it looks perfect now click in this corner hold shift and drag to make a circle that meets the top corner hold alt or option then drag the circle and place it on the other two lines okay select the circle with the rectangle then with the shape builder tool hold alt or option and click on the corner to take it off repeat the same process for the other lines now delete the circles now we will make the circular part with the ellipse tool hold shift then click on this corner then drag until the circle meets this guide select the circle with the two rectangles then with the shape builder tool hot alt or option and click on this corner to take it off the reason of the grid is to make our logo balanced you can see that spacing and the thickness is the same in the logo again select the ellipse tool hold shift and click here then drag until the circle meets the last horizontal guide another circle for the inner part now select the two circles with the top part and the bottom part of the logo then with the shape builder tool drag over the roundness and the intersected parts of the rectangles to merge it together now take off the corners and the useless parts of the circles then select the new created shape and with the eyedropper pick the fill color now select everything and go to the Pathfinder then click on unite okay so far so good now we will make the top of the head and the horn of the Dragon let's drag another guide here with the ellipse tool hold shift and click on this corner then drag until the circle fits the round part of the sketch select everything then from the Pathfinder click on unite make a circle close to the size of the roundness of the horn swipe the color to stroke then place it on it now increase the size until it be thick enough with the direct selection tool select the left and the top anchor point then delete it now with the width tool click on the top Anchor Point and drag to make the line thin align it with the top of the head then go to object and click on expand appearance hold shift and select the horn with the body then go to the Pathfinder and click on unite now we will make this roundness make a circle aligned with the body and the horn press ctrl Y or command wife and Mac users to activate the outline view and align it perfectly hold shift and select the circle with the body and with the shape builder click on the negative space to turn a shape delete the circle then select everything and from the Pathfinder click on unite okay everything is done I will unlock the sketch and delete it our logo looks so balanced now in this phase I always experiment some different font styles serif and sans-serif then I make my mind with which one I will go let's write the logo name make it bigger I will start by choosing the Gotham font which is probably the one that I will go with because it fits too much this project bold and simple I'll make the second name lighter to make some contrast then I'll decrease the size and increase the tracking to make it wider now while holding shift I decrease the size to fit the main name now I bring the logo icon then I increase the size I dragged a guide and set it here then another one and set it here now I will align my logo name with this guides right-click and hide the guides now I duplicate the logo and try to apply some other fonts to it okay this is some variations with different font styles sans serif and serif fonts as I guessed I really like this Gotham font and will go with it right click on the text Internet to outline now the coloring phase sometimes the client suggests that colors but in this example it's my mission to do Adobe color CC is a good place to find specific color palettes you can go to explore then search for any colors you like or write in the search bar any keyword and you will find the convenient palettes I'll try the word investment let's try the word dragon anyway after searching I selected this two colors okay let's pick the dark one to the body part and for the wings I'll pick the green color same thing for the logotype the dark for the main name and have been for the secondary now I'll duplicate it and make some variations finally I make a little presentation and send it to the client thank you for your attention I hope I helped you with this video so don't forget to comment with the most valuable information you find it push the like button and subscribe if you didn't yet see you in another video
Channel: Mohamed Achraf
Views: 5,481,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the logo design process, logo design process, logo process, design process, logo, process, how to design a logo, logo design process from start to fenish, sketching, sketches, grid system, grid, gridding, logo construction, typography, logo design tutorial, branding, brand, visual identity, how to, mohamed achraf
Id: 4MxRhjHmiVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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