Inkscape Tutorial: Geometric Pattern

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this geometric pattern using Inkscape so I'll go ahead and get started here with Inkscape by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear dark and with these custom icons that I've designed I'll leave a link to that information in the description of the video so we're first going to make sure we set up our documents that we're all working with a similar view and with similar settings so I'm gonna go to file document properties let me try that again document properties I'm gonna set the display units to pixels and I'm gonna turn off the visibility of the page border and then we can close out of that and up here where it says enable snapping we want that turned on and right here where it says snap custom nodes we want that enabled as well and then we'll go to view make sure you have custom selected zoom into one at one to one and then I'm gonna open up the align and distribute menu with this button right here we're gonna want last selected chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there so what I'm gonna do first is I'm going to draw a polygon so we'll come over to the Stars and polygons tool we're gonna want polygon selected six corners round and we want that set to zero randomize we also want that set to zero and then I'm gonna come over here to the canvas and hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard and click and drag to create our polygons and make sure you have a position so that the corners are going vertically like that we don't want it sitting flat we want the corners going vertically up and down like that and then we can go ahead and let go of it I'm gonna bring the opacity of that down about in half then I'll grab the Select tool I'm just gonna make this a little smaller you could do that yourself if you want you can hold ctrl and shift and just grab one of the arrows to do that and what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate this object by hitting ctrl D on the keyboard and I'm gonna snap I'm gonna take this bottom left hand corner and snap it to this top left-hand corner just like that so those two are intersecting with with each other like that and I'm gonna create another duplicate of this by hitting ctrl D and I'm going to snap this one over here I'm going to snap the top right onto the bottom of this node right here so we end up with something like that and then I'll just take this original polygon and I'll snap it right there so that we have these three separate polygons attached to each other and then I'll duplicate this one more time by hitting ctrl D and I'll take this corner and just snap it onto this corner so we have it sit in there like that so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to duplicate this polygon again by hitting ctrl D hold shift click on the top one and go to path intersection and then I'm going to do that again with the other one over here path intersection duplicate it actually for this last one we don't have to duplicate it we can just hold shift and click on the other polygon and go to path path intersection and what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna make these three different colors for now so we could see that there's clearly a difference between those three different objects right there we're not going to do is I'm gonna click and drag over all three of those and I'm gonna duplicate them by hitting ctrl D and I'm gonna flip them vertically with this button right here that says flip selected objects vertically and then I'm gonna take this bottom left corner right here and just snap it onto this top left corner just like that and now we can click off of that to deselect everything we kind of have these two merging together like that we're gonna have a duplicate of this green object right here we can just take that and press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of it and then what I want to do is I want to take this red shape and then hold shift and click on the other blue shape and flip that vertically like that and then go to path Union and that's gonna combine them together into one object and then I'll just hold shift and click on the green object and go to path difference and that's exactly the shape we're looking for right there so I'm gonna create a duplicate of this shape and replace it with this red shape is right now so I'm gonna hit control D bring this over here I'm gonna click on it a second time to get the rotation handles and with the rotation handles I'm going to hold ctrl and grab one of the corner arrows and just rotate it around until it matches the shape or the position actually of that red shape right there and just snap it in there now we can take the red shape press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of it you can take this one we'll do that again we'll hit ctrl D to duplicate it and for this one we don't have to rotate it we could just flip it horizontally so I'll just click this button up here that says flip selected objects horizontally and then just snap it over the blue object right there and we can take the blue object and get rid of it and now what I'm gonna do now is bring the opacity grab these three objects and bring the opacity all the way up and color them in whatever color you'd like them to be so follow along following along with the other thumbnail visitorial for this shape I used like a like a faded blue or purple something like that for this shape I used a faded red you could use whatever color you'd like just pick three good contrasting color you should be fine doesn't really matter which colors and then for this one over here I'll use like a cream like a cream color something like that and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click and drag over all of these and I'm gonna hit control D and if you notice these objects all snap into each other and fit nicely I'm gonna keep duplicating them to show you as an example I'm gonna create duplicates going all around oops didn't mean to do that I'm gonna create duplicates going all around let me just make sure okay ctrl D another one just like that and this can go on infinitely you can go ahead and duplicate these shapes and snap them into each other over and over and over again but what if we want to just make one object that we can repeat going on a vertical and a horizontal axis kind of like you would for like the background of a webpage what if we wanted to make something like that that wouldn't really work with something like this here we need something that's in a perfect square or rectangle so to create a rectangle out of this object that you can repeat over and over again what I'm going to do is I'm gonna group all of these together first of all make sure you have one here in the center and then you have one extra object going around the outside of all of them so we want two four six and then seven number Seven's in the middle so once we have that I'm just gonna group this all together that's the group button you're gonna ctrl G to do that and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna grab the the rectangles tool and I'm gonna snap to this corner right here and then just click and drag to start creating a rectangle and snap to this bottom node right there and let me just make this a different color so you can see it I'll make that black and I'll bring the opacity of the down about in half actually wrong one there we go and then I'll grab the select tool and I'm gonna take this right arrow right here and just bring that all the way out so it extends beyond the graphic and I'll do the same thing right here and what I want to do now is trim off the ends of this rectangle in reference to where these two nodes are so let me grab the bezzie a pen you could just press B on the keyboard as a shortcut I'm gonna snap to this node up here hold ctrl bring that line straight through click again and then just bring the shape finish line up going around the outside and I'll do the same thing over here hold control bring the line straight down back around to the starting point and then I will grab the Select tool hold shift click on the other shape so we have both of those newly drawn shapes selected and go to path Union and then I can hold shift and click on our black rectangle right there and go to path difference and what I'm gonna do now is with this shape selected I'm gonna hold shift and click on our polygon objects and go to object click set and what we have here now is an object that we can duplicate over and over again and it'll create this repeated background you can go ahead and just keep deleting duplicating it over and over again or I know if like when you make a website or something and you set an image as the the websites backgrounds it takes a single image and repeats it over and over again that's what you can do with this background with these objects here now let me show you another way you can do this instead of repeating them over and over again duplicating them manually what you can do is select the one object and go to edit clone create tiled clones and we grab that menu I went to the other screen here we go and under the title of clones menu we're gonna select width and height select takes old and for this I'm gonna use like 1920 or maybe I'll big something a little larger I'll make 4000 by 3000 pretty much set this to however big you want your back Brown's image to be so for this let's say I'm going to do four thousand by twenty five hundred pixels and go ahead and click create you may have to give it a minute to work and do its thing is creating a bunch of objects we can close out of that you can see it created all of those different objects so let me actually delete some of those that's a bit too many let's say this is the object let's say this is the background you wanted here well I'm not sure if you could see in the video but on my screen there's clearly a seam there's like a white seam running through the areas of the graphic where the different objects are and that technically shouldn't be there but it is because it's just a flaw with vector graphics I've noticed this happens not just with Inkscape with dobby illustrator as well as just some kind of mathematical problem and usually when you export you get those seam lines as well a little trick to get rid of those seam lines you could just click and drag over all of those and just duplicate them and then you can just duplicate them another time and after you have made about two or three copies and you zoom in you can see those seam lines should be gone now that's not the best solution in the world but it's pretty much the only solution I know of to get rid of those seam lines when you want to create a seamless background that you could repeat over and over again with something like Inkscape so that's how you can go about creating this design using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 40,834
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Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape pattern, geometric pattern, geometric pattern tutorial, nick saporito, logosbynick, logos by nick
Id: bI6Jc5VbqLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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