Inkscape Tutorial: Design A Logo

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[Music] yes this is Nick with logos by Nick's calm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you could design this logo with ink escape so let's go ahead and get started here at Inkscape by the way if you'd like to know how you can update the icons and use a dark theme like you see here on my screen I'll have a link to that information in the description of the video so the first thing we'll do is set up our document we'll go to file document properties and we want to set the display units to px and turn off the uncheck the box that says show page border close out of that and we'll go to view and we will want custom selected and then zoom zoom in at 1 to 1 open up the align and distribute menu with this button here and we're going to want less selected chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there so the first thing I'm going to create is the circle on the inside here those little suppose 2 circles there so to do that I'm going to grab the circles and he looks this tool hold ctrl + Shift on the keyboard and click and drag to create a perfectly round circle like that let me grab the Select tool will move this towards the center of a page and what I want to do now is I want to turn off the fill color by clicking this X down here in the bottom left corner and I want to give it a black outline by holding shift and clicking black or I'm going to use 90% gray for this one and that should give a black outline there if you notice on my screen it gave me a dotted outline if that happens to you as well just go to stroke style and where it says dashes click on that and go to the top of the list where it has a straight line like that and we'll use that and now that we're in the stroke style tab we could just go ahead and set this to pixels I'm going to change the width of this I want this to be a little thicker I'm going to use maybe a 15 pixel see how that looks that's pretty good let's bring the opacity of that down about in half and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to duplicate this circle I'm just going to right click it and go to duplicate and then before before I do I'm going to do next we should want to come up here and make sure we have this box on check that says when scaling objects scale the stroke which by the same proportion we want that turned off so if that's checked go ahead and uncheck that so now that we've done that I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift and click and drag the scale this one down a little bit and I'll make this one about half the size so I'll try 7.5 that's pretty good I'll hold ctrl and shift I'm just going to scale that up a little more that looks pretty good so what I'm going to create next are the arrows so to do that I'll come over here to the squares and rectangles tool and I'll hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to create a perfect square like that and I'm going to make that one solid fill and black and I'll get rid of the black outline by holding shift and clicking on the X down here and I want to convert that to a path by going to path object to path then grab the Select tool and click on this box until we get the rotation handles and then I'm going to hold ctrl and take one that this top right handle right here and just rotate it around until it's sitting with the corners going vertically and horizontally like that and what I'll do now is I'll go to the edit pads by nodes tool and I'll take this node right here I'm going to hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this up about that far and then I'll hold ctrl and take that node this node right here and bring that up about that far like that and there we have the head of the arrow so let me go back to the Select tool I'll hold ctrl and just click and drag to scale that down a little bit and now is going to create the actual the long part of the arrow here so to do that I'll just grab the rectangles tools squares and rectangles click and drag to create a rectangle like that going through it something that size is pretty good convert that to a path by going to Pat object to path and now we want to create the bottom portion of the arrow which is down here so to do that we'll stay on the squares and rectangles tool and just come down here and create another rectangle like that and again we'll convert that to a path by going to path object to path we're going to be edited by nodes tool and click and drag over all of those nodes all four of them and come up here to the far left where it says insert new nodes into selected segments go ahead and click on that and it's going to put new nodes in between the existing nodes and then I just want to click and drag over these two right here let me zoom in to show you I'm going to hold ctrl and roll up on the mouse wheel to zoom in click and drag over those two middle nodes right there with them selected we can hold ctrl on the keyboard and just shift them up about that much now I can press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% and I'd say that's all looking pretty good right there so what I'll do is I'll go to the Select tool click and drag over all of that and just make sure we have it centered on the vertical axis and then unify it all together by going to path Union and I'll bring this over to the circle I'm going to hold ctrl and shift and scale this down a bit scale it down a little more and as you notice here I got it to the size and thickness I want it's just not as long so to make it longer I'll just go back to the edit pads by node so when I click and drag over these nodes up here and hold ctrl and just pull them up like that go back to the Select tool and that's looking pretty good so what I'll do now is I'll click on this again to get the rotation handles and hold ctrl and rotate this one two three three steps to the right like that and then hold shift and click on one of the circles there and Center it on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and then click off it to deselect everything and I'll click on the arrow right here hit control D to duplicate that control D on the keyboard it could right-click it and going to duplicate and with that selected I'll just flip that horizontally with this button up here that says flip selected objects horizontally so we now have the arrows in place but we have to do now is get rid of the the part of the arrows that run through the circle so I'm going to click on the larger circle on the outside here and duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and then I'll hold shift and click on this arrow right here and go to path difference and I'll do the same thing with this arrow over here click on the circle control D to duplicate hold shift click on that arrow and go path difference and we now have that in place so the next thing I'm going to put here are these little partial visible partial circle going around the outside so to do that I'm just going to take this inner circle right here the smaller one and I'm going to duplicate that by hitting control D and just hold ctrl and shift and scale that out to about there and that's looking pretty good so what we have to do now is just segment it like you see here in the thumbnail it's segmented into four different shapes so to do that what I first want to do is convert this to a path so I've got a path stroke to path and I'll come over here to the squares and rectangles tool and I'll hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to create a big perfect square like that and I'll just make that red for now so we could differentiate it from the rest of the graphic and I'll grab the Select tool and click on this again to get the rotation handles and hold ctrl and rotate this clockwise one two three three steps like that so we have the corners going vertically and horizontally and I'll just come and put this right about here the intersecting area between the red object and this line is going to be what's left over so if you notice like right about there that looks pretty good and I'll hold shift and click on the circle and just make sure it's centered on the horizontal axis click off it to deselect everything and I'll take this square and I'll duplicate that again just hitting ctrl D and I'll hold ctrl and click and drag this over here to about the same distance and then hold shift and click on the other red square and we can unify them both together by going to path Union and now I want to hold shift and click on the circle right there and let's Center it on the vertical axis and the horizontal axis like that click off at the deselect everything and I want to take these two red circles two red squares and I want to duplicate them by hitting ctrl D and I want to rotate them 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise either one so just go ahead and click that button and then we could hold shift and click on the other squares and unify them both together by going to pad Union and then hold shift and click on the this new circle on the outside we just created and with them both selected go to path intersection and we now have that segmented circle set up so what I'm going to create next are these little dashes going along the inside here so to do that I'm going to click this circle right here either one actually should work just duplicate it by hitting ctrl D we'll make that red we'll turn off the outline by holding shift and clicking the X and I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift and scale it up until the edge of the red circle is about halfway between the edge of this circle and the edge of this circle so it doesn't have to be halfway between but roughly roughly so should be good and again to zoom in and out of just holding ctrl and rolling up and down the mouse wheel so what I'll do now is I'm going to create a rectangle come to the squares and rectangles tool and click and drag to create a small little rectangle like that that's longer than it is wide like that that's pretty good and we'll get a path object to path and I'll go back to the select tool and I want to right-click on this and go to copy and now I want to click on this red circle right here and I want to go to path path effects and we're going to get this path effects menu right here I'm going to click the add the the plus icon that says add path of path effect and we're going to get this little menu here I'm going to make this bigger so you can see it and I want to look for the one that says pattern along path right there pattern along path go ahead and click edge and from this new menu that pops up we want to change the pattern copies to repeated stretched and then after we've done that click on the button that says link to path on clipboard and then what I'll do is where I said spacing I'll just reduce that a bit actually no increase that you want to increase the spacing and you'll notice it took the the rectangle and it spaced it out going the wrong along this thing is the other shape of the circle so and what you could actually do now is you could take this shape right here and edit it if you want to and it'll edit the rest of them so let me go back to this let me decrease the spacing a bit actually not want to leave the width alone I meant to use the spacing there here we go where'd it go change that back to one I think that was yeah one I'll take this and I'll decrease the spacing and I'm going to scale this down a little bit maybe I'll increase the spacing a little more this is just a matter of personal preference at this point so once you've gotten to this point here you're pretty good so once you've got it to a we've got to look how we like it just finalize if I going to path object to path and then we can close out of the path effects menu and now we just want these these little dashes here to be on the left and right side of the circle like you see here in the thumbnail so to uh to fix that I'll just go to the squares and rectangles tool and hold ctrl and shift to create another perfect symmetrical square like that and I'm just going to make this one green and I'll go to the Select tool click on it again click on the shape again to get the rotation handles hold ctrl and rotate it one two three three steps to the right and just come and put this right about here hold shift click on the circle and make sure it's centered on the vertical axis horizontal axis actually click off it to deselect and I'm just going to bring this over it just a tad bit like that and I'm going to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and hold ctrl and bring this one over here like that and then hold shift and click on the other square unify them both together by going to path Union and then hold shift and click on the red dashes and just make sure it's centered up on the vertical axis click off with the deselect and then we could take the green squares right here and I'm just going to adjust the size a little bit like that and we can hold shift click on the red shape and go to path intersection and I'll make that black as well and I'll press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and let me zoom in on this a little bit you know if you'll notice it's like a little bit of like a fragmented piece left over here if you want to get rid of that you just go to the edit pads by nodes tool and click on the object and then just click and drag over the nodes right there which hold shift and click and drag over the other ones and we have all of those nodes selected and press Delete on the keyboard we could do the same thing over here just click and drag over all those nodes press Delete on the keyboard and that's an easy way to get rid of that and we'll go back to the Select tool click off the graphic to deselect everything and the next thing we should create here are these little these little ribbons on the side so I'm going to zoom in over this left hand side by holding ctrl and rolling off the mouse wheel and I'll grab the squares and rectangles tool I mean I'm sorry the squares and yeah the squares and rectangles tool and click and drag to create a rectangle like that convert that to a path by going to path object to path and grab the Edit Pez by nodes tool and grab those two nodes right there and add a new node between those two the button right here that says add new insert new nodes into selected segments then I'll click on that node right there just that middle one selected and hold control and just bring that to the right a little bit like that we'll grab the select tool hold shift click on the circle and make sure it's centered on the horizontal axis click off at the deselect I'm going to move this over a bit and what I want to do now is take this partial circle here and hit ctrl D to duplicate that and then hold shift and click on this ribbon right here and go to path difference and then path break apart and then hold shift and deselect that ribbon so we just have that segment selected and press Delete on the keyboard so it fits there like that and I'm just going to hold ctrl and roll up the mouse wheel a little bit to zoom in a little more I'm just going to hold ctrl and just bring this to the right a little bit so was into there and I want to duplicate this by hitting ctrl D and flip that horizontally and then just hold ctrl and bring this one over here like that so we have one on each side and I'm just going to add some text in there now well first I'm going to hold shift and click on the other one we want to make sure we have them both centered up evenly so with them both selected I'm going to group them together and then hold shift and click on the circle and just make sure it's centered on the vertical axis and then we could ungroup it with this button here that says ungroup click off it to deselect and now I'm going to put some text in there so I'll grab the text tool and I'm going to use the year 2017 so I'll hit to 0 I'm going to choose a different font from the text selector up here the font I'm going to use is lead gothic you can use whichever font you'd like and grab the Select tool hold shift click on this first ribbon and center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis click off of it to deselect and then take just a number here just hold ctrl and shift and scale it up like that place it where it ought to be that looks pretty good I'll make that white and I'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and then hold ctrl and bring this over to the right over here and go back to the text tool and just write in 17 like that go back to the Select tool and just Center that up like that and that looks pretty good and the next step would be to add some text going around the perimeter here and if you're noticing the thumbnail i used i wrote logo design with Inkscape so what I'm going to do now is grab the text tool actually no first I want to grab this circle right here the large circle and duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and I want to make that red and get rid of the outline by holding shift and clicking the X I'm sorry holding ctrl now holding shift and clicking the X yeah make that red and I'll hold ctrl and shift and just scale this circle up like there right about there the edge of this circle is going to be where the base of the text sticks is sitting so the text will be going along here like that so I'm sure to make that a little smaller that's something to keep in mind when determining the size of this circle that's a pretty good size right there so first one to zoom back out to a hundred percent I'll grab the text tool click on the canvas to get the blinking cursor and I'm just going to use all caps and Wright logo design and I want to space that out a bit so I'll come up here to where it says spacing between letters and just hold up on that arrow to space that out of it I'll grab the select tool and I'll just hold ctrl and scaled up the size of that text a little bit and that's pretty good right there and once I have this text set I want to duplicate that by hitting control D bring this down here go back to the text tool and just change this one to the other side text which for me will be with Inkscape and now that we've done that we could take this text and hold shift click on the red circle and go to text put on path and you'll see you put the text going along that circle now we can click off that to deselect everything and take just the circle right here and then click on it again to get the rotation handles and rotate the circle around in order to rotate the text like that we'll put that right about there like that that looks pretty good and we could finalize that maybe over a little more we finalize that by clicking on the text and going to path object path and now we can take the circle and hold ctrl and shift and scale it up more so that it the the text six inside of it because we're going to need that for the next line of text that we're using here and now we want to flip the circle horizontally by clicking the button up here that says flip selected objects horizontally and nothing happens visually on the page but we're going to need that in order for this text to go on the inside of the circle instead of going on the outside like this one did so we can take this text now and hold shift click on the circle and go to text put on path click off it to deselect everything and then click on just the circle right here click on it again to get the rotation handles and just rotate it around and you'll see we have the text running on the inside of the circle like that place it right about there that's good we could finalize that by clicking on the text and going to past object to pass take the red circle and just press Delete on the keyboard and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take this inner circle this thin inner border right here I'm going to convert that to a path by going to path stroke the path and I'll do the same thing with the large circle on the outside click on that go to path stroke the path press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and we can click and drag over everything oops click and drag over everything and bring the opacity all the way up and we're almost done the next step would be to just put some text in there you can put whatever you want in there for this tutorial I just wrote Inkscape in there so to do that I'll just grab some grab the text tool click on the canvas and again using all cast on one line i wrote i nks and on the next line I wrote capt a PE and I'll go to the Select tool I'm going to click and drag over both of those text items and grab the text editor up here just so I can make them both the font I want to use which is lead gothic go ahead and click apply close out of that and hold ctrl and shift and scale that up put that right about here we'll Center them up on the vertical axis we change that to the dark grey I was using I'll group them together with this button up here this has group selected objects then hold shift and click on one of the circles there and just make sure it's centered up using the vertical and horizontal axis like that and you'll see we have finished our logo is now complete so that's how you could do that with the escape if you have any questions when we know it is always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 71,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners, vector, vector design, vector graphics, vector logo, vector tutorial, vector icons, graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, inkscape design a logo, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: js-Lh7FFnoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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