Turn Any Photo Into a Logo in GIMP 2.10

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by Davies media design my name is Michael Davies and in today's tutorial I'll be showing you guys how to take any photo in particular a portrait photo and convert that into a logo using this is given version 2.10 which at the time in this tutorial is the latest version of but of course before I get into that I want to direct you guys over to my website at Davies media design.com as always we have tons of give video and text tutorials on here so definitely check that out you can also enroll in my 2.10 photo editing masterclass from beginner to pro which is a best-seller on udemy and you could support our channel and help us grow by becoming a patron on patreon and I'll include a link to this as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description of the video I'll be using this free font called Anamosa for today's tutorial and of course I'll include a link to this in the description of the video and I actually have a how-to article explaining exactly how to install fonts in if you're not sure how to install fonts let me just minimize this so this was the final logo that I created for this tutorial and I actually added just a few background colors on here so you guys can see what this looks like with different backgrounds on it as you can see this is not just a JPEG image so you guys can kind of play around with this once you're done creating the actual vector illustration from the portrait image that you're using and the image I'll be using for today's tutorial is this image right here of myself and I'll include a link to this photo in the description of course for you guys to download for free and follow along so let's dive in here I started by using the path tool which on my channel is called the Ken Brewer path tool which you can grab over here from your toolbox and I just held control and zoomed in a little bit here and so this just allows me to really get in on the details and there's a few artistic decisions you have to make right off the bat for one what parts of the face are you wanting to outline which parts of the face do you want to be dominant parts of the logo and what details are you wanting to bring out in here you don't want to bring out too many of the wrinkles in this case I have some crow's feet around my eyes so you really just want to determine what details exactly you want to include in a logo logos don't typically have a ton of detail you don't want them to look too much like sketches or drawings you do want them to just look like vector line illustrations really so you want to keep it pretty simple and that's also going to make this easier to use on things like stickers teach it's whatever you want to print your logo on or if you're gonna use it on a website and maybe decrease the size of your logo when you decrease the size of your logo you're gonna lose some of those details or they're gonna be just too small so you want to keep all those things in mind when you are creating the outline of your original portrait in this case since I have a beard I decided to just outline the beard and I did that by clicking with my past tool and I have an entire tutorial dedicated to how to use the past tool but when I click and then drag my mouse that creates a node and this also creates curves here so this is creating a curved path for me and right here in this case I have to come back to my node here and click and drag this to adjust it and I can click right here on this node again and continue on so I'll click to create a new node and I'm just going to do this all the way around the outline of my face so I'll go around the ears here and again I can click on this last node and just adjust the curve until I get this exactly right on my ears or I should say loosely right because I'm not going to exactly outline everything and that's okay it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be recognizable so I'll click and drag my mouse here and you can always zoom in a bit holding ctrl and using the mouse wheel and if you hold ctrl and click that'll create a new node in the middle of pre-existing paths there so that just allows you to kind of create another curve if you need it and then you can come up here and click on the last node that you left off on and just continue drawing so let me come here and just adjust that curve there hold ctrl and use my mouse wheel to zoom out and then of course we'll go around the outline of the head here and I should mention here that you want to use a photo that's well lit and where it's easy to distinguish your foreground object which is going to be the person that you're outlining from the background so you want there to be a lot of separation between the edges of your person in your background and that just makes it easier to trace with the paths tool here let me hit control Z make sure that you place your path in the proper position here so I'm just going to continue this really around the outside of my entire subject and just sticking with all of these parts right here and all of my main parts I'm not going to include the neck here so let me come over to my paths dialog and I'm actually going to delete that path I've been working on because I actually did this ahead of time so here is my final face outline and you guys can see I just went around all of the hair and I made sure to include the details here and I went around the ear and then again I just cut the neck out so now we have our main face outline here and let me click on this with my path tool to make that an active path so this is what it should look like once you're finished drawing make sure that when let's say this is your last node and this was your first node when you connect these hold the ctrl key and then click on your first node and that is going to create a union between your first and your last node and that way you have an enclosed shape here in this case the shape of our subjects face so assuming you still have your path tool open now what you can do is come back over to your layers and click to create a new layer and I'm going to name this face outline white in my case because I'm gonna use white but you guys can name this whatever color you're going to use as your highlight color so you might use a skin tone here or maybe if you have certain colors for your business you want to use whatever your highlight color is for the lighter parts of our image here so in my case I'm just gonna use white and I'll click OK so now we have our face outline white layer and what I'll do is I'll come over here and I'm gonna click on this icon here to reset my colors to black and white and then I'll hold X to switch these colors so now white is our foreground color and now I can just come down here and click fill path and it's just gonna ask me to choose my fill style and I'll choose solid color which is going to be our foreground color and I'll click fill and that is going to fill in our outline area with that white color and now I want to create another new layer and this time I'm going to name it black so face outline black and this is going to be whatever color you're going to want to use for your shadows so again if you have a particular color for your business that you want to use here you can use that color just make sure it's a darker color than the white color or your highlight color and again I'm gonna make sure my fill width is set to transparency and click OK and I still have my path selected here and I still have my path tool so what I'll do is I'll just switch my color here over to black and then hit fill path again and this time select solid color again and click fill and now we have a face outline black and a face outline white so this is just going to allow us to again separate our shadows in our image from our highlights and this is going to provide a really easy way to do that so now I'll just hide those two layers because we don't need those right now and I'll come over to my past dialogue and I'm gonna turn that face outline off because I did unhide that so now I'm gonna come back over here to my layers panel and by the way if you don't have your paths panel over here you can go to windows dockable dialogs and choose paths right here and that'll open that up but I'm going to come back over here to layers you can now click off your paths tool real quick so just grab the move tool for example and then click on it again and that allows you to just start a new path from scratch and we're gonna do the same thing we just did with the full outline of the face but this time we're just going to do it for the inner part of the face so basically this is allowing you to separate the hair from the rest of the face in my case I have a beard so I'm going to want to outline that beard but I'll start with the sideburns here and I'm going to click to create a new node and again I can hold ctrl and zoom in and I can click and drag this node here to create a curve and I'll hold the spacebar and just move up on the image and so now I'm just outlining the hair line here and I'm getting as close to that hair line as possible and that's just gonna make this look more realistic you're of course trying to accentuate the features of your model to make it resemble the model the more corners you cut when you're outlining features of the model the less resemblance there will be so keep that in mind so I'm just adjusting the curves here by dragging these handles and so again I'm going to actually just come over to my paths dialog and I'm going to delete this path I've been drawing because I did already do this once with my path tool so I'll hold ctrl and zoom out so here's what the final product looked like I just outlined the hairline and then I came over here and I made sure I went behind the eyebrow here or next to the eyebrow and it does kind of overlap it right there because I have some bushy eyebrows but it does come down here to the beard it just follows the beard down the face here and then I just came down right here upwards a little bit I did draw out the shadow right here which was something that I ended up not really liking in the final so I'll fix that towards the end but then I just came over here and I finished it up so I drew around this part of the beard here and then drew a curve right here and then let me click on this with my path tool to make this active as you could see this was my last note I drew and then I held ctrl + I click to create a union between the first one and then of course adjusted that curve here and that connected everything and made it one enclosed shape if the subject you're using doesn't have a beard what you can do is instead of coming around the beard here and then connecting this right here you can for example let me come over here once you get to the sideburns the end of the sideburns you can go across to the jawline and then just follow the same jawline that you did in the last step when you were outlining the face and then come up here and then come over right here at the sideburn and connect that right there and that way you've created one enclosed shape and you've only really selected the hair and not the bottom portion of the face like in this case where we have a beard but if your subject does have a beard than you do want to pretty much follow exactly what I did here and you'll see why in a second so now I'll come back over to my layers panel and I'm gonna create a new layer and I'm just going to name this hair and beard again set this to transparency and click OK and now what I want to do is fill this area in with white because these are going to be our highlights so I'll come over here to my foreground and background colors and I'll switch this back to white or whenever your highlight color is and then I'm going to come over here to fill path and again select solid color and click fill and that'll fill that area in with white and so now if I come over here and unhide my face outline black layer you can see this is starting to come together you can now distinguish the hair and the beard areas from the face obviously we have a lot of work to do still because we have some details we need to bring out but this is starting to come together as a face so I'll click off of my paths tool and I'll come back over here to my paths dialog and just hide that path I drew and make sure this is named hair and beard if that got deleted all right so once we've done that the next step is we're going to stay in our past dialog and we're going to come over to the face outline path and duplicate that by hitting the duplicate icon and I'm going to change this to right here and so we are looking at the subject obviously from our computer screen so it looks like the left ear to us but it's actually the right ear of our model so that's why I'm naming this right ear so what I'll do is I'll click to unhide this path and that shows our path outline here of our face and then I'm going to click on here with our path tool and now you could see all the nodes on here that we drew before and what I need to do is I need to delete all of the nodes that are not the nodes going around the right ear but I'm going to click on this first node here and then if I shift click you can see that I can now select multiple nodes and you always tell the node is selected because it's now going to be an empty circle versus being a circle filled with white so now I'm just going to go through and select each of these nodes here and I'm not going to select any of these nodes but once I have all my notes selected I'll hit the backspace key and that will delete all of those other nodes and then I'll hold ctrl and zoom in a bit with my mouse wheel and I'll come over here to my layers panel and I'm just gonna hide the face outline black and the hair and beard layer and what I'll do is I'll click on this node here and just drag the handle to adjust that curve and then I can come over here hold ctrl and click to create a new node here and I want to only select the ear I don't want to select the beard or the hair so I'm going to try my best to do that so I'll hold ctrl and click to create another node here and just adjust this curve and I'll hold ctrl create another node right here and then use the handles to adjust this and again use the handles right here to adjust this hold ctrl and click to create another node right here they're for the most part we've selected only the ear I didn't fuss over this part right here because this is not an important detail so once we've done this we have two options we can either fill this area with white or we can delete this area from our face outline black layer and I'm actually going to do the latter option here so first I'll come over to my tool options and hit selection from path and then I'll come over to my face outline black area unhide that and hit the Delete key and that will delete all the area inside of our selection area now how you control shift a to deselect that and then I'll click off of the path tool and then let me come over here and hide this right ear path so now you can see only the ear is showing and if I come back over to my layers and I unhide that face outline white layer and zoom out you can see now this is starting to come together so we need to do the same over here on this other side so let me hide these layers come over to my pass dialog box here come over to my face outline and duplicate that again and this time I'll name this left ear and let me unhide that path grab my path tool click on this path and you can see all the nodes we selected before so what I'll do is I'll just shift click to deselect these nodes from the right ear and now I'm going to shift click on the nodes over here by the other ear and that will just select these again and I don't need all of these ones so I'll just hit the backspace key and that'll delete those and I can click on this one and delete that as well I'll hold ctrl and zoom in so now we only have the nodes over here for the left ear and that created a path around the left ear I'm going to click on this node here and that is going to allow me to draw another curve here so I do need to click right here and adjust these handles and then I'll come back up here click on this node click and drag to create a curve and I'll hold trol to create a union here and click and I'm gonna come back here and just adjust these handles to adjust the curves so that they fit around the ear and so I'll hold ctrl and zoom out a bit so again I'll click selection from path and that'll create a selection area around that path we just drew come over here to the layers panel click on this face outline black layer you can unhide that layer hit the Delete key and that will delete all of the black inside of that selection area then hit ctrl shift a grab a different tool and then come back over to your paths dialog and hide that path come back to your layers panel and you can unhide the hair and beard layer and the face outline white layer and now you can see we have a pretty distinguishable face and hair and beard here and now we just need to draw in the details to make this even more distinguishable or more recognizable I should say so we'll hide these layers so I'm going to continue outlining some of the more detailed parts of my image so the next part I'm going to do is the eyebrows so if I come over here and grab my pass tool again and hold ctrl and zoom in now I'm just going to loosely draw a path around the eyebrows and again I'm going to click and drag this drag the handles and I could always come back to an earlier node to adjust that curve so I'm just trying to outline the eyebrows as best I can I happen to have some pretty bushy eyebrows here so this might be larger for my picture versus some of yours and I'm just going to adjust the handles here and then I'll hold ctrl and click on this last note to create a union and I don't want this to be too rigid so I'm gonna add a little bit of curves to this and then maybe adjust this one as well I don't want the eyebrows to be super thick even though I do have super thick eyebrows and now what I can do since I want to also draw this other eyebrow here is I can hold shift and click and that allows me to create another node so it's discontinued from the last path that we created but it's going to have the same settings so now I can just draw this around my other eyebrow and this one I'm just going to stop pretty much right here because we did as you guys will remember already draw this portion of the face and the hair so I'm just pretty much loosely drawing around the eyebrow hold control and create a union between these two here maybe hold ctrl and add a new node right here in the middle make some adjustments here hold ctrl and zoom in a bit all right so hold ctrl and zoom out with my mouse wheel so now we've got the eyebrows loosely drawn here and what I need to do is come over here and create a new layer and just name this eyebrows and I'll click OK I'll move that to the top and then I'll come over here and switch my color to black and come down here to fill path and I'll click fill and that'll fill my eyebrows in those might be a little bit thick but I'll come over here and just unhide everything to double check how that looks and I'll click off of the path tool so that actually looks fine they are a bit boxy looking so what you can do is grab your eraser tool and just sort of take care of some of the more boxy looking edges here just sort of round those out and I'll hold control and zu Madigan before I move on to the next portion of this image I do want to make sure I name that path so I'll come over here to my past dialog and I'll change the name of this path to eyebrows and hit enter so next I want to start working on the more detailed parts of my image and I found the easiest way to do that was to create a new layer and sketch out some of the details and then go back with the path tool and trace over those details with that path tool and so I'm gonna come over here to my layers panel and you could see I already have a face detail sketch layer right here and if I unhide that and drag that up a little bit you guys can see how I did that and this obviously has way too much detail in it and the sketching doesn't look great but this just allows you to use this as a reference when you go in with your paths tool so I'm just going to hide this layer real quick and create a new layer I'll name this face details sketch to set this the transparency and click OK and this is just to demonstrate how I did this originally so I'm gonna hide all these layers here hide the eyebrows layer hold ctrl and zoom in and I did use my paintbrush tool here and I can increase or decrease the size of this using the brackets on my keyboard and all I did was I came in here with my mouse you can use a Wacom tablet if you have it I'll hit control Z I do need to decrease the size of this a bit and I just sketched some of the lines that I thought were important here so you can see that I sketched around the lines of my nose and like right here for example the nostrils both nostrils and then right here I sketched a little bit I'm gonna decrease the size of this and I sketch the curve of my nose and I also did some other details so for example I did some of my eyes here and I just sketched the parts of the eyes that I thought I can go back over with the path tool and really accentuate those details again without it looking too cartoony so in my original sketch I sketched out the crow's feet in my eyes but when I went through with my pass tool I decided I didn't actually like that too much I just thought it brought out too many details in the eye and it made it look cartoony but I also sketched out for example let me hit control Z the eye right here and then the pupil and then I did the same thing over here so I just went through and just outlined the lines in the details here that I thought were important and I'll hit ctrl Z to undo that and I even did up here this part of the eye and this right here and then I came over here to my ear and I did the same thing so I sketched some of these lines in here in the ear and some of the shading as well and I just loosely did this and then I came over here to the contours of my cheeks right here and I did the same thing and so as you can see that creates a really bad almost like cartoony version of this photo so I'm actually going to delete that layer and unhide the original one that I did so here is the original sketching I did here but again this is just allowing me to reference all of the lines in the face and determine which ones I want to use with the path tool to bring out certain features in this final vector logo so I'm going to start with the eyes and I'm gonna hold ctrl and zoom in and create a new layer and just name this eyes and click OK and I'll hold ctrl and zoom in a bit more so using these lines as a reference I'm going to draw my path here and then I'm gonna hold control and create a union here between my first and my last node and maybe drag this in a bit and then I'll come over to my other eye and do the same thing I'm gonna hold shift and click to create a new path and then I'll hold ctrl and click to create a union between the first and the last node and then adjust that curve there I do need to come in here and straighten this curve out hold ctrl and zoom out so now I have both of my eyes outlined here with the pass tool so now what I can do is come over here and click stroke path and I'm going to set the line stroke 2 3 4 now and hit stroke so that is outlined the eyes here and if I click on another tool like the move tool and I hide the detail sketch layer and then unhide some of these other layers we can get a preview of what this will look like so we've got a little bit of work to do with the eyes but that's going to be fine for now so let me hide these layers again and hold ctrl and zoom in so now I need to create the iris and the pupils for both of the eyes so to do that I'm going to create a new layer and I'm going to name this iris for the first one so this will be iris right I'll hit enter and I'm going to grab my ellipse select tool and I'm going to draw an ellipse around this eye and then I'm going to grab my bucket fill tool and I'm gonna change this color to a blue color you guys can always just choose any color from here and I'll click OK making sure I'm on that iris right layer I'm gonna fill that in with that blue and then I'll hit ctrl shift a to deselect that and now I'm going to alt click on my eyes layer and that's going to select the outline around our eye and I'll hit ctrl I to invert that selection grab my eraser tool increase the size of the eraser with the brackets on my keyboard and just erase and then I'm going to click and drag this iris right layer below the eyes layer and I'm gonna hit ctrl shift a to deselect that and making sure I'm still clicked on this iris right layer I'm going to decrease the size of my eraser and I'm just going to erase any part that comes outside of that outline there so now we've got that iris I'm gonna hide that layer for now and I'm gonna create a new layer and name this one pupil right fill it with transparency and click OK and I'm going to grab my lip select tool again this time I'm going to outline the pupil and I'm going to click on this icon here to change the foreground color to black grab my bucket fill tool make sure I'm on that pupil right layer and fill that in and I'll hey ctrl shift a to deselect that if I hide this layer you'll notice there's a little white spot right here that's sort of catching the light so what I like to do is grab the paintbrush tool adjust the size of my brush to be about the size of that light switch over to white and I'm going to unhide this and just paint this white spot right where that light hit and now if I unhide that iris right layer now we've got an eye here so I'll hold ctrl and zoom out so you guys can get a better look at that so we obviously have to do it on the other side but real quick before I move any further I want to organize my layers panel right now because it's getting a little bit messy with all the layers so what I can do is come over here and click to create a new layer group mi name this eyes group hit enter and now what I can do is I can click and drag these layers into that eyes group and you can see that I can hover over and just drop it like that and that will put our newest layer on the top or I can click and drag and you'll see there's a line right there where it wants me to place this so now all of those elements of the eye are all inside this eyes group and now I just need to repeat this for the left eye so I'm gonna hold ctrl and zoom in create a new layer I'm going to name this iris left and click OK and so now I'll grab my ellipse select tool and draw an ellipse and I'm just trying to outline this iris as best I can and now I'm gonna grab my bucket fill tool changed my foreground color to that blue color we used make sure I'm on that iris left layer and fill that in hit control shift 8 to deselect that then I'm going to alt click on my eyes layer and that also like the outline of my eye hold ctrl I to invert it grab my eraser tool and I can adjust the size with the brackets on my keyboard once I've done that ctrl shift a to deselect that and then erase all this area so now we need to create the pupil again so I'll hide that iris left layer create a new layer and I'll name this one pupil left click okay so same thing I'm gonna grab my lip select tool and just select my pupil here grab my bucket fill tool and I'm gonna switch my color to black and fill that in you can't see the little ray of light right now we're gonna fix that in a second so I'll hit ctrl shift a so again I'm going to alt click on the eyes layer and I'm gonna grab my eraser tool and make sure I'm on my pupil left layer and ctrl I to invert it and then you're gonna erase whatever goes outside of the eyes ctrl shift a now what I need to do is grab my paintbrush again and I'm gonna change my color here to white so I'm going to click on this icon and then swap it so that white is my foreground color and I'm gonna use the brackets on my keyboard to decrease the size of this and now I'm gonna hide the pupil left layer and the eyes layer and here you can see that little white dot right here so I'm gonna just adjust the size of my brush to be about the same size of that and now I'm going to unhide the pupil layer and I'm just going to click once to draw that and now when I unhide the eyes layer I do need to click and drag the pupil left layer above that and also the pupil right layer hold ctrl and zoom out a bit that's now we can unhide the iris left layer and now you can see we've got both of our eyes here so I'll come down here and I'm gonna unhide all these other layers we've been working on so now you can see this is starting to come together here's the eye brows as well as I mentioned I do need to fix the so what I'll do is I will click on the eyes layer switch my paintbrush over to black and for one I'm going to fill in this gap right here and I'm also going to grab my eraser tool and I'm going to just use this to try to smooth out some of these transitions here make some of the edges a little less harsh all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some of the details to the face so for example I'm going to outline the nose and the ears and then after that we're going to work on the teeth and the lips before we bring it all together so what I'll do is I'll come over here and I'm gonna create a new layer and I'm going to name this face details vector because we're going to create some vector shapes from this and I'll click OK I want to make sure this is outside the layer group so I'm going to click and drag this outside the layer group here and let me just collapse the layer group and move this to the very top so here's our face details layer I'm gonna hide all of our other layers here because we don't need them right now but I am going to unhide the face detail sketch layer and so now I'm going to hold ctrl and zoom in a bit and now we'll come over and grab my paths tool and I'm going to click and create an outline around some of the lines we drew here so I want to accentuate the nose here so I'm going to click here to create a node and then I'm gonna click and drag and then I'm gonna click and drag here and let me just click on this node and adjust the curve of that and then I'll click on this node again and I'll click right there and I also want to outline this line right here so I'm going to shift click here to restart so it's going to create a disjointed path here but these paths will have the same settings so I'll click and drag this and I'll click right here and I'm gonna click back on this node to bring in that curve and then I also want to accentuate the outer portions of the nose so again I'll shift click and I'll stop it right here so I'll click and drag and then I'll come over here shift-click click here to create a node and then here as well and then one more right here if there's too many lines we can always go back and erase some of these so now that we have our lines for our nose I'm going to come over here and click stroke path make sure I have this set to black right here I'm going to keep the line with set to 3 and click stroke and make sure you're on your face details vector layer when you do that you can hide the sketch layer that you did and now you can see the nose right here we obviously have some other things to do we have to work on the nostrils here so I'll hold ctrl and zoom in a bit and I'm going to click off of the path tool because I want to reach my path so I'm gonna click back on that path tool and now zooming in a bit more I'm just going to click in outline the nostrils here and again you can unhide that face detail sketch layer if you want and just follow the original sketch you did so let me drag the handles back in here I'll click right here and then hold control and create a union right there I may need to come back and attach these two areas but now I'm going to drag the handle adjust the curve here and I'm going to come over here and do the same thing with this other nostril and we also had parts of the shadow in here so I'm going to see what that looks like when we include that so I'll hold shift and click and I'm just gonna bring this around like so hold control create a union right here and then just adjust the handles so it looks a little bit funky right now but we'll see how it looks once we combine it with some of the other elements so now I'm going to come over here and this time instead of stroking it I'm gonna choose fill path and make sure my color is still set to black and click fill and that should fill in our nostrils in the face details vector layer I'm going to click off of the pass tool hide the detail sketch layer and unhide all of these other layers to see what this looks like right now I'll hold ctrl and zoom out so this area is all gonna need a little bit of work so it looks a little bit funky right now but we'll fix it up so let me hide those layers I'm gonna click on my face details vector layer again and I'm also going to unhide the face detail sketch layer i'ma hold ctrl and this time I'm going to work on the details of the ear again it's gonna be up to you how much of the details that you drew in your sketch you're going to want to keep in your final vector logo I do recommend just keeping it at a minimal because it does start to look a little bit too cartoony when you add too many details in here so I'm going to grab my past tool again and I'm going to click right here and just click and drag my handle here and I'm going to stop it right here maybe drag this up a bit so as you can see I'm just adding one line here and I'm gonna come over here to my other ear hold shift and click then I'm gonna click and drag to create a curve and then click right here and I'm gonna bring this curve in so that's all I'm gonna do for the ear I'm not doing a ton of details here so now this time again I'm going to stroke it so I'm gonna come over here and click stroke path keep the settings the same and click stroke and I'll click on another tool and also hide my face detail sketch layer and unhide all the other layers and this is going to give us a good idea as to where we're at right now with our vector logo so obviously a bit of work to do here one last thing I'm going to do is add the lips and the teeth from our subject here so next I'm going to scroll down here and I'm going to shift click on this bottom layer that's going to hide all of our other layers and what I need to do is I need to work on the mouth here so I'll hold ctrl and zoom in and I'm gonna create a new layer and I'll just name this one lips and I'll hit enter grab my pass tool again and what I need to do is outline the lips so I'm going to click and just going to again create some curves around these lips using the pass tool and I'll come up here to the corner of the mouth and then I'm going to come around here and in this case I'm going to go under the beard and I'm just pretty loosely creating curves around here partially for the sake of time but I'll hold ctrl and create a union here you can always zoom in and adjust the handles of your nodes here for the curves and that's going to allow you to just change the style of the curve here I can hold the spacebar move around my image a bit and this doesn't have to be exact just bring that in alright so there's the path going around the lips I do want to come over to my paths dialogue here and make sure I name some of these paths so this one I just drew was for the lips and then if I hold ctrl and zoom out I can unhide these paths and see what these are for so this is for the ear details this one is going to be the nostrils this one right here is going to be the nose details and this one will be the eyes so now we've got all these names so we can come back if we need them and easily be able to tell which ones which so I'm gonna come back over here and click on the lips and I'm gonna come over here to my layers panel click on my lips layer and now I'm gonna come over here and switch my color to white and I'm gonna come down here and click on fill path and I'm gonna choose solid color and click fill so that'll fill that area in and now what I need to do is I need to cut out the teeth obviously so that people can distinguish the lips from the teeth here so what I'll do is I'll create a new layer and I'm gonna name this teeth and hit enter and I know we have a bunch of layers right now we're gonna merge all these at the end so don't worry about how many layers there are but I'll hold ctrl and I'm gonna use my mouse wheel to zoom in I'll hide that lips layer and now let me click off the paths tool and then click on the path tool again that allows me to just hide that path so zoom in a bit more here so we're not outlining the teeth we're just outlining the gap between the teeth and the lips so I'm actually going to come over to my past dialogue delete that path we're working on because I did do this ahead of time so I'll right-click and go to import path and I'm just going to grab my teeth gap path and click open and I'll unhide that and you can't see it right now because it's in the wrong spot so it's over here so I'm gonna click on that with my path tool to activate it hold alt on my keyboard to enter the move mode and I'm just going to click and move this into place so you can see that fits nice and snugly there i'ma hold ctrl and zoom in a bit and hold alt and again try to move this more precisely into place so hold ctrl and zoom out and now I'm gonna come over here to my layers panel and I'm gonna come over here and switch my color to black and then come over here and click fill path and just click fill again so that'll fill that area in with black and I can click on another tool and now come over here shift-click on this bottom layer to hide all the layers shift-click on it again to unhide all the layers make sure we hide the face detail sketch layer hold ctrl and zoom out a bit and let me come over to my past dialog and hide that path so here is pretty much the rough outline of our vector logo so now what we need to do is go in and kind of touch up some of these details to make them look a little bit more professional right now they look a little bit sloppy so I'll hold ctrl and zoom in a bit we're mostly going to use two tools here we're going to use our paintbrush tool and then our eraser tool so I'll start with the eraser tool hold ctrl and zoom in I do want to hit control Z let me make sure I'm on the right layer here so we'll go to the face details vector layer and I'm just going to click and as you can see I'm just sort of tapering off this edge here so it looks like it kind of comes to a point and this is just allowing the lines to look a little bit less boxy and I'll come over here and I'll do the same thing right here and then I'll hold the spacebar and I'll come over here and so I'm just tapering off all the edges here of these lines so that already looks a little bit better I'm gonna do the same thing over here with the ears so just taper off these edges here and then I'm going to move to the other ear do the same thing decrease the size of my brush so I can get in here here we go and now we need to fix this disaster down here so I'm gonna zoom in and I'm gonna try a couple things so for one I'm going to make sure I'm still on my face details vector layer and let me try filling this in and see how that looks that looks a bit funky so I'll hold ctrl Z next what I'll do is I'm gonna hold ctrl and zoom in I'm going to try to add ctrl Z a little bit of space I'll grab my eraser tool and I'm just going to add a little bit of space between the nostril and the beard here and then also maybe try to taper this part off a bit and same with right here just taper that a bit and then this nostril right here looks really bad so I'm just going to erase a lot of what's going on in here and just really decrease the size of this nostril I think it's a bit excessive right now and then I'll click right here hold the shift key to draw a straight line and just kind of cut some of that part out there and then taper some of this off as well and then come over here and taper some of this off and round out some of these more boxy looking corners I'm actually going to get rid of a little bit more of that part right there and hold control and zoom in and taper this part off and then hold ctrl zoom in right here grab my paintbrush increase the size and I'm just gonna fill in this little gap right here because I don't think that looks great control-z maybe try to bring it in like so all right so now I'm gonna start bringing this all together and for starters I'm going to erase any of the white that is sort of peeking out over some of the black parts so I'm going to hold ctrl and zoom in a bit here scroll down and I'm going to come over here to the face outline white layer switch over to my eraser increase the size and I'm just going to erase anything that's peeking out over here hold ctrl and zoom in a bit here to grab this last piece and come over here do the same thing hold ctrl zoom out and I'm just going to come down here and do the same thing so erase that part come over here erase this part increase the size of my brush and just erase any of these parts sticking out hold ctrl and zoom out and now I'm going to hide my original photo and I'm gonna hold ctrl and zoom in a bit here because I do want to fix this part right here with the lips so I'll switch this color over to white decrease the size my brush and just sort of connect this little gap right here I'll hold ctrl Z I'm actually going to come over to the teeth layer and erase the black there we go all right so now we have our vector face completed next we need to turn it into something that looks more like a logo so what I'm gonna do is add an outline around the vector face and to do that for starters I need to put everything onto a single layer so what I'll do is I'll come over here to our layers panel make sure everything is hidden that we don't want shown so for example the face detail sketch layer in the original photo and now I'm going to come over to layer new from visible and that will put everything onto one single layer so I'll hold shift and click and now as you can see I can hide and show everything in one click so everything's on one layer and now I'm gonna hit em on my keyboard to grab my move tool and I'm just going to move this roughly into the center of my image and then go to layer layer to image size and that'll adjust the boundary of our layer back to the size of our image there so now I want to add an outline to this so to do that I'll just come over here to our visible layer alt click on that and that will select just the outer edge of our shape here and then I'm gonna go to select grow and I'm going to grow this by 5 pixels and click OK and I'm gonna come over here and create a new layer and I'm going to name this black stroke and click OK I'm going to click and drag that below our visible layer and grab our bucket fill tool and I'm gonna switch my color here to black and now I'm gonna fill in that area with that black and I'm gonna go to select grow again and I'm going to select 5 again and click OK create a new layer this time I'm going to name it white stroke hit the enter key click and drag that below the black stroke layer and switch my color to white and fill that in with white and I'll hit control shift a so now with the outline around our shape it looks like a really nice vector logo that we can now use with something like text and that's what we're gonna do next so now I'm going to hold ctrl and zoom out a bit and this isn't frame the way I want it to be framed and so what I'll do is I'll grab my crop tool and I'm gonna select allow growing and then I'm gonna click and drag with my crop tool and just sort of extend this out a little bit and I can always hold ctrl and zoom out and give myself a little bit more room and I'll click inside here and that's going to crop this and add some extra room out here and what I can do is I can come over here and right click and go to merge down and then right click and go to merge down again I'm going to change the name of this to vector face and hit enter and then I'll come over here to layer crop to content and that'll crop our layer down just to the size of our face and then I'm going to move this so that it's more centered and then I'll grab my text tool and I'm going to click on my canvas and this is where I'm going to use that free font I told you guys about in the beginning of the tutorial so this is the Anamosa bold font and I'm just going to type my top layer of text which will be Davies and I'm actually going to click inside here to select all my text and I'm going to increase the size of this the 300 and then down here I'll just type media design and I have my caps lock key on again grab my move tool and move some of this into place hold ctrl and zoom in a bit so I can click and decrease the size of my text here I don't want it to be too large and actually let me go down to about right here and actually I forgot I put different text under here so I put online tutorials and I'll double click in here and I'm going to decrease the size of this even more so I'll decrease this to 60 and then now I can move this stuff into place and hold ctrl and zoom in grab my text tool again and I'm gonna spread this out and I'm gonna spread it out until basically the left side aligns with here and the right side aligns with this part of my text so maybe about right there and then move it back into place hold ctrl and zoom out I may need to move the logo a bit and then I'm just going to recrop this I'll grab my crop tool and I'm just going to redraw my crop so that everything is centered and click inside here hold ctrl and zoom in and then of course you can come over here click to create a new layer and this time I'll just name it background hit enter yeah I'm gonna drag this below the vector face layer and we can come over here and we can choose a color in this case I'll just go with this orange color I used grab my bucket fill tool and fill that in and I only recommend the background if you plan on exporting this as something like a JPEG where it's a file that requires a background otherwise you can keep the background out of it and so I'll just come over here and hide my background also if you want to Center everything together all you have to do is come over here and go to image guides new guide by percent and I'm gonna go with horizontal and 50 so that I'll create a horizontal Center guide and then go to image guides new guide by percent and this time change this to vertical and click OK and then you can come over here and transform lock all of your layers that have all the logo elements grab your move tool and click and drag these together and you can see that all of them now since they have the transform lock icon are going to drag at the same time and that will Center up our logo and now we can go ahead and export this as a file without a background so I'll go to file and export as if you want to do something like a PNG file so I'll just come over here and choose the location where I want to save this and change this to PNG and click export export again if you want to save this as a file with all the layers still intact just come over here to file save as and save it as a dot xcf and I'm going to save this as portrait logo final and click Save and there we go so that's it for this tutorial hopefully you guys liked it if you did please subscribe to my youtube channel at youtube.com slash Davies media design you can visit our website at Davies media design com you can roll in my best-selling photo editing masterclass from beginner to pro and II could support our channel and help us grow by becoming a patron on patreon and AH include a link to that as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description of the video so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 79,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, gimp graphic design, gimp photo editing, gimp 2019, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, GIMP 2.10.8, vector logo, logo design, photo to logo, portrait logo, open source, vector design, vector portrait, cartoon, paths tool
Id: apomEDEm_fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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