Inkscape Tutorial: Create Conical Gradients

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create conical gradients using Inkscape and this is a relatively new feature that's exclusive to version 92 so if you don't have the latest version of Inkscape which is version 0.92 you're not gonna be able to do this with Inkscape so just make sure you have the latest installation if you don't know you can go to help and if you click about Inkscape it'll tell you which version you have like you see here I have 92 so if you have that as well we're good to get started the first thing we'll do is just set up our document we'll go file document properties you open that again file document properties when I set this to pixels I'm going to turn off the page border and I'll close out of that and then I want to go to a view we want custom selected and then we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 and then I'm gonna open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with this button up here and the first thing I'm going to do is just create a circle so I'll grab the circles and ellipses tool and I'm gonna hold ctrl + shift on the keyboard and click and drag on the canvas to create a perfectly round circle like that and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna come over here to the mesh the meshes tool over here create and edit meshes if you hover your cursor over it you'll see it go ahead and click on that and once you click on that you're gonna get this little toolbar up here and you want to set these values so that it matches what you see here on my screen where it says new I have conical selected instead of mesh I have this turned on for rows we want 8 columns we want 8 these three turned off we want this turned on and this turned on as well and then once we've done that I'm just gonna bring the cursor outside of the circle and then just click and drag and go through the circle like that and it's going to create all these new nodes here that we can fill in individually so what I'm gonna do first is I'm just gonna get rid of the color that's already in all of them I'm gonna click and drag over everything and I'm just gonna hit the X button right there to turn off the fill colors and what I'll do is I'm just gonna hold ctrl and roll up the mouse feel a little bit to zoom in what we can do is you can select you can click and drag over this group of nodes right here and you could color them in an entire color and you could do this individually with individual nodes as well I'm just selecting entire rows here I'm gonna select this next row over here I'm gonna hold shift so I can select more and I'm gonna make this a row Orange like that and I'll come over here I'll select these rows right here I'll make that yellow I'll select these rows I'll hold shift so I can select more of them and I will make these green maybe something a little brighter that looks good and I'll take these over here I'll make these a light shade of blue maybe I'll go it's something like that it'll take these over here and I'll make these uh more of like a solid regular shade of blue something like that and I'll take these nodes and I'm gonna make these purple and then finally I'll take this last row over here again holding shift allows me to click and drag over several nodes I've taken I'll take that last row and I'll make that like a shade of pink maybe something maybe something like that and then I'll just zoom out what I'll do now is I'll go to the Select tool and if you notice we have our conical gradient the only problem here is in the center do you have more like it stayed like like a white color if we go back to the mesh tool you'll see it's hard to really change that though because each there's a different node here for all 8 columns which is kind of a pain so what I like to do a little trick that I've noticed what I'll do is I'll just duplicate this by right-clicking and going to duplicate and then I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale it down like that maybe to about that size and it kind of shrinks down the size of it and if you notice I can duplicate that again by hitting ctrl D and I'll just scale that down so me some more press 1 to zoom at and if you notice it's it's hardly even noticeable at this point and another thing that you can do like what I showed you in the some nail I also had a black and white one so what I'll do is I'll just take this and I'll duplicate this as well and I'll go to filters color and greyscale and I'll just go ahead and click apply and you can see it creates another conical gradient like that and I'll just duplicate that scale that down to get rid of that white area in there in the middle maybe create another one and that should do it for this tutorial that's how you can go about creating conical gratings using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and it's always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 14,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape gradients, conical gradients, nick saporito, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: lU84RopG4Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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