Inkscape Beginner Tutorial: Vector Eyeball

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how to create this vector eyeball graphic using Inkscape and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using so we'll minimize this and get started the first thing we'll do an Inkscape is set the view to custom and then we'll zoom in at a hundred percent I'll open up the align and distribute menu with this button right here make sure you have less selected chosen from the drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu so the first thing we're going to do is create a circle so let's come over to the circles and ellipses tool hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag on the canvas to create a perfectly round circle I'll go back to the Select tool and I'll just put this towards the center of the page and I'm going to color this thing in with the shade of grey I'm going to go with maybe 30% gray if you hover your cursor over the shade it will show you which percentage it is I'm going to go with 30% gray and I'm going to come over here to the fill tab and I'm going to give this a radial gradient by clicking that button and then I'll press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool and I'll click on this stop right here and just make sure the opacity of that's brought all the way up and then I'll create another stop by clicking on this line right here double clicking actually double click on that line and then double click on that line again to create another stop and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this Center stop right here click on that and under the HSL tab I'll come over to the L column and slide that all the way to the right to make that white and then I'll click on this stop and I'll do something similar but I won't bring it all the way to the right just a little bit slightly darker than white then we'll click on this stop right here and we'll make this one just slightly lighter that's pretty good and I'll take this stop and just slide this over to the right up to here and then I'll take this stop in the center and bring that out as well maybe about that much what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this Center stop right here I'm going to click and drag this up into the side a little bit up into the right just a little bit maybe like that that's pretty good we can we can go back to our select tool and then we can right click this circle and go to duplicate and we're going to turn this red what I'm going to do now is I'm going to create a reflection like a light reflection coming off the side of the eyeball so in order to do that I'm going to take this red circle I'm going to bring the opacity down about in half then I'll hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag and scale this thing in a little bit maybe about that much and then I'll right-click on that circle and go to duplicate and I'll turn that blue and I'll hold ctrl and shift and I'll scale this in maybe about that much and then I'll right-click that circle and I'll go to duplicate and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on the red circle and go to path difference so what we did which we pretty much just punched a hole through that circle with the blue circle so we ended up with that and then we could take this blue circle right here and I'm going to get rid of the fill color by clicking the X and I'm going to give it a blue outline by holding shift and clicking on the color blue then I'll hold ctrl and shift and I'll just scale this out until the lines going about halfway through that that red ring maybe about that much and I'll come over to the stroke style tab and the width of this I'm going to go with maybe 6 okay yeah 6 is pretty good I'll go to path stroke the path and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on the red ring and go to path difference now what I'm going to do now is create a rectangle so let's come over to the squares and rectangles tool and I'll hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag on the canvas to create a a square like that and I'm going to turn that blue and I'm going to get rid of the blue outline by holding shift and clicking on the on the X and then I'll click on this us click on the select tool hold shift click on the grey circle and I'm going to align the top edges and then align the left edges so it's sitting up here in the top left corner and then we can click off of the graphic to deselect everything so what I'll do next is I'll click on this red I mean this blue square and I'm just going to hold ctrl and scale this up a little bit just a little bit maybe actually not gonna bring it down about that big that's pretty good and once you do that you could hold shift and click on the red the red rings right there and go to path intersection and what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to put another space going through these two lines kind of like how they're what is one right here so what I'll do is I'll grab this squares and rectangles tool and I'll just click and drag and create a long rectangle like that and we'll go to the Select tool and I want to make this the same width that the gap between these two red objects is which I believe I used a six point stroke for that so I'll click on this this blue rectangle and I'll come up to the width and I'll make that I'll change that to six hit enter and I'm going to click on it a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm going to hold ctrl and rotate this around a few steps I'm going to grab this corner right here holding control one two three four now three will go with three like that then I'll hold shift and click on these little red shapes and Center it on the vertical and horizontal axis and then go to path difference and now we could turn that white and set the opacity to maybe around 65 it said that looks pretty good so what we have here is a little light reflection coming off this this eyeball right here so let's click off the graphic to deselect everything and we'll click on this this gray circle right here I'm going to right click that and go to duplicate and I'm going to turn that white and then hold ctrl and shift and scale it in about that much and then I'll right click that and go to duplicate and I'll come down here to the color picker I'm going to give this a dark shade of blue maybe that much and I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale this in just a little bit just so that that the white circle is sticking out from behind it just a little bit like that that's pretty good and then I'll right-click this this blue circle I'm going to duplicate and I'm going to give this a lighter shade of blue like a more aqua turquoise something like that then I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale that in a little maybe not too much maybe about that much that's pretty good and what I'll do now is I'm going to come up I'm going to come back to the fill tab and I'm going to give this a radial gradient so go ahead and click on radial gradient we'll press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool and I'm going to click on this stop right here to the right and bring the opacity of that all the way up and then I'll click on this stop here in the middle and I'll make this a little lighter by sliding the L column over to the right that's pretty good then I'll double click this line right here to create a new stop and I'm going to leave that stop the color it is and I'm going to click on this stop to the right over here and I'm going to make that I'm going to slide the L column over to the left a little bit I'll take this and move this out actually now I'll move that in actually it's good right where it is so that's pretty good right there let's come back to the Select tool click off of the graphic to deselect everything and we're going to do next is let's click on this blue circle and actually you know what before we do that click off of it let's come over to the stars and polygons tool and we're going to create a star and we're going to have well don't worry about these numbers just yet we're just going to come and create a star and then we'll play with it afterwards so we're go to hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to create the star this is only this is actually a triangle because only three sides so I'm going to do is I'm going to come up here to the corners I'm just going to increase the corners of that let me give that a bunch of corners maybe 40 you'll see how that works and I'm going to come back down to the color picker and I'm going to turn that red and bring the opacity down in half just so I could differentiate it and see what I'm doing and what we'll do next is come over to the Select tool and hold shift in the keyboard and click on that blue circle and center it on the vertical and horizontal axis and then click off of it to deselect now let's click on just our red star and hold ctrl and shift and scale this in a little bit you can see it's going to be off-center let me just scale it up a little bit and then I'm going to zoom in by pressing + on the keyboard and then I'm going to hold shift and click on that light blue circle and once again we're going to Center it on the front of the vertical and horizontal axis just to make sure it's centered up and I'll press 1 on the keyboard is zoom back out to a hundred percent and then click off of it to deselect and let's click on just this this red star right here and turn that white and we'll keep the opacity about in half for now I'm going to click on this gray circle and right-click it and go to duplicate and I'll turn that black and hold ctrl and shift and scale that down about that much that's pretty good and for the star this white star let me come back to let me click on that and go back to the stars and polygons tool you can use this node right here to change the the size of those um those little spokes in there but make sure you hold ctrl while you're clicking and dragging this because if you're not holding ctrl it's going to be all wish you lost you like this it's going to be off-center so we want to hold ctrl to make sure it's going like that and we'll come back to the Select tool press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and let me click on this this gray circle right click that and actually no let's click on this blue circle down there I'm going to have to zoom in to grab it I'll just press + on the keyboard click on that blue circle the light blue circle right click it and go to duplicate press one on the keyboard to zoom back out so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to give this AI color a different shade I'm going to mix in a little hint of green in there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this duplicated circle right here and I'm going to turn this the shade of green we want to use you'll go with something like that or no maybe something like that a little lighter maybe some little brighter yeah that's good and give that a radial gradient and press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool and then just hold ctrl and just drag this line straight down this the center point right here and I'll hold ctrl and shift and grab this node and just pull this out a little bit that's pretty good we'll go back to the Select tool and I'm going to lower this beneath the black circle and beneath the white star so I'm going to click the button that says lower selection one step I'll click that once I'll click it again let's put that beneath there and I want to duplicate that now so let's go to edit and duplicate only this one we're going to make this a darker shade of blue maybe we'll go with something like this and we'll give that a radial gradient as well and press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool and I'm going to take this node and hold ctrl and just click and drag it up here maybe out of the circle that's pretty good and then I'll hold ctrl and shift and grab this node and just pull that out just to give it a little bit of a a little bit of a different hint to the color there and then I'll go back to the Select tool and I'm going to lower this beneath the black circle in the white star as well loops so I'll click on the button that says lower selection one step click that once and then again and there we have it beneath there so let's click off of that to deselect everything what I'm going to do now is let's click click on this gray circle right click it and go to duplicate come back down here to the color picker we'll turn that white bring the opacity down about in half and then hold controlling shift and just scale this in until it's a little smaller than the inside of that bluish greenish circle right there right about there that's pretty good and then I'll hold ctrl and take this bottom SERP of this bottom arrow and just scale that up to about there and I'll bring the opacity of this up to 100% and give this a linear gradient with that button press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool and I'm going to take this white stop and put it up top of the circle here and I'll take this transparent stop and bring it down to the bottom and once I get it down here I'm going to hold ctrl in the keyboard so I just go straight down like that and that's pretty good we can click on the we go back to the Select tool take the opacity of this and bring this down just a little bit we just want that to be subtle you want too much of that in there and what we could do next is let's click on the gray circle right click it and go to duplicate turn it white and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift and scale it in make it about that small I'm going to put it right up here to the top right of the black circle and bring the opacity down just a little bit just so it gives the appearance that's a little reflection of light and I'll right-click that go to duplicate and I'll put this copy over here down to the lower left but I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little bit like that maybe I'll even bring the opacity up a little bit on that one and we click off of it to deselect everything let me see if I missed anything now it looks like I covered everything I just want to click on I don't like how this um this gray circle looks it's not giving me enough enough like perception of um of it being a sphere so I'm going to edit the colors a little bit I'll click on that and then press G on the keyboard to get the gradient tool and I'll click on this last stop and I think I want to make this a little darker to help that out make that a little darker and click on this stop make this a little lighter and maybe I'll even click on this stop and I'll leave that the one I'll leave that the way it is maybe I'll hold ctrl and shift and scale this in a little bit if you'll put this over to the left like that that's pretty good and then we go back to the Select tool and one last final step we could do is we can right click on that gray circle and go to duplicate and turn that black and then take this arrow up here up top and just bring that down about that much and then send this to the bottom by clicking on the button this is lower selection to the bottom we can take the opacity and bring that down a little bit maybe a little more and I'll give this a blur slide that to the right a little to give that a little bit of a blur and I'll hold ctrl and you pull this down a little bit I'm actually gonna bring the opacity up more just to give it a little shadow to make it look like it's sitting on a surface I'll hold ctrl and shift and make sure to make this a little smaller and that's that's I'd say that's pretty good maybe I'll click and drag over the center of the eye here and select all those objects and hold ctrl and shift and scale this out a little more so it's a little bigger that's pretty good and that's pretty much it that's how you can create this eyeball graphic using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 120,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners
Id: oTMj9vWEiB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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