Inheritance 2018 - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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[Music] to God be the glory what he is doing we're so thankful that way for the God for this opportunity of corporate worship tonight serve our lizard class yes we give deference to the visionary of this conference my friend and brother pacified John you know is my friend hates me this Houston I'm from Texas as far as all that Marcus Cosby come on having to celebrate these [Music] let me thank my dad all for entrusting me of this responsibility friendship Brotherhood that is confidence attempt to say some one of the problems with us as churches that we don't know when to give the benediction just have some sympathy on the little preacher is while you're standing I want to summon your senses and invite you intimate visions chapter 3 is my assignment lift up some passages for this chapter I want to focus on some on the spotlight on verse number 20 [Music] the Bible should run now unto Him the Holy Spirit instructs the Apostle Paul to write this letter chichi found there is a machine your journeys in the book of Acts and scholars will suggest to us that he writes this letter to address this is a encourage me it is also a doctrinal matter of Revelation to the same severe at Ephesus the church is now revealed secret God has been keeping us that he decides to disclose through the apostolic ministry is that the church in God's heart in mine was never meant to be exclusively Jewish keep in the sea and the Jewish saints a sense of arrogance a sense of privilege by the time we get to chapter three the secret is out but the church is not just Jewish the church is now a compilation of non-jews on the Bible calls Gentiles it's a very strong message of a unity to tell us there clearly that the church should lead the world in not being racist everybody who receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior Jew or Gentile comprise the change it's not a new revelation that comes through Paul it's a revelation that has been here in the being of God that God decides to disclose during Paul's time and ministry since he's been called to Asia Minor the redundant theme of the book of Ephesus is this summation of unity so we get a lot of oneness we get a lot of togetherness and Paul is writing this letter and pins this letter to address the science of Ephesus because there was a natural proclivity for the Jewish Christians to be isolated from the Gentile Christians challenges that had caused them to operate as one it challenges them that there is no black grace [Music] there is no white place there is no asian grace the grace of God is on every body and receives the Lord Jesus there is no hood in [Music] and subdivisions in heaven we're all gonna be together so we need to practice here being together got time get to chapter three he decides to take this issue to the Lord in prayer opens this chapter in verse number one by saying for this calls I come to you in the name of the Lord then he gets distracted and goals on this tangent and comes back to his fault they were sporting if you can read the Bible verse 1 and verse 14 opened the same way it started in chapter 1 by saying for this cause goes off on a tangent and comes back to his original course and thus takes the calls in prayer and this prayer ladies and gentlemen is for a couple of person purposes number one is that they may be empowered with the Spirit of God on the inner man that Christ may dwell in their hearts and that they may be filled with all the fullness of God that they may be rooted and grounded in love and that they may know divine dimensions you like the Bible here's what the text says that you may know the length breadth width if I'm gonna take a look at those dimensions those dimensions are the exact coordinates of the course [Music] death with nine kilometers flight that length and width come on this bus chocolate ugly I'm trying to give you the coordinates of the cross that she did not did inhabit the heart the depth the length and the width o is for the coordinates the measurements of a course [Music] but his prayer ladies and gentlemen is something intriguing for us to study because his prayer is prayed in a posture of uncomfortability ladies and gentlemen when Paul writes this letter the text says he is praying from a prison but that's not what's interested verse 14 says he prays on his knees ladies and gentlemen he is praying and he doesn't necessarily have to pray on his knees because according to Jewish tradition they stood and lifted their hands in prayer but Paul prays on his knees and the longer you pray on your knees the more uncomfortable you become he's an imposter of uncomfortability praying in a prison and ladies and gentlemen he's on his knees on a prison floor [Music] the job of penitentiary and incarceration is to provide the prisoner with little-to-no comfort but the text says he preys on his knees the longer you pray on your knees the more uncomfortable prayer becomes however the more uncomfortable prayer becomes the more sincere prayer becomes now I'm not talking to all of y'all but I just want to talk to y'all who would testify you really don't have a prayer life that's why God has to make your life uncle because the more uncomfortable you become the more sincere some of y'all don't pray until you become uncomfortable but I suggest to you ladies and gentlemen if we understand the whole Council of God the uncomfortability is not always by the hand of the devil oftentimes God permits uncomfortability to get you on your knees and the more uncomfortable life becomes the more sincere you are in prayer posture in prayer ladies and gentlemen is indicative of the prayers state of mind it's not mandatory to pray on your knees but the lower you are the higher God is in the mind you know we don't do this too often too much but when I was growing up in church the Deacons did devotion and they didn't stand when they breathe they got one of them wouldn't fold and chairs and set it in front of the tree and got down the one bed means in front of the whole church and breathe until the whole church start praying with it's just a it's just a statement though it may not be biblical it's a statement that the Lord you are imposter the higher God is in your mind his his posture was not comfortable but yet he prayed but here is the blessing of the prayer y'all ready he turned his prism into a prayer room but never prayed about the prison he [Music] today he converted his prison into a prayer room but never constructed the prayer about the prison he played in the problem and never prayed about you don't know where they get happiness electric shock yourself if you never want to see a strong in person if you don't want to meet a strong person a strong person is one who knows how to pray for other people while they're strong see see some of y'all are selfish players so you need something but a strong person know how to pray father Pete sign is somebody who's struggling in their personal life but don't make their prayers about themselves they can intercede for somebody else I thought I had about some of y'all who testify those strong somebody else is [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't mean you freezes you might be sitting next to somebody who is bound but just look like them but doesn't for doesn't pray he's hitting the problem but doesn't pray about the problem listen to his first petition Lord I want you to give them strength in the inner man by the spirit I'm gonna try it again listen its first petition Lord I want you to give them strength in the inner man by the spirit I'm travelling with Time Lord I want you to give them strength in the inner man that's what I didn't suggest that he's asking God to give people what he got cuz if you can pray for other foot when you need prayer maybe you were stronger there's something on the inside of you that gives you fortitude to be able to pray for other people when you're the very one that needs to pray this posture is uncomfortable we consider the text not only is this posture uncomfortable but his petitions are unattainable listen to him young his first petition is Lord give him strength in the inner man that's possible let the Christ dwell in their hearts by faith that's possible let them be rooted and grounded in love that's possible then these last two petitions he says that they may know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge I'm gonna try to do Lord let them know what they take no Lord give them knowledge of your love that pass is not come on yo y'all not slowly boo my lord teach them how to love and no go love that can't be known [Applause] [Music] why are you praying something that yield oh ain't puffs he says let him be filled with all the fullness of God see imagine a that may not even be possible only Jesus holds that right this st. Paul says that the fullness of God was in a body called Jesus in him was the fullness of the Godhead bodily you and I cannot possess the fullness of God apparently if he's praying the impossible he believes in the possibility of the impossible because made the ladies and gentlemen he has a record to understand Cosby that God doesn't show up until it's impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] if the children of Israel had an underground railroad they would have got out of Egyptian slavery they didn't God showed up and did the impossible if they had delis and restaurants in the wilderness they would have eaten they didn't so God showed up did the impossible they had street signs and lights in the wilderness that would have direct route to Kaena they did God showed up did the impossible if they were elected soon as they want to just swim across the Red Sea they want God show them this is impossible if the woman with the issue of blood was a hematologist she would have treated her own blood she wasn't so jesus older did the impossible and Paul was the herpetology woulda treated his own slate bite he wasn't so the holy ghost showed up and did the impossible if you could bring yourself into existence out of all the other options Godhead he would have chosen yourself to be alive but you could so God showed them and did the impossible in Lazarus and gyrus daughter and the widow it means son could resurrect themselves they would have got up they didn't so Jesus showed up and impossible you go to the back of the car took any medicine physician sees the soldier and does the impossible maybe you stop bring the possible and the impossible [Applause] I want you to know what can't be no that ain't what should have all the fullness of God that's that's not possible but when you take that which is impossible and put it in the context of prayer it becomes possible can I tell you out because it's unto Him [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're gonna get happiness I'll shout myself go reason why he says [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dr. Mitchell there are four categories of rabbinical interpretation that we typically refer to in trying to interpret X it's a shot that drives facade in the romance the one that is of interest of us tonight it's for the rim is let the church say the remains it's a Jewish interpretation that says that there's an interpretation of a text that has hints and suggestions but it don't clearly come out but you can follow the revelation if you stay tune to what's entitled to it before it comes and thus we need to we need to read we need to pull on the Jewish interpretation of a man's right here because I think one for that we wouldn't know who him is but but Paul writes in that type of language because he presumes that by the time I get to chapter three you already know who visas fees except the one verse for according as we have been chosen before the world in him still ain't figured it out Ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 and 18 says that through him we have access by one spirit unto the father acts 17 and 28 says in him we live move and have our being Romans 8:37 says we are more than conquerors through him still and figured out Philippians 2 and lance's wherefore God has a highly exalted him and given name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess actually but do you know who you hear he woke you up this moment him gave you your right mind him let's just say another day just a father night that you got appraised by him [Applause] [Music] Christ in you I want you to be filled with the fullness of God because what you call what you calling on Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we give a praise unto Him we give a praise unto Him can we give up raise under him please
Channel: John R. Adolph Ministries, LLC
Views: 33,739
Rating: 4.7709923 out of 5
Id: NkuIZ9oKEaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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