Getting Past The Silence Of God! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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when the gospel of Saint Matthew chapter number 15 verse 21-28 it is also recorded in the gospel of Saint Luke but I have chosen the gospel of Saint Matthew because of the language of the text we're reading out of the NIV and it reached thusly this way the old folks would say and it reads dustly leaving that place Jesus withdrew to the region of tire and sit on a Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him crying out Lord son of David have mercy on me my daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly Jesus did not answer a word so his disciples came to him and urged him saying send this woman away he keeps crying out after us isn't that funny that they thought she was crying out after them she ain't said nothing about them but nowadays she crying after us that's funny and people get around Jesus they get confused as to who the star is star he answered I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel the woman came and knelt before him Lord help me she said he replied it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs yes it is Lord she said listen to her logic her wisdom her depth her rebuttal and defense her decree even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table then Jesus said to her woman you have great faith your request is granted your request is granted somebody out of type that on the line your request is granted we're going to talk about something else but you're that was God's answer to what you've been praying about God said your request is granted and her daughter was healed at that moment not next week not next year at that moment Jesus did not answer a word the Bible said in verse 23. the woman comes to him in distress and what I want you to exert out of the 23rd verse is that Jesus did not answer a word tonight we're going to teach our getting past The Silence of God The Silence of God we often talk about when God speaks mountains move when God speaks fig trees with her when God speaks Legions of men fall prostrate on the floor when God speaks fire falls from heaven when God speaks light pierces the darkness when God speaks lay men pick up their bed and start walking when God speaks leprosy disappears off of bodies while they're walking when God speaks bound or loose that the captain was set free it's easy to preach about when God speaks but what about when he doesn't what about those moments that we walk with God in silence there are only a few times in the entire life of Abram that God spoke to him we make out like God is a chatterbox like he's talking all the time but God only spoke a few times in his life and it took him years to walk out of the word that God spoke in that moment in his life only a few times did God call Moses on the mountain top in 40 years most of the days he had to learn how to walk in God's silence what do you do when you're praying and God says nothing at all father as we unlock The Treasure of your word tonight we do it in all humility we know you are the great Rabbi the teacher the illustrator the demonstrator the proclaimer the deliverer that you are in fact not a word but the word made flesh you are the abstract Made Concrete you have the invisible made visible and the intangible made touchable your God nobody elected you nobody appointed you nobody voted you in and can't nobody impeach you you're God all by yourself you're not a successor to any other God there has never been a god before you and there will never be a God after you you alone are God and beside you there is no other oh share with us tonight Sovereign of days Ancient of Days oh wise one speak in this house today we thank you for what you're going to do in the name of Jesus we pray give him the best Praise You Got foreign [Applause] you may be seated in the presence of God it appears to me there's so much in this text that you could talk about it is interesting that Jesus has traveled into the region of tire and Salon uh Tara and Sudan would be the Mediterranean coast of South Lebanon today Jesus shows up 12 miles north it would be of the modern border of Israel 12 mile 25 miles from Syria that's some serious walking I walk four miles I wear a t-shirt all day long I walk four miles in order for these two people to meet they had to walk nearly 25 miles to connect the distance between them is stunning And yet when God has a plan for your life he doesn't care about how far you are away geographically you could be watching me in Italy in Brazil right now and the Holy Ghost does not care that you're not in Dallas God spends all space and comes all distance and connects Us by the sovereignty of his word but it is not only the geographical distance that separates him from this woman there is a gender difference she's a woman she's a woman in a misogenic society that does not even allow the privilege of us knowing her name she's a nameless woman look at your Bible feel with the names of men but when it comes to women you seldom see the name of a woman what was the name of the woman with the issue of blood or what about the woman meant the well don't think that these are just grammatical errors in the authorship of the text it is a sign of the times that there was a predisposition to trivializing the significance of femininity in a patriarchal society that wrestles with misogenic tendencies so we have her call by her gender and not by her name not only is she a Canaanite woman a Canaanite woman who has been their people have been at war with the Israelite people since the days of Joshua when he came against Canaan she is a descendant from a polytheistic Society of people who did not worship God as God so she is distanced from him not just physically not just gender but she is also distance theologically she's distanced politically the ideas of the philosophies of the Phoenicians in no way connected to the ideas and the philosophies of Israel but trouble has a way of driving you out of your tribe you'll stick with your Clique till you get in enough trouble you get in enough trouble you will turn that click a loose and go wherever you got to go if you like Nicodemus you'll sneak away at night to get to what you need to get the help you want from God it doesn't matter whether you're Millennial or Baby Boom or X or Y A Q or z a s w when you want a word from God anyway you bless me Lord I will be satisfied I'll take it from a 12 year old a little child can speak a word if it comes from you this Canaanite woman has come along with one has pushed her what has pushed her what has pushed you out of your comfort zone away from your people away from your Idols away from your Traditions away from your culture away from your family away from your friends God has a way of using the devil to push you to Jesus I think I'm a shout out for that myself God has a way of using the devil to push you to Jesus if it were not for her daughter being grievously vexed with the devil she would have never had an encounter with Jesus now we begin to understand that God doesn't remove all Devils from our lives some of the Devils that show up in your house God is using that devil to drive you to your knees to make you open up your Bible to make you call on the name of the Lord to close the gap between you and him if it weren't for discomfort discomfort discomfort discomfort I had something in my teeth upstairs I said give me a toothpick it was a little something but it was discomfort it's when there's discomfort it'll make you make changes it'll make you move things around when there's discomfort and sometimes God will allow discomfort to come into your house because he wants your attention and he wants to put you on the move he wants to put you on the seeking bench we used to call it the mourner's bench God will make you come to the mornings where you start seeking him when enough trouble comes in your home oh you don't have no trouble you're going to be cute and show us your nails and and how many different colors you had on your nails and The Jewels you had on your pinky toe and all that kind of stuff you get in enough trouble you'll come in with ashy kneecaps and and rusty feet and come on in the house of the Lord you don't even care what you look like because you want a breakthrough that's what I like about Wednesday night people Wednesday night people don't come to be cute they come to be cured how come on they don't come to be seen they come to be healed they don't come to look at what you got on they came to get a breakthrough from the Lord you don't come out in the middle of the week in Dallas traffic to play Church you ride out through this traffic because you're serious about God this woman was serious make no mistake about it she was not connected to him as it relates to his ethnicity she was not connected to him as it relates to his vicinity she was not connected to him as it relates to his theology she was not connected to him as it related to his gender but none of those differences stopped us sometimes God will put your help in a vessel that's completely different from you and if you don't learn how to recognize God in other forms you will minimize yourself to the idolatry of worshiping your image and not his [Applause] and then it is to be noted I think it's important to mention the fact that the woman teaches us many things about character she has character her theology is flawed now her background is scandalous her her history is deplorable her practice her religious practice is Despicable but her character is impressive the Canaanite woman for example was humble I'm going to talk to you about four things she was four things that you need to be four things that you can learn from the Canaanite woman four things that you need to make sure that you bring them into your character whether they are they or not whether they are reflective of your family or not the woman was humble yes she was number two the woman was persistent she didn't pray a couple of times and just walk away and say oh that didn't work she didn't have a couple of Sundays in there and say that didn't work for me this woman is persistent I liked it I don't like to generalize but but but but often with women you see a persistence yeah I persistence when a woman gets after something it's hard to turn her around if she get mad she gonna be mad alone no long long time that's why you got to think it over before you tell your wife stuff because you will have gotten over it and she will still be mad five years later don't even remember what we not speaking about but we're not speaking tenacious persistent relentless I find like women prayer warriors because when men pray we pray oh God we Embark upon the mission of prayer for the express purpose of exploding your power on this issue that you might show up if you will kind sir in Jesus name we pray amen and amen when women pray the devil you can't have my daughter I come against you in the name of Jesus I plead the blood all over this house anoint the coffee cup in the refrigerator in the microwave oven I eat the blood over our iron and ironing board I walk out on the front porch and tell hell you a liar you can't have my baby I stir up some anointing in the collard greens and the potatoes and the potato side get out some persistent women in the room Make some noise yeah you wouldn't be here if you weren't persistent you wouldn't have made it if you weren't persistent you wouldn't have stood if you weren't persistent the very fact that you're standing here is Victory you don't need to win five million dollars the fact that you're alive is Victory you've been through hell because you hung on in there and you were persistent some folks died some folks fainted some folks Collide some folks turn back but you made it because you were persistent it would always because you had help didn't have friends didn't always have a boyfriend didn't always have a man but you had your persistence Hallelujah always keep your position every time the devil tries to rule you out and knock you down and break your heart and say ain't no way he gonna be able to stand up now I tell the hell you a liar yes I am how steady right by myself [Applause] come on Brothers you got to be persistent you got to be persistent don't let nobody talk you out of your place you don't need nobody to clap for you for you to be a man just be persistent this woman was theologically inept but she was characteristically endowed she was persistent number three she was emotionally intelligent she was emotionally intelligent that's a rarity because you can find people that are intellectually intelligent but not emotionally intelligent and emotionally when you're not emotionally intelligent it will hide behind intellectual intelligence come on and you think you marrying somebody smart you don't know that they [Applause] I think about that number four she was trusting to leave her daughter at home grievously vexed with the devil and comes before a God that she did not worship she was trusting him in a way that Jesus had not seen only twice in all the Bible does Jesus applaud people for faith and both times they were not Hebrews they were not coveted people that meant that God found the greatest faith in the most unlikely people hear me good for the folk in the back stop putting people in category what that person died I didn't know they was in church they don't have to be in church sometimes God will find the greatest Faith outside of the church that's what's wrong with us now we think that we have a monopoly on God and that if you don't come through our ranks and do it the way we said do it that God will not bless us this woman had not come to the rabbis she had not come through the Sanhedrin she had not come through the Pharisees she had not come to gnosticism she had come through idolatry but come yes she did she walked right up on Jesus and called him by his political name son of David as a political name a reference to the fact that he is the king of Israel she says I know who you are son of David she doesn't say adenai she doesn't know him as Lord yet but she recognizes him as being a powerful figure when people are really powerful they don't have to tell you they're powerful they can walk in the room and you might not know what they do but you know somebody just walked in the room can I get away this in here some people don't have to put on no badge or nothing they just walk in the room and there's something about the way they walk in the room you know somebody walked in the room I don't know your name but I can tell by your stride and your Glide that you're somebody Jesus had some kind of effervescent power influence that when he walked in the room even this idolatrous woman knew he was the king he was the son of David and there the conversation begins when she calls his name and then expresses the condition my daughter my daughter my daughter the one I carried in my body the one I nursed of my breasts the one that I potty trained and taught her to take her first steps the one that is Flesh of My Flesh and bone of my bone the one that I am invested in is in trouble somebody I'm teaching tonight something you're invested in is in trouble but God is getting ready to fix that thing tonight God is getting ready to think you got too much invested in it you carry it you labored or what you worked on it you built it up and now the devil is trying to take your investment but the Devil is a Lie you're gonna see a dividend and a harvest coming in off of your investment I don't know who I'm talking to but you sold some seed and the devil will always try to hurt you through your seed trying to mess you up through your investment he wants you to be bankrupt he wants you to follow by but the devil is alive my God is grieving she's not respect she's grievously vexed with the Devil and here is where we first begin to learn a principle about God that even though she calls him by his Messianic Name by his by his political name acknowledges him as king and even though she describes the destruct feeling of her problem the atrocity of her dilemma the magnitude of her heartbreak the desperation that drove her over the mouths to meet Jesus halfway he answers answers her not a word what do you do when your crisis does not provoke God's movement see we would think about God that the worship crisis the quicker the move Jesus remains unmoved by the magnitude of her situation so you can get up off of your knees talking to God about how bad it is because God does not move because it's bad how hurt you are how long you had to deal with it what you went through how how unfair it is you're pleading your case like a lawyer as if you are throwing yourself before God as if God was going to do it because of the magnitude of your discomfort your discomfort does not move a god whose emblem is a cross foreign you can't tell him about somebody took your parking space and move God when his emblem is a cross so your suffering doesn't necessarily move the suffering savior because he told you when he called you take up your cross and follow me so don't come to me to Holland about nails and stuff because I was open about the fact that if you suffer with me you're gonna reign with me oh I was open about the fact that he that sows in tears shall reap enjoy so you're not gonna cry your way into getting a miracle from the Lord if crisis would have moved to Christ then she would have got her Miracle of first blush but she comes to him describing the circumstance and he answers her not a word sometimes we come to God with our circumstance because we're trying to move him to pity but God is not into pity God is into power shut up I don't blame the devil for trying to set up my voice but I'm pulling myself loose glory to God cause I got something to say that's gonna make hell nervous that's gonna make demons tremble that's gonna make Satan I have to back up and run out of an accent God is not moved by the magnitude of your discomfort so you can stop getting down on your knees telling God how bad it hurts because you're talking to a bleeding savior [Applause] so when you talk to a bleeding savior don't be shocked that somebody who was beat on a whipping post almost to death until their guts was hanging out is not overwhelmed because you lost your job [Applause] oh it's quiet in here tonight what do we do when we have a crisis at all God has a habit of being silent in moments of our stress and we preachers have have ruined the church because like like movies we have given quick answers to complicated situations have you ever noticed how no matter what the movie is it always works out by the end of the hour so you walk out of the movie expecting life to work out in an hour and then when you get married and it don't work out in an hour you throw in the towel because what they showed in an hour and a half might take you 10 years God answered her not a word and he was silent he was silent because what she was asking him to do was not on his itinerary he wasn't coming to deliver her when he finally does speak he says I am not sent to you I am not sent to you that's painful best rejection I just told you how bad it was and you told me I'm not sent to you you're having a seizure on the side of the road and the ambulance is looking for another address and it will drive right past you having a seizure because they're not looking for you he said I am not looking for you I am looking for the lost sheep of Israel this negotiation is one of the most powerful negotiations in the scriptures because this is a woman who has no appointment has no religious pedigree has no claim to fame no righteous recommendation no promise from God no word from God no Covenant with God no history of serving God she's just a Relentless radical woman who has come to God and say I'm not leaving till you do something about my child call me what you want to call me cuss me out if you want to I didn't come here worried about my feelings I'm emotionally mature enough that I can handle being called the dog but I can't handle walking away without getting what I need from God all you people who get your feelings hurt hashtag Church heard and leave the church you didn't want it bad enough when you really want it bad enough I don't care who don't speak to you who don't like you who don't appreciate your draft I don't care about none of that I want a touch from God I wanted that's from God I wouldn't hurt from God I wanted that I want a part she is selfless in her request because she is not coming to God on her own behalf she asks him not for Ruby's diamond silver or gold she doesn't ask him for a bigger house she doesn't ask him for a swimming pool she doesn't ask him for a sauna she does not ask him for a Jacuzzi she comes to Jesus not about her but about someone else she is a woman filled with the kind of humility and compassion that somebody else's crisis has become hers when was the last time you bled for somebody other than you when was the last time that you cried for somebody other than you when was the last time that you moaned for somebody else other than you when was the last time that you interceded for somebody other than you when was the last time that you empathize with somebody else other than yourself this woman said it ain't about me you ain't got to do nothing for me but if y'all I gotta quit I feel like preaching you ain't got to do nothing for me but if you do something for my baby I'm gonna be good at you if you fix my child I will be good I don't need meat I don't need roast I don't need an oven I don't need a house I don't need a job I don't need a promotion I don't need a bag of gold I don't need a bowl of dust all I need for you to do is help somebody I care about the power of compassion is not to be underestimated when you have great compassion you cannot be stopped the ability to care and that's why the enemy wants to numb us down until we can't feel anything because we don't like some of the feelings we have we shut down walls till we can't feel anything this woman is driven to a silent Jesus who says nothing because she starts the conversation in a place of crisis and crisis does not move God but Faith does [Applause] you can come to God with the Masters Of Crisis that does not guarantee the moving of God God does not move because you hurt God does not move because you cry that's not God does not move because you've been traumatized God moves because you believe whatsoever you desire When you pray believe you have received it and ye shall have it it's a matter of faith not feelings now you're so into your feelings that you're not into your faith and so you're baptized in feelings but you're weak in faith oh I must step on some toes tonight I hope you wore some good hard shoes cause I'm gonna put some weight on your baby too tonight you're all on your knees telling God about how you feel God already knows how you feel he can be touched by the feeling of your infirmities he already knows what's going on with your feelings God wants to know what's happening what's up with your faith [Applause] and this devil has driven this woman into an encounter with God if the devil would have been wise he wouldn't have possessed her daughter [Applause] the devil didn't know God was using him when he possessed her daughter just like he didn't know that God was using him when he attacked in your house oh y'all ain't gonna get with me when he start messing with your kids messing with your parents messing with your spouse and messing with your money the devil didn't know he thought he was afflicted you but God was using him to push you into the israels of the Holy Spirit into the inner sanctum of the sanctuary into the presence of God and I don't care if I gotta walk 25 miles [Applause] God uses devils yeah I bet you ain't heard that over too many cool kids God uses Devils God uses trouble God doesn't always use what's going right to bless you God uses stuff that's going wrong to bless you God uses stuff that's uncomfortable to bless you God uses stuff is overwhelming to move you into the center of his will away from your enthrallment with people God will break you from being enthralled with people he will pull you away from your idol he will cast down every image he will move every fro now watch me and I shall be whiter than snow y'all we got rid of the hymns I need the old hymns back in the church Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole I want thee forever to live in my soul that's what we used to see cast down every item move out every four now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow thank you for my devils thank you for my Devils thank you for the Devils that drove me out the club thank you for the Devils that drove me off the street thank you for the Devils that brought me to my knees battery thank you for the Devils that broke my dependency on people thank you for the day it hurt but thank you for the Devils the disappointment in me bad enough that I found it Independence in my life thank you for the Devils that tore me away from soul ties thank you for the Devils that brought me down to my knee it was painful but it brought me down to many thank you for the Devils that made me say yeah thank you for the Devils that moved me out of my comfort zone thank you for the Devils that made me travel for Miles thank you for the Devils that made me go on Hunt I'm looking for Jesus I'm looking for Jesus I'm looking for Jesus no he don't know me but I'm looking for Jesus I'm looking for Jesus no I ain't been serving him but I'm looking for Jesus yeah you smell like all my bread but I'm looking for Jesus I've been snoring a little cold but I'm looking for Jesus I've been smoking a little dope but I bet I've been looking for Jesus I know you don't think I'm gonna you look good trenchful but I'm looking for Jesus I'm hunting for Jesus I was hunting for Jesus when I was in the strip club I thought I was looking for a woman but I was really looking for Jesus after a woman broke my heart I started looking for you thank you for the lovers that left me thank you for the people that have been debate thank you for the people that walked out on me thank you for the haters that lied on the thank you for the people that misused me you all you using Devils to Draw Me Closer in proximity to the cross it was good for me that I was afflicted had I not been Afflicted I would never know the glory of God you got to you got to be real mature to praise God for pain and praise God for things that hurt and praise God for things that broke you and praise God for things that tore you up inside and praise God you got to be mature all the other Church Pro praising for cause and stuff but I want to talk to some mature question that's praising God for the Devils that drove me to Jesus thank you for the devil that made me Keep On Walking when other folks collapse thank you for the devil that drove me out of my comfort zone thank you for the devil that pushed me I got a word from somebody I got a word from somebody I got a word from somebody the devil that said your life is not going to run your life God is just using him to push you your life into the presence of God and you're not on this program and you're not on his itinerary but God is about to give you a miracle I need 30 seconds of crazy praise praise and praise praise [Applause] [Applause] look at your neighbor Whispering that adamant was saying just because God ain't saying nothing that mean he's not doing something just because God ain't saying nothing don't mean he's not doing nothing just because God is Not tickling your ears doesn't mean that God is doing something just because God had let you in on his plan doesn't mean that God is not doing something just because God is Not counseling with you or taking counsel or asking for requests does not mean that God is set you up for a miracle the devil that drove you to him was in the plan of God God uses whatsoever he will he makeeth all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord he worketh all things after the counsel of his own will he's the Puppet Master he's God he moves everything around to get to where he wants you I know there's some people in this room that God move you to be where you are right now you wouldn't have been here if God hadn't above yeah [Applause] this Bible class this Bible class and it's about to be a zoo in here it's about to be a zoo in here I can feel it in here because I've been staring down in my belly somebody's moving in my spirit something's moving in my heart it's about to be a zoo and here's about to be a zoo it's about to be a zoo it's about to be a zoo in here because somebody just realized why you went through all the hell you went through you thought that devil was having control but God was using your devil to drive you closer to Jesus God was using your devil to bring you in the room God was that you're never thank you God for using my devil to push me away from people I thought I couldn't live without somebody shout out to God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shout out to God [Applause] shout out to God [Applause] I don't care where you watch it from shout out to God I don't care if you look like a fool shout out to God I don't care if you arrived in the subway shout out to God [Applause] I gotta get off that point but I can't hardly get off of it because I've never seen anybody that was pushed into the presence that wasn't driven by a devil a devil a storm a crisis a need the devil's push you they move you they provoke you they make you relentless they make you tenacious when a devil pushes you to Jesus you don't get your feelings hurt and start staying home after it's not going back to church no more you ain't got no real problem you got a real problem you will step over them Hypocrites you will walk right past up you will smile at your haters and say good morning praise the Lord and come on in cause I didn't come to see you and this ain't about you and I'm not calling on you and I'm not seeking you there's only one person in here I came to see I can't even see Jesus I came to see Jesus [Applause] slap somebody say I want to see him I don't want to see his minions I don't want to see his adjectives I don't want to see his coordinator I want to see Jesus I don't want to see his Deacon board I don't want to see his illness I want to see Jesus this is a job for Jesus everybody in here that's got a problem that only Jesus can fix giving 30 seconds of Crazy Praise [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] excuse me if I get unruly but I'm looking for Jesus excuse me if I get a little live but I'm looking for Jesus excuse me if I brought up that valve and I'm looking for Jesus I traveled all this way cause I'm looking for Jesus I'm looking for Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus take it in Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] hold it don't don't hit don't hit the drum don't hit the no no no no no no don't don't don't don't hit nothing cause we already on fire if you hit something right now I don't know what's gonna happen because because it's gas it matches and gas and matches and gas and match it and if you gas it matches again if you throw gas on this it's Gonna Catch a Fire It's Gonna Catch You somebody hold a fire [Applause] [Music] fire fire just three people and tell them he's doing something he's doing something he's doing something he ain't saying nothing but he's doing something he ain't saying nothing but he's doing something he ain't saying nothing but he's doing something he ain't saying nothing but he's doing something he's doing something he's doing something he's doing it he's doing it he ain't saying it he ain't talking about it he's being about it he ain't talking about it he's been about it God is up to something even when he's silence foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] to understand the Silence of God we cannot extrapolate the notion of the Silence of God merely by exerting just a paraphrased moment in the extraction of a story about the movements of Jesus entire and Sudan in isolation then the exegesis of the text becomes so limited and loses its profundity if we cannot authenticate it and validate it by old testament which would give it roots and authenticity and so I would submit to you my brothers and sisters let us migrate back to the Book of Genesis and study the Silence of God for the Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and the Earth was it was I don't know how long it was but it was it was I don't know how many billions of years but it was archaeologists have made us to understand that the Earth has existed for billions of years so we know that the Earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep which gives us some kind of piercing glance into the possibility now of the prehistoric ages on Earth which are authenticated archaeault through archaeologists through the freezing of the planet makes sense in the darkness covering the Deep for where there is no light there can be no heat so we must pontificate if we will in our minds how long was it dark before God spoke how long was it dark we know it had to be dark long enough for the earth to freeze over because if we dig layers down to the sedimentary rocks and go deep enough into the archaeological confines of the archeology we will find that there is proof in the earth that there was an ice age how long was it dark how long was it dark before God spoke how many creatures walked the Earth before God spoke how many creatures and birds became extinct before God spoke how many froze over in layers of Earth before God spoke the Bible only notates when he breaks the Silence with sound the breaking of Silence comes with the uttering of sound and God said and God said not I want like let [Applause] me something is hindering it let I don't know how long it's been hitting it but I said let I don't know what kind of demon Force has been blocking it but I'm God and I said let there let let let let let let let let like Moses said let my people go there has to be a pharaoh in order for there to be a lead something was keeping it done let [Applause] let there be light and there was light and it was good and if there was light always remember wherever there is light there is always Heat so before you ask God for light always remember the brighter the light the more intense oh y'all ain't sound good as I'm preaching and so when God opened his mouth and cleared his throat and said let whatever the force was that was hindering the light from coming it had to let go let there be light you can't stop it no longer I am breaking my silence and when God breaks his silence there is light let's prove this by the Bible the entrance of Thy word giveth light so all the while there is no word there is no light let's prove it by the Bible in him was light and the life was the light of man and the light shined in darkness and the Darkness comprehended it did not and God broke the silence but how long was it before he broke it how long Lord will you be silent God comes to Abraham and he says to Abraham Abraham I'm going to put you in a deep sleep and I'm going to enter into a covenant with you and it is a bilateral Covenant and God says to Abraham as he splits up the pigeons and the turtle doves and the scapegoats and he lays them out and enters into Covenant and turns into a burning throat furnace and a smoking land and he starts walking through the broken pieces walking through the blood because God is always a god of a blood Covenant that's why I tell you we're going to have blood on January 1st because God honors blood when I see the blood I will pass over you every Covenant is sealed by Blood and so God starts walking through the blood and he enters into a unilateral Covenant with Abraham it can't be bilateral because Abram is sleep and then he wakes him up out of his sleep and he says to him your children are going to sojourn in Egypt for 400 years and afterwards they're going to come out with great substance but for 400 years I will say nothing [Music] 400 years it's ten Generations God said nothing at all and Jesus answered her not a word it's just him acting like his daddy I am going to let your children sojourn in Egypt for 400 years and this woman is coming about her child my daughter is grievously mixed with the Devil Abraham I'm going to let your children sojourn in Egypt for 400 years and I'm going to say nothing but afterwards when I speak again they're going to come out with great substance for 400 years God said nothing and then one day while Moses is taking care of the sheep of the midianites God speaks to Moses through a burning bush and the Bible said that Moses turned aside to see and God said that hey I am the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who you broke your silence for 400 years I hadn't said nothing for 400 years my people have gotten so far away from me that they are worshiping the god of the Egyptians but now I'm breaking my silence and things are about to change I don't know who I'm talking to but God said he's about to break his silence and things are getting ready to change in your life you've been in a drought you've been in a dry period you've been in isolation you prayed you've spoken tongues you fasted you couldn't get a word from God but God sent me here to tell you he's about to break his silence in your life and things are about to change and afterwards you're gonna come out with great substance Hallelujah slap two people say it's gonna be great the greater the silence the greater the substance the greater the silence the greater the subset the greater the silence the greater the substance the greater the silence the greater the substance the greater the frustration the greater the substance when I come out of this I'm coming out with all kinds of stuff God's gonna give me devil for my trouble he's gonna pay me back in the escarole everything that's been held up everything that's been delayed everything that's been denied when I come out of this I'm coming out with great substance and the Bible said that when the children of Israel came out of Egypt they had so much gold and silver that they had to put it on the backs of their children that's generational wealth the parents couldn't carry all the gold but they had so much gold that they popped it on the backs of their little girls and their little boys and they were bentola when they came through the Red Sea and that's why God had to dry up the Red Sea unless they get stuck in the mud because they was weighted down with the wealth of Egypt when God gets ready to give you a blessing about Bible said it's gonna be exceedingly abundantly above all that ye may ask or think Hallelujah slap somebody tell them I'm about to get heavier I'm about to get heavy here what God is getting ready to drop on me is about to be heavy I can't be in no muddy places cause I can't get it no quicksand right now cause it's anointing I'm carrying on me is a heavy anointing it's a yoke breaking anointing it's a glorious anointing it's going to be heavy here and it's gonna fall on my sons and it's gonna fall on my daughters and everything connected to me spiritually and naturally I might have to put some of this gold on you come here and get some of this gold come here and grab some of this silver come here and get some of this diamonds come on get some of these resources you think favor was chasing the slaves are you crazy favorite was chasing the money they were they broke the gross national product of Egypt was going out of the country with the same he could get some slaves anywhere [Applause] the children of Israel came out of it when God broke his silence with so much substance that when Moses raised an offering in the wilderness he had to stop them from giving oh don't bring me no more gold oh that's too much gold don't bring me no no no no no no no no no no more damn no no no no we got enough we built everything we wanted to build and our cup is still running over God said abundance is when you got overflow somebody holla overflow I feel it overflow anointing in this place I feel it overflow anointing in this place because God is about to break his silence over your life hallelujah it's been a long time coming it's been several generations of heartache and pain and turmoil your daddy didn't get it your granddaddy didn't get it your great granddaddy didn't get it your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great granddaddy didn't get in it but you are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood and you are the generation that's gonna walk out with the blessed that Grandma prayed about but never got to see I feel like preaching up in this place y'all better come get me I feel like praising God I'm coming out with my Grandmama's stuff I'm coming out with my Granddaddy's stuffer I'm coming out with my great great Granddaddy's blessed this blessing that I have he Ard it's mine it's for all of my ancestors is for all of my history if I got a witness in here give God a praise if you are witness with this word give God a praise if you're looking for a generation of breakthrough give God a praise if you see a mama praying for a child if you see Abraham and God talking to him about his children I'm talking to you about generational blessings foreign [Music] [Music] but because somebody interceded for you or you're broke in your life and God opened up the windows of heaven and hold you out of blessing you wouldn't have room enough to shout yeah [Applause] [Music] sit down I'm gonna give you a little bit more can I give you a little bit more can you take a little bit more [Applause] from The Book of Malachi to the Book of Matthew is guess what yeah 400 years there's that number again 400. 400 years the children of Israel were in Egypt 400 years from Malachi to Matthew they are called the 400 years of Silence during the 400 years of Silence Alexander the Great the Conqueror had come in and delivered the children of Israel out of the hands of the Persians and then a gentleman named Maccabees begin to rise up and restore religious order they didn't get to restore the kingdom but they restored religious order and begin to bring back the priesthood so worship comes four kingdoms so God restores worship and this is why we hear about John the Baptist before we hear about Jesus because in the life of John the Baptist Israel had no king but they still had preached because worship always comes before kingdoms and John the Baptist receives an anointing from God that broke 400 years of Silence it is typified by his father Zacharias whose tongue was cleaving to the roof of his mouth because God was silent I got to quit because I feel like preaching now and then they had Zacharias what is his name he couldn't say nothing Infinity finally finally God said he loosed his tongue and all of a sudden Zechariah said his name shall be called John the moment he said John the word of God began to flow and the word of God began to flow out of his mouth his name shall be called John and six months later Mary went into labor and birth Jesus do you see the oh no she had a pattern you don't see how God is working through the silence to work out his word in your life and the woman he answered her not a word I am not Comfort to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and because he had not said anything to her the disciples said send her away for she quiet after us and Jesus continues to talk to her she has not prevailed but she has provoked who did y'all feel that that was a word for somebody you haven't prevailed but you have provoked she still hadn't got a miracle yet but she has provoked a conversation she has broken the silence and now at least she's got him talking about it Heaven is talking about you Heaven is talking about you right now Heaven is talking about you whether you're in this room or watching online the Lord sent you here to get this word Heaven is talking about your situation right now Heaven is having a discussion about your situation right now and God hasn't said nothing to you but that doesn't mean that God isn't having a conversation in heaven thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven glory to God God it's decreeing some things that's about to drop down you get ready to download press download in your spirit you get ready to download stuff that's been laid up your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard neither have ended up in your heart the things that God has in store for them that love him watch this you got to pass this test I'm not cumbered to the lost sheep of the House of Israel now if you got a rejection complex you just left because the master the Lord of Glory had told you I'm not thinking about you and you were just getting mad and say I'm out here I'm leaving I'm through with it call me a dog I'm I'm done with it I'm I'm I'm here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I can't leave I can't leave leaving is not an option for me whether shall I go for in your hands are the words of eternal life go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead she fell down at his feet go ahead and call me a dog we're a dog there is normally used in the sense like I've wrapped the dog so wild dogs have ran around but Jesus uses the type of dog that is a house dog often called a lap dog lap dogs are dogs that sit in the laps of their masters and when he called her a dog it wasn't so much an insult as much as it was a sign you're getting close you're getting close you're getting close who am I preaching to I'm talking to somebody I don't even know who it is but you're getting close hallelujah hallelujah you haven't prevailed but you provoked him and you're getting real close you're closer now than you've ever been that's why all hell is breaking news because you're closer than you've ever been in your life you're closer you're closer you go somebody shout up close up [Applause] so since since he called her a lap dog she said truth Lord yeah I sit in your lap you know why I will sit in your lap I will sit in your lap because your children waste enough to heal my child [Applause] I will take the anointing that your children are wasting I will take the glory that they are not using I will take the power that they're not paying attention to I will take the presence of God that they let slip past them cause they're in a bad mood and they got an attitude and they won't receive it but my mouth is open my mouth is open I'm a lap dog all I need is a crumb I don't the whole load if I get a crumb a crumb of your glory I prom up your glory is greater than every devil that's hold my child a problem of your glory is greater than the hell on my job a problem of your glory is greater than the pain I outside [Music] and this nameless nameless Canaanite idolatrous woman who had no Covenant with Yahweh at all has stunned they are missing in Jesus not with the magnitude of her pain but the strength of her faith Jesus says oh woman oh woman oh woman oh Lord I know you're not even one of my people but oh woman I have not found so great of faith in all of Israel be careful who you rule out of the Kingdom because God has people you know not of and while you're judging people by what you see her conversation has grown to the point that she goes from calling him son of David to calling him Lord because the longer they talked close as she came and she went from seeing him as a king and a magician and a political figure to seeing him as a savior and a messiah and by the time she gets right up on the miracle she's calling him Lord truth Lord truth yeah I'm a dog look at her humility yeah I'm a dog there's very few of you that can handle me calling you a dog she fell down and said yeah truth Lord I'm a dog my disadvantage is my advantage you know why I ain't got no shame yeah yeah yeah I ain't done enough mess but I ain't got no shame so if it means getting down here and licking these crumbs off of your lap I ain't got no ain't no shame in my game imma get this let her go over there and be the Cutie Pie you get the Cutie Pie award I'm getting these Crumbs are there any crumb snatches in here I need some crumb snatches in here I need a generation of crumb snatching are there any crumb snatches online write it online I'm a crumb snatcher don't sit beside me cause I'm a crumb snatcher if you drop something I'm gonna catch it if you don't want that healing I'm gonna catch it if you don't want that Deliverance I'm gonna catch it if you don't want that breakthrough I'ma catch that I ever and the Bible says women she got 25 miles from home immediately that means before she got home I wonder if God is saying to somebody before you even get back home [Applause] I don't care how long I've been silent once I break my silence it's gonna be immediately huh daughter got healed without a drop of oil falling without Jesus laying the hands without him even speaking a word to her daughter the Bible said in me her daughter was healed not because of what Jesus said but because of what her mama believed I shot her I have not found so great of faith I found great suffering but I'm not moved by great suffering I moved by great faith is there anybody in here that's got great faith this is the correction I want to make in this room stop coming to God just to exploit your suffering because you have a suffering savior you can't outsuffer the sufferer the way to move God Is by faith he said I have not found which means he's looking for he's looking for so great of faith in all of Israel your daughter is made whole the enemy is after your faith he doesn't need your car he's after your faith he doesn't need your house he's after your faith the reason you've had so much disappointment and so much pain it's like it deals with the area of the cerebral area where your faith he's messing with your head he's trying to distract you from believing that you're going to get your immediately while her mama was kidnap her pocketbook of her stuff to go back home her daughter was sitting up in bed saying I'm hungry [Applause] see the miracle doesn't even require your presence [Applause] what I'm trying to tell you you're so busy trying to get there I'm trying to tell you it's going to happen before you get there by the time you get there there's gonna be waiting on you you keep saying God if I could just get there you ain't got to get there it's gonna happen while you walking you're gonna get healed while you on the way yeah she gonna get up while you're traveling out the road [Music] who am I preaching to tonight [Applause] getting past The Silence of God Lord hey Jesus you don't have to tell me what you're doing just do it [Applause] call my name I can be nameless in the scriptures I cannot be mentioned in the Articles of faith just do it I don't even have to be there when you do it just do it somebody holla just do it [Applause] just do it I came all of this way because I want you to do it I'm watching tonight because I want you to do it I came to church tonight because I want you to do it I just want you to do it I didn't care who was teaching I didn't care who was preaching I just want you to do it I'm not chasing personalities I'm chasing presents from God I want you to do it do it for me Jesus lift your hands up if you want him to do it I want him to do it I want him to do it I want him to do it
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 903,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village
Id: K9oSLWqbIw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 16sec (4576 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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