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all right joel i've seen a lot of crazy pizzas in my day especially here in korea they got a lot of wild ones over here i think asia in general has a lot of just insane pizzas but this one might be the strangest pizza at least visually i've ever seen in my life let's take a look at who it that lobster on my pizza in that that's just there's a whole lobster on my pizza just chilling let me show you this man let me show you they're calling this the real lobster steak pizza and maybe you can see why i mean i don't even love lobster like that you know i'm from illinois so i don't even know if i've even had a lobster that is just a weird crustacean man it's cut right in half i mean they left pretty much everything on there i think they didn't discard any of the shell the claw i mean it's all there i guess it's they're trying to integrate it somehow but i don't know how you're supposed to eat that so for one it smells i'm gonna take off this half right here and just try a slice because i or maybe i don't i don't know i don't know how to approach this pizza to be honest with you there is a right beneath that lobster i just took off there's a little pile of juice and it's looking like some like ocean water man just stagnant but i'm just gonna try a regular slice first uh they have pretty much everything like pineapples piece of steak tomatoes onions i don't know i mean it's pretty much got everything the crust is looking like the classic korean purple purple dough and i don't know going in no lobster first just plain pizza i was extremely hungry and i had extremely low negative expectations for this pizza that first bite hold on was edible it was edible by the way i paid 33 bucks for this pizza it came out a couple months ago and uh and i've been i knew i needed to get it at some point but i just been putting it off i hate wasting uh food i knew this was gonna be bogus but like how are you just why man why that wasn't the worst piece of pizza i've ever had in my life it was up there though all right um i don't even know what to do with this man it does appear that these are different one of them is coated with i don't know cheese and one of them has like this one looks like a uh sweet potato mousse that's a classic korean pizza topping i don't know what this one is maybe just regular potato uh potato mousse we're gonna try some of that lobster meat if we can if we can figure this out like like i said i don't know much about lobster i've never just eaten a lobster this doesn't even look good to me okay here's a little bit of the the tail meat which looks all right again this whole pizza was 33 bucks which is not too much higher than i'd expect to pay for this whole pizza without the lobster so i don't really trust this lobster but going in that's an edible so oh my god that's one of the worst things i've ever eaten in my life i didn't eat it i couldn't eat it oh my god that's shocking and it's strong it's lingering hold on man the only thing i can do is eat it's another bite of this pizza i had low expectations this smashed those expectations way worse than i thought it could ever be this bite of food right there if you can call it food i mean look at look at that what is that that's not food man the combination of that sweet potato mousse and that old i mean i don't know how fresh this lobster is but it can't be that fresh the texture of it was so bogus the flavor was so bogus and those flavors together honestly i think that's the worst thing i've ever tasted in my life and i'm completely repulsed by this i think i'm gonna just throw this whole thing away i hate to do it but no one should eat that i don't think just for safety reasons i don't think anyone should eat this and the pizza itself i think it's contaminated i think you could actually get sick by eating this pizza potentially even die let me try this steak i feel like the steak has been untouched this is a piece of the steak i mean it is called real lobster steak that's a one out of ten man like so i'm saying like even if this was good and tasty and fresh like just this thing uh staring you right in the face where trying trying to enjoy a pizza is just i mean yeah my day is actually ruined you know you know what my whole this ruined my whole week to be honest with you this was just disrespectful to both me and everybody in the world you guys watching disrespectful to y'all i'm sorry for for like just this a trash video but it's it was necessary it's got to be out there i mean i want to expose i'm just i don't know what i'm saying but come on all right uh hopefully my next video will be better but i gotta skate and i throw this away hate to do it peace you
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 440,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen
Id: MPwu1qsMfHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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