Don't always trust the reviews

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so some people ask me if i ever run out of ideas and i'm i never really have ideas it's rare that i do have one usually i'm sitting there for hours just looking at my delivery apps trying to think of something to make a video out of and i was doing that today and i randomly stumbled across this restaurant that has over a thousand reviews and a 4.9 rating out of five and that caught my eye right off the bat i was looking through the menu and i saw this which looked a lot different in the picture but what stood out to me is that it they only sell 10 of these per day and in the picture it looked like just a beef rib and i'll show you that right now this is pretty cool and very intriguing to me but this is what i got some kind of vacuum sealed like the meat is cut off from the bone a decent amount of juice like it's nice and warm the bones are just chilling down here and i'm not really sure what to make of it i was hoping that i could get a nice little beef rib and just and see what it's all about because if you're only selling individual beef ribs only 10 of them uh at about 18 bucks price point that's cool but this is i don't know here's what we're working with though it looks like a decent amount of meats and let's cut it open [Applause] oh okay nice yeah first time smelling it uh ain't no fumes coming out of this bag but to me that smells really good it smells like a salisbury steak the kind that you're getting those old tv dinners to be honest with you but it smells really delicious i think this is marinated and i'm not sure how they cooked it they don't really give much info except that uh it's just they only sell 10 of them per day so it better be good that's what i'm saying this meat is looking pretty good pretty juicy it's smelling really good i thought this would be a little bit cooler that i could like hold up a beef like a big old beef rib or something but it is what it is real quick let me just take a piece and pull it apart come on now oh wow this could be see that's this is why like you know my videos are so bogus you know i i'm just flying by the seat of my pants here and sometimes you know if i just have a random idea they don't always pan out the way i want them to but let's go in for a bite they also gave me a couple like sauces and stuff there's some kind of sriracha sauce some wasabi and some pink salt so i might be using that later let's just try this man um not gonna lie this is one of the top 10 most bogus things that i've ever seen in my life it's not bad you know i would eat this but if you're only selling 10 of these per day come on it the flavor is good the texture is not really it's definitely edible and i think this would work a lot better if you like wrapped it in a burrito or ate it with other things maybe it needs some like sauce like i said it tastes it tastes good but we know that food ain't all about the taste especially especially when you're dessert you know eating shredded meat like this man uh damn wow the fact that this place had a 4.9 out of five that's that's really high for the app i use with over a thousand reviews man i'm telling you yeah this is one of the most disappointing foods i've had on video maybe this bone meat is better not really nah not at all damn man um this kind of sucks i do think that beef ribs can be quite difficult to cook i think all ribs can be a bit hard to cook even myself so last weekend i tried to cook cook up some just pork ribs on the weber they were on there for about five and a half hours i'm a noob at smoking foods on the grill so i didn't it was the first time i ever did it but they didn't turn out that well either so it's always a bit challenging to get the right uh the right consistency but my ribs are better than these come on you know what you got to learn a little lesson every now and then and i learned don't always trust your instincts don't always do it because like for for me man if i see something where it's like good reviews and a ton of reviews usually i'm trusting it and especially like i was i've been saying this whole time if you have a limited menu i better dan will be good i don't know this makes me sick just kidding you know you live and learn i also made a pulled pork pizza yesterday the pulled pork turned out really good i put it on pizza you know i didn't go for the barbecue sauce base i just went with a regular tomato sauce and mozzarella with pulled pork no real barbecue flavor and that didn't turn out too well either so sometimes you just gotta what am i even saying maybe this one's better i don't know if you saw that but i just ripped a bunch of fat off the back of this bone and that was the best part of this whole thing it's not too often that i just get like very disappointed by the food but this is one of those times so i don't know guys i'm sorry to put this video out there it's kind of trash but maybe you can learn a lesson along with me maybe you might find it interesting too i'm i apologize though hopefully i'll have a better one tomorrow we'll see thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed this one i'll catch you in the next video peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 257,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen
Id: UC2edNyQlGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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