I got tricked wtf man

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what's up y'all so I just got done eating a delicious Korean barbecue dinner I'm full as hell and I actually wasn't gonna film today but I felt guilty for not filming so I'm here now and I got something to film um and I got to go pretty quick you'll see why today I'm eating what's supposedly fried ice cream I've heard whispers about this but I've never seen it in my life this is the first time I've ever seen it and I don't know if it's legit but it comes from a burger place that is popping up all over the place these days here in Seoul called Frank Burger their logo is mysteriously similar to The Shake Shack logo in my opinion but it is what it is and uh yeah so here we go they have two different kinds of fried ice cream they're calling them fried ice balls but I'm pretty sure it's it's fried ice cream and here they are one chocolate chocolate and one vanilla I believe and uh the thing so here's a problem Korea has great food delivery it's fast it's cheap but usually places have a minimum delivery order amount so you have to order at least like ten dollars worth of food or something or else you can't order this was under the this place is minimum amount so I had to go you know what I have to round and got a double bacon cheeseburger I've never had this place before like I said I've just been seeing around a lot I don't know it looks pretty good now that I'm looking at it I never was that interested because I all just felt like they were ripping off of Shake Shack's logo so I was against that but anyway gonna be trying it today I had to give this burger just to so I can get the delivery um and I'm I'm more interested in this deep fried ice cream though so let me cut one of these open and see what we're working with hopefully it's still frozen all right so there is the uh the vanilla one and it is still is frozen I don't know if I'm gonna eat all this like I said I'm I'm full man I don't want to eat but uh My Views are down anyway here's the chocolate one so yeah you know I don't know exactly how they're making these it is it does feel kind of like nice and crispy on the outside I'm gonna start off with the vanilla Plain Jane foreign that's not ice cream that's just like kind of cream like whipped cream or something that they had me they had me they fooled me they got me basically it's like a Twinkie or something I was really looking forward to to deep fried ice cream man I feel like a freaking idiot now let's try this one same story unspectacular unacceptable laughs what a freaking sham dude I'm not wasting my time with these These are completely unnecessary deep fried ice cream is cool this is just like any other freaking thing like any other pastry you know what I mean what a disappointment let me try this burger um yeah decent looking bacon I mean it's a decent looking Burger looks like they buttered the uh the Buns quite a bit respect that and uh yeah a nice little Char to the uh to the Patty right there two slices of cheese yeah look at these going in [Applause] tasty I'll give it that that's a tasty burger peppery it's got a nice peppery kick to it baked into that crust so you can tell that they seasoned the the patties with a lot of black pepper before they got that good sear on him I love pepper um cheesy it's yeah this is a nice burger you know it's interesting I whenever I film I'm always hungry or most of the time it's usually 99 of the times on an empty stomach at least I should say sometimes I'm not that hungry but but I never film when I'm full I just fresh off a meal I think I did it like once when I did like a spicy food challenge like just eating with the two chip challenge like I think I ate something before that or whatever I don't know but usually if I'm actually eating actual food um it's usually on empty stomach and the way I perceive this cheeseburger right now is definitely interesting because I don't even want to eat it so it makes you kind of taste it and think about it in a different way I've always wondered about people who do those cooking shows on on you know Travel Channel or food never forever and they're eating all day like they have a tight ass schedule or even people on YouTube whatever and they're on a real tight schedule and they gotta go to like three four or five different locations in one day by their third fourth meal they're probably full right or are they still hungry because they're doing so much I don't know but your taste buds are probably affected by the amount of fullness you are like like they said uh hunger is the best sauce so maybe it would help to be more objective when you're eating the food or I don't know and this video is bogus Frank Burger Fu man Fu except your burgers really damn good and I can say that because I am full yeah you know what even though I'm so full it still tastes good I still want to eat it it's delicious I should that's real good might be fine the fried ice balls on the other hand as they like to call them the biggest scam I've ever I've been I've ever experienced in my life I haven't been scammed this hard since I was like nine years old and I traded my mint Japanese Charizard for like a Snorlax and some non-hollows man foreign I still feel bad about it to this day I did the uh the old take backer the taker backer what do you call that I think there's a like a weird word for it but yeah I was like no a couple days ago like no I want that back and luckily it's cool about it shout out MC still remember he scared me though he knew he did so that's why he probably felt bad and gave it to me gave it back to me but um yeah I'm sorry y'all so here are the uh the fried ice cream things and as you can see Zero melted it says not ice cream it's just cream so that's just stupid um I don't even know what I'm gonna call this video I don't even know if I'm going to upload this video but we'll see anyway that's bogus I'm staying out of here thanks for watching I'll catch you on this video peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 181,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, muckbang, eating show, asmr, food, scam
Id: cJP9i7zxk_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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