Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Caravan of Garbage

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welcome back everybody to caravana garbage where we are wrapping up the Indiana Jones film series The tetralogy some people think it's a quadrilogy but that's not a real thing it's a tetralogy I think maybe probably I admire your confidence thanks you feeling confident enough to allow everybody to leave a like on this video yes great so Mason yes Indiana Jones in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull yes finally we got here the good one finally took to gonna continue this joke I think I stopped it last week I think you might have yeah yeah so here's the thing right we had a bunch of Indiana Jones before this like leading up to it did we so there were lots of books there was a few Comics there were a whole lot of pretty solid video games there was some edutainment as we know well that's the thing because Harrison Ford actually reprized his role as Indiana Jones in the young Indiana Jones Chronicles yeah he's got a beard because he was filming The Fugitive at the time all right if I recall there's definitely another actor who plays a very old Indiana Jones yeah there's a few yeah there's like a little kid and then there's Sean Patrick Flannery age and there might be some others in there as well an actor of Sean Patrick Flannery age that's right did they get Sean Patrick Flannery or do they just want somebody he wasn't available here's the thing about this one as well go on it just feels light I feel like they missed a trick making one in the mid 90s to make it feel like the old ones let me ask you this about this movie particularly yeah having just rewatched it presumably recently what do you think about it now what did you think about it then when it came out it came out and I thought it was okay I think it dips wildly at a point which we'll talk about and then I might have the exact same time code that's right and then I spent a long time like really not liking it and watching it again I'm like it's fine yeah look I remember intensely disliking it when it came out I haven't seen it since I didn't see it again at the cinemas why would I yeah didn't see it on any kind of home media to launch it on VHS yep uh so this is my first re-watch and I think a lot of it is pretty good I can't so you know you know what I think I think he's maybe tricking some people yeah the uh movie has moved to 1950s and everybody seems a little bit more colorful it's less of a grubby Universe I think yeah I think people are like this looks this has an unreality to it I don't think the unreality is a result of the era because I don't hate the concept of this oh no there's two there's two unrealities to this one is is that yeah the moving the era to the 50s and the other one is the incredibly chunky CGI sure but we'll get to that I'm sure absolutely but where do you where do you set a movie when Harrison Ford is in his 60s that's true you have to set it yeah in this era I don't hate the idea of aliens and Kate Blanchett heading up a bunch of Russians it's fine as a concept in the young Indiana Jones Chronicles oh here we go he met Dracula yes and what he learned about blood types or something maybe no they killed him oh good kill him all right well you're right so you know Indiana Jones is meant to be a pulp Adventure hero and in the era of the original movies he would have been exploring ancient ruins and meeting supernatural creatures and having Supernatural experiences and so forth and in the 1950s people started getting obsessed with little green men and UFOs and that sort of stuff and if his character had continued in Pulp novels or radio plays or whatever they were doing at the time or or movie serials he would have been searching for that sort of thing it's like the character of Rick dangerous James Oh Yeah from the the computer game series Rick dangerous the game's Rick dangerous James that's his Spirit never played this well a rick dangerous James originally was uh was uh was an Indiana Jones style hero ripoff you might say and then in 1990 in Rick dangerous 2 he became more of a Flash Gordon style hero oh then this movie came out Amia 18 years later coincidence I think not it sounds like a coincidence but you're right I don't I'm I'm not mad about the uh turn to aliens I am a little bit mad the vernacular had to change they're like no they're actually interdimensional beings you know what it is I've just thought it you know what it is yeah if we can jump to the end just briefly and then go back there's too much explanations to what was happening yeah okay like John Hurt who is a nice addition to this franchise I think it's just like it's definitely interdimensional beings is it give me a little bit of ambiguity there well the reason that happened is because Lucas for years was like I want to do aliens and Spielberg was like I don't want to do another alien movie I've made a couple Alien movies already it's not interesting to me so Lucas said well let's do interdimensional beings and Spielberg literally went fine fine okay and that's how we got here as long as we do not use the word aliens and and someone says yes that is what this is why not do aliens though yeah I feel like you're right there's too many levels of complexity nobody would say that in the 50s it's not dimensional beings probably but anyway John Hurt it was nice to see him yep Ray Winston and Jim Broadband are also in their Center great but I think two people that were missing and we see them on little on uh Indy's desk in little production Stills that have been turned into family photographs we don't have Marcus broding we don't have Henry Jones senior yeah one passed away and Sean Connery was like I'm very retired thanks Alex G and that's why he didn't want to reappear in this one but I think it was it's nice to have Karen Allen yeah but the fact that every everybody else is new that feels like a disconnect there yeah I don't disagree with that I I didn't hate Shia LaBeouf in this I don't like him initially I did because he shows up in the full Marlon Brando with this yeah you know the hats they had I know and the thing about that is it's sad it feels sad yeah because you know how they borrowed Indiana Jones's look yeah they're like well let's take an iconic like a different iconic movie style look and just slap it on this [ __ ] idiot yeah the thing is James obviously they're like okay well you want you want him to be the most iconic version of that from that era and that is Marlon Brando but the thing about that look is no one including Marlon Brando can actually pull off that hat you see that movie it's embarrassing that hat no one looks good in that hat but then he loses the Hat fairly quickly and I'm like okay yeah leather jacket and a knife is fine he looks like he he looks like he is in a Marlon Brando cosplay yeah but then I'm like okay I'm settling into this character I don't I don't I don't mind this I liked uh I think I liked his back and forth between Indie and Martin I quite enjoyed it for the most most part I believed it yeah I think it I think probably like my real world dislike for Shia LaBeouf is definitely creeping into this yeah right but I just I don't think in terms of additions if you compare him to any of the previous companions literally any of them he doesn't stack up right okay and like the fake kind of the faux toughness that he's doing I don't know it doesn't I don't feel it it's very much that concept of like this is the guy you will love this guy because at this point he done a few things he'd done Transformers Transformers the first one he'd done Constantine yeah uh other things that we would recognize holes holes I think they should have given it to like maybe Josh Hartnett yeah perfect that would have been right but yeah you're right he'd done a few roles he was a big box office draw seemingly and they were like well we can't miss out on this guy we got to get him in I'm gonna put him in that stupid hat absolutely here's the thing about Harrison Ford in this he does kind of feel listless for some of it just kind of like all right um well I've done a lot of this but I think I can I can go along with whatever's happening here and I'll say this of the force awakens okay I'm that's right that's right can you say something about the Last Jedi as well sure okay great that controversial there's an energy that Harrison Ford has in the force awakens which I don't feel is here right yeah yeah but that being said I think he looks good like he looks strong I remember him looking a lot older yeah right then like seeing it now I'm like oh he looks terrific yeah like he's clearly like he's kept up with it there's a moment at the start where you just seem like climbing some boxes and he's just he's just moving really well you'll believe a man can climb some boxes but a guy that age moving like that that's unusual there's a moment where he's just in a white T-shirt yeah it's [ __ ] incredible it's incredible yeah and he's facing off against you know some of the most intense actors from network television at the time the Janet from Scrubs yep absolutely I love uh some other guys the guy from the OC Allendale that's right Australia's own Alan Dale is in that room neighbors aren't Allendale I also feel like there's an in Canon reason for why Indiana Jones is still like this Lloyd's no I'll talk about but maybe I'll talk about it later here's the thing I do like about this I think the opening action sequence I know like the nobody likes the ferrets and whatever I I agree I know they're not ferrets it doesn't matter let's just all move past it move past the ferrets folks the bit where he's taking on all the rush and he's just tearing through them and Mac is the only one in that warehouse that is just like this is a [ __ ] lunatic yeah you need to back up from this guy he's gonna kill all of us yeah yeah you can see the rage rising in him and he's gonna snap he's gonna do one of his signature big punches that's right and you were all in a lot of trouble he's gonna punch three to four of you at a time yeah yeah when he comes out of the when he comes out of the trunk of the car you know what's interesting about that sequence and I'd never I hadn't thought about it right at the start there's the moment where the teens go past in their car yeah and you think something is going to happen like you think the teens are gonna be Russian operatives or something and they're gonna okay they're gonna crash into the the the army vehicle and they're gonna attack whatever just leave it's just their Adventure going on I think it's just a nod to like George Lucas's love of you know that hero who's the American Graffiti kids exactly they were going to do some American Graffiti absolutely I also believe that the US government would just put an alien in a box and forget about it yeah and just where is it somewhere it is yeah should we check in on it that's probably all right fine who's gonna go there put it next to the the box that's got God in it I love that I think that's great what is the alien and God have a conversation they want to get out of here well we locked the boxes so and we put some other boxes on top of those boxes so yeah exactly now speaking of boxes the fridge moment yeah now I know that this has become like a thing it's the you know the nuke the fridge it's the Jumping the Shark of this particular franchise right that there was an ERA for jumping the shop as well this idea came from an early Back to the Future script where the original idea for time travel was a fridge in a nuclear explosion oh I see but and the thing about this is I just I know it's unrealistic I just I don't care I didn't care I don't know yeah and I think do you remember in like Temple of Doom they drop out of a plane in a in a boat they do silly things all the time and I love the reveal like the silhouette of Indiana Jones with the nuclear explosion like kind of ushering in this new era oh my God I love that and he said this is ushering a new era is it good been better but this is definitely a new era well I can really do more than one old man with a whip I feel a little bit uh past my years by date honestly you know what he should have done jump in the Ark of the Covenant yeah absolutely a nuclear-powered journey with God and I could have had a chance but thing about this movie is gone as it goes on the the modern kind of effects of the day and style kind of takes over there's that soft The Hobbit kind of glow James it's one hour and 20 minutes it's exactly when it happens they end up in the jungle yeah there's a Chase there's a big cutting machine a big CGI cutting machine the thing about that scene is also it doesn't look bad all of the time they really did have a stretch that they ran back and forth through it was like the scene in The Matrix Reloaded where it changes to CGI when it's it's Neo fighting all the agent Smiths and he's fighting about 28 in Smithson they're all real stunt man and then they're like okay bring in 50 more agent Smiths and obviously there wasn't enough room on the basketball court you go weaving doesn't have that many brothers that's true yes cousins but you know he's beefing with those cousins so it's a lot of cousins man yeah um and so they just switched to all CGI and it just you can immediately the monkeys and the swinging and yeah yeah yeah the the point at which Shia LaBeouf is is doing this splits between two different Jeeps while sword fighting and he keeps getting hit in the nuts with branches and he's still doing what is no that's I mean you do that for real yeah that's the best stun of all time absolutely John Claude Van Damme would do it you know to advertise a mineral water or something or mint mobile or something it's mobile but it but it's not real and it doesn't look real it doesn't have any weight to it yeah and they continue that with that for a lot of it there's even the scene at the end where they're all sort of like sitting around in the ruins and they're like boy that was a big adventure we had and it'd be you'd be like yeah it was but it's undercut by the fact that they're they're nowhere yeah they're in a void and there's some brickwork and the rest is green screen and you couldn't go to a real place for that a place top of a convenience store boy she had a lot of Adventures here boy I bought a t-shirt down there isn't this where they film clerks boy what an adventure that's right the thing is as well and this really surprised me Spielberg didn't shoot this movie in digital and this was in the era where they were doing that like the previous two Star Wars movies had done it and here's a quote from him that says it looked looks like we shot it three years after Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade you'd never know there was 20 years between shooting and that might be what the raw footage looks like we tell yeah you can really tell I know you mentioned Mac and you're like I like him or whatever I just don't Mac Ray Winston oh yeah I don't think he's funny or interesting again it's that lays upon layers of like a double cross dude no I'm a double agent yeah but it's just like I don't know I think they just because they were like part of the Trope of Indiana Jones somebody's going to betray him at some point so they had to throw that guy in okay great but he's again just as a as a general companion you meet along the way he's no Jonathan Rhys Davies as an example I think if maybe if they'd have kept them side by side only ever want to have a photo of Jonathan Rhys Davies on his desk he probably did somewhere amongst the frame just like what a good take it from the making of we don't care I also feel like where this falls down is that it's really light on the horror elements of the previous movies there's a moment where a bunch of Russians get torched by a jet engine yeah and it just feels like some guys just being engulfed in CGI flame and nothing look at this fire ants all the the giant ant situation exactly much better I feel than the CGI Rats from uh the third movie Master yes yeah remember when I said that and a lot of people yelled at me that they weren't CGI I just want people to know that's a thing I believe you didn't miss a joke but I said not you Mason I'm telling everybody I miss tons of jokes yeah and you know it ends with Kate Blanchett it's it's a lot of power and I want all the power but it's too much power yeah and the head should have popped yeah just bam yeah just spread it all over the aliens and they would have been like yuck but again like the end and when we get to the end when it all forms up and there's literally a little gray man there yeah give me more ambiguity you know what I mean she sees something and we don't know what it is I think that would have been better okay fair enough huh but there is some good practical stuff in this like for example those guys who live in a wall I want to know like how does that day start like you pack your little lunch and you go and crawl into a wall is that how that's yeah how your day starts and ends pretty cool you clock in like those um those Warner Brothers cartoon dogs that hate each other or whatever but what I do want to talk about before we get into the glasses Mason is something that I feel like is in your wheelhouse okay he's wearing the same or very similar outfit to what he has previously again we've talked about the Hat how it does change moving a movie and whatever and they go back to previous models sometimes sometimes it's gray yeah sometimes it's gray Mason freaking hell but okay we got a circle back around to his glasses okay now you're trying to determine yeah what prescription Indiana Jones has or whether in fact he has a prescription at all now the if I recall the only time he's wearing glasses in this is one is the scene at the college where he's teaching uh he's wearing little round glasses but for the most part he's looking over the top of them yes so that would suggest to me that those ones are reading glasses because when he looks out into the the the student body he's peeking over them and when uh when his friend opens the door to speak to him he's looking over them yeah and then when he goes to speak to Jim Broadbent he takes them off entirely so I think he's using to look at the Blackboard and but when he looks over the top of him he can see the the the students perfectly well okay that would be my guess I agree I think from this investigation well I've done yeah well obviously I've got my input here but you you're the one who has to make the final decision here well there's a little wrinkle on this that I want to talk about okay I do think that they're just reading glasses I think maybe sometimes he'll just wear them because he's just got them on you know but but here's the thing it's interesting that his vision has not deteriorated yeah and his health is basically stayed the same and we know that's because he's Hollywood rich and famous that's true and that's why in real life that he's still able to do the things he is in this room movie but if you look at the Last Crusade novelization I think there's a link between the Grail and him being this level of Fitness you think you think it has something to do with the fact that he chugged from the uh the tumbler of uh youth okay terrific okay yeah so here's the thing if you go into the novelization it goes into more detail about how it works and apparently what it is is you have an Alan Dean Foster joint no it's a like you really [ __ ] me on this Mason Robert McGregor okay all right so what you basically have to do what the Knight had to do was drink every day and if you drink from it every day you retain your youth okay but the longer that you drink from it and if you pause drinking then your age catches up to you the longer you leave it I see so the Knight apparently had a few crises of faith and that's why he aged he basically took a couple of days off and then I know I love God actually and he kept drinking but do you love God or Do You Love Your Perfect Skin mate great question yeah but what it does do even if you drink from it once nice any injuries or diseases that you have it clears up and gives you an Absolutely Fresh bill of health so this is we can break Indiana Jones's life up from before yeah BC before Crusade yep and a d after drinking after drinking from a big Stone cup exactly okay so so potentially essentially he got a reset yeah so his prescription after that is not necessarily the same is the one before no I would say it's very possible and there's probably comics and novels that say the opposite of this that that fixed his eyes and then the 19 years in between his eyes basically went back to where they were slowly all right yeah so it didn't beautify him it basically just just cleaned bill of health down and potentially when he looked into the Crystal Skull and gave him Lasik so maybe his vision's perfect now because he didn't use he didn't use glasses after that at all that's true at the wedding he wasn't wearing not even at the wedding and it's interesting that Sean Connery is dead in this movie because he also drunk from The Grail oh yeah which makes me think he got hit by like a Broadband or something is all I'm saying so yeah anyways it ends with like it's too much power uh why did I absorb all this power Etc and there's a moment where Matt just Falls over and I just was thinking to myself hey Mack get up just get up yeah and he's like ah this is I think I'm all right he's got to stay here I reckon okay so you think he heard you no he didn't get up he flew into the Vortex oh yeah I think a stone probably killed him oh yeah that's actually yeah anyways Mason it's time for Indiana Jones and the trivia of the crystal trivia I love that the trivia segment of the show where we go wow new trivia pretty good not necessarily you but but it is trivia so when Indiana Jones is referring to being kidnapped he's referring to the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones the episode spring break Adventure wow so those are all Canon interesting except for the old Indiana Jones eye patch stuff which George Lucas put in and everybody complained within the studio because they don't line up with the stories properly so they end up taking those out but they're not perfect vision after the Crystal Skull laser thing that's right I really need an eye patch yeah Harrison Ford was apparently adamant that he got to wield Indiana Jones is famous with Paramount Executives wanted the weapon to be computer generated because of new movie safety rules but for Branded this rule ridiculous you'd never get away with making this movie now though I'd tell you that much Mason that's right not with today's culture you'd never make Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that's right you couldn't have a whip you'd have to have um in a quality whip you'd have to have an equality whip you'd have to whip every single person equally that's good that's good I think yes that's good Sean Connery turned down a cameo because he was enjoying retirement too much and Alex G [ __ ] him up but John Reese Davies was also approached to Cameo at the wedding at the end but thought it would cheapen the character so decided not to probably a good call honestly these were some of the titles that were considered for the movie this one's from George Lucas Indiana Jones and the sorcer man Steven Spielberg's was oh yeah no all right that's fine right Steven Spielberg's idea was Indiana Jones and the blank blank of the mysterians Ava's Gonna Fill in later I'll do it on the day yeah and screenwriter David cope wanted Indiana Jones and the son of Indiana Jones I don't think that's real that's made up speaking of son of Indiana Jones Mason this is what Shia LaBeouf said about this movie he's this movie's biggest critic because I feel like with some distance and we've seen this with other movie franchises before a lot can be forgiven you know the judicious edit a lot of this could be fixed if instead of fighting while doing this the splits on the top of a couple of jeeps he dies just die straight away anyway so he said I feel like I dropped the ball on the Legacy that people loved and cherished you get the monkey swinging and things like that and you can blame it on the rider and you can blame it on Stephen but the actor's job is to make her come alive and make it work and I couldn't do it so that's my fault simple now as a result of this apparently this destroyed his relationship with Spielberg because also Spielberg obviously had a hand in the Transformers movie yeah yeah I mean very Loosely yeah don't blame him for that though he did pick Michael Bay yeah Harrison Ford said this of Charlotte buff I think LaBeouf was a [ __ ] idiot as an actor I think it's my obligation to support the film without making complete ass of myself charo's ambitious attentive and talented and he's learning how to deal with a situation which is very unique and difficult and Steven Spielberg apparently gave Shire the following advice Tom Cruise never picks his nose in public and Shia LaBeouf said and all I thought was I don't want to be Tom Cruise it was this gut reaction what a tangled web of people saying weird stuff incredible but I would say look as much as a lot of people don't like Shia LaBeouf for a bunch of good reasons yeah um I don't think any action you can't fix Daniel Day-Lewis couldn't have saved swinging through the trees with monkeys he couldn't have done it no I agree anyways box office for this on a budget of 185 million dollars making this by far the biggest Indiana Jones budget um that's fine that's fine yes uh it made 790 million dollars that year it is the second highest grossing movie of the year internationally Behind The Dark Knight I see that's not a bad outcome at all thing Mason people they love these videos they tell me oh yes and they say can I see them early and you say no no I say yes I've been telling them no no you got to tell them yes okay you tell them no I'll tell him yes okay great we'll come at them like that all right all right but if you head over to big they always go up early Lawrence who edited this series we very much appreciate it thank you Lawrence he gets them done and Ben who's coming back also they get them done early they go up there and there's also bonus podcasts there's movie commentaries we do video game Let's Plays and we're going to be playing some Indiana Jones stuff check it out Ryan exclusively there but who wants to hit towards next week me the entire IMF has been disavowed nice what are we up to four no we'll find out all right cool I'll do I remember liking for a loss yeah me too anyways thank you so much everybody for watching please give a big subscribe to your favorite YouTube channel and then us yeah that's right there Jamie guys we'll see you next week I was gonna make that joke I was gonna make it too late Ah that's right I should bloody drink from the bloody bloody cup of the bloody Chrysler cup the thing and then you wouldn't be so stupid yeah maybe I don't think it does that but I I wish you could hope I would try yeah foreign
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 511,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: kxw8tPGNi2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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