INCREDIBLE GAMESENSE 😲 | Escape From Tarkov #50

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[Music] okay he's back into the rain do I go did we go dorms where we go do I go hot people that way clean maybe is the uh-1 IRL I know I haven't submitted so heavy topic now this is the way it's I don't know but it's heavy geez no wonder they stopped making it then everybody's into light [ __ ] nowadays right no I think they're making it gen2 of it shooting construction what's that got a lot of them for it yes okay she is I got pretty it is Oh better Oh Oh see see see see and pores are fun and just seem expensive they are expensive to lug that's what your money's for bend it mister well you just have money oh this is open already one open second hope I don't lose my head that scoffs I lit his ass up he's a tank jeez dude is he a regular scab yeah you have defender on boy nope just a [ __ ] kolpak thing dude Jesus Christ amigo I'm third boys on the third so much recoil I heard something shuffling I'm on third with you now open mind the door god damn it anything good mmm guns an HK an eval hmm pick this HK or this valour something whatever he gives one I guess weird why was that door open I've opened it probably you guys okay yeah yeah I'm sure are you jumping yeah jump yeah I guess a rolling to get there go hard list of the Romans scan oh my god you good yeah I'm okay just like to scams like came out of each other Oh super just don't like to shut doors dude nah another Bitcoin Wow nice help you take notes damn let's take though is that the UH oh you know what suppressor might like coolness hmm maybe the monster yeah yeah I knew you'd say that you think we think so alike there's so much in common I'm going to Yemen thanks a bunch of story many months ago actually would probably be pretty sick I need a teapot short and stout finish now Radek man quest ante for I actually don't know maybe ante for sorry good cuz it give you the recoil stats of the KC careful upstairs I'm upstairs okay that makes sense someone I didn't clear looting [ __ ] another clock yet out Oh most men you want to go get him god yes I'm checking this last safe one keep on keep on keep on keep on no I mean there's one last chance in this room hold on let me go to check it we got a check we can't leave it check this last one I don't think you can find him in filing cabinets right no I've never found them in there open man well [ __ ] you scared of me yeah this is the last chance nope all right come on trav let's go [ __ ] him up yep where are they construction sounds like he'll ice cream that sounds like an old gas gas yeah we're talking about somebody else all right yeah Mosin man did anyone check the blue container Yeager is open nope hey somebody when he was here I know construction I guess construction yeah well there's a scab finish turquoise bird nests huh nothing with Birdman no bird mess oh yeah you think I'll actually seem right you should be able to yeah well there's a dead man up here oh there another bridge you think I think he's on the other side or ease by the makeshift makeshift bridge yes let's go to new gas working what you here for him I should be coming to us right should be or I could go run to him look you gonna go run at him you think he's right side of the bridge that's what I think yeah let me go take a little peek almost positive that's where he is oh he's actually something more train tracks like that I don't want to go there surround that's far houses to mow zones but we're gonna your gas stations sure we'll see someone and also see a bird mask on one of those guys that's to be real we won't see bird mask we will you believe oh yeah this is the rayon oh I feel like they're gonna increase the spots in the next few days here for sure it's actually insane how rare it is feel like if anything you should be spawning on radius scab bosses yeah I wonder Raiders are a bridge overpass rain down on the on the left side I'm gonna do hide right side by the trucks you just ran it I doing this one love I don't see him those names where are you lien more oh I see you too okay yeah I thought I saw someone to the left there may have been another one but I definitely saw a guy here I don't where the [ __ ] you want he's not dead he was right up here I swear I hear him over there oh I just got shot in the head by a scab I like them I like them he's that short cut leg there's another one another one short cut you can kill him if you need to is he inside yeah he's inside okay I'm gonna push him no watching the door no he's running a left you have an innate - I don't want AIDS no more I'm going through he's dead I think okay this guy's that hurt hate it oh yeah someone needed them who did Jesus Christ did I kill this guy or did you help me clean I don't think I think you killed them didn't I sprayed out him yeah I'm gonna kill you that's why Sarge now that's that's fair sure it's a good call burton-esque I know once you bought it oh he had a CQ our stock isn't that for a gunsmith desk oh maybe that nade was insane I landed it right on him you're nuts Oh old guys I got one I'm happy about it where's the hose yeah yeah he's the hose man I'm coming thank you that guy almost killed me I like I talked so he would run away oh my god gas station he is a shoot house me yeah this m4 build sucks it's terrible yeah did you check it yeah it's already open it's like they looted this warehouse do crowd getting boosted what do you mean I'm holding my own this extracts up and we're gonna leave that stock is rare and expensive wait what's stuck checking the ager sashes for batteries wait was it are you guys on metal no nope bunker shoot anything not underground wonder if I heard you and it's gone the bunker how dude you looks actually hold on I need to get a screenshot of you're right there that looked really cool just I'm trying to not get in closer sounded like a little on metal right it could have been them I guess a little more right I think it was them actually I don't know how I don't know how it was love but I think it was the other way yeah more more more more or a little more little more yeah I have no idea how that was the lighting looks really cool Graham put them in for the Twitter live postman for the Twitter posts said my first archive photo shoot yeah only fans come back only Bears actually only Bears did oh I like that that's good I'm just gonna take this extract I guess how many more County kills you need tell you in a second oh that's here's somebody right next to me oh I've logged two people oh yeah okay clean that Nate I threw in the bushes how did it get did it kill one of those dudes oh my god was that when you guys were just bombing nades on that wall clean did you kill the guy that was running uh let me check my name let me check my name kills yeah I killed somebody with a need that Ridge what the [ __ ] I think I might have blew another dude up in the bush over there there's a team of five or it could have been yeah whose MPX is kind of working out MPX is fun this early really really fun because the laser we just need more MP 9 though the mp5 SD is a [ __ ] laser if you're on mag on that [ __ ] heavy a CF shot one before that thing's heavy it's like seven point five pounds for a 9 mil girl is it really that heavy yeah it's [ __ ] heavy dude weighs as much as an m16 well where do you think I should rush here for kills this way yeah yeah they spawn straight down the road I'm reading that I'm dead yeah I'm sick them charging right through the hole in the fence here old days there man damn it try to head her head prep of the gyro rubber the gyro purpose right stretch out come get it hold on hold on someone shoot it's like all that I'm going right leg think so hold on I'm behind I'm buying him a violation get him bro are you daddy daddy daddy did thank you yeah I need a grenade kills too huh me more NATO so I need six [ __ ] me alright I'm gonna go to the other side now I guess it's my up my arm thanks guys Horo SVD oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's red warehouse right in front of it somewhere dude okay okay I'm right I'm right behind the red warehouse [ __ ] push me that's fine that's fine it oh my god wonder if those buddy you guys around me yeah I'm outside of blue all right razor on here you know that m4 is sick I told you bro it's tasteful dude doesn't have great say it's got like 77 hour ago and like 63 recoil I just tap it oh we good told you that it's [ __ ] sick hey we're good I want to see this thing now is that the uh that's just the Raider one right it's the Raider one but with the longer hand garden does the sick point I think this is seven point five this is the 11 and a half guys the handguard and stuff I'm at the trains bridge a bridge train or whatever looking for people I'm gonna row go to dorms like this so that will go off II shooting in the dorms sounded about yeah SNB oh my god kinder where are you sure I just got shotgunned I don't even know from where I'm alive I just oh yeah there is rude oh I hear pistol players of dorms dude I gotta go get him a stamina man clean are you into suppressors at all oh yeah bro I just know I only have one I just I I would get more if they didn't take [ __ ] eight months to get my form for they'll cleared for my sound to harvester for in four months which is really low I want to get a 30 Cal suppressor mm-hmm not sure what to get all right all right oh just a brief game okay I need to kill him what am I good you didn't need to kill him oh thank Jesus via 30 Cal um honestly I'd recommend silence to come man they got the what's that one's called the acip yeah man I got I got the harvester [ __ ] I like that's a 30 Cal and it's it's really nice looking at that I've been looking at the dead air nomad and the Sandman obviously I've heard amazing things about the Sandman but uh what would you want it like a quick-detach are you trying to get a direct read on something yeah I don't really care about that oh he closed the door he's right here but I do you want to gunner whole lot already I'll get the Sandman then shoot through that what my friends have the Sandman they say really good things about it there's a guy in three story with me I don't know where I just know he's here my little get some keys like to say I'm probably gonna die don't say that bro there's so many bodies I'm second second right now I'm come on the floor right now okay I'm clearing sick oh you think I'm second i'm ii by the main stairs yeah i don't know where could be above maybe it sound like I've heard him I'm gonna clear up top hello shoots gun oh that him get him get him oh I got a real later I gotta reload this is awkward hold on hold on oh he's got some chunky okay how about a peak again alright beacon he's so low oh my god he's in the second room he threw Nate yeah is that maybe okay I'll be king HK what of Killa he's Jude hey yellow armor with like a pretty solid HK unlocks in my room be open mark ilds a cover glare anybody call up me our SAS p90 and a smoke I'm gonna take that RSS there's a horse yeah you go ask a bummer yeah that's a bummer Dinah wish i cud like he should feel bad honestly that's a bummer he had me a little bit maybe at m855 he did actually oh wait no not these mags he was kind of split I think oh my god this poor guy had no bullets some bags had eight five five I think he hit me with a five fives I think you just shoot you yeah bummer yeah whatever he's zero his Killa 25 out of 55 I shot him a lot like when I first beat I think I hit him like four times then I took four more when he was out in the open like that with his Nate out he just didn't go down but I guess there's kill armor so my search these days it's it like you only got like 33 pin on that ap 20 so it took a lot of fun you can leg meta people with it though yeah this [ __ ] stupid daily damage pretty good hey I got my last shore line kills I caught some dudes that were in the changing booths on the beach and they're just stuck in there - my god all right yep two guys on my abs are shooting in the legs okay another cat do you need another one good okay well I HK yeah use your phone horsey okay well let's cross to the story yeah rivers are lagging something fierce right huh Oh who's that sound I got toss maybe 2:16 pepper just doesn't look looted I also need one more teapot - if you happen to find one okay I find out in the safes downstairs yeah so I'm opening it up I'm in the filing cabinets someone's sprinting unless those loves me really really bad safes nothing good at all Rose my selita's low I need an extra man 7x trifecta thump well I got you oh yeah I mean the stomach one shot it's foliat he just hit me one time sounds like shot the construction okay you need circuit boards no no oh right in front of you I'm also the scab their scab like I was running that good gear and doesn't even bother getting decent bullets we probably didn't know probably hear of the game for Sipkins no clue you said a construction anything yeah [Music] oh that's a scab I'm just bleeding - yeah construction yeah Oh someone was shooting at the scab what the heck I think he's backed by the oil tank yeah yeah yeah that construction dead nice the rep you want more though let me see no I don't see any more let a PMC sure you came from the hole in the wall so careful for more oh yeah anything let's go Thanks on a roll I'm gonna drop in Ludo look up for me sure a cam yeah you just got a name cam if anyone wants to fill a brewery pool and I guess who needs yes Amiga me alright let's fall back I met I guess to find a scab at 40 grand in his pocket oh yeah I spawned with 50 so I'm curious what the number is the highest one that I could spawn with haven't seen more than 50k yeah god this rain could be so much cooler man disappointing there's teardrops on my face that's all it is if glasses on yeah eighty nine millimeter sucks where you guys that print we're coming to bridge I'm gonna be jumping over and going old yes well you can jump over from that oh you can't and remember I'm too lazy so I'm an open line where you can't jump the other way to give vine up skills you can also jump from this forklift I think I can do this right now let's crank that let's see it oh do you need a heist ride or that or don't think so but you up the sideways jump it if you have low strength so we're totally involving and climbing open oh my god yeah Mose and you get the one at the van yeah this one more round back yeah it's like behind that truck I think they all just hunt yes I don't know where he is but thank goodness no you check I think I got them all uh-huh still need respirators are you good I'm gonna need some of these to request respirators yeah well that I wear em to armor that's the one you wear to those so that's not a big deal they're really cheap monthly I think they're like 9k on fleas so I'll just buy him you know open yeah wait no I'm an old like I think you made the extract no yeah it's been checked the extracts over no checked we were you asking for the extract or whether or not it's been looted oh I guess okay well no to both well yes yes no yes he's confusing that's a confusing question poorly worded yeah how do like out text Jax here it is there's a dude chillin on the bus sneak break easy let's go hmm I thought the fire scabbit is the regular scotch Allen all right we're on our way out he owed you near hos yes yes he needs one too but I knew but I need one more for the question oh there's a quest oh no I don't know I don't have any dinner aid Oh sis get it clean well the one I the ones you craft are in rain right so I'll just make oka I'll make them it's okay yeah no beat me I'm not even on that quest yet so like it's better to go to you I don't know when you get it it's spot or parts - yeah it's one of the Peacekeeper ones all right three else progress in easy work of that and I have a kill armor for backup that's nice I need to stop hoarding on to this stuff I hate this helmet personally but I don't need the cat keep the maids still need those black rocks been crazy you guys want her on customs again drugs I'm down you need Rochelle as guards still right alright let's do it again will you anymore slugs though dude I need more ATP ammo running out I need new silly will don't give you enough to use Oh spot or I need it goes to kill seven scavs that's shoreline with a head shine yeah I'll do that later that one's annoying you could do that in a raid though you get kind of lucky on the spawns yeah you can for the quests already did it I'd want this game in VR but like really good you know not like bad like most of your games wait VR or be our VR we are I've never played anything VR so some of them can be fun but like I don't know it's just it's all to the developers most VR games are made by a couple people nobody really supports the projects so what would be your thoughts on you know they've been talking about arena mode in this yeah like some kind of small team-based objective game mode and Targa that'd be fun I'd be sick yeah I'd enjoy that assuming that armor ammo is limited like you couldn't just bring in order the [ __ ] you want I was thinking they get kind of a copy like csgo mechanics with the money where's this honey in the game they have a whole money system so you could buy like they get have limited trader options with like armor and guns and ammo and attachments and if it was like I don't know five be five ten v10 like a capture the flag kind of deal or so I honestly I can do if I can do three of you three son factory I'd do that all day that'd be cool but imagine there's some like case like terror group case on the map right and it's in like a few different locations that it can appear and you have to fight to capture it or something yeah let me dope I mean maze the arena mode is gonna be tied to a lot of the lore in the game and it won't be out until like he if he's close to being finished sadly they said it's gonna be like heavily like lore influenced and stuff and they're gonna have like exclusive maps for the arena mode and stuff well I am looking for PMC's I'm by the warehouse spawn or whatever where I always get my flash drives she's jumped over you jumped over yeah we jumped over the shortcut oh this guy boss that's right hey I'm just looking oh yes dude was that a PMC all right a killer level two of that I feel real bad bounce bounce it does count I just feel bad I was hope he has a friend that's also level two maybe he was a level 60 last night I was what he was running I highly doubt it Ash's higher people are fighting over here I gotta go gotta go gotta go sneaky you still need to chakra shrub two of them yeah I got one the little ones not the big ones oh my god can I finish it this raid no cuz I think I'm gonna die Oh God there's men near me I don't know way back uh no I don't know how many I just know someone's here's the dead scab about to find out yeah I don't know where these guys went actually a boss is here a scab boss is here scat boss is here go get him it's all you bro he needs them clean needs that man I killed her tolerate nice that's crazy and we did so many rains hold on I'm not done yet hold on it one more all right go ahead go ahead you can cut loose playing mark it to black rocks oh yeah I need the black rocks let's write out and raid lab code so for the door and blind far the [ __ ] out of Sharla here the works I just wish I could swap shoulders so I could do it on the other side cuz there's a cheeky thing you can do where you blind fire and you lean you can sidestep and clear an angle really nice I just need to be able to stop colder so you can do it on the other side I hear something outside outside you got it good yep let my guard down I'll shred this would have been an easy kill for you yeah I'm out here trying to find this guy but I don't know where he is no wait aren't these only one two three guards just one more just one more upstairs I think I know you killed them you just killed them there's a bunch of black rocks beep having to get armor anything Oh Carrasco the other one doesn't even have our right they didn't really have my gig that's some water though are they at the two-story or three story story almost there the b-team eggs ah oh really is btw will you sell it it's found in range oh oh just a self worth probably around 700 around pretty good I thought there's four guards that's small dorms I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in I'm just going in second story right now second story looks they're not four guards there are there's there's one here one here one there one of the room okay yeah well they all had black rocks you didn't even look this guy [ __ ] was that was that you shroud yeah I just blew someone's face off but a PMC huh Chuck nope is AI what the heck was this AI looking for that's construction duty for Nago percent let's go check mark room shred you have a guy in construction I say I was chasing somebody I just don't know this person went I'm coming over to you guys you're all of the guards at a Blackhawk construction I'm in first story should I take their black rock yes lunchbox hold the hold ona neck hole do you have one yet yeah okay hold my dick Chad do you have a lunch box here oh oh you got a lunch box yeah I have one I'm good thank you speakers on the front it's a [ __ ] event play should hmm crackers 800k all right is it you think I should try to work an extract here with the Black Rock well man this thing's heavy it's [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how much this thing weigh 30 15 kilos Jesus yeah [ __ ] it's 13 people yeah bro Jesus Christ it's heavy am its your black rocks they're shooting yeah I got a best I'm just checking safes you want your Shanker oh yeah yeah yeah I do I'll put it in the scalp under guard pocket over here which floor first floor okay oh Bitcoin rush o clock oh my god my girl don't I need a clock for something I don't know no again they trade for reapers reap IRS did you get him dude yes when I hear the sound of this gun sure like I made the mini-fridge alright - shut up I think it actively cools the food ah there's an you put it in the pockets or the bag I'll go over here oh I don't know there's like a good man here okay just chilling okay let's go so thick I've only strength leveled at an appropriate rate that's so Milligan the ground like nose-diving in the ground this is my hidden ninja gaiden Technic yeah half of your body your entire torso is just in the ground your legs were kicking straight up there no hippie extract baby slow whatever the next patch is gonna come out I know it's only been like a week but that's gonna be the customs expansion yeah yeah school overhaul customs expansion vector new bullpup the Celtic rifles and stuff and you scab Boston shoreline I think scab boss - yes yeah boss control insanity doctor yeah vector in the kel-tec Bullpups we need to get some vector gameplay and when that comes out yeah dude for sure I just hope they add like an AP round 4:45 give me that rip panel okay be better have like 20 recoil and we're using AP 20 that guns gonna be nuts yeah I actually think it's gonna be really good after seeing the rip ammo for the 90 little uns kind of [ __ ] why new is gonna be [ __ ] just mag capacity alone yeah [ __ ] that balloon man to lose best handgun amazement Lanting limber 45 ACP scaffolding going down we're just extracting yeah great handgun just not it's not modern at least got a 2011 before yes sti's yeah oh my god I love SDI is this somethin there you know 100 expensive he's trying to hook me up with them right now hey my buddy uh Eli he works for a black rifle coffee he's sponsored by them [ __ ] he's like two of them and I've shot them and they're [ __ ] awesome they're carry guns actually super nice two chambered in 9mm those guys no no 2011 is a 20th century 1911 double stacked in nine-millimeter so it has like a 20-round escape from tarkov raid episode 4 I'm sure it's delayed with kovat and stuff kovat is kovat stuff a lot [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 17,111
Rating: 4.661972 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, TARKOV, ESCAPE FROM TARKOV
Id: uN_6nZYqlqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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