HE HAS THE BEST AIM EVER 😱 | Valorant #29

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[Music] when you said you want the smoke you want it where the breakable walls are large enough oh wait we're attacking oh [ __ ] everybody nevermind nevermind nevermind okay new strategy okay tell me to smoke me mid and each byte short or the same we can do vice versa I could smoke short you guys could take that fight on ping yeah I'll I'll study I'll stunt cat Sunday I'll spend the cookie my flash goes to cover you from here to med connector outside still love gonna walk be yeah don't weak right side right side no nice take that take that take it the other term in here swinging I [ __ ] whip so hard holy [ __ ] dude his smoke is so confusing down bad by coming my brain doesn't I can't wrap my head around it he's one [ __ ] [ __ ] I have the flank the left and the right click and the E and then they are it's gonna take me it's gonna take me live one there it's really gonna take me like 10 games - if you like not Luud Lee smoke that character goosh HP I'm secure with the wall I'm a fashion there damn you can over heel on pistol oh yeah that's like that's why getting armors not even maybe that good yeah you just get up like a good gun I buy a sheriff dude Wendy get one kill and then yeah over here rocket pop you know I stun those guys two guys on cubby right there I think that's actually pretty good we can take care of here from this I get bonus thing is there amid yeah okay have you pushing me Cynthia on the radar they're stacking something I'm sure I can [ __ ] all right he's really pushing right and left side mid pressing heaven Jesus too bad they have bomb they don't they don't know they have bomb but my package these two are low or no sorry I mean one was looking it's a bulldog mid summer if I can get it that'd be nice and broke spicy food oh you're here you like it uh-huh okay hate this again call you my fast peek this down wonder if i TP across and you jiggle and then we double peak now maybe keep your it across yeah yeah yeah the same same one the copy rate okay I'm there any good he's mid team into the camera okay one cat one mid one cat cat zomb is mid fighting mood what's so maybe he's playing back say Sam yeah cameras right here I can flash if you wanted to peek mid Scott I'll give you cal shut access gotta [ __ ] with them yeah he could be closer here there's fights you towards a right I really should split be go through connector maybe you mean a memo cotton washes for this smoke Center citing above okay nice I can't be in smoke soured smoke yeah yeah yeah I don't want that the good ball good they broke it though right both 47 I do have a flash but yeah I smoked it they're scared to come up oh my god my bad I tried I tried to flash before I didn't think they dropped that fast my bad I could've trade it like right up with you crazy using all my spills underneath yeah that's what I was doing sometimes you do too much when you don't have to just like walk be they might like push middle okay yeah just go towards me I would trap it I'll deny them info mid maybe yeah that's fine I think they're gonna push off k I think was just walking to be I smoked mid okay yes I'm intimate 3:30 oh my goodness they have one gun one handsome I have a camera I can wash gonna I'm gonna flash when you see one you can you could be good at it yeah once one you flash the [ __ ] out of your teammate we're all coming out the a let me drop let me drop cause have max money take me that make some money with my time oh I'm gonna put pressure on this guy like you've never gets aggressive though cyphers displaying there's just playing back yeah there's just one ear better off pika yeah it's like tripping here hey smoke I thought it this one might say to one more close okay he's left me left me left me right there that's uh something I advise what my was hair stage one more one more towards I Reina was a Reina was a Trigon peak offshore must've up short that's fun okay what I did just known real quick is it I guess nobody really knows this map very well so it's pretty easy to make individual plays hobbies I don't know this map there broke match go by like the way it's designed I love it sorry was saying it it reminds him of like dust - yeah I agree dot off in the corner he's not off in here other broke so I think what's fishy care and pushing beer or [ __ ] around there I got the orbiter yeah they're gonna be stacked on this bomb yeah my trying try and flank him that's where if the breach all day it's worth to debride Joe history starts here I'm gonna flank them um CT spawn they shut the door huh yep I can't ran they're so ridiculous Oh on a flash I'm [ __ ] up like of my first fight in that halls area trying to breach hole into a bud get close I'm just like all fire burn them I'm kind of tempted I'm a my my teepee glass you like you can like [ __ ] around like and or like do your smokes yeah and then just like tequila I'll push them off here on there it took bid so what they're one sec minis if he's walking he got full control of beat you got full control B we got to do it faster shoe multisite rafters is clear I'm glass yo - two - one more one more cider let's go plant so you can wrestle one okay Lasky okay let's hi bro oh yeah that's clean watch out for the rainbow flash mother pistols here Muslim cookie she likes the flash Raina goes here did that bet be game once there oh yeah it fast made fast mid but not fast but there are cats under outside Medlock I think once closed luck should repeat this I could yeah ghost left now you spoke to it it's closely told I'm leaving be trap cat can't walk Danny on let me please ITP it in sight one dead site once rafters I'm gonna smoke it oh wait yep one more short one short okay one more that damn Chaz kind of pops hopped around a damn high okay we should try it like split the I go through connector like through their own MIT if we can get like a smoke yeah sound plays really cool zoms plays really close like he lightly like over there they my top pick mid just wait I'm gonna smoke it first I'll put a camera out there he's less hot and he's in ok might be pushing he might be pushing through the smoke there you can't really smoke this fully off like yeah we could see from the side I can flashes you think they're there yeah might be up he might be close to us yeah I'm gonna dominate it he was deep sorry I'm smoking your spawn washer GP in back of me Omar Omar I meant back beside by the door going to alright now going to her t r8 t right Scott yeah it was arms oh oh Sean that fun that I smoking three-way can't get through that no my paid him oh I can't double P Fuyu come through Easter 70 years I look a beagle me oh my I hit up when he said 78 I knew I hit him through the smoke once he was 1 hp oh yeah oh yeah he had no chance today to is gonna come to yeah the Vandals so strong now they fixed the they fix it up a lot spring at least they highlight the meta change from like phantom all are just straight ban yeah hey reg feels better so it makes it feel nicer for sure findell he another one BB are they just smoked us off in mid give it became anything them I think oh I shouldn't have done what I did I was feeling myself dude one cat one I'll buy him okay you're right the turret they're close to up catalyst so I'm guys one guy you didn't know what the do dude he'll do you use your you shoot up you had so many options right there he was just trying to do set smokes educators probably dropping off I'm surprised they haven't been offered I can i can put the camera up and see if he's off and like the little corner oh yeah nothing as we smoked at every room I'm not smoking short I'm smoking mid and then I'm gonna TP across and get a short hang oh never mind they won't like hammer I hit one there push they have it they have it for a posh mad bro that was insane it was a good timing I peaked with it they looked up I peed killed them I broke I got guns some they aggress anywhere I'm gonna hold behind them on a flash it hey I think he said that I think he's like farting tomorrow push through they came back thinking Beckham didn't see boom they came back be nice shot got full control that I thought they're gonna fully lock up another gonna fully take gonna walk up men all the cars let's go be [ __ ] this correspond to be cities want to be sure let me all entry somewhere I couldn't cheer yeah well and besides if herbicide on yes sure heaven heaven kill them then watching Oh No yeah I'm surprised you didn't go across what that you would have made it right if you went to the left side and then you guys double Peaks maybe yeah probably with Reina that suck they had an op there was no there was like no trade potential it'd be nice get some reps on D I'm down actually uptown yeah do it can't wait oh wait no it's not on cheats are not on between the play I have a camera of a man first I go on the left actually all they smoked it off odd meat side lot be sick nothing nothing bed Oh was a warp on middle everyone all four of us oh yeah ones like below you coming on or you are all low and Tyler a man once Bobby main main one I slowed him they're stuck half lashes everybody had the same they're running it to say question once you rested oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh yeah a way to to close main like like two shots oh just one more you didn't push that smoke yeah yeah I gave students and flash too so it's like we were right about to mid and cat I'll flash get close don't cross him it's my apartment Wow nice 10 mins oh right I'll flash MIT I like 28 already watching I'll [ __ ] my bad yep wanted to write and do you want to trap an A and if so we're just like right here yeah cuz then I could play cat with him confidently hip this cute but you Tyler's definitely gonna need help though playing that alone no heavy trip they're not they met again the default email again ones long either you know one's walking through the smoke Tyler yeah we're mid yeah what's that bit more closed or closed down yeah I'm meeting you updating [ __ ] a gun out probably to cat man you should have had his gun out we would have [ __ ] to own those guys hey give small orbs [Music] it might just like they know we're going and awesome damn I just walking to thee and they wish to stack towards me here I'm just gonna rock out okay stop me actually trip here to there's a trip here I gets done this one more cat one there do that you there Chaz's hundred rayna's gonna catalyst brain is fifty it can become V think ones in the market and then boy I almost flicked through his [ __ ] head bro holy [ __ ] if he missed that first shot there was a chance well I'm gonna okay I wasn't off mid but yeah she smoked that they always smoke it they always look good they don't they slow cat from the right side no I'm already jump on the Box cuz I'm too didn't get me there tell me when you have the right side of it Danny oh I just yes I'm gonna take a walk okay okay take omit just wanna aim it put a camera outside be that one who's so obvious I'm back man you can lean I'm following back to mid brain else I'd be closed oh my gosh you two got up you can let him beat you guys no one there to say what still to be main for sure I'm going mid you know we have enough I had min one min in got my man let's play quick ham he's gonna beat their bona fide this mad guy I know that might've seemed like a waste but Mike did he like says on tap over there then like walking destroyed mine yeah I do I knew he was gonna walk through your trap so yeah he just like he threw a cage and then I threw Smith and you can keep tracing seen the alt was more so like they were scared they have no idea understand they have no idea what look like I went that was kind of they let me jump on your head oh my god this is beautiful watch watch it's about this oh my god you can see on one right side man y'all forget it you can see right above it yeah won't walking up cat right now walking up cat suit that catwalk at low I have your cat push do it to it [ __ ] I tried to beating him to it I shouldn't have tried that you can let it come won't resume why is it so loud it literally gets louder every single time I hear it mm-hmm [ __ ] ridiculous why Scott not streaming I actually don't know he just doesn't feel like it I guess ask them I was like you gonna stream today after your big announcement and all he's like hey I don't know lastly oh whatever [ __ ] it okay man doesn't want a straight man's on the stream right [ __ ] it obsessive it's not like he it's not like he has to smell like he has to like walk in you know it's not like yes they hit a quota of hours per month put pressure who come first then come back like to myself do you fool yeah it should show some presence I hear your teepees understand throw so I think they just tried they just got showers control sage is that long to to guard is too long long raise right I might walk out if there's no contact I smoked your garden ooh - under you Omar Omar oh yeah there's three octagon there's a wire there Tyler careful flashing this guy and push a gun blink cost you back sight funny funny DB shower TP funny stalling you're a fighter yeah yeah but it - but one shower TP be sure to see sure I'll find a default are you kidding me oh he's 78 looked at you and then he must know the I didn't want to expose as much as myself as I did yeah I didn't want to expose as much of myself as I did but I wanted him to get off and then i TP across you know you jiggle boom yeah like oh my god I was interesting oh my god I was wanting to do all that he's on the right here careful I could have been push or short push it I can all go back home they threw at me miss my little cubby you dropped over once pushing me fun my side so this age I see now you see me free fire that [ __ ] dude uh so basically the reason why I like I felt that he was there is because rays pushed raised it at flesh alone there's no way you push alone unless you're an idiot so I knew that he had to be close right the wire wasn't broken so I flashed and left the hubby in the right so I could swing and pre-fire the cubby on the right but he had a shorty ha he could be a puka say he has a phantom made through that [ __ ] I can 1 hp Wow Wow can't believe that worked [Music] anyone drop maybe Tyler I'll take care of some G yeah he turns me so we might be able to just straight effects I think we should be let's keep applying this hookah pressure you jump into the left ear those cleared Carter first I'm making a big distraction here and then I'll TP do you guys elbow on the box in the box at what elbow elbow elbow push I'm back off I'll get the bum I'll get it of course he pees one big pond you drop a bomb Mike handle another state I was smoking five I'll race much lon okay now show spree firing elbow maybe yeah jumping which can really clear that or even your your Roomba I think I could start up Kernersville hey flash man my dad with you stop sorry top site takes long yeah we're not gonna go hookah smoke deep spawn washes ready they're flanking Mike yeah check your camp lifer might be long might be long dude I'm spotting it Mike if you want to get all the hair him mmm that's a couple volts we got a bait out that brim Oh did anyone buy that round said I'm max money I could buy you you sell Thanks if we like smoke heaven you probably swallowed a implant I didn't only plane to there they're finally taking showers control for me [Music] you might be through concern them they fell back a walk back long hmm maybe he's done yep stuff to figure I do I do okay yeah hold hold you brought up a table he might he might be getting us a one's a cam there push men am d mid I think you just walled them you kill him Tyler you can present egress right he's pushing him see how they're both there sounds like confusing around with that push later point 3p yeah they are at the story she's insane Lashley honestly just like [Applause] I'm rushing back side back side back side watching a PC nah you know you all you all you all you all being spun that's crazy you get read in front of you all there's test crazy dude you [ __ ] walled me through that [Music] you get them rolling off the bomb hold them up Oh Mia dude you should've seen how he killed me he shot me through the whole default box shut up yeah 492 oh yeah here take your out back you want to do Doman is so what okay now a breach Martin I'm sick Mike quick alt somewhere if they push their to top garden to their to their spawning load is row five just you up there almost ICP elbow oh yeah can i push to an elbow right now I'm in sight needs a boost over the world I didn't even say anything cuz I was like well you're you're ready for cuz you're this out of the box from okay a little earthquake to see this know where you just walk into a with Danny's up or just I'm I'm I'm gonna rush ahead they don't have anyone to stop me and you like playing cubby shower side they have enough for a better thing you are that could be hours probably recovery side top if you set up a PC No well I thought he would take front and I'd take bag three either way I had to get out of there an aide was gonna [ __ ] me up what if flank there's something I feel like it once he got that kill we all tp'ed there might be no jars he flushed londres hold showers thing is hopping it oh I got he was off the shower you can maybe be flashed like a posh nosh hours yeah yeah yeah days on there what I just accidentally jumped over that oh I seen it right I didn't know where it was over at their money [ __ ] now they're gonna probably do some crazy [ __ ] now for short push yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna slow short and then come back to share your phone they're gonna go there their money stuff they don't have opps try to pay myself I just peek yeah peek together with her going on the left I'll shoot he's not you ever game cyber caveman who'd be slow yeah I can't flush them uh don't do it it's clear poly that's right peak the oil arm okay I got you I can slow these jumps but I use jump spotting oh yeah try and kill me dukey's don't spotting default he's done you stopped for us - sorry ready go let's just hit be out with you guys - yeah I smoke spawn washing now maybe one more out of TP right away he's behind my wall he's he on my wall with the dead we should share what your true any other oh you okay yeah yeah yeah swing your left I was a good call of him being under window did he use this like the ability to get there or something just walk across I don't know there they bought that round so oh yeah they're real broke now oh [ __ ] I don't know are you good B chops good to see short you're saving and save one more save u-haul u-haul well not one guard I wanna roll I could spend garden fudge - put you Hardy stunning you where's it going boys I died for the train hit on sheet the truth like I pretty much did that to just expose myself and TP the to like bond I jumped right to expose myself cuz if he's right he'll shoot me my teammate will trade so I jumped right tp'ed left so that if he's right he's gonna shoot me if I TP and he shoots me either way I want him to shoot me and I die cuz someone's gonna kill him that's kind of what I did I was my goal there I got and then if you wasn't there then my TP would have been sick because I would have been in a goose bump you know so it didn't really matter it's just like a wrist a shower I'll hold from the back and then smoke up front goodbye extra value or whatever well took my gun I know it's good mind in the world and already they just don't say what everybody okay heaven so don't hand me guys what happened oh my god excite trip oh wow I'd escalated quickly surprising to just spam you like yeah that rate up that rate of wire yeah that right a fire would have melted you through that box yeah maybe he was low bullets they didn't reload I don't know shoot a couple of warning shots you know yeah please I never no one could like snap to the head and that's it no you're there he's just not a one point six player that's all true true source player aggressive short a yummy to smoke any side Kapaa sure I could stone they go go on the other side like mother boxes alright mushy dr. garner a lot octagon a lot that's funny 3:33 posture your left side [Music] market to market the game that we're gonna make it see it's me guys long or what a [ __ ] show I don't know what the [ __ ] to do their sketch bye-bye for sure bang Savin oh dude it's like a ghost like a specter armor strap all right dress you can turn it to my hope old Stein out one just beat ya sons Rudy oh snap Kobe yeah we're gonna win ya watching see what you more morning you all the heat TP dude if identify this vector right there I might have been able to get three I mean I have full control oh yeah full control that's fine default where's other guy my shower side you [ __ ] it through that's okay I'm default you could spam a me and ie it's definitely I hate him from 44 what okay that's me that's me that's me food was going for the gold and got last place that's okay what gun did you have Bulldog okay he just wants to get a couple more rounds in you know don't want the game to end the content shower yeah it's hard when I said chars legislature Bashara yeah we gets back to our same price right I can't really far from anything else that's fine all right eight to be only one still here one still here yeah swing in no way dude at once yeah every flash point I'll make sounds just [ __ ] swing about this [ __ ] you're just planning get some speed dude Oh Oh wanna be one jump time to then you can food oh you're playing with them Golan man gave me the confidence to jump over it I met your trap dude sorry Carl that's a weird guy calling food Yomi to assist sage with smokes you need anything rod hey you come here so let's do this do this play go for the or we're here come on come get the orb yep if they trip I stun Oh they won't say break it down break it down Thank You Bubba shrug one you ho oh my god Eddie no they look like an a-hole they're like right now probably want showers after that yeah showers up for that Molly oh my god he was probably he was probably right here he was hiding so far back he was definitely hiding on Ping and that little nut well played but I think we should just see and play again Carl I think he's gonna go for the world he's been doing it every single round but you have your wide spine Bosh ready he throws his boom bought out his clothes goes go blow them up if I killed him I would've if we should get satchel there dude nice she all speaking the corner you ever as want to attempt it 140 HP across the right no way yeah you got it relax rod we got it done [ __ ] made a step and a question for you guys you guys think this game's easier or harder than Cisco what harder you're lying I think it's harder and the more brainpower you gotta like coordinate your stuff better because not everyone has everything it requires a lot more team player that will just with this like ability wide swing back say it move the Alton yeah we should we should let them break this I'm gonna play right I'm ready camera ready so he's a men's though yeah two drops in there anyway good honey could be done we're not rotating I can altro to it if we need it okay Maurice about this Tyler help the veil did I open mom I'm so short Jeff do you like those shaft Danny no he's running murdered take the knife Oh No where did anyone it [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 30,240
Rating: 4.6494026 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Id: aAOynaaDQzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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