In Warhammer 40k, even schools are terrifying | Warhammer parody

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one time a group a full year a whole year rose up against the dictates of their masters because their mindscaping chemicals didn't work properly and the abbott prime ordered the officio perfectus which is the commissars to crush the rebellion while the cadets were still alive they were they were covered and buried alive with cement mix and mortar oh my gosh and they were and they were used to line the walls of the scola with their with their bones jutting out grasping for freedom and they now line like the locker rooms with these like carbonite looking [ __ ] oh my god as a warning of a consequence for insubordination this is the worst anime high school thing ever even the schools in 40k want to kill you yup they sure do and then just you know throw your body on display as a warning because hey don't don't [ __ ] up you sit down you you pray your prayers you reload your last good on time you drink your your no forget me juice you forget me juice drink your juice you know do drink your juice do your prayers and don't get put into the wall i feel like this could very easily turn into a hulk hogan meme where it's like you know his whole thing was say your prayers eat your vitamins and hey brother get get sugar get your forgive me juice it's good it gets big bones hell yeah brother reaches 22 inch pythons brother although i'm giving you a three minutes freak show three minutes of play playtime brother bone saw is ready that's the macho man i'm giving you three minutes to do what i say or you're going in the wall brother this sunday at wrestlemania you're going in the wall if you don't say your prayers brother i'm giving you 10 seconds to drink your forget me juice or i'm taking your spine hanging it above my mantle macho macho man commissar or savage i'm gonna take your spine out of your neck and i'm gonna snap it like a slim jig oh little jimmy here's a bolt pistol shoot your friend in the head oh yeah you want to become a commissar don't you oh yeah you're not cutting this episode you can't cut this gold brother gold oh we don't need gold where we're going because we're going to the scola your parents are dead kids
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 397,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore
Id: 2xkyxITBOjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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