In-N-Out Burger VS. Shake Shack! BEST Fast Food Burger in America

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[Music] hey what's up guys let me just step up here it's a chilly day you know last several years I've been moving around a lot from New York I moved to the Bay Area then back here so a lot of the East Coast West Coast travel and I've been eating of course along the way and I had to say when it comes to soup dumplings New York is the best but when it comes to Vietnamese food or Korean barbecue you gotta give it to SoCal and at least in my opinion is pretty clear-cut but there is one debate that is pretty intense especially if you love burgers Shake Shack and in and out you know of course I've been to both places before but I never could really compare them that well because it's not like I've ever made a Shake Shack and then it flew directly to the west coast now until now so that's exactly what I'm gonna do in this video I'm at the Shake Shack here in Battery Park City my favorite Shake Shack because I love this area I used to run around here and slide the river it's beautiful yeah I'm gonna try all the burgers on the Shake Shack menu then we're gonna go have some in and out oh that's so cold I suppose be like 80 degrees this week but I'm excited because I know there's a burger in there that's gonna warm me up show ya so Shake Shack has five beef burgers and a chicken burger and bunch of hot dogs the one burger that's gonna warm me up I'm really excited about is the Smoke Shack and that thing has a kick to it but today we're gonna get them all could I get a Shack burger they smoked Shack ashume burger a shack stack you know actually can I get a double smoke status ever national champion does should I get a chicken shack it's always my train to walk out of a burger players just a trayful burgers every burger on the menu this is a smokestack banking all that beautiful sweet and spicy red peppers 2p patties melty cheese this is a shroom burger so on top of the shroom there's a big patty Shake Shack burger let's Shake Shack sauce lettuce tomatoes this is a chicken burger brand new piece of fried chicken some lettuce so so excited to be surrounded by burger loves of the world these burgers they're so unique let me tell you why first of all the patties are just insanely awesome I mean there's such quality beef patties and let me show you this this little connective thing on the bottom of the burger so nothing ever Falls up I call it a burger diaper and this from a juicy burger at the end is the most incredible buy because the Jews would have soaked into the bottom in a burger diaper catches all that loyal and shoes first thing I want to do is start with a mushroom burger this is a vegetarian burger they literally fry up a portobello mushroom with cheese oh look at it you guys see that melty cheese that juices running that's don't worry leathery one that's all being covered that burger diaper this is one a few veggie burgers in the world I just love so much the beauty about this burger is that that's such a nice crunch on the outside of the mushroom and it's so juicy like so incredibly juicy I mean this might be better than meat to me I just said that and usually it's just a mushroom and um burger it's not right at all which is fine I love mushrooms but this with that crunch which contrasts the beautiful tender piece of mushroom on the inside and that just massive crown of cheese oh by the way love these brushes you should always nice and crispy too I honestly think Shake Shack fries please probably my favorite burger rice maybe it reminds me of the fries I used to get in elementary school but I love it I love the price now if you're not into something purely veg there's an option for you and it's actually my favorite burger here well second favorite burger this is a shake stack there's a mushroom burger with a beef patty is the best of both worlds it's so beautiful if there's a magazine about burgers this should be on the cover like every single one it's ridiculously thick you guys can see it a nice beautiful beef patty again you like full crunch on the outside of the mushroom and just watch the cheesy waterfall there do not skimp on the cheese it's coming Oh juicy cheesy crunchy beefy that's like everything you wanted a burger Shake Shack gotta get a shake this is a marshmallow shake no wonder they call it concrete fire stick the regular Shack burger I mean you don't want to think painting if you don't want any mushrooms because you're not a fun guy to get the Shack burger I mean it's a simple beef patty lettuce tomatoes cheese you're really just tasting that quality beef patty and then put in here I love the way they grill this because they always make a little chart on the outside nice Shack sauce juicy patty or just a really quality burger now let's try the chicken sandwich they actually have about grilled chicken work fried chicken and you could give this with barbecue sauce but I just got the regular one there's a nice big piece of chicken this is okay I mean as a tasty chicken sandwich the chicken patty has great flavor throughout it's not the juiciest thing it's a little bit on the dry side but the flavor is good I like the crunch from the batter and the pickles but probably not one of my favorite burgers in Shake Shack last burger and this is my favorite this is the smokestack I mean this thing is loaded baked and beautiful spicy sweet peppers geez double the patty please this thing is just a burger monstrosity here it's like the Godzilla upper this is a burger no other burger wants to run into in a dark alley because if they do next morning they find a puddle of ketchup ain't nothing wrong with that bike look at that juicy burger patty I love the smokiness from the bacon well I like most about this burger besides just the immense peachy flavor of it I love the pepper because it actually brings some heat it's a little sweet little sour and definitely spicy I just got some country bits of bacon and I love it because not only does it bring a textual contrast to the burger the spicy peppers also cuts into the beef and the cheese and the fat and the bacon and it just highlights the awesome beefiness of the burger itself this in the shrimp burger my all-time favorites here honestly I think if they add these little peppers to the shrimp burger that would just be insane because a shrimp burger it's so great but it's incredibly cheesy and fatty so I think with some of these little peppers it would elevate it a lot the thing is so cheesy it's favorite movies are rom-coms just like me so son mom have you lived in New York for a long time I've been to Shake Shack quite a few times I absolutely loved a burger sure I think the buns itself is also sort of an unsung hero I mean it has that beautiful burger diaper which I think all burgers should because nobody likes a leaky burger it's also so incredibly buttery I mean I think that's one one shriek - how good Shake Shack burgers are because they they you really butter these things up the only thing I don't like about Shake Shack yes there are things I don't like is how expensive the burgers are just a normal Shack burger is like 570 with tags that's like 650 for a small burger and that's not gonna fill you up so you could have Lincoln I need at least two of them you get a shack stacks over $10 for I mean it so it's a good size burger at that point but it's still like that's that's a pricey burger so in conclusion you love the burgers Jim slightly pricey also I think what's really great about these burgers the beef patties yourself I mean these are really quality beef patties you can tell their quality with every by me because you're gonna get that magnificent beefy taste and like I mentioned before this place does not skimp on cheese so you're gonna end up with a delicious beefy really cheesy very buttery burger and I feel like that's what makes Shake Shack awesome and of course these fries love these fries all right I'm gonna finish this up finish my fries wish you know what it's cold but it's too pushy so not the greatest but not the worst anyway I'm gonna finish this in Tim let's go to SoCal get out of this dreary weather [Music] hey so this is a big change it's about a hundred degrees outside literally I'm adding in-n-out burger in Palm Springs California no I know a lot of you guys gonna bring up that there are shake Shack's in SoCal so I could have just reviewed both places here I thought it'd just be a fun experience you know eating a Shake Shack we're originated in New York and then coming to the west coast for something in out burger by the way it's really not fair you guys in California you get Shake Shack and you get in and out and we only get one what's up with that but anyway it's hot and I really need some breakfast so let's go get a burger or or maybe several burgers burger for breakfast I tell you as is the greatest feeling a few notable differences between an hour burger and Shake Shack right away it's the fact that the Mii news seems simpler at in and out but really the main you here in and out is it's super extensive of course I think everybody knows about the secret menu and for example I got two double-doubles one mustard grilled where they grilled the mustard onto the beef patties and the other one I got animal style and of course I opted for the animal fries because come on any time a food item has to work animal in there I'm in this is typically what I get at in-n-out burger and sometimes like if I'm really hungry I'll go for three double-doubles one time I did five but I do have a Venetian lunch coming so I'm just gonna offer this another thing I really love about this place is that they give me these really spicy peppers which it goes absolutely perfect with these burgers and actually I feel like it helps you eat more burgers because it balances out all that savoriness cheesiness fattiness of the burger so well that's why I got like nine of them and i'ma have to go back for more so um let's get started first thing I want to do is take a bite into my mustard grilled burger the buns I love in-and-out burger buns this thing it just buttered and toasted to perfection and every layer of patty inside can see the cheese and again mustard has grilled into these patties as well fresh lettuce tomatoes pickles I can't even handle this anymore whenever I fight into one of these that's when I truly know I'm in California or Phoenix I'm out west most bunged oh my god hey oh my god I need another fight to wake myself up I cannot believe this is like a burger from a chain restaurant mmm all that flavor juicers blowing everywhere I think a few words I would describe this burger after one bite is beefy fresh and buttery I mean I cannot say enough great things about this burger bun but it's so toasty and crunchy there's so much butter on that that's like the essence of these buns right here like complete butter buns and I love that everybody take it's almost like a really light burger because it's refreshing well the extremely crispy lettuce and tomatoes and pickles and just sitting on top of some radish and dressing it's a unique experience biting into it in an Out Burger beautifully beefy sluttin each guard patty goodness like your taste buds are being splashed by the slightly sweet mist it refreshes it and it's ready for another bite have a strategy when this burger tripping I hold it over the other burger this way it causes the threat so you don't want to waste a clip the drip is valuable I love chicken a bite of the burger and then taking a bite that's like the guinea on the gray mcdreamy of food right there I love how this thing has such a huge kick to it over one darn I'm so good I didn't want it to end luckily that's why I always get two burgers at least now let's talk a little bit about the fries in and out feel like the price is one thing that Shake Shack that's so much better I loved in eating out soft but the front row thrive my Shake Shack I absolutely adore the pressure it's good it's okay we've got a nice fresh potato flavor but it does get soggy really quickly second burger animal style now if you don't know what animal style is it's this extra sauce you see here with the chop grilled onions mixed in with your cheese can I gives your burgers and fries and extra I don't know HD Flair a little more but it does make it a fries and burgers more aromatic makes the flavors deeper so you got a go animal style when I first came to in and out order in a most a burger I thought this thing was going to actually bite me what's it kind of did put this beautiful flavor there's my favorite type of brokering any now ridiculous okay huge beefy flavor the animal style sauce I could dump that over anything and I just gotta shape I mean the buns Bravo I love that fantastic buttery crunchy every single bite is it said that these buns are better than mine it's like the perfect roll lock to just a magnificent burger symphony happiness beyond words right now wish I can say the same about my fries which has turned into like a clump again I think in a massage on Shake Shack rice best of both worlds burgers done you know I I can't I can't let that be the end this thing is so good it deserves an encore one more freshly cooked double-double animal style but this time as for chopped pepper inside and I think this one is a lot fresher than the other two they gave me I don't know maybe the other two burgers are waiting for the fries but that's why you see how juicy this thing is oh my gosh I cannot wait this encore might be better than the initial burger Symphony I mean just look at this beautifully crispy buns nice charred burger oh yes I hate this word but become moist attics know that pickle even looks so put your perfect please better than the first two burgers no no why first two burgers was not especially cookers this one maybe because it's um I just word a burger nothing else this burger you can see chopped pepper on the inside so you don't want to risk a pepper spring your whole face okay that beautifully juicy beef my punished toque telling me those were such a good decision I mean you know what they say right one good burger deserves another or was it turn no I was burger pretty sure was burger one good burger dessert that sounds right oh god loves that crispy fun cheese buns on in-n-out burgers are better than any sports model in the world hook it up it's true I don't even care about lunch anymore [Music] so let's talk about these two burger places course I can hear like I said already I love the fries way more at Shake Shack I think actually Shake Shack fries it might be one of my favorite fries at any burger joint when it comes to buns I loved a diaper bun concept as Shake Shack by I gotta admit the crispy buttery buns it in and out it's out of this world I also feel that in-n-out burger is a lighter burger I think maybe it's because of the crispy lettuce the really fresh tomatoes the crispy or pickles it feels lighter in my stomach than a Shake Shack burger when it comes to the pure flavor of the patties at least for me I like shake Shack's more to me is a more flavorful burger and I think comparing both of these places my favorite burger what have to be the mushroom burger at Shake Shack the mushroom and the cheese and the crispy and the crunchy outer shell that's my favorite burger out of both places but here's the thing the burgers and fries and in and out it's so much more economical than Shake Shack where Five Guys more any other burger joint out there it's borderline insanity I mean a hamburger here cause like two dollars a double-double that I just got is four dollars so a freshly cooked double-double here cost less than a Big Mac why is anybody still go to McDonald's in California IIIi don't understand of course this is just a personal opinion and you guys can feel free to disagree just purely based on cravings I crave Shake Shack more than in it now I don't know if that's because I'm from New York maybe it's the star Jake maybe it's that beautiful mushroom burger that I see in my dreams every single night maybe it's the fries I don't know but I do crave Shake Shack a lot but with that said I don't think you can get a burger at this price point anywhere as good as an in-and-out and I don't think this Bay will ever have a winner so let me know what you guys think in the comments below are you teaming it now or are you team Shake Shack alright thank you all so much for watching this video and that's how we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 3,628,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shake shack, in n out, burger, fast food, fast food burger, american food, american burger, best burger, shake shack bs in n out, american, america, new york, nyc, foodie, west coat, beef, fries, deep fry, bacon, cheeseburger, cheese, usa burger, restaurant tour, la food, las angeles, san francisco, french fries, secret menu, shake shack secret menu, secret menu item, chicken burger
Id: DydqVEuuuaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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