Tapas Tour & OLDEST RESTAURANT in The WORLD in Madrid Spain

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[Music] [Music] hey guys my first full day here in madrid and just such a breathtaking city everywhere you walk like every single house every single brick just oozes culture and history and madrid of course is like the melting pot city in spain where a lot of people from all over reside here and bringing with them different backgrounds cultures recipes so trying to figure out what to eat in madrid right now is a little difficult because it's just so much but i feel like my first day i gotta go to the famous san miguel market [Music] it's pretty funny tapas that's sichuan fitting but there's the market let's go eat this is a cover market it's been around for over 100 years and everything here everything is related to food so my strategy for today eat the heck out of this place and we're going to start from here san martin this place is supposed to have amazingly fresh seafood and apparently a sea monster oh good lord a variety of fried seafood and just crab in all sorts of dishes oh my gosh oh this is amazing looking crab tapas let's do this it's crab seaweed and there's wasabi in here never had crab and seaweed as my first bite of food ever in my life before but i'm excited about this it's good maybe like a seven out of ten good a little overly salty i love to crunch up the seaweed and the sweetness of the crab i can't really taste the wasabi on them in here the sauce is a little barbecuey i think these are sea grapes nice and crunchy i think all the ingredients are incredibly fresh and i love the fragrant sesame element of this as well but i wish i had like a side dish of rice to eat with this because this is a little overseason for me i think this is supposed to be like a kind of an asian interpretation of crab and seaweed with the sesame with the sauce as opposed to maybe make a little of the teriyaki sauce nope getting a hint of wasabi a little spicy still good not a musket this is a little one-sided sandwich made of burrata cheese and they're savory versions like the pesto and there's the sweet version oh this i like the cheese tastes like a really creamy fluffy slightly salty mozzarella and leaves just such a nice milky flavor in my mouth the cheese is so incredibly light and airy but there's still little chewy strands in there and i could see why this can be served both as a savory dish and as a sweet dish the cheese itself like i said just slightly salty but really you're just tasting how incredibly milky and creamy how light the texture is so with some blueberry tastes like the lightest milkiest cheesecake i'm actually really loving this this place has the largest variety of empanadas i may have ever seen some of the really interesting flavors like tuna and egg starting with tomatoes bacon and pineapple three empanadas different shapes different ingredients let's start off with the tuna so it looks like tuna and some egg whites i love tuna by the way that's gonna taste like it lived on land his whole life oh that was so dry i think the pastry is a little too much and really just not enough filling and this thing yeah this is a bummer pork loin and apple much better one of the tastiest empanadas i've had i mean apple and pork this is genius oh that building is so good it's like a pig ate a bunch of apples and i'm eating that pig right now a little dry still but that flavor's out of this world i mean a little dipping sauce i'll make this really awesome this is the pear and chocolate i smell the pear already that's awesome a little cinnamon there's a slight hint of chocolate more so on just the outside which is fragrant juicy pears the outer shell not too heavy and this thing is stuffed get this when you come here this is a classic ham and arugula in a rat i'm sure there's not the highest quality of hand but still rich and savory smooth texture delightfully smoky flavor with just a hint of fat oh love the bacon here love it [Music] a bunch of olive tapas and i got some ham and cheese chilis and looks like anchovies and crab and people are just eating this having a drink since i don't drink let's just eat it ham and cheese does that look like olive pacman to you guys it's like this olive is trying to eat this hammer here but little do they know a larger predator is lurking nearby [Music] wow actually the whole combo is hitting me just now oh my god the olive is so fresh tasting with the creaminess of the cheese and the savoriness of the ham looks like i'm eating the tastiest breadless sandwich i'm not even quite sure what this is it looks like anchovies and chilies little sweet little spicy and the anchovy is actually quite chewy a nice chewy texture i was surprised i thought it's gonna like fall apart but it contains such a nice flavor of the ocean looks like a crab claw that reached into a bag of cheetos it tastes a little like imitation crab meat like something artificial but as you chew it and let the flavor develop a little sweet and then the crab flavor hits ya again the olive is the star also the beautiful sweet crunch from the pearl onions all together with that crab cloth probably the most surprisingly delicious thing i had today [Music] i missed that this is one of the best fruits i had in peru this style is pretty interesting so you pick a flavor you pick the toppings toast it hot or cold [Music] [Music] whoa there's nice and toasty on the outside bread is really fluffy really airy the ice cream is obviously melting but it's not completely melted so you can still get that nice icy taste chocolate on top i like the toasty crunch on the outside it's really interesting it's like you're eating a toasty bun with an ice cream center this is one of those things that's it's fun to watch it being made and it's fun to eat i think i tried everything i wanted to try inside this market but i'm still hungry so let's get out of here and go eat more tapas hi i totally underestimated how much i actually ate at the last market so after the subsequent food coma at the hotel i'm ready to eat again and it's only five o'clock so still late lunch time here let's go i know i had the ham wrap before but saw this start salivating let's get another sandwich this is hornado pork orange stuffed inside this pastry you got little sandwiches as well or if you have a bigger appetite you beautiful this is spanish pork look at this that's amazing [Music] the pork is even draping over the outside of the sandwich that is so pretty strands of fat running along the sides in the middle of the pork the ham i had this morning it was good but it wasn't all that juicy this looks like a juicy slice of ham [Music] bread crunchy on the outside soft on the inside ham is ridiculous i wish it was more of it because i feel like the bread to him racial is a little off that was a melty slice of ham smoking is savory i love the chew of the lean part of the meat i love how that fat just renders and melts on my tongue i mean i've had this in the states but just eating this here it's just such a deliciously unique experience this is the hornado and it's heavy like a brick oh it's in this pastry this is basically a meat pie chorizo pork loin slices of ham on top eating it as is right now is probably not the best thing you really need to put this in the oven and roast it i think but since i don't have an oven and i want to eat this gotta make do oh this is so incredibly good i mean the pastry is so gentle and soft but really when you take a bite it's all about the meat you got the spicy chorizo the smoky ham in that pork loin oh my goodness that pork loin that thing might just be my spanish food soul mate i thought it's gonna be way overly salty to the point where maybe you can only take like a few bites and then that's it oh man no the different types of pork blend together deliciously it's like with all the different pork powers combined a captain sandwich appeared again already good cold can imagine what it's like out of the oven in this place according to one of my viewers the turtle is the best [Music] [Music] look at this it's just full you can't stuff a single bit more calamari on the sandwich very tender crispy fresh out of the fryer and that's all it is it's really there's nothing on the sandwich except for bread and fried calamari oh that's one of the tender-ish fried calamari i have ever had and what you do is you spray some lemon on top a little mayonnaise and then just unhinge your jaw the best you can and indulge [Music] i love how seemingly simple this is fried calamari some mayonnaise some lemon juice but the thing is the calamari is fried so perfectly i mean we all have bright calamari before usually you got to chew that sucker right this barely have to put your teeth together and this thing disintegrates little lemon juice little mayonnaise fresh roll that's all you need to enjoy this [Music] all right now for a proper sit down meal i heard the pork cheese are amazing and i heard the prawns with garlic is amazing this is their most known dish the gambas garlic shrimp and man there's a lot of butter in here once soaked in this lake of butter and garlic and chilies as well [Music] there's really a couple ways to eat this first of all eat the prawn oh that's plump and tender after you eat that take your bread dip that baby in there get it all up in there make it go deep diving oh yeah if you like garlic and butter and most people do you'll love this this is the pork cheek oh my gosh that is so tender oh man that thing just falls apart sitting on a bed of potatoes i've got a tender feeling about this dish i'm confused because the pork is on top of a bit of mashed potatoes and when i put this in my mouth i couldn't really tell where the mashed potato ended in the pork begin that's how tender this piece of pork is oh i like this much more than the shrimp this is where my heart belongs i just had an idea here's some pork potatoes bread stunking in that garlic butter there you go mashed potato and pork jaw goes on top a piece of prawn for the finishing touch there you go a poor jaw prawn garlic butter mashed potato open face sandwich oh you can't beat this it's like the greatest hits album of food also i heard their paella here is excellent and this will be my first time having this dish in this country i'll be honest i've had this many times in the u.s none of which tasted good [Music] oh first of all how they get their calamari so incredibly tender in this country i have no idea but restaurants really need to start learning that in the u.s you can taste the essence of the ocean in here essentially little briny creamy incredibly robust flavors this this is changing my entire perception of this dish there's no pork jar my favorite thing here the prawn oh oh so much juice and actually it all leaked onto that little puddle right there see that that's prawn essence gotta get this when you come here today was really awesome i woke up i ate i fell into a food coma woke up ate again that's like a garfield-esque type of day and what an amazing experience getting to try all the local foods i've never had before i've always said the best way to get into noaa culture is taking a bite out of it i wanted a churro that's one of the must try things here in spain and this place is the most popular and check out the line two lines out the door this line doesn't just extend out the door look at the inside this is nuts for turtle and hot chocolate [Music] there's the churro there's the hot chocolate they're all waiting to get seated if you want to eat at the counter like what i'm doing you know you can just skip all that oh it's like chocolate quicksand [Music] oh i might need a knife for this it's so thick and what you do is you take your turtle and i just realized there's like a couple sizes of this so you get the thin ones and there's big ones too and this is like a chinese yotel like chinese fried dough it's so thick it looks just like that but this is the thin one you like that one better yeah this nice lady here she she gave me a piece of her her yo-tao oh yeah [Music] so you don't know me so well i'm gonna eat this and go to dinner right away thank you so much that was delicious thank you yeah so this is the churro that we typically see in the states really thin really crispy and this is definitely more doughy and airy it's a little salty incredibly light and crunchy oh my gosh this is actually really amazing all right look you're gonna need the hot chocolate because it is pretty salty so with the sweet chocolate brings balance to this churros life that gets really heavy really quick i mean absolutely delicious if you love churros that is true heaven right there freshly cooked it came out this nice little spiral they cut into pieces they give you a lot i mean just the chocolate itself if you if you just drink that that's gonna fill you up and then with a greasy churro and as magnificent as that was super crunchy on the outside and dipping that into chocolate it's just a savory meat sweet meat happy place but now i really need some food food and for dinner since i am in spain the original home of the suckling pig that's what i'm gonna get and i'm gonna have it in the oldest restaurant in the world well hopefully because i didn't make a reservation so hopefully i can get a table but here it is [Music] it's like i'm entering a cavern [Music] almost 300 years old so this restaurant used to be an inn and it is actually quite large it's multiple stories and i'm dining in the cellar right now which i think i think is the coolest place to dine in this whole place the ambiance is so unique and got a couple of their specialties something pig you have to get then got the roast and win as well i heard about this place when uh i remember andrew zimmern came here on one of his shows so ever since then i wanted to try this place out to crossing another item off my food bucket list cheers oh yeah i love them sparkling bubbles this is a famous suckling pig in the skin crispy skin i haven't been this excited for pork since the lechon experience in the philippines holy hog look at this color the forks just crunch through the outer layer of skin oh man this is what porky dreams are made of that really rings up there with some of the best suckling pig i've had the skin as i thought crispy melts in your mouth pork obviously so incredibly juicy so you get that nice contrast and texture and the flavor i mean it's simply seasoned but it's perfectly seasoned this is their other specialty roasted lamb all right this is a little tough on the outside not the crispy skin kind of good tough but a little hard so hopefully it's gonna be tender and juicy actually my fears were unfounded because just cutting through the meat i could tell this is tender this this is succulent this is everything you want your lamb to be that's a good piece a little bit of skin tons of meat that's a juicy slap lamb i think the initial flavor was the best and again really simple ingredients simply season a little bit of salt i think that's about it juiced soaked through the meat it is slightly slightly gamey not too bad though it's delicious mash the potatoes up so get all that nice juice all up in there that's a nice piece of pork i'm just going to rub some potatoes on that if you want to always like to have a porky shauna in your mouth take a bite of that oh the potato is so good too yes the potatoes are right yeah potatoes are excellent especially when it's soaked up in that juice right yes i'm about to choose between the lamb and the uh suckling pig 100 the second thing now don't get me wrong the lamb is delicious but the pig that's the vine this is gonna be a great piece this is the toe right here oh my gosh this is where all the collagen lives oh god this is so amazing be on trender and juicy the motherland of the suckling pig and it really doesn't disappoint this piece right here this is the essence of the suckling pig the crispy melty skin and that's where it's all about that layer of fat that is the source of the magic so when you crunch through that potato chip like skin and gets this part you want to know bliss this is bliss greatest finger lick ever i think for the lamb i'm going to go ahead and caveman this actually i don't know i said i like the pork more i probably still do but this is slowly gaining my favor because it's so incredibly juicy and this is quality lamb otherwise it's just gonna be way too gamey and this is like you can taste that it's lamb but it's not all that gaming at all did you guys like it oh my gosh the best pork i think i've ever had the best you ever had to be honest yeah i think that's the best pork i've ever had wow this is kay and haley by the way good stuff yeah it is that good don't just trust me trust him that was an amazingly satisfying meal it's not just that the food is delicious i'm eating at the oldest restaurant in the world it just feels different you know like i'm sitting in the cellar of this probably haunted building this is way beyond just food this is a total total experience oh this is really cool this is the wine cellar and the server was saying that how was it good yeah and the server was saying that there's 300 year old bottles of wine down there and also the royal family used to use this as a passage into the city i'm gonna try to take you guys down there let's go oh this is crazy super old bottles of wine oh my gosh that was pretty cool that was a remarkable meal and even more remarkable establishment i mean i took a bite of history tonight and history had crispy skin and it melted in my mouth one of the most awesome dining experiences i've had hopefully you guys like this video thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,308,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: san miguel market, san miguel market madrid, san miguel market madrid spain, spain market, madrid spain, madrid spain botin restaurant, botin madrid, botin restaurant madrid, tapas madrid, tapas food, spain food tour, spain street food, madrid spain food, spain empanadas, empanadas, olives, iberico ham, calamari, gambas shrimp, gambas, paella, paella spain, churros, spain churros, spain hot chocolate, spain, madrid, spain travel, spain travel vlog
Id: 7UXi3eeIX-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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