The BEST BURGERS in New York! KIMCHI Wagyu Burger | STEAKHOUSE Burger

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[Music] mmm my pizza things happy residence [Music] hey guys it's Mike Chen now we all know New York City as a culinary capital but there are a few food items at its really known for for example pizza bagels and burgers since I've already done a pizza video I've told you my favorite bagel place now let's talk about burgers of course this is a topic of huge debate as to who has the best burger in New York City but I've spent the last year trying all the most popular supposedly best burgers in New York and I've come to my own conclusion so today I'm gonna show you guys a couple place that I think has some of the best burgers in the city I'm also gonna try out a couple places I haven't been yet so this is gonna be a pretty amazing burger Dan let's go first place we're going to is I'm Brooklyn an institution Peter lubbers [Music] this is the burger look at that perfect blanket of melty cheese on top of a half a pound coarse bland beef patty and this is the same meat they use for their dry aged steak so a little bit of onion on top by appearance this is one of the prettiest burgers I may I've ever seen in my life a little burger house with the perfect little roof perfect blanket of cheese onions juicy patty juice just comes gushing out of the patty that's what I call it juicy unveiling this is not one of the best-looking burgers just from appearance yep ever seen I don't know if we can be friends you guys want to see a burger cascading waterfall feast your eyes on that you can see the beef is waiting or forcing your typical burger and they do it on purpose so the burger has more of a State feel to it we'd take a bite fine it doesn't get juicier than this I mean this thing is so juicy I should be on page six of course you can't forget about the bacon and when you put bacon on a burger here it'll mean a couple of little pieces of wimpy crispy bacon that you see for breakfast they're talking about this like this thing is as big as my plate - the first burger of the day just like a massive clash on burgers simplicity there's really no any wacky seating in here so some onion some cheese now big meaty burger and like I said the burger is very of course this it's got a nice chewy or texture and you can smell and taste the aged on this program because this is made with the same aged beef that their steak is cooked with the trifle each flavor extremely pronounced and oh my goodness is this ever juicy yeah flavor very simplistic super beefy know crazy seasoning no crazy spices it's all about the meat with this burger I don't even know how to start with this look at that I feel like this should we place my mouth I don't even know what to do can I just put this bones higher bacon on my burger and just take a pie like this why not I really enjoyed that bite juicy burger check crunchy onions check fat each card crispy slice of monster bacon double check also what I love about the burger the char on the meat because they cook the burger under the same oven that they used to broiled their steaks so you gotta have that great char on the burger and it's on the bacon as well oh you know could be really helpful with this since the bottom of the bun is like a it'll get soggy from the juice of burger really quick put your bacon on the bottom of the bun and then put the body there the bacon will absorb the juice of the burger burger innovation everything about this program was really just no nonsense monster beefy try h flavor rage hard juicy and I really recommend getting a bacon I'm putting it all together when I think of one of the most satisfying burgers in the world this is what I think of I come to this place not for the state I come here for this amazing I gotta finish this up but the next burger we're gonna try it it's a rising star in the New York City burger see [Music] next burger plate is going to the second Avenue East Side black Emperor I was here for a pop-up that made ramen Korean fried chicken same chef chef Jay makes an amazing burger but he's joining me what's up dude you ready for a burger do you like burgers [Music] [Music] can she paced [Music] so this is the kimchi American wagons burger all OH couple slices of cheese kimchi may help sweet this is one of the cheese ball man I like the sesame seed bun yeah hmm it's crispy mm-hmm which also tender flowers nice good pausing over myself this is a great burger this is freaking I mean Patty's chart absolutely perfect then the choose that you get biting into that I like to stock the kimchi sauce in harder Oh fantastic but overall that's a slight subtle kimchi flavor we got a little heat I love the char - yeah that's crispy no little fear no fear it's a sheer the cars you know it seals - Juicin oh yeah it's great that's why they're so juicy it's you - the pies like beef gush are so flavorful all the fats in there and it's so good Wow I'm okay even without the cheese by like I like the cheese I like I like the melty creaminess of the cheese yeah but I feel like without the kimchi sauce the kimchi Mayo like the cheese will be little over too much from your eye on the achieves without that because the spike like kimchi nail with a cheese actually works pretty well together all right I like to choose how much cheese - yeah yeah she did it but overall I just first time I've been into this I was just like I just love how serious that's why biggest identifying appearances have a good burger yes how juicy patty I've been into it it's like a cardboard Valley or like you know that I had a McDonald's it's just it doesn't work fine man Wow you're not going with me to my next burger place we're missing out yeah thanks for joining it to the yam map absolutely it's a pleasure let's go to an expert oh please burger number three the Boilermaker and I am here for their burger voted at Table 100 burgers in America this ain't no hype double beef pickle vegetables signature sauce lettuce tomatoes onions oh here is the burger it's like a burger skyscraper that just keeps on going to amazingly juicy beef patties America she's dripped over like a comfortable blanket three pieces of bun one in the middle we'll just call that a Royce maker on top Filipino pickle vegetables onions tomatoes little lettuce crispy bacon it's hard to have a freakin new perfection look at that everything is just submerged in B features the bottom and this bun is already soggy that's why that middle moist knickers is that effect because if that little piece of bun wasn't there I'd be washing my hands right now further juice I think every one of the burgers I had today every one of them they're all so juicy they could be in the tabloids here's to you Ross this place was one of the places down after I went to about 20 burger places and I came here I took one bite and said this is a winner this is a hundred percent winner what's so great about this burger first of all not patty the clean beef flavor of the patty is mesmerizing not much went into the seasoning just a little bit of salt with a chewy melty texture of the beef to just contrast about that super amazingly crisp bacon and if you think this thing might be a little cheesy see a little too fatty as if there were such a thing that's where the pickled vegetables come in I mean here you don't just get the boring old tomato sometimes I mean that they do they do exist in a burger but you get that deliciously punchy vinegary pickled vegetables right on top and when you invite those things to the party it's not a single boring bite and I've been through a lot of burger joints all the famous ones in New York this was my favorite out of all of them also the reason for that double patty burger the eleven dollars that's a great great deal in New York City and when you come here and take one bite you can understand why this burger absolutely stood out for me and why this is one of my favorite burgers in the city absolutely fuels in this video so originally this video was only gonna have four burgers but I had to add in chef Jay's kimchi Neo American Wagyu burger and just on my way here I remember there's another burger you guys you guys got to get to know because it is absolutely amazing stuff gonna finish this go work out for about 12 hours and now I'll see you tomorrow worth the burger vented continues nothing like a morning walk through Chinatown to get that hunger going burger adventure part 2 let's go [Music] [Music] I'll tell you straight up I don't like this market I feel like it's one of the biggest touristy things in New York City the food is not all that good it's very overpriced but there is one place that serves an amazing burger but I have come here a lot mainly because YouTube is right upstairs and the Food Network is here [Music] I found this place because I was on the burger show and this is one of the places we tried that burger like saying it blew my mind will be a complete understatement absolutely unique and amazing and I'm here for the folded cheese burger so basically they take a beef patty which is just massive and Larry with cheese and then the beef is officially flipped over so the beef becomes almost a bread of a grilled cheese sandwich oh let the cheese melt sir so this thing is gonna be nice and crusty outside take a pita bread a little bit of pickles what else you putting in there Wow and then in goes the burger which in itself is like a burger grilled cheese yes sir thank you so much look at that perfect well done what's glistening and the insides can be perfectly cooked and juicy don't be shy what some dress it's just a bit more here hey go show your shoulders hey that's okay the burger patty and cheese is so big it won't even fit inside this massive pita gooey cheese leaking out of the crust and of course it comes with this amazingly spicy roasted green chili it's hard to take a bite with the pita and everything because half the burger meat and cheese is sticking out of the pita I was gonna take a bite of that cheese and the meat because that's pretty much like a like a like a little sandwich burger on is all perfectly charred outside deliciously cooked juicy meat inside and look at all that gooey cheese stuff inside the burger meats in this she's like I said it's crispy crusty cheese this thing is crunchy burger perfectly seasoned tons of pepper on there and this is the passion as much as I love the meat and cheese getting inside getting into that garlic aioli that the veggies everything they put in here it's even more amazing that by was everything to me there's gonna be a big one prepare yourselves a lot of cheese in here not just from the meat patty but from the sauce everything gooey soaking inside as well just saturating the nice warm pita bread and this is why the pita is absolute genius because all that juice from the burger all that juice from inside the ingredients is all conjugating right down here making this effectively a burger diaper and unlike regular diapers you want to take a bite of the burger diaper oh I also got their famous cauliflower I'm not usually a proponent of eating anything even resembles a broccoli but this is supposed to be absolutely insane here and let's not forget our massive chili okay you don't have to do what I do but I just shove it inside this burger like so judge me if you want but I think this looks even more glorious forgived fries forgetting anything else that you think might go well with a burger this chili is the real PBF best burger friend slightly sweet very spicy amazingly intense smoky flavor this chili adds all that so this is a roasted cauliflower and apparently this is their number one selling thing here it's just roasted with a little olive oil I think is salt and you supposed to dip it in this little chili sauce and a little bit of I think this is garlic aioli I think it's very good if you really like California the texture is a little soft I like this chili sauce and the cauliflower is perfectly roasted I just don't love vegetables that much especially something kind of related to broccoli shout-out to Justin Alvin warrants all the guys at a burger show thanks for introducing this burger to me if you guys want to check out the episode of the burger shop linking for you down below but god this is one my all-time favorite burger places in New York I mean all the place I'm going to this VR but this is such a unique burger come try this out I got two more burgers to go I'm meeting up with the old friend after dish scene a bet [Music] [Music] [Music] okay second-to-the-last burger place a meeting up good Freddy Aaron and okay I didn't plan on having this place in the video but then what I told you she was so adamant you gotta come here as you can see we're not we don't have burgers in front of us so you said I have to try the pizza here so emily is normally right and they do everything here kind of like very differently from any other traditional places like before the MU burger you have to try the colony piece yes so these are their two popular pizzas let's dig in before the burger I know I'm staring at the jalapeno in that pool of happiness that's boil bubbling up my favorite I love that sweet honey I put on top of this pepperoni is like from the gods spice she got a little cup of happiness elixir in the middle yeah in the dough chewy then little charts got a slight bitterness it's Airy its robust great I love the spice it's sweet spicy it's meaty it's like my life speech spicy a meeting that is it Oh always dream about they don't really like honey for sweet salty on a savory dish but I want you to be as astounded as I was never cook I'm ready there you go mm-hmm it's my pizza dance happy pizza dancer happy pizza day to you hmm hmm the truffle flavor I'm astounded I thought I was gonna miss the pepperoni I still do but God that honey is like whatever forgot mothers you know sprinkle on top of Cinderella to make her your princess I feel like that's just honey but this one it's more effective because for that great truffle flavor we've got a sweetness of the honey and everything just so aromatic it works well pistachios nice crunch this is a great piece all right well pizza is already this good I can't wait to try that burger [Music] [Music] I got myself okay you said this is the best burger in New York you say you had a video that the title was oh you had a tie okay okay okay so so the sauce is amazing right this is uh this is a Emmy sauce all right go shock it hits ya like right here after about 10 seconds all right there we go that's a very very good burger my meat is ridiculously it does look a little disappearing out to your mouth once you take a bite like it's so melty I mean you got the cheese element right I liked it yeah everything about this is so melty if Peter Luger was more like you know just original the foundation of the good burger ish this thing cobblers you're gonna face with flavor I like the excuse I like how sock and throw right now at this location right so yeah if you want a burger you come too late no more burger disappeared out of all the burger places I chose for this video they all have their reasons to be there my Peter Luger was very og is very traditional beefy kind of steak like burger it's very good I love Berlin maker because it's a very inexpensive for $11 of great patty great beefy taste chef J cooked a crazy interesting juicy you didn't eat this with me but it's a pop up it's amazing I'm just saying like everybody has a has a reason to be in this video but this you guys know if you need to come and try this and also get that pizza I got one more place to try but thank you so much [Music] final burger of the tour is about midnight right now at the final place I'm going to reservation is so hard to get or at least a reservation at a decent hour my reservation 12:15 a.m. and that was like the last one they had for Charles prime rib for Charles because we're out for Charles Street this is an amazing primary restaurant as arguably one of the best burgers in the city unless you like eating burgers at about 12 a.m. and I maybe go somewhere else but I'm gonna show you what our burgers made out of they're known for their roast prime rib and it's cooked for 12 hours I got the burger and I got the Charles Kyle which is a boolean prime beef about about a pound and a half that's so big because if I'm here I'm eating the prime rib there it is coleslaw you melted cheese over a double patty a choice cut beef and this is from the ribs so the meat is over gentle and tender and just a tiny bit of pressure just opens up the burger geyser everything about this burger just makes your day better your week better your life better the bun tastes like a couple of soft fluffy pillory clouds just sandwiching the most tender most gentle most sucking the most juicy of the patties together get that slight crunch from the pickle and just that hint obtain as from the design that just kind of ever so slightly reset your taste buds just a bit this burger there's like the Cinderella ball burger beautiful delicate strong and you can only eat after midnight I complain about coming here from this late they eating this late but it makes it all worth it only bad thing is it's after midnight final burgers in my stomach fairytales over hey I'm back I totally forgot this massive prime rib coming up 26 pounds prime cut prime rib house-made steak seasoning and all jutsu pour over a little juice Shawna for the prime rib oh my god you don't need your team you don't need anything most melt in your mouth succulent juicy daddy-o it is fatty prime rib it needs horseradish I know this is a burger video but there's like the end credits to Avengers I mean after an already been tastic feature up five burgers I'll be thinking about that for the rest of the night there's been one of my favorite food Avengers ever guys all the burger place I went so top notch come here for the burger stay for the prime rib get it for dessert or whatever because I guarantee you that's gonna be softer and juicier than any pie cake where mousse you might be thinking about for dessert all right obviously all the places I went to is listed down below I got to get back to this good night
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,604,774
Rating: 4.8924623 out of 5
Keywords: burger, burgers, best burger in nyc, best burger in new york city, burger tour, ultimate nyc burger tour, peter luger, the emmy burger, hamburger, cheese, cheese burger, prime rib, beef, steak, pita burger, nyc burger tour, kimchi, ny, nyc, pizza, wagyu burger, wagyu, wagyu beef
Id: Y5vIrZrFBdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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