Trying McDonald's in ROME ITALY!

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[Music] I'm still reeling from how good Roma style Pisa is if you guys ever watch the video it's gonna be up on this triple a dumpling at some point Roman pieces that must man that crust it's just soup crispy and light also that was the first pizza I think I've never had that after I ate so much I still have room for a full dinner you know you had a great eating experience when you think back on it you just can't help us smile like you just put on the most perfect date and all it's when you are happy thoughts next stop on our piece of tour I'm going to where it all started go to Naples but first we're still kind of hungry let's go get some gelato I've had gelato pretty much after every single meal Carrie you know and I'm not sorry Sicilian wine cream here mince apple cinnamon with yoga rosemary honey and lemon lavender a white peach thank you so much is my top notch a lot of experience from Florence the white Peter lavender it's like having a lavender garden just just walk around biting onto a peach that lavender flower mystery [Applause] why I think there's actually real wine in there one of my top gelato experiences they only didn't trust me I've had a lot like I said after every single meal I don't know what I'll miss war when I think that food would there's a lot of so you think like a bunch of cats down here humans are gone and Cass just conquered the world it's just turn a corner and see something historic [Music] the legendary Trevi Fountain hey is way prettier than that I've never seen a except for in movies Wow how pretty is there's a legend I guess for this if you throw a coin in a guarantees that you will one day come back to wrong right hand left shoulder and all your T's you second coin you throw in you'll need a moment away from we're girlfriends third coin will marry set woman boys no more girlfriend all right let's do this right all the way here right here left shoulder right I hope once Sam was scared I wonder for taking ledges but I want to coach you going through that's like a pizza hey guys good morning from Rome my second day here my first full day here and when I was coming over here and asking for suggestions and video ideas a lot of you guys actually told me to try them McDonald here told me a lot of the atoms really differ himself I'm really curious Jeff believe it or not you know I'm a hundred percent serious about this and you may hate me for saying this when I would samaras this before I started doing videos what is the most memorable through the experiences I had in Paris was Adam McDonald's not even kidding a single bit I think it was so memorable because it was so unexpected the meat patty the fuzz everything taste is so good blew me away I never thought McDonald's could actually detect it so let's go see if that's also true in Italy and this McDonald's I'm mad there's a make half a portion that's open and what's interesting about a making half a portion is that they bake their own pastries from scratch here [Music] [Applause] the breakfast is late than the cafe and everyone was coming here ask me I mean locals coming here asking for the croissant so I'm expecting good things also I know this is not typically breakfast but a thermostat a time McDonald's not to get it one more thing I don't drink coffee like ever but macchiato gotta know if coffee McDonald's in Italy is awesome we're not this croissant just came out of the oven it smells good and looks really buttery look at it it's not as sleek as I would like but still pretty flaky inside it looks very tender [Applause] mr. Sun is sweeter than our like I do chili needs a little more salt in terms of texture so gentle and light I mean is that bus curse on her head not by a longshot but from tacos love that looks really chocolatey this is a lot better because this croissant I'm expecting it to be sweet so the sweetness works in its favor like I said the regular croissant it's already been on the sweet side so this is kind of perfect possession burgers crispy crusty outside layer super soft inside extremely chai first good for my first sip of coffee nurse I don't like ami not into it smells good this liquid here you see all that syrup on the bottom super moist turn to show I'm gonna say I mean it's really really sweet almost overly sweet it's pretty good maybe even appreciate this macchiato blue coffee drinkers sprite hanging on me right now button sorry it's it's my first time in use so it goes good with this really sweet tiramisu I mean I should be surprised tiramisu and it's how McDonald's can taste good but this is better than some of the stuff I had at restaurants this is something I saw in front of these tiny McDonald's something well a crispy Grande crispy I don't know what a grand crispy is make egg addition chicken she's my selection bar and I can modify the funds sauce ingredients and I can make it a double patty sesame bun coleslaw lettuce yeah this all sounds good it's do some chicken nuggets this is just a toaster cheese a piece of ham my total comes to about $40 sounds good alright well this is my McDonald's feast this is all stuff I haven't seen on a McDonald's menu aus before especially this big that looks borderline intimidating these are the cheese bacon cheese fries typical McDonald's french fries now these haven't been sitting here down long maybe about a few minutes it's already not crispy anymore now he's not gonna teach bad bacon cheese fries sort of like you time McDonald's version of a poutine the cheese is still very spreadable is just a Frizer it tastes good I just wish the fries were Walberg crunch here this is the burger bun which she's in half and say let me break this Oh Paul [Applause] this is really good I mean it's really mild milky gooey cheese dis is excellent they actually kind of tastes like a panini I feel like this just came out of the crush and I took the pipe will be even better try just a little bit of ketchup cheese me almost like zucchini wanted something to kind of counteract that huge basket of stuff I need to get sure this is a mozzarella ball it's not stretchy anymore there's a lot of mozzarella cheese in there just looks like a lot of batter try their chicken it is little dip in this between sour sauce I actually taste chicken in my chicken nuggets which is always a good thing and secondly this sweet and sour sauce this might be the best sauce I've ever had at McDonald's it doesn't taste artificial actually tastes like there's some citrus in here it's a little sweet has a tiny bit of bite to it chicken wing Wow I thought this was just like a regular chicken not really any seasoning here this might be the best thing I've had McDonald's they're not strange right anyway I wanted to dip the chicken wing in the sauce sauce is good for this chicken out saw was already pretty darn spectacular that I should become some Popeyes I didn't think McDonald's could do this honey I got it just because I never had this before but this is good what's giving me is what if they're seizing this with it it tastes like a bunch of spices and there's a lot of heating here the wings are perfectly cooked crispy and in juicy on the inside mostly a surprisingly flavorful like really flavorful you see how juicy it is right that never thought I'd be gushing over McDonald's fried chicken this is the crispy make bacon they give me this in the gluten free burger box but I'm pretty sure this is just like a cheeseburger with a lot of sauce I'm tasting like more than burger I'm not getting much from the beef here I mentioned before my other McDonald's reviews the McDonald of egg is quite delicious it's not the typical Thousand Island sauce and McDonald's foot is not as sweet its spicier its snippy er its st ER and actually a really great sauce for the egg and beef patty and the bacon I mean I could see the valleys of bacon from here back to New York the ingredients taste fresh great a great beef buns of perfection but it's the sauce that's heisting all that together this is a crispy chicken burger if they doubled up the chicken patty here tours tons of bacon another fantastic fun first by having a really kind of chicken it's not bad bacon provides a nice crunch the outside of the chicken sandwich is nice and crispy I feel like it's a little too starchy for me I mean the chicken sandwiches salvaged my students there's too much starch personally I think the beef burgers much better but she called us a chicken country got a nice right to it firstly I popped it's my mind was how good this bread and I'm not moving about this chicken right now I mean sugar is good well Russia is not overly salty but this bread is so chewy a little washed I love that there's no fried onion flavor it's very clever of McDonald's it does add a flavor profile because of the fried onions last one the ginormous one I'm gonna grab it oh no I just saw Zimmermann it's fighting back workout just this [Applause] there's so much beef flavor in this this is fantastic this beef patty tastes like it just came off in from real it almost tastes a natural beef flavor in these patties this actually tastes like it took some ground beef mixed into ingredients myself threw it on the grill and put it between couple of months Donald's in the u.s. the fetish actually tastes like this I cook McDonald's much more often I actually believe it when they tell me this is 100% beef and this burger is about ten dollars is a massive burger I think this is actually worth 10 bucks I mean I would actually go into a restaurant can pay $10 for it this is the first time in McDonald's I'm actually able to eat a burger in taste of beef and not just solely be sociable funky weird I will clean the best burger a time anomaly it's your patties I recommend it McDonald's in Italy apparently great coffee and tiramisu spicy delicious wings and some nice big beefy burgers and definitely best beef out of all the McDonald's I've tried maybe with the exception of France cuz I was like eight years ago alright guys that's it for my review of McDonald's in Italy that girls so much for watching and [Music]
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Views: 1,930,695
Rating: 4.8629637 out of 5
Keywords: mcdonald's italy, italian mcdonald, italy mcdonald, mcdonald italy, mcdonald, mcdonald's, rome italy, mcdonald burger, mcdonald burgers, mcdonald's burger, mcdonald's burgers, burger, burgers, mcdonald fries, fries, eat, fast food, italy, italian, rome, roman, europe, travel, tourism, traveling, airline, hotel, food, foods, eating, eater, foodie
Id: hSoftkBkZkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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