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[Music] hey guys it's Mike Chen hello from Rome this has been an incredible trip to Italy so far my first time it's just such an amazing country beautiful people and of course super super delicious food and I actually just got into Rome no less than 20 minutes ago I'm starving all I had to eat this morning was a croissant but I wonder my first meal here in Rome to be some Roman pizza and coming to Italy I knew that there are two locations where pizza reign supreme Rome in Napoli and they are completely different from each other so I'm gonna go in and find out and taste a difference for myself let's go pizza I get off the bus to eat pizza and this is what I'm greeted with this is the national monuments and dedication to victor emmanuel ii and it is majestic its whole square it's just so Oh beautiful almost made me forget about the pizza for a second okay back on track gotta go get some food then I'll be able to appreciate this much more are my first piece of plays across the street from an ancient square and next to an all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant I'm here at Pizza Florida so a lot of the pizza places in Rome I'm very casual you're going for lunches just grab these rectangular slices they cut for you with scissors and they usually sell it to you by weight and I could be in trouble because my piece will probably weigh a lot so here's all the pizza different types of flavors now Roman pizza has way less rules than Neapolitan pizza so there could be all different types of flavors I'm supposed to be all different types of toppings yeah I'll take the margarita I'll take a slice and anchovies - fish fries and mushroom there's like potatoes in Russia that looks great - tomatoes and spicy chili yeah the biggest distinction between this and the Oh politics it's gonna be the crust the dough is like medium to thin crust in this piece that they add the olive oil that's why you get the crispy crust and of course in the apology pieces that is not added and this is definitely a huge variety of flavors just start with the basic margarita I don't know it's because I'm like super hungry well this is so we're trying some of you guys you can hear the karcher guy with a slight bit of char and he can taste a little bit of the fragrance of the olive oil I mean the color of the bottle is pizza there's absolutely perfect the margarita sighs Jesus fresh tomatoes slightly sweet it's not a fancy pizza by any means put the doors crunchy or brushed it's fairly light you're just a simple no-nonsense but incredibly every delicious slice of pizza I mean it doesn't look like much we're cutting it and toasting any of it well I figured that the dough might be a little hard might be a little overcooked not the case whatsoever oh this should make everything better this is the anchovy slice never had an Chauvet pizza before in my life actually the first time I ever heard of anchovies on pizza was in the Ninja Turtles movie when Michelangelo threatened the pizza guy I mean I love anchovies but probably just because I seen that movie I just never want to anchovies on my pizza that's Ninja Turtle influence [Music] thank crunchy margarita sized little bits of something is sitting on a bit of cheese I can't believe my coins will make me miss on this thing for all those years these are little cherry tomatoes with chili then no cheese on this Oh God use explosive Tomatoes but the pizza dough without any Chi it just highlights how crispy and chewy this pizza dough is this is so interesting potato and mushroom pizza that's right now my favorite such the flavor is a bit one-dimensional visited Pisa most excited about tuna pizza this is my favorite one I'm sure this is probably a personal preference there's just so wonderful bucket fly right now there's like a tuna salad on top of the pizza a little arugula a little bit of tomatoes and I don't know whether it's because I love tuna salad with a passion but this is creamy it's got tons of tuna that though was doing this beautiful thing [Music] this is like a tuna melt pizza with fresh veggies and just this is my favorite slide today I could get a whole pie of this Oh tomatoes those tomatoes are so precious [Music] so there's so many things I love about this beach I'm not just a tune-up is above the Roman style PTA in general I love the Christina's got this crushed you know though it's not like a super thin crust there's not thick kind of medium thickness but it's see those air pockets it's so so airy and then just falling head over heels with all the crazy toppings I mean margarita simple delicious the tuna that's something I'll remember for the rest of my life Pizza around sue had to sell some bacon try to get some bacon Pacini mushrooms is the most popular type of mushrooms in Italy without these mushrooms and of course another slice of China this because actually they just make this where's the cream cheese on this slice of pizza I think I figured out the rule for Roma style pizza you get the crust right get it perfect then with the toppings just go crazy [Music] they're just so creative hmm Bahai gathers was ever working you guys can see right here the part of the pizza breakfast pizza places and my first dog is here DiMaggio apparently this is one of Clinton's favorite pizza places when you're eating Neapolitan pizza you gotta go for the buffalo mozzarella the Apollo's pizza is is crazy because it's the only piece in the world that is regulated by almost a police like entity called the VPN and it regulates the pizza size it regulates that's copying it really elates the oven that is cooked in the heat of the oven how long the pizzas cover we're gonna time this I came out of the oven exactly one minute this is it true Neapolitan pizza right in the heart right in Naples this is like eating pizza at his home base I got one margarita with buffalo mozzarella this is of course you have to get this anyplace you go and as you can see it's kind of soupy and centered in this way you should expect with good Neapolitan pizza and I got a second one because they asked me if I like meats and of course I said yes and this is shared in front of me as I mentioned in my New York piece of video there are a lot of rules if you want to make a pizza that can be called a true Neapolitan pizza it has to use specific ingredients in this case this shoes top you must be buffalo mozzarella the olive oil used must be extra-virgin and all the ingredients must be from the Campania region of Italy and like I mentioned you need to customize the oven the oven must be wood-fired to air temperature needs to be 800 degrees and it has to cook in under two minutes and this one is we saw coating exactly one minute this is completely different than the typical New York pizzas obviously you can't cut this into slices and fold it and eat it it's not gonna fold right because the tip as you can see here it's just wet and full sauce ingredients so this is one of the pieces in the world you gotta eat with a fork and knife - don't look at this it's just like a soft Airy bread and it's kind of almost like I like a kind of like a leopard print on the bottom slightly charred in certain areas and the crust very almost melt in your mouth you get that slight taste of bitterness which goes perfect with a sweet tomatoes I'm probably not even cutting this right Neapolitan pizza in Naples this is like a foodies dream right here this is like one of the ultimate bucket lists if you're a pizza lover and I'm about to check it off mine [Music] oh my gosh I cannot believe how good true Neapolitan pizza is the dough I can't believe that's pizza dough it just tastes like a really really tender piece of bread with a slight bitterness from the charm counter balanced perfectly by the sweet sweet tomatoes with the buffalo mozzarella which I feel like you actually pour more on the pizza for you than a New York is much milk here and came here in any of the pieces I've had before basil is so aromatic and most delicious dog now I will happily wrap any food in and see here all the air bubbles this is a sign that this piece is cooked in an incredibly hot oven and this helps reduce a super Airy crust and the part where it's considered wet I feel like this is the best part of the pizza here the dough is basically an advance of love with the tomatoes and basil and cheese and this to me this is my favorite bite right here get a piece of the basil in there surely I'll tell you guys I thought Neapolitan pizza was good when I had in New York I mean I went to some of the best you know policy piece of places in New York and saying it doesn't hold a candle to this will be too much of a compliment it has even come close to the flavor of this pizza also this pizza it's not even filling me up this is the meat pie right here this obviously is not a traditional pizza slices the tomatoes bacon it looks like ricotta cheese and a ton of mozzarella she did not guide me around here the doll has the same wonderful chewy texture I like the burst of sweetness from the tomatoes I'll tell you what guys I like to treat yup love the meat I still prefer the ritual come here get the margarita with the buffalo cheese it's gonna make your pizza loving heart explode a little bit I'm gonna finish this up but there's couple more piece of Ria's I'm dying to try on the street [Music] but that was a pizza meal for the ancient might my pizza bar is officially way up here right now the next place I'm going to is is an institution [Music] oh my god has had the scare of my lifetime came here at 12:30 displaced opens at 12 and this is my like number one target at plays coming into Naples and then they told me it was sold out like I couldn't get in and then I think I just stood out there with the saddest puppy-dog look in my eyes like just staring at the piece of oven and they did eight and they let me in and they gave me the last table here Oh tell me my lucky stars right now okay I was just gonna get the margarita but the waitress who is so nice she also recommended that I get the s arena which is smoked mozzarella ricotta cheese salami black pepper basil but I had at the other place but whatever hey I'm not gonna turn down a recommendation ah thank you so much got my two pizzas I just ate a couple pizzas oh my gosh I cannot tell you how sorry I am still look at this perfect buffalo mozzarella smell you can smell how creamy this is we crushed a looks thicker in area than the last place I was at and one thing I love is the smell of the yeast from the pizza dough I feel like after a bite you got to just soak all that deliciousness in I take a moment let it wash all over you the mozzarella just says creamy just s milky I feel like taking this fight just like seen the Colosseum for the first time walking by to a mall you just know you're in Italy in this pilot it's very different from the last one I adapt there's obviously less Tomatoes on this pizza toast it's less sweet let's soupy but much more olive oil the olive oil flavor is sort of pronounced like I could really taste the olive oil I feel like the brushed is airier it's softer there's got a more fragrant flavor personally I really love all the tomatoes from the last pizza and I almost wish there's more of it on those beats up the dole is absolutely perfect even eating it on his own I think it just melts my second pizza Astorino again beautiful fresh there's some ricotta cheese on here some salami it looks like some of you zucchini with a black pepper it's nice and crisp yes long oh man get a huge hit of pepper that's a lot of pepper on her just look at that dull you can see the extra virgin olive oil see how thin it is I almost like this more than the margarita pipe and I'm ashamed the same for this should be walking on the catwalk somewhere is so fabulous the last place I also had a pizza where the ricotta cheese but I feel like it was his hobbies were kind of heavy it was okay it wasn't the greatest but this they did this Pizza right I mean love the crunch from the little zucchinis the black peppers give it a slight spice slight little crunch from the salami as well and then nice porky flavor well that ricotta she yeah there should be a movie called it's a wonderful piece of story this guy right here I don't know how they did it this might be the first time I'm eating like salami and not overwhelmed by the saltiness of it and for some reason it doesn't feel heavy at all in my stomach I think also one reason about pizza I'm not feeling it heavy is too dull like see that it's just so airy and chewy to this don't you wanna just like rinse out one of these crevices is Right living there this is really the pizza experience of pita experiences let me give you some due attention I'll see you guys a little bit and as I was leaving the owner also told me as far as I could understand because he was trying to speak Italian now I was speaking English he tells me as dough takes 40 hours to prepare it and that's what makes it so special and so chewy you can definitely tell that door is something special all right I'm gonna walk around Pizza alley over here and then on this piece of tour I still got one more place to try and what's also really cool is that you can get a pizza to go if you don't want to sit down and this is also a really popular pizzeria del Presidente so I want to see what it's like to get a pizza to go because one I want to experience it into just one more pizza before I leave Naples one more Neapolitan pizza before I probably will never be able to have this again for a long long time I kind of was expecting like a like a quad fold where they fold the pizza four times and give it to you I kind of just wrapped it just gnaw on it but give it to me in the box let's go already I could smell the basil and tomatoes that's a soupy pizza but come on this beautiful pie for 350 you can only find that deal here Oh also one thing I forgot to mention about the colors of the margarita pizza green red and white the three colors on this pizza also symbolize our three colors in the Italian flag making this probably the most delicious example of patriotism I kind of don't know what a do now told you I was expecting like a like a folded pizza so this is no I don't think less of me please tell me that tomato sauce doesn't make you want to beg for mercy right now I'm literally standing here in an alley in Naples munching on my develop each other feeling absolutely shameless am I supposed to apologize for how good this pizza is these people know I really should have thought this through okay I'm gonna fold it and make it into like a calzone [Music] much more efficient well like I said one more piece of place but we're gonna go back to Rome for that my last piece of restaurant in Italy this one lap from talena it's a sit-down piece of place and like I said I try to get a reservation it took me like two days so it's reserves are really looking forward to this now first page the menu this is a very popular place a lot of tension is paid to the maturation of the dope good each minimum 48 hours Wow olive oil no calories most pretty lower whoa that's great emiliana this does you think is the best pizza Wow boar mozzarella ah sweet pistachio pesto pistachio yes I will take this 100% yeah yes in there one more the second is your commanding general general VZ yeah I still Buffalo Moscow that looks great so this is Roman style piece of freshly made the only time I had a florida's was that it wasn't like freshly made pizza a we hated it there's still great but this I'm getting a straight from the oven guys you gotta check out my piece in right now so right here I got the Emiliana which is wild boar mortadella got mozzarella Cavallo cheese and pistachio pesto so this is the wild boar let's lift us up oh you see the mozzarella oh that look at that gooey cheese and you lift this up a little bit oh there it is pistachio pesto I never seen pistachio pesto before what a treat and then this I got the general easy has stove buffalo mozzarella my favorite raw cherry tomatoes in ham then these slices of ham almost translucent Oh raw cherry tomatoes so the cherry juice is just popping all over this piece of so Roman pizza the distinction is their crust is gonna be thin to medium fan let me just tuck the cheese and the statue of pesto back in here time to dig in I feel like I've been watching the previews for for a much anticipated movie haven't wanted to see for like 10 times straight finally being attraction let's get to it I know if he just felt the love that was shooting through my eyes this thing is making a portal a motional right now I have no idea where pistachio pesto's I've been all my life but now that's in my life I'm not letting it go by the way this is the most notes in my mouth crunchy pizza crust I've been in juice here go through the pump route that's magical this thing should have his own Vegas mime show the crust I could write a whole album of love songs and dedicated to this crushed when I put that in my mouth I swear I hear angels singing it's the most crunchy / melty piece of crust I've had in Italy so far now that your mouth doesn't begin to describe this you did get that nice flavor olive oil there's the most amazing pizza yeah amazing oh my gosh all right I got to get into the other piece of hands I got [Music] I know it's not right to have fall in love with two things at the same time that's like both sitting at your table in front of you but it's happening it's a love story that game dorky ages try this camp that's a beautiful trifecta you got the porky salty fragrant and hard crust just a little bit of pesto the creaminess of the buffalo mozzarella with the sweet use of the cherry tomatoes those pizza will haunt my dreams and my memories till the day I come back and eat it again pistachio pesto seriously if you never had oh god you need to have it's nutty Frank wins a big creamy there's certain foods you'll meet in life and it's not it doesn't happen a lot okay it happens every once in a while when you take a bite and without just kinda realizing what it tastes like the emotions hey you know I'm saying like do you see someone you're destined to fall in love with like it you get the feels you get the butterflies everything everything you feel it before you taste it I'll tell you guys this right now if you are enrolled then you miss out on this pizza that's one massive food regret I promise you I really wish like I somehow could have got into this restaurant first night I was here when I'd try to get a reservation because I want to eat here every single day my last bites excuse me one second let me check something I'm just checking whether it's legal to marry a pizza because I want to be with him always it is over way too soon I feel like pizza at least food wise has been one of the highlights of my trip in Italy and I'm glad I I tried different styles from the Roman style with crunchy melting crust an array of toppings to the seemingly simple yet gorgeously delicate Neapolitan pies and to end my journey here tonight man I wish I could hit the repeat button and do all that over again but little great way to end this trip my favorite Neapolitan pizza I have to break this one down because rust I love sort of elos but I love all the sweet tomato's and creamy buffalo mozzarella that DiMaggio put on their pizza and again it's far better far better than any apologies I've had in New York or anywhere else outside of Italy and finally a walnut style pizza you gotta come here I mean hit up Florida Pizza grab a slice of tuna it's my favorite thing there it's then come here and just have the Roman pizza of your dreams because guys in the world of pizza this is a gladiator all right guys I gotta take off go to bed early flight tomorrow but thank you all so much for watching this video all the places I went to it's of course listed for you in my description box below and again by the time you're watching is I'm not in Italy anymore if you want to know where I am full time follow me on Instagram and Twitter is list there right here and in the description box below thank you all so much for watching now until we eat again
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,780,470
Rating: 4.9080396 out of 5
Keywords: italian pizza, italy pizza, rome pizza, best pizza, naples pizza, napoli pizza, best pizza in italy, pizza italy, roman pizza, neapolitan pizza, pizza tour, italy, italian, pizza, pizzas, best pizzas, pizza restaurant, pizza rome, pizza naples, cheese, italian tourism, italy travel, travel italy, naples, rome, roman, napoli, tourism, travel, traveling, hotel, hotels, flights
Id: 47uye9gydOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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