Contending For Truth with David Barton

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[Music] drink of the water come and thirst no more [Music] oh come all you sinners come find his mercy come to the table he will satisfy the taste of his goodness [Music] is [Music] [Music] see [Music] jesus is [Applause] is [Music] [Music] praise god praise god from whom our blessings from praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the is that he gave us [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross jesus [Music] [Applause] we praise you god we thank you for saving us jesus hallelujah i cast my mind to calvary where jesus bled and died for me i see his eyes [Music] his body bound and drenched in tears they laid him down in joseph to the entrance [Music] and all [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] rose [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] my gaze transfixed on jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in jesus you are worthy to be praised hallelujah jesus lord what an awesome thing it is for your people to gather together and lift your name high and praise you and worship you in this place in church there are actually more people trying to get in here to worship corporately with us and so we're gonna ask that you i know it's an awesome thing it really is so we ask that if you see any empty seats that you would move in towards the center so that the ushers can seat people on the ends so that they too can come in here and sing with us our father [Music] through your holy spirit conceiving christ the son jesus our savior i believe in the holy spirit our god is [Music] we will rise again for i believe in the name of jesus [Music] reading [Music] suffering [Music] [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] now we will rise again foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that jesus [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] in the virgin birth i believe in the saints communion and in your holy church [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] praise the name of the lord our god oh praises [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] and we won't be quiet [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] and we won't be quiet is [Music] [Music] we were the prisoners [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we won't be quiet [Music] [Applause] and we won't be quiet [Applause] [Music] and we won't be quiet is [Applause] uh [Music] hallelujah god we give you the glory praise we bless you in this place and all god's people said amen amen church did you greet one another as you're being seated this morning [Music] well hello kelvi chapel what a blessing it was to worship the lord this morning there's another way you could worship and that's by giving back a portion of what the lord's already given you there are three ways you could do that one is you could go to the website push the give button and follow the prompts another way is text to give you could text 855 980 put in the box give calvary cch and again follow the prompts and the third way there's agape boxes at the back of the sanctuary with that here are a few announcements if you are a current or former educator and would like to use your skills to share the gospel with local people in our area we are starting a brand new ministry focused on teaching english through the bible if you would like more information or would like to get involved please join us for an informational meeting today in e-226 at 2 30. i'm so excited to tell you about widows of worth a brand new ministry here at calvary designed for widows of all ages psalm 68 tells us that god in his most holy dwelling is a defender of widows and i'm convinced that god has a special plan and purpose for all of us who have lost husbands and find ourselves in new seasons of life as a ministry we hope to comfort encourage and support each other and as we connect to each other and draw closer to god we hope to thrive and find joy in life as we serve him it's a monthly ministry but we kick it all off friday october 8th 6 30 p.m in room 201 so i do hope that you will consider joining me and others for widows of worth calling all you firefighters to join us thursday september 23rd from 9 a.m to 11 here in room 223 on the east side of campus the high school room as firefighters we get together and study the word of god we have a ministry here on campus called size up we're inviting you to come and join us make sure you bring your bible and we're looking forward to meeting you are you new to jesus or not yet had the opportunity to be fully equipped in the basics of biblical doctrine and the christian life well then we want to highly encourage you to join us starting this week thursday september 23rd here at the church for our new beginnings class you can sign up today by going to the church website at and clicking on the registration tab there is no cost for this class and child care is provided for ages 3 years old to 6th grade so we really encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your faith and grow in your personal walk with jesus as you can see there's a lot going on here at calvi chappeltino hills if you want more information go to or download the church app with that get out your bibles and prepare your hearts for the word wow good morning how are you good morning hey um first of all we're gonna be asking you guys over uh the course of the next week or two so be thoughtful be thinking about it we're gonna figure out how to do this um but i would i would assume if you guys get um our app or you are connected to us where we can send an announcement to you but we are going to need we have been needing to do this uh but we're we're trying to figure out when and that is to add another service to sunday what does that mean do we do we do uh do we do do we start saturday night for sunday or do we do we do sunday at a fourth service like at like at three o'clock or do we do a fourth service at at five o'clock on sundays here's what it means to you you're all excited you're going okay hello we're gonna need you to help us do it so i know many of you are new here but now you are officially veterans here watch how this goes and uh listen if you're a christian if you're if the holy spirit is just coming out of you pray that god's calling you to serve in some way shape or form uh we cannot we can we must stop turning people away from church it's not right we've got to blow these doors our walls open we need to find a field but we cannot turn people away it is wrong for a church to turn people away because there's no more room so we got to add services if we've got to do monday tuesday wednesday we already do wednesday if we have to do monday tuesday wednesday wednesday thursday friday saturdays we're going to do it listen church jesus is coming back and and we can't we can't cruise and make it easy because so many people are in need of the word of god i was shocked i just uh spent uh two days in texas speaking at a conference and i was shocked of all places i told these people i said please don't tell me this anymore people were in line telling me that the church that they used to attend in texas is either a close still or is not going to open or opened up totally woke and these people were crying and i couldn't believe it in texas and i said don't tell me that because in california when we go to when we lay down at night to go to sleep we always reach over to see if texas is still there somewhere for us to escape to and they said no no no listen i was blown away with how many people who honestly said they were not joking they said we are seriously thinking about moving to chino hills and that's a ladies and gentlemen you know the world is flipping over when people from texas come to chino hills it's the end of the world it's the end of the world it's amazing well i want to encourage all of you though i want to remind all of you you cannot give up listen um the the results of the vote on tuesday uh it's painful to watch it's listen i would be devastated if we lost that's not what happened and there's a lot of amazing works going on right now where people people are there's there there are groups going out and they're interviewing people trying to find people who voted no on the recall and they're trying to find people who who didn't vote for larry elder and they can't find them it's so it's amazing so there's a lot going on the the official uh end of the election results isn't until october 22nd so who knows be praying if the truth comes out uh that would be pretty cool but here's some good news no matter what everybody here's here's the good news the good news is and it's always the good news jesus is on his throne and we we always fight for what's right you fight for what's godly we're not wimps listen we are christians we're not a bunch of whims we fight because it's truth that we're fighting for oh you know but we lost listen a good boxer will remind you when you get punched in the face and you can taste blood in your mouth listen did you know that's a good thing well i don't want to taste blood in my mouth yes you do because number one there's a there is a there's some sort of a mental adrenaline effect that when you get punched in the face and you can taste blood something happens to you and it's a basically it's an announcement guess what you just got punched in the face and and the taste of blood that taste of that of iron in your mouth that metallic taste causes a response of engagement you don't retreat when you have that you go forward and listen we have a world that is out trying to kill babies and pollute children with sex ed at k in first grade we've got look i was in texas i had to fill my car up before i turned it back to the airport two dollars a gallon i was trying to figure out how do i get gas in my suitcase to bring it back we've got to fight for our state we've got to fight for our freedoms don't quit don't give up we're going to have another chance we're going to have another chance uh and by the way it's very precious you guys you you've heard over on the news and interviews and things like that but it's just very very sweet because um i was informed i made the announcement last service that larry elder's campaign spent 20 million dollars he was given 20 million dollars to campaign it was one of the shortest campaign moments you had you know they're very short or this was very short because of the special election and he did incredibly well as you have used as you have seen the numbers coming out but uh did you hear i i announced because that's the last news i heard the democrat party spent 100 million dollars to preserve newsom's bad job they brought listen they they brought up uh biden and barack obama and harris and and warren to save his job by the way not one of them defended his job by the way and they didn't not one of them said he did a good job they just said you can't let this happen and i was corrected last service for service i had i i had heard a hundred thou a hundred a hundred million dollars did i say a hundred thousand a hundred million m million and i heard this i heard this voice no no no 200 million and it was larry elder he was sitting over here and he came running up and he said it was 200 million they spent 200 million to try to keep us from winning the point is you're sitting in california god's not done with california because listen we're going to do what's right we're going to preach the gospel more than we ever have and we are going to engage the culture more than we ever have it's not over it's it's not over till the fat angel sings remember that so you guys you were remarkable this last week as one of the 13 dead in kabul u.s marine you showed up in force you lined freeway overpasses you had your flags many of you were sending me your your photos and your videos and um it's listen it's so moved you know we have one more in our vicinity in our neighborhood who's coming home and the family was so blessed to see what you did for the other marine family that this is what they're asking if that you would also gather for their son u.s marine corps lance corporal dylan marilla from rancho cucamonga from rancho right here by the way if there's any churches any christians watching from rancho you need to get in on this okay this is a big deal everybody everybody in the southland here's the thing he's going to be returning uh here to the u.s and then to ontario airport the motorcade will leave ontario airport at 5 45 pm this tuesday day after tomorrow 5 45 in the evening this tuesday and here's what we've been asked to do because the route is going to be what it is it's too complex to to give you the route now but the church office has the route printed out for you but if you don't go to the church office if you go to if you email us we will email back to you the route for the motorcade of his procession where his body will be taken to forest lawn where his service will be held there and listen i pray that you do this because you know what we can make the sacrifice like you did last week we can do this we're the ones safe we're the ones that are able to play with our xbox and go sailing or or go to work or sleep in because men like this gave their lives that we can be a free people so church i know this has been an unusual season for all of you it's been an amazing unusual season for me we've had a lot of dynamics going on and now that you know is over for now and it's time for us to settle back in and uh get back into the things that we would call normal which is discipleship that is in the word of god on sundays you know we're in the book of romans on wednesdays we're in the book of hebrews and there's so many so much else going on on campus we'll be expanding ministries to meet the need but this is one final and can i say don't let mike pompeo know this but we're going to save the best for last and that is today we have uh we have a man with us today that most of you have never heard from before because many of you are new this man has a museum in that museum that he has established he is the the sole possessor of original founding documents more than anyone else on earth outside uh the smithsonian institute regarding our nation's founding in historical documents in the original family members descendants of people who held these documents of washington in his own hand or jefferson made sure that this man had custody because of his love for america because of his love for god because of his love for truth he has spoken to uh probably i'm gonna guess now if not every state almost every state in their election committees he has represented uh our nation regarding elect uh education uh in europe uh he's one of the men who review what kids are taught in areas where they invite him in he is a national treasure years ago he invited pastors to stand up and and join the black robe regiment of the 21st century and i think back then there were 11 i was one of the 11 and now there's thousands of them but you guys give a warm welcome to the remarkable amazing wonderful defender of truth prepare to be blown away david barton thanks guys thank you guys be seated yeah thank you god bless texas we'll take that um i want to talk to you this morning about truth as a word and really where we are in the culture truth is under attack in a way that we have not seen in our lifetime and i would say the truth really is on life support and i don't use that as political hyperbola i'm not given to that i do that because we do a lot of statistical research work with people like george barn and others on polling and what we know nationally right now is when you look at at the nation right now three out of five americans say there's no absolute moral truth now the problem with this is no nation has ever survived this ever because if you can't get a majority of the nation's degree on what's right and wrong then laws mean nothing laws have absolutely no impact you can't enforce laws where the sixty percent of the people don't agree the law is right and that's where we are and it's even worse when you look forward for example if you look at millennials which is the next generation to everything next generation teachers and political leaders and ministers etc cetera with millennials it's four out of five millennials who think that there's no absolute moral truth but the good news is at least the christian community is there because only one out of two christians think that there's no absolute moral truth what now i would think women ten commandments that's kind of absolute truth apparently for half of christians the ten commandments are the ten suggestions because there's no absolute moral truth so it is a difficulty as a result of that objective truth doesn't matter anymore in so many areas now i'm very involved politically we have a network about a thousand state legislators from across the country monitor 110 000 pieces of legislation this year at the state level we see the battles that are going on or very involved and so many other arenas as well and so seeing what's happening at that level you know five years ago nobody wondered about how many genders there are and by the way if you still live in the country like i'm a cowboy from texas if you live on a ranch you know there's only two genders i mean there's nothing that's all there is we don't know how many there are now because as of last november the lgbtq movement is now the lgbtqia plus movement because they're somewhere north of 90 different genders and so would you have to put the ia plus to kevora so we don't know absolute truth on anything related to gender the same when it comes to religion all religions are equally good as a matter of fact right now pauline shows us that 80 percent of christians think that you can get to heaven other than through jesus christ so that's even among christians all forms of government are equally good even though we've had a constitutional republic everything else works well so if we become socialist marxist communist it's going to work equally well and so now we're no longer really concerned about maintaining the only form of government that's that the longest lasting government in america in world history is the american government same thing with education states now no longer use standardized achievement tests that all 50 states use every state has its own because i don't really want to compare myself with somebody else i don't want to say that texas is 45th or 2nd or 30th whatever so every state has its own standards now so we can't compare ourselves with one another to see who's really doing what uh the same thing with morality i've already mentioned that history we cancel this or we won't like we just make up stuff we do like and so we teach whatever and so we've seen the battles going all the local school boards across the country what are we going to teach what's true what's not true we have the same thing with science we pick and choose science we don't really follow science we follow the science that holds up our opinions and so whatever our opinions are we'll go with that science and we're not going to listen to your opinions and doesn't matter if you have science behind you so we have debates over sides we have the same thing over economics it's interesting uh right now 75 percent of college students want to replace america's free market economic system with socialism 69 of millennials and 41 of all americans now just ignore the fact that for 5 800 years of recorded history there's not a single example in history where socialism ever worked we just need to try that in america because we'll get it right no we won't and so we're the thing where that well if if we think it's good it's going to work fine it's not going to work fine the same with ethics so it doesn't matter where you are what's happened is truth in fact has been replaced with personal opinions my opinion is more important than truth and fact so what i want to speak about this morning is having a love of the truth and to do that i want to go to a passage in the second thessalonians 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 through 12 it has a conflict there between the man of truth and the man of lawlessness and this conflict goes along and i like the way that that passage ends because at the conclusion after the man of truth is making his points and the man of lawlessness says no that's not right what it says is in verse 10 they did not receive the love of the truth having heard the truth they didn't agree with that they didn't like it they didn't receive the love of the truth verse 11 says that for this reason god will send them strong delusion so if you reject truth here comes a strong delusion that they might believe the lie and verse 12 says that all might be downed who believe not the truth now damn does the king james word for condemned or judged but notice a sequence that you have here if you don't love or if you reject the truth if you refuse to accept the truth even if even if it disagrees with what you personally believe if you refuse to accept the truth then what happens is a delusion enters when a delusion enters you will then believe a lie and then you will act on that lie and it will have high costs and consequences now there's lots of examples of this let me take you into science as a math and teacher for a long time i was principal of the school and so math and science is my gig and we have people like newton who has the laws of gravitation by the way we call them the laws of gravitation because they're not personal opinions they are laws the thing in science is a law is something that has never been violated once not in ever not in all of history if it's ever violated even just one time if it's right 99.999 percent of the time it's not a law it has to be 100 if it's violated even once it's no longer a law it's a theory or an axiom or a principle so a law means it's never been violated it won't be violated now what happens is i am fully aware of how much progress we've made in technology today i mean we're talking right now about placing a woman on the moon we've had men on the moon have a woman on the moon we're going to put americans on mars i was talking to charlie duke who was on apollo 16 one of the moonwalkers he was number 10 out of the 12 moonwalkers he's the youngest and charlie held up his little smartphone and said you know there's more technology in this phone right here than we had in rooms of computers when we went to the moon back at nasa all those rooms and computers don't have as much technology as we got right here and so we have we have made so much progress in technology that i'm really not sure that the gravity is the force that to be reckoned with like it has been i mean as a matter of fact the more i think about it i'm not sure that gravity's something to reckon with at all okay once i get to this point notice what happens if i get to this point where i say there's no law of gravity then the next thing is well the law of gravity sure doesn't affect me and if it doesn't affect me then i can do what i want and quite frankly i've always wanted to be able to jump off a building and soar and so i am going to jump off a building and i am going to soar all the way till i splat on the sidewalk below and i will die and what happens is i bought into this thing where that i rejected the truth once i rejected truth a delusion enters i'll start acting behaving and it can be a moral truth it can be a truth out of god's word i don't agree with that i don't agree with what you guys say about whatever it is and a delusion there you'll believe a lie you'll act on it's high cost and consequences and it really doesn't matter how sincere i am i can believe it with all of my heart it doesn't matter what i believe with all my heart if it's a law it is never going to change that's the way it is truth is that's what it is and it doesn't matter what my personal opinion is or how strongly i believe it or how many of my friends believe it you have to go with absolute truth so absolute truth is what i want to deal with and talk about for a minute and for christians we know that absolute truth we have several places we can go to understand what that is for example we go to john 17 17 scripture says sanctify them by the truth your word is truth so that's a good source of truth god's word we also know in john 14 6 jesus says i'm the way the truth and the life nobody comes the father except by me so there's another source of truth same source of truth god's word and the person of jesus christ so that's a that's the source of truth we should start with and from that everything else flows out now the problem we have with truth today and this is why so many christians are in this fix of not being sure what truth is on religion or anything else is that we don't know his word even though that's a source of truth right now we know that only nine percent of christians read the bible on a daily basis so if you're not reading the standards of truth you're not going to recognize the standards of truth and my opinion then becomes important because i haven't read the source of truth that's the absolute source of truth but on top of that only six percent of americans have a biblical worldview so only six percent of americans see things the way that god sees things the great creator of the universe he's told us all this information in every area out there that's a book that deals with economics it deals with education deals with military deals with immigration deals with anything you want to cover god took a bunch of slaves out of egypt that had been slaves for 400 years that thought like slaves act like slaves behaved like slaves he got him out in the wilderness and said okay guys nobody's chasing you have not a clue where you're going so let me tell you what's going to happen he gave them 613 laws based on those 613 laws they became a backward nation of slaves to the greatest empire in the ancient world because the 613 laws dealt with every single aspect of life and by the way it's amazing that christians today can't put bible verses to simple things like jesus did when he talked about the minimum wage or what jesus says about the capital what the bible says about the capital gains tax what the bible says about progressive income taxes versus capitation tax bible is so good on economics but we don't even know it today so only one out of 16 actually can see things the way that god has laid them out and so as a result this is where our personal opinions now are supreme we've got nothing better to base it on than our opinions because we don't know what god's opinion is on most of these things and this is where our culture is getting into a lot of difficulty let me take you to some things that are going on in the news you may recall that about 16 months ago we started this crusade on taking down statues and attacking the culture and going after stuff probably the first statue to come down was a statue of christopher columbus it was one of the first ones that came down and it was followed by so many others across the nation and as you look at christopher columbus why would we tear down the statue of christopher columbus we have state holidays and federal holidays columbus day now those are being replaced now by indigenous people day so we're moving away from christopher columbus and why are we doing that if you don't know why christopher columbus is a bad guy that we need to move away from then you need to do a quick search on just do a web search and you'll find all sorts of memes like this one it says i don't always celebrate enslavement genocide but when i do it's columbus day say columbus is this is not only was he into enslavement genocide we're told he's the first sex trafficker in the history of the world so this is a bad dude another one savage stop the genocide racism imperialism stop the celebration create hope for a new world you got to get away from the sky because it's so bad and this is why we're getting rid of columbus day and we're going to indigenous people day now interesting thing about that columbus with this record of course the statues are coming down and i just show you statue after statue after statue across the nation where we've been taking it down we've been destroying it i mean columbus is a bad dude by the way how many columbus statues are there 600 can you name any other person that has 600 statues that's interesting why does columbus have more statues than anybody else and does this mean that every generation before this one accepted and endorsed and embraced genocide and racism and sex trafficking well that doesn't make sense we had a generation that was so against slavery that we fought a civil war i mean we're the only americans the only nation in history that where whites fought whites and prey blacks as a result and by the way let me just back up there's no nation in the world that had any major reach in the that abolished slavery before america did by 1804 every northern state had passed an abolition law now nobody did it before america by in march of 1807 america signed the first law to ban the international slave trade we're the first in the world to sign a law banning international slave trade and by the way in 1819 congress appropriated money where we sent an entire naval squadron to sit off the coast of africa and cruise the coast of africa and make sure that no other nations could come to africa and take slaves out of africa now didn't work totally because africa is thousands of miles long one squadron can't cover thousands of miles back then with the technology they had great britain joined us through their credit and so great britain america we patrolled the the coast of africa to stop we stopped hundreds and hundreds of slave traders from going to africa taking out slaves didn't get it all but we were making that effort america became the fourth nation in the world to abolish slavery in 1865 when we won the civil war hundreds of nations in the world america was the fourth to abolish now think about that's only 150 years ago and we're the fourth nation in the world to abolish slavery america has done a whole lot of things right now we've had our blemishes how are things wrong the problem is we don't know much about our own history as a matter of fact we don't even know much about world history did you know there's 193 nations in the world today 94 of them still allow slavery 94 nations have not banned slavery to this day which is why we have over 40 million active slaves in the world right now 9.2 million in africa we know at least three million china there's more than that but that's what we can document china doesn't let you have records we we have more slaves today by three than what we had in the 400 year history of the slave trade the slave trade 12.7 million taken out of africa between 1501 and 1875 we've got three times more than that slavery today if we're really concerned about slavery and racism let's look at what's happening now not what happened 300 400 years ago but that's not what most people know about today now six years ago a guy named glenn beck started an organization called the nazarene fund to save persecuted christians out of the middle east i'm on the board of that help run that we're running operations in afghanistan now we've gotten thousands of people out there are thousands of christians that are being sought and persecuted on the list that are still being looked for just last week there was a bible study going on taliban broke in found the bible study murdered every single person there they take christians and turn them into actual literal slaves also into sex slaves over the last four years we've gotten several hundred thousand people out of the hands of isis and gotten them to all sorts of safe places across the world we're actively fighting slavery as a matter of fact two of our guys have been killed in operations to go and taking slaves one of our guy's been shot 17 times he keeps going back because he hates slavery there's slavery in the world right now we need to be focused on what's going on it's fine to know history and america has a history of slavery no question but you should tell the good the bad and the ugly you tell everything you tell the whole truth about what happened not just pick and choose history so back to columbus you can't say that we had 600 statues because everybody before us was racist and tolerated this stuff so if that's not it then maybe there's more to the story what is the real story or what's the history or better yet based on what we're talking about this morning what's the truth about columbus now let me take you back to columbus the truth about columbus the first question i would ask you about columbus is how many voyages did he make well it doesn't matter because he was a bad guy on all of them my first and we asked this to young people all the time it doesn't matter he's back if you don't even know how many voyages he made you don't even have the basic fact from which to examine whether he did what is claimed so he made four voyages and here's the deal about those four voyages on those four voyages they involved more than 10 000 people those people kept records there were ministers uh there there were military guys there were doctors there were settlers there were business people there's records galore there in the library in spain spain is who sponsored his trips and so it's a library there there's also things like this is his son this is his son diego and this is the second piece ever done on christopher columbus this is diego taking his father's writings and took those writings and published them so we have the original writings has given us by the son of christopher columbus spain has the original letters there you also have guys like washington irving he was a diplomat to spain for america nearly 200 years ago he spent years in the spanish library going through and reading about columbus stating the records of those who went with them the records of settlers et cetera came out with three this three volume sit authoritative work on chris columbus and those voyages and what happened now what happens today is what i'm about to share with you most americans have never heard and this is the way you change history it's not that you change it you go silent about it for about 30 years and after you've been silent then you can reintroduce a totally different narrative you see the crt narrative that's going right now didn't work 30 years ago because we knew too much about our own history the christopher columbus stuff that's going now wouldn't have worked back in the 80s because we knew too much about christopher columbus what's happened is the nation no longer teaches history very well at all and because we don't we can now move the culture in a totally different direction this is where having originals really helps and this is why truth is so important so let's go back to columbus his first void starts landing and this is the painting that is in the rotunda of the us capitol this painting is 14 feet high it's 20 feet wide in the capitol it's a life-sized painting of columbus columbus lands there in the new world this is called and the first people he encounters are native triad called the taino the taino he loved them he wrote about they said these are the best people ever he said this is a gentlest and countless people i've ever met he tells the king and queen of spain these guys are wonderful they need to have full protection full equality this is a great people so he has great relations with potatoes and tainos appreciate that and they like columbus and things go really well and they get along well and the tainos say however you need to recognize we're not the only tribe in the islands there are other tribes as well and they tell them about their enemy which is called the cannons of the caribs now candace and carrots is where we get the name cannibal and caribbean so this is the mortal enemy the tainos which is now columbus's friend and ally and columbus hears about all this cannibalism he said he just didn't buy that come on this is 1492 who in 1492 eats somebody come on we're too civilized for that and that literally was his attitude but having found this great relationship with the taino people he says let's go back and get more people springboard this is great we're all going to live together and and so he makes a plan to return for supplies and on on the return as they start the return one of the ships runs the ground it damages the ship so bad it can't make it back to spain so all the crew on that ship there's not enough room for them on the other ships so he said okay guys they said tainos they're great people this is going to be great we'll leave you here we'll be right back we're just going to spain reload quick supplies we're coming back and so what they do is they build them a fort and in building the fort he says no big deal back shortly and so he then takes off now what happens is right after he leaves the cannons the caribs show up and the taino weren't there at the time they showed up and so they promptly killed every one of columbus men and they cannibalized all of them apparently the first thing they do is scoop out the eyeballs because they think that's a delicacy and so the taino get back as they're cannibalizing these guys the taino engage with the cannons and chase them off then columbus makes it back so columbus comes back after all these guys have been cannibalized and eaten and butchered and he gets there and when he when he comes back and he finds everybody dead he goes to the taino and says what happened what remember that tribe we told you about they showed up we tried to chase them off but it was too late all your guys were dead and so columbus says okay i'm going to go find these dudes so he goes looking for the can of villages and he comes to the first village of cantor village and when he gets there he found 49 huts and they're populated with taino women now these 49 huts he's saying we're the canops we came for the canops and they said well they're out on forging expedition they're after food they went to a neighboring island they're killing the people there and bringing the food back and they said okay but what are you doing here and they said well we're the sex slaves of the cannons they rape us and all the children reproduce they eat we're the food farm for the cannabis this is how they get the food and columbus has all these other dudes with them and they're keeping notes on the stuff and and so the the ladies explained they said look the cannabis you got to understand these people they love to eat infants and they love to eat full-grown men they don't like eating women and they don't like eating children and so this is what one of the doctors recorded about what they heard from the taino women it says when the caribbeans take any boys as prisoners they remove their organs they fatten the boys until they grow to manhood and then when they wish to make a great feast they kill and eat them for they say the flesh of boys and women is not good to eat well columbus proceeds to liberate all those tiny women gets them out of there gets them away from the village uh he goes on and he finally catches up with with the cannon people and at when they catch up with the cannon people they engage them they have a battle columbus's guys whip the the cannibals and you to remember this is the age of conquest this is what was common in the bible as well when you had a culture that was so twisted that was so bent out of shape you said just wipe them out and that's what god told the people when they went into canaan said these guys are so twisted they sacrifice their kids and what they do just wipe them out and so in the age of conquest there was only two things you could do when you defeated an enemy one was to kill them and the other was to enslave them that's the two options you got so columbus's guys essentially wiped out the cannibals now that's the genocide that he's being blamed with by the way if you ever take a trip to the caribbean you can appreciate the fact you're not gonna have to face cannibals when you go there thank you columbus for wiping out the cannibals and how many tribes he saved he said all these other tribes were being pillaged by the cannons nobody talks about all the other tribes he saved that appreciated columbus they actually joined with columbus to help fight these people so today i i think it's we could maybe understand in terms of isis remember four years ago is when they really came to power tried to set up the caliphate in iraq we got introduced to them specifically on the shores there the mediterranean when they beheaded the coptic christians who are these guys this is barbaric and so we went in over the next three years we proceeded to eliminate the isis caliphate and you know i've talked to a lot of special forces guys i got two kids in the military right now and so what we're doing with afghanistan dealing with special forces guys it's interesting you would be shocked at how many isis terrorists were killed in that period of time the state department doesn't make it public department defense doesn't make it's unbelievable the number of people who want to blow up others and kill others and kill you and you know the guys like last week i told you in that bible study that the isis fighters are back in afghanistan they're the hagogy guys that are mainly at the kabul airport that region and that's where they were killed so these guys are making a comeback you know we wiped them out so much we just knocked them down for years now they're coming back but nobody accuses us of genocide for wiping out the isis fighters that's even the liberal media doesn't say it was a genocide to wipe out isis fighters see that's what it was with columbus back in that day these guys were so twisted so abominable nobody lamented their passing the whole world was better off when it happened so after columbus liberates the the taino and and crushes the cannons he heads back to spain and as he goes back to spain some of the tainos say you know you keep talking to us about this king and queen you say they're really great people we'd love to go back and meet them so some of the tainos voluntarily asked to go back this was not enslaved but they wanted to go back and it's interesting the king and queen made them part of the royal court they said these guys are so great let's just make them part of the rural proceedings and so they had elevated positions now columbus did take back a handful of cannibals with him and he said these are the guys that ate my men these are the guys that ate our friends and so that's the enslavement is when he took back a hand full of these cannibals to spain to show the king and queen how twisted things were there in the caribbean that's the enslavement we're talking about he didn't enslave any others just the the few that he didn't kill when when he had his genocide that's not the story we get at all and we're tearing statues down because of that see that's why previous generations erected statues to him because he moved civilization forward and now columbus's guys weren't always good columbus fought his own men many times he told his men you cannot take any gold from the tainos you have to give them something of equal value and exchanges men didn't like that the titans are willing to give them everything so columbus fought with his own men over the treatment natives it was not columbus and the spanish got a lot of things wrong columbus was a whole lot better than the spanish actually he was italian so when you look at columbus the real story is quite different from what we're told but that's not all the charges against him another charge we hear about him is he was driven only by gold it was his love of money that caused him to do all that he did well that love of money what if there's more to that story than there was to the first story because we're told he's a genocidal guy who started sex trafficking what if there's more to the story so to find out the more the story you got to go back to columbus today and see what it's like at the time he lived as part of when the crusades occurred now we hear about the crusades we studied them in american books today world history world geography we'll study about the crusades most people can't answer three best basic questions about the crusades the questions about the crusades when you talk about the crusades you should be able to say who was involved where did the crusades occur and why did they occur now let me take you back and look at that because this is the age of columbus this is the age in which he lived when you look at the crusades what the textbooks talk about today is the christian crusades they occurred primarily in the middle east and they're from eight to 37 crusades depending on which textbook you read so what happens is to and and by the way i'm appointed in a bunch of states by state boards education to do the history and social studies standards in the states so i see what's in the textbooks and so we say these intolerant christians they went and they butchered people and they killed people and they tried to overcome people that's what the crusades are all about from 8 to 37 and yes christians did some bad stuff back then no question about it because back then we didn't have the bible available we had not gotten to the reformation yet we've gone to about a thousand years where the bible has been put up from the average citizen it's only used by those that are elites in church and state and they tell us what we should be believing and we don't get it for ourselves so the reformation comes after this so at this point in time these these wicked christians are trying to kill all the people who don't believe okay so the question is who are they fighting well they were fighting in the muslim crusades and by the way let's talk about the muslim crusades for a moment do you know in the muslim crusades there were a total of 548 muslim crusades now how come we hear about the 37 or so christian crusades are not a word about the muslim crusades see the christian crusades were christians trying to take back what the muslims had taken from the christians it was a return conflict and so you go the second third fourth eighth crusade they're all trying to take back stuff that was taken and if you know much about muslim crusades and by the way let me point out that columbus is from italy there's italy right there italy was besieged because in the muslim faith you have to conquer your enemy so jews and christians particularly on that list and so since paul went into rome that's the book of romans there in rome and there were big churches in italy and big cathedrals at that point in time that's where muslims are going to conquer them so columbus and his youth grew up fighting muslims who were coming to kill him and his friends and the churches he attended so this is a very real thing to him this is not book learning this is something that's going on where they come into his land trying to conquer and kill and by the way he is sailing for the nation of spain look at spain it's nothing but red dots see this is where paul went on his missionary journey and got churches started in spain spain was a thriving christian area and so the muslims really attacked spain and so the the king and queen of spain are very aware of what's happening with this because they're having to fight wars over it and the other place you see so much activity is there in the middle east because this was the home of christians and jews and so so many of the the holy science the christian jews had to be conquered taken over and if you know much about the islamic faith back in that day when they conquered something they would erect a minaret and a mosque there to show we've conquered this this is why so many people were ticked after 9 11 when they wanted to build a mosque on the side of 9 11. people said well religious toleration is what we do in america now if you understand history we erect this mosque in this minaret where we've conquered people and so that's why people didn't like what happened in 9 11. so what happens if you go across the middle east you've ever been there you know caesarea is where paul said out of this missionary journeys big christian port and it's also one that was conquered in the crusades and they built a minaret and a mosque there if you go on across to to bethlehem this is the birthplace of king david it's the birthplace of jesus it is now a muslim town it's been conquered because it was a christian jewish holy site and it's now got the mosque in the mineral right there uh it's a it's a muslim town today so is nazareth the boyhood home of jesus it's one of those that's been conquered and taken over because that was a holy site to christians uh you have the temple mound which is holy to both christians and jews it's now the third most holy site in islam because it was conquered and taken over in the crusades uh even caesarea philippi this is where jesus told told peter he said peter on this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it big stuff for christians for the catholic faith they said that's where peter became the first pope this is the birthplace for first pope this is big stuff to christians and protestants both and so that was conquered and a mosque in a minute right there this is the way it was all over the middle east and so when columbus is alive this is what's going on this is what he's facing well columbus interestingly writes a letter where he in his journal he talks about how that he has read or talked to the major theologians of the day he said all the major theologians agree that jesus will return within 155 years now don't ask me why 155 years that was their end time eschatology at the time all the theologians agreed he's not a theologian he believes them and she said if jesus is coming back he's coming back there to jerusalem and right now that's a hotbed of conflict it's a bed of hostility jesus comes back there i mean it's going to be nothing but war because he says we've got to get this back in the hands of people who love him we've got to get back in the hands of christians and jews and so that's why he wants the gold it's interesting what he told the king and queen was very pointed he said i wish that all the prophets of this mind ever may be sent in the conquest of jerusalem he's not getting money to build a 43-story castle that he can live in he wants that money to be able to get the middle east back in the hands of those who love god and get it out of the hands of those who who hate christians and jews that's a whole different motivation now we can argue and say well i'm not sure that's a sound motivation okay that's fine you can say but don't tell me he's greedy and was loving gold and wanted all this for himself because that's not what the story is you can question his motivations but the story narrative we get today is totally different and in addition to having his journals between his third and fourth voyage he wrote what was called his book of prophecies because he was going through the scriptures and he read the scriptures when the lord spoke something to him holy spirit brought something out he had recorded and if you can see on the left side there if you read latin it's ezekiel chapter 3 in ezekiel chapter 27 ezekiel on the right side ezekiel chapter 28 ezekiel chapter 32 ezekiel chapter 34 and 35 he's writing notes on the scriptures and he specifically pointed something isaiah he said look my name is christopher which means christ's bear i think that's a god-given name he said when i look into into isaiah it talks about how the light is to go to the isles of the sea he said the island sea tells me there's people out there that never heard the light before there's some islands that need to be found that need the gospel of jesus christ and i think he's called me to do that so he goes through all the scriptures he writes about what god has shown him and he specifically says i've looked and put into study to look into all the scriptures our lord opened my understanding i could sense his hand upon me all those who heard about my enterprise rejected it with laughter scoffing at me he said but who doubts that this illumination is from the holy spirit i attest that he the spirit with marvelous race of light consoled me through the holy and sacred scriptures no one should be afraid to take on any enterprise in the name of our savior if it's right and if the purpose is purely for his holy service now that's a that's a motivation we don't hear much but that's the true story now you take what i've just shown you and put it with the narrative we've got today and i've got the documents to show you and i can also take you back to school books we used 30 years ago who had the stuff in the school books this was common knowledge it's not common laws today which is why it's okay to tear down the statute because this guy's a bum well he's not perfect that's why we all need a savior the bible says all of sin comes short of the glory of god nobody's perfect but that doesn't mean he's the maniac genocidal sex and slavery whatever that they've got him today we buy that because we don't know what the truth is so this is very important proverbs 18 17 says one side sounds good until you hear the other this is the way we run our courts of law prosecution gets it shot the defense gets it shot the jury has to listen both sides and say no truth is on this side see what happens today we get one side or the other whichever media we listen to if you're on the right you get that side if you're on the left you get that sign we're no longer looking for truth we're looking what helps our side to win and we're wanting our side to win because we don't have this objective love of truth and i'm not saying you specifically i'm talking about the nation and whole i'm talking in general terms here so love of the truth is the most important thing now with the love of the truth let me take you back to what we started with that's all right last 16 months we've been attacking statues and tearing them down and the reason we've been attacking tearing down if you just read the narrative it's about racism this is all to stop racism we want to get the statues removed that are of all these races and that's why we're taking out all these confederate statues and that has been the narrative and if you look on most lists today that lists the statues that are taken down it shows you all these confederate statues that are taken down but i've got a problem with that because that's not really what the narrative is about if it was then please tell me why the statue of david farragut in washington dc was taken down because he's a southern guy who moved north to fight slavery and he is the commander of all the union forces all the navy the union navy and the confederacy so if you're telling me the confederates are the bad guys he's the guy who defeated the confederate navy why would you tear his statue down he's on the other and why would you tear down the statue liz ulysses s grant who's the military commander in chief who defeated the confederacy if you're saying they're the bad guys he's the guy who whipped them and then on top of that my goodness why go after the mass 54th because that's a black union regiment that's an achievement regiment broke through as a result of what they did in victories i actually owned the federal law where the federal government said hey blacks and whites equal they get equal pay equal treatment in the military we're going to have things equal why would you go after their statute and why would you go after abraham lincoln tear down three statues of abraham lincoln so far because he's a racist that owns slaves no he never owned slaves he's the guy who ended slavery called the great emancipator and why would you tear down the statue of frederick douglass what we've lost our brains but you see it's all about fighting racism well then why are you going after the abolitionists and civil rights leaders and by the way if you haven't been informed jesus is the chief former racist i mean jesus is a white supremacist may i point out jesus wasn't white i know that may come as a shock to a lot of people jesus was not a white guy that that's but we're going after statues and hadn't seen much in the news but all these statues being torn down beheaded of jesus they particularly are doing that often uh happened recently in texas this one in texas uh and then up in new england i mean they've been attacking churches and defacing churches because they're all houses of white supremacy and so all the stuff going on the church in washington dc the church of the presidents where every president except washington has attended they burned that down when the police and fire department finally put out the fire they came back the next week and restarted the fire we've got to burn this church down and then we're taking down ten commandments that that's racism as well and then we're burning bibles well that's where all the racism comes from is out of the bible and then the armenian genocide memorial now if you don't know about the armenian genocide world to end up world war one muslims killed about a million and a half christians in armenia just murdered them it was a holocaust not nearly as big as hitler's but it was still a million and a half christians killed by muslims in the end of world war one and one of the famous pictures out of that period is how the muslims would take young girls and crucify young girls oh you're a follower of jesus then why don't you just enjoy dying the way he did and you're going to tear down the memorial to these victims well i i don't understand it looks to me like you're going after christianity and after christ it doesn't look like racism is the issue and then what do you do with attacking the world war one memorial in pittsburgh and the world war one memorial in kansas city and the world war one memorial in birmingham and why attack the world war ii mobile in washington dc and why go after the world war ii memorial indiana why go after the world war ii memorial to merced all these guys from merced who died in world war ii we got to deface that and then the world war ii memorial sheriff and i just show you all these warm and also apparently the military is a real problem as well and then you've got to get rid of statues like caesar rodney he's the founding father signed the declaration except he's an anti-slavery founding father he's the guy on the back of the delaware quarter that we have but he's got to go and then you've got folks like ben franklin wait a minute ben franklin led the national abolition movement he starts the abolition society in pennsylvania leads the national movement why are we tearing him down and then of course you've got folks like philip schuler the great victory at saratoga first major battle of the revolution and then you've got kasmir pulaski now this is a polish general who came to america and kasmir pulaski was absolutely anti-slavery now let me point out something one of the things we don't get today is much history to really know what the american revolution is like there's all a bunch of white guys no it wasn't as a matter of fact we owned stacks of books of black heroes not just black soldiers black heroes in the war now i'll tell you back in the early founding era if you had a picture paint interviews because you're pretty famous and it's not like snapshots we take snapshots to everybody today if you have a picture painted of you fairly famous it is shocking that most americans today find how many pictures were pla painted of black heroes back in the founding because they were genuine heroes now we've not heard that i mean there were thousands of blacks that fought in the american revolution let me give you a little tone difference here in the american revolution every battle the american revolution was integrated soldiers black and whites fighting side by side fighting together very often they went to church together and it was their church that was out defending the town the battle lexington was jonas clark out his 73 guys from his church went out there to defend the town from the 700 british and the guys in his church shot down that morning included black patriots like prince estabrook and white patriots clock john robbins they all went to church together black and white then as you move on through and look past that the american military back then was a completely volunteer military and your term enlistment was six months so patriotic americans enlisted well the average white guy enlisted and served six months and that was it the average black guy enlisted and served six months and re-enlisted eight more times on average black served nine times longer in the american revolution than whites did and it was a completely voluntary army so then you look at washington's generals he had 76 generals in the revolution 28 of those generals came from foreign nations like kasmir pulaski from poland see it was not it was a melting pot even back then even the role of hispanics i mean the ladies in cuba took up collections and sent to george washington keep his troops in the field and the spanish governor of west florida took on the british and won the battle of pensacola i mean we had so much hispanic health so much help from all races all peoples all nations it was a melting pot and today we're told it's an all-white revolution by the way another guy whose statue is torn down that is cusco he's from lithuania dennis cusco came to america to fight for freedom george washington made him a general because he's a great military commander in lithuania and he was a wealthy nobleman in lithuania and he took all of his money and gave it to fighting slavery in the south he wanted southern slaves freed and we tear his statue down and then we go after the statue of the unknown soldier of the american revolution looks to me like we hate the military too founding fathers military christians it just kind of looks like we hate america because we're going after every but we're told no no it's all about racism well that's what we buy we want to fight racism but what we have to recognize it's not just racists that are being torn down it's christians it's military it's so many positive things so this is a lot bigger than what we hear and you have to love the truth so loving the truth is super important now i'm going to close this out with the word truth i'm going to give you four verbs you have to love the truth and if it causes you to have to change your opinion go where truth is not where your opinion is truth is the most important thing because if you don't go with truth the delusion enters you'll believe a lie you'll act on and you'll have bad consequences so love the truth but to love the truth you have to find the truth and this is now a bunch of hard work we no longer get the truth the way we used to we get somebody's agenda now or somebody's belief or somebody's personal opinion and we've coasted along in america for 30 40 years we just kind of coasted and accepted what was out there and well i may not agree with that but but now it's taking root and so we've had good and you know our teachers are not trying to lie to us our teachers we can't believe that anymore just an example columbus i'm going to bet that what i shared this morning is new to 95 of you about columbus but it's true it's documented it's what previous generations knew that means you're going to have to spend some time to go back and find facts because you didn't get it in school you didn't get it in media you're going to have to spend some individual time which means some hard work to go discover the truth need to find out what you believe and what it's based on is it built on the right stuff and walking while i'm here let me throw out this guy john clum john clum is a moravian he's moravian brethren he's a strong christian when ulysses s grant was president of the united states america was in westward expansion moving out to the west the indian reservations the agents on those indian reservations were overwhelmingly corrupt and there was so much problem that the bureaucracy brought to the native tribes as we went west and so what happens ulysses grant said you know go back to the time of the founding fathers when there was a reservation when there was a treaty made with a native tribe we always put a christian denomination to work out because a christian nomination is going to seek integrity and going to do the right thing and not going to steal and cheat and so back at the time of washington and adams and all those guys indian indian reservations indian places there were always with a church beside them caring for them making sure things were right so unless that's great said that's a good thing to do so they went to the he went to the moravian brethren church and said the apache reservation in new mexico is in arizona the apache reservation arizona would the moravian brethren denomination please take that and they said yes we will we'll be happy to go down there and find corruption make sure those people are treated well and justly make sure that everything's right and so they chose john columbus the agent to go down there john clum went down there totally reorganized the apache reservation instead of them being subjects of the united states he says no all men are created equal there's equality he set up the police force of the apaches they placed their own thing they made their own laws they had their own legislature it was in the u.s telling them what to do he set up self-covered among them is great stuff matter of fact he's the only guy in the united states that ever caught geronimo the the calvary chased geronimo for 20 years never got him but what happened was he had a hundred members of the apache police force and the apache police force went out and catch geronimo because geronimo was murdering apaches as well as white guys as well everybody geronimo was just lawless and so the apache police force under john klum or the ones who caught geronimo so john klum did so much good stuff there and then after that he went on to tombstone arizona and he started the tombstone effortaf he's the guy that tells us about the gunfight at the old cake corral it's his newspaper he was friends with the herbs and he knew about the clans and so much western history came from this christian dude i mean he is really a man of integrity and character and there's another guy and i we write books and have a lot of history stuff and so i was writing about john come and i knew a lot of the story and i'm just looking up to see some more details and i was doing the same thing with cece mcmillan cesa b demille started paramount studios he started paramount studios and amazingly he's called the father of the biblical epic he talks about his christian testimony why he got into entertainment what it did for him back in the days of silent films he did the movie king of kings which is the story of jesus christ there were 3.5 billion people in the world at that point in time 1 billion people saw that film one billion people saw the life of christ that he produced out of hollywood he goes on to become the father of what's called the biblical epic uh so he's he did movies like the ten commandments and you know you'll famous martha ray and and um ewell brenner and charlton heston all these guys he won so many academy awards he did 81 movies and with the movie 10 commandments it was so cool he went on scene to egypt and actually both built the set there in egypt had 9 000 extras in the movie i mean that's why he's called the father biblical epic but after they did the movie ten commandments they said you know the nation needs ten commandments so he and charlton hess and yule brenner were able to get copies of the ten commandments put into four thousand school houses got them in school houses and they said we needed to cross the united states so they started building marble monuments across the united states and put 180 of them up they went to each state capitol put up ten commandments mined it was a state capital put up in major cities this ten commandments monument happens to be i think charlton heston helped put this up the texas state capitol this is the one that the u.s supreme court upheld in 2007 says it is okay to have ten commandments in public and that's the monument well that was from cecil b and mill so i knew his faith i knew about his stuff and knew the movies he produced and so i what i did was i said i want to find out more so i jumped on my search service i use bing and so i jump on there and i write in john clum christian and i write a search for cecil b the mill christian no pages there's nothing so what i know better than that i said i wonder and so i just decided to go go i i did the same search and came up with pages and pages and pages and pages so now even big tech is not allowing us to see stuff that might be christian or show the history in a different way so you're going to have to work hard if you want to find the truth you can't coast and you can't wait for somebody to give it to you you're going to have to you're going to have to be diligent you might actually have to go to the library and read an old book rather than something online because old books actually had history and content in them so hard work is there so all that to say finding the truth is what has to be done that's the second verb the third verb i would use is defending the truth now defending the truth requires a lot of courage and that's a tough thing today we have polling now that says 77 of americans now self-censor due to the current political climate i know this is what i believe but if i say that i'm going to get shot down or i'll get de-platformed or whatever or they're going to get ticked at me and i'll get all these posts back and so we kind of soften it up and maybe hint we don't have the same backbone we used to have because the climate where you get attacked for standing up for what's true because it's not necessarily popular it's interesting that when you look in the scriptures the scriptures tell us so much about life they tell us about heaven and hell when you get to heaven through jesus christ john 14 6 no way to heaven accepted jesus but we also know about hell and the bible teaches us a lot about health and it is a real place a lot of people today deny that there is such a place as hell that's just uh hardships that we go through and there's all sorts of things out there on it but the bible says there is an actual place called hell revelation 21 8 says there's a lake that burns with fire and sulfur which is the second death it is a genuine it is a real place the bible talks about it it also tells us who goes to hell it says that the faithless and the testable and the murderers and the sexual immoral and the sorcerers and the idolaters and all those oh that's some bad dudes liars and murders and look what they do that puts them in hell except you may notice it's a blank spot up there there's something missing what is missing is the first part of the verse the first part of the verse of those that god sends to hell it says cowards and fearful that whoa i don't consider them like murderers and and sorcerers and liars see the other guys go to hell for what they do these guys go to hell for what they didn't do and what they didn't do was have a backbone they didn't stand up cowards and fearful and that's where we have to change our attitude christianity is not a weakness it can be religion we have to get a backbone and start defending our beliefs and our values so it takes courage um and you know quite frankly in this world all right i get attacked all the time i mean groups spend millions on me on a regular basis got a call from us news world report hey did you know that you the aclu just spent a million dollars to credit you great that's a million they can't spend sending us suing a school district you know great let me go out i mean you will get beat up i don't even read my own when i read my own wikipedia page i hate myself it's it's terrible you know it's just so you will get we just got de-platformed we have a national radio program about 400 stations carry it but hundreds of thousands of podcasts and so we had a supreme court attorney on who just won a big federal case and the big federal case was out of alabama where that a dental school in alabama was requiring all students to have vaccinations covert vaccination requirement well it went to court and won that and not only did he win it we're winning those courts those cases all over the united states in federal courts because as he pointed out and and by the way i'm not saying you got to do this you can't be vaccinated i'm not saying that i'm just telling you what happened was when the state of alabama said or the dental school said you have to be vaccinated the court says no you don't and you see when we were talking to him and said all right what's the current status of the law he said well currently all 50 states give vac give exemptions for vaccines he said 46 states give exemptions conscious exemptions for vaccines and 26 states provide religious exemptions for vaccines okay so the law says in all 50 states there are exemptions 46 states say there are conscience exemptions 26 states say there are religious exemptions and so the federal court says this is what the law is for that program where we just reported youtube quickly took us down for a week got a strike we were de-platforming all this wait a minute we didn't give any opinions on that we told what the court decision was and we told you what the law was in every state and we got the platform for telling the truth absolutely and it wasn't even an opinion program it was just simply here's what's happened here's the news report so the the stuff now it takes a lot of courage to tell the truth then you have to tell others the truth once you find out about this stuff you cannot assume people around you know what you know or what you've learned i've made a new discovery you can't assume anybody else is getting that so you have to share this and tell this with others so the things with truth truth is the big word this morning i would tell you that you have to love the truth you have to find the truth which takes hard work then you have to defend the truth and then you have to share the truth with others and if we do that we can see things turn around but if we remain silent and don't have a backbone it's not going to turn and by the way if this if this is new information for you i'll send you the book we have that it's called the american story which covers everything from columbus up up through the end of slavery also the founders bible filled with stories from american history how the bible shaped and influenced things possibly so a lot of good information thank you guys for letting me share with you god bless i love it nick great we where do you get that you know what if maybe if we let david talk for like a month you could get a degree right absolutely amazing absolutely amazing so i just want to leave you with this before we we worship and and start our week you guys the underlying tone to this why would and what's the correlation to columbus being attacked to frederick frederick douglass being attacked you're saying socialism you're saying christianity listen you're missing something christopher columbus do you remember what you just learned columbus went west do you remember why he went west he went west for several reasons and if you read the the first journal in his own hand by christopher columbus you can read his own writing he'll tell you why number one they went looking for gold to fund the efforts to redeem jerusalem out of the hands of islam number two to find a new trade route because the muslim barbary pirates they commandeered the mediterranean okay third thing he says in his book is that to spread the christian gospel christopher columbus so who would attack who would attack columbus statues and the same passion attack frederick douglass or abraham lincoln who's against who listen who is for slavery who's against christopher columbus you guys it's ancient islam represented in the modern day muslim brotherhood who's behind blm in antifa the muslim brotherhood and you're not you're not to think that by the way what is your website where can can you come here talk on my microphone this is going to look weird for a minute but it's resurrect ministry you guys go to resurrect resurrect resurrect go to resurrect ministry hedya knows what she's talking about in islam jesus rescued her life and she has been exposing this you guys need to know that you guys need to know that you serve an awesome god jesus christ died on the cross and rose again from the grave listen that message liberates all who will listen all who will turn to him no matter what race no matter what standard of living jesus is the only way and what an amazing thing to have his truth everything falls into line when we have his truth let's close in this song of worship we'll see you wednesday night god bless you guys praise god praise god [Music] from all blessings praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god [Music] the world that he gave us [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross jesus [Music] amen god bless you guys if you need prayer come on up front there'll be someone up here to play with you we'll see you on wednesday night many reasons [Music] cause your love is perfect
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 26,339
Rating: 4.9490256 out of 5
Id: YzztOzJ2IXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 45sec (5625 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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