VMware on a Raspberry Pi!?!?! (ESXi Install)

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okay have you guys heard about this vmware on a raspberry pi like what like that's crazy but what does it even mean well instead of installing one os or one operating system on a raspberry pi like raspbian boring we can slice up our pie giving a piece of the pie to each operating system we want to install and these are all running at the same time basically three different computers but one physical piece of hardware our raspberry pi in this video i'm going to show you how to do this we're going to install vmware's esxi on our raspberry pi this is a type 1 hypervisor it's the same os that you would see on massive servers in a data center except for putting it on the small tiny device this technology is called virtualization and it's what allows us to take a raspberry pi like this and blow it up into a million pieces oh not a million maybe four or five and we can devote it to separate operating systems the raspberry pi has cpu memory and storage resources we basically slice it up dividing the resources amongst new operating systems basically different computers now do you want a raspberry pi because i'm actually giving this raspberry pi away so enter below no i'm just kidding i'm giving away two eight gig raspberry pi's ones that are not virtualized yet and the link below now what's killer about this is vmware is virtualization technology that big companies use it's a skill that if you learned man you'd be valuable in the workforce the fact that you can learn this on a raspberry pi a relatively cheap little computer that's amazing and there's more check this out i have two raspberry pi 4s with eight gigs of ram and i've got them together and using vmware i can actually cluster these together i call these the twins and they're awesome anyways let's get started now this does involve some steps and it might feel overwhelming but don't let it be i'll walk you through each step i'll explain what's happening and we'll make sure you get started with this so now what do you need well first a raspberry pi of course i highly recommend the eight gigabyte version which means it has eight gigs of ram four will also work but you'll have a better time with eight trust me and i highly recommend you get one of these kits it gives you everything you need to get started with your raspberry pi and again i'm giving away two of these so if you want to win one link below they're awesome and if you want to buy one also link below and if you decide not to buy the kit make sure you at least have well a raspberry pi a power adapter a micro hdmi to hdmi cable and one of these tiny adorable micro sd cards as far as size you won't need a big one 16 32 that's going to be good and then it will help to have some heat sinks or a fan because this sucker is going to get hot running esxi and you'll need one of these micro sd usb adapter so you can plug it into your computer and prepare it now specific to this project you'll want two usb flash drives one can be small like this one 16 gigs uh the other you want to make kind of bulky kind of er and this one 64 actually i would recommend 64 or 128 i got links below for both i'll explain why here in a moment and just like any computer you want to use because a raspberry pi is a computer you'll need a mouse and keyboard usb and a monitor to connect the raspberry pi 2 so you can see it and like i said there are a few steps you'll need some coffee as well network coffee link below okay here we go are you ready let's do this first thing we want to do is update our raspberry pi and this will involve setting up the raspberry pi like you normally would so we'll take our little micro sd card put it into our usb adapter and plug that sucker into our computer to prep our sd card i'm going to use the raspberry pi imager you can download for windows mac linux so fire up the imager tool first we'll click on choose os for our operating system we're going to make this quick and simple so we'll do raspberry pi os parenthesis other and i'll choose the raspberry pi os lite it will install oh so much faster and then we'll choose our sd card make sure you choose the right one mine is right here 31 gigs and then click on right coffee break and once your pie is done baking we can take that sucker out of the oven and now we can slide that micro sd into our raspberry pi and while you're at it go and plug your hdmi cable your keyboard and mouse and your power in most cases plugging in the power will boot this guy up and we'll give it a few moments to fully come up coffee break all right when you see it log in like this let's log in username will be pi and the password is raspberry all lowercase now your raspberry pi will need internet access i recommend using the ethernet cable oh yeah and with internet access established we'll do one command sudo rpi dash e-e-p-r-o-m-update mine is already up-to-date if yours isn't or you're not sure enter this command after that sudo rpi dash e-e-p-r-o-m-update and then dash a nope you gotta do too easy i miss my e there we go and then do a sudo reboot this will reboot your raspberry pi again you have to spell things right my keyboard's not very responsive there we go coffee break all right your raspberry pi has been updated now we're going to unplug the power and remove the micro sd card we'll take that same micro sd card slide that sucker back into our usb adapter and put it back into our pc and now we're going to obliterate it we're going to erase it right now using our same tool the raspberry pi imager now watch this instead of the operating system being raspberry pi os light we're going to change that to erase it's just going to format the card for us i'll choose my card the same one i used before except now it's going to go pretty quick we won't even have time for a coffee break go so now he's clean and fresh just the way we want him let's prep it now to prep this sucker we're going to download two files which i have links to below the first one is our raspberry pi firmware go ahead and click on that and download it and then also our uefi raspberry pi firmware download that as well now it might take a minute because this firmware guy he's kind of beefy but once it's done let's go and extract those suckers right click extract and this might also take a minute there's a ton of files in there so coffee break if you get this replace your skip file notification just hit skip and then extract the other one as well shouldn't take near as long i hope yeah that was done easy so now with our two folders unzipped should look like this right here we have a few things we have to do so follow carefully first we're going to open up this firmware master folder i'm going to jump in there real quick going to jump in the firmware master folder again and then there'll be a folder called boot jump in there and we should be done jumping for a moment all the files in this folder we want these every one of them so we're going to hit control a or command a depending on what you're using and i'll copy all of these just like so from there i'm going to jump into my usb drive the one we just destroyed and erased it should be empty looking just like this and i'm going to paste everything we just copied boom just like that boom okay now real quick before we leave here there are four files that start with the name kernel here they are right here we don't need those guys we don't want them here so we're gonna take them out real quick i'm gonna select these four kernel files and delete yes i do want to permanently delete these guys and they're gone okay cool now we're almost done with our sd card but we got one more step here we're gonna get back to our two folders that we extracted but instead of opening the firmware master we're going to open up the rpi ufei firmware underscore v120 jump into that folder and just like before we want all these files right here so i'm going to hit ctrl a copy all these guys every one of them then i'll get back to my usb drive here we're going to paste everything we just copied and in this case we do want to replace every file that we're copying so do that now now we're almost done don't worry one more thing we have to do there's a file in here called config.txt there he is right there go ahead and open that nothing too scary here we're going to do one thing at the very end of this file we're going to add gpu underscore mem equals 16. this will just optimize a few things for the raspberry pi and then i'll hit ctrl s or just file save whatever text editor you're using just save it close that and you know we're done remove the sd card from your computer and plug it back into your raspberry pi but don't boot it up yet we still have one more thing to do we're almost there i promise we're getting closer but now we're going to install vmware esxi on our raspberry pi but first we need the installer this is where one of your usb flash drives will come in and you'll want to choose your smaller size usb flash drive so go ahead and plug that sucker into your computer we'll then download the esxi installer from vmware i got a link below go ahead and click on that link you'll see a page that looks like this and here is where you'll download your installer esxi dash arm dash iso is already selected if it's not make sure you select that click on i understand everything and i accept everything and click on download wait wait hold on i have to log into something yeah it's a free account don't worry if you don't already have one sign up just click on sign up now and you'll be able to download this iso this installer for free once downloaded now we have to actually put it on our usb drive now you can't just drag and drop it onto a usb drive you have to use a special tool if you're using windows like me my favorite one is called rufus i've got a link below go ahead and download rufus i'll download the latest one right here for mac there's a tool called etcher which is great and for linux i got a guide down below so go ahead and launch rufus select your flash drive as the device if you only have one plugged in it'll default select that and then we'll select our iso that we just downloaded it'll be the vmware vm visor install 700 whatever arch arch blah blah on cluster size i'll change that to 32 kilobytes and that's it i'll click start and let it burn okay so now we're finally ready to install vmware on our raspberry pi and it's all downhill from here this is pretty easy so take out your flash drive from your computer and plug that sucker into your raspberry pi so before you power it up make sure you have your micro sd card inserted into the raspberry pi and your flash drive inserted and make sure you have your mouse and keyboard handy because we got to be quick on this one you ready let's do this as soon as you plug that sucker in and it starts to power up i want you to start pressing the escape key just keep pressing it until you see the screen you're about to see here press it press it press it press it keep going don't stop ah there we go here we're gonna do a few things it'll be quick i promise first we're gonna use our directional arrows to get down to device manager now real quick before we go anywhere i want to show you something at the top right it says we have 3072 megabytes of ram or three gigs of ram if you have an eight gig like me you're like wait hold on a second i've got eight you're lying and it's it is line we have to make him tell the truth so we're gonna go to device manager right here we're gonna scroll down to raspberry pi configuration we'll then go to advanced configuration and then right here this jerk limits ram to three gigabytes why why do you do that so we're going to disable that so hit enter on that change that to disabled and then we're going to hit f10 f10 is going to save it hit y to confirm which will save it then we'll hit escape escape escape and then we'll scroll on down to continue which will reboot the raspberry pi and want to start pressing escape again you ready here we go continue it's going to say do you want to reset hit enter once more yes i do and then start hitting the escape key don't let it get past you don't let it get past you now we'll be fine i'm just kidding ah back to where we were so now we're going to boot into our flash drive then we plugged in the one that has a vmware installer on it so i'm going to scroll down to boot manager hit that and then you'll select your flash drive it should look something like this minus sandisk cruiserglide those names are hilarious anyways now before we hit enter calm down once it starts to launch the vmware installer we're going to change something and just like us hitting the escape key we have to be ready to hit this key combination it's going to be shift o you're going to hold down shift and o ready here we go i'm going in go and do it now now now okay now if you missed it you see a big yellow page it's okay just unplug your raspberry pi plug it back in you'll be fine you can do it again and you should see something like this run weasel cd-rom boot which is i don't know what that is sounds funny if you know what that is let me know below i have no idea here we're going to append or add something to the end of this command we're going to hit space we're going to add auto partition now case is important here make sure you match my case exactly i put in the description as well so auto partition os data size equals eight one nine two now what is this well make sure that the esxi install won't take up our entire flash drive so i have a 64 gig flash drive right now i'm telling this guy don't get greedy you can only have eight gigs in my flash drive for esxi the rest of my flash drive i want to use for installing vms ubuntu since os all this kind of stuff if i didn't do this it would use up the entire thing for esxi and i have to use another flash drive to add vms so anyways just do this so once you add this to the command go ahead and hit enter and that's gonna do it ready i'm excited i love seeing this on a raspberry pi like i've done this a million times on other hardware massive servers but on something this small this is crazy so give it a moment it'll ask you for a few more things here coffee break all right time to install some arm fling um hit enter accept the agreements the eula hit f11 now scanning your raspberry pi to see what devices it can install esxi to now the flash drive we have in there just has the installer it wants to install something else onto another flash drive that's where our other flash drive comes in this is the larger flash drive that i recommended you have mine is 64 gigs you get a smaller one that's fine but this is where your vms are going to live so notice right now before i plug it in i have my installer flash drive installed i'm gonna plug my big boy in right now and i'll hit f5 to refresh and scan for new stuff and there's my big boy i know he's big because he's extreme and he has 58 gigs available so i'll hit enter to continue it is going to destroy the disc and install something new so be okay with that i'll hit enter us default for me hit enter and then my root password once your passwords match hit enter and that's pretty much it i think oh no one more thing f11 here we go you're hitting the big red button to install install that's exciting i love this look at that installing esxi on a raspberry pi i that's that's just crazy to me perfect time for a coffee break and by the way this won't take very long at all and bam that was actually pretty dang quick uh so now remove the installation flash drive not the one you just installed onto not the big one but the smaller one just took mine out now we're gonna reboot but same thing as before we're gonna hit escape as soon as it boots up to get into our configuration so enter it's gonna hang tight while i see this message and then once it here we go i'm going to start hitting escape right now cool back in the manager last thing we have to do here i promise we're going to scroll down to our boot maintenance manager we're going to jump in there and then we'll go to our boot options and we're going to scroll down to change boot order we want to make sure that our new flash drive that has vmware esxi installed on it is the device that it boots from first so i'll change that boot order i'll hit enter right here and i'll scroll down to my flash drive which is the sandisk extreme and then i'll use the plus symbol to move it to the very top so bam bam bam bam bam once it's at the top hit enter and then f10 to save hit y and we're good so i'll escape to get out of here escape escape escape escape and then jump down to continue and then that we're done just hands off let it boot into esxi and uh coffee break and it's up it's done it's crazy now if you have your raspberry pi plugged into ethernet then you probably already have an ip address if you have dhcp there's mine right there i'm gonna go to it you wanna go to it let's go to it i'm gonna access my vsphere on a raspberry pi it's insane here we go it's got a self-signed cert that's fine yours will too i'll click advanced and proceed and oh my gosh look at this yes the login will be root your username and then the password you set when you set this thing up login yes look at this thing i don't enjoy nothing okay esxi vsphere vmware on this little bitty guy it's so crazy because again i've installed this on massive servers for years and to see something like this capable of running multiple virtual machines on this credit card sized computer that's crazy like legit when i bought this raspberry pi i went to best buy and the lady was checking me out she was like what is this thing i'm like it's a it's a computer she goes what that's computer i'm like yeah it's a computer people don't believe this but the fact that we can do this mind-blowing anyways now some of you might be looking at this and going okay now what because this might be your first time looking at vsphere esxi vmware which is amazing because goodness it's what a lot of corporations use it's kind of the standard for administering virtual machines so you get a chance to play with this on a raspberry pi for free i mean oh my gosh how cool is that sorry i'm about to like blow up coffee break so now let's play with a few things here now if you follow my steps exactly yours will look like this you're going to have storage storage is required mine is already set up because we did that little configuration with our flash drive if you don't do that if you don't see this if you don't have a data store here i'll cover how to fix that here in a moment but first let's play let's add a virtual machine to our raspberry pi again nuts now you'll need images or isos that are meant for the arm architecture which the raspberry pi is thankfully there's a lot of support for that so first ubuntu ubuntu server for arm we'll go ahead and download that right now i got a link below for that and once you have that downloaded let's go ahead and create our first virtual machine so right here create or register a vm create a new virtual machine next ah this is just so cool name it network ubuntu or ubuntu guest os family will be linux guest os version will be but you can't see because i'm scrolling down here but it'll be ubuntu linux 64-bit click on next it's going to use that data store the only one i have click next ah it's crazy now here you can tweak your settings you can add more cpu you can add more memory to it i'm going to keep mine at default right now really the only thing i'm going to change right now is the cd dvd drive here's where we'll tell it to use that iso we just downloaded so instead of host device i'm going to change this to datastore iso file and it's going to say hey where is it at and i'm going to say i don't have it so i'm going to upload it and choose it for my downloads there it is right here now this might take a moment it's okay coffee break all right uploaded i'll select it and select it again i'll make sure it's uh connected and we'll connect it power on and then next and finish that's going to create my virtual machine and it's created there it is it's right there it's right there okay i'm going to jump in there real quick it's ready i think it's ready i'm going to hit power on and it's going to power on right here at the menu i'm going to install ubuntu server on my raspberry pi okay network ubuntu is ready booted up running on a raspberry pi i mean it's amazing but at the same time i also built a few more vms two more to be exact as you can see here first i've got cali here bam okay that's pretty cool i got some centos here check this out that's right gooey i got a gooey how does it perform not great it's it's it's a raspberry pie come on give it a break so gooeys i would say aren't the best thing but it's pretty cool you can deploy multiple operating systems as you're learning playing messing with stuff it's the best and if i look at my esxi host i mean which is my raspberry pi i'm running three vms right now he's doing pretty well and i also set up another one as well i got my other raspberry pi and it's running two vms network ubuntu two and i got another centos box just to see a li but with my two raspberry pi's right now i'm running five different virtual machines how insane is that now again if you're new to the vmware world vsphere this web portal right here is how we control our esxi host so raspberry pi 1 raspberry pi 2 but you can also control multiple esxi hosts through a platform called vcenter which i have right here let's go to it vcenter.networkshop.local got to log in with vcenter you can get kind of crazy with this stuff so i can add these hosts to here which i'll do right now jump into my data center actions add host so cool let's put in the ip addresses of my esxi host one down one to go just think about this though if you're trying to learn vmware which is a super valuable skill in it this is a relatively low cost way to do this vsphere esxi vmotion drs all kinds of stuff you can do with a little microcomputer that costs like what the whole package costs 100 bucks each it's crazy normally you'd have to have a pretty killer lab to practice this kind of technology and visa you can do vsan's and stuff here too i mean it's crazy man and just like that i'm managing my two esxi host and vcenter which enables me to do some more crazy things like uh i don't know let's cluster them together yeah that's right you heard me right cluster let's go over here to actions new cluster i'm gonna call it the twins and say yes to everything yes i want it all yes everything okay and then i jump into my cluster and i just add host to the cluster add host existing host bam bam and done now yes there's a lot more involved in making sure this cluster works great believe me there's a lot but step back and think about this for a second a raspberry pi a small little micro computer that you can buy at the store just itself cost like 35 to you know 45 50 you can use a couple of these things four five six however many you have you can use them to learn about enterprise virtualization this is stuff that we used to have to buy crazy lab equipment to do this now oh my gosh it's so easy now just a few last minute things i want to show you first storage can be an issue when you have a little raspberry pi's and you're running off of you know flash memory but if you're like me and you have your own nas your network attached storage i got a synology which it's amazing if you want one i've got a link below but i added that is an nfs storage so if i go to my storage here on each of my devices here i've got my synology which i'm running my vms off the synology right now it's fantastic you could run it as an iscsi as well as a lun now i'm not going to cover how to set that up here this video would be way too long but there's one more thing i want to show you and that's hey i'm out of storage what do i do now well you could add just another usb drive or maybe just a usb hard drive which i'll do right now so i connected it nothing here so far if i go to my storage and i try to create a new data store could be a standard new vmfs data store it's not finding any devices connected it's an easy fix though we have to turn off the usb arbitrator you see by default vmware will try to connect your usb devices to your actual virtual machines so you can plug a usb into your raspberry pi and have it kind of plugged into maybe centos or network ubuntu but we don't want that right now we instead want to use our usb drive as extra storage so we can make a data store so to turn that off we're going to go back to the cli so i'll make sure i'm at my host right here and then i'll click on actions and then ssh console and it's going to open up right here in the browser super cool yeah i want to trust it got to log in and i'm in just two commands super simple first one is forward slash etc or etsy or etc how i like to say it another forward slash and net dot d forward slash usb arbitrator and then space stop we're gonna stop that service stopping now and so it remains stopped next time your raspberry pi reboots we're gonna put in chk config space usb arbitrator off and that was it not so bad right so let's get back to our vsphere here our portal and let's go back to our storage we're going to click on devices and now we do have two devices here and the sandisk right here is the one i just plugged in jump in there and what i want to do is click on actions and clear partition table yes delete everything and now i can create a new data store my store use full disk next and finish yes i'm sure and just like that i've got another data store usb awesome vmware esxi on our raspberry pi that rhymes but it's amazing let me know in the comments below if you go and actually make an esxi host out of a raspberry pi it's a cool thing to do and if you've never actually messed with vmware or created an esxi host do it now have the fun have the practice again you can use a four gig preferably an eight gig and it's got to be a raspberry pi 4. otherwise you're out of luck but seriously it's the coolest thing ever it's it's awesome and again i'm giving away two of the eight gig raspberry pi kits if you want to enter that contest link below but guys that's all i got i mean raspberry pi's i mean gosh they what can't they do and if they can't do something we'll then get more of them and combine them and they can do something else now what more should i do with the twins over there vmware esxi done got that done what else should i do let me know and if you like this video man hit that like button and if you like what i'm doing here hit that subscribe button if you want to see more of this or help me do more of this kind of stuff consider joining my membership got a join button right there at the bottom or join this is it.i oh myself david bomble jeremy charro we're doing some cool stuff over there yep that's all i got i'll catch you guys [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 526,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, esxi arm edition, how to install esxi on raspberry pi, vmware esxi, esxi 7.0, esxi arm, esxi running on a raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4 projects, raspberry pi projects, esxi on arm, raspberry pi 4 8gb ram, vmware esxi home lab, vmware esxi server, vmware esxi create new virtual machine, vmware esxi installation, esxi 7.0 install, esxi arm iso, esxi arm cluster, esxi arm fling, esxi arm pi, raspberry pi 4 ubuntu, esxi raspberry pi fling
Id: 6aLyZisehCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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