In 2020 Nothing Shall Remain Empty - Bishop Dr. Delford Davis

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lots of 13 port or town center st. Catherine Jamaica West Indies please take note of our weekly activities schedule stay tuned and receive your blessing [Music] oh come let us sing unto the Lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with Thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto Him with Psalms Happy New Year I'm Sharon toughest gun and I'm nickle and Stevenson indeed it's an awesome pleasure to extend to you a warm welcome from the power of faith Ministries International right here in the heart of the sunshine city Pall Mall st. Catherine Jamaica West Indies on behalf of our founder general overseer presiding bishop and president bishop dr. del furred Dee Davis his wife first the dr. Petrova Davis the entire power of faith family we welcome you to another Sunday morning life service there must be a thousand three thousand reasons why people attend or even tune into worship services whatever your reason may be come let's worship and bow down let's kneel before the Lord or maker for he is our God his hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither is the air heavy that it cannot hear thank you for tuning in just a quick reminder for upcoming events here are the family heal the nation the 15th annual national call it comes up on Wednesday January 8 2020 yes in just three days we need from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in a day of prayer and supplication as we pray for the healing of the families and for our beloved nation now you see this cap it will be a part of your attire for the day your militant attack please get one we have them here at our church and you also get one on the morning at the National Arena come dressed in your uniform spiritual uniform militantly armed and ready and dangerous as we planned a hell to take back our nation from the devil a man and at 11:00 a.m. we need to gain in the Upper Room Worship Center for our second morning worship service if you were not able to make it to this one at 7:00 a.m. we welcome you to join us at 11 a.m. remember that you can call us anytime during the service on the numbers that will appear on the screen someone will be there to speak with you we have the further information to give you but we will do so when we return at the end of the service right now come with us and let's go to the sanctuary the service is already in progress be blessed [Music] it's something is in your harness marina just lift up your hands and praise hallelujah Hannah come on give him the highest praises marina I give him a cup offering this morning thank you Jesus I've got so much to tell keepo so much to pray them for it's Eli [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh - thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so very much [Music] Oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go and thank him for a new day go ahead and thank him for a new Sunday go ahead and thank him hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah please take a redemption hymnal and turn with us to him number 51 oh Jesus I have promised hallelujah him number 51 oh Jesus I have promised [Music] oh Jesus [Music] okay there's apparently dark oh Jesus I have promised to serve thee - okay minister Ornella please - come raised up oh Jesus I promise to serve me to the [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] buzzy Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Miklos tea never let me go a little da please make her wait on the consecration say come on please make your way down please [Laughter] No [Music] nothing else can take your place come on please make your way down let me find a way to bring it back to you [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whenever lost time you're what I want [Music] [Music] [Music] come on can you talk to the Lord this morning that's why you came down here to talk to him if you're in your seats please bow your heads and say a prayer hallelujah if you're standing say a prior bow your heads and talk to God this morning hallelujah hallelujah let your voice be heard in a presence of the Lord to open up your mouth and begin to speak to him hallelujah or he wants to hear you speak into him this morning open up your Mountain open up your spirit hallelujah and just talk to God this morning hallelujah he's right by your side and he wants to hear from you tell him all about his struggles tell him all about your troubles he done survive he come to rescue you whenever you need the smallest odd in him he saw in him your heart you need hallelujah Oh bless the name of Jesus Oh bless the name of Jesus we bless the name this morning hallelujah let it echoes go home from the throne room that echoes go home from this place this morning hallelujah thank you Jesus oh bring us in our presence oh God in your presence is fullness of joy how to write down their pleasures forevermore father that we are in your presence this morning that's where we belong how to lose us where we are strong father we come first retinas Monica you're straight giver we thank you Lord for waking us up this small you know rights minds into your sanctuary we come to offer sacrifice of praise hallelujah we interned here guess with sons given and almost shall give you praise our hearts shall give you thanks Alleluia we come to glorify you we come to place you on high hallelujah in a highest place hallelujah God you're the great High Priest Secord Oh ah you can be torture the feelings of our infirmities so here we harvest morning your never failing fandom you have a friend in need your friend indeed when we are sick you need our bodies when we are weak you strengthen awesome but the Devils on our truck hallelujah you come to our skill hole glory to God when the enemy thought he had wanna hope nobody lose a matter because the other batter is not doesn't belong to pass the butter belongs to you and you try to come back without becomes a winner because you're always alone in God so God is smaller here we are Jesus I pray for a fresh anointing and every person this host today in the name of Jesus so there was something up you nineteen flow hallelujah floor between the benches are lujah between the chairs Oh God leti anointing take over hallelujah and worst upon your people the God's idea ninety we are ineffective but with the anointing we are effective father God so father I pray right now in the name of Jesus for a fresh torture being sanctified touch of yesterday but today we come from brand-new torture because every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before never I dismiss and discharger from this osten I send you back for your company of Health had this mission this chatter from the groans northey's will break chew on steel and discharged and sent back from these premises and not welcome here devil so take your flight in the name of Jesus Jesus I pray right now you will take over take full of control we pray for the statement of this house and his wife I pray for a special touch father in the name of Jesus I prefer fresh function tonight today father upon them in the name of Jesus there are originals of this work - father I pray for it's just right for them in the mighty name of Jesus I pray God for the children this morning where are they her father I put him into me a spirit I promised speak to their heart all glory to God in the name of Jesus Oh father God I pray right now you may stand before him because I have coming for thee then to thee because your head this morning in the name of Jesus so here I cry this morning here were cried this morning Jesus here's our open-toe I cried this morning your eyes are upon us father I will give your glory I will give your praise how we give you Hana because you are but alone and none can contend with you so father ear me today father stand by us we pray we wait upon thee for our blessings of Italia thanks in Jesus's name if you are sitting will you please stand let us before you leave the art I just let us say the Lord's Prayer who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen praise God put your hands together for the Lord you may go back to your seats put a praise in your mouth and a clap in your hand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on lift up your hands and worship the Lord man come on give him a praise in the house give him a praise in the house as you make your way back giving my praise give him my praise come on keeping my praise in the house open up your mouth - giving my praise in the house you see your God this morning did he wake up this morning did he bring you here this morning so you need to praise him and honor him hallelujah some pose with a bed last night they are not here this morning but we are privileged hallelujah one more privilege to come into God's house appraised him so why don't you present this morning the first one of the new year praise God this morning we are live we are word praise God this morning say hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] praise God if you have your Bibles which I hope you do please turn to the scripture this morning be taken from 2nd Kings chapter 4 from verse 1 to verse 7 and while you do so let me take time out to greet holy presence of God this morning and to greet our pastor Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis put your hands together for the man of God and his wife come on put your hands together for them I know hear the clapping of hands for them come on clap your hands for them praise God indeed they are the visionaries for this great work and we had to show on an appreciation to them in the name of Jesus I agree The ministers I mean Minister ISIL denote my never seen an assistant pastor at with the menaces and in lower platform in the upper platform and with the prior workers I agreed the visitors the offices the members agree those were brows and then those who are on the network's agree to in Jesus name praise God second Kings chapter 4 from verse 1 to verse 7 I'll read and you follow in your Bibles from the King James Version now there cried a certain woman in wives of the sons of the prophet Elijah seen thy servant my husband is dead and honest the servant did fear the Lord and the power to respond to take on him my two sons to be born men and Elisha said unto her what I do for thee tell me what as though the host and she said the animator are not anything in the house see a pot of oil there is a go party vessels abroad of all the neighbors even empty vessels borrow not a few and when they are coming they they shall shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons and thou shall pour out onto all those vessels and thou shalt set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her upon our sons who brought the vessels on to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said unto our son bring yet a vessel and he said unto her they not a vessel more and the oil steal the seventh verse then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the oil and pay their debt and thou live and thy children they respond the rest this is the word of the Lord honor by saying Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost and it was the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen praise the Lord praise the Lord Chris daughter Pooja Barbara's down and shaken a person is going to see in church this morning it's good to have a sitting beside me this morning hallelujah the neighbor on the right in there on the left it's good to have you beside me this morning hallelujah priest are you may have your seats to do general welcome acknowledgement please make welcome missionary Tanika Edwards after which we will see the ministry or the parties of inspiration choir it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord do you have anything to give God thanks for this morning lift your hands and give him praise God has been good to us give Him praise bless the Lord he has brought us through 2019 and over into 2020 give him praise glory to God we made it through sickness through challenges through trials dangers and difficulties thank you Jesus give him praise hallelujah thank you Lord for one more year on behalf of our presiding bishop bishop dr. Delphic Davis his wife a minister dr. Petrova Davis or a senior assistant past the minister I still denote man the executive ministerial body and all of us here at the power of faith ministries international I extend a warm New Year welcome to our first Sunday morning life services for the year 2020 by the grace of God we made it over and we pray that this year will be a year of great expectancy to all our visitors in the life service please with your hands bless the Lord I see those hands praise the name of Jesus we are delighted to have you worshiping with us this morning if you are saved to continue to worship as this is your father's house and if you're not saved we pray that before the service comes to a closure but you would have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior to our viewers and our browsers on the various media platforms a hearty welcome to you and we thank you for continuing with us stay tuned stay connected as you don't want to miss out on that song on that word that will lift you up and give you new hope for this new year as ayah 43 verse 19 says behold I will do a new thing no it shall spring forth shall not know it I will even make away in the wilderness and rivers in the desert and as we embark on this new year we hold fast to this promise congregation please put your hands together and help me make welcome our visitors our viewers and our browsers our God bless you [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus it's because of God's grace and His mercy while we are here this morning the same brace and merciful tables through this new year [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth forever let the redeemed of the Lord say soul who me have redeemed from the and of the enemy and guarded them out of the lands from the east and from the west from the north and from the south they wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way they found no city to dwell in hungry and thirsty their soul fainted in them then they cried unto the Lord in their troubles and he delivered them out of their distresses and led them forth by the right way that they might go to a city of habitation oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men lift up your hands in the house and give God praise as we have been admonished to do by the psalm is in the 107 division let the redeemed of the Lord all that those who are still trusting here also trusted him and he brought you out even praising we honor you Lord we worship You Lord we celebrate you Lord [Music] all and richer neighbor please across whatever side you're standing it's prayer time in the house spirit time called your blessing name em one by one count your blessings see what God has done count your blessings and then one by one and it will surprise you [Applause] our Father we lift up to you the household of faith gathered in this house your children scattered broad across the world on this first Sunday for new here first of all who want to give your thanks for all that you have done we want to thank you for the valleys you've taken us through the mountains we have climbed the challenges and the struggles but above all we thank you for the victories you have given and this morning we are the better for trusting you we are the better for sacrificing for your cause we're the better Oh God in every aspect of the world I know Lord we lift up to you the remainder of the year all the days there in the months on the weeks the seconds on the minutes we commit them to you and commit all of your children to you pray that every step of the way you will guide your feet in the way of peace you'll guide them in the way of wisdom you'll preserve them from sicknesses and diseases from satanic attacks and evil influences from this Astor's man-made and natural from principalities and powers from the dark world we hints lift the body of Christ with the blood of Jesus this morning and we declare isaiah 54:17 upon every blood born child of god no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper the tongue that shall rise against us in judgment shall be condemned we declare ephesians 5:18 we shall not be drunk with wine but we shall be filled with the spirit singing and making melodye no hearts of the Lord we declare the Word of God this morning in the name of Jesus and say in blessing you shall bless your people in prosper you shall prosper your people in multiplying you shall multiply the righteousness of your people and you shall vehicle ahead and up the tail in a real and personal way in the name of Jesus so renounce every sickness we were known super disease we're in owns every principality and power in the name of Jesus Christ we renounce every poverty and distress in the name of Jesus Christ we renounce every setback in the name of Jesus and we declare that we are marching on to greater victory greater victory ayuh eyes deep adepts in the name of Jesus [Music] lift up your hands so everybody release your neighbors as these arms are raised to you we lift up our hands with the hearts we lift up our prayers on our praise and we say magnify yourself in your people in a way you've never done it before in the name of Jesus not one shall be left behind shaaka nominal secret Rama not one shall be denied the supernatural anointing of God the fullness of your blessings and we thank you we thank you and we praise you and we honor you you're here and open your mouth and thank him but that which is on his way because he has promised this he will perform it because he's focused he will deliver upon it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] whoa glory to God hallelujah [Music] thank you lord thank you lord [Music] god bless you reach across shake some purses hands close by you give them a blessing give them a blessing such as I have give IV give them a blessing give them a blessing from the Lord once you're doing so Tony and Steadman begin to make your way down here shake their hands give my blessing glory to the name of Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you Jesus [Music] Laurey god bless you I did call for Tony instead punished here alright god bless you let's enjoy the presence of the Lord together let us be thankful unto him for all that he means to us all that I am while they're still seating people through the center aisles Oh [Music] that I kans not to repay the day [Music] surrender to thee my Jesus or [Music] and all [Music] okay not to repay [Music] [Applause] just lift your head and sing it one time right where you're seated [Music] Jesus that [Music] can not repay the dead [Music] ah Jesus I so to the or there's a rich anointing resting upon this congregation yes there's a rich anointing this anointing there is healing salvation blessing whatever your needs are in this anointing it can be supplied [Music] let's enter upon the dedication of babies mothers if you hear you could make your way at this time and they brought young children to him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them but when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them so far the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took them up in his arms put his arms upon them and blessed them [Music] but Jesus [Music] my fish [Music] driver with me in the ring [Music] Oh thousands [Music] they do not watch this [Music] [Applause] [Music] love their children broad - gee that's buster life was droll went back and be rumble the part but sweet smile [Music] [Applause] stand with me please congregation let us look to God in prayer your prayerful hearts with me at this time let us pray gracious God you're wonderful you're worthy to be praised and we celebrate you for who you are for the things you have done and what you continue to do in through and for your people here are blessings that we have to count Lord many blessings in that you have ordained it to be so that these infants would be born into this world sent on a mission we believe by you O God and we now lift them up to you and ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you lay your hands upon them for blessing we know they are in a world that is corrupt society is corrupt all kinds of eve of Isis are all around us to be seen to be heard to be felt but in the name of Jesus I pray that the blood will cover them you cover the Moses on the river nile you can cover them you protected your son Jesus in Egypt you can protect them O God in the name of Jesus you watched over Jeremiah from his mother's womb you will watch over them in the name of Jesus Christ no sickness no disease no ailment of any sort no destruction from the end of the enemy no evil influences from community from parents from society as a whole in the name of Jesus Christ Nordine Monde it's got talked against them in the name of Jesus oh god no impairment of mind our body but senses will function normal body parts will function not normal internal organs will function normally in the name of Jesus from the cradle to the grave these children shall be under your divine care and your supervision and pray that at an early age you will bring them to know you whom to know his life eternal so let blood flow up on them now blood from Calvary's cross let halls from here and Zarn flow upon them in the name of Jesus don't do the scourge of their garments and if there be any sick ones among them Lord Jehovah Rapha breed upon them known and heal them Lord the pure mother you by the Pew on the breath of God we breathed upon them by faith by faith and with this spell everything that is not of God yeah glory to God we declare them heal we declare them covered we declare them blessed we declare them son to Phi we declare them vessels of Honor for God and hell cannot and shall not touch any one of them the name of Jesus no rape is no gun man no homosexual no less beyond no sorcery no pedophile the blood of Jesus crisis against all of you we insulate them by thing the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost they are blessed and sanctified set apart for God's glory somebody praise God with me here somebody praise God with me I felt a fierce anointing Dupree not trying yeah fierce anointing what of him Alleluia be seated powerfully I did say prayerfully while we continue set you apart as an angel of light and we commit you to here amen Talya MacFarlane be committed to God from the crown of your head the soles of your feet and ask angels to watch over you we bless you the name of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost [Music] Alex Campbell we commit you to God's grace to is keeping Briella shot we commit you to your heavenly Father from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet we bless you dedicate you the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost [Music] rashon the solomon and from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet reassign angels to watch over you as we dedicated your heavenly father you are blessed in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] believe lemonis we bless you commit you to God's care and remember your body we dedicate you name of the Father [Music] deston wilson to the glory of god we commit you to his care from your head to your toes you're covered as we bless you in the name of the Father Malakai you are blessed consecrated and set aside for the glory of God we give you back to him no in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost I've been brought into your house to be blessed I mean the father he's not consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the darlin father in the name of Jesus we lift up Tirana Leben to you this day we bless him in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen Lord we give it lands for little Caelian Francis brought in a house to be blessed he's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of darlin Holy Spirit amen [Music] so I've been brought into your house to be places I present to you Heavenly Father the sword is no flesh consecrated given back to father here is haryana campbell brought into your house to be blessed we don't dedicate her in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] this trial is no place consecrated and given back to God in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Horrible's father I lift up legend coolly your blessing we know pronounce upon this child this child is know bless this John is no consecrated give him back to you in the name of the Father and Father in heaven as Jesus was lifted up by Simeon in the temple I'll leave that side William steals for your blessing upon her in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit each other banks in Jesus name Amen father I present genoa Hines to you Almighty God God she's brought into your house to be blessed Genoa is blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost [Music] to the Lord right now you are place you are Santa fide consecrated and so we give you to him in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] Skyler Barnes tearfully and [Music] further in the name of Jesus we lift up every Davis to you we believe he's blessed consecrated and give back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Music] Lord I lift up Aden car to chill this morning Rajan geoserver bless he's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Darlene Holy Spirit father I thank you for always having brought your whole student I present him to you in the fire for your use for your glory on your honor he's no bless consecrated father here is Lee under Ellis brought into your house to be blessed we now dedicate her in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost [Music] this trial is no place consecrated and given back to God in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of [Music] you're wonderfully made in the image and in the likeness of God the blessing of the Lord we know pronounce upon this child this shine is no blessed this child is no consecrated give him back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost father I present Imani Johnson to you Almighty God Father Amon is brought here to be blessed God is know blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen brought into your host of a blessed she's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of darlin Holy Spirit amen [Music] wonderful let's give the Lord praise everybody would you move forward parents and guardians and grandparents and everybody know it's time for you to be dedicated to the Lord are you ready are you ready for the Holy Spirit to take you and present you to the Father so has of this moment if you have not yet begun your heavenly journey with full assurance of eternal life you could start that journey right now would you bow your heads please close your eyes and say after me Lord Jesus I thank you for this wonderful privilege of standing in your courts one more time Lord you know the needs of my life I ask you now to minister to those needs atop the list Oh God the salvation of my soul will you wash me in your precious blood forgive me of my sins give me the assurance according to your word that if I confess my sin you are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness I confess this morning first Sunday of 2020 that I need Jesus Christ as my personal Savior come into my heart I pray amen lord I pray for these precious Souls I ask you to set them apart by your Holy Spirit the pair they have just prayed you promised her here and Hansel you have heard and I know you have answered now give them the assurance leaving here today not a new name has been written in glory written in crimson red and it is theirs will you keep them by your power grant O Lord that all the things that become necessary as of the list this confession they will give themselves to you in the name of Jesus those who need a strait their lives out in marriage you will help them to do so those who to follow in water baptism you allow them to do so those who have renewed their commitment you help them to follow through with it so father we bless you for all of them now in the name of Jesus and Satan you have no more chance you lose the battle there will you lose the battle you have lost that battle devil these are now under the blood of Jesus and father we thank you for hearing us now in Jesus name everybody lift up your hands open your mouth and give God praise in the house I did say everybody lift up your hands and open your mouth and give God praise I did say open your mouth and give God praise your man god is good hallelujah thank you for you Paul said knowing the terror of God we seek to persuade you I did say in my prayer those of you who need a straight your life out in marriage or in a relationship that's wise to your children okay please talk to me about it you want to get married we'll marry you so you can serve God in spirit and in truth that's one of this set back many people live in Jamaica today or you're not saying Amen I want to serve God but I live with my baby father I'm a baby mother we're not married well we can take care of that are you with me and I dare say if you can't get started we can get you started you have no rings we can get your rings tomorrow to get started okay ring wedding band yeah for both all of you male and females what a blessing dear God the Lord bless you thank you for coming please stay for the rest of the service collect the babies dedication certificate office to my right before you leave give the Lord a big on the praise for them everybody [Music] those who are members of the church just dedicated your babies would you stay for another few minutes please those who are members of the church would you stay for a few more minutes so we can recognize you personally just worship the Lord again just honor his presence just glorify God he deserved the glory praise God as customary the first Sunday of each month we dedicate babies members and non-members this morning we have two members as you know we pay special acknowledgment to our members where we read out certain information about the child and the parents and also we they are presented with a token of love from the church praise God we have two such persons here this morning Mitsy Marie and garnet Marie if you are here please you know you should have remained and we have thoroughly and Clifford Barnes we ask you please just come and stand down here and if the godparents and the grandparents and whatever relations they are you are asked to join in at this time praise God we have thoroughly Yanique Barnes and Clifford Lloyd Barnes they are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl their second child and we celebrate with them Scylla kailia Barnes we have the grandmother Claudette Barnes the grandfathers our Earl Richard Lewis and Clifford Lloyd Barnes a senior the godparents are kanesha Lewis Chanel Harriet Raquel Russell Georgia Nelson and Rina Barrett Thompson and the Godfather is Corey Williams we also have Mitzi Murray and garnet Murray praise God they are the proud parents of [Music] baby girl yep Tessa Zuri Antonia Maurice a URI Zuri Antonio Murray sure I got it correctly the grandmothers are Patricia Murray and Dalia Simmons the grandfather's are Byron Murray and given CIMMYT godmothers are Tameka brown Florida Lewis and Janet Burford Godfather's are Marlon Davis and Glen Villa grace all right we are happy for you this morning we share in your joy and I'll be coming down to present to you your baby dedication certificate and you also will be blessed with a gift from the church at this time I axed the membership to put your hands together and give them a very big hand of congratulation and we trust and hope as a word of the Lord says when you have your people full you'll be able to trust out the enemy God richly bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right give them another big hand and we congratulate them as we assist in the growing and the nurturing of these beautiful children God richly bless you praise the Lord hallelujah come on awaken to the presence of the Lord come on stomp upon defeat man stand up and give got a praise hallelujah give my praise of what he has been doing I what he has done for you hallelujah you got something thank him for this morning hallelujah praise God praise God praise God at this time for the second time we may have your sees the positive inspiration of becoming to do their ministry at the end of the choir the next voice you will hear will be data for a pastor Bishop dr. Dolph for David when he comes master please stand and put your hands together and receive him but at this time please put your hands together and make work on the ministry of the choir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] but lord stop Oh Dee and Shaye [Applause] [Music] a vessel [Applause] to explain to the partner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] such disservice result would [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] well praise the Lord God Almighty lift up your hands and give Him praise everybody Jordahl it back doing all that dark don't hold it back one old bottle appraised or torn it back Impe should only apiece the rocks would try out no rock will not take my place hallelujah [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] thank you thank you thank you give Jesus a big on the prison chickeny Rozonda take your seat god is good [Music] praise the name of the Lord we want to especially welcome those who joined us after the official welcome was given and we thank you that you have taken the time to be here in the sanctuary and those wherever you are across Jamaica across the regions of the world we bless the Lord for you we bless him for our churches and pastas err in Jamaica and overseas time would fail me to name them all but we bless you servants of the Lord pastors and Families congregations visitors well we shall support us everybody both air and there we bless you in Jesus name Amen do remember that we have another service later on this morning two hours time 11 o clock a.m. so those in our viewing audience is still out there you want to be part of another anointed service Hebrew 10:25 do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together while psy supports media ministry radio television internet and all the other platforms nothing can take the place of sitting in a place of worship with a person beside you close by you wear high-end sharpens higher the Word of God says that do not forsake so join us at 11:00 o'clock we'll be here they're also in the upper room santeri right on these grounds to fellowship with you and to bless you with a wonderful New Year's message from the Word of God amen well you're not saying Amen so some of you didn't get all the gifts you expected Christmas so awesome so when troubles my heart all right don't go there with me this one god is good amen we welcome those who join us from out of parish we have a wonderful couple from Saint Anne I may not call the names because this church when you call names everybody out there know and we could be compromising anything but you're happy to have you sir and your wife and the other persons were from out of other parishes bateau of all of you now please allow me maybe five minutes to see a few things before I get into a wonderful word from the Word of God a few things one tomorrow under the law Tyrus I would ask hear me well those brethren who have a burden or sense a burden and would want to be with me in three hours of special intercession 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. tomorrow 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. tomorrow if your sense that special burden and want to be part of it and join me here 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. those three hours exclusively entirely for the ill the family service on Wednesday and for me did I say for me yeah I mean purse for me real prayers if you do not feel the leading on the burden then don't come please only those that the Holy Spirit impress upon your hearts and you are available through clock p.m. - 6 o clock p.m. when a lockdown for those 3 hours and commit some things to the Lord amen and then the next one of course you know on Wednesday the Lord tires will be in the National Arena for the 15th annual national gathering heal the family ELA nation brings together Christian people from all denominations brings together on leaders of States etc etc and we are in for a great time because we will be abiding under the shadow of the Almighty we have got large delegations coming from overseas Bishop Mervyn Hardin and some 50 pastors and Saint Sauveur coming from New York [Applause] delegation from Toronto Canada from Florida from parts of the parts of the Caribbean and the first female Bishop of the states of Pennsylvania will also be coming down for that service I can hardly believe this I saw the email I said dear god I can't believe this this thing is bigger than all of us first female Bishop of the state of Pennsylvania the right reverend so and so and so and still I love all the information among many many other persons we want you to pretty much now finally let me hasten because we gotta get you out by ten o'clock buses will be traveling from different routes as we have said before this schedule should be on the notice board for you to look at it and inform those in your community from the church grounds right here 5:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. buses will leave air as a matter of fact from 5:00 a.m. 5:00 5:30 up to 6:30 buses will leave here Waterford bus terminus 6:00 a.m. Gege Park post office 6:00 a.m. greater port more post office 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Spanish town loj shopping center 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. Church Road Bob wall has a power fate search grounds that will be at 6 a.m. our Balu Arbor few round round about 7:30 a.m. nah go head butts Park 7:00 a.m. and old uber bus park at 6:30 a.m. purchases will be there to ensure that you're properly accommodated and where the bus takes you from it will take you about there after the meeting so please spread the word and there be no charge for you to pay on the bus thank God for those who have made it possible when you had it all up the true cost of God's love is no charge when I found the sponsors who have made it possible to God be the glory now the 23rd to the 26th of February for nights of special meeting with Reverend Santa Cora from Nigeria he's been here before yes some of you might remember him powerful minister powerful minister so mark your calendar for February 23 to 26 on the morning through Wednesday night's planned not to miss out and any of that all right so much for all of these now we want you to pray much and believe God for great things amen don't you come alone to the arena bring someone with you because will we believe many blessings are in store and when you come also make sure you come under the power symbolically abiding under the shadow of the Almighty you know I gave two of these caps - I made the church leaders on Friday morning I gave some for them you know they're good men some of the leaders said to me dear God bishop I will be proudly a tower in this not just for Healy family but all the time somebody praise God with me so you can get one today we ask you to make a contribution to assist in deferring the expenses and Oh their prices go down among those prices go I say no more so if you want the dawn price this is the time to get it if you wait for the up price you'll get the up price the arena on Wednesday I hope many of you do that God is good amen the Lord gave us some wonderful services over the weekends and we are so thankful I want you to reach for your Bible please and we are preparing to give you a message from God's Word open up your heart open up your spirit to a wonderful text that was read earlier 2nd Kings chapter 4 the first seven verses were read and I want to speak to you from that passage gracious Lord send your anointing upon us descend upon this gathering all your glory in your majesty in your power I pray now that Rhema word will reach the ears and the hearts of every person in my audience Rhema words Lord the words I have to speak they are not words of life except you anoint them so I ask you to anoint them in the name of Jesus Christ and grant O Lord that they were served to meet the needs of every person in my audience we take authority over the power of darkness Satan you're defeated you are under our feet because we are under the blood of Jesus and we claim a mighty move in Jesus name this message brothers and sisters that I'm about to deliver to you it is called a faith filled message a faith filled message does not define what is a faith filled message because of all I sense the Holy Spirit wants us to condition our minds as we enter upon all the seconds on the minutes on the days and the weeks of the months of this brand-new air with all its uncertainties God wants our minds to be focused in a particular way hallelujah and when your mind is focused in a particular way especially in the way of faith believe in God for Supernatural things then you will be positioning yourself to receive from God incredible things throughout this entire period so I want you to consider this theme with me and I want you to make it personal and don't think I just sit down and concoct these words it it took me much prayer and intercession and fasting and seek in the Lord and to be convinced that this is what God wants me to say believe me I am convinced from my head to my toes but if it is not for you it is for the person sitting beside you but it is for somebody raised right and and say after me in 2020 nothing shall remain empty god almighty in 2020 nothing shall remain empty whoa somebody absorb it right now somebody absorb it right now lift her hand again and say in the name of Jesus in 2020 we're here Hannah said nothing nothing shall remain empty shut up taken from us take it sister take it glory of God halleluyah halleluyah if nothing shall remain empty it means everything shall be filled shall be full shall Renova hallelujah taka neighbor initial and tell them nothing shall remain empty in 2020 [Music] hallelujah Lord I did say this is a faith filled message which is intended to keep our faith in motion to keep a faith active in a positive way to keep your faith on the cutting edge to keep your hopes alive alive alive regardless of what the five senses say to you or what you follow me carefully your faith and your hope must remain alive regardless of what your five senses are saying regardless of what your eyes see keep your faith in the cutting edge regardless of what your hears here Fifi or someone you're not with me regardless of what your body feels pain in the stomach regardless of what your body feels keep your faith in the cutting edge and keep it alive so do not allow your five senses to dictate all you behave let the sixth sense with is greater than all the other senses which is faith in God for with God nothing shall be impossible and with God all things are possible to them that believe touch your neighbor and tell them I am a believer I hope you are a believer hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what it means to be empty empty it means to be on occupied I wish I could do a practical demonstration but it is all a simple message profound a message that I don't need to do any practical demonstration we all know when things are him - what it looks like and what it feels like on occupy containing nothing devoid of contents we were saying in Jamaica hemti bog cannot stand not filled empty and there are so many things that can be referred to as being empty so many things think about some of them but I have a few things I want to share based on the type of message many things that can be looked at as empty we can see ahem T lot revoir sa empty locked no house is not on there anybody know him too lot I'm gonna preach wait to you this morning you don't you worry because the Holy Ghost told me to tell you that nothing should remain empty except it is not God's will but if it is God's will shall be filled some of you have some hem - lots in July the think is hem do you want it to remain empty empty lines empty house o most empty too much free space in there you are there but some feeds me to come in there are you not with me it's not a football field you live in so you have too much Pierce too much free space in there you need some things in the way are you not with me empty lot empty house empty wallet anybody here with an empty wallet empty wallet my plan was to bring some money to give the person was an empty wallet but my spirit told me nobody here will I want em to wallets so I leave the morning who has on him to Olli nobody not on the choir you don't carry wallet you carry purse empty wallet him jamario nothing in there empty-handed some people have been operating almost empty and idli empty chair in your house a space on your bed is empty they're too big for you alone and when you lie down here so if I don't appreciate some of your room that's on your bed that's been empty for so long God Almighty somebody help me prison I said I want to position your fate in a positive working manner [Music] so some of you when you go home today when can I come you met a look on that empty space beside you in the bed and said in the name of Jesus the man of God said for 20 20 you shall not remain empty so ever need to contact the space God's sad John sand they are some are you going like you don't want him wanting bat bat bat bat bat into Hannah's asylums Adam Santa Santa this is empty beside me [Music] [Applause] a certain finger on your left hand and empty for so long let me preach what I got to preacher this morning some of you better live up that certain finger some of you bold enough to lift it up in this big church you can't do so no wait till you go home live up that certain finger on your left hand and say in the name of Jesus you mean empty for so long you need something on the air I wanted to feel something I want to turn something oh I say to not give up I said to the soul keep [Music] Bishop you're preaching to me while I'm preaching to somebody else now he wants them to be fair somebody say feeling a feeling of happiness that we could speak today we could speak to heavy heart empty spirits are you still with me hallelujah what a question is is emptiness always a bad thing always a bad state is it always a bad thing absolutely not no it is not it's not because when a thing is empty what it is actually saying I'm in a position and this pause to receive the best of what is available disposed to receive to be filled with the best of what is available lift your hand and say that's where I am in some area of your life in some area of your life there is something that leads something so being empty presents an opportunity for this thing to be filled and not just to be feeling what the homeless forgave it to me this way to be filled with to receive the best of what is available st. John chapter two wedding feast in Cana of Galilee wine right out the wine jars were him to the bearers of the wine did not have what to carry to the feast the governor of the feast they looked around and there were 12 pots sitting down there empty pots are you not with me they have served wine before that feast people drunk maybe two dear fool but others were deprived denied because a wine ran out Jesus they looked on him to pot sitting there Mary said to Jesus wine ran out woman why you're messing around with me my now is not yet come what she looked on the servants and say anything he tells you to do come on somebody I want to take this word of faithless morning if you have never locked onto a word of fate crop this word of faith in the name of Jesus and whatever empty and the place emptiness is around you I want to speak to it doing this ear like you have never spoken and have it in the name of Jesus Christ there shall not remain anything empty in the water parts were full there could not receive anything but look at what came out of them the best wine somebody's at the baseline as watch somebody been waiting for and you don't even know it that's what God has been positioning you for and you know it's a mem delay is not denial God is punishing you for something better and bigger and greater than you thought you would receive somebody praise them and said the best is coming give somebody the best is coming the best is coming I feel like person the man tried on we can understand this because at feast like these you'd normally serve the best to impressed then when men of drunken all of that you serve the worst for the last but you have saved somebody sitting to your right somebody's sitting to your left they may know you for many years and all they see how few is what they think you are but tell them in the name of Jesus the best of me he's here took home tell them the best is coming tell them the bestest to me saying the name of Jesus the best is come [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah musicians the bestest coming prayer warriors the bestest coming preachers the bestest coming what shows the best is coming hey V Department the Blessed is coming power of that their past is coming just him to the water jar put it down before Jesus that's a wine run out fill me up for the other flow help to the desolate what did before Jesus some others him to the vessel the vessel him did not bring it to Jamis empty us all and come to Jesus empty our spirit and come to Jesus empty yourself from all filthiness of the flesh and come to Jesus and say Lord [Music] [Applause] somebody catch this revelation the spawning hallelujah the best is yet to be poured in you you just need to hand him just empty and come to the mosque [Music] wave your hand say something down [Music] in regards to tell yourself the scriptural injunction this scriptural rule is that you are only energy for a time but you are going to be filled in the name of Jesus lift your hand and say I'm going to be filled I'm gonna say like a minute state like a minute prophesy upon yourself prophesy on your bed prophesy in your fridge prophesy honest off prophesy on a bankbook prophesy on anything you feel like prophesying in the name of Jesus prophesy and your heart puffs assign your spirit in the name of Jesus you've been in before alive but I tell you what's gonna hey hey I tell you what's gonna happen choir I tell you what's gonna happen ministers the best wine is about to be poured in oh Jesus somebody give him praise that movie [Music] normally to be filled so for you today who have some empties around you some empties in you tell them the Holy Ghost giveth this world that in 2020 nothing shall remain empty oh if I could get someone you hold on to this like it's a last rate of all if I could get some of you hold on to this and when you guys show you what you see what it shows you still hold on to this when your body gives you kind of feeling you still hold on to this and whatever happens Jesus in the text of second Kings for Elijah met this woman who barely had anything I could declare her to be a woman that was empty empty empty empty no food no income no husband only a damn prospects with a little boy and two sons who are about to be taken prisoners Oh hallelujah but how many know that God knows who went ashore hallelujah I'm in an order they still at on time God hallelujah I'm in and all that when God comes your way he comes to turn things around here comes prophet Elijah woman what you have in your host thy serpent hath nothing save a Potter for look at what's gonna happen Oh Gloria my husband was a man of God he died and leave me dead and our two sons are about to be taken Oh hallelujah but I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread somebody praise God if I'm preachers oh you're not that woman today but some of the situation's in this host is comparable to that woman Oh single powerful that woman Oh separated wife comparable to that woman Oh divorced spouses comparable to that woman Oh unemployed people unemployable people comparable to her situation what is a God who killed so when you are in trouble don't cry just remember what what should you remember tell your neighbor what they should remember what when you get in trouble don't cry always remember that God is standing by remember he is a very present help in trouble remember when you go through the waters will be with you when you go through the fire will be with you when you go to the floods he'll be with you when you leave one radio station and don't have another job right now he'll be with you a bigger door is about to open a brighter prospect somebody help me praise God here whether they will think he knocks you out he just open up a better door for you greater opportunity greater blessing somebody praise God God don't divulge its people God promoters people die don't put honest people God lifts up his people God don't crisis people God blesses people tell your neighbor a blast blast blast those sorry for me a blast don't bother me a blast - grab the corner your head god somebody help me praise God here in the name of Jesus the devil is a liar you better get ready because Jesus is riding on ride on King Jesus ride on King Jesus you know you right on right on right on top your neighbor the shoulder tell them right on you're not a Chuck you about right on it you know horn a horse but ride on it you don't got Kevin a spot but ride on [Applause] I are feeling horny ghosts on me somebody help me praise Him over here Kodama saya ride on [Applause] [Music] yes yes yes [Music] God what's going on here let's move it up yeah right on right on your hat no husband nor him come they may no food no money no prospect but a dim future carried him but God knows how to take your nothing and make it to the sleeping God also to move you from nowhere just somewhere here God knows how to thank you from 1902 more than enough somebody praise God again with I've never quite seen like this in power of it I don't know what Lord it goes to sing to any of you but a ride a home system right on brother right on child of God in 2020 [Music] sharpen up or say somebody worship Him in the house I so worship in the house worship women hallelujah I never meet God with moving this but to kill away but nothing I say nothing [Music] it will move you from just enough to more than enough hallelujah I did not say enough is enough but more than enough is not too much enough is enough but more than enough is never too much enough is enough but more than enough is never too much [Music] [Music] somebody absorbing something in your spirit this morning and let me continue to preach while you're riding on because God is moving in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in 2020 nothing shall remain empty know him - by book nor him to cover know him - refrigerator know him - ring finger in the name of Jesus nor him to space on your bed now Allah God says the barrel must be full the basket must be full the wallet but of something in there the nest must go somebody waited for him if you cannot say nothing said nothing shall remain empty in the name of Jesus I'm going for it I'm going for it the woman said I only have a little higher but the man of God said do as I say bara vessels god help me here bara vessels anywhere you can find them got to holler your neighbors got to holler your friends tell them and hywell is about to spring up in my house toi well yes i'll well is about the spring up is about the spring up woman what are you talking about the man of God came to me and he gave me a sure word of prophecy God borrow vessels who are what you have [Music] somebody pouring what they have pouring what they have you carry pour what you don't have leave your neighbor to pour if they want to pour but everybody must pour what you have and let God work somebody showed something somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah [Music] Jesus hallelujah hallelujah when the fishermen toil all night came master Caymans of uhany meet Lord we don't have anything we fished all night the boats are empty him to port him to Colonel Bishop everyone returned emptiness Jesus that I got word for you your board might be healthy your ship is empty but the sea is not empty tell somebody the sea is not empty come on let me preach the neighbor tell him in the name of Jesus the sea is not empty this c is for big fishes to the overall you see his for komasan ha ha Kurama ha touch them are gonna tell them this C is not empty this C is not empty I know your port is empty I know your ship is empty but the ocean is full [Music] [Applause] why are they all charters for reach the ocean is for homos son somebody prays in here prison here tell them again the ocean is full the ocean is full fishes in the sea fishes are there just follow my instruction and nothing shall remain happy [Music] although we pile on us I'm not taking nothing nevertheless but you're hot you're hot you work whatever you say we will do down your nets the right side of the ship and see what happens Oh God somebody help me participe somebody help me praise me somebody help me praise him here just let down your nets and you will see that the sea is not empty and so and the boat [Music] all right stop you're giving no please because when I get ready to raise a right offering I don't know what you're gonna do stop you're giving no please maybe you go ahem to everything hallelujah what is a empty empty [Music] so let's wind it down in ten minutes and all the rest that you're giving the Bible tells me Matthew chapter 14 mark chapter 6 Luke chapter 9 John chapter 6 all of those apostles tell me that the rule of the boats them fully every ship was for they are to call for backup Carl Tonia neighbors common Elbaz we can hardly catch because they believe the word of the master say that which is empty is only empty too before to be filled lift your hand I say only him to you to be filled sit down please give me five more minutes indistinct mg to be filled God's doing something here somebody gave him praise down there [Applause] [Music] so no let's simmer this thing down all the neighbors on beside you a similar singdam you say to them as they say to you as each of you say to yourself in the name of Jesus in 2020 nothing shall remain empty Jesus Kurama sakuraba we settle it in the name of Jesus we settle it I don't know how we're gonna handle the church in this charge [Music] we're gonna handle the catch are you gonna handle it you're gonna have to call for help [Music] not one empty ship not want him to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah nor him to passport the name of Jesus I closed closed three points right I've known if you need to are absorb them in your spirits close one emptiness tells us that we have a need I said him to this is emptiness tells us that there is a need in Philippians chapter 4 in verse 19 you know what it says but my god so happiness tells us here is a need [Music] secondly not only that it tells us there is a need but secondly it says we must admit that the need exists because we can skirt around it we can act as though it doesn't exist we can put on beautiful shows we can Lord what him tonight tells us that there is a need and secondly we must admit to our emptiness here are the water parts but they are empty here are the Nets but they are empty here is the part of oil but it's not enough I didn't know I admit that it's not enough and thirdly we must recognize that only God sir needs in our lives tell your neighbor only God so emptiness tells us that there is a need existing we must be honest enough to admit the need exists thirdly we must lift our eyes onto the Almighty God I know if you would turn yourself from me when I shall I go I challenge you today as I close this message hell that God can feel that need God can fill that empty space God can fill the void [Music] God can I'm not just saying words because I breath in my lungs God can fill the empty lot and cause you to build a host Iran can't do it God can't fill the empty house give you things to put in there God can't do it Alleluia God can fill that space and your bed with a wonderful companion for life nothing to be ashamed about in preaching the truth I can't bring John Mary tom says it from bees from the West from the north from the south I tell you we're gonna see some unusual marriages you better watch it God's gonna feel some space somebody praise God with me [Music] those of you struggling in relationships in relationship here's ears and ears out God can feel that space and you're married finger but make your legal legitimate wife take you beyond girlfriends on baby mothers and baby fathers taking the realm of honor as a wife and as a husband God can bow your heads with me please everybody I must stop be not dismayed what you're behind God will take care of you Benitez winds of love abides God will take care of you my brethren God will take care of you through everyday or all the way he will whoa Jesus take care of you God will take care of you whoa Jesus hard on our I don't even know how to close this I hope [Music] but the greatest need above us is for the salvation of lost souls but please allow me to call everyone safe and everybody and everything between them to let God feel that spiritual void in your life right now I want you to walk from where you sit and come join me at this altar be not the spear what hear me tired God will take care of you be not this would be whatare be time God will taking all of you [Music] is we [Music] my god every on same box light oh this is your moment to get real when you come down bow your head and close your eyes [Music] time [Applause] [Music] trust him [Applause] trusting [Applause] [Music] [Music] we'll take here [Music] [Applause] [Music] change us [Music] for the very last time God where no tech signal signal from heaven [Applause] [Music] [Music] worship pray worship we worship we worship they worship we worship come on worshiping worshiping worship into this quadrant praise be thankful unto Him bless His name everyone is here Pryor everybody everybody [Music] television people share plan YouTube Facebook wherever you are safe prior say prior to Almighty God in this house Empire his purse under for you here say Empire for guidance say a prior for coverage [Music] protect shot Sam clarify healing see a plan for blessing say a prayer never prayer in a prayer that God could not answer never shed a tear that he could not draw when the waves of life were so high you can't move them toward a high roll you over the tide come on come on come on say a prayer say a prayer young girls in prayer siempre young boys a prayer say a prayer mothers and fathers a Breyer [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus charcoal nama said save my yogurt is sanctified by your Holy Spirit washing your precious blood in the name of Jesus God shining the light of glory shine it bright shiny bright shiny bright dispel every dark cloud [Music] save the lost reclaim the backsliders Eva C strengthen the believers defeat him in the name of Jesus name of Jesus [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] thank you lord [Music] I'm the god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] raise your hand and seed one more time everybody [Music] [Applause] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy your heads on the all to close your eyes father in the name of Jesus I pray over these wonderful people standing here who by your Holy Spirit you have convicted we ask you to convert them now change the heart fill their empty heart Lord which a word with your Holy Spirit place within them the desire to serve you we know they love you they have challenges working against them will help them to turn their eyes to you Lord we can feel all things in their lives lose them Jesus let this year do not pass by as just another hear of down and out not a hear of losses another hear of defeats another hear of the same hole same hole oh no Jesus turn the tide for them in the name of Jesus Christ give them a fresh start a brand-new start let light shine where there is darkness in the name of Jesus let health spring forth where there is sickness let Hope come alive where there is despair in the name of Jesus right in their future as they come into you save them by your grace lose the mind Oh God help them to emancipate themselves from spiritual slavery to sin and Satan and the devil and all his demons walk away from them say all to Jesus I surrender God you're calling these men and women boys and girls because you love them save them now in Jesus name say after me all of you standing down here with your head bow and your eyes closed say Lord Jesus this is my day to surrender my life to you and to walk in the newness of life Lord I'm tired of my sinful ways I want to get out of them only your blood can bring me out apply of blood to my life this very moment and from today I'll declare to Satan that you can't get me no more I turn my life to Jesus and I'll walk in the spirit lord I thank you for hearing my prayer and for granting the requests in Jesus name Amen everybody praise God no come on or promote and praise God my worship [Music] before I send you back to your seat I'm going to give a challenge to many of you well praise God which was that you have been blessed spiritually filled charged and ready to take on this year 2020 many things will be happening during this year but we trust in the God who specializes in everything with him we will make it indeed we acknowledge you our viewers we appreciate the comments and we will continue to pray for you and your families continue to watch the recorded services on our website affordable he is the family heal the nation on Wednesday January 8th from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. do not forget your cap you must wear your cap Sharon for 2020 I want to be leaping in the Lord no more limping what say you well for me I want to go stronger and stronger and stronger in the Lord amen and with Jesus we can make it and we will a man once again on behalf of our general overseer Bishop dr. delaford D Davis his lovely wife lady dr. Petrova Davis the powerful family and my co-host Sharon and what good walk with God forever please like share and subscribe but if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at [Music] [Music] you all right god bless you we got so many more than the number that within the first six months of this year they hear me well if you don't surrender your life to the Lord our tragedies gonna hit you believe me I'm not saying you're gonna die I didn't say that but you're gonna come to me and explain that tragedy and I won't be able to help you within six months think about it we're not forcing it to do anything I'll just tell you what this spirit said to me okay so if you want to wait until it happens then that's your choice if you believe it you do something about it you don't believe it let it stay and we see what happens okay touch our Jesus turn it around for who in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen leave it up to you you decide [Applause] [Music] god bless all of you thank you for coming if you want to return to your seat you could do so now please and I'll just have a short words with all of you standing here two steps forward all of you two big steps yeah great what is happening here is not a Sunday morning happening it's not a Sunday morning sure this working has been going on for a long time long time the Lord saw you and he targeted you for a long time place your nice spirit gave me the message to preach that connects with you because he wants you in the kingdom and there are some emptiness in and around your life that God alone can feel the three Lord last point I made in my message which I did not preach them I just make them one emptiness means that there is a need there is a need to you must acknowledge that there is a need and three you must also acknowledge that only God can fill those needs bow your heads with me please Lord I commit all of these souls to you I know they have challenges difficulties many questions are swirling in their minds right now what will happen I make these commitments Lord help them to ask the reverse question what will happen if I do not make this commitment that is the relevant question oh god help them to contemplate that question what will happen if I fail to make this commitment in the name of Jesus seal them by your Holy Spirit and grant that they will begin their new walk with you as of this moment I pray in Jesus name amen give the Lord praise for them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you late but you're coming sir you come just go [Applause] I want to get all your names I mean that all your names and a telephone number or we can reach you on because I want to be praying personally for you exerts on Jeanette's and your team hope you're all equipped for this all right all of your names and I tell it for Norma that we can reach you you must be the first harvest soul harvest for 2020 persona we are prepared to work with you work with you through whatever difficulties you think you might have no because what you think is a mountain it's a little more little for our God are you surprised you know I had two weddings yesterday and the second couple I married one lady was in the in the audience she said to me you marry my husband and I 18 years ago said no that is it thank God for your husband is doing well but that's not what I want to get to she said to me maybe she's here we had a little difficulty and Bishop you you gave us whatever money to take care of the wedding I said here God is a long time in doing good deeds I don't even know she said I'm sorry turn on a grateful you care for some money I won't tell you how much you love no paper business too you gave us the money maybe she's here I don't know you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you you you you you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the King of Kings unto the Lord of lords this morning Christine hobbies I'm crazy so we send up worship [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 20,039
Rating: 4.6825395 out of 5
Keywords: #pfmfamily, PowerofFaithMinistries, 2020
Id: JXQ24D_0x54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 5sec (14285 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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