IMSA WeatherTech 240 At Daytona

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Couple of things: First, the audio sucks at times. To be expected though with the circumstances.

Secondly, what’s the point in the leaderboard to the left of the screen and the one scrolling at the bottom? Half the time they’re both showing the exact same information, with the other half the time showing pretty much the same information. Not that I care really, more information is fine I guess.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/-Jack-The-Stripper 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I went to this race. In person, conditions sucked at start with rain and humidity, but when it fell to darkness, it was a blast. Also got to see the first win for a revolutionary car.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/C_Quist 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I know TBell is an NBC employee, but the extended shots of his #12 Lexus driving by itself instead of showing other on-track battles is extremely annoying. I’m happy to see GTD action, but TBell isn’t the only GTD car on the damn track.

I rewatched most of 2019’s races during lockdown and they did the same crap last season too.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/704sw 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] well hello everybody on a very busy 4th of July weekend and however you're celebrating in the USA there's been motorsport aplenty adir whether it's been from the styrian mountains in spielberg and what a great formula to race we watch from there earlier on or here in Florida three point five six miles Daytona International Speedway the most famous circuit in the USA and well you know what it could be something just a little bit different for the first time in a long time we've got a summer race the spiritual home of the Paul Revere 250 rebranded as the WeatherTech to 42,000 40 minutes rather than the distance on a damp and overcast early Saturday evening at Daytona International Speedway in the Haggerty global broadcast Center it's John hind off along with Jeremy Shaw and Cher Adam there has been a huge huge rainstorm since we qualified and what's more we've had thunder and more importantly for the safety of everybody we've had lightning and we are now in what's called well I'll let Adam talk about this because sure you're the one who has to talk to the insert officials down there in pit lane that's your normal Billy wick we have different levels of warnings for all of the crews and the officials how's it going and what a risk control saying now it did on International Speedway well Race Control has issued a stage three weather warning which is about the most severe that you'll see on a race weekend that means evacuate to a place of safety as soon as you can the Daytona International Speedway has also advised people inside at the campsites or in the grandstands to take shelter because well there's some more bad weather coming through the area right now it's yellow cell over the storm and even though it might not be dropping any rain there is electricity in the air so everyone has had to leave their positions the crews have all been told to leave the cars on the pit lane and they are making their way back to the garages right now we're under a brief hold we hope a brief hold while this storm rolls through but it has been a wet one so far today and it's looking like as soon as this little bit of a storm rolls out we might get a clear window the problem is that there's a low-pressure front moving down through North Florida it's sort of on the edge of Jacksonville right now and it's acting as a wall so this storm which should have blown through by now has stalled out and is being held in place by the low pressure system as more rain moves in behind it at Ames radio and that's how you get in touch with us I can't see the new for this race Lexus LC 500s moving to the end of the put lid there are new safety cars for the weathertech 240 here and I've got to see it a safety car driver two white cars sitting with the Amber bars on the the amber light bars on the top of the misty spectate there's only 5,000 have been let in all have to be Florida residents they've been asked to clear they cleared the public areas and shelter go for some shelter at the moment the new LC 500 normally aspirated five liter v8 for just four hundred and seventy one of your brake horsepower naught to 60 and 4.4 seconds and a new 10-speed direct-shift gearbox with changes gear in point 1/2 of a second which even in my youth that don't think with the clutch and a gear lever I could have done that now we'll have the opportunity with with us on a 30 minute 3-0 minute delay at the moment we'll keep our eyes and ears on what's going on when it does give us a little chance to catch up with Spencer Pumpelly and Rob furry all brand new into this championship with a new organization hardpoint racing and a couple of weeks ago for mid-week motorsport we got the chance to make the announcement of the their entry into the WeatherTech Sports Car Championship on America's classic circuit Spencer Pumpelly in a moment but Rob furry all tell us the good news plays oh yeah we've got great news John so I'm excited to announce that Spencer and I will be expanding not only our efforts in emza but also our partnership with Audi by launching an Audi r8 LMS gt3 entry and this year's Enzo WeatherTech Sports Car Championship GT Daytona class that is great news in such a difficult time for everybody and we know how hard this situation is it's not just that though because you're not going away from Michelin Pilot Challenge either we are not we will be running both cars double dipping so to speak so Spencer that's extra work for you as well and I've known you long enough to know that frankly if I asked you to drive in every single race or for the weekend you'd be absolutely delighted so you must be really pleased about this I am very excited you know you're right I've spent a lot of time doing both the Michelin Pilot Challenge series and the GTD series so this should get me back to normal at least as much as we can in these days and ages of kovin I've got to ask you Rob in Ind in a situation where so many people are taking a long hard look at their commitments and potentially even scaling back why is this don't get me wrong I'm not criticising here but why is this the right time to expand and all you've harbored some hopes and expectations to get into the WeatherTech sportscar championship but why why now and what's what's mid helped you make that decision well I've run a CLE enough John you know the last four months of kind of pandemic shutdown has given us an opportunity to continue maturing our own internal program with the team as well as the GT four program and you know we had a discussion about this earlier in the season before it kicked got kicked off and we we looked at really targeting 2021 for you know a potential move into GT GTD but what the shutdown allowed us to do is just to continue refining the team internally you know testing maturing the program bonding as a team and really getting procedures in place so you know when the opportunity came up relative a few short weeks ago it was a pretty quick decision you know we took a couple hours to bat it around he said you know what we're in a lot different place now than we were six months ago and it it's a good opportunity for us but it's also good for the sport it's good for the series is good for emza you know let's get another car out there we you know we have the unique opportunity to be able to do it so let's do it I'd like to talk to you in a moment Rob about team hardpoint which it which is the team involved here which is a relatively new entity Spencer if I can come to you for a moment I've got to see you two guys going into this and for many weekends doing double-duty we know had competitive mission and pilot challenges but it's not as if the GT did so on the category of the WeatherTech championship is a cakewalk either that's another shock pill sir yeah it definitely is but you know when I met Rob for the first time he was racing in the Porsche scuff and you know I happen to none of these cars a lot doing all the different coaching and driving that I do all the cars I drive that's got to be the most difficult car there is to drive it isn't the baby yeah it's very touchy and Rob was very very quick in that car the point where you know I go through a day to lap down on the beginning of the weekend and a lot of times he would embarrass me to come qualifying so I know he's got the skill in the pace he got a taste of the gt3 car when we did the international Motorsports came it's a foul Unga in Rome backing that I think that was September which was a lot of fun so I know he's up to the challenge of the gt3 car and I think this is a natural progression you know the opportunity grows we got the team in place so hopefully this will LA just continue our you know steep ramp up the learning curve here and we might be able to usually find some success oh I would be very surprised if you two didn't at twice a runner up in that Porsche the mga gt3 Cup Challenge by Yokohama Rob saw clearly everything that Andy's seeing he's absolutely spot-on you've got a very smooth driving style was that international motorsport games and follow longer was that in some ways a catalyst for you to take a harder look at the gt3 machinery I think it was you know and switch will tell you I was probably a little nervous going into it I'm having not sat in a gt3 car much less driven one or you know in Europe for that matter but yeah it was a good opportunity in a really neat environment to to kind of test out the gt3 car and I really enjoyed it I think the gt3 car brings brings together some parallels from you know from my experience in the cup with you know kind of the speed and the rawness of the car but then also brings in some parallels from the from the GT four I think is a good mix of the two cars tell me about the team about hardpoint it's as I said it's relatively new formed only back in 2018 but clearly stepping up to a 2 car program in two separate series you must have total confidence there I do I have confidence in the guys and girls on the team you know that was kind of the very first thing I did when when I decided we were going to kind of chart our own path and and determine our own outcome was look at the people involved and bring together the right people that have the right mindset to work as a team and you know drawing on my own experiences the military my experience you know running a larger company you know it's always about the people so you know we looked at that first that was the first thing we worked out and then we started bolting everything else together but yeah a short period of time no one's ever accused me of being timid so it's not completely out of the normal but you know we're excited I think I think we have the right bones in place and and we're gonna use this year to start packets and meet on and we should say it's not as if you've been sitting around Rob because during this lockdown area you've started something that I I think it's a brilliant idea the nonprofit charity looking after weekend warriors if you will risk crew members who clearly couldn't earn any income in the last three and a half months how's that gone it's gone really well I think we've we're gonna pay a couple grants out this week we're up to about fifty grants that we've paid out since we've started this on March 27th good for you it's been an extremely rewarding and humbling use of my time the last the last few months you know part of this this whole heart point kind of brand system that we've we've put together is it's really you know it's really about promoting sports car racing and promoting the sport and and getting people not just aware of the sport outside of our own community but getting more people in it and hopefully keeping people in the sport longer and so you know that what we did with the foundation is really a natural extension of this philosophy of kind of leaning in to sports car racing not just in the US but around the world so I saw you know early on when when the pandemic hit you know we were gearing up getting ready to go down to Sebring and it you know came to a screeching halt and you know my first reaction obviously is to look internally to the team hardpoint and make sure that that we can keep everybody whole until it's time to go racing again but then you know I started thinking about the paddock writ large and you know the way the race economy works and that structure you mentioned about the weekend warriors and I said hey you know we've got capacity over here with hardpoint Outfitters to crank out some some apparel so it started with the peril sales and then we added in the the donation element once once the demand started to kick up it's been it's been absolutely wonderful and clearly we're not back to full quote/unquote normality yet so we wish you all the best in that lets drag you back to the racing side of things Spencer it's not that far away now for the resumption as it is of the aims of WeatherTech sportscar championship we're off to Daytona for what for mate looks like the recreation of the old Paul Revere event fourth of July Saturday night into the into the evening at least even if it's not into the darkness that's gonna be a very different feel to dishonor than when we're normally there in January well yeah the two biggest thing is they're gonna be the heat for sure that's gonna affect the car the drivers and the crews that have to maintain the cars and then you know on top of that we're gonna have new things with social distancing and some of the protocols and getting in the racetrack and having to wear masks and taking precautions and kind of looking out for each other and then we'll also be somewhat isolated too I don't think we're gonna have the three movement amount the paddock that we're used to having but the other thing is you know we're gonna have a really short weekend it's gonna be unload do one practice and then spend the day on Saturday getting ready for the race and racing so it's gonna reward those teams that are ready to go and have done some work on the off the off season during the break here to stay sharp and if you get rusty at all you don't have any time to kind of catch up so we'll be under a lot of pressure and I think it's Daytona is a fairly forgiving track it's six real turns it's not like you know Lamar where you have 20 fast corners to go through so hopefully it'll be a nice way to kind of ease back into it but we have a lot ahead of us for Daytona for sure and then coming up for Sebring it'll be our first time we're actually pulling the double duty yes in doing both so we had a little bit of a challenge but we're ready are you how do you feel Spencer about two different versions of the same card how do you think yeah Rob still filled it up so he might jump in and disagree with you here but how do you think Rob's gonna cope with this because when you did the international motorsport games it wasn't hard and why it wouldn't be now D put it wasn't with an Audi you've been used to GT for outies and jumping in between the two are there enough differences to remind you and and Rob in particular nor disrespect Rob but slightly less less experience there remind you both that you're in a different car that's a very good question you know I don't think I can remember running the same version of a car I've done a lot of things you know me very see maybe I came in when we can in a 911 yes it in the GTD but I can't I can't remember the last time or if I ever did this particular version and I've always said the bigger the difference is in the car the actually easier it is not harder because you you won't mind it right away that this is a different approach to this corner and the breakpoints gonna be a lot different but when the car starts to sound the same feel the same you know the steering wheels feels the same then the visuals look the same the engine notes the same sometimes can be easy to forget which one you're in and if there's subtle differences and say where you break it's easy to get it wrong and find yourself going through the weeds so well the reason I asked that was because the new AMG GT 4 borrows a lot of the interior from the gt3 and yet they're very different cars particularly in in the amount of air rule and and the way you drive them through the corners typically gt4 is a little bit more momentum through the corners trying to keep it up and you haven't got the arrows so much but that GE threes it's nil the bricks all the way up to the apex and then hammer it back out again so it can be a completely different driving style yeah it can be you know lets you know exactly how that all works out well sure I've done it but here's the thing it was Rob I always say that the more new cars you drive the better you get it learning the next one totally so learning cars is a learning was a learned process and now Rob's been in several different types of Porsches he's been in the Ferrari he's driven the g4 out he now so he's gotten better at adapting and I think the gt3 car has some advantages for a driver who's unfamiliar yes things happen quickly in it for sure which is going to be way different than the GT 4 car where I feel like I'm waiting all the time when I Drive it but it's also very direct so it's very easy to get the beam back from the car and I think that'll be - he's in my advantage and robber you can have a chance to test before you go to this ex excruciating you truncated weekend where basically you'll roll off the truck have a chance to have a couple of laps and then basically being a qualifying in the RIS or a bit of testing in the gt3 before then or just the current circumstances preclude that we are working through that now we would like to at the very least get you know get a bit of a shakedown run we have a test scheduled for the GP for that was already on the calendar so we'd like to be able to get the car shaken down at least you know once or twice before we show up in Daytona we'll see we'll see how that goes and how has been dealing with Audi Sport Kissimmee racing in the u.s. Tristan and the guys from open in de say how's it been working with them obviously you've got a relationship with them for the jt4 it's been fantastic that was a I don't say nervous item of mind when when when we made the transition and the GT for but you know coming from a manufacturer that I you know been involved with and familiar with for a couple years at that point moving to a new and was you know a little bit of anxiety through you know through the unknown but you know from day one even last year when we were just testing the car out and a couple of the Michelin Pilot Challenge races they have been phenomenal you know from from Tristan up up at the top to Andy and and Shaun and the engineering team they've been fantastic I mean I think we are in weekly communication and have been all through the offseason into this year the downtime and then now with the with the GTD program that's just you know it's just increased that that level of support and interaction so I'm super pleased without and really excited to to bring on another car and and see how this season goes and frankly just get this season going I think amen from a lot of people to that final thought from you Spencer across the problem that we've got now and this happens this is going to happen for all of us on on either side of the fence we've now got to get a season-long tracing into approximately four and a half maybe five five months and therefore actually doing what you guys are doing if you are going to double up doubling up with the same sanctioning body it's actually probably a really sensible thing to do yeah it seems like good now keep in mind I'm also racing in some other series exactly that's why I don't think I think my wife is gonna see me until mid-november once this season get started again and but and of course you can't bring the kids to the races anymore either because of that the limitations on entries so it'll be tough away from the traffic I think I think this is gonna be a tough season for everyone in a lot of ways but I think you know after two three months of not racing there's gonna be nothing better than getting back into it and getting ready to mix it up and you know to do it with someone like Rob and our team the guys that we have together it makes me really excited and eager to get back on track and get going thank you very much for joining us Spencer Rob I can only get off me kneecap TIA you have tackled your motor racing ever since I've seen you in a very structured and might I say sensible way I think everybody would agree in Jeremy and I have talked about you on the on the broadcast you'll have heard about the improvement in your driving has been extraordinary we wish you the best but you're doing and representing an awful you're doing something and representing an awful lot of people who would do exactly the same as you if they had the opportunity and the modicum of your talent well done for bringing us some good news Spencer Pumpelly Rob for real thanks for joining us myth that was Rob and Spencer a couple of weeks ago making the announcement here on the radio show limited network of channels on our mid-week motorsport show over on our s1 everywhere to stay at 3 o'clock Eastern if you want to tune into that on Wednesday good news from all to be honest Jeremy Shaw that we we've got another teaming and you know expanding their operation within the Enzo panic yeah I mean the fact that we've got these new teams is certainly I think speaks volumes for how effective the instant exports Car Championship is it as providing you value for money in whichever way you look at that so no it's very promising indeed and and as you talked about only only you know that several all the teams that would have could have should have been here and hopefully we'll be back again before too long as well so you know the future looks very very bright let's take an update from share Adam who is keeping an eye on what's going on with the weather we were put on a 30-minute delay somewhat twenty three twenty four minutes ago share and this movement at the speed where and its movement of a good kind there are Floridians coming back to the grandstand and I know that their Floridians because you had to be to gain a ticket for this event and more importantly there are people who coming back into the pit lane so it looks like we're gonna get things going here again soon can't really see too much of an improvement on the radar from what I'm looking at there is still a yellow blob over at the racetrack area over the the airport to be more specific but I've just been told that within 14 minutes we are going to be resuming our pre-race ceremonies so it looks like things are getting back to normal all good news from that point of you just hearing that Jeremy and I think if you turned the same thing I'm looking at the wrist control fade first of all let's just go back to earlier on it will be a pit lane start for car number 76 that should have been the pit that should have been the pole-sitter in GT detour net for compass racing and we're hearing that the green flag will be thrown in about half an hour's time Jeremy that's what I'm hearing I think you've got the same news yes indeed the the 14 minutes that was a couple minutes ago to when the pre-race countdown will will commence properly and then 654 green flag it's all I'm hearing so that's certainly very very good news and we saw some people we've got one stationary camera we can we can see right now and the people certainly seem to be coming back into the ground sound so that's really a very promising sign yeah very good indeed just 5,000 people allowed into that lets certain pick up on our Porsche keys to the racing the habit global broadcast centre can tick Jeremy first of all the most obvious one here is this is not the end of January so obviously the weather isn't the same but it's also not 24 hours Jeremy saw there's very little time if there are any mistakes made like not getting out of the day but put them in time for compass realistic to actually rectify that with pace on the track yeah that's right you know it's it's a lot more difficult to make up here they're now going to come back from the very very back over to catch the back first of all and then trying to make their way through clearly they've got a fast car there so that's the good news there's not too many strategic options a lot less review options open to the teams with that just a such a short race such a test but hey yeah it's what when you when you get knocked down you're going to get back up again that's exactly what compass racing is going to do as far as the long layoff what the responsible adult colds the long pause people are still shaking off the cobwebs it's not not even about your Claus season Jeremy there's there's been no testing or very little testing for very few people up and down the pit lane and they've had precious little running of this weekend just a free practice session yesterday sim this morning or earlier on today then qualifying and the race that could be an element of being a little bit race rusty here yeah that could Robbie together certainly you there's also been a couple of people that problems this weekend so far number 77 car didn't care at all yesterday the absent I make it fuel in that Carter was able to run at all yesterday they were able to get themselves up to speed today and then in the morning practice today number 10 car had a those two teams Sears that day got a lot less time the teams for the team's themselves they've been practicing so hard on that Midlands back of the shop so I don't really expect to read dramas on the pit lane during the pit stops but it's certainly going to be interesting out on a track and particularly the conditions you know this track it the bank you will dry out very very quickly and the infield well it would have to wait and see how hot and humid it is and whether there's any more rain do you stages because certainly tire management it's going to be absolutely critical in these changeable conditions I think if it's a little bit it's going to be designated a wet race which you have to start on wet tires but I think that it's the case I've certainly heard that the Masters are going to be starting on wet weather tires and you know when you make the change to slicks he's it's going to be very very important indeed and let's not forget that for Daytona Prototype International and forge a GT GT tear torna it sweats or slicks one slick compound one wet compound there's no choice everybody's provided with the same and crucially there's no intermediate there are also no intermediates for GT LeMond but they do have a broader range of Michelin tires to choose from in terms of the temperatures the operating temperatures and the wind or of operating temperatures with which those tires work so they could potentially go if they have some too softer slick tyres which Jeremy is not necessarily the worst thing even if they're not cut slicks which aren't allowed here but if you've got heat in them from the Bing there's no tire warmers allowed here if you've got to hate in them you're probably no worse off on a suppose there's not big standing water on a soft slick tire than you are on a wet weather groove tire that you're going to burn off in a couple of laps yeah good point and yeah I mean you're gonna build he's into the task pretty quickly I think go through the banking here both ends of the racetrack and through the tri-oval as well so you then got to try and keep the tires warm through the twiddly bits and in the infield till you get back off up onto the banking again soon as the bus stop is going to be pretreat pretty tricky then that's probably gonna be the most dangerous part on the track for the horses as well it's going to be certainly very easy and making mistakes and the drivers are gonna be on their toes and finally then a bit of patience perhaps requires you might just wit that old phrase Jeremy and it is a bit of a cliche but all cliches only get to be cliches because there's an element of truth in them it might well be that one or two drivers here have got to have a bit of patience and let the track come to them and their car because the cars aren't set up for anything like wet weather running of course probably not probably not but the engineer certainly they will be pouring over the weather data they've been looking at the other charts at the the radar at all the forecasting materials they can get and if they think that's a good Lee portion of the race is going to be in the wet then they might set up the car for those conditions certainly looks like there might be rain later on in the evening and if we're starting half an hour late already you know that's gonna be good position to potentially throw another spanner and it works to learn a stage of this race but you know there's certainly there's a lot a lot of question marks flying around at the moment it's good to see that all the teams now on the pit lane again get everything ready to go now and I'm sure there be a few tweaks to some of the well can't no can deter can't touch the cars show you can there you're right so no it's going to be it's going to be a crapshoot in these early stages right they are gonna have to be patient because it's gonna be so easy to make a mistake that's a that's a Porsche keys to the rich Adam we were thinking that if it was a bit overcast we might get into a wee bit of glooming with sunset just before 8:30 at this evening we're pushed back a little bit further we might have to put the lights on here swim I have to find a couple of 50 cent pieces for the for the lightning towers hope they have enough to just keep putting them in the coin slot and keep the lights on yeah we're expect was a big coin shortage over here at moment nobody over here is using money that all of you know that all of you 20 quid notes that have been printed nobody's ever seen them because that nobody's taking them out a hole in the wall you know it's like it's like footage using contactless pivot at the ball Bert saw a very very odd in day at Sammy's point though sure and you know yeah all right it's not it's never going to be properly darker around here so but but we will get into some probably a little bit more than Twilight now well yeah sunset is expected at 8:27 p.m. local time it's a two hour and 40 minute race so if we go green it say 654 we're gonna get quite a bit of running in the darker conditions people haven't set up their headlights in any sort of special way now the good news is for most of the people out on track save for three cars their headlights should still be set up for how they were at Rolex but we're not gonna get any sort of lingering sunshine with the cloud cover when the Sun Goes Down it's gonna get dark really fast and Daytona's not one of the darkest tracks we go to but it's definitely something to think about especially if you've never been here before in the dark I'm thinking about poor Paul Holton who's raced in Michelin Pilot challenge but he's never seen anything like Daytona at night I took my mic my own again I don't know if I'm gonna start talking let's take them all but to pick up one or two what are two interviews with drivers that we rather sensibly shear put together earlier on in race week he's a quick chat with Ricky Taylor Farooqi Taylor one of the best tracks you get to go to every year is Daytona International Speedway it's circuit that has so much meaning to you and your family the race in January didn't exactly go as planned for you and Elio but now you get another opportunity at it in July does that make things even better that you sort of get to wash your hands of it and less than a year think about it for five months and we're enabled to redeem ourselves but if we shine it's nice to get to go back to Daytona it'll be our fourth time racing there with the air action we really want to win the 24 hour so together with the fourth of July weekend it's a historic weekend not just a patriotic historic historical weekend but in terms of sports car racing in America at least through the Brumos 250 and the Paul Revere 250 back in the day it's a race that's quite a bit of history so when the Daytona is a big thing and if we can do it in July it's gonna be a different race though coming into it in July talk a little bit about the mental preparation that you and Ellie open gone through expose of you are Floridians for better for worse I mean Elliott lives in Fort Lauderdale and you're in Central Florida that's advantage right there comes to Florida knows it's gonna rain at some point and Europeans are well prepared for that but we've been we've been training a lot we do with a phenomenon i'm swift on our bikes and we train in the heat and it seems like even more for Sebring how brutal it's gonna be with the heat hopefully they were prepared but I mean if you're not prepared there's excuse sharpness behind the wheel that's another thing I know some of the European drivers already had the chance to get behind the wheel of some prototypes over there but I feel 80 some of the field will be pretty I'm pretty level playing field which I think will be interesting to see how everybody readapt to driving a prototype again driving go Kurt says that helped you at all or is that only made the lust to try and get back in a prototype even worse what it's like and the speed it's definitely the best tool you can do outside of also driving the real car keep you sharp and and get your mind kind of working I'm I'm driving style and how to go faster and things probably the go-kart works compared to a race car so it's really good to stay sharp it's nice to get back into the karting and hopefully some of that sharpness fool it'll help that had nothing but time throughout all this and then when the schedule picks back up again it really does kick into a different high gear are you excited about that that there's gonna be so much in such a relatively short period of time unlike any other NASCAR IndyCar f1 guys we only have ten races a year and so if they can put them in within what's it gonna be about four or five months that's that's pretty cool I think it's gonna be pretty grueling as as much as we talk about the physical training in this second offseason I guess we could call it you're really gonna need to build a good base because you're not gonna be able to train or get into any sort of routine after this it's gonna be just race after race after race and it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be it's gonna be good before we know it thanks Ricky and good luck to all of Team Penske thank you it's retailer Tony to share Adam a little bit earlier on we're live on RS two M's radio good to know that you're staying with us we do have teams down on the pit lane now not sure when you're gonna be getting pictures on the stream I'm afraid I thought they'd gone live 40 minutes ago but apparently not so my apologies for that we're not in control of that at the moment let's quickly give you a rundown of the front of the starting grid with acne routine Penske Elio Castroneves leading out from Ollie Jarvis on the outside of the front row for Mazda more the sports the number 77 car had some fuel issues in the first practice on Friday there were solidly fixed but they couldn't quite steal the Paul away points 2 to 4 of a second between first and second at the same gap between second and third Jonathan Bomarito will start the number 55 at master Motorsports the multimatic car three M's there and on the outside of Row 2 will be one Montoya for accurate Team Penske if we drop down at the gtlm it'll be Corvette that lock out the front row you'd normally say that was a yellow out wouldn't you but it's the dark gray car with the yellow flashes on it that it's on pole position for Olly Gavin Jordan Taylor will take the outside of the front row and they'll be followed up by BMW and Porsche second rule the 24 yes he cron BMW is the black of the - BMW mhee GT e--'s from Rioja Letterman Lanigan racing and Lawrence Fanta is the best of the Porsches in the 9 1/2 and that means the third row of gtlm British banglar already a winner of her in so Titleist year in the iRacing Pro Series when he was spectacular in the early part of the season and despite having an absolute nightmare in the light rail at last race had done enough to secure that title he loved Nick Tandy for company in the Porsche number 911 in GTD it should have been cut most racing with the McLaren 720s making its debut in the championship the gt3 car for compass the 76 cars or not at the right time so we'll start from the pit lane is what we were told early on and I don't think this delay will make that any any easier for the compass guys Aaron toilets would have been on the outside of the front row for in Vasa Sullivan will there be a gap will everybody just move all second row was due to be Robbie for Lee for the liquid Molly Turner motorsport car also with a bit of added stars and stripes on the 96th car this weekend he was sharing or two within Vassar Sullivan's number 12 Lexus look down the field to the number to the 10th place GTD the number 22 gradient racing Acura NSX it's a merely blue car tilt Bechdel Shimer starts that remember it has to be the bronze or the silver at drivers who start the GTE tour no cars no till is a very experienced vintage racer and do love do does love having what I would call a intermediate or intermittent conditions he is very good at feeling where the grip ease and I think he might police wave forward just a little bit this is a man who at races an MG in the spar six hour race and has been well up the field in that against things like gt40 so the gradient accurate and watch they were talking about all been in the same boat earlier on this week I didn't think there knew that there was quite as much Rin to come Jeremy Sean share Adam are with me John hind off in the Haggerty global broadcast Center here on our s2 it looked cher Adam as if the teams are getting ready to go through the start procedures now yep they've gone down to the position where it's just one person with each car to help make sure that it all gets fired up and get things rolling and then those crew members will move off toward the pit wall for the Rico maps there will be two of these formation laps and at the end of the first one there's gonna be a little bit of a special something racing on the fourth of July we're gonna have five crew members from each team go out to the grass in the middle of the infield to to salute the cars as they drive by so that'll be something fun to watch out for okay Jeremy I don't say that this benefits anybody it's made the all the teams have to make here a tire choice or entire choice now so you can't start on slicks or wet I have a feeling there will be a few people who will gamble on the slicks but there's no real benefit for anybody here isn't there no probably but at least the emphasis Sullivant guys had a bit more time to get in and Mike shank the sim so he's had time to have a cup of coffee and set themselves in the guy that can maybe can't benefit is the the compass car they might better make a tire choice change on the pit now you know although I think even then they gotta wait till after green flag comes I'll have NATO I think you know this stage it's certainly gonna be really tricky in these early stages and the question is gonna be you who is on wet and who is on dry and unfortunately we can't see because we we don't have a particularly good very at the racetrack we're either so we're gonna have to wait and see I think it'll become fairly apparent no soon as we get once the green flag comes out who is all wet and who isn't Adam having a listen to what's going on in the pit lane and down the Corvette Racing interesting conversation going Archer common error just put out on Twitter slips or wets five months of simulation data won't help you right now it's a very good point to make but my thanks to John winning number 24 [Music] or what correct interesting [Music] very wet pace again our needs and I must be on a year ago now good news is we have got cars rolling out honestly stop fine it's getting on to a cool end to 1:00 in the morning 4:00 to midnight in the UK but the two hours and 40 minutes is on the clock a few people tweeting at him some realtor asked us will it be a shortened race not it's time certain it is still 2 hours of 40 minutes at the LC 500 normally aspirated v8 code a safety car with 471 bring offer turn all of the ID's odd on that in this weather don't be a hero if you're the safety car and driver and at the moment there are being laid brands that setting up a few final thoughts out of the pits the Weather Tech 63 the Ferrari getting underway in that red white and blue out of GTD always going to be a street fight this - there has been any erect a news in that category as well more cars toward the front of the field put on slick tires but apparently there are a few for the back as well we're throwing the dice now we do have three teams running in the Insel WeatherTech sportscar championship for the first time this year two of them for the first time period one of those being the hardpoint racing outtie with Ralph Ariel he's a guy who always does well in these fix conditions the other being breeding and racing in their acura and as you mentioned so that boomers guy who's not afraid of a loss of traction is Ralph Ariel actually goes for a spin so I think we know the fat out he's on slicks [Music] absolutely has gone around that's going to be the problem Jeremy exactly so and he has done a very good job in the silver and red hardpoint car well that just shows does it not Jeremy how tricky it is out there no tire warmers allowed from pit stops and certainly not from while I was sitting there in the pit ladies do you pay that was the slightest touch of the throttle as he was coming out of the International hairpin and just spun up the back wheels and as soon as it went there was no getting it back no they went very quickly that's that's an eye-opener for robbery all that's for sure so yeah it's gonna be tricky out there the good yeah you can see there's a great onboard shot there he just put his hand up whoa had a bit of a major wake-up call for Rob but turn look gay because there's two more laps to get used to it here and this lap and one more before we go to green it is going to be very very treacherous particularly there in field but the the banking is certainly going to dry up pretty quickly Casilla certainly see this that it's pretty damped up there right now it's going to be very very tricky for these first few labs share front of the field as they go past the pits who do you think which of the DPI is that have the upper hand is it accurate is it Mazda is it Castroneves in' or is it Jarvis on the front row or somebody from further back Rob our pause or maybe a bit further down than he would like to be in these conditions might he take a few risks early on raced a lot at Daytona International Speedway these warm three watches there as well he'll be someone to watch off the start of this one particularly trying to get around Gabby shopping we pay it's a sir this weekend they're going to be on those Mazdas how are they going to work gather around those Florida weather better than Floridians though and there are two of them in that number seven a 13 Penske car so that's going to be a tall order for Olli Jarvis and Jonathan Bomarito and Jeremy thought sure as we're still following in behind the LC 500 safety car behind the safety car and there is very very slippery indeed it's going to be it's gonna be [Music] that's what I've been told I don't know about anybody else at the moment to the front of the field and the prototypes but they certainly these guys are certainly going to have their wits about them it's going to be very very easy to throw it all away within moments of the start here so those come laps are gonna be free that's Jeremy sure you heard the voice of Cher Adam they're live from the hygienic normal broadcasting center Nick Tandy michelin wet weather title of the GTD for has gone on to scrubbed slick tires in the pit there the car that should have been on Palmers it should qualified a poor position but they didn't get into the pit there on time that is the 76 of compass racing and Corey Ferguson [Music] out on to the circuit and it does look as though they're forming up two by two so there will come round then for a pop or a green flag start this could be very interesting when you put the hammer down the lights are out on the LC 500 Lexus Cooper Safety card not using certainly the top half of its new 10-speed direct-shift gearbox which changes gear in point 1/2 of a second Jeremy a year for the Cory hope Fergus yes you can save a couple lots of fuel but he's had those into those Michelin tires so that's going to be even more difficult for Cory Fergus starting from the Mellinger yeah but [Music] where are stalled it to get up off the line but managed to pick my way through a huge incident further declare more and all of a sudden find myself in the midfield so sometimes it can work for you that is lighter patches on the banking to turn three and four as Elio Castro damage is about to bring the field under his control as the safety car will pour into the pit lane this time around 2040 minutes on the clock it's a time certain risk the revs will rise in a moment or two time as we reach here more racing and the world center of racing of July the fourth happy birthday the United States of America and the great flag is in the air and the weather too [Music] the inside it is the number 10 was trying to make the baby and they've got watch back two masters running very very close in dating the second Vittoria behind the way and our side-by-side remember the actor is into the Masters intercept because the [Music] that gets a lot design through the dog leg on the infinite for the first time so Pattaya is in third position just ahead of Barbarino it's Castroneves who play it out by about a 70 on - oh boy heads off onto the backing for the first time what masques star Oh a little bit of spring let's come to the front it snaked are they met today has got thrown to the front at the JT the mod failed he started on slicks and then he goes wide before it was on the backs of haha the Corvette's sliding alongside him who's John Taylor he just couldn't get the power down now counting off the banking slips back in the second here comes the BMW the dark car 24 [Music] it is a toy perhaps both horses are on [Music] slick tires are going to be the tires that have this very moment treacherous race track nine one two back to the points and Lawrence Matt Serra Porsche here comes the BMW 8 yes he grande in the dark of the Castro the tricky braking area of the transition if the two [Music] Padrino Spangler position a second daddy daddy's gone daddy has absolutely play it off and tatties disappeared I've got him discard any let its seventh position overall Jeremy [Music] producer slithering around in the GTD and he's gone from last to first one of the cabins gone first to last side-by-side an anchor and a master down into the bus stop into CPR until its leaves so early doors [Music] Racing car 18 he got Oh [Music] Kruger's castroneves 147 for maids by 1.09 3 second end of a four second act second third and just pulled away a little bit from the bottle from third and fourth and a little bit over-ambitious from one band soya yet see Nehru therefore JVM in depth number six accuracy he's going to turn loose a little bit of ground southeastern Turkey right now the gtlm Catholic daddy he's run up a bunch of traffic types well he's got four for this Jeremy remember that the Betty Lamont a few years ago is a fire when he passed the hall deeply I failed about four times to win the race because every time there was a yellow flag remember tied them all for a drove around them with the Michelin wet weather tires and worn the race overall that car there was a bet between himself [Music] mother said broadcast that if there put the race over all the eve of the race car seller for the race car I should they still hostile weiter corny let's write the way around the outside searched into the lead you see [Music] right [Music] took the chance and he's got today in our head of all of this this [Music] yeah robbers go straight you're addicted in five seconds quicker than the rest of the field in gtlm which is the teaching that comes to come across the line here to complete their a third lucky they come now this battle for second place with [Music] 750 [Music] five seconds loss of now down to three Slick's full-on wets the GTL Oh what about Jay Tate it on a tire of death which Adam [Music] sweat tires in the start of the race still waiting to find out about the rest of the field but I can tell you that many more the first further diluted 96 [Music] - Brady raises the typically China [Music] so it looks like right now don't being the only car in the class who started almost like fire it was I was always going to be a bit of a gamble mapaseka DGT down the inside coming off to the suede we're fantastic exit from the BMW of Missy crawl they run between turn set 1 and 2 now the Porsche very good on the brakes into the bush will stop so yes he's just defended a little bit off the curbs they're getting braver Jeremy they started [Music] so ready to attack Castroneves still by a second or Jarvis back your number seven from Mars dead number 77 there Johnson quaderi was another seven tenths behind so that closing book that is two and a half seconds back to Montoya and then their sixth seventh back wish Milady's did a great job the bright yellow number 85 with JT Labonte turning ahead of everyone else but he's just been realized by guppy Jarvis in the number 31 a fraud to type which that may just mean that we're already seeing her [Music] with the wet weather tires on Daddy's car saw yes ekron going up at the second the facts are still third for Porsche Dench Bank never be after with effective [Music] the Lexus ahead of Lamborghini number 44 for job father then they spoiler for hydrogen racing the second is the younger is that frankie one callable for the sake of the lexus then Robbie 44 turn him all this more need a favorite position then a couple of seconds back to Carl Robertson Hayes turn a nice job in sixth position that Riley sports car Jeremy Shaw locks Jeremy for the moment I'll get back to him in a second so relatively clean already on the Mazdas but now it's going to be [Music] the best parking I was he gonna fare out there well yeah and that also means that nicked Andy's tires will be going off as well its last lap of 154 453 so that is crossover we're already on the crossover after just five laps of racing and so the gamble as Castro Nevers among them who went for the wet tires to start with Jeremy it looked good for a little while but now they've paid the price and they will have to change yeah that's right we've already seen a couple of cars in there the number 6 car leads the way with Juan Pablo Montoya and I'm sure the the two Cadillacs of Ryan Briscoe and Gaby Chavez they would have started on when where the tires Jonas is already half a minute behind him [Music] Jumana lost life around 48.0 banter deleted flapping pretty consistently about 148 and went single lap times the the slick tide cars - in the boat mr. waiting for 85 and 31 31 limits then to complete their six lap because they're a long long way behind the rest of the back in sebacio if you won areas there's an intersection skews the job absolutely no big event the can be charlie [Music] further back as well sir greater be stood there for Gary choppers to keep that card - Pecola from whence all those things this time in GT the ball just notice that Nick Candy's name popped up as being the membrane so that would be a matter change falling down right now Belloc to 22nd overall but keep in mind this is a guy he's in the club head that we started this race before you get back up there [Music] I suppose the risk of much [Music] [Applause] interesting to the fuel at happy four stops he has to take it he comes [Music] number seven car eights Castroneves coming into the boot lid add a piece watching for us quick splice it le Olam new Michelin star see what tire that came off that a slick tire [Music] difficult potentially Jeremy short very treacherous in day we've saved people five six seven seconds elapsed of night in the cold of the night at Daytona for a lapras or obeying a little Victor I'll be the little bit t-butyl ya presume he's allowed to leave that car he was passed like fast late so he was he was weaving around within the confines of the white lights right I think that's fine I think if you backwards and forwards he might have been he he might have been getting a bit of a talking to but I think he's alright doing that meantime quarry Fergus has of course dropped always spun its quarry Fergus exponent I was just about to see struck off the lead lap in class and now I know why going on to the high banks on to turn fine check that turn them sinks [Music] ago so we started a lockdown and now he's two laps away from the overall they never off the lead lap in class was the point trying to make into the village Jonathan Bomarito from second position she Adam [Music] and now Oliver Jarvis the entire session yesterday Donathan also going on - slick weather tires everybody is starting to fall in line also on the depend line a bit further back these wild Barbossa number five he changed [Music] three seconds away Porsche number 911 to temperature and pressure met whilst Iraq need to turn the time is tape meilooruns butter [Music] your tail is got past him so that has to be three that's behind him so that's just what my hand [Music] Hey George Taylor yeah that behind team job baubles and this has been an absurd lottery race that the weather me and send a bit of a curveball well there's been a number of different strategies played here and we still really don't know which one's going to pay off or we know know something's gonna pay off their question about that I'm just amazed on the Jarvis yeah well at too late cuz that's gonna cost him for me ten six there's everybody else his teammate came in last time around and he's gonna be come out with with a [Music] Charlie Gabi Chavez need to lead off this race Jarvis I just wonder what that might do to how the rest of the race rigs down two hours and 22 minutes of the chasm 40 still take you alive from the hanging a global broadcast said share Adam watching the pit Suarez Jeremy short oh my god but looking at what has made a very very interesting opening stanza at least four but this second round of me by the textbook our championship until tour the international space where big drop of rain in the trained qualified and to start the race like proceedings with lightning in the area Gabi Thomas white 12 seconds of a riot risk or who was struggling mightily early on for as manfully Jeremy Shaw managed to keep going at those to the front of the field at top five stopped four tires so this me start on slicks it just had to tough it out indeed indeed yes and they've done a brilliant job in particular can be charming he hasn't driven a TBI car but she's the last race II there was particular more in 2018 two races in a team from the action Express team it's clear 9:40 Lamar this is the first time he's hopped into this car since we only got the call on Thursday lunch time to come down here brilliant absolutely really an effort by Gabi Jarvis for any like champion and he's showing that he deserved what you do miss Lois he's just set the fastest lap of the race we had done so I have been reset by huge but rod Briscoe is less than two seconds behind and toys are 24 seconds back in third place with 10 laps down looks like the Corvettes are beginning to come on some as well now I'm in the third position for Jordan Taylor chasing down the BMW e30 0.7 of a second behind yes he crawling second Bentley who leads by two in a half second anodic Gavin has just taken the Porsche and gained and was having a good look at the BMW [Music] as well so that was also that was their yellow car that was look at that up Steeler who's looking at they we have to be wait does same as if the Corvettes took a little longer to get there slick tires [Music] certainly moving forward in their lap times are very impressive or too tangly doing yes that's more like it Tandy 146 nine but the fastest lap of the race Olly Gavin last time around in GT LeMond 146 lat from the tall fella that's in the dark gray and yellow Robin c8r place I've been getting a pickup advice the rest we talked about patients talk about letting the racetrack come to you even without defects Jeremy Shaw Corvette Racing plates I'm sure this big stage and bike [Music] we've still got two hours and 20 minutes to go yeah that's right a beer they think these guys go out and out to quit racing they know what strategies they need to cool and yeah I think the Corvette drivers you know they don't have much experience that these cars really in the wet not as much as the Porsche drivers do that's for sure so yeah it was a bit of a year a steep learning curve I think the early stages that particular all in the cabin but now he's fully into his stride but he's got a long way behind the first Bruner stringers good couple of seconds lead over the to Professor William Taylor I bought a gallon this preset fastest lap again and behind him is Lauren Phantom as well and then the job filled you forces laughing right on this time what part of our tourists last up 38 [Music] on Twitter rates leader on this that justice comes lying against Gaby Chavez in that race meeting Leland called no Cadillac amuse me one 41.3 into the pit lane John Porter hasn't been able to make those wet weather tires last for his Hall sticks got to do 45 minutes in that category he is going to struggle to stay on the lead lap in the category when he comes out of the pit lane Tilak's last time around a 150 point seven one 50.6 Francophonie Calvo in second the two Lexus RC F gt500 these in between conditions and we've seen so many times in the past and I know they've done lots of work on it they've struggled to keep the back tires under that Lexus well they're not having any problems a.m. on the bomb they seem to be doing very well indeed yeah they do really act this just an excellent state by R&C listen Frankie want to convert to he's only about two or three or four seconds we've never been more than that about ten seconds behind him in second position but both those who got a really really good job because you're going back to about softer Misha in the hydrogen racing with MSR would go back a journey the accurate caliber 57 he's running at very handy third place only three or four seconds behind Monte Carlo similar gap back to Robbie Foley in the tournament BMW so the leaders of GTD a fairly well spread out but the battle is really on very much so in GTI one moment with the LEAs to leave who finish Venga is actually extended a last time he turned a good lap last around it Bruno's maybe his best lap of the race so far for Jeremy there is a change because Olli Gavin's now gone past the way MW of yes he crawled in the third position and extract van Thor with him as well switch now Spangler from Jordan Taylor and second for Corvette for Olly Gavin in the third for Corvettes and we're entering it couldn't allow people to comment is darling come on there's a bunch lights and colored line a dryer line Eve on the run down to the bus stop which is where that battle for 3rd 4th and 5th is right now Corvette first [Music] right yellow a Corvette of Jordan Taylor here is now nearly four seconds behind Spangler who has as Jeremy was saying rather cleared out there has been a funeral next in so far five British bank ledger we yeah certainly has a very good first in by Bruno Spindler but this battle here is very much on now we're for second third before they go across the line one more time that's now 30 laps completed by the GTL leader sends the overall leaders as Juan Pablo Montoya by the way just reset fastest lap again on this lap 130 7.5 but is for cart Rainier the two Corvettes have got their way both of the past year see Kron and on stance or even look to the inside angles or as well just a couple of people asking about tire choice all of the GTD drivers alpha motifs come exactly the same compound and construction of Michelin wet and slick tires December deep the ice the only choices [Music] those a wider choice of michelin's but the DPI sad the GT days are all on the same ties there are known choices and for those if they have gone to thee that's the slightly the command the worked Barret slightly warmer conditions here seems to be working quite well now he was able to make down the two Corvettes go at it in an e-cig battle Corvette Racing it Olly Gavin it has been the fastest one in GT Levon Alaska McRae position even though share an opinion in Florida these are temperatures say they will find weather in January No current conditions in the pantheon so in the air [Music] nice place to be right now Mary dancing makes breathing even a little bit more labored for the cars and it's definitely nothing like what we've ever experienced in January on tips already or if you want to get in touch the leading GT dings pick no instant magic DPI's excuse me big no here left and right through and the GTD back off the cheers Ronnie for the burying cabinets grab the fourth and fifth position of the Turner motorsport BMW m6 in the liqui moly colours him for this season but with added stars and stripes for the fourth of July there's no missing the oil nation my family kept racing white flag [Music] it's in the by Shaq racing 186 for macula and getting side by side down onto the info 55 dark red Mars [Music] they were possible job father idli forty-four raising this weekend least Jeremy Shaw you can tell this is a sprint race there's nobody hanging off here there's nobody winning [Music] yeah absolutely right brilliant job by kami Chavez can't tell you how impressed I am with Gabi Chavez it's just Ernie's fastest laps to each his last when every lab has been quicker than the previous one he's been last up to 138 [Music] which is not much sir it's quick actually quicker than one toilet just about the same as my last round seven-card was under increasing pressure from Jones robbery George but number 77 call the job is for leaving his way [Music] around the job is docked that later pissed on costume as much as 10 seconds [Music] he's now making up a goodly portion of that a lot of the jobs now one of the quickest cars on a track but together Chavez hit that number 31 we learn engineering camera is running absolutely another girl out there once they've won again [Music] moderating actually cut the new fastest laps Holly Jarvis takes the new fastest lap of the race 136 5jt fastest contacting spike 11 and he stood in a 44 8 have we said in our portion keys to the race don't make mistakes because you haven't got time we come before a fairly fundamental moral compass realistic and colleague Fergus should have started a poor position after a brilliant qualifying session in the debuting McLaren maybe then take a drive through but it's just at the fastest lap of GT Daytona one morning - zero for that new at McLaren new to this gt3 Cory focus was first to regain is across the stripe on the tri-oval underneath where our company box is normally the 148 3:9 paints down and colleague Gavin now takes the fastest JT LeMond conditions improving all the time eight and the battle is certainly on between Robbie for Lee and Mark McMurray they are struggling on the fourth and fifth position as their head out on to the banking Murray wanted a grainy pants falling wandered it dry neither the really got what they wanted and for the moment the BMW pulls a good ten cars lens away from the NSX cheating jig still led by aren t let's hear Vasa Sullivan by nearly nine seconds from each team in for everyone and car more than its full mouth set about the vision Wagner is dealing Rachel [Music] [Music] [Music] a team ready basic receive develop its buck take before miss each year will see a tracing a necessity [Music] [Music] [Music] just got to keep it going now around about 55 0 minutes forested for those GT date owners Jeremy and what it's going to be about now as the track tries up and you get through your fuel and you get towards the end of the tire life is just being issuing you get through to your first pit stop this stage it certainly has been a good run by Dylan move from that on board from girl Robinson we can see that get battle between the Cooperman Neil until mental shimon right ahead of him so there's a good battler that was for 6th 7th and 8th in GT d those battles all the way around this racetrack except for except for out front where Gaby Chavez is now going 17 seconds he lost a little bit of ground I think anyway he's way through some traffic on that last lap but he's still well clear of Ryan Briscoe and Juan Pablo Montoya and having been the first of the dpi cars to make the switch from wet weather tires to dry weather tires he's still down 11 seconds behind the second-place cars Montoya and he's really not making much ground that gap has been pretty much steady for the last four laps so now Ryan Briscoe is is comfortably in second place Juan Pablo Montoya is in third Jonathan Bomarito he is definitely inching closer to the Acura in the Mazda caliber 55 in fourth position and what his way found closer [Music] 26 degrees Celsius temperature movie 29 degrees Celsius his race the last time around version zero very [Music] stats and brakes meet our British banker they keep cheating [Music] [Music] [Music] just over two hours remaining if you Rexy can go an hour in any case there's certainly going to be a bit of a stretch around sure that's what the team unless is a problem what the team is doing making it in from here with just one more pit stop in the meantime we stood the teammate Carl Bruner Spengler's still leading but that gap to Oliver Gavin now down two point two seconds they came across in my last time one of the Gavin previous lap the new forces lap at the race in gtlm one forty four point two seven Adam was watching that stop I didn't see a driver change therefore the twenty four BMW correct it is yes II chrony stayed aboard that car they did do tires though I'm just checking to see whether it was two or four it looked to me like those were more slick tires going on my cars there's no more rain in the radar but yes Crown has been spending quite a bit of time in Florida training and living here for the quarantine period and indeed it was four tires thank you very much to John Edwards who confirms three stop for them for the race but yes he has been spending his time with Toni Vilander so the two finished drivers training together and Toni even said that trying to live and train with Jesse it's like having a dog it's somebody with boundless amounts of energy who never seems to get tired so yes he Kron definitely will not be prised out of the car after a single stint well there we are [Music] [Music] than anyone else so whether they'd is Kabir remember time starts on wet weather tires that didn't work from Germany [Music] he's already 40 seconds behind electric start Victoza made an extra stop a new country together payin T's into his favor has its origins done yes Oliver Jarvis just said they're faster snap Monroe's one thirty five point seven five five for Carnival 77 he's now closed run to the teammate so where's now we see Gabi Chavez rookies waiting here we are two masses coming inside no satanical no stress of you car let's between them as a sweep across the start/finish line to complete lap 21 fabulous stuff this is why we love mony class racing this is why we love endurance racing thoughts beginning in the race with weather not being cooked right or even couldn't wait the situation was not everybody made the same decisions but one separately we will get to a part of this race where it all we're going now and we're going there and affirming quick speed indeed as we come down to two hours to go the force minutes [Music] [Music] you're mining from the field Gabi job is the wheel of engineering as how these things cut for the place and from the Cadillac number ten in second place then one metoya to the people just around us here all we do is see it so this will be again Engineering threw a chair out of its people time people drowning [Music] probably five months to try and set things right ultimately the pitlane the rolex 24 hour winners in the Konica Minolta Cadillac as its so fuel and higher that was a very impressive performance from ryan briscoe as well meeting [Music] by 3.7 seconds or thereabouts both of the Pittston it stops very very [Music] Engineering [Music] drivers of a Cadillac we possibly could 30 maybe streetlights bleed [Music] [Applause] the race Papa Ringo has [Music] position [Music] yellow was that sapling across the trial and adapting turn one good to see both of these cars in rude health that wasn't the case earlier on didn't see the 77 car at all of Friday with a strange fuel issue that I'm sure money [Music] he was a problem with should say some Sarita their futures [Music] at least they know what we saw with some fresh fuel and but awesome they're both tracking down believe this race was because you came in he needs to come on to the pit lane the Jarvis's toast a toast right after the Johnson robbery took this lap pyrometers to say it's a little bit more [Music] they're just gone the enemy's approach the best last time around pick up the two masters and they're side by side though such at the tri-oval the side traffic going on between the dark red car the track white red and the topside well robbery no and Holly Jarvis there probably closer that Larry Holt of only money and any of the master take would like this my job is going into the International horseshoe [Music] [Applause] I like Jeremy to be honest that was time for two teammates and they are teammates that might be different full of cars solutely team master clear that was hot the bath time for the rest of the last of all sporty clothes that I would've heard like they're about to Paris [Music] Cosmo from Massimo sports or or anybody for multimatic Charlie Korea is a new team manager there with the new multimatic operation having taken over the running of that team from Mazda team Yoast but oh yeah that was tight but the here we are born again now that we're the number 3 Corvette as Jordan Taylor he's golly he's falling back about 4 seconds from all over Jarvis are the gaminess moves me in second place and a first and second row to burnish Bangla and the BMW and all of a Gabonese closed in to that but Bruno starting to respond [Music] on their opening sticks the fleet lies [Music] for lots expect to see them road trip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Hmong cars is what are they looking at from the fuel numbers just under an hour she lives away tremendous effort by that was gone tonight ten seconds his margin over his team a frantic Monte calamita job there in Southwest Michigan I'm sure racing in the third position he's got about five second end of his teammate McMurray number 86 Brent Smith for the kind words he's at watching and listening on don't forget if you are in a territory Silvia Santa Cecilia still obsolete except to want a ride the states are you watch NBC si [Music] aras - it's a radio outside and your turn Dusit found a TV detail video - your doctor okay [Music] the livestream or typing mctv no bricks right the way through again to the checkered flag and we'll have the audio replays for you already got the practice session relax qualify as an audio podcast as well down to just six tenths of a layover second for the lead wattle now a char vase is fighting his way back through the field at the 31 as people to Riley rather is fighting his way back after the pit stop but one Montoya just sit dense ahead of Jonathan Bomarito as they're heading around the circuit and down under the infield again so Montoya in number 6 car leads bobbery or by a decreasing margin there in traffic in fact top three are together now behind me [Music] more stuff starting to get a little bit dark and how you can start to see some of the lights around the environs of disorder international swing their top three absolutely together is the head down into the tribal man come on remember we were too late for lightning of Italy to the Greek flag to masters hunting entire gym to be honest Jeremy more bees coming under increasing pressure as he comes down the international border he is Alex people to Annabelle player next time around at this time but yet these masters got real pace [Music] sixes John marmo surprisingly little five-card 11:36 point for everybody else to his 30 seconds the masses clearly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as I look down the inside again throwing it in that go into Gustave do in terms of wins [Music] at the moment we're getting last win here [Music] just said to me [Music] today in a an all-american driver nor doubt will normally on Independence Day in the United States of America wherever you watching around the world International Speedway hosting the second round of the WeatherTech sportscar chapter and the first round of the Sprint version [Music] Hadley already coming down Vic stop time for the bleeding the eyes remember metoya stopped early to take off wet weather tires - just five laps I've done 23 laps and they stink just turned 20 and 19 laps completed respectively for the two passes behind and here come to Oregon almost into the back of these Acura as they come down as they're coming down at the bringing out for the bus stop that was just a cheap [Music] in either Maria under tray of the a QA team penske [Music] while the job is keeping a watching brief at the moment dr. Montoya on his last half of the race tomorrow boy in that number six topic he makes a left-hand turn onto pit lane Zubaz [Music] the seven-point [Music] Lefty's best till last to take up and running it's gonna share out of who's watching the accurate pitstop few all entires for one Pablo Montoya but no driver change yet with a key biscayne based one bother Monday did you a windshield Tehran forum notes we will be able to see little bit more clearly as we just wait now for the Acura ultimately winner Spangler in five we have done and the other seven of hyralius ooh hordes of Ricky Taylor it's a little bit more of a way [Music] before at 21 on this set of slick Michelin tires Holly Chavez did nine he's now done 20 on this set so they're doing very nicely indeed Montoya did 24 on his full stint on those slick tires so at least three more laps then for Bomarito possibly as many as four for Ollie Jarvis and that's gonna make things very interesting towards the end of the race the GT the morning stops we had Spangler another seven laps but we've already got the Corvette having done 28 I thought [Music] Chiti lavon's now in fairness collapse as well master key Adam is her eating cold who is running around the car he's not getting in between a drinks bottle change moderate up so staying aboard the water bottle out the side door cool fifty-five right voters for Portia that's Brian until the Rolex this year so that's a very good variety we'll be pleased with that we also had the 912 Porsche that's defending gtlm champion Earl Bamber took over from Lawrence vanships and Lawrence gives a chance to finally breathe after that sketchy start and Tommy Milner American boy [Music] chibby Antonio Garcia taken aback and will later in GTV has finally made foods brought that Lexi's in Jakarta be taking over and get was finally getting in his comfy position back behind the drinks ball the high reaches that pressive / after broccoli the rest of thing it's Bobby I'm sure [Music] I was position in Vegas girl because nobody is in the moment so it's all right he can be a watchin a chimp at the moment girls they [Music] playing stop Robertson in the drive a church to share other his loss and Asha Bock taking over that card he had a sketchy moment at the beginning of practice yesterday for the first practice ran a little bit wide losing the pit lane - he will be extra cautious with getting out of Finland [Music] the cars and for the number 31 that is the real and engineering they can win it on flat out pace but they know that they've got Pippo if he's one of them so Larry Jarvis and he's dinner 136 for so that's not exactly [Music] it is fuel to drivers being plugged into the sunset right now a couple of times just to get in the middle sent and them through a sketch Oliver Jarvis back in to some great success it some tracks including the entire Motorsport Park where they came away with the win so let's see [Music] son goes completely downfield [Music] right now 63 [Music] [Music] radiant raising accurately Colbeck bolshaya released a fantasy [Music] Magnus wri missed they came in [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jeremy Shaw our job the broadcast center [Music] people to Ronnie behind the front to people down guys [Music] [Applause] in states and they include drivers [Music] Jonathan Bomarito and just strives master Cadillac got a bit of it so Jeremy but my goodness that fire your date mystery of life stay down [Music] came in first him to come back and as a result is saying up one lap longer that my mother sent car 55 car came out ahead of the number six and so that was a change already mr. Nunez has surprisingly for quite long way back at mystery that maybe a couple the outline system uses the ground to the other leaders munities [Music] what limits remain that drivers over he's probably stick anomalous an earlier on today for every [Music] the whole certainly he missed his coming number 33 zero [Music] laughs we should quite worked in 29 before leaving for changed over the pillow 24 [Music] Simon to his job 49 3 you'll be very happy with a filler now behind the wheel of the frigate racing number 22 so that's their first set of the cars all underwareness Jeremy said that's a fairly easy one that just over I'm just on an hour's worth of driving compass in it as well at the moment as Cory Fergus will give his seat over remember start from the pit there - then hunting here drive through - NSX absolutely side by side and again side traffic coming into play there they say to be drawn towards each other the brightening the bay six gets the Foundation and that's a vampire and moretz having GTD yeah that's right and and alpacas like it's gonna go through there [Music] maybe just not somebody Falls plan seven contractors they can head off the scooby-doo number 57 a doggy number 86 car blistering fastest lap of the race - final eight in the second place therefore car [Music] he's just he's just turned that car's fastest lap 136 seven [Music] for a second secondly scar Jeremy Shaw headlines haven't quite be written as yet Nick Tandy reporting problems ahead of him a few moments ago Adam he was he said that he saw two GTD cars come together going into turn one he didn't exactly give us the numbers of which cars they were because he's a little busy driving a race car 190 miles an hour but I'll give us a pass on that one but he said that there might be bits of carbon down and turn one particularly toward the apex so that's a dangerous spot and that's something that race control will want to keep an eye on yeah there's been a lot of teammate Jeremy very close to gather our Porsche keys to the race we didn't put don't drive in your teammates because I really don't feel that should be something that we should have to mention but we've had a couple of masters very close together a couple of NSX's pretty close together and a couple of comments when he goes to go home various times during the race [Music] GLM another just made their pit stops on the day with [Music] GTL oh I've been starting the slick tires Andy [Music] number twenty was the first constant a bit that came in with just over two hours remaining in a race [Music] Jessa Crone will have 25 seconds over VP [Music] in BMWs which was number 25 guard for certain doubt than the provable car is about 10 or 12 seconds further back down the road from to be ended [Music] six days since day Spengler came in after 27 in third place and Tandy are against you if a baby comes into the pit lane this is gonna be a 30 lap stint about what I thought those guys would be doing I think everyone who came in on 27 28 laps when she's a tiny bit short before they did start jumps in the distinctive blue and silver they Porsche shared strip on their big the whole new set of tires turning factor for these pics top should be how long it takes for the fuel Porsche GT North American team rolling down [Music] it's fired up and it's gone and it's as simple as that except it really isn't movers who tried [Music] they sent that love so Fred Makaveli then into the frame with called michelin slicks he'll drop back down we'd expect to see him out there for 30 laps to race something like half an hour to go and of the race or of course just under and how at the coal splash and not put tires on and try to do a stint and a half there's still some strategy I reckon Salem on Jeremy yeah there is I agree but a GTD just 10 seconds between those top two positions [Music] different tribes in each of the [Music] because before the rally business lovers 1596 car was in the fifth position to obey now trying to track down those two Alexis jocks with ten seconds ahead of turns and down yeah they did stop four laps early for the 40 stop four laps early in the pattern [Music] he said a little but he's hopeful [Music] they're set up to reflect any rain they put on a cold dry set up there's no time so if the call is decent in the mixed conditions he said those navigation the end of this one [Music] [Music] [Music] Miller still getting able to speed in the after NSX gt3 and Bridget wants more he's down in 10th position got a field Jeremy for the compass racing guys they've got the fastest lap of the race excuse me in that compass racing car now but really any chance that they had after that moment ago qualifying adding water police from Cory Fergus simple mistake and we said in the Porsche case they've really can't afford any mistakes I meant in the wrist not in the build-up to it but weren't out on the put there in time has done and then drive through yeah very very costly that was unfortunately for that team but you know they just going to get get some experience here and the cars fast they know that now you know the any hope of a good result is probably gone out that window but they're pretty made their mark and Daytona for this car and team very stout ever so lots of promise I think for this team to build [Applause] race to a phycology Phillippi eid caliber 25 of second-placed BMW e36 are competent quicker than the sister car just roll now leads in kind of a 24 and the number 911 having made that pissed on print fred' back of a key he's back out afraid the the other contenders having made that birdie additional stop to change tars took the only car in GTA label every will remember the start of our wets yeah Tony Valen is just taken away the fastest and JTT told a lot on the restaurant canary Corsa took over from the starting driver early when was that when did he jump in to that [Music] yes I reckon so you have six laps to go water so if a ladder getting up there to base there's 12 minutes of six laps ago they're about let's keep an eye on that white rate scream go to the relative of course earlier on well nineteen about ten minutes away from [Music] this is how it starts before - Ronnie quite seven seconds we love engineering last turn [Music] thirty six nine 16 seconds dirty you never tried to Joe answer you right there Peabody Ronnie hit something [Music] Daphne's coming down it's not coming down quite as quickly as it [Music] caris [Music] [Music] Annie Kenney blood last time around a second slower than the lead [Music] I must I've arrived the Mustang samplings Cadillac Tristan for the air 37 7 interesting a date to see the spread of times [Music] they are forward it's rain the per 7 and 10 [Music] you're busted already [Music] last ryan briscoe from the official position there yes [Music] yeah number 10 cars falling back now into the into well not really into the clutches because Ricky Taylor is he's struggling as well in the number seven car Sebastien Bourdais is all over the back end now he's closed up on Ricky Taylor so for some reason the number seven car really is struggling at this stage in the race and is falling back here from from everybody else but the gap the the once again now up to the front of the field three point five seconds now the gap only between first and second two laps ago it was over seven four laps ago it's almost nine seconds so inexorably Jonathan Bomarito is closing on people Durrani who leads the race in car number 31 Andy Lally comes into the pit lane for the GRT Magnus Lamborghini the number 44 car and we think we might have worked out sheer Adam which were the two cars that Nick Tandy saw coming together a few moments the oil a little more than a few moments ago now well it was John Potter and Rob ferial at the time getting together going into turn one so the Lamborghini trying to dive down the inside of the Audi going into turn one from quite a ways back but John Potter just making slight contact foreal doing a good job to hang on to that car actually but now it is Andy Lally who has taken the GRT Magnus Lamborghini back out of the pit lane so it's in tenth position right now let's see how far Lally can drag nothing up the charts yes he crawled lady [Music] within milliseconds of each other last time [Music] fastest lap race last [Music] Josie [Music] not eternal Garcia [Music] they installed in a Porsche 911 RSR the 19 version of that gar from Asda Ronnie continues to label his continuing this while the retail having began a bit of a wiggle on because he's been closed down as well my Tristan Nunez [Music] Mazda massive time say my time you zone extensive a second to work so he's really insecure right now is he's been overtaken by sébastien Bourdais in the Cadillac car for five for some reason he's lost a lot around town of 38.7 the leaders family's teammate Pablo Montoya in third position just came across line [Music] ten seconds behind it's gonna be the next couple of laps Ronnie's gonna be Lena's gonna be a marine and a great threat from Jonathan Bomarito in the number 55 master huge man who's popping out at the side of that Acura first one side then the other that car is not happy that's got to be over fueling and coming down through the bus stop last time around there was a coffin ass burger and a and a bit of a clearance Oh in fact it's into the pit lane there we go Hinds yeah too much I saw it a few moments ago and as he come comes into the pit lane it's blowing unburned fuel out of the exhaust on both sides well that's very unusual Jeremy we don't see this we don't think of this with accurate well that's clearly a big engine problem for that number seven [Music] Jeremy we don't do and that's nothing trivial there I'm afraid that's a major problem but clearly the Helio Castroneves been struggling since the early part of the race 14 maybe 10 15 even 20 began to lose pace compared to here's her teammate [Music] [Applause] to me only next laughs I would have thought [Music] 23 laps coming Jarvis did to erase the microphone [Applause] I'll expect them in fairly shortly [Music] jtable the city's Angeles pretty close together less than a second between them further up the GTA six behind there [Music] distance so 20 laps the first she loves cutting starts towers Fred fer activate a Penske fans the number six cars gone behind the wall are back towards its garage area very bad news and a boulder Ronnie's gone round our is May 6th in wasn't sick to the position [Music] [Applause] mystics garment sterling [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] race is what we're saying saying now terms of the time indeed the distance [Music] the timer's a buffet by the glossy black Cadillac they say that great yellow so Brian with their very very nicely Minolta racing championship leaders coming in to smooth stop for the major they got everything right and stop saw so important more informed in the shorter and shorter races Jeremy because you just don't have time to make it up again as we thought spot-on time [Music] long before State Barney [Music] I think so and it'll be it'll be close but yes you better get there one more pit stop so the bomb expect to stay out 20 as well like a six-car they were really very nicely [Music] that's early for that card she added what's going on there [Music] when the cycle began and they were another BMWs on the pit lane this time it's Yesi Brahman for those of you at home playing keeping score as the red one takes over [Music] it was almost a before coming home at Daytona so a lot of good memories running and cool and remember this is a car on a three stop strategy well it looks like everybody else in the GCL m is going for a different timing on their strategies spent 27 laps in the Cystic car to start with : Felipe's therefore God's at least [Music] to go [Music] as well everybody else of course there's that bit of rain I see headlights of that BMW as pause over the pit lane don't think so check the sing [Music] at the moment would just be a dose dose of books in the air that I was seeing and it's a really awful one again [Music] of the race here's how it starts in GT detour the jangled but Seth Sullivan from his teammate Townsend Bell 12 seconds the gap between those two then it's Mario farm back third position who's still having a cracking battle with Alfaro operate those 200 aberrant ox 3410 between them down through the those two position systems behind the move on earlier on and I was early skineri cosa Toni Vilander ISA about 20 seconds further buckling and sxs at then lawson asha back in a top six position for Riley Pat long still hanging on to his back bumper in seventh or right motorsports Porsche and then Mark Miller for brutal embracing up into eighth position he is just about to cross the line now in GT LeMond BMW z4 cognitively we've got about six seven laps to go before his next pit stop which will be his penultimate stop he's got there pleasantly comfortable gap over Tom Milner the number four Corvette of 16 and a half second or thereabouts he's got three seconds on Earl Bamber who's got four tenths of a second on Tony or Garcia he's got 25 seconds on Mac or and John Edwards is just rejoined adhesive further 30 seconds by running the field Jim Bob John the robbery at eight seconds late they will at all [Music] metoya [Music] two seconds back two but I reckon people at the front of the failed after very different strategies Joey show your foot yeah really interesting in there they say surely the masses are looking pretty good at the moment but the toy is hanging in there in second place economists enjoy from the youngster Floridian number 77 master but the better inventories captain now 50 the latest fashion these two events off very soon as well KTLA we just talked about that - 13 sixty Seconds [Music] 20 million scheduled in the pizza games I'm so surprised 96 let's are you as the opposition share what have you found out [Music] they feel like they're locked a little bit of two lakhs beside of library [Music] they help us so they're doing an extra in effect but there's hoping that their pace will then be rectified because the car will weigh less right well that's a high-risk strategy coming down the pit lane at 10 minutes are there about two official sunset the lights undoubtedly playing their part now start to see a few shadows atoms Ritchie oh hello Allen Prosser doing great work as ever and Alexander Orton was asking about sunset and will the mile drop in air temperature have much effect editor which has gone up actually was 28 degrees Celsius it's now 31 humidity officially has dropped down to 66 I would like to 60% I would like to suggest if we were standing in the pit there and full fireproof it might feel a little bit more than that track temperature is what he's dropping the Alex that's absolutely right that's down at 26 degrees Celsius so that's going down [Music] going down mama [Music] [Music] the bottom two teenagers just before they stop [Music] it has a little bit of breathing space [Music] [Music] 20 number 613 a machine so peal tires and a very relaxed we've been getting into that car they do still have the driver change assistant at Team Penske is one of the crews that was being hampered by the fact they are only one side the track of her car they normally have people plenty many more people in the NASCAR paddock but they don't have to [Music] they're picked up by those boys up on the pit look what they were being [Music] as he hopefully is refreshed but he he's already been out on track he knows what doesn't Sebastien Bourdais cause second position [Music] 35 seconds [Music] [Applause] Jonathan Bomarito team in Missouri [Applause] [Music] clearly [Music] three laps of the books leaders but if that six IQ to stay ahead 77 [Music] tires and Harry tank ball getting to do more than just replacing a drinks bottle he now got to put his own new drinks bottle into that car so but two things can do at Daytona also into the pit lane is board a he will be staying aboard the Mustang sampling catalog so there as far as drivers winter and tires Durrani would cycle back to the lead of the race I've record [Music] in two and three an exact three stop race and all so far going very well 22 laps then 25 laps 22 laps plus the warm-up laps of course then 25 laps [Music] get out there stay ahead of the card like that the way we see [Music] you arrived with Spencer Pelle to drivers who shared the same car at [Music] [Music] the body [Music] but in talking with Lori Robinson who started quicker as it dries out [Music] he's been out there [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were right by about four and a half five oh hell [Music] - people - Ronnie who's tight rusha moving interview in fact it's right with them now but they quest oh shoot it's the bondage our business let's call this room yeah yes it has its capacitor day camp repair so I think familiarity the condition having that massive super fast no question about it they tourniquet Otto this evening [Music] I destroyed light speed of the bastards I wonder how long take polish hours to catch people to Ronnie then as well he McCarthy [Music] ten nine octane is the yearning we had as the Sun trust Carly [Music] got right into memories I'm up to speak talk by Declan Brennan who I was there and when I was there so a bit further back family was [Music] summer breaks the short brace Atlanta [Music] football ability so I talked him down [Music] with the funding Brennan absolutely [Music] car racing as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] into the pics for the treaty in the mod leader who's overlaid that too [Music] of the master one of the Java Sea had to be super late on the break sending me boner on even to these oh shoot [Music] my job is guess alongside of her husband early for the later entry see the more [Music] it's pretty those three four colors it's tree five this came [Music] I'm sure that's what I think well if they can only do they're only doing 20 maybe 1527 loves pretty tight [Music] I'm not sure no shooting [Music] the admits again after just an eighth lap extinct and that is a problem for the night since castle [Music] any better for that car jingle late for mass device the Java Sea sit down he's got a head of people to Ronnie in another two seconds back [Music] like naphtha burners [Music] [Music] settings back that 5 car city just before the energetics and he's another minute more sore [Music] come on track one 35.9 the true severe geez are locked down all of these that countryside and increase rates and pace hell they're probably gone couple of laps Holly did 28 including the warm-up laps so I reckon [Music] my car's just up his fastest at the race 4401 to [Music] so that is a problem I'm not sure the devil that we have to move it just stopped could do or without a splash at the end [Music] in the water [Music] you let us come around supporting race for them fourth-of-july the Rockets red glare Norma with just of them tickle [Music] I've arrogant and Corvette dating on the warmth of July Tommy two or three laps time [Music] the same 20th up stitches all he government did about to start the race as they're coming through [Music] Porcia as they go through the trial so that is the battle for second third there was absolutely nothing in there the site between them which is the 77th of Mali Jarvis is charging along at second base apologizes seven oh this time around thirty five four seven at lost time new Jarvis left six seconds opportunity masters [Music] seconds in the second masters [Music] was I eight all the metal it's getting awfully exciting I think he's mixed up [Applause] [Music] Milda not very testing and rare yellow striping on I really like that's cool away Jeremy on the other than before Corvette and great that they've got a number of two different colored cars he makes our life it doesn't actually studying is a greatly car in any case and Athena for some reason that counter that scheme of the year the yellow and the silver really does work sharp isn't it and it's been a very good run today mrs. B in between the Corvettes and the Porsche of they're bound by the BMWs they're looking pretty good now if they've got the fuel economy to get to the end of race and certainly looking good but it's been a super battle between all of the cars in gtlm meanwhile at the furnace yeah there's three wide in the back [Music] - six-second feet - dices are they Pingree slapping Sebastien Bourdais investing softly Cadillac really really quick us within two-tenths of a second of his fastest lap of the race and he is pleased reducing the deficit to take a police car 15 seconds is the gap between them with 55 minutes remaining and grace and we'll have to make another stop both of those cars that Jeremy sit down the line sampling Cadillac [Music] by the way on the computer 33 laps to go [Music] Kovach [Music] leave you should be in the next time around [Music] for one as against a windshield tear off from Hollywood and this is a group of guys that's been working together for a very long time so no change here the change came on the number three that's the yellow as time it gives them a little bit of right foot but to pack out on the racetrack I was at 29 lap state for the Corvette they thought it goes through on its 30th laughs that's what I expected I'll be honest last stop [Music] next to Tiger Rag but I think some of those JT Lamont cars are gonna struggle attend early ain't stopping around now and certainly the BMW that stopped earlier the 24 car John Edwards has to stop again [Music] and only those who were stopping in the next couple of relapse or get to the end unless they're hiding fuel that we don't know about as nobody's done and more than what burl Barbara's on in the moment which is a 13-3 serial of statement fatties first luck so now he is into final stop territory resuming the audience laugh leader which i think is a reasonable thing to think of Jeremy you're absolutely right there John I wonder whether two BMWs maybe they were just trying to even out figure out the tire wear then for the other contenders maybe that explains why they came into the pit lane just a little bit before the other contenders but certainly I'm you're right I don't think the BMW's can make it and that's a major problem for them because they were certainly looking for a while there to be in control of the race we got it an s X into the Ben ledger Adam is watching nuts that's Alvaro Parenti comes in after a knockout drag-out fight on track with his team Paper Mario farm Bakker but Alvaro will be staying aboard fuel and tires for him as well as fuel and tires for lost in Ashgabat could brings in the Riley technology mercedes-amg so both of them will be leaving the pit lane not too far from one another they are could have been able to go from here that sport on the numbers I reckon the GT the Mon and the GT dick torn of cars doing somewhere around 30 laps 29 30 laps for the best of them at least odds with an Bell bull at first at second and that should be enough to get them home with a lap time have just under fifty seconds but assuming he'll get laughter from the times by the leader I reckon they've already got about 30 laps to go and it looked at me so hot from diving at the pin there now as in from what was the lead off the GT degree comes Earl normal way Oliver will be staying in two [Music] fifteen minutes he's decided to take over the remainder yesterday kyoool and tired Alexis also getting fuel and sticker tires he's bambam goes back yellow Corvette lane and Corvette Racing just about nobody know that's very true and that was again 30-lap 3-0 lap stick Garcia that'll get I reckon I'll get them and to the end in that world I'm slightly worried yeah all right so they're going to be tight as well but the BMW's is Jeremy rightly said I are a little bit of gravy as far as their stops water [Music] to stop again Fred magnifique he's got bad another five laps before he comes in threes violence Dominic slightly fewer litres of fuel to get him to the end of that early gamble Jeremy on the wet were the tires for the Tandy short-term gain between long-term mean for them in the rest of the race yeah are they gonna lead it stopped accessories from going to work out he knows favors at BMWs in a back to first two positions in GTA the question is they got 21 seconds over the Porsche when last they came around the question is [Music] maintain a body too thick so if Sonia Singh has the BMW teams trying to do at this stage on the race [Music] for Spiteri caught at the Weather Tech table he's doing next time round the I reckon one side one they to impossi syllabic Lexus how well [Music] it's going to come down to Earl Bamber Antonio Garcia but I reckon that's that's it Tom Milner might have to save a bit of fuel and it might be actually might need a splash because he stopped what one opens up two laps before adding was two laps before yes it was two laps before [Music] two cars that have got out ahead of him as well so it wasn't that sleep master either Adam by the typing screen right now because it's showing that Tommy Milner is indeed in sixth place [Music] [Music] they're gonna be heart failure job is about three cars ahead of him don't forget are going to paycheck we've got Fred mother Becky 283 while he could anytime now at the end it was difficult on Edwards 78 laps in the weak state can't get the end from here so next Tom Milner is third position at the moment but I think he's gonna have to sit [Music] - and his team in number three the best but anybody has done [Music] is there any more might be tight you might just make it to the end from there but it is going to be very very close in davie top it's Jeremy and still plenty deep in the fall with the two masters now seconds of [Music] and you see became the beginning to close come up with it now the last two or three glasses close in quite devious ricky'll die gap down from over three seconds to less than one that is the battle for third and fourth all day in the meantime he's been charged you know he's got that gap back to the the deficit number six go down to under 10 seconds now but the he's to serving some very fast laps Sebastien Bourdais caliber fine I love Sarah Rigby I'm a crew really enjoying it can't even tear myself away to read she says thanks for hanging in all possible just what race fans need for their heart and their soul yes it is food for the heart and soul at the moment isn't it this weathertech 240 and still to go and Jack is back the GTT torna class as the predicted awkward warning feel under in the Ferrari has taken place he drops back to 50 decision 18 seconds 90 seconds ahead of Lawson - back he's still having that bathroom out long barely a second apart and tilt back to Sheamus got back into the gradient racing accurate getting some night time running till good on you after the middle stint was done by Mark Miller so till getting back into that one he was pretty quick in that opening stint I was impressed by till he'll be [Music] did you see a GTT John is said all of a sudden did the gap between the two Lexus's is is at the front it was 10 seconds forever shut down to four and a half yes and Townsend Bell now is Carla go Jack terribly hard at this stage in the race just repeat their lap time Japanese with last time around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his most recent round does the neighbor talk about [Music] [Applause] [Music] that gap again has been pretty constant for a long long time [Music] those Myer shank racing drivers [Applause] the races he's the lmp2 champion last year where he finished pretty much every single race for the pr1 matheson team now he's sitting up on the pipe [Music] [Applause] sister huh he said they okay he's black if the two cars are playing nice with one another [Applause] [Music] we their final stop tickles and Jarvis to Ronnie [Music] it's gonna be jerk shortly later on good leg drop yes Makaveli that's about right for him [Music] you stink emission it's going off that yes it was an a windshield tariffs crucially for Fred Mack Becky who's been out there for 50 minutes on the track which means that he would have been out there instead so it probably is as clean as he would have wanted just waiting that is his last stop as well at the two BMWs ahead of it we'll have to stop again now the question will be I fought oh bombuh the race here 25 lakhs the overall leader still predicting at 20 that race so Obama at the moment is five-lap seen to esteem people that can can do 31 laps or bombers not stopping again so barber and Garcia are not stopping again as we thought so that is the real race for the GT deer torna excuse me cheating mm run in GT dead tour there [Music] to Lexus RC F seconds between and downs with from T Bell they want to carb by the brightly the worn on the side of the carpet also the big mobile one decal on the door number two aren't they [Music] Oh - Lexus Jeremy jack-bots movement [Music] [Applause] telex act frankly calve all very well in danger to drivers and qualifying starting the race here a completely agree new redefine run set up the brilliant puss [Music] [Music] goes off nasty settle down is matching the pace again [Music] ah summer [Music] very soon now [Music] short splashes the end time stopped yet and then this solutely sample of the Hannah Lynch who's sitting in a parking lot sauce the distance in her car in Virginia ready for fireworks and listening and to him serenity in my twenty-seven months of day tomorrow as well formula 1 formula 2 from the Red Bull Ring also Jessie young good as this buy a shampoo bottle right now very good indeed L very spot the Corvette's has huge [Music] the race pitstop prototype final bits up [Music] right here some carbon that's been shaved off of me [Music] I love it when they had the tire deflation in the practice session they did have more body parts they did have spared a little bit place back that looks like my Nevada benefit a robe [Music] he did order was into the air maybe ideas about who they move they made them pass for this place to get to get bothering about the center on lap 59 here we are lap 71 and 18 seconds in those intervening 31 car making its final spot on as well that's absolutely and so they're pentacle full rich from here and pay for durrani on rich to eat the thing he's got bags laughs anyone one or two more laps to go possibly three laps to go again from here on in Jeremy anybody who could do in the DPI 21:22 laps three laps actually you're in there you're in for your last stop on you and that's what the leader is doing now Harry Tincknell could begin yeah just very [Music] two masses in particular these Peabody Ronnie's now yeah yeah it was long 225 lap states as well looks like tickle sting in the car you drink bottle for him as well he could have got a few more laps Jeremy but he didn't want to get into that Twilight sort of being caught out if a safety car doors come out so you may be stopped when you can't when you're in the late again at the end within their field we don't be able to get to the end of that it's also no point in not coming in at this stage for him hello obtained top ablum artists listening Wisconsin ginsa practice tonight can appear but RPG the roleplay game with the family on the 4th of July weekend in Cup 224 BMW John Edwards will be one of two BMW stops got a de filippi probably got another six or seven laps he wants them [Music] yes yes that's the that's the effectively Jeremy could you lead so yeah indeed to stretch out his people together you stopped a couple a lot number three car well Antonio Garcia [Music] but tangy both there's two cars [Music] [Applause] to try and stretch just a little bit so coming out of the bus stop just caught maybe a little bit of dampness a minute of the curb but it wasn't a great exit from the bus stop from the leading presumptive leading Porsche and the number three Corvette around the outside Tonio Garcia going to the high side coming into the tri-oval and that's where it happened [Music] back in the portion Jeremy and that's what just slaughtered ours was coming out with most of us people for its final stop grunts wonderfully filleted some Garcia will Jeremy go through into the days yes true energy to towers well other than the BMW's again there's everything in a costume other lead 17 labs are listed so it's somewhat curious that they should come in so soon he accompanies the race leader Oliver Jarvis center Dane Cameron then likely be in on this lap as well if not [Music] in the soup yeah they put their all into the pepper well that's 20 laps team jobs at 22 that's ah nice dog 21 [Music] inform him bird water in Cameron so this is a race correct those would be the same drivers leaving as Oliver Jericho to finish with the service peddling Sebastien Bourdais at Jane Cameron now involved in a bit late race to see which one of the air crews is more efficient after a five-month period and [Music] get the first accordingly this a mini tutorial we'll just have to wait and see how it shoots [Music] [Applause] so raise your table the race always looks great at night this forward star types works in Burnley don't forget [Applause] also but I agree I think this would have been a good time anyway to have the rest [Music] [Applause] terraspin into the darkness right Motorsports down on the inside of the try over to make intake Holly GRT - tada try to chase that loss I should walk in writing a Mercedes FG but he's dropped the rental honors two seconds now [Music] of the positions of wood starting GTD by the emphasis Sullivan Lexus [Music] over the two they've got big things hanging real and solid top sync by the foreman for the weathertech skin area Corsa Ferrari [Music] shorts Domini [Music] Morphet racing in the lane by two seconds Tonio Garcia turning up the heat 44 signal last time no more six [Music] he's got 12 seconds hold on to that now he can go full rich money will one last time we read in the 911 [Music] certainly not being able to do the roads either on their fuel on that [Music] and 1/2 second 55 from 77 who take milk from jarvis and they've been 17 and a half seconds further back from them Sebastien Bourdais who's on the podium but only by three seconds at the moment ahead of dear Cameron in the Acura team penske number 6 the number 7 car with an engine problem behind the wall earlier on people to Ronnie she's 1.3 seconds further back so 3 cars they're battling from the last step of the podium sitting within about 4 seconds of each other and they're putting up an altar [Music] Oh [Music] to go [Music] Jeremy from that third place and irani more to the end of the race and all very feisty characters they were purple days with the star for me the second half absolutely tremendous [Applause] six and Iraq puberty Ronnie is charging it now [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that behind the bottom 70 podium he's own from here I just checked in with the ripe motorsports driver Ryan Hardwick who did the first stint remember of that number 16 Porsche he said that it was his first ever time driving up with slick tires on a wet track he's only ever driven [Music] tract so it was a first for everything so he feels good about his performance so far and guys I reckon if the positions won't the way they are now that means the ride home of sick in Switzerland right [Music] joy fish race money Billy the other side the could be from tenth order which is where can't relate to the secret stay till the ichi ice but fighting the need to sleep can't explain how much apis the noise of incentives good [Music] tonight wherever you are thanks for staying with us [Applause] inside the last half an hour but still story nice how about this finishing in the darkness on the fall of July I ran to the observer that exports back well attention 40 Sebastien Bourdais just trucking on in third position at the moment 36 114 covering for accurate Jeremy Danny stop giving up these fights [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally [Music] by the leader Antonia Garcia be in that number three Corvette he's gonna come the second [Music] going into this race I'll tell you what weather Motley's thought JT from the morning on the cartoon [Music] take seconds last time [Music] a 3.6 miles but it's not covered spot a house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mazda own sports team come out the drums very well indeed played that cards very nicely dark surveyed crystal car with the green LEDs on the top he said the people [Music] attainment the better part of 30 seconds and the rest of the field just on 20 minutes to go that's a decent afternoon evenings work yes met justice Boehner's really really good entire team I mean the cars are fast four months ago now but that then [Music] no such poppers this evening and it's cost pretty much flat out the whole way [Music] they're running I think the wedding in in control of their own destiny this [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] three cars still jerk [Music] [Music] camryn and you know people justice nor the meaning of your ears off and snow of disease it doesn't doesn't they that that trio battling over third place if the pull-down a long long way now over Reger matters and a common 10 in Steph he's just hurting his best lap with a race [Music] that must be really never that's interesting is it I mean that's only a couple of tenths away from even Ronnie wasn't at his best time on that last lap around as well so that's interested to see that the the Cadillacs are ready so now all the way through this race but I think all of a sudden reggae band is under which a better part of a couple of seconds a lot with the 20 minutes remaining here you eat I think he was gonna have to up to wake up you turn up the wick a little bit [Music] now Tracy obsessed something about logic partners [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] Twitter thank you sir my stepfather's bastards [Music] [Music] and form of laps Gillette I can't win second base third base [Music] so yes it's empty further there's a bit open last couple Drive alone remark what and that's the thing is that Jeremy you can look and say oh ha ha applause violence against bogey in five seconds over two or three laps but that's in the club [Music] tends to be more talented and churches even in this strict format the guy's him so once again have knocked it out the park that in terms of making this a strategically interesting race I know people similar to ours for needs non-rainy and interest rates [Music] into whatever [Music] as much as the guys behind the way love how to keep their concentration as well I'm particularly the dog six with the with the weather at the start of the race indeed yeah the city person source of interesting battles as now I knew you were talking to a while ago about friend Maggie Beckett he's now we like that that is now back to third and fourth positions between number four Corvette and number 911 Tommy [Music] shoulder the nice then these competition [Music] [Applause] [Music] he did 29 laps in the first state of the race and that was that was [Music] obviously he against to in the hands of answer then thirty-two [Music] it is not over yet just look at that our bombers just said his best lap of the race in November 9 12 Porsche 143 would [Music] so they first a second at the second [Music] distinctive real lights of the number four Tommy Milner who I think to be honest [Music] attention mark is using for trying in the calendar the ward [Music] by July I talked about the session to the point the back of that see a NAR with the kitchen it's across between those two mics and the engine and yet slowly surely [Music] Annoying monster vodka lights of the front end of that portion of the 911 Africa recce but he's just closed it he has no memories [Music] people fight as he goes to the outside the 911 the traffic goes through [Music] to this stage in the race the Jarvis now [Music] seconds on that previous lap material mistake [Music] [Music] [Music] I think he's not exactly a sitting duck I tell you what he's certainly a very tasty target for the second the ankle DVP has a bit between your seat has another look here at the number 911 car just breezing past the Corvette I think you nailed it John I think the number four car is just just eking out the fuel as best he can and he's probably having to do a little bit of lifting coast he's fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] body car to date order once that gap back from Tom Melman and down a four second CC I'm sorry he's had a bit of a wake-up call took three tenths of a second bumper to the three that I monitor with the 911 charging rich Garcia in the yellow Corvette the next sample i'ts behind him he's Obama and now always got caught up with him that's the yeah that is the leading car just didn't get a great exit and through comes the 77 of Ollie Jarvis ran the outside and the Porsche is right in there there will be a very very excited Earl Bamber that he's able to close up on to Leo Garcia with that Corvette Jeremy to sing the humble eggs of the Porsche on the sweet part of the [Music] coming out she came on a previous life when the pastor as you suggested Arielle to stay to reach the finish of this race without making it up a bit like I said to only one or two laps Jeremy it is radials Tommy [Music] my recipe on the racism in the at the simracing to convey covering we continue by the way to come on [Music] NLS section they spar 24 [Music] to pay the moon to be honest so the computer is doing all the work I've discovered member collapses we intercept a goddess down to ten minutes their quality range Garcia every newsie and all of a sudden it's the second half that gamma Tauri himself October the reefs now under pressure the second door extraordinary heavens tommy miss having a licked and cost and this could be relevant [Music] in the heads I'll store the Corvette Racing would achieve if there's we begin this evening I'm not gonna sit in the room because we've been waiting since their last victory who has soil wings I'm not singing Ryan up from a shoe I'm not saying it yet Hawksworth add bell for emphasis over whatever take them in the moon [Music] you know now six seconds solidly on the body [Music] sorry go ahead see that tingle there most people I think the consistency of this walk-around laughs population 1 27.7 and generally speaking is dude for five ten to the second of the cars fastest lap race all the way through the stitch that is I think what pleased that [Music] even most well an uppity given all the trials and tribulations they've had you in the development of anger [Music] laughs Jeremy [Music] fail the head of two very quick bottling Acuras a head of a Ferrari a head of a percent if very quick McLaren now I would leave were saying the Cooper's racing car in the bits that exactly he was a very fast car at least over a baby short stick not sure how it's made of the longest in Baja watching them like tied in there meaning thoughts middle for me as well [Music] very very closely match there this battle the new GT 11 continues at affordable Garcia still just over a second ahead overall bamboo but Nikki Phillippi is just on this last act got passed on the mother that is flaking off position in the number 25 BMW yeah it will still be what 11 seconds back to John Edwards in the second of the team rll BMW's with seven minutes to go I very much doubt that's going to be an issue along I say that medics here on a second each doctor it's [Music] I don't think so I stay with us in the end the race went straight into tech and we'll have a a quick blast through the stories and the points rising any questions which TRT - madam Sarita question 2.2 rising observation site in the u.s. I've got a party to go to fire those questions in hashtag Mitchell and PRT coming down to the last six minutes then round of what's been going on today gtlm just six cars but Jeremy what a cracker that's me all kinds of different strategies and still Obama pushing on Justin he's fastest second sector of the race and it's back down 2.9 1/2 how appropriate as a portion of back between himself and until you Garcia Garcia Christian [Music] he can touch ready [Music] the slightest into the mistake is gonna cost Antonio Garcia that big drink so he's gonna make sure at ttat car championship sorry I was a sponsor behind the times there in my defense it's way different [Music] to go my positions as well seconds between their Wilander pretty happy with seat position jeromy's you're partaking with the difficult conditions that God [Music] take his roasted I think I agree the Atari has been really confused by that by that team Robertson [Music] Gregory claps it's been a virgin there's another Muslim vegetable three three seven about a second it tore the till back to Alaska Garcia just put the class Sgt them online the racy these guys are our sir [Music] this is the paper on the circuit it's one of any great point about the gradient guys don't like shopping or want to stay really good job as well bill tick bites midnight in the overall but don't forget this great [Music] turn your Garcia all the way through to the end of the race [Music] because those two they pitted on the same planet is something wrong sir they'd be nothing if attack the whole way through this race [Music] left in the time we get the white flag than a marmalade I think we will the leader [Music] that's gonna make it a 95 lat race so we're all the same wrinkled pissed that we set a date or in terms of the amount of laps [Music] I'm gonna go this is a short race at our data I understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me but it's all bark for the morning five seconds on the clock - Jeff RG or Connell we excited about the return of Japanese sport sport as well he said to Thomas concern but did your miss Simpson we all missed in the heart in absolutely original attack Mitchell it they are tape plays for your questions prevents quite rising we all know officially on the white flag lap [Music] for Harry Tincknell the gap at the front of Li J Dilla Montford office in over two seconds has Garcia barber dr. Shimon make the job is off off after a great run from Crete [Music] Oh right he's got that car back on that would it be just there is loose the team manager the ring increase Brenda [Music] last of all the sports down fully under the control [Music] I should back was a splash of future [Applause] laughs come the leaders correct and fail under our own song [Music] [Music] this is [Music] by far the best of the Cadillacs ahead of the remaining [Music] run explain the perfect played the strategic tonio Garcia let the race early on before the other car Taylor who started number three [Music] we have w-4 and only by five seconds [Music] well yes a yummy babying struggling and that in GT Racing on American soil on Independence Day who writes the scripts if ever is in GT d eight or nine Hobbes with the Belvoir Sullivan twins for the 14 and the twelve gone through after a dominant run nine seconds ahead of Mario farmer who finishes the race for the best of the Acuras and once again the sky is lit up with fireworks that was awesome [Music] absolutely awesome right to the end Jeremy you've gotta set the format hundred victory Corbin work very hard two years since Corvette Racing of wood in the US and there with their 100th on US soil on the fourth of July and circumstances [Music] storyline there for so long and so hard you saved Long Beach two years ago 2018 a headwind over 99 on American soil and one where the plates are doing that here at Daytona and Independence a weekend can't believe it 1042 days since the last week from Tornillo Garcia Ollie golly Gavin's early Pierce doctor paying off there in the other car they had a safe deal with Tommy Milner at the end George Tiller story or Garcia big full moon shining down on celebrations Independence Day thank you very much indeed to our colleagues Alex Keith done a cracking job NASCAR productions for us in bringing us the pictures with us on the technical side of things stay tuned for michelin tech will try and grab some of the drivers hashtag Mitch the PR team [Music] [Music] well well well what a tryst what a comeback what excitement 5000 people will be able to say I was there for the WeatherTech 240 and the return of Emser WeatherTech championship racing Daytona International Speedway for the Rolex was round one we did not expect to be back here on the 4th of July in fall in great traditional independence dear memories of the Paul Revere 250 absolutely marvelous stuff and a risk that from start to finish the fireworks we had thunder and lightning adapt track to start things off as well bathroom respond and the works for some of the team's plans but ultimately the cream has risen to the top I'll go through the results for you and try and get some driver interviews as well the 55 Mazda comes to Victory Lane for Jonathan Bomarito and Harry Tincknell tinkle finishing the race off to having just tight a long-term commitment to multimatic you know obviously that program masa program totally and JimBob did his thing at the beginning of the race and did it very very well indeed that is brilliant stuff hashtag mission and Pete Marty Matt says is it to supersede master has arrived and has the switch from the austere multi buddy and any challenges after so much progress money always been involved Jeremy the fact that you'll start on it that's a contractual thing their contract ended it the I believe at the end of March but Larry Holtz multimatic always been instrumental and indeed of course that car based on the multimatic lmp2 chassis as well but Mazda love this time of the year what is it about the summer months they come out when the sun shining music well they do plus the shorter races firms that play to their favor as well compared to the early season endurance events at Daytona and Sebring the Jew who literally start the season but you know we know these cars have been fast they've showed the speed here at they turn it before they came away with a second-place finish for the Rolex 24 in January that was a great start to the season for them they built upon that and they've come here they've been strong all the way through the weekend that was a well-deserved victory for Mazda Motorsports they've got a ruin of short races now because the long races that would normally have at this time of the year the sealant six hours that glint there a little bit further through the years there's enough continuity in that program surely to continue the kind of progress that we've seen over the last 12 months or so yeah no question about it they've everything is in place they're now the the engineering structure has been unchanged
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 117,105
Rating: 4.8991594 out of 5
Id: J3g72zrIsE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 19sec (13159 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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