Spectacular Oshkosh Highlights - EAA AirVenture 2019

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[Music] more than 10,000 aircraft 2,700 show planes and a record 642 thousand spectators little wonder the experimental aircraft associations AirVenture show is known as the world's largest aviation celebration for a third consecutive year airshow stuff in collaboration with this is flight take a look back at the best of the air venture flying displays but before we get started in earnest there are some of the highlights of the 2019 show [Music] we start as usual with these programs with a brief look at the mass war bird arrivals one of the unique features of AirVenture each year in this case we're looking at the simultaneous arrivals of two large formations one comprising 32 t-34 mentors and the other of 14 t28 Trojans on the Monday of the show and indeed we'll see more from both of these aircraft types later on in the program as we continue our look through the flying displays [Music] [Music] the first of our true air show acts is the twin Tigers and it's impossible to talk about this act without mentioning the tragic death of one of the team pilots marking of a chef's key in January 2020 little mark as he was known was an airline pilot for Southwest and the 2013 u.s. advanced aerobatic champion he flew the twin Tigers routine with fellow Southwest pilot mark Sorensen big mark as he was known but tragically the accident also took the life of Nathan Mark Sorensen's son the twin Tigers are truly one of the most unique and innovative air show acts on the circuit and the air show industry is much poorer for mark Nova chefs T's loss [Music] the aircraft the team are flying is the Yak 55m a Russian built single-seat aerobatic aircraft that made its first flight in 1981 now the risk of being presumptuous I imagine the question that's probably on your lips is what happens if I take two of them weld them together and fit a jet engine underneath well if I was right and not alone Jeff Borbon had exactly the same thought which led him to build this rather extraordinary machine he at 110 [Music] [Applause] [Music] the idea came about in 2013 the plane finally made its Air Show debut at the gunfighter skies airshow in 2018 and it flew at Oshkosh for the first time the same year [Music] [Music] [Music] fitted underneath the central section of the wing between the two fuselages is a General Electric J 85 turbojet engine and that combined with the two m14 peas gives the at 110 a power-to-weight ratio of greater than one to one [Applause] continuing on the theme of dual fuselage designs this aircraft is the XP 82 twin Mustang [Music] and this one isn't a wacky experiment it is in fact a prototype f82 a long-range escort fighter which served operationally from 1946 until 1953 this particular example made its first post restoration flight in January 2019 and it's currently the only flying twin Mustang in the world [Music] indeed will be seeing rather a lot of the Mustang in all its guises over the course of this film as AirVenture 2019 featured a reunion of Mustangs in honor of the world war ii fighter ace clarence bird anderson on the thursday of the show no fewer than 18 Mustangs took to the air at the same time faint not in a single formation but that included B C D and H models so enjoy for a few moments the wonderful sound of 12 Mustangs in the air at the same time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we move next into a solo display by p-51 si Mustang Lopes hope the p-51 of course is an aircraft that most will be very familiar with it entered service in 1942 more than 15,000 built and it served with some 29 nations the last of which the Dominican Republic didn't retire the Mustang from active service until 1984 was actually born out of a British order for a new high-performance fighter aircraft and less than 15 weeks after the contract was signed North American produced the NA 73 X the prototype of what went on to become the p-51 it was a design that had much promise but the aircraft was woefully underpowered particularly at high altitude this was rectified by replacing the Allison V 1710 engine with a rolls-royce Merlin and what resulted was one of the ultimate fighting machines of the Piston era little wonder Hermann Goering commander of the Luftwaffe once said that when he saw Mustangs over Berlin he knew the war was over but what the Mustang is to the Americans the Spitfire is to the British another superb Merlin powered fighter this is a Mark 9 Spitfire from the Texas flying legends museum the Spitfire didn't have the range of the Mustang it wasn't much good as an escort fighter but it was an exceptional air-to-air combat machine with the highest kill ratio of any fighter in the Battle of Britain despite that the work was hazardous to say the least the average age of a Spitfire pilots during the Battle of Britain was just 20 and their average life expectancy was just 4 weeks [Music] and now these two icons of the Second World War unite for a combined fly past [Music] and here we have a p-51d mustang leading through modern-day combat aircraft the 8nc thunderbolt f-22 a Raptor and f-35 a lightning as part of the US Air Force heritage flight [Music] with this we move from one of AirVenture steams to another 2019 was the year of the fighter and so it was extremely appropriate to see three of the u.s. air force's for solo jet demonstrations at the show and now we turn to the first of the fast jet solo demonstrations the f-35a Lightning - in its first season as a full demonstration team [Music] [Music] in from the right at the slow showing off the aircraft's exceptional high alpha performance sadly the aerobatic box at Oshkosh limits most fast jets to a non aerobatic mini demonstration but still an extremely powerful showing from the latest fighter to enter the US Air Force's inventory [Applause] [Music] [Music] we continue with the 8nc Thunderbolts one of the ultimate close air support aircraft in service today [Music] it's a distinctive looking plane with its straight wings and it's two externally mounted General Electric tier 30 4108 engines but it packs quite a punch no fewer than 11 hard points on this aircraft for under each wing and a further three under the fuselage plus of course its distinctive nose mounted 30 millimeter Avenger rotary cannon [Music] unlike the lightning and the Raptor the a-10 has been cleared to fly its display closer to the crowd than most fast jets and so it is actually performing its full aerobatic demonstration [Music] the a-10 now joins a pair of warbirds for another take on the heritage flight this time one p-51d and one ad one sky Raider [Music] a show audiences in 2019 have been enjoying a lengthened heritage flight profile up in three passes to five giving the crowd even more opportunities to enjoy this extremely unique spectacle which is rarely seen anywhere outside of the United States [Music] we'll be seeing more from the US Air Force later in the program not least the Raptor that we'd limped earlier and we're not done with the Mustang yet either but first a reminder that you can see uncut uninterrupted videos of many of the individual performances from AirVenture 2019 and dozens of other air shows across North America right here on the airshow stock youtube channel and if you're enjoying this film then you might also like this is flights air show dispatches series bringing you the very best action from air shows right around the world the first two series are available to watch completely free at this is Mike Dodd well we're back at AirVenture 2019 as we continue our review of the star-studded aerial display and now we turn to a trio of formation teams first up a relatively new team flying six t28 Trojans is the aptly named Trojan Thunder almost instantly the two solo pilots break away from the formation they now approach for an opposing past the t28 was designed in the late 1940s to replace the t6 Texan in US service it also served with 27 other nations in many of which it was known as the fennek [Applause] team end their show with a bomb burst and we turn to the second of our formation teams the Rocky Mountain renegades they're flying six vans RV series kit planes and they start their show in a similar style to Trojan Thunder with a break straight into opposing passes the team mix formation and opposing maneuvers with solo aerobatics by a Giles 202 designed by Richard Giles it has a top speed of 220 knots a roll rate of more than 400 degrees per second and it can take up to plus or minus 10 times the force of gravity the Giles family aircraft was one of the aircraft anniversaries being honored at this year's show the single seats Giles 200 made its first flight in 1994 followed by the twin seat Giles 202 the year after in 2002 the Giles family was developed further into the mx2 and the mxs racer of Red Bull Air Race Fame where it was flown by Matt Hall Nigel Lam and Mika Bravo but back to the RV series and the great thing about these aeroplanes is that they showed just how accessible aviation can be it's an aircraft you can buy in bits and put together in your garage yet it's still powerful aerobatic and great fun to fly [Music] the third of the formation teams is team Oracle formed of Sean D Tucker in his Challenger 3 and Jesse Panzer in the extra 300l Shawn retired from his immensely successful solo aerobatic career at the end of 2018 in favor of setting up a formation team and 2019 was his last full year flying the Challenger 3 which is due to go on display in the National Air and Space Museum in 2021 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] both aircraft now pull up in a loose line abreast formation the airspeed bleeds away and just as they reach the top they're going to kick in a boot full of rudder for synchronized stall turns [Music] another formation act of a sort but not from an established team this time as we bring to life the Experimental Aircraft Association superhero character a vo the show follows a young Eagles pilot transforming into a BIAL before joining his teammates in an aerial combat scenario in an RV a hey a V or in this scenario is brought to life by Josh Italy and the other parts are played by Nathan Hammond Greg Shelly Jeff Shelley and Billy worth AVO was gifted to the EAA by the Stanley Foundation Stanley being the legendary superhero creator of course and is the main character in the EAA s aviation theme comic book aims to inspire a new generation into the world of aviation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from one-act unique to AirVenture to another now with this aerial firefighting demonstration of course something that's very much in the forefront of our minds of the mode of given certain world events over the past few months first to arrive is the Aero commander 500 which supervises and coordinates the entire operation and next up is the arrival of the first of the big guns namely a co2 one five with almost 5000 liters of water on board [Music] the air tractor 802 five boss may be smaller but it can still carry an impressive 3,000 liters of water and it's a very popular choice with firefighting agencies around the world a type I've seen in action fighting real fire several times [Music] finally the largest of the trio a c-130 Hercules fitted with a modular airborne firefighting system with a capacity for over 1100 liters of water or fire retardant man might have no one of the unique features of AirVenture 2019 is that it featured all three of the North American jet aerobatic teams not with full displays but still an immensely impressive achievement for the show organizers and here we see the Canadian Forces snowbirds dropping in with their spare jet which is of course act1 one for Tudor Monday saw a fly past by the US Navy Blue Angels were there f-18 Hornets quite possibly the Blue Angels last Oscar appearance in the legacy Hornet unless they make a similar drop in to the 2020 show because of course the team will be transitioning to the Super Hornet at the end of the 2020 season and on Thursday the US air force thunderbirds made a brief appearance as well passed by just the diamond formation and they will then be rejoined by the two solo pilots for two more maneuvers in the full Delta formation [Applause] began to canter through some of the regular air venture showcases now a brief look and a trio of British warbirds to begin with we saw the Mustang earlier but this is the de Havilland Mosquito and ferry Firefly nicknames the wooden wonder the mosquito first flew in 1940 and it was used in a number of roles including as a daytime tactical bomber and night bomber a Pathfinder a day and night fighter a fighter bomber a maritime strike aircraft a photo reconnaissance aircraft and it was even used by the British overseas Airways corporation as a transport plane for small high-value loads to and from neutral countries through enemy controlled airspace [Music] [Applause] [Music] then forward into the jet age we see a gaggle of Czech built l-39 Albatros Jets originally designed as a military training aircraft to replace the l-29 Delfin the l-39 has become extremely popular on the air show circuit it's operated by teams such as the Patriots jet team hop a flight to the Baltic these spar Flex team ruse as well as the now-defunct heavy metal jet team and Breitling jet team Plus in military hands the l-39 equipped the Slovak national aerobatic team the L albatross II from 1991 until 2001 and an excellent team they were [Music] [Music] and now we see three l-39s with their predecessor the l-29 that i mentioned earlier [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] and altogether rarer type now the a4 Skyhawk another plane with airshow pedigree though not just with the US Navy Blue Angels from 1974 until 1986 but also the Singapore Black Knights team from 1994 until 2000 and most impressively of all the Kiwi red team from New Zealand from 1988 until 1990 Akili red used to fly six ship formation barrel rolls while two of the Skyhawks were actually plugged into each other as if performing buddy-buddy refueling quite an incredible feat and now on to the Soviet Union with the mckeon Gurevich mig-17 it's Klimov VK 1 f engine producing that very charismatic long after burner flame the mig-17 has an extremely interesting history so we'll talk about that further later in the program when we see the aircraft fly again at night on that occasion and that afterburner flame will be pretty much all you can see the largest aircraft in the bomber section was one of the world's to fly b-29 Superfortresses plus a pair of b-25 mitchell [Music] the show also paid tribute to the 75th anniversary of the d-day landings operation Neptune as it was officially known with nine Dakota's performing a fly past [Music] [Applause] many of these had just returned from the DAX over normandy event in europe where they're re-enacted the famous cross channel flight in a huge formation of over two dozen Dakota's escorted by various other types including Expeditors Texans Spitfires and Mustangs and I can tell you seeing the sky filled with so many tiny dots as the formation approached was a pretty unbelievable sight that gave a tiny insight at least into the scale of the operation itself on the 6th of June 1944 is worth just pausing to reflect on the scale of that operation on d-day itself the Allies landed some hundred and fifty six thousand troops in Normandy including seven to three thousand bricks fifty-nine thousand Americans twenty-one thousand Canadians and two hundred more from various other nations predominantly France of these twenty-three thousand were brought in by air on eight hundred and thirty-two c-47 decoders just like these ones we continue to honor the past with the next act evade a slightly different period with a pair of US Navy legacy flights first up the sole heir worthy fj-4 fury joins an ea-18g growler [Applause] the basic design for the fj-4 started out with the f-86 saber that design was then nave alized to create the fj2 and fj3 fury and then subsequently updated to create the fj-4 it served from 1954 until the late 1960s [Music] [Music] the ea-18g growler is an electronic warfare version of the fa-18 F Super Hornet brought in to replace the ea-6b Prowler from 2009 in the US Navy service and it's also used in small numbers by the Royal Australian Air Force and in this separate legacy flight a t2 Buckeye leads a pair of t45 goshawk s' two generations of naval training aircraft here the t2 flew with the US Navy from 1959 until 2008 it was gradually replaced by the t4 t5 from 1991 the t45 is a modified license produced version of the ve port marked 60 and the hawk is the best-selling advanced jet trainer aircraft ever produced as well as being a very common sight on the air show circuit where it's flown by the red arrows the Saudi Hawks the midnight walks Surya Kiran as well as several defunct teams such as jupiter blue and Panji winner the t45 though differs from those standard ports you might be more familiar with in order to facilitate carrier operations the airframe and landing gear have been strengthened the horizontal and vertical stabilizers have been enlarged and an arrest hook and tow bar have been added the arrestor hook occupies the space previously home to the air brake so that in turn has been moved up to the sides of the fuselage just forward of a tail and you might catch a glimpse of it because the aircraft turns away from us here sticking with the US Navy and the arrival and departure of the f-35c lightning gave us a rare chance to see their latest fighter in action this is the variant of the f-35 designed for arrested landings on aircraft carriers and so it features enlarged wings for better low-speed performance with foldable tips to reduce its size when parked on the carrier deck like the t45 the landing gear has been strengthened as well and if you are watching very carefully when the aircraft took off you might have spotted that it had twin wheel nose gear which is another way in which it differs from the other variants of the lightning yeah [Music] we're going to rejoin the fast jets of the US Air Force now we saw them flying demonstrations and heritage flights earlier but now we turn to the evening bought into the show and here they are again performing low approaches on the Monday [Applause] [Music] [Music] all this jet noise brings us rather seamlessly to that one solo demonstration we missed earlier which is the f-22 Raptor [Music] the Raptor was by quite some margin the world's first operational fifth-generation fighter primarily an air superiority fighter though Raptor is a truly multi-role machine with capabilities including electronic warfare and ground attack we flew for the first time in 1997 didn't enter service until 2005 and the last of 187 aircraft were delivered in 2012 the Raptors top speed is math 2.25 and it can supercruise at mach 1.8 - that is without the use of afterburners with half a fuel load the Raptor also has a thrust to weight ratio of greater than 1 to 1 when using its full reheated power with its 2 pratt & whitney f119 pw100 engines producing a combined 70,000 pounds of thrust [Music] [Applause] one final heritage flight and this is quite a special one as the Raptor joins up with no fewer than three p-51d mustang [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's worth a reminder at this point that if you are enjoying the program you can see uncut videos of most of these performances and others that we haven't been able to feature here on the air show stuff YouTube channel you can also find similar coverage from previous editions of AirVenture and over this is flight we produce videos like this one from dozens of air shows across North America Europe Asia and Australasia as part of our air show dispatches series the second series recently wrapped up and it includes shows such as Barksdale Bester al sell in Spain arrow Baltic and Poland the Shuttleworth military air show in the UK and the Edinburgh air show in Australia and so if you enjoyed this please do head over that this is flight dotnet and check it out but back to AirVenture 2019 and we continue now with the night shows first up Julie Clark in her t-34 mentor this was Julie's last posh cot appearance as she retired from air shows at the end of the 2019 season on her final show at aviation nation in Las Vegas the former airline pilot Julie began flying aerobatics in 1980 she now flies the t-34 mint her free spirit and a graceful display which features coloured wingtip smoke during the day and sparklers during the evening hasn't been seen [Applause] [Music] one last hurrah for the Mustang courtesy of the class of 45 team this display sees a p-51d paired with an F for you for Corsair for an energetic and sophisticated pairs display [Music] now now Breit into a short routine of opposing and solo passes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for more classic aircraft this time call a t6 Texans from the aeroshell aerobatic team [Music] formed in 1984 as the North American aerobatic team aeroshell today is one of the foremost civilian air show acts in North America they perform a very busy schedule of shows every year both during the day and in the evening but what I really love about this team is that when you watch the formations closely the formation keeping is absolutely rock solid very very impressive line [Music] watch now for the downwards bomburst [Music] and the two wingmen turned back towards show center for opposing loops [Music] [Music] and check this out for a slick rejoin the aircraft fly those opposing loops then twist through 90 degrees on the down line and rejoin pretty swiftly back in formation [Music] earlier on I promised the nighttime return of the mig-17 fresco and here it is in the hands of Randy ball I did say that afterburner would stand out and it does the Russians began developing lethal jet fighters in the late 1940s that was after the British government authorized the sale of rolls-royce mean jet engines to the Soviet Union Stalin himself was astonished he's said to have asked what fool would sell us his secrets well sir Stafford Cripps was that fool and within months the Russians had reverse engineered the mean and were producing hundreds of mig-15s which suddenly popped up in the Korean War and outclassed anything the West had to offer the mig-17 is an advanced development of that which entered service in 1952 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the MiG races the shockwave jet truck to conclude its demonstration now you may recall that we ended last year's AirVenture roundup in very much the same way we started this one with a tribute to a team that had since lost one of its pilots redline and John Fokker but luckily we can end this year's video on a happier note redline once again close the program still flying still a to ship Ken reader is joined by Shawn Rose now enjoy this display and for fireworks that go with it until next time from air show stuff and from this is flight thank you for joining us and good bye for now [Music]
Channel: AirshowStuffVideos
Views: 780,270
Rating: 4.8338614 out of 5
Keywords: Airshow, Air Show, Flight, Plane, Aircraft, Airplane, Flyover, Flying, Pilot, Aviation, Aero, Display, Demo, Flypast, Flyby, Demonstration, Planes, Low, Fast, Loud, Buzz, High Speed, Takeoff, Landing, Formation, Aerobatics, Warplanes, Military, Fighter, Supersonic, Afterburner, Vapor, Jet, Acrobatics, Stunts, Bombers, Stealth, A10, Warthog, Air Force, P51, Mustang, Arrivals, Departures, Warbirds, Runway, Busy, Chaos, ATC, Yak110, Documentary, Homebuilt, Kitplane, Van's, RV, F22, F35, XP82, War Thunder, DCS, Fighter Jet, AirshowStuff, OSH, F-18
Id: InPefjpEUbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 49sec (3109 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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