Which is the most difficult puzzle box?

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hi and welcome to another episode of Mr puzzle today with three puzzle boxes I'm gonna try to solve in this video they have all one thing in common because they are all made and designed by Jean-Claude Constantine in Germany so we got here this one and it's called floatziakos in German which is or which translates to flu circus a puzzle box that someone need to be opened up I guess lit seems to be up here and this weird thing down here which maybe is already indicational to solve this puzzle think about it and second one is this one called the pld box also made by Constantine kind of an unusual design for a constant new puzzle because this seems not to be laser cut but some venue wood down here and quite a solid box and there are two sliders that need to be slide out to the left and right here by these sliders that can move be moved up and down let's see how difficult this one is and I got also this one yeah and from this one I forgot the name so if you know how this puzzle is called let me know in the comments um it's kind of similar is this one I would assume except here you move like one layer the other layer below is fixed and then in the end I'm not sure how to open it up probably you can slide the thingy out and then take off the lid but I'm not sure about this one I'm pretty sure they are not that difficult still I would also like to show you some not difficult puzzles because I think from my point of view a lot of great puzzles which are not difficult and I think it's quite worse to still show them and um even if you cannot maybe fill a 10 minute video with just one of these puzzles I will put three in this video before I start today I have still one thing open and this is about this puzzle which was a giveaway two weeks ago in the puzzle or in the video about this puzzle here the farmers build seven times seven this is the five speed six times six and I decided during the video introduction to do a giveaway with this puzzle here which I did overall I think there were like more than 750 comments on on this video so thanks a lot for that I read all of them I picked a random number which was 223 I went back from the comments that have been made inside the period the one week period And I think I I ended up at number 546 or something in the comment of this number was commented by Bill borrowed Bill borrowed so congratulations to the human you won this puzzle please make sure to contact me and then I can send you this puzzle this time it was not about the best comment but just a random number which is probably the first way but however thanks a lot for all the efforts of you writing those comments and after spoiler break you're gonna see my first attempt solving all of these three puzzle boxes here hopefully since it's the first time for each of them and here we go so which one to pick first let's go with this one first because I have already something in my mind how to solve it if you look at this puzzle I mean there are some elements here like some some opinions some gears and and stuff although I nearly can already solve it and open it up ah okay it seems to be connected to these sliders what are these sliders doing here so there's a slider here it seems one here and one here in the center and if you see this thing I think it's quite obvious what to do with this so I will just spin it oh [Applause] get this one back in the center because I think these two need to be done outside this one in the center and now let's see so which one is still blocking it okay so this will need to be definitely here but where do the other ones need to be so we got these sliders here it's quite obvious I think maybe the intention was to distract the solver a bit here by these pinions and so on but okay so as soon as you spin it those two sliders will move to the outside and also does this one and this one will block it initially from rotating so you need to what I did is I slit this one back which enables me to slightly rotate it but there is there's still this one blocking and this one I can move to the outside as you saw and in this condition then this lid can be turned quite a neat little puzzle box maybe for a gift or something but nothing challenging definitely nothing challenging however I someone like the design let me know what you think about it which one next so this one I think from difficulty point of view it's like a two watt of Maximum five Let's see we have like two sliders here one here and one here oh and this one already moves okay so this was probably lock condition starting condition and I need to go here step by step probably not sure which one to move first probably move them simultaneously let's see this does not work I think [Music] you know this does not help me interesting okay this is more tricky than I expected I expected it to be like a pretty straightforward solution here I still have no idea how to open a thing up actually [Music] the only thing I wear I can leave this mazes over here so this one need to slide out here and then probably one after one you know like first this one then this one then this one because this is like a continuous Maze and these are like three separated small mazes so it's like a kind of an energy puzzle but it's actually not [Music] down here we go and yes this one's out now it should be easier I think [Music] no I'm good you already know this I'm completely confused here uh here we go now I hope now I got it I hope um nice very enjoyable puzzle and now what what do I need to do now because this is like now very confusing for me okay I need to slide it to the center and now lift this up oh okay it's not that easy okay so here we go puzzle is solved I like this I like the design looks very clean and working quite well [Music] foreign [Music] position I think I think at least so pretty cool puzzle surprised me difficulty I would braid with a three to get it open and back together it's not that easy really like this one surprised me very positive and this is the last one as I said I forgot the name it seems like this this pin need to go to start here at the rectangle and need to go here to solve the puzzle maybe it will drop in maybe it will I can take it out I'm not sure so let's see how tricky this is okay so this does not work I cannot go over past this area up there so I need to to part to get it over here I need to use this area so I need to move along here through the bright maze first I go up up there but so up here I cannot really get into this area over there you got the point so here's the one way I need to get over here and then over there so I need the combination up here and this one or this one up here so it's always sound uh something different doing it yourself instead of doing it in front of the camera so now I can pass this area go down again here we go you see how does he design these puzzles I mean this is like it's not super complex to solve is somehow fiddle your way through but designed this I think I think it's pretty tricky and I think I got it already another level two puzzle if I do here I'm now in the right position and of course I need to go and move back through the bright maze which is now only a matter of time probably like so oh no it's not I need to go up here okay bam and then go over there and what happens now does it drop in or does it come out let's drop it in no does not drop in oh it does [Music] and here we go the upper lace mayor and here we got a lower one which just snack fit into the cutout and here we go puzzle is solved and open up Don't Put It In other way around I don't understand what they did not put here in a poke inside that um you cannot exchange the pieces we're assembling in the wrong way just one little cutout with one spot here and here would have been enough to prevent this okay and this is how you put it back together number one number two get it aligned and drop it in again push it down oh this is pretty annoying here the thing or should I get this ever in again guys come on is there something I'm missing here what my special reassembly tool finally man what what's what is wrong [Music] I think it was already here so this is the starting position it's a nice beginner puzzle I think no doubt about that but the reassembly is horrible sorry but guys what came to my mind getting this thing inside here this is horrible this is not fun at all and difficulty point of view I think a level two of Maximum five so and to me it was quite fun to also try some lower difficulty puzzles here must not be always the most difficult or the most expensive puzzles but this one but these here are also definitely worth to try that's it pretty much for today and until next time keep on puzzling foreign
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 6,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle Box, PLD Box, Flocircus, Flozirkus, Mr.Puzzle, Puzzle Solving, Puzzle Review, Lasercut Puzzle, Chris Ramsay Puzzle, Hardest Puzzle, Beautiful Puzzle, Gift Box, Wedding Gift
Id: 9QI-CxcMmV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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